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Why Ban e-Cigarettes?


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Smoked 2 packs / day for ten years. Chest X-ray for bruised rib... You couldn't even see the bones.


Used e cig for two years. Got another X-ray, and doc says I have the lungs of a non-smoker. If I didn't switch to a PV, then I probably would have emphysema by now.


I am not addicted to nicotine -- it was one of the 500 other chemicals in the cigarettes.


I make my own liquids because I want to know my own ingredients, and I use vegetable glycol. It is nowhere comparable to cigarette, pipe, or cigar smoking at all, and I resent that I am being forced to be around smokers to use my PV. I have no problem not using it on public areas, but my own balcony and stateroom? That's a little nuts.


Check out Princess' ecig policy. They seem to understand what ecigs are all about. I'm sailing on the Golden Princess next week and can vape anywhere on the ship except dining room and Theatre.


Congrats on your clean lungs! Vape on--

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In addition to all of the excellent reasons posted by the OP, I have been enlightened that in addition to the vapor containing numerous measurable carcinogens, used e-cigarettes pose another potential risk to non-users. They are being reused to vaporize marijuana, or more technically, hash oil.


In Washington state and Colorado, marijuana is now legal. I suspect that as time goes on, most of the U.S. will legalize marijuana. Boy, times are sure changing aren't they?

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A few days ago, there was a feature story about e-cigs. Apparently,while being charged they can explode. Kinda scared.


The misinformation in this thread is truly stunning. That particular e-cig that exploded (in Florida) was something that was modified. So yes, it exploded because the idiot modified a known, safe device to something that exploded in his mouth.


I've been using an e-Cig for about two years and haven't smoked a "real" cigarette since the first day I tried it. Keep away from the ones sold in malls, gas stations and 7-11's and you will find great products. I fully intend to vape in my stateroom as there isn't any smell (at least with the "juice" I use). As someone else stated, vapers can be very good at stealth-vaping. I do it all the time in airplanes. No one is the wiser! I will NOT vape in smoking areas.


By the way, the e-Cig I use is red and fairly large (at least larger than a regular cigarette) and no way can it be confused with an "analog" cigarette. The "juice I use is VG based (Vegetable Glycerin) and is US sourced and made and I mix it it with a tobacco flavor and vanilla flavorings (smells like vanilla wafers for a very short time). This product is made in Wisconsin in a "clean" room and one of the few places actually inspected by the Government. Their only complaint, by the way, was not having a lot number printed on their labels (since fixed).

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Good for him for kicking cigs, but please don't fall into the trap that these e-cigs are safe. They aren't. Safer? Yes. But not safe. They still contain known carcinogens and a recent study suggested there may even be second-hand vapor effects. Remember, people used to think cigs were safe, too.


Care to share your source of this "study"? No, I didn't think so.

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The misinformation in this thread is truly stunning. That particular e-cig that exploded (in Florida) was something that was modified. So yes, it exploded because the idiot modified a known, safe device to something that exploded in his mouth.


I've been using an e-Cig for about two years and haven't smoked a "real" cigarette since the first day I tried it. Keep away from the ones sold in malls, gas stations and 7-11's and you will find great products. I fully intend to vape in my stateroom as there isn't any smell (at least with the "juice" I use). As someone else stated, vapers can be very good at stealth-vaping. I do it all the time in airplanes. No one is the wiser! I will NOT vape in smoking areas.


By the way, the e-Cig I use is red and fairly large (at least larger than a regular cigarette) and no way can it be confused with an "analog" cigarette. The "juice I use is VG based (Vegetable Glycerin) and is US sourced and made and I mix it it with a tobacco flavor and vanilla flavorings (smells like vanilla wafers for a very short time). This product is made in Wisconsin in a "clean" room and one of the few places actually inspected by the Government. Their only complaint, by the way, was not having a lot number printed on their labels (since fixed).


I have been seriously been thinking of getting one . Took a few "drags" off a friends and it wasn't too bad. I think I could get used to it. Tried all the gums , patches and pills, and they just didn't do it .


Just had a complete physical in June. Thank God all is good Dr. said lungs are as clean as a whistle , listened to my chest , not a wheeze, rattle, cough .....nothing . So he said "How long are you gonna play Russian Roulette?


I am 50 now and have been smoking since I was 16 (and even longer than that swiping them from my parents and older sisters) I guess I better quit while I am ahead .


I 've done a bit of reading about them, but don't know about all the brands , and I was actually going to buy one of the gas station , 7-11 ones. Is there that big a difference in brands

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Funny. Part of the reason I started this thread, though, is that it seems a lot of people actually believe that these devices only use water. That is untrue, and I do think that anyone using them should at least be knowledgeable about what they're using.


I do think they're much safer than cigarettes, though. The main chemicals in them (other than water) are propylene glycol and glycerine, nicotine and whatever chemicals they add for flavoring (which one would hope would be non-toxic, but it's hard to know, since most are not subject to regulation at this point, so I don't know if all manufacturers use food-grade flavoring compounds).


I know you were just making a joke, but I do not like to see the myths, like it being only water vapor, being perpetuated. :cool:


You're spreading your own myths here. My particular brand uses USP Grade Vegetable Glycerin, water, natural flavors, USP Grade Citric Acid and Nicotine. Take a look at the studies posted in this thread. I know facts can be scary but at least try to be educated in this area.

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I 've done a bit of reading about them, but don't know about all the brands , and I was actually going to buy one of the gas station , 7-11 ones. Is there that big a difference in brands


Yes, they vary widely. If you go out to e-cigarette-forum dot com, you can find some excellent tutorials and evaluations of the different brands/styles/juices/manufacturers, along with an entire forum dedicated to cataloging all of the research (on both sides of the discussion) that currently exists. It's well worth the read.

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Thank you. I agree.


After being a smoker for over 50 years, my DH is now a non-smoker, thanks to e-cigs. He does not want to be banished to use his e-cigs in areas where he will inhale second-hand smoke from the real cigarettes, so he'll discretely confine his e-cig use to our cabin and balcony, where no anti-smoking zealots will even know.


DH went through numerous attempts to stop smoking, using patches, gum, pills (doctor-prescribed), hypnosis and acupuncture - all without success. Smoking is a nasty habit, but it is also an incredibly hard addiction to defeat. It is not simply a matter of using will-power, gum or patches.


The internet is full of information and misinformation about e-cigarettes. Choose your point of view and you will easily be able to find supporting "evidence" for it.


I'm happy because of this:

E-cigarettes - possible, small risk, unproven and not documented by any credible authority.

Real cigarettes - known risks to user and others, proven and documented by multiple, credible authorities.


Thank you for something positive. I'm at the point that I need to stop smoking. I have E-cigarettes. I have a chargeable one and also a disposable one I use in conjunction with the rechargeable one depending upon location and situation.


I agree with everything you stated. Pills make me dream and patches break me out. But people need to realize this is a very hard task you just don't stop. I have to include "So do" because your every word is picked apart here.

I will not be going to the smokers area with an E-cigarette to start craving real ones. And if someone is peeking onto my balcony they will get e-ashes in their eyeball. Balconies are private for a reason.

Have a wonderful next cruise

Thanks for the motivation.


Love To Cruise RCCL

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I have been seriously been thinking of getting one . Took a few "drags" off a friends and it wasn't too bad. I think I could get used to it. Tried all the gums , patches and pills, and they just didn't do it .


Just had a complete physical in June. Thank God all is good Dr. said lungs are as clean as a whistle , listened to my chest , not a wheeze, rattle, cough .....nothing . So he said "How long are you gonna play Russian Roulette?


I am 50 now and have been smoking since I was 16 (and even longer than that swiping them from my parents and older sisters) I guess I better quit while I am ahead .


I 've done a bit of reading about them, but don't know about all the brands , and I was actually going to buy one of the gas station , 7-11 ones. Is there that big a difference in brands


There is a huge difference in both the actual E-Cig and the "juice" (too many companies use Chinese stuff and God only knows what's in them). Google Johnson Creek E-Cigs and you'll find quite a bit of great information.

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The article only states "Evidence Suggests E-Cigs Safer Than Cigarettes." It does not say E-Cigs are safe and present no harm, just that they are safer.


That's a stretch. I guess if the study stated "Evidence Suggests E-Cigs are as Unsafe as Cigarettes" you would be blaring your horn about how unsafe e-Cigs are.


I would agree the FDA needs to do a honest, comprehensive study (not just one or two companies). I can tell you the Chief of Staff for the UCLA Medical Center is a proponent of e-Cigs. There are plenty of independent studies out there already that tend to lead to the conclusion e-Cigs are a safe alternative to smoking "real" cigarettes (and discounting those financed by e-Cig companies).

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I would agree the FDA needs to do a honest, comprehensive study (not just one or two companies).


Agreed. Don't know why they haven't. I bought a pen-type E-Cig (package of two actually). There were various juices offered; I chose the one closest to replicate my "brand" of smokes (at the time). No one could give me a clear answer what was in the juice and what exactly I was breathing. Better or worse than actual cigarettes? Not sure. I ended up back to having regular cigarettes. One day I woke up and decided enough is enough and just QUIT cold turkey. Unbiased, scientific studies are called for, in my opinion.


It will take some time for nicotine to leave your system, and no lie, it sucked. But once I got over the hump it really has not been that hard. It's about willpower and making decisions. After a week your body stops craving the nicotine. Would I LIKE to enjoy a a cigarette with my coffee? Yes. Will I? Absolutely not. The improvements in my life have been too great to go back now.


If E-cigs could be proven safe I'd have no issue with them having more widespread use. And if I DID happen to use an e-cig I wouldn't want to have to go to a smokers area to use it. It's a tough spot regarding policy by the cruise line.

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Agreed. Don't know why they haven't. I bought a pen-type E-Cig (package of two actually). There were various juices offered; I chose the one closest to replicate my "brand" of smokes (at the time). No one could give me a clear answer what was in the juice and what exactly I was breathing. Better or worse than actual cigarettes? Not sure. I ended up back to having regular cigarettes. One day I woke up and decided enough is enough and just QUIT cold turkey. Unbiased, scientific studies are called for, in my opinion.


It will take some time for nicotine to leave your system, and no lie, it sucked. But once I got over the hump it really has not been that hard. It's about willpower and making decisions. After a week your body stops craving the nicotine. Would I LIKE to enjoy a a cigarette with my coffee? Yes. Will I? Absolutely not. The improvements in my life have been too great to go back now.


If E-cigs could be proven safe I'd have no issue with them having more widespread use. And if I DID happen to use an e-cig I wouldn't want to have to go to a smokers area to use it. It's a tough spot regarding policy by the cruise line.


There are studies taking place in different countries. Unfortunately rigorous, unbiased scientific studies take time. They have to take place over several years. Otherwise they would not be valid. And there needs to be a bunch of them. One study either way, saying safe or unsafe is not enough.


So it is commen sense that potential users should keep that in mind before deciding to use them. Tobacco smoking was once marketed as being healthful. For years after tobacco companies knew they were unsafe they kept that fact a secret.


And that cruise lines are being prudent in restricting the areas where they can be used at this point in time.


As far as stealth use of e-cigarettes on a balcony or in a cabin, or on an airplane as one poster is doing. I would strongly advise not doing it on an airplane. I expect none will be peeking into a cabin or balcony although on some ships you can see balconies from above, likely if there really is no oder, none are likely to complain. And crew members on cruise ships may be soft about reporting use. But on an airplane, the crews members are not people I would want to have a fight with. Could end up in jail....

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There is a huge difference in both the actual E-Cig and the "juice" (too many companies use Chinese stuff and God only knows what's in them). Google Johnson Creek E-Cigs and you'll find quite a bit of great information.



Thank you very much. Will definately have to do some research on this. I have a few days off this week and thought that would be a good time to start.



Thank you again :)

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Thank you very much. Will definately have to do some research on this. I have a few days off this week and thought that would be a good time to start.



Thank you again :)



Good luck. If I may offer you another good internet resource if you are looking to quit



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Good luck. If I may offer you another good internet resource if you are looking to quit




Thank you


Like I said I tried a few drags on one of the "cheapie " brands a friend happened to have, and was very surprised that it took the edge off , so to speak.


Seeing I am actually pursuing this on my own rather than trying it to placate someone else, this time might be the charm. *LOL* I hope

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There are studies taking place in different countries. Unfortunately rigorous, unbiased scientific studies take time. They have to take place over several years. Otherwise they would not be valid. And there needs to be a bunch of them. One study either way, saying safe or unsafe is not enough.


So it is commen sense that potential users should keep that in mind before deciding to use them. Tobacco smoking was once marketed as being healthful. For years after tobacco companies knew they were unsafe they kept that fact a secret.


And that cruise lines are being prudent in restricting the areas where they can be used at this point in time.


As far as stealth use of e-cigarettes on a balcony or in a cabin, or on an airplane as one poster is doing. I would strongly advise not doing it on an airplane. I expect none will be peeking into a cabin or balcony although on some ships you can see balconies from above, likely if there really is no oder, none are likely to complain. And crew members on cruise ships may be soft about reporting use. But on an airplane, the crews members are not people I would want to have a fight with. Could end up in jail....


Actually I know some flight attendants who do what I do. Go into the bathroom, inhale and then exhale toward the floor and away from the smoke detector (its really a particulate detector and it will detect the vapor). The vapor disappears rapidly.

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Actually I know some flight attendants who do what I do. Go into the bathroom, inhale and then exhale toward the floor and away from the smoke detector (its really a particulate detector and it will detect the vapor). The vapor disappears rapidly.


How could you know some flight attendants do what you do. You not in there with them. :rolleyes: If it can set off the detector sounds like an even worse idea to do it. You might encounter crew members that do their job....

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It's great to finally see some voices of reason contributing to this thread. I spent the better part of an hour yesterday composing a post regarding the relationship between e-cigs and glycol based fog machines (I'm a theatrical Production Manager by trade) but ultimately didn't post it because I figured the zealots would disregard anything that disproved thier assertions anyway.


To the other e-cig users here I wish you long life, I think we're doing the right thing. Happy vaping.


Sent from my SCH-I535 using Forums mobile app

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How could you know some flight attendants do what you do. You not in there with them. :rolleyes: If it can set off the detector sounds like an even worse idea to do it. You might encounter crew members that do their job....


I have read many posts by crew who vape in the lav on flyertalk.com

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I have read many posts by crew who vape in the lav on flyertalk.com


If they say they are crew on a forum it must be true...... :rolleyes:


If true interesting that they would be so willing to jeopardize their job by both doing it and posting about it on a public web site.

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If they say they are crew on a forum it must be true...... :rolleyes:


If true interesting that they would be so willing to jeopardize their job by both doing it and posting about it on a public web site.


Well, you're right there, Charles. I don't know why someone would pretend to be a pilot or a stewardess (Yes, one post was from a pilot) but nothing is 100% on the net!


They wouldn't be jeopardizing their jobs posting anonymously.



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You're spreading your own myths here. My particular brand uses USP Grade Vegetable Glycerin, water, natural flavors, USP Grade Citric Acid and Nicotine. Take a look at the studies posted in this thread. I know facts can be scary but at least try to be educated in this area.


I'm not spreading any myths, nor am I afraid of the facts. What you say above, in fact, confirms what I've said - they do not just contain water. And the studies posted in this thread also confirm what I have said, that these devices have not been thoroughly studied for safety.


I have also said repeatedly that I believe them to be much safer than real cigarettes.


Now, what exactly have I said that is a "myth" in your view?

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BAT have just launched an e cigarette and state the following :-


What ingredients are in ECOpure e-liquid?

In our classic flavour ECOpure, there are just three ingredients: nicotine, glycerol and purified water.


Do they smell?


As there is no burning involved with e-cigarettes, many of the offensive odours associated with smoking are not experienced when using Vype. There is little odour after use which means your clothes, car and home will not smell like cigarette smoke.


NOW i looked up GLYCEROL as the nicotine will be absorbed by the user and purified water is harmless

glycerol (gls-rôl)


a colorless liquid, C3H8O3, used as a sweetener (E422). Formula and preservative, and in suppositories and skin emollients


A sweet, syrupy liquid obtained from animal fats and oils or by the fermentation of glucose. It is used as a solvent, sweetener, and antifreeze and in making explosives and soaps. Glycerol consists of a propane molecule attached to three hydroxyl (OH) groups. Also called glycerin, glycerine. Chemical formula: C3H8O3




A natural carbohydrate alcohol, which is one of the components of all fats. It is also present in low concentrations in blood. It is commercially produced either synthetically from propene, or by bacterial fermentation of sugars; it is not produced from fat.


Function & characteristics:

Low-calorie sweetener, humectant (helps keep food moist), etc.



Bakery and confectionery products.


Acceptable Daily Intake:

Not specified.


Side effects:

Glycerol is absorbed and metabolised as glucose (by the body) into fats.


Dietary restrictions:

Glycerol can be used by all religious groups, vegans and vegetarians. The term carbohydrate alcohol is a chemical definition; glycerol does not contain alcohol (ethanol).


drugs that use include cough medicine and petroleum jelly the list is very long



As a non smoker how can these e cigs hurt me? so why are people who are using them to either quit or to be sociable to non smokers be penalised by RCCL.


The only worry is that if i inhale a lot of the E smoke i will get fat on board a ship, can i sue rccl if this happens

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