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Why Ban e-Cigarettes?


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Well, you're right there, Charles. I don't know why someone would pretend to be a pilot or a stewardess (Yes, one post was from a pilot) but nothing is 100% on the net!


They wouldn't be jeopardizing their jobs posting anonymously.




They are posting anonymously, using screen names, like for example I don't know who you really are and you don't know who I really am but Flyertalk knows. Cruise Critic knows. The NSA knows :eek:


I know of someone who posted using a screen name to a forum about giving away something to another forum user without charging. I don't know the means but somehow their boss found out and they were fired.

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GEORGET - The main problem is that there are many different brands and varieties, and since they are generally unregulated, it's hard to know that they are safe. In fact, on of the e-cig proponents on this thread (Cushing985) even posted "too many companies use Chinese stuff and God only knows what's in them."


It's also wrong to exclude nicotine under the belief that it will all be absorbed by the person using the e-cig, but that said, I don't really think it's much of a concern. The amount of nicotine to which you'd potentially be exposed as a bystander is going to be very small.

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I don't really think it's much of a concern. The amount of nicotine to which you'd potentially be exposed as a bystander is going to be very small.


I agree. If second hand nicotine exposure was a real factor then many non-smokers would become addicted just from exposure to second hand smoke. Clearly that isn't the case.

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They are posting anonymously, using screen names, like for example I don't know who you really are and you don't know who I really am but Flyertalk knows. Cruise Critic knows. The NSA knows :eek:


I know of someone who posted using a screen name to a forum about giving away something to another forum user without charging. I don't know the means but somehow their boss found out and they were fired.


Gotcha. But actually, I don't remember giving my real full name when I created my CC account. Maybe I did and don't remember?!


I know my friend has a facebook account using a totally bogus name (she spies on her college son!) So couldn't people post on a forum without divulging real names and other stats?


Well, I vape everywhere, but I won't on a plane because I don't want to get into big time trouble. I bought myself a box of Nicorette gum for my Princess cruise flight to Seattle next weekend (Alaska) And I'm going to be cruising with Princess a lot more than on RCCL in the future, since I appreciate their enlightened policy on ecigs!



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Gotcha. But actually, I don't remember giving my real full name when I created my CC account. Maybe I did and don't remember?!


I know my friend has a facebook account using a totally bogus name (she spies on her college son!) So couldn't people post on a forum without divulging real names and other stats?


Well, I vape everywhere, but I won't on a plane because I don't want to get into big time trouble. I bought myself a box of Nicorette gum for my Princess cruise flight to Seattle next weekend (Alaska) And I'm going to be cruising with Princess a lot more than on RCCL in the future, since I appreciate their enlightened policy on ecigs!




I don't 100% recall either since it was years ago but almost positive I registered with my real name since we use screen names on the forums. Since they send my Meet and Greet invitations to my cabin they must know my name.


For Facebook since they don't allow screen names, you have to use your real name, unfortunatly I had to do as your friend on Facebook because I don't want to be stalked. I have co-workers who have been stalked online from reading our names off our nametags......plus since I deal with the public I don't want to worry about my employer taking offence about anything I post on facebook or that some "friend" posts on my timeline. When I retire I will fix that. As you have to use a valid email address my name could still be obtained so I am not really anonymous, anonymous on Facebook. It is just protection from any idiots.


I think you are using good common sense not vaping on a plane because you can't rely on the flight attendant on the plane you are on being one who vapes themselves, and who would then keep you out of trouble.

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Personally, I don't have a big problem with someone using an e-cig on their balcony, but they are not completely odorless, so your premise that it would be impossible to even know is based on one of your misconceptions.


I don't believe I jumped down your throat, though. I merely pointed out what the RCCL policy said about e-cigs, since you asked, and I corrected your information about the devices.


Sorry, you are simply wrong. There are some that are in fact completely odorless. Too bad, so sad. Do some research.

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Sorry, you are simply wrong. There are some that are in fact completely odorless. Too bad, so sad. Do some research.


Sorry that I was not explicit enough for you. I did not mean to imply that none existed that were odorless. It is still wrong to say that e-cigs are odorless, but if you qualify it as you did that "there are some" that are odorless is different. Of course, it would be the "juice" catridges, rather than the device itself, which either does or does not have an odor.

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Sorry, you are simply wrong. There are some that are in fact completely odorless. Too bad, so sad. Do some research.


There are some that are completely odorless but most of us like to mix things up. I like vanilla with the tobacco flavor and when I exhale it smells like Mom's kitchen. Some like German Chocolate Cake, some peppermint and some like Snicker Doodles. NONE smell like a cigarette.

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There are some that are completely odorless but most of us like to mix things up. I like vanilla with the tobacco flavor and when I exhale it smells like Mom's kitchen. Some like German Chocolate Cake, some peppermint and some like Snicker Doodles. NONE smell like a cigarette.



True, but all of those would draw undue attention to the user, which would cause the anti-smoking zealots to circle like vultures waiting for the kill. IMO, if you want to vape onboard, at least use a bit of common sense and avoid the foo-foo flavors;)

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I'm not spreading any myths, nor am I afraid of the facts. What you say above, in fact, confirms what I've said - they do not just contain water. And the studies posted in this thread also confirm what I have said, that these devices have not been thoroughly studied for safety.


I have also said repeatedly that I believe them to be much safer than real cigarettes.


Now, what exactly have I said that is a "myth" in your view?


Paul...you seem like a reasonable kind of guy so I apologize if I jumped down your throat (and I did). I think I was just reacting to some other posts that were just bogus.


I totally agree honest research needs to be done to both educate the general public and satisfy everyone of the safety of these devices (assuming they are safe for both users and bystanders).


We both agree e-Cigs are safer than regular cigarettes and I know my own doctor is thrilled with them. I haven't had a "real" cigarette since the day I received my first one two years ago and that was after 30 years of smoking! I can't say I quit due to health reasons but got tired of spending so much money on the things...I remember having a cigarette after hiking up one of our local mountains! Sick but true.

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True, but all of those would draw undue attention to the user, which would cause the anti-smoking zealots to circle like vultures waiting for the kill. IMO, if you want to vape onboard, at least use a bit of common sense and avoid the foo-foo flavors;)


You're cracking me up but good advice.:D

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The AP just reported on this study this morning. Very interesting.




Interesting article, but the "nanny state" minded individuals will still want anything with nicotine in it banned on the ship regardless of whatever study is done. The e-cigs will not effect them, but the self-righteous will still go after them on moral (disguised as health) platforms.

Personally, I do not "use" caffeine. I drink caffeine free sodas and tea. Knowing the effect of caffeine on the vascular system, I believe all caffeinated drinks (since caffeine is an addictive drug) should be removed from the ship, so people will not be impacted by this harmful substance. Especially first thing in the morning, when it can do the most harm. This way the cruise line can protect them from themselves and their addiction. Before you get yourself in an uproar, I don't really believe this, just substituting one addiction for another.

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Interesting article, but the "nanny state" minded individuals will still want anything with nicotine in it banned on the ship regardless of whatever study is done. The e-cigs will not effect them, but the self-righteous will still go after them on moral (disguised as health) platforms.


Interesting rant, but most people are more worried about themselves than others and don't really care whether you harm your health with nicotine or caffeine or alcohol or any other substance, if you're not directly affecting them. :cool:

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You're spreading your own myths here. My particular brand uses USP Grade Vegetable Glycerin, water, natural flavors, USP Grade Citric Acid and Nicotine. Take a look at the studies posted in this thread. I know facts can be scary but at least try to be educated in this area.


Are you using Johnson's? Thought about trying them, but the local "fill yourself" e-cigs are a mess. I always get oil on me. How about a review of your experience? You just use the veg based? Most they offer are not the veg.

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I don't 100% recall either since it was years ago but almost positive I registered with my real name since we use screen names on the forums. Since they send my Meet and Greet invitations to my cabin they must know my name.


They know your real name because you put your reservation number in when you register :)

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I did not read a single post on the 8 pages after Paul65's initial post.


I am sitting at an internet cafe in St.Thomas. :)


Yesterday, I saw a woman holding a baby, and she blew out a huge cloud of smoke.


It was very unnerving to observe.


She was in a non-smoking area, and it took me a moment to think that it must have been an e-cig.


But the whole thing felt very odd.

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I do not know how it is in the rest of the world but in the EU RCI could be on a very sticky wicket with this new policy


Companies in the EU have tried to introduce policies in the past to ban the use of e-cigs on their property and have succeeded after all it's their building where they came unstuck was when the policy stated that they could only use e-cigs in the designated smoking areas with the smokers.


As e-cigs are not classified as a tobacco product anyone using them are designated a non smoker by law.


It is illegal in the EU to compel a non smoker to share the designated areas of smokers by health and safety law and the Human Rights Act 1998 by using the force of a company policy. You can choose to share a smokers designated area as a non smoker but you can not be compelled


The same way an employer can not compel me to enter a designated smoking area to clean up if people are smoking there. If they tried and threaten me with the sack if I did not they would be breaking a whole host of health and safety, employment and civil rights laws.


If the government in the UK get their way e-cigs will come under the classification of being a medicine so will RCI at that point declare that anyone taking medicine must do so in the designated smoking areas :eek:


RCI can quite legally in the EU introduce a policy that states where you may use a e-cig but that can not be a designated smokers area

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Interesting point there, nomad. Of course, I don't think this amounts to anyone being "compelled" to go to a smoking area, but if they do become classified as a medical device for which someone has a prescription, that could be different...

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Interesting point there, nomad. Of course, I don't think this amounts to anyone being "compelled" to go to a smoking area, but if they do become classified as a medical device for which someone has a prescription, that could be different...


A bit dramatic and lawyeree's I suppose but the best word I could find to get my point across:D


Of course if e-cigs become a medicine the price will shoot up as the government will want their cut of the profits:(


I came off a rival cruise line who had no problem with my e-cig, I was carefully where I used it but did not hide the fact I was using an e-cig, they were very strict with the smokers.


I was approached by a few crew members who asked how I was getting on with the e-cig and what brand I was using as they are allowed to use them in their cabins


I think RCI could do with taking a leaf out of the oppositions book with their stance on e-cigs.


If I was the policy maker I would continue with the new policy for smokers and introduce a policy for e-cigs that stated that they could only be used on outside decks, balconies and maybe certain indoor venues

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I do not know how it is in the rest of the world but in the EU RCI could be on a very sticky wicket with this new policy


Companies in the EU have tried to introduce policies in the past to ban the use of e-cigs on their property and have succeeded after all it's their building where they came unstuck was when the policy stated that they could only use e-cigs in the designated smoking areas with the smokers.


As e-cigs are not classified as a tobacco product anyone using them are designated a non smoker by law.


It is illegal in the EU to compel a non smoker to share the designated areas of smokers by health and safety law and the Human Rights Act 1998 by using the force of a company policy. You can choose to share a smokers designated area as a non smoker but you can not be compelled


The same way an employer can not compel me to enter a designated smoking area to clean up if people are smoking there. If they tried and threaten me with the sack if I did not they would be breaking a whole host of health and safety, employment and civil rights laws.


If the government in the UK get their way e-cigs will come under the classification of being a medicine so will RCI at that point declare that anyone taking medicine must do so in the designated smoking areas :eek:


RCI can quite legally in the EU introduce a policy that states where you may use a e-cig but that can not be a designated smokers area



LIKE! Thank You for this info!:)

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I think RCI could do with taking a leaf out of the oppositions book with their stance on e-cigs.


If I was the policy maker I would continue with the new policy for smokers and introduce a policy for e-cigs that stated that they could only be used on outside decks, balconies and maybe certain indoor venues


That seems pretty reasonable. If data keeps coming out on their safety, and the get enough feedback from those who'd like to use them without being around all the real cigarettes, perhaps they'll move that direction.

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Interesting point there, nomad. Of course, I don't think this amounts to anyone being "compelled" to go to a smoking area, but if they do become classified as a medical device for which someone has a prescription, that could be different...


Copied from RCI's new policy (emphasis added):

"Smoking is not permitted inside any stateroom and any stateroom balcony. This applies to all stateroom categories onboard. If a guest is in violation of this stateroom policy, a cleaning fee of $250 USD will be applied to their SeaPass® account and may be subject to further action pursuant to the "Consequences Section" of the Guest Conduct Policy...

...Electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes are only permitted within the designated smoking areas"


I am not a lawyer and I definitely don't know much about EU laws, but that would fit my definition of being compelled (required). In other words, they are saying that if you are going to use an ecig on their ship, you must do so only in a designated smoking area, where there will be smoke or face penalties/punishment.


I'm sure there must be loopholes that let them get away with this policy. It is unlikely that a team of lawyers didn't approve this new policy before it was published.

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