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***LIVE from the Star Trans Atlantic Garden Villa***


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Our party was a roaring success :) Allen played the piano and we all had a sing along, we had about 30 people of varying ages and backgrounds and we laughed and drank and really had a great time. We keep running into people who tell us how fun it was and that it was the highlight of their cruise. Very kind.


We had to kick them all out at 5:55 as we had the Chef's table at six. Probably a good idea, as when I called last call, some of the guys grabbed whatever wine and champagne that was left and filled their glasses. We all laughed about it, and were glad that we had the wisdom to hide our hard liquor or that too would be gone.


Chef's table was great, but too long. Some of the courses are really small, which is good, but you don't need 20 minutes to digest between each course. By the end, Allen needed to be held down so he didn't leave before the cheese course. We managed to all stay and then headed off to the casino for awhile.


Yesterday was another lazy day. Lunch at Cagneys, we did some sunning and hot tubbing, and then I went to the casino and stayed. Judy and I decided we wouldn't have dinner, we would just grab something later. Not our best plan yet,and we had a few too many cocktails. Our table as usual was loud and crazy, and very fun.


A young (early 40s) very good looking Hungarian man took a liking to Judy. Ladies, whatever you do, do not let your gay male friends try to "help" you hook up with someone that you aren't sure you want to hook up with. It was all way too funny, ending with us all up in the suite and Allen playing the piano and singing about "Sailing across the ocean alone in a bed built for two" Judy had the sense to send her suitor off with a peck on the cheek, but there are still 5 days left. Love Boat got people together in an hour, we should be able to do it over 5 days ;)


This morning had a couple of reboots, needing to go back to bed and needing some water for some reason? then finally getting up at 11:30 and going to Cagneys for lunch.


Came back to the suite and had a nice long soak in the tub, and am sitting on my bed wrapped in towels writing this. The days just get away from us and I wanted to make sure I posted this installment before we get wrapped up in more craziness and hilarity.


At 4:00 today, they are opening up the wall between our two Villas so we can have cocktail hour with the neighbours. They are really great and I spent some time in the casino teaching the guys how to play. Should be really fun!

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Our cocktail party with the neighbours was really fun. The space is pretty much the mirror image of ours, except they had 2 extra chairs for some reason. They are really nice and we all enjoy spending time together.


From there we headed to the casino for a bit, then back to Ginza for dinner. We have eaten here 3 times so far and it has always been good. Adam, Judy's friend, was along for dinner and partway through I just hit the wall. I was cold and absolutely exhausted. I left the rest of them finishing their meals and went to bed. It was all of 9:30, but sometimes you just have to recharge.


The rest of them came back shortly after. Scott went to the casino to make a donation. I could faintly hear piano music, the ship was rocking and rolling and I slept like a log.


Woke early, headed to Cagney's for breakfast and then I went to the hair salon to have my hair curled with a straightening iron. I know it sounds crazy if you've never seen it, but it's so hot that the really tight curls stay for a cou0ple of days.


We had lunch with one of the ladies we met in Copenhagen. She had lived in Nova Scotia for a while (as did I), Ottawa (where I live), had similar brain surgery as I had, and her family owned radio stations (my husband is an on-air jock). We knew we needed to chat more, and had a nice lunch in Versailles. It was the first time we went to a main dining room. We have some onboard credit to use up, so we've been eating in specialties the whole time. We also get a meal and wine for us all for being in the GV, I get one for us for being "hot" in the casino, and then I also get one for being platinum, so we're enjoying them all.


Back to the casino for a while in the afternoon with lousy results, Judy and Adam were lying out and I tried, but didn't feel like it. I started playing a game on my iPad and my lids started drooping, so I went to bed a slept for a few hours of crazy deep sleep.


Scott, Allen and I went to the casino and did okay. We hadn't seen Judy and Adam for a while, hoping they were enjoying some quiet time (wink wink). The two boys and I went off to La Cuchina for chicken parm and Chianti. Back to the casino where Judy and Adam turned out and we all played UTH. We had a full table of casino friends and I was anchoring the table and it was horrible for me and great for the rest of the table. I decided to leave and Alex the dealer said "If I give you a full house on your last hand, will you stay?" I said sure, so he gave me a full house, then a straight, then a flush, then a full house, so needless to say I stayed for quite a while :) Everyone came out ahead and we were loud and crazy and laughing. Really, really fun.


We then came back to our suite and Allen started writing "Judy and Adam" songs and we were singing along and laughing and the occasional snort. We were hoping that the neighbours might be awake and wanting to hang out, so I knocked on the wall but no answer. It was only about midnight, so not crazy late.


Scott headed to bed, shortly after followed by Allen and then I crashed too. It was another 25 hour day, so we all woke early refreshed, and watched 42 on the TV then headed outside for some sun and a mimosa.


Adam is still here but I think they are still just "friends" despite all of Allen's and Adam's hard work :)

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We all sunned for the morning and then headed to Cagneys for lunch. Storm headed our way, so we went to the casino for a while in the afternoon. Back to donating, but still having so much fun with all of our new casino friends. At one point, our neighbours Phil and Gary came by (they check on us a couple of times a day) and I bought them drinks. I get free drinks in the casino, but gave my card to buy theirs and the waiter came back to say he couldn't give them free. Obviously a miscommunication, but I said "No! Sorry! I wanted to pay for them" he left with my card again and all was well. One of the supervisors ran right over to check on what was happening. I explained it all and she said we just want all of you to be happy. Very sweet. They appreciate the fun that we have with their staff, we all tip very well and this is our entertainment and they get excited when we come in. Next time Phil joined us, they offered and bought him a drink since he was with us.


The staff is one of the best I've encountered. All the NCL casino staff on their ships are fantastic, but all the other people everywhere we go are top notch. The guys keeps saying it too. Long before the purple key cards come out, they can't do enough for us.


Yesterday I was opening a bottle of champagne and our cabin steward Leo took the bottle from me and opened it. He seemed to come out of nowhere. He then ran off for ice for it.


We had dinner at Cagneys last night. It was our freebee for staying the villa and they picked up wine and all of our covers. It was good, I really enjoyed the baked potato soup and my filet was perfect.


We headed back to the casino and left there even, but I hit the wall again at 11:00 and went to bed. Another 25 hour day, so waking at 9:00 means I had a very long sleep. Somewhere in the night I opened my blinds so I could wake to that amazing view and caught bits of the morning orange clouds of the sunrise. then back to sleep.


This is our 2nd last day and it's flown by with lots of laughter, lots of hugs, compliments, fun, music and genuine friends. I am so lucky. In 3 days I get to be with my husband and kids and I can't wait to see them, In the meantime, I am with my at-sea family and enjoying every minute of it.

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Judy invited the Hungarian crew (Adam and his friends) to the suite to hang out for the afternoon. Little did we know that they are all "Naturalists". They were in and out of the hot tub and running around with their naughty bits hanging out and having a grand old time. I spent most of the afternoon in the casino as I'd gotten too much sun in the morning. When I got back, there were drunken naked men everywhere.


I went and had a quiet bath and then went back to the casino before meeting Scott and Allen for a few hands of UTH before dinner. Judy had invited Adam and another Hungarian Adam for dinner with us at La Cucina. We were seated before they arrived and then a loud booming voice entered and sat at our table. As many Europeans do, the Hungarians use the "f" word as a punctuation mark and we were all cringing. Judy's Adam tried speaking Italian to the staff and was surprised to find they weren't Italian. The entire meal was one big cringefest.


An older couple was sitting close by and I was horrified that they were trying to have a romantic dinner for two. As they left, I stopped and apologized to them and the woman said "We're Irish dear, we can teach you a thing or two about partying!" Perfect, we laughed with them and felt a little bit better.


After dinner we escaped back to the casino getting away from the increasingly drunk and loud Adams. We actually turned in early, in bed by 11:00.


Woke on our last day a little melancholy knowing our amazing adventure was soon over. We had the back door by the hot tub open so we could hang out with our neighbours again. We sunned for a while, Phil came over from next door and Adam and Sam came up as well. We had a few drinks, polishing off the very last bits of our booze (at least trying) and had a lot of laughs, took some pictures, exchanged coordinates and just enjoyed hanging out.


In the casino later we ran into the Hungarian Adams who apologized profusely for the loud and drunk behaviour. Hugs and kisses to make up and it was clear that Judy's Adam really was upset with himself. No harm done, totally forgiven.


The casino was quite kind to me, helping replenish some of my depleted funds and then the four of us had dinner in Le Bistro. Many of our casino friends were in there, and all yelled hello when we arrived. More pictures, hugs and goodbyes. Our neighbours then came in for their dinner and we all applauded them. They thought that was really great.


We went off to the casino for a short while again, won a little more money and said farewell to all of our new friends. Lots of hugs and hope to see you agains.


In bed by 11:15 mostly packed and off to sleep. I woke to the piano playing and had a coffee with everyone, they headed to Cagneys for breakfast, I to the shower and final packing. The doorbell rang and it was the neighbours coming to say goodbye. More hugs and kisses, then I went to Cagneys to join the others and wait until 9:00 when we were to meet the assistant Concierge to disembark. Thankfully our neighbours hadn't left yet, they joined us and we enjoyed each others company.


Our concierge Omar was leaving the ship today and left as soon as we docked. This kind of left us high and dry and was the one thing that was less than stellar service wise. We went to Ginza to meet to leave and customs had closed off the line to clear the terminal, so we waited an hour and a half before our transportation was there and then had to wait all the way along. We finally

got tot he downstairs customs area and were met with a huge line. I suggested we grab a porter to speed things up, but that wasn't working as they told us to wait in the long line. I decided to just ask an NCL employee if this was right and found it wasn't, we were supposed to be escorted the whole way through. They grabbed us and the neighbours and got us past the line and out to our waiting limos. We got to say goodby to the neighbours about 6 more times through the process because we weren't sure when it would be the true last time. Finally getting into the limo more hugs and kisses and promises to travel together again.


Allen, Scott, Judy and I were soon on our way to the airport. The boys are staying at an airport hotel for the night, and then they are flying to Annapolis Monday to pick up a marriage license on Tuesday and wait 48 hours and finally make their 18 year marriage legal in the States. They live in Tennessee and are not recognized there. When we reached their stop, Allen, Judy and I turned on the waterworks, we can't believe this adventure is now over. Amazing to think that Judy had never met the guys before she stepped foot on the ship. They are now great friends and it was a perfect meld of personalities. I haven't spent a lot of time with Judy in the past, and we've had so much fun it's crazy.


Sitting now at the airport in Miami writing the last few words to this "blog" thank you for following along with my babbling. Happy to share our comings and goings and as usual, for us, there was never a dull moment. Truly a great time had by all.

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Your last post had me laughing out loud and then shedding a tear because it is over. Bravo suitecruiser for a wonderful review/story! Cruising is a lot of fun and it must be even more so when in a garden villa with good friends. Thanks again for sharing with us.



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Aussie Cruiser, thanks so much for the photos! I couldn't see them while on board and just thought that they hadn't uploaded. They are awesome, and it's really weird to see that NYC skyline from "our" deck!


Thanks to everyone for following, it's been fun and is always a great way to remember all the craziness.

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Your last post had me laughing out loud and then shedding a tear because it is over. Bravo suitecruiser for a wonderful review/story! Cruising is a lot of fun and it must be even more so when in a garden villa with good friends. Thanks again for sharing with us.




Thanks Coka! it was a crazy ride and you are absolutely right :) Thanks for following along :)

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I am sorry your time in the villa has come to an end....I never wanted ours to end!! It was an amazing time and I enjoyed reliving it a bit through your blog. Sorry your disembarkation was a little messed up. Our concierge and butler brought us down to the deck to depart where we hugged and said our goodbyes to them (they were awesome!!), and then the porter took us down the elevator and right through security....no waiting at all (and there was a long line). Heading to our limo and saying goodbye to the Dawn was a bit sad, but we were glad to be getting home to our doggies ;). You can now go home and "relax" as it sounds like you were very busy onboard.:D

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What a wonderful review. We booked the Star's trans-Atlantic for next October, but cancelled it so we could take my sister & brother-in-law on a cruise to Canada/New England next September. Some of our friends can't imagine being on a cruise with so many sea days, but we would have loved it! The Garden Villa sounds amazing!!!! Thanks for sharing . I will try to follow your other posts, and if I'm ever on the same cruise as you, I will beg you to show me how to gamble. You make it seem like such fun. :)

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Thank you so much, I truly appreciate the comments. Having a quiet Thanksgiving Day here and a slow wind back up to work tomorrow. It went by in a flash, but the memories are staying forever.


Happy Thanksgiving! This brings back very fond memories of a Thanksgiving weekend with Canadian friends near Mt Tremblant (too many) years ago.


Your wonderful descriptions or the Garden Villa and of all of your activities really brought it alive.

It was all such fun to read.


Many thanks!



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Happy Thanksgiving! This brings back very fond memories of a Thanksgiving weekend with Canadian friends near Mt Tremblant (too many) years ago.


Your wonderful descriptions or the Garden Villa and of all of your activities really brought it alive.

It was all such fun to read.


Many thanks!




Thank you! Mt Tremblant is only about an hour and a bit away from here and stunningly gorgeous. Thank you for the kind words :)

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Wow, that cruise seemed to fly by! Only seemed a couple of days ago you were in Europe!


Loved your posts. Hope you had a relaxing thanks-giving and not one full of laundry! :D


Went by crazy quick, but I'm so glad that I did this blog so I can go back and relive it. Today was a very lazy day :) thanks Craig.

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