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pre paid tips ? Why do some not pay


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I love how everyone on here says "its how the crew gets paid." I want to know where their facts come from. Seriously? And also, why is this even an issue when EVERYONE on this board seems to be a perfect and above and beyond tipper? If everyone tips good, this is a non issue. No need to discuss it. If the cabin stewards are making $4 per person per day on a cruise, I WANT THEIR PAY! Plus they have free room and board. Even if they only clean 10 cabins with 1 occupant, that is $40 per day, plus room and board, plus their base wage (whatever that is). That is more than I make at my minimum wage job, and I still have to pay almost the entire paycheck (sometimes more) to food, rent and everything else. Doesn't sound too terrible. Even with just a base wage and free room and board they are probably making more than me. And I support a whole family.

Edited by firstcruiseever
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I remember my very first cruise. I was invited to a family vacation by my mother. I was told what cruise like to book (princess) what ship and what date. I went online, and decided my wife and I could scratch enough together to afford the cheapest inside cabin available. Just barely. I paid my cash and my mother actually paid our plane tickets to get there.


Imagine my surprise when I realized this was not a all-inclusive vacation? That "hidden fees" were added. Did I ultimately end up paying the tips? Of course, but as we were stretched soooo thin (we were early 20's and niece still), we had already known we would be a month back on utility bills. The tip money ultimately made us loose our electricity for a couple of weeks.


The tips should be stated up front when booking a room, before you hit the all-important BUY NOW button.


They should be paid, but sliding it all in after the fact is not very honorable.



More than a dozen cruises later and I still consider cruising my runaway budgeting vacation. My last cruise, I thought was a good deal and booked it. Yes, I factored in the tip. However did not factor in how expense it would be for ride from Houston to Galveston ($200) and the overnight hotel stay. Tips, hotel, shuttle and cab, were 50 percent of our cruise. Was I really ready to drop a few grand on this extra vacation, a month after Hawaii, nope. The consolation was one 45 minute excursion in Hawaii was one third the cost of the Cove balcony on the Magic. I still find cruising a challenge to budget for because of the needed extra (tips, hotel, transportation) that run from 30 to 50 percent of the actual cost of the cruise. I don't factor air because I will fly to most places regardless of the type of vacation.


I agree at least have a suggested tip, with a check book of at least acknowledgement, before the buy now button. On most resorts booking site they provide option for insurance and transportation before final booking. Most times you can cancel the trip if circumstance change (like getting a ticket:-) pretty close to trip. if this is a expected cost, then it should be upfront such as fees and taxes. The cruise lines are not doing right by the workers and leave the tipping guards pound on those you do differently from them.


Why not a suggested tip upfront in red, even if it's doesn't have to be paid until later. The booking process is underhand and sneaky, if they expect this fee or tip to be paid.

Edited by Blk_Amish
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I love how everyone on here says "its how the crew gets paid." I want to know where their facts come from. Seriously? And also, why is this even an issue when EVERYONE on this board seems to be a perfect and above and beyond tipper? If everyone tips good, this is a non issue. No need to discuss it. If the cabin stewards are making $4 per person per day on a cruise, I WANT THEIR PAY! Plus they have free room and board. Even if they only clean 10 cabins with 1 occupant, that is $40 per day, plus room and board, plus their base wage (whatever that is). That is more than I make at my minimum wage job, and I still have to pay almost the entire paycheck (sometimes more) to food, rent and everything else. Doesn't sound too terrible. Even with just a base wage and free room and board they are probably making more than me. And I support a whole family.


Where are you getting your information from ? It's not from these threads, if so you would know NOT everyone is a good, let alone above and beyond tipper. It doesn't matter if they make more money than you or not, if you make minimum wage there are waitresses that make more than you do, that doesn't mean they don't deserve a tip when they wait on you. If you want their pay then go be a cabin steward, you'll find out how great it is. There's several books on life on a cruise ship,maybe you should read one. Cabin Stewards and others do not get a salary.



GO MIZZOU!!!!!!!

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I was in the same boat ( or ship ) :) my first cruise was a family cruise as well, and first for us all. And all those extras caught us off guard to. Not only the cruise ship tips but shuttle drivers, porters, island locals. My wife and I were young as well and barely making it by. We also felt like we had to make up for people who didn't tip, back then tips weren't pre paid, you stuck it in envelops. Now we know though.



GO MIZZOU!!!!!!!


Oh no no no. Nobody ever has to feel obligated to make up for others who tip minimally. While it is hard to fathom with all the garbage we are being fed by Washington and the media the reality still is we do not have to make up for those who do not or will not pull their own weight.


I don't do this but if I remove tips because of truly horrible service or reduce them for my own personal reasons please do not feel you must make up for me as it defeats the purpose of my reducing them.


If however you still want to make up for me reducing tips which again I do not do then feel free to send me your email and I will certainly allow you to prepayy tips for me. Lol

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Wow, if I think $350 for a family of four is too much, there are nice, kind, caring, wonderful, people willing to pick up the difference. If you are willing to do this, I don't care what you call me because I will be calling you to pay.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Forums mobile app

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Will humans ever stop arguing about tipping? Recently, New York Times restaurant critic Pete Wells claimed that tipping should be abolished - sending waves of responses across the Internet.


Whether you're for or against the practice, here are five things you probably didn't know about it.


1. Waitresses who wear red get more tips.


Women who wear red shirts are more likely to get tips from male customers, according to a study published in the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. This isn't surprising. Another study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology in 2010 found that when shown pictures of a woman in a dress, men were most "amorous" when the woman was wearing red.


Touching patrons on the shoulder, squatting so you're at eye level with the customer and giving candy along with the check can also help waitstaff - male or female - get more tips.


2. Tipping wasn't common in the United States until after the Civil War.


Tipping didn't catch on in America until after the 1860s, when wealthy Americans traveled to Europe and brought back the practice in order to look worldly. But the custom wasn't welcome in the United States - in fact, it was met with feverish opposition. For one thing, tipping underlined class differences. Some states even passed anti-tipping laws in the early 1900s (although they were all later repealed). Even etiquette queen Emily Post was not wild about tipping. In the 1950 edition of her ubiquitous blue book, "Emily Post's Etiquette," after listing the appropriate tips for hotel personnel, she notes, "Tipping is undoubtedly an undesirable system, but it happens to be in force."


3. The waitstaff provides better service in restaurants where tips are eliminated.


Some restaurants have seen great success in eliminating tipping entirely. For example, before restaurant owner Jay Porter recently closed his San Diego eatery, The Linkery, he eliminated tipping from the establishment. Instead, every check came with an 18 percent service charge.


After making the change, the service improved. Porter explained in a Quartz article that this resulted from waitstaff not worrying about how they would be compensated while working. He also cited research that demonstrates for many people, the amount a person tips isn't actually related to the quality of the service - it has more to do with personal tipping patterns.


4. In Japan, tipping is often considered an insult.


When New York City restaurant Sushi Yasuda recently eliminated tipping, owner Scott Rosenberg said he was just following Japanese custom. In fact, tipping in Japan is uncommon and can be considered rude. If you must tip someone in Japan, it is acceptable to give the tip in a white envelope - don't just slip cash to the person.


5. Your restaurant tip doesn't always go to your server.


At some restaurants, your server - the person who you think you're rewarding for excellent service - doesn't actually receive your full tip. Rather, all tips are pooled and split among the staff. If it's important to you to reward your server, ask what the system is at that establishment - and if you really want to reward someone, you can give him or her cash directly.

Edited by mapman_2004
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Oh no no no. Nobody ever has to feel obligated to make up for others who tip minimally. While it is hard to fathom with all the garbage we are being fed by Washington and the media the reality still is we do not have to make up for those who do not or will not pull their own weight.


I don't do this but if I remove tips because of truly horrible service or reduce them for my own personal reasons please do not feel you must make up for me as it defeats the purpose of my reducing them.


If however you still want to make up for me reducing tips which again I do not do then feel free to send me your email and I will certainly allow you to prepayy tips for me. Lol


Let me clarify for you, when I say " the people " I mean my family members who did not tip. And even at that, no I did not have to tip extra, I just felt I did. Back then we tipped at the end of the cruise, so they wouldn't know it was a cheap room till we were gone. I can give you my email, but it'll go you no good.



GO MIZZOU!!!!!!!

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Where are you getting your information from ? It's not from these threads, if so you would know NOT everyone is a good, let alone above and beyond tipper. It doesn't matter if they make more money than you or not, if you make minimum wage there are waitresses that make more than you do, that doesn't mean they don't deserve a tip when they wait on you. If you want their pay then go be a cabin steward, you'll find out how great it is. There's several books on life on a cruise ship,maybe you should read one. Cabin Stewards and others do not get a salary.



GO MIZZOU!!!!!!!


My information is from the majority of the responses on this thread alone. It seems that most are saying they "tip more than the automatic gratuity". And as far as them making more, the only point I am arguing is that others on this board were saying that room stewards worked for what is essentially slave labor. So no, it doesn't matter. I tip my hair stylist and my waitresses and they make more money than me. But I would not say that the room stewards work for slave labor or that they "need" us to pay their salary. That is all.

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If I made minimum wage or $40 a day I wouldn't be able to cruise but some do and use removing of tips to be able to cruise at the expense of the hard working staff


Very sad but hopefully prices will go up and the staff gets paid and campers go back to camping ;)

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My information is from the majority of the responses on this thread alone. It seems that most are saying they "tip more than the automatic gratuity". And as far as them making more, the only point I am arguing is that others on this board were saying that room stewards worked for what is essentially slave labor. So no, it doesn't matter. I tip my hair stylist and my waitresses and they make more money than me. But I would not say that the room stewards work for slave labor or that they "need" us to pay their salary. That is all.


It's not slave labor, but pretty close. Their living quarters are very tiny, they share a room. The food you and I get, is not what they get. They are on call 24/7, and some people do abuse it. If you really want to learn about it try reading Chronicles of a cruise ship crew member. Very enlightening. These threads are full of peoples opinions and views of people who have never worked on a ship, or taken the time to talk to the crew members.



GO MIZZOU!!!!!!!

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It's not slave labor, but pretty close. Their living quarters are very tiny, they share a room. The food you and I get, is not what they get. They are on call 24/7, and some people do abuse it. If you really want to learn about it try reading Chronicles of a cruise ship crew member. Very enlightening. These threads are full of peoples opinions and views of people who have never worked on a ship, or taken the time to talk to the crew members.



GO MIZZOU!!!!!!!


Thanks for the info. That is what I was looking for. :)

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If I made minimum wage or $40 a day I wouldn't be able to cruise but some do and use removing of tips to be able to cruise at the expense of the hard working staff


Very sad but hopefully prices will go up and the staff gets paid and campers go back to camping ;)


Its silly that you say that minimum wage cannot go on a cruise, you can! You just have to save up for a few years. Thus the gap between our last (which took us 3 years to save up for and it was supposed to be a honeymoon) and this one which took us 2 years to save up for. We are working full time, full time students going into teaching, but you can save up bits here and there and go on vacations. IF you don't take vacations when you are young, you will never get them. I have been told time and again, don't wait till you are old to take vacations. You never know what kind of health you will have, if your spouse will be alive or if you will even have the energy to take a vacation. And as far as the whole cutting tips to budget, cutting tips is not an option for us. We reward good service. It is part of the budget we set when we plan for our vacation. Sad though that you are so concerned with someone else's money.

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OK I'm in favor of tipping on a cruise ship! What I'm not in favor is tipping someone that doesn't do their job!! Went on a back to back took the gratuities off and gave it to the crew that deserved it!!! Head waiter really sucked it up!! out of the 4 days saw him maybe 20 minutes. and the MDR wasn't busy!! Second part left the gratuities on because everyone did a great job. In fact above and beyond. How can that be?? Same ship same crew different head waiter!! Room stewart was awesome!! Sara was there when you needed her and she always knew we needed something before we did. Oscar all I can say is WOW superb in the MDR!!!! Well worth the extra money!!!

Like it or not that's how I handled my gratuities!!!

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ok i'm in favor of tipping on a cruise ship! What i'm not in favor is tipping someone that doesn't do their job!! Went on a back to back took the gratuities off and gave it to the crew that deserved it!!! Head waiter really sucked it up!! Out of the 4 days saw him maybe 20 minutes. And the mdr wasn't busy!! Second part left the gratuities on because everyone did a great job. In fact above and beyond. How can that be?? Same ship same crew different head waiter!! Room stewart was awesome!! Sara was there when you needed her and she always knew we needed something before we did. Oscar all i can say is wow superb in the mdr!!!! Well worth the extra money!!!

Like it or not that's how i handled my gratuities!!!



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Its silly that you say that minimum wage cannot go on a cruise, you can! You just have to save up for a few years. Thus the gap between our last (which took us 3 years to save up for and it was supposed to be a honeymoon) and this one which took us 2 years to save up for. We are working full time, full time students going into teaching, but you can save up bits here and there and go on vacations. IF you don't take vacations when you are young, you will never get them. I have been told time and again, don't wait till you are old to take vacations. You never know what kind of health you will have, if your spouse will be alive or if you will even have the energy to take a vacation. And as far as the whole cutting tips to budget, cutting tips is not an option for us. We reward good service. It is part of the budget we set when we plan for our vacation. Sad though that you are so concerned with someone else's money.


If I needed to save $9.60 a week for two years to cruise I am sure I would have a better use than vacation. Maybe its just me ;)


And by the way I have been cruising since my 20s and am not old but know how to tip:)

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If I needed to save $9.60 a week for two years to cruise I am sure I would have a better use than vacation. Maybe its just me ;)


And by the way I have been cruising since my 20s and am not old but know how to tip:)


I know how to tip too. That was not in question. I just don't like when people say we are paying their wages. That is not tipping.

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I know how to tip too. That was not in question. I just don't like when people say we are paying their wages. That is not tipping.


We are paying their wages :) like it or not. Thats why some get to cruise @$499 per person for a week because they don't pay the staff a good wage .Its very easy to research on google cruise line salary and sad people know this and remove tips for such a hard working staff purely as a savings .Disgusting actually

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I love how everyone on here says "its how the crew gets paid." I want to know where their facts come from. Seriously? And also, why is this even an issue when EVERYONE on this board seems to be a perfect and above and beyond tipper? If everyone tips good, this is a non issue. No need to discuss it. If the cabin stewards are making $4 per person per day on a cruise, I WANT THEIR PAY! Plus they have free room and board. Even if they only clean 10 cabins with 1 occupant, that is $40 per day, plus room and board, plus their base wage (whatever that is). That is more than I make at my minimum wage job, and I still have to pay almost the entire paycheck (sometimes more) to food, rent and everything else. Doesn't sound too terrible. Even with just a base wage and free room and board they are probably making more than me. And I support a whole family.

They are always hiring. Go to the Carnival site and apply.

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My information is from the majority of the responses on this thread alone. It seems that most are saying they "tip more than the automatic gratuity". And as far as them making more, the only point I am arguing is that others on this board were saying that room stewards worked for what is essentially slave labor. So no, it doesn't matter. I tip my hair stylist and my waitresses and they make more money than me. But I would not say that the room stewards work for slave labor or that they "need" us to pay their salary. That is all.


So, you do not understand how the system works on the cruise ship?

And...you do not understand that how the system on the ship works and what happens at home, on shore, have absolutely no relationship?

And you do not understand that customers pay ALL of the bills, not the company?

Edited by luddite
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This is kinda on the lines of this thread...... Just some ppl saying that the crew gets paid this n that. Well I've did the behind the fun tour on every cruise , I've talked to crew members ( knew one personally) and They get the wages from our tips. And ppl may say WOW We pay alot and they must get alot.. Well Do the Math.... Say $80.50 a week pp on a 7 day cruise. say a bigger ship. 3700 ppl.. . Thats a total of $297,850.00 of our money.. ( alot of ppls money)


Now the Crew... Crew size is around 1370 ppl..... So divide your dollar amount by the crew and they get a whopping $217.00 pp a week. Not a whole lot. PLUS they pay for some of the food they eat ( at a discount rate) and its not the same food that we get served!. So we give extra at the end for good service because If I was making these wages I just couldn't go around 12 hours a day with a smile on my face like most of them do!

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We once had a terrible cabin steward, we even had to complain to housekeeping (no service one day, no days, etc).

We went to the front desk and asked that for a half tip amount for him.

They took off all of it. We went back and ask if they could give him half the tip amount.

They took off the tips for everyone (cabin, mdr servers).

At this point, we were tired of going to the front desk and dealt with the issue the old fashion way- on the last night, we paid everyone off with cash.

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This is kinda on the lines of this thread...... Just some ppl saying that the crew gets paid this n that. Well I've did the behind the fun tour on every cruise , I've talked to crew members ( knew one personally) and They get the wages from our tips. And ppl may say WOW We pay alot and they must get alot.. Well Do the Math.... Say $80.50 a week pp on a 7 day cruise. say a bigger ship. 3700 ppl.. . Thats a total of $297,850.00 of our money.. ( alot of ppls money)


Now the Crew... Crew size is around 1370 ppl..... So divide your dollar amount by the crew and they get a whopping $217.00 pp a week. Not a whole lot. PLUS they pay for some of the food they eat ( at a discount rate) and its not the same food that we get served!. So we give extra at the end for good service because If I was making these wages I just couldn't go around 12 hours a day with a smile on my face like most of them do!

Right because the captain and bridge crew sail the ship for $217 per week. Wow what dedication. :rolleyes:

Edited by kylenyc
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This is kinda on the lines of this thread...... Just some ppl saying that the crew gets paid this n that. Well I've did the behind the fun tour on every cruise , I've talked to crew members ( knew one personally) and They get the wages from our tips. And ppl may say WOW We pay alot and they must get alot.. Well Do the Math.... Say $80.50 a week pp on a 7 day cruise. say a bigger ship. 3700 ppl.. . Thats a total of $297,850.00 of our money.. ( alot of ppls money)


Now the Crew... Crew size is around 1370 ppl..... So divide your dollar amount by the crew and they get a whopping $217.00 pp a week. Not a whole lot. PLUS they pay for some of the food they eat ( at a discount rate) and its not the same food that we get served!. So we give extra at the end for good service because If I was making these wages I just couldn't go around 12 hours a day with a smile on my face like most of them do!


Lol, the entire ship is not paid with tips.



GO MIZZOU!!!!!!!

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