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"Live from" Queen Elizabeth to the Mediterannean! My First Cunard Experience


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I clicked onto the picture to enlarge it slightly, but still don't know what the food is.


It's a yeast extract called Marmite, the Australian equivalent is Vegemite I believe. You either love it or hate it, which is their advertising slogan. It's great on toast.

Edited by capnpugwash
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It's a yeast extract called Marmite, the Australian equivalent is Vegemite I believe. You either love it or hate it, which is their advertising slogan. It's great on toast.


That is the British "delicacy", Marmite. It's a spread that tastes like Bovril. You either love it or hate it.


Thank you for the information.

I probably wouldn't eat it but my DH eats anything.

Sweet Breads, Haggis, Tripe, octopus, poi, goat, etc.

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Here is couple of photos of the QE for you whilst you wait for the next instalment.

They were taken around 3am, are a fair bit grainy, but different.


View looking towards the stern.



With a very wet lido deck that had just been washed down.


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Thought I would share this with you. I didn't notice whilst I was taking the picture. I have just spotted this as I was going through some of my QE photos from this cruise. On top of the articulated arm there is a chap, whom I presume is cleaning the glass on the underside of the bridge overhang that is used when docking. Limassol docks Cyprus around noon.



Edited by candhu18
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Italian Ice-cream , "So Delicious" :)


I know, right? :D Dad says ice cream has been spoiled for him after eating so much delicious gelato ^^


Hello Sweet Serenity....


I enjoyed your candid review of your Alaska cruise on the

Volendam. Thank you for notifying us faithful followers

of your most recent Cunard Queen Elizabeth adventure

to the Mediterranean. I am enjoying your current

review, and look forward to reading more...... :)

My DH and I hope to do a Mediterranean Cruise, so

your review is greatly appreciated!




Thank you very much for being such a faithful reader Donna (: and thank you for taking the time to read my reviews! I definitely hope my review will be able to help you decide whether or not the Mediterranean is something you guys would seriously consider!





I am loving all your details and pictures.


Thank you Krazy Kruizers! ^^~


Your a very talented young lady. Its a pleasure following your exploits.


Sent from my ME301T using Forums mobile app


Thank you very much (: you are too kind. Thank you for taking the time to read my report!


Sarah ... Really enjoying your report and pics. I enjoyed your Alaska report also.


I have to agree with your Mom regarding the food and service on Alitalia. We flew to Athens and back to Los Angeles on Alitalia. I have to say the food and service was by far the worst I have ever experienced on any airline.


I'm glad! & thank you for taking the time to reading both of my reports!^^ LOL That's exactly what my Mom said :D


Hi Lovely Serenity, thank you for your wonderful trip reports. I followed on your Alaskan adventure and your photos and descriptions inspired me to look into my own Alaskan holiday:). I am really enjoying reading and following your latest posts. Just wanted to let you know that your hard work and effort is appreciated and I look forward to following again:)


Hi! (: Thank you for reading them! Oh wow, really? That's great! :D If I was even able to make you consider taking a cruise to Alaska, I'd have done my job! But this is wonderful! I feel so glad that my report was convincing enough to sway you to the Great White North :) Thank you very much! & it's nice to hear once an a while that people are aware of how much work goes into writing these LOL. It takes about 2+ hours just to write and post each segment! o_o thanks again for following! (:


Hi Sarah, really enjoying your posts. Can't wait to hear about your adventures on board.




Hi Catherine! I'm glad! Thank you for being so patient in waiting for my ship pictures! I'm sorry I can't skip ahead! D: the only thing I can do is to try to spend one day totally bombarding the thread with posts until it gets to the ship LOL. Nonetheless, working on it (:


Sarah…please carry on…and post! I love your writing style..and pics…all the little details….I once shared a picture of my empty lobster shell:D Forgot to take a pic prior!! Really enjoying this thread and cannot wait to see pictures of the ship….thanks again...


Thank you very much! (: LOL that's so funny because that's actually what happened to me!! :,D I feel your pain~~ There was absolutely horrific motion that night, and it had completely slipped my mind to take a picture of the lobster! I wasn't in my right mind :P


Enjoying posts. Some peoples cruise starts when leaving home. Also how many posts are "What should I do/see in ...... before my cruise". As someone who has only spent a port day in Rome you do give me FOOD for thought about what to do if I get to spend more time there in the future.


Yes, of course! My vacations always start the moment I leave school haha, or I leave the house. That's awesome! (: How did your ne day in Rome go?


Sarah – thanks for the photos. I look forward to my next visit to Rome when I can spend more time at the Colosseum and the Trevi Fountain (it was mobbed on the day I visited). You are quite correct to keep your family photos private.


No problem! I definitely think you should go inside the Colosseum next time! A warning, the Trevi Fountain is quite a walk if your trying to go by metro! It was quite mobbed the day I visited as well! & thanks for understanding (:


I an enjoying your report, however feel sad for you at posting those stomach churning photos of McDonalds, with such a good camera too!


LOL Well if I didn't post them, I'd have been lying when I said "If I saw it, touched it or ate it, I took a picture of it". (:




I keep forgetting that I should not look at your marvelous food pictures on an empty stomach.:D Keep up the good work.




Haha, eat something first :D & thank you Kathi!


Sarah, as with your Alaska report, I am loving your blog and your photos. You're absolutely fantastic, and your detailed info on Rome will prove very useful when I start planning my Med cruise. Can't wait to hear the rest of it!!


Thank you very much! I'm glad it will be of help to you in your planning! :)



Just ignore the "Seven wonders" and whether you're really "Live from" posts. I guess some people can't help but try to pick apart posts on this board.


At your age, to bring eus such a great thread with pictures and details, is a wonderful thing to have on here. Keep it coming!!


Haha, I know ^^ it's fine! I don't get too bothered by posts such as those!


Thanks though (: haha you're awesome. Yup! On its way! Sorry for the delay! I've had a very hectic schedule this week with all the labs, tests and Grad events! ^^'


like that gollem photo of your sister. :D


LOL me too :D


Your reporting is awesome. My cruise is ten days away. Still looking forward to QE pictures . . . especially food! Bless you for all the time you invest to share with us :)


Thank you! D:!! Oh no! I'm sorry for taking so long! I'll work super hard today after school and try to pull the story along faster (by investing more time into it in one shot, not cut the story shorter)! Thank you!




Hi there, Lovely Bones,

Your photos of the Colosseum are very good. Below is a similar photo taken last year (Sept) from the Ho-ho bus.

As you can see there were lots and lots of tourists about.(To many :( )

Was it busy when you visited :confused:

It was so crowded in Rome that we decided to stay on the top-deck of the bus and do a complete circuit of the City :)




Wow, my goodness it's so crowded!! 0_0 it was by no means that crowded on the day I went! (Nice pictures by the way) (:


So many food choices.

Glad I have already eaten dinner.


Haha good planning ahead (:


Before we started cruising (before I could convince DH to get on a ship), we did quite land tours -- many through Europe.

We also spent several days in Rome. I love that city. Your pictures are great of the Colosseum.


Wow, that's awesome! & thank you! ^^ I do many land vacations as well! After Christmas, we're spending a week in Shanghai! Eat some food and do some shopping (:


I believe that the attached photograph of the Arch of Constantine shows the platform from which you took yours. Platform is on the right of the photograph. The relief detail on the Arch is amazing, I'm afraid that my photograph doesn't do it justice. Your photographs are bringing back great memories already. Keep up the excellent work.




Yes! That's the one! Lucky you, when I was there, it was kind of under construction :/ It is gorgeous though!


Thank you (:


actually it is quite normal in many European countries to pay for using the restrooms. here we usually pay 20 or 50 eurocents though.


Really? Fascinating, I had no idea! o_o


It's a yeast extract called Marmite, the Australian equivalent is Vegemite I believe. You either love it or hate it, which is their advertising slogan. It's great on toast.


I've heard of Vegemite! I've also heard that most usually hate it or love it ^^ What's it taste like?


Just hanging loose, and waiting for the next installment :)





Lisbon. Portugal (Oct 2013)


Haha nice picture (: Oo cool, I've never been to Portugal! And do not worry! I will start on it right after school! Expect a large installment!


Here is couple of photos of the QE for you whilst you wait for the next instalment.

They were taken around 3am, are a fair bit grainy, but different.


View looking towards the stern.



With a very wet lido deck that had just been washed down.



LOL nice job crowd control :D Nice pictures by the way!

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Again, sorry for the delay! I've had a very hectic week in regards to labs, tests and grad events! I'm going to start working on it as soon as I get home from school! Expect a very large installement!


Thank you all for being so understanding! :) and again, sorry for the delay!

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Again, sorry for the delay! I've had a very hectic week in regards to labs, tests and grad events! I'm going to start working on it as soon as I get home from school! Expect a very large installement!


Thank you all for being so understanding! :) and again, sorry for the delay!



No rush.

I know you will get your review done.

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We took a break and drank some water. While I was waiting for others to finish, I thought of a good idea. :D I asked my Mom to please come very close to my camera, and took this picture:




Cool, huh?


Anyways, we turned right and back in the direction of the Colosseum, except on higher grounds. We passed these pillars:




And came upon this fascinating area, perfect for taking photos and goofing around.




Sis and I were really excited since the venue looked very much like those battle arenas we see in cartoons LOL.


From that spot we could see the Colosseum perfectly! (except the area being reconstructed mostly):




We spent quite some time playing there (climbing up onto the stage looking area, climbing on rocks that are around my height in order to take celebratory photos of me getting my black belt in Taekwondo earlier that week, you know, normal stuff ;D)




That was really scary too LOL. It was slightly slanted, so I was afraid I’d fall off! You try standing on a rock 5 feet off the ground, with one leg midair! D: I could’ve died LOL. My Mom also later pointed out that from the balcony in the Colosseum, we probably had many tourists catch us fooling around and doing taekwondo kicks and whatnot in their pictures :P


Anyhow, we eventually headed back to the Forum and Palatine Hill area. We refilled out water bottles at this little tap by the entrance. After drinking it, I had a realization that I was literally drinking Rome water :D


If you have ever read an “Asterix & Obelix” comic book, this place literally looks like their rich neighbours town. Apparently the Roman Forum was where the Italian Senate used to gather.


After a couple minutes of discussing, we eventually came to the consensus that we should walk the Forum before walking Palatine Hill.




We veered right from the observation deck and headed down the zig-zagged, downhill pathway.


*Warning: Be very careful when you’re walking around in this general area. The ground consists of random flat stones that stick up from the ground to create a sort of cobblestone path. There are many gaps and whatnot in between them that could lead to a twisted ankle if not careful. You’ll need to make sure you step in the middle of each piece of rock to be safe!

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On first glance, I had thought that the Roman Forum was something one could only gaze at from a distance (so many construction things everywhere!). That was until Dad had pointed out that he could see people down there. Oops. >_> Sorry for being short, I couldn’t see.


We went down there and took lots of pictures:




By this time, it was getting very hot. The sun was slowly beginning to cook us.




Once we had finished exploring the Foro Romano (Roman Forum), we headed back to the entrance area (where the arch is) to get to Palatine (Palatine Hill).


We walked around the area and had to climb and walk quite a distance before getting to the actual ruin-looking area. After walking and exploring for a bit, we came upon this amazing sight. The perfect place one would be able to engage themselves in a wonderful game of Quidditch :,D Man, what a sight.




The place was the size of a soccer field! Huge!! (don’t gauge the size by the man to the left, we’re really high up and he’s really close to me :P)


We walked and walked and noticed the weather was slowly starting to get cooler and wetter. Every once and a while, a felt some water hit my face. o_o Aw.


We walked until we spotted the Palatine Museum and headed inside. We explored the place for a while and took a break on a nearby bench. After resting up, we headed back outside. We were now looking for the “uscita” (exit, you’ll need to know this word), that would lead us back to the station Colosseo (pronounced koh-loh-say-oh). As we were leaving the Palatino area, we noticed some (most likely) architecture students excavating an area of the ruins.




As of 2010, we collect rocks during our vacation. Whenever we visit a different country, we pick up a rock from the ground (preferably near some sort of tourist attraction) and label it with a Sharpie. We take that rock and put it in this special box we have at home, and thus, we have taken a piece of the country as a souvenir. (: What better souvenir is there? Anyhow, Sis had picked up a rock from the Roman Forum and had placed it in the pocket of her cardigan. Without realizing, I had caused the rock to fall out of her cardigan pocket while I was holding it for her (when it got really sunny).


Since we had realized we were missing a rock from the Roman Forum, I had to grab us a new one. Mom & Dad waited at the exit (Oh my gosh it’s at the top of a steep hill -_-), Sis waited at the path that led to the exit, and I quickly ran back to the Forum to pick one up. I wound up taking quite a long time because I kept changing rocks, looking for prettier, smoother ones that were easier to write on. (I switched it about 4 times LOL). After finally deciding on a rock, a sprinted back to where my family was waiting for me (ran so much my sides started to hurt D:). We exited out of the large metal one-way-out cylindrical turn stiles and headed down a downhill slope (a small side street). As we headed down the street, I noticed a randomly places golden pharaoh sarcophagus. I paid no attention to it and walked on. Suddenly a car started pulling up from behind, so we all veered to the right, toward the side of the road where the sarcophagus stood. As we stood next to the odd golden object, it suddenly turned its head toward Sis and said, “NI HAO C:” Obviously surprised, Sis jumped a little and looked completely bewildered. I obviously found it hilarious so I laughed ^^~


We walked all the way back to station Colosseo, and hopped on the train that took us to station Spagna. The plan was to visit the Spanish Steps. As we exited the tunnel, I saw an exit that pointed toward “Via Veneto”. I obviously took note of that. The reason for this was the fact that I had researched that “Via Veneto”, was a must-see beautiful street of high end boutiques and Italian culture, and it was on my to-do list. I had thought that it was a close walk from station Spagna, but boy was I wrong. Honestly, it wasn’t as bad as we had felt, but it felt like miles, since we had already walked the Forum and Palatine Hill. Anyhow, I mentioned it to Dad, and he agreed that we should return to this exit later.


Anyways, back on topic. We left the station and walked a short distance before arriving at the Piazza di Spagna.




To be completely honest, I was a little let down at how the Spanish Steps looked. Not that it didn’t look nice; it was the fact that it was covered in a blanket of drunk, smoking young people, and the remnants of their activities (ie. bottles, cigarette butts etc.). It was not an attractive look.



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There were even several police officers around to keep the peace and control rowdy drunk people! :/ Besides the mass of drunk, smoking people, there was a ridiculous amount of tourists too. I thought it was somewhat sad that the fountain at Piazza di Spagna was under renovation (as well as many other fountains around the city apparently, we found a few too.). I climbed up the steps and took a picture from midway up (here you can see the fountain under construction, as well as Via Condetti (that street, famous for having expensive brand name boutiques):




If you actually do take the time to climb all the way to the top of the Spanish Steps, you’ll be met with this lovely sight!




I believe it was a church? (correct me if I’m wrong), but I’m sure I heard bells!


We finally headed back to station Spagna, popping into random gelato shops on the way. We checked them all out, but decided not to eat at any of them since all of their colours were extremely bright and neon.


We went back through to the path to Via Veneto and wound up walking through various hallways of random things. We went up and down several escalators, a hall of cute 3D ad windows:




We finally emerged to natural lighting (an opening to station Spagna), and kept following the signs that led to Via Veneto. For some reason, it just led to this:




A dark, barely active mini mall.


Initially, Mom & Dad thought this was Via Veneto and began to grow irritable (tired, hot, feet hurt). We walked in and came upon this mini drugstore/supermarket Carrefour:




We absolutely loved this place! All of the prices were way cheaper than that of CONAD, yet their products were all of the same variety. After shopping in there for a while (bought Italian chocolates for friends/teachers back home), we headed out. We kept walking, in hopes of finding Via Veneto. As we continued, we proceeded through this hallway/tunnel:



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We emerged from the tunnel to the most northern point of Via Veneto. Looking at a map, we realized that we were now literally in between 2 stations. Spagna and Barberini. In order to get to Barberini, we would have to walk all the way down Via Veneto. My suggestion to you is that, if you’re planning to visit Via Veneto, Go to station Barberini and just head north, check it out, and go back to Barberini to leave. We almost even took a bus to get back to Termini, but thought we might as well walk it since we were already here.


To our left was this huge wall thing:




And to my right were these cute little cafés:




We proceeded to walk down Via Veneto, passing by various shops and boutiques:




I was absolutely in love with the atmosphere and design of everything!




I definitely think it is a place worth visiting:




If you’re looking for a place to eat, or just have a snack/drink wine, this is the place for you. It is completely filled with cafés and small restaurants of this variety:



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I also saw these for the first time, cubicle restaurants in the middle of the sidewalk! They were like little stationary cafés displayed in a glass case!




There were so many too! Maybe one of you could go try eating at one and tell me how they are? (:


Anyhow, we kept walking and walking, passed several pretty little side streets like these:




By this time, the sun was already beginning to set and it was getting very dark. Once arriving and station Barberini, we hopped on a train that took us directly to Termini and headed downstairs to the mall area. We went to CONAD:




And bought drinks (sodas, water) and roasted chicken for dinner. We also popped into several pharmacies in search of nail polish. I had also mentioned to Dad that I was in need of contact lens eye drops, as I had forgotten mine at home. We headed outside, back to the pharmacy we saw day one by the Terravision Café and bought me eye drops for around 8-10€. They were very effective! Even better than the ones I had at home! o_o!


We then proceeded to walk back to our Hotel Romae, but of course not before stopping for gelato first :)


Sis once again got her Pistacchio (pistachio) – Nutella, Dad got a Nocciola (hazelnut) – Pistacchio (pistachio), and I got a Melone (melon, cantaloupe) – Stracciatella (milk/vanilla & dark chocolate pieces).


Since we were so hungry, we wound up eating them before I could get a shot ^^”. Hehe, sorry. We tried to fix them up though LOL. Below is Dad’s and mine. (we’ve seen Sis’s before):







End of Day

Edited by lovely_serenity
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It's Good to finish off the day with an Ice-cream :cool:

Did you purchase a special Metro ticket while in Rome Sarah.

Seems a little easier to understand than The London Underground :),

albeit the station names are a little difficult to remember :confused:





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You're report is really great, informative, witty and full of photos which I love. And we've not even got to the ship yet! I am looking forward to reading all the rest of your write up, it's like reading a novel that I can't put down. Thank you for all your hard work so far :)

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