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"Live from" Queen Elizabeth to the Mediterannean! My First Cunard Experience


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By the way guys, just in case you guys are curious, here are the prices for the Rome metro tickets:


Single ticket: 1.50€

1-Day Pass: 6€

3-Day Pass: 16.50€ (We got this one)

7-Day Pass: 24€


Also, make sure you validate your ticket during your first use of your pass. If you’re taking a bus, you have to go look for a machine to stick it in (it’s in the station). Once you’ve validated it the first time, you’re pretty much set. (Taking the metro is easier though, you have to validate it to get through anyhow). If you get caught with a non-validated ticket, you’ll be fined 50€ on the spot. So be wary :P




Taking the Rome metro is easy! Just look for orange or blue, and when you’ve picked one, look for the direction you want to go via the last station name! (:

By the way, here are all of the maps I collected for the trip:





(I underlined all of the things I wanted to see!)


This excellent map of Rome PLUS the metro lines running underground:




I also underlined all of the things I wanted to see here! :) We actually went to all of them!


A map of Rhodes, Greece, as well as (after much research) the fabled location of the once 7 Wonder of the (Ancient) World, the Colossus of Rhodes:




A map of Santorini (our ship left us at Thira (Fira) I believe:




As well as a map of Olympia (Katakolon, Greece):



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Friday, November 8, 2013




That morning, I had trouble sleeping so I wound up waking up at 5am. I wasn’t able to fall back asleep so I just wrote some vacation logs into my iPad. I later went downstairs with Mom to get the family some drinks. Got some coffee, tea and orange juice (that didn’t taste like diluted juice from concentrate that day :D). We ate a Probiotic pill (like the bacteria in yogurt that lines yours tummy to prevent stomach aches when accidentally eating things with germs). We all got changed, grabbed our stuff and left the hotel at around 8:30am. We walked to Termini, bought 3 bottles of water from CONAD (Note: light blue bottles are normal waters, dark blue bottles are fizzy gross ones). We grabbed a quick breakfast at McDonalds since we didn’t have a lot of time on our hands. Sis & I got donuts (glazed and chocolate dipped) and Mum & Dad got croissants (custard and chocolate filled):


(My donut :D)




(Mum’s croissants, they’re so good, full of chocolate!)




We had to eat quickly since we had a tight schedule that day. This was to be our last day in Rome, so he had to do everything we wanted today or not at all. Today’s plan would end up looking just like this:


(Red path illustrates the route in which we WALKED that day from starting point station Barberini; right side of the map)




Anyways, so we finished our food and put that plan into action! (Please note that we literally walked across half of Rome. >_> I came home having lost weight after all the walking we did in Rome and at the ports LOL).


We jumped on the metro at Termini and arrived at Barberini station. After getting off the train and consulting with a map for a little while, emerged to the plaza with the Fontana di Tritone, which was also under construction, just like the fountain in front of Spanish Steps!




We followed the crowd of tourists and tour groups, and were on our way to the Fontana di Trevi (Trevi Fountain). (Walk in the direction of the photo to get there). We also looked for nail polish on the way.


It was about a medium distance away, not too far. We just walked and figured it out as we went along, swerve in and out of little side streets, following people/tour groups. As we entered random little stores in search of nail polish, I actually happened upon something I had never seen before! A Mickey Ice Cream bar, not on a Disney cruise/at Disney World!




(what sorcery! :0)


We walked by many interesting shops, some full of meat (*sigh* Bro would’ve loved this):



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We swerved in and out of little streets, comparing prices of souvenir shops on the way:




Finally, we found the Trevi Fountain, although it was somewhat crowded. Saw this impressive architecture across from it that everyone was ignoring ^^”




We took pictures of & with it:




And even threw a coin into it! There’s a legend where, if you throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain, you are guaranteed to wind up coming back to Rome at one point or another ^^. It seems to have worked on Mom and Dad? They were here again, were they not?


We also checked & compared many of gelato shops in the immediate vicinity. Unfortunately, all of them yielded bright colours, so we didn't eat any of it. Mom & Dad had apparently eaten some gelato on their first trip here and didn’t like it, now we know why. :P


Once we were done admiring, taking pictures and throwing coins, we checked the iPad mini map and headed back out one of the routes/side streets to walk all the way to Pantheon. We walked..




And walked…




And walked. We wound up walking through Piazza di Pietra, so we stopped took some pictures.



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We swerved around some more little side streets (very beautiful, looks like old Italy in movies) and finally, the street opened up. Lo and behold, the Pantheon.




We also took pictures on the outside of Pantheon & of Obelisk across the street from it. While we were there, we checked all the gelato shops in area. They were all bright. :( We entered the Pantheon, free of charge, but were told to be quiet since it is a church. It was very magnificent, beautiful architecture and very impressive. It had a round shape, sort of like a dome too. We took many pictures and videos. I with my Canon, and Dad with his iPad.




After finishing up, we headed out and passed some horse carriages. We did more walking through little streets en route to Piazza Navona. I honestly had no clue as to which way to go, so I just followed Dad (-: As we walked, I saw a lady on her phone standing under the Sun. She looked really cool, almost like a model, so I just had to take a picture of her LOL. (sorry for not asking for permission first :P)




We walked some more, and finally emerged at Piazza Navona. We took pictures, videos, and admired it for a little while. (It was so nice, there were these guys playing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow on their instruments c: )




As we walked, we started to feel hungry. We decided we should probably eat something, but sadly couldn't find anything. At the time, the weather was still quite warm, ranging from super sunny & hot to a comfortable sunny.


We kept walking onward to our next destination: the Vatican. We exited the northern most part of Piazza, and headed north, exploring & travelling via little streets on the way.




After walking for a long time, we finally arrived at the bridge east of the Ponte San Angelo. Still, no food to be found. Crossed bridge to Corte di Cassazione, took pictures and proceeded left.



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We walked through this area with many little shops & people selling things. The salespeople lined the pathway nearest to the water. We walked down a pathway with lined by pretty trees.




When suddenly, what do I see? I little stand of food waiting for me! :,D


We saw a little stand that seemed to be selling some food, so we stopped to have a bite. This was literally the best option we had seen thus far.




Our meal consisted of gelato for Sis & I (we got the same thing, a large):


Sorbetto Pesca Mango - Pistachio - Nocciola (Hazelnut)




Sis also had a Panini that closely resembled a Pizza Bianca:




And Mom and Dad both had a Ham & cheese sandwich:




I asked them for spoons and to have the sandwiches heated up. I seem to have a knack at communicating with people who don't speak English well. I use keywords, actions and simple phrases. It always seems to get the job done! ^^


We finished eating, cleaned up and moved on. Approaching Castel San Angelo, we walked along upper level beside river. It was really pretty.



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While trying to take pictures with Ponte San Angelo (located across from the castle),




this random Italian man probably triple my age, randomly said hi to me. I was already tired, hot and irritated, so it was difficult to pretend to be polite and smiley at this stranger. He said hello all creepily and I responded like:


- “Hi.. (: ] )”...( :/ )... *he passes by me* ( >_>)


I'm like okay whatever; random stranger said hi to me who cares, he's probably leaving now. I then go to my spot I've chosen, to ask Mom to take for me and try to shoo Rachel & Dad who are flopped there. They're like “Noooo let me take a picture tooo, then we'll go~” I'm like, “okay finee” , and I turn around to take a picture with them. Suddenly I see that same Italian dude (alarmingly close) to my left, apparently making a joke and poking his face into the shot. I'm actually quite surprised that HE'S STILL NOT GONE. I fake a smile and laugh but I'm actually very irritated. Dad laughs and I turn back to Mom, expecting he'll go away himself. Suddenly, he zaps me.


(That is the action in which one simultaneously pokes you with 2 hands like so):




(With the intent of tickling you and making you jump).


I whip around with the mindset of "that had better be Dad that just did that or things are going to get sour very quickly" (since Dad had initially had his hand slightly on my back during the picture). I was extremely upset. Anyhow, I flipped around; (according to dad looking real mad) extremely shocked and angry.


I mean, joke all you want but don't touch me. We are no where near the level of familiarity it takes to be able to tickle someone. You are literally triple me age, who in the world do you think you're trying to TICKLE?! THIS GIRL JUST GOT HER BLACK BELT LAST SATURDAY SIR. I DO NOT REACT WELL TO RANDOM OLD DUDES TOUCHING ME ABOVE THE WRIST.


So anyways, he apparently was surprised or something because he didn't expect me to react like that so he ran away. (HOW DID YOU THINK I WAS GOING TO REACT TO SOME OLD STRANGER TRYING TO TICKLE ME?? NOBODY DOES THAT!! >:( )


So he ran away and I was still really huffy. My Dad thought it was hilarious what just happened, but my Mom agreed with how I reacted, as well as how it was completely inappropriate to physically touch me in an attempt to joke with me when he was a stranger that was probably in his 40s. My Dad joked and said to me that he was up upfront talking to a guy selling food/drinks at a booth, and that Ii should go zap him back whiles he's not expecting it. I laugh and say (under my breath) that while he's not expecting it, I should run up and taekwondo kick him in the head. And when he turns around like O_o?!??, I should just be there like this (LOL):




We laughed, I felt better and my anger subsides. We keep walking and pass by these men trying to make some money by putting on an act. These kinds of people were seen everywhere.




We also see the same kind of sarcophagus that said “Ni hao!” to my sister back at the Colosseum!




We continue to walk next to the Castel San Angelo & the Ponte and take pictures. From there, we could see the Vatican, so we take some pictures.



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We cross the street and walk all the way down the street to St. Peter's Basilica. I run to the middle of the road in order to take this picture (for you guys :P):




We arrive in St. Peter's Square and take lots of pictures.





We walk around the place for a bit, and suddenly realize that we have no clue as to how we're supposed to get in or buy tickets to either the Basilica, or the museum/chapel.




We wander around the square for a bit before Mom asks this Chinese tour guide-looking man for directions. They speak to each other in mandarin for a bit before mom comes back telling us what he said, in Cantonese. She's confused because he says something like the museum's far away. We also do not know what the super long line-up to the right of the square is for. We walk to the obelisk in the middle and find 2 women in uniform who seem to work there. Mom & Dad tell me to ask them.

I run up to them and say "Excuse me!" They stop walking and turn around. "Sì?" I ask them.


Me: "You know, ticket? //mime rectangle//"

Them: "ah, yesyes"

Me: "Is this line?" //gestures to huge line up//

Them: "ah, nono"


Suddenly, Mom & Dad cut in and start throwing English at them.

They start asking questions about everything (in full English sentences) and the 2 women are looking more and more confused and flustered. I go: HOllddd upppp. Mom and Dad look at me. I turn back to the 2 women and say:


Me: "You know Sistine?"

Them: "Ah yesyes!"

Me: "you know ticket?" *mimes rectangle*

Them: "Yesyes!"

Me: "Where?" *mimes I don"t know shrug & hands* Here? *points at long line-up*

Them: "Nononono, thees ees for dah Baseeleecah. No ticket. For dah Capella Sistina, dah ticket ees ONE ticket that go for dah Capella, dah Museum and all."

*Dad cuts in* "OH So is THIS where you buy the ticket? *points at line-up*

Me: .____.

Them: "NONONOnononono, thees ees for Sainta Petursa Baseeleecah. Eesa free!" Dah Capella and dah museum need dah ticket."

Me: "Okok, so where? *shrug idk action"

Them: "Ees not here. Ees outside dah square." *gestures to behind the line, past the wall."


Mom and Dad repeat back the information at them and confirm the information we have just received.

We thank them and head back to the entrance area. We go out and around the square to the right of the Basilica and pass under a little overpass thing to a long side-walked street.



In actuality, we could've simply cut through the line to past the columns and stuff and emerge at the sidewalk place instead of going all the way around. The place from which I take this photo is where you should cut through:




You’ll wind up here:




You then go under this little bridge thing and emerge onto this street (see that bridge thing at the end?):



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Which was where we walked down. We walk straight down this street full of shops and people selling things and people trying to advertise their Sistine chapel tours and whatnot. When you get to the big (first) intersection, turn left. You'll see an extremely old castle-like wall (that you can see to the right in the picture above). That's the wall you must follow.




Walk right along it until you see metal railings. Then you're going the right way. Once you approach the end of the metal railings, cut across (if you have not yet) and walk on the left side of the partition. When you reach the end, turn left and walk straight into the building.




(That corner is where you turn left at and that door is the entrance. I took this picture when we were leaving the museum)


Here you will need to go through security & metal detectors before you can head in and buy tickets. Once you've cleared security, look to the left and see if any of the ticketing booths apply to you (ie. booked online etc.). If not proceed forward toward the staircase. (There's a bathroom to the left, if you need to go, now's the time) above, there's a thing for group tours if that applies to you. If none of these things concern you, proceed up the stairs. Shortly, you'll see the ticketing area.




Line up as needed and purchase your Vatican Museum ticket. Proceed to the turn stiles, scan the barcode of your ticket under the green light and move on. Go up an escalator (to the right) or this:




If you need a map, go ask “Information” for one (they're on the right, audio guide sellers are on the left). We proceed to take the short version of the museum tour by turning left and going up the stairs. Choose wisely as you cannot turn back once you've chosen short or long route. The long version = see everything, short version = short cut and main stuff to see.


We explore the museum and follow where all of the other tour guides are going (everything was absolutely gorgeous).





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We get to the Capella Sistina (Sistine Chapel) where you aren't supposed to take pictures.




You either do it in secret, don't, or get yelled at by the security guards. For you guys, I opted for the first one. I wriggled to the middle of the room and faced the front (there's security at the back behind a fence in the corner watching people) and put my camera really low & pointing upward. If you're afraid of getting in trouble, don't do it. If you're not, be wary of your surroundings and be prepared to get scolded by upset-looking Italian men in uniform who'll force you to delete your pictures. So it goes without saying that flash is out of the question. There are security guards at the front telling everyone to be quiet and watching people to make sure nobody takes any pictures. My dad actually got scolded by a guard because he briefly forgot that he wasn't supposed to take any pictures. The guard hovered until he deleted every single picture. >_> Nonetheless, here are a few of the pictures I risked my butt in taking for you all!






As well as one of the super famous one in the middle:




We were actually a little bit let down, because we expected it to be the main focus and bigger. Still, very impressive and magnificent.


We finished admiring it and headed out. Saw some more pretty things on the way out:



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Thank you Sarah for your blog and pictures! The maps are itinerary were great too!


I CANNOT believe that weird man touching you! I agree that that was totally inappropriate!!!! I would have loved to see your solution (under your breath)...Taekwando Kick!! LOL.


What was the temp in Rome? You kept saying how hot it was......how could you wear all that black, long sleeves...whew...makes me hot. Also, how did you walk all that way around Rome in boots?


Looking forward to more!

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It's Good to finish off the day with an Ice-cream :cool:

Did you purchase a special Metro ticket while in Rome Sarah.

Seems a little easier to understand than The London Underground :),

albeit the station names are a little difficult to remember :confused:



Haha, exxactly (: Yes, we did! We bought a 3 day pass for all 4 of us from one of those lottery ticket places in Termini! It is, it's very simple since it's just an X. LOL, I know, right? We probably butchered the name of every station we went to! ^^


My grandmother would always bring a rock home with her from her travels. She would have others bring them too. When she died, she had a box of rocks and we buried her with them. We still bring rocks to her grave back from our trips!


That's wonderful (: So sweet. It's like resting with the whole world on your shoulders ^^~


I have been to Rome four times and the Spanish Steps have looked like that each time! Thanks for the latest installment!


Really? It never looks less packed? D: Aw, I thought we just had bad luck.


Excellent photos "Karate kid" and one very unusual photo.

Mr Miyagi would be very proud of you, well done.

Enjoying the tour so far


Loved your description of Rome being like a Cartoon (Asterix the Gaul)


LOL thank you (: ^^ That's great! & Thank you! I read it a lot in elementary school!


You're report is really great, informative, witty and full of photos which I love. And we've not even got to the ship yet! I am looking forward to reading all the rest of your write up, it's like reading a novel that I can't put down. Thank you for all your hard work so far :)


Thank you! (: Almost there though! Aw, you're so kind ^^ Thank you for reading it!




You may have mentioned this and I forgot. Do you download your pictures onto your iPad while traveling or do you take a number of memory cards?


Great pictures of Rome!




I bring all of the memory cards I have! I believe they add up to about 48GB? I didn't bring my computer so I wouldn't be able to transfer them anywhere anyhow LOL. When it's full, I'm out ^^" So I had to pace myself when taking pictures and not overdo it on the pre-cruise. && Thank you Kathi!


Thank you Sarah for your blog and pictures! The maps are itinerary were great too!


I CANNOT believe that weird man touching you! I agree that that was totally inappropriate!!!! I would have loved to see your solution (under your breath)...Taekwando Kick!! LOL.


What was the temp in Rome? You kept saying how hot it was......how could you wear all that black, long sleeves...whew...makes me hot. Also, how did you walk all that way around Rome in boots?


Looking forward to more!


No problem! Thanks for reading it! (: I KNOW, RIGHT? D,: I WAS SO SHOCKED. I was so furious ): LOL ME TOO :D


I believe it was 20-something? Well, the cardigan's pretty thin, and thanks to CC, we packed accordingly and weren't too hot when running around Rome! (: Actually, my sister ran around in boots, I ran around in a pair of Converse :P, nonetheless, our feet hurt ^^"


Thank you Sarah for the wonderful pictures of Rome. Brought back many wonderful memories from when we stayed there a few days many years ago.


Glad I just finished lunch with all those food pictures.


You're welcome! ^^ It's a pleasure. Haha nice preparing (:


Especially of The Sistine Chapel,

I'd love my ceiling to look like that :)


LOL I as well (; It was soo pretty! We just sat there for a while just staring at it. (:

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We eventually finished touring the museum, and wound up finding a nice outdoor area at the Vatican Museum:




Out another exit, was an even bigger outdoor area that was very nice. It was an extremely large and open area with shade. Very nice area to relax.




Finally, we decided to leave. After getting lost for a bit, we finally found the large swirly exit near the gift shop area.




And we made our way back toward St. Peter’s Square. We were still conflicted as to whether or not we still wanted to go to St. Peter's Basilica. It was kind of far. Sis's feet really hurt, and she was getting somewhat grumpy. Eventually, we decided that Sis & Mom would hang out around the large intersection (that intersects the paths to the Vatican Museum, St. Peter’s Square and station Ottaviano) and either find a seat, or get a bite to eat while Dad & I checked out the Basilica.


The plan: Dad and I to walk back, look around and then go back to meet Sis & Mom. We would then head straight from the intersection to go to the nearest metro station (Ottaviano).


We split up and headed off toward our separate destinations. While Dad and I were making our way south, we saw a sign that pointed toward the opposite direction to where the metro was, indicating that it was actually south, and not north. That completely threw us off. According to our maps, Ottaviano station was north of the intersection, and not south. Confused, we went back to the intersection, in hopes of catching Sis & Mom before they disappeared. We went back, and took a good 15 minutes looking for them before finding them & heading back toward St. Peter's square together (we checked every single restaurant in the area, just to find them sitting on some random rock under some shade). After some thorough discussion about the credibility of our map, we decided that we were probably right. We then proceeded to walk back to the columns of St. Peter’s Square together,




Just to discover that the lineup was still ridiculously long, and we did not want to wait. In the end, Sis & I simply grabbed a rock and headed back en route to Ottaviano.


We walked along the right side of the street, and stopped to buy some gelato (the colour of the gelato seemed good):


I got: Mixed Berry Yogurt – Pistachio




This place was good! Not only did the gelato itself taste good, they also had chunks and pieces of food for every flavour! My pistachio had many broken pieces of pistachio in it, and the mixed berry had several frozen berries in it! It was very good! Dad dubbed this one his favourite gelato shop of the trip!


Sis got: Fragola (Strawberry) – Pistachio




She seemed to really enjoy hers too! (I can see why, every single gelato I ate in Rome was delicious.. well, it also helps that we were extremely picky about which one we ate ^^")

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Dad got: Pistachio - Nocciola (Hazelnut)




After purchasing our gelatos and buying a few souvenirs from a vendor nearby, we walked until Ottaviano and took the metro to Termini. At Termini, we walked the mall a little bit and bought 8 tickets for Civitavecchia (and back) from one of those lottery/smokes shop. (Dad got into a bit of a scuffle when the rude man selling them pretended that he couldn't speak English and completely ignored him :/) (Train tickets can be us for any train destination). We also finally found nail polish that wasn't stupidly expensive (2.90€)!! & bought 3. :,D The brand was KIKO, I really like it, it’s made in France! Dries very quickly and is quite good quality.


We then went to CONAD to buy drinks and dinner (ie. hot food, buns & smoked salmon). Afterwards we walk back to hotel from Termini. But of course, not before stopping for our last gelato stop from the next door Gelateria (: (our last one too, since this awesome place is only open past 5pm).






I got: Bacio (Chocolate & Hazelnut pieces) – Pistachio




Once again, Sis got: Pistachio – Nutella (that you’ve already seen) and Mom got: Bacio (Chocolate & Hazelnut pieces) – Mango Sorbet




(the lady asked if it was okay that the mango wasn’t completely frozen, but Mom said it was no big deal) And Dad got: Bacio (Chocolate & Hazelnut pieces) - Pistachio



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Day 1: Embarkation - Civitavecchia, Italy


Saturday, November 9, 2013 : Informal


I awoke at ~8 am, ate breakfast (buns from yesterday & Ferrero duplo wafer dark chocolates):






I felt a need to take pictures of these since I had never seen them in Canada before. :P


We quickly packed up, checked out, and headed right on to Termini. Upon arrival at the station, we bought drinks at CONAD. We then head to train area, and Dad goes upstairs to check when the train's leaving. Apparently the train was leaving in 15 minutes. The area in front (upstairs) is platform 1-24, Civitavacchia = 25, separate area called Statellite Stations (downstairs at the end of the station). At the far end of the downstairs area, rushed there, through area with many people conveyer belts. Apparent as I wasn’t looking, Mom had swapped my water bottle with a fresh one, so I was really confused when it fell out of my bag on to the floor, and I didn’t even recognize it. o_o


We got to the train area in 4 minutes (2 of 4 belts worked) walking REALLY fast with luggage. When we got there, as Mom was a little flustered because we were in such a rush, this guy standing next to the ticket validation area (trying to make money) started taking the tickets from Mom and sticking them into the validation machine (which by the way looks like this, that little green thing):




Mom & Dad had thought he worked there, I knew otherwise. I saw conductor, this guy's uniform was normal clothing, but similar colour (he’s pretending we works there). Mom & Dad didn't see the conductor, as he was out of their line of vision. I purposely waited directly in front of him as he was validating our tickets, ready to give him a swift kick in his you-know-where if he tried to run away with our tickets. :D (*prepared*).


Once the tickets were done, we proceeded to the train, ushered by this random guy. The nearby train door closes; the guy leads us next door. As we’re walking, I accidentally drop my bag. Immediately, I pick it back up. Thinking that it was my sister, he takes Sis’s bag helps her carry it into train. He tries to take mine too, but I refuse to let him take my bag. Don’t forget, he's still a stranger. He carrying Sis's bag in, and suddenly walk past a set of good seats, and through a separate set of doors. This is when it registers that this would have been a perfect opportunity for him to run off with her bag. I immediately order my sister to follow him closely. She doesn’t understand and just dawdles behind him. I am both anxious and frustrated and the same time. (Remember, I’m carrying stuff too, and this is a narrow area. I wouldn’t be able to get around her in time to chase him if he runs off). I’m urgently telling her to follow him and she’s just like, “Okay, god. >_>”. =_= She completely doesn’t understand my concern. So maddening!! Anyways, he brings us to these bad seats, and tells us we should put all of our things in one area, and sit in another. We are all like, “o___o What the- what is this”. Once we’ve puts everything down, he asks dad for a tip. Dad gives him 1€. He won't leave, he just looks at it and looks back at my Dad, as if saying, “Uh, more?”. See, what he doesn’t seem to understand is, one train ticket is 5€ (so that’s already 1/5 extra) and you really didn’t do much of anything. Does he honestly that think we couldn't figure out ourselves? We were in front of the train & validation box. Seriously, we were almost there. (Man, Dad kept looking for yellow validation boxes because of something he had read online). Anyhow, he won't go, so Dad gives him another euro. He then finally leaves. We then move ourselves back to the set of good seats. (The train was almost completely empty the whole way there. Apparently sometimes it can be so full that you are forced to stand the whole trip there. That’s what happened on our way back to Rome, only, we were sitting and others were standing!)


We take the train to Civitavecchia (the second last stop I believe). Here are some pictures I took on the train!







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We finally arrive after a somewhat long ride (almost an hour I think?):




After exiting the train at station #1 (near this fountain):




Inside the station, we finally find the yellow validation box Dad and Mom had read about online:






Check the time of the trains here!




Buy your train tickets here! (like this elderly couple! :D)



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We walk from station, all the way to the Cunard shuttle stop. I will now teach you how to get to the cruise terminal shuttle area in Civitavecchia! :D


You first exit the Civitavecchia station like so:




And Cross the street. You make a right and walk:




Until you find this staircase that leads down to the area with a street:




*Looks backwards*




It’s not that far! ^^~


(See this is where you’ll come out after you’ve gone down the staircase):




And cross the street at the crosswalk a little ways ahead (Turn right once you descend the staircase):



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You then walk a good 10-15 minutes down this super long pathway:




Keep walking… Past this..




Until you find this little hole:




Go through it and you’ll wind up here:




Turn right where Dad is, and you’ll see this!




Yay! We’re at the cruise terminal shuttle bus stop now! :D Mission Accomplished!



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When we had arrived, our Cunard QE shuttle had already been waiting for us!






We load our luggage into the bottom compartment and then board the shuttle to ship:




We drive for about 10 minutes before suddenly, this is in view! :D




We’re dropped off in this area:




When you get off the shuttle and get your bags, you can either check- in your big bags if you have any, or just turn right and enter the open end of the long tent!




Thank you! C;

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*Goes to tent opening with Dad* *stops on our tracks* :O




OHMAHGAWSH :DD =^^= //excitement//


Sis & Mom go in ahead of us, we lag behind but nonetheless follow them through this door:




At the door, this lady gives you a ticket with a number. That’s your check-in number. Don’t lose it. After receiving it, this is the first thing I see in the check-in building:




You follow the fence and go through security. Scan your things and go through a metal detector. You’re greeted by this on the other side (:




We then sit and wait for our number to be called. We also fill in health slips. *takes random picture*




Have your check-in stuff ready, these ladies come around and check everybody’s paperwork. They also want to find out who are the diamond and platinum members so that they can give them a better number. *takes picture of everyone waiting*




*looks at everyone* LOL We're the only teenagers on board!! ^^

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This is one incredible review from what appears to be a special, uniquely talented young woman.


Thank you, Sarah, and I'm looking forward to the rest of it.


BTW I live about a half-hour from Haifa, and went to the port one of the days the QE was docked there to take pictures, such as this one:



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