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Robin's (occasionally) Inspiration-al Platinum Debut


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So after dinner we decided to make our way to the Candlelight Lounge for a little Superstar Live Karaoke. This is a ritual for me: I love to sing, own a karaoke/DJ business and sing with a classic rock band...and while I don't want to be singing all weekend long on a "busmen's holiday", it is kinda cool to sing with people I've never met or seen before. I also knew that there'd be an entirely different band and karaoke host than the last 3 cruises since all their contracts were up and they all went off on different assignments...so we very much looked forward to the new talent.


Okay, I'm going to try to stay kind and loving...


The band was great. Love that the bass player is a female...she slaps it! They're cool.


The schedule now reflects back to back 2 hours of superstar live...whereas it used to be an early hour and a later hour (11:30 or whatever it was). Alex and I both signed up for 2 songs...as the slips have 2 lines for 2 songs. We knew there may not be time for both, but we took our chances anyway. When we got there, one of the new hosts (there was a male and a female)...was singing and then one by one singers were coming up and singing...but there weren't that many...maybe 6 participants total.


There's a tv for the crowd to sing along to and on the bottom, there's a little scroll-y thing that lets you know where you are in the queue. Alex was before me and then wouldn't you know it: after she was done, even though the tv said "Now Performing: Robin," they announced they were taking a 15-minute intermission. What?!?!? Jeez.


So the band took a break, the curtains we're drawn and that was that.


15 minutes later...now into the second hour of SLK, I was up. I did my thing, had fun and went back to sit down. I have a couple of past performances on YouTube I'll link...I'm not in the habit of tootin' my own horn, but I enjoy the experience.


Alex wasn't too thrilled with her first performance and since we had just begun hour two, I encouraged her to stick around for her second song (correction: her first song choice...they had her sing her second choice first). So she went up to the stage where both hosts/emcees were just sitting there with these apathetic, pained looks on their faces while the current singer was singing and asked if she'd be doing her second song. The female host said they weren't taking any more requests in a really snotty tone and Alex said that wasn't what she asked. She asked if they'd get her first song choice. They said no (they weren't that busy, but whatever). We decided to hit the casino instead. We agreed that if that was the attitude they had at the beginning of Inspiration's SECOND sailing out of dry dock, their futures were grim. I cannot accurately describe the disappointment we felt..we understand bad attitudes from crew at the end of their contracts, but at the beginning??


Anyway, we had a little fun in the casino...hit the adult comedy...Steve White is irreverent, politically incorrect and HILARIOUS as ALL GET OUT! The other guy was ok...LOL.


More casino and then off to sleep. Ensenada mañana!

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LOL! Doesn't look like many are paying much attention to this silly weekend review, but for those who are, thanks for being patient! I'm in the middle of two weddings and a jazz quartet is performing so I can play on CC for a bit during cocktail hour!


Anyhoo: we arrive in Ensenada as scheduled...at least I think so: this is the first cruise I've ever been on where I didn't have at least a porthole view so I assume we were in port. Our room service arrived as scheduled and I'm still amazed at what damage 2 ladies can do with stacks and stacks of plates!!


We got dressed and made our way upstairs to just fart around the ship. We didn't schedule any excursions (I've done the blowhole twice, zip-lining...even snuba diving...so just hangin' close to the ship and doing some shopping seemed fine enough). My best friend's Father was in need of some Celebrex since his pharmacist wanted $500 for a month's dose: so one of my missions was to price it out while there. Best Deal Alert: 40 100mgs name brand for $64!! No prescription needed. Yay best friend's dad. Boo Medicine Shoppe!



Gotta love Mexico!


We're not shy. Okay...I'm not.






I should also mention that Lee, one of the entertainment directors was doing a little trivia game at "Violins" outside of the casino before we headed out into town...I misread the time and thinking I was early, I was actually late. Grrr! While trying to remind him that I had a pic of him and my DH on the last cruise (but not on my phone)...I showed him a regular pic of my him and he said, "Oh yeah I remember!" Don't you hate when you know people are lying...LOL! I never expect to be remembered...anyway, I expressed that it was an "effing bummer" that I was late to trivia, and he handed me the first ever "Potty Mouth Award!" (Not something to really boast...LOL!)


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I used to feel REALLY bad when I'd turn down a child offering chicklets, some woman with fake necklaces or a man wanting to make a customized name bracelet for me out of a grain of rice...two things happened on this visit to change my mind.


First: it dawned on me that cruise ships hit Ensenada often: starting in January, 2014, Inspiration AND Imagination will be hitting Ensenada 4 times a week and Princess has a ship that hits Ensenada twice a week, so that's a minimum 6 shiploads of people with tons of money to blow (not really, but you get the idea) once they pass through that guard and the gorgeous bag-sniffing golden lab, so I don't believe everyone is doing that bad. Besides, enough of the tour guides (even on the bus from ship to downtown...a 5 minute $2 ride) remind us that all those kids are SUPPOSED to be in school while ships are in port.


Secondly, one random merchant, after going back and forth on a price for a sports pancho with Alex decided he didn't have time for us when I walked back with an amount he dropped down to. I told Alex to decide what she's okay with paying for before she even starts to negotiate. I'm not gonna buy a bunch of crud I don't need at a price I wasn't willing to spend in the first place. So when our amigo went down to $15 for a Dodger Poncho (I think he started at about $30) as we were already 100 or so feet away, I stopped and asked her what she was okay to pay.


She has a hard time sticking to her guns, so I took the cash and walked back over, grabbed the STEELERS pancho that she REALLY wanted (of course, the Dodger one was cheap: they're a dime a dozen being from So Cal) and walked inside the store ready to pay the price I remember him dropping down to. He was on the phone (cell phone...can't be doing that bad...oh yeah, did I mention the "homeless-looking" woman with the filthy child...and their cell-phone?? Can't be doing all that bad...cell phones are a luxury, not a necessity in any country IMHO...please don't blast me...it's my thread...LOL!). Anyhoo, as he's on his cell phone, he shoos me away and says he doesn't have time for me.


So...as I was saying...with about 6 ships in port weekly...they really don't need us as bad as we think. Granted, there are a hell of a ton of great deals to be had and legitimately eager-to-deal vendors, but even Ensenada merchants are getting a little too big for their bargaining britches!


Thirdly...and this happens too: if you win the bidding war and you pay, walk away and they insult you ("...champagne taste on a beer budget....")...don't be too insulted. They're just pissed they couldn't take advantage of you for more.


Anyway, after all was said and done, Alex and I returned back to the ship with Celebrex, Steeler Pancho, jewelry, leather purse and other ding dongs and proceeded to become lovely for elegant dining. We both agreed we'd exercised enough to have 2 lobsters EACH!


I decided to let her have the shower first and I made my way up to the spa steamroom. A good 20-30 minutes in there would not only melt away the dead layer of my epidermis, it could perhaps steam away all the bitterness I felt from the city I actually really love to visit. I had another weird situation between phone calls at Oxxo by some slim shady who "couldn't help but overhear my conversation and knew where I could go to get a hookup on meds...norco...Valium...etc..." Also wanted to show me where free wifi was at some margarita joint while hooking up with his wife's "pharmacist." I'm all, thanks, but no thanks. I don't drink, I don't need wifi and I don't need anything else your hookup has. Then as I'm waiting to call my BFF back about whether her Dad needs the real Celebrex or generic Celebrek, slim shady was using every curse word known to (English-speaking) man for "so-and-so who is just moochin' off them and sitting on their couch and not paying rent..." And something about no one, not even the wife/sancha/whatever, bothering to "bring him a sandwich while he was in jail...and he should've been out this morning, but no....."


Thank you Lord for the steambath, the shower and the double lobster platter I'm fixin' to inhale.


To Be Continued...

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Some more random photos:


A new friend from I Gusti...


I should also mention my mild disappointment of something that I Gusti didn't follow through on: when DH and I sailed on the Inspiration in September, we absolutely loved our steward Villamor from the Philippines. While Villamor was going to email me to keep in touch to say hi on this sailing, he didn't. No surprise...I try to never have huge expectations so I don't get too disappointed. I asked I Gusti if he knew Villamor and where he was...apparently, Villamor's Mom suddenly passed while they were in Dry Dock so he went home to be with family. Between that and the other turmoil in the Philippines, I asked I Gusti if, since he knew him, he could maybe get his email address so I could send a condolences message. He said he'd "work on it." Sadly, by the time we disembarked, I still didn't have it. I'll have to email Inspiration info for help. I wasn't overwhelmingly impressed with our stateroom services. Nice enough, but not overly impressive.


Another friend I met on the Lido:


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I am enjoying reading your review. I too will be Platinum on this same ship Dec 13th! Can't wait... Have been on her for 2 other cruises so don't care what we do.. just relax and have fun. Can't wait to read more of your review.


I'm in Ventura, also!! :)

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I have a couple of past performances on YouTube I'll link...I'm not in the habit of tootin' my own horn, but I enjoy the experience.


This first one is "Separate Ways" by Journey in April, 2013


The second is "Last Dance" by Donna Summer in February, 2012


The third is with the Motown Band (September, 2013) that played in the Violins Bar area on Sunday afternoons for an hour immediately after the marathon trivia games there. Having sang with the same band during Superstar Live Karaoke on the past 3 sailings, the keyboard player asked if I'd like to sing a song with them! So this one is "Chain of Fools" by Aretha Franklin. What an honor, a privilege and a thrill!


Thanks for watching. :)

Edited by SoCalKJ
I have special needs.
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Thanks for the review! I don't know if we will ever fly to California to cruise, but never say never. Congrats on your new Platinum status! My favorite perk is boarding. I hate lines--no, I hate lines that don't move and people that push ahead. I don't mind organized lines. It's the OCD in me. :)

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I cruised this port last month. We too got great deals but they always had to get just one more dollar out of us. They would agree on a price than when we would go to pay they would say it was more. Then we would start again to fight over the price. "You said $12:the store owner would say" no I agreed on $15!". Then he would say" ok $14, $2 for my daughters to go to school!." I agreed to the first store owner but after that-I got hard core with them. Do you want my cash or not?? I can go next door and buy what you have. Do you want my cash or not. If they gave me the guilt trip I went down the street. I was able to buy everything we wanted and what we wanted to pay. I agree they make me feel bad for wanting a decent low price.

A steam is the best thing after a visit there.

Will you post pictures of Elegant night?? What did you wear??

Thanks for your review.

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Will you post pictures of Elegant night?? What did you wear??

Thanks for your review.


I'm gonna be honest: since this was a 4th sailing this year and my DH wasn't with me, I kinda did exactly what I did with him in September...same easy dress, same hair-do...since Alex and I were part of a 5-friend crew that sailed in April and we did formal shots then, we didn't do any professional pics this time other than really bad selfies!! I will post the pic from my September cruise just so you can see something a little more serious than the silly poses I'm notorious for! :)



And now a silly selfie:


Selfie flash misfire! (At least it's better than the silly platinum selfie!)

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What a fun review! I'll be on the Inspiration in January for a fun girls trip, very excited :). How is the night club?


Nightclub is typical. I rarely go in for very long, but when I do, it's the usual current hip hop/top 40 stuff...they even sprinkled in some Latin (Suavemente). They have some varied themes like an hour of Michael Jackson ONLY (gotta love that!) early in the evening Sunday before they bust into the regular club stuff. There's a "Ladies Night" theme and there are different bar specials so they try to add some variety even to a 3-day itinerary.

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Thanks for the review! I don't know if we will ever fly to California to cruise, but never say never. Congrats on your new Platinum status! My favorite perk is boarding. I hate lines--no, I hate lines that don't move and people that push ahead. I don't mind organized lines. It's the OCD in me. :)


It was definitely sweet getting to hang in VIP and then walking right past and through the regular line of losers (kidding!! kidding!! LOL!!), through security and right to the first pre-embarkation photo op, up the escalator, around the corner and to the plank from the Long Beach dome to Ms. Inspiration herself!


Never say never: last November, DH and I flew to Orlando to include a 5-day Ecstasy to the Bahamas in our vacation itinerary. He hates to fly: he's a big guy (6'3", about 3 bills) so a 5-hour non-stop from LAX to Orlando was not his favorite past time, but he did it...so can you!!

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We had a similar experience with a vendor in Cozumel. They had an item with NFL logos but they didnt have the one we needed. We go to the next store RIGHT NEXT DOOR and they have it, for DOUBLE. I was not going to even pay what it was next door, we didnt need it that badly I tell him I will give you $ 20 or nothing he said $25 so I walked away. He chased after us and said $20 was fine I agreed and he said " dont forget my tip" ARE YOU KIDDING!?! uhm no tip for you, your tip is whatever the % you get from this over priced item. He was in a store for gods sake. not even a cart vendor.

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We had a similar experience with a vendor in Cozumel. They had an item with NFL logos but they didnt have the one we needed. We go to the next store RIGHT NEXT DOOR and they have it, for DOUBLE. I was not going to even pay what it was next door, we didnt need it that badly I tell him I will give you $ 20 or nothing he said $25 so I walked away. He chased after us and said $20 was fine I agreed and he said " dont forget my tip" ARE YOU KIDDING!?! uhm no tip for you, your tip is whatever the % you get from this over priced item. He was in a store for gods sake. not even a cart vendor.


Crazy! That's like a salesperson in Old Navy or Gap (etc....) asking for a tip...really?!? Jeez!

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I loved your review. I was on your same sailing and also had a great time. The ship was in great shape. I've learned not to shop in Ensenada for the very reasons you mentioned......you described it perfectly.


Enjoy the Platinum cruise! Congratulations, in advance! Make sure to post the silliest of selfies! :D

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You seem like a hoot to travel with!!!

I'm enjoying the review :)


Awwww shucks. Thanks! I kinda like my own company...it's nice when others might, too!


I need to remind myself that even a play-by-play review of a couple hours of the cruise is less overwhelming than my usual expectation of ONE big long complete review from start to finish at once...will continue with that attitude soon! :-)

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So after a huge dinner of 2 Lobsters/Shrimp plates...each with the various starters SANS dessert (no room, no surprise), we watched all the other diners slow dance to "That's Amore" (I thought fondly of DH and I dancing among the lovers on September's sailing) and then we ducked out for the rest of the evening's festivities.


We decided to go to the early Studio VIP show in the Paris Lounge...what an awesome, fun show. I have to admit that I rarely go to these, because I've always been afraid of being stuck in some cheesy production with no way out...but this was far from cheesy: being able to sing each song word for word...disco and funk hits...was just fun. The costumes were great, the dancing was good, but I have to say the guys were much better, stronger vocalists than the girls....


Reminder: Carnival has made certain changes to their Inspiration entertainment team and now they are down to 4 males and 4 females...all MUST sing AND dance. You can easily tell who the singer-dancers are (those who sing but had to learn to dance for the gig) and who the dancer-singers are (those who dance really well!! LOL!!). Overall, though, that show (and they interact with the audience which is fun to watch) left me feeling happy, uplifted and thrilled to be in the moment. A girl like me has trouble stopping everything and just enjoying the moment. It was a rare 40 minutes on ANY cruise where I stopped worrying about how LITTLE time there was left of my weekend, how much was on my folio or how MANY stairs I had to climb to burn off the lifetime supply of calories I had ingested in just one and 1/2 days onboard.


After the show, we proceeded to make our way into Monte Carlo where I would plop down on a Fun-21 table and have a little fun. I ended up making $40 bucks last a long time (for me, a couple hours IS a long time). I buddied up with a few other players and enjoyed the ups and downs of wild blackjack play. After it was obvious that the table wasn't going to recover, I made my way to some slots (Dumb! Dumb!) and made some donations. Anyway, by about 2:30-ish, I decided it was time to hit the hay...I mean, hell, we had to be up for the Behind The Fun tour fairly early and room service would be delivered before that so I had better call it a night!


Also...earlier in the evening, my Platinum gift was waiting...



More Later...

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I forgot to mention that we booked the Behind the Fun tour. Having been on 9 cruises prior to this one and having never done any kind of onboard excursion, this seemed like the perfect time to. This is the 5th time I've sailed on the Inspiration...may as well get to know her a little more intimately!


We went to the Shore Excursion desk and inquired: $55 for 2&1/2 hour tour seemed like one of the cheaper things Carnival had to offer and so Alex and I signed up. Our tickets made their way to our room later and the excursion itself was scheduled for Sunday morning at 9:15. Not too early....won't miss much else.


I then immediately grabbed some cash and went back to the Guest Services Desk...Platinum and Diamond, Priority & FTTF have a counter section to the left...and put money on my folio. While my S&S account was opened with my Visa, my goal was to not have any charges to it, if the Casino was to cooperate throughout the weekend. That wouldn't be the case, but a valiant effort WAS made.


On the last 3 cruises, $7.90 had been refunded to my onboard credit...something about taxes and fees being reduced or whatever. I expected to see the same amount this time: nope: it was amazing!!




Fifty-eight cents.


Awesome. Would I inquire further? You bet. The explanation was more confusing than the amount itself. What-ever!


Anyway, Muster & Safety Drill time was fairly uneventful...most everyone behaved themselves (not like April's Kickballers from Hell extravaganza), but I am still constantly amazed at people who think "no food or drink during safety briefing" rules don't apply to them.


Anyhoo, once we walked to our target muster station outside the buffet and the bell rang, we were off to enjoy the rest of our weekend. We had anytime dining so we decided to head to our room, grab a couple of sodies and head to the Mardi Gras Dining Room. Platinum status means you still get to wait in line until it's your turn to be seated. Fortunately the line wasn't long.


I order the same each cruise! I start with a Caesar salad, the beef & barley soup, the stuffed (tiny) mushrooms and the lasagna bolognese. Kill me! This dish is always amazing...this time being no exception.


Dessert was WCMC and I substitute the vanilla ice cream with pecan. The WCMC was good, but it should've been called Luke-WCMC. Gotta say, service was noticeably slower all weekend...and not real busy to justify it. Staff was friendly enough and our first evening's song was the ever-predictable, always laughable and enjoyable "Low" by Flo-Rida. "...Apple bottom jeans...boots with the fur...."


No food photos. Sorry.



This was one of the welcome back gifts...along with the free drink ticket (good only during breakfast/lunch in the MDR...that went to waste).


More to come later...thanks for following!



I use my free drink coupon for a banana split (virgin) get my fruit in for the day!

Edited by ccruisequeen
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