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Going on a cruise has made me really see things differently....


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Did one cruise with our four children when they were in their late teens/early 20's. Cost us a small fortune.


Once they were all out of the house, hubby and I cruise continuously. If any of them and their spouses choose to go with us (and they often do)....they pay their OWN way...lol.:o

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We went on our first cruise recently. My parents took us to celebrate their 40th anniversary. We came back broke and I am just praying we get through the next few months (ha, who am I kidding, we left broke!) but I had such a grand time. I have a degree, however my husband is self employed and I stay home & homeschool my kids. My youngest is 12 and I have about 5 1/2 years left until I can return to the work force. This recent cruise has given me the desire to do just that. I want to be able to go on more cruises in the future. I know with the income we have now, that will never happen. I love my kids dearly, but I want to be more than just a SAHM. Anyway, I am trying not to be envious of all of you, I know God has put me where I am and this is the path that was laid out, I feel more confident though in how I see the future and have had a great desire to have a plan. Just had to share. Thanks!

Oh my! You are SO blessed! My husband did not make enough for me to stay home. I stayed home 3 years but the day I found myself in the grocery store charging a gallon of milk I went home and found a job.


I work in nonprofit healthcare and I, too, feel this is the path I was meant to follow. Now our kids are 23 and 25 and boy, do I miss soccer and band and such!


However, now we can afford to travel every year, just not in a suite. My walls need painting and the carpet is shabby but when I decide between carpet and a cruise, right now the cruise wins, lol!


Your time will come! Kudos to you for being a SAHM!

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Our children older( 2 girls) too, but one still in undergrad. and one in grad school--paying for undergrad and helping with grad school. Now older one gets engaged..OMG have you seen prices of weddings???? LOL But we extremely proud and happy. You can never do too much for your children and they are worth every penny and every minute. God's special blessings, but I NEED my cruise!!!

Safe sailing

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I went on my 1st cruise at the age of 48 to celebrate the completion of my Bachelor's Degree. I mentioned my plans to a few folks and the next thing I knew there were 19 of us going! My poor son-in-law was the only guy in our group LOL! It was beyond incredible...my 3 daughters were with me, my two best friends...we swam with stingrays, ate & drank like there was no tomorrow...memories that will last forever :)


My cruise group has dropped to just a couple of us. None of us are wealthy but we plan ahead & budget for the trip. I almost always book at least a year in advance (nice to have something to look forward too) and divide the balance up into monthly payments. We stick that away (just in case life happens & we have to cancel) and pay it off the last week possible. That usually gives us a couple of months to stick a little spending money away. We also always drive to the port...even from Michigan it's cheaper than flying.

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My wife and I have 3 children. We waited until they were young adults to start cruising. When the kids were young, we were invited to sail with friends and family on several occasions and turned the offers down because we put emphasis on the kids. Finally in 2009 we took our first cruise. We were hooked. Since then we have been on 10 cruises and have 2 booked for 2014. I retired in 2011 and took all of the kids on their first cruise. The kids had a blast and now want to cruise with us! For our family, waiting was the best decision. Now we can go when we want and the kids are financially able to join us if they want to and when they do they are free to do their own thing. We did plenty of camping and stuff when they were younger but we as a family have realized that cruising is absolutely the best value for your vacation dollar. Hang in there and plan ahead. You will soon be cruising all over the place. Best wishes. :)

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Me and my partner cruise every year...since 2009....and i have a mortgage and bills ....but here is how we do it......

i have one credit card that i got strictly ONLY for cruising. We put the cruise and spending on it in october....start paying it off monthly that same month...and by the time october the next year rolls around....i have that cruise paid off!!! may not be the best option..but guess what..when you find yourself ADDICTED TO CRUISING!! you do what ever means necessary to make sure you get your yearly fix!!!!! going on our 6th cruise in 3 weeks!!!

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My husband & I went on our first cruise in 2003 and both of us are cruise addicts now. Here is how we pay for our cruises. My husband is a soccer referee as his hobby. He ref's college and some Pro games as well as HS and youth. Every penny that he earns doing that goes into our "play" account. That $$ is how we afford to cruise. I know that isn't an option for most people, but I wanted to share how we do it.


Here is another idea. There is a lady that started a blog/website couponingtodisney.com She shares of her love of Disney and how she saves $$ for their family to go every year. You might want to look into how you can save on your budget to put some $$ aside for a future cruise.


Like someone said before, look for the kids sail free specials. MSC is a European cruise line that routines offers kids sail free. MSC sails the Caribbean from the fall through spring. Since you homeschool, that wouldn't be a problem for you.

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I'm single, so cruising can sometimes be a challenge. Sometimes I travel alone, and sometimes I find a roommate. I work for Disney, so sometimes I can get discounts on their cruises. But more often I have been sailing with NCL. I like the new solo studios they offer. I have a travel agent who sets up an easy payment plan, and making monthly payments over a year or so really helps me afford the trip. I use my American Express card for as much as I can, so the points accumulate and help to make the airfare more affordable.

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Our first Cruise was for my Wife, and I went with a fake smile. After a Health issue and all well now. She got what she wanted. After 20 years of working around the house, and weekend get a ways. It was time to GET away.


With in 2 weeks of returning I had #2 narrowed down to 3 choices.

On Cruise number one we made a lot of first timer mistakes. Like purchasing things in the Promenade, and drink of the day cups.

Here are few of my observations.

Sign up for the Cruise line Loyalty program, and plan early. If prices go down before you are paid off they will lower your total (you must ask for the match) . I never pay off a cruise until the last few days required. Our AAA agent helped with price match, and you can get a few other small perks using AAA or other agent.

If you a Platinum AAA member they will wave Air line booking charges, and Air fare will be included in Travel insurance if you purchase insurance. They will give $100.00 back after your last payment when booking any trip with them.

On Air fare topic. Booking early (with in a week of posting to company web site) we saved all most $600.00 in Air fare round trip in March 2014.


We combine any deals they let us, book in NON premium season, and enjoy the time we have.

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On one hand, you need to save money for the future (including emergencies that will happen) and in the other hand, nobody lives forever so you got to enjoy life. So the hardest thing to learn is how to balance out both sides.

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My first cruise was 9 years ago when we took my parents (just my siblings and my parents, the original 6 in our family - no spouses or children allowed). I hated boats of any kind, so my sister literally had to push me from the gangway onto the ship. I spent the first 45 minutes in tears! But now........I LOVE cruising.


I stayed home with our son and also had my parents living with us due to health reasons, so we started late, too. My husband and I take all our change and "feed the piggy", a little pink piggy bank just for cruising. I am amazed at how fast it adds up! When we write a check for $7.23, we count it as $8 and put the extra 77 cents in a travel fund, etc. Little things like that add up quickly. We are able to cruise about every 2 1/2 - 3 years. Wish it could be more and hopefully, in the future it can be.


Hang in there. Raising your own kids instead of letting a "day care" raise them and being able to be involved in their lives as they grow up is something you will never regret. The finances for cruising will come later. Enjoy your children while you can. One day they will be all grown up and out on their own and you'll wonder how the time passed so quickly.


Until then, start planning your next cruise! Dreaming can be almost as fun as the reality!

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We have been cruising since DD was 9, she has had some of her most mature moments while traveling. I cherish every cruise! We loved being on the water so much we bought our own boat when she was 11! Now we cruise in the off season, so we are always asea.

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I have been on five cruises~~started later in life~~my husband wants no part of cruises~~so I go myself~~just turned 62 and getting Social Security and thought I would enjoy a lot more cruises~~just found out my health insurance was dropped and have to give up my Social Security up for health insurance~~it sure is a bummer! But I have faith I will cruise again in "2014"~~I am a very young 62 and love life! All my younger years were spent with my two children so I thought now would be my time! Nothing in life is certain!:)

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An inheritance certainly is a creative way to save.


When I received an inheritance from my Aunt of about $25,000, I did not blow it. I continued to drive an older paid for car. I put myself through college. I did not mean to imply I was a spoiled heiress, just chose to save most of it for a rainy day. Adding that to my frugal lifestyle worked in the long term to be able to cruise and vacation through the years.


I guess it did sound a little funny though. :)



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free

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When we were younger we never did anything but take the kids to Disney. Now that we are older and worked our whole Lives we can appreciate what we have worked so hard for, travel more , upgrade home etc... We didn't have granite counters, a large home when younger so now that we are older we do appreciate all the more. Set goals and learn in time it will all come. If young, Save Save and Save more. Set priorities. Travel is a luxury and will come in time if planned properly.



Agreed. I am taking my first cruise this coming May - on POA (Hawaii)... I will be 50 - never any too elaborate of vacations when my son was little (he's 23 now). Disney, San Diego, the beach etc. the usual family trips. Right now....I''m just enjoying life....I saved up a long time for this trip in May - $225 month x 18 months. I suckered some family/friends to go along to help with costs. When I get back from Hawaii, I hope to have no debt from the trip at all. Then I'll start saving for 'another' one in 2016.

Edited by CactusFlower527
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I took my bf on his first cruise over Thanksgiving. This was my 4th. I love cruising and I think he is sold on it too!


I have always done a balcony or even a penthouse but I think in order to cruise more often I'm going to do an indoor cabin next and just hope I can get a free upgrade! But I will enjoy it even if in an indoor.


You can cruise expensive or you can cruise less expensive. Read up on the message boards and learn the tricks of the trade...such as bringing on your own soft drinks and booking private excursions...or just explore the ports on your own if it is a safe port.


I don't have children and I can imagine once on the ship they want everything in sight and this can add up in cost. I guess you have to work that one out. I'm almost as bad a child and want everything but I know that I can live without many of the things.


I like a previous poster that uses a credit card just for cruising. I don't use credit cards for anything (other than debit) so it was nice to know our recent cruise was totally paid for...but I might look into doing a credit card for vacations. I believe you never know when you no longer have the quality of life to do those kind of things and do them while you can.


They should start a special board for budgeting and savings ideas for cruises. Or is there one already? General money saving tips..not limited to cruise but just household budget tips that can help you save for a cruise. I take any unexpected money (winning scratch off, rebates, etc) and put into our home safe that we don't touch. It is slow but will eventually add up.

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We are addicted to cruising with our kids. I consider myself super frugal and a bargain hunter. We thought we could only afford a cruise ever couple of years and have now found ways to save more and cruise every year, and sometimes twice. Here are some ways:


1- I sign up for credit card offers and put ALL of my rebate $ in my vacation kitty. I get free hotel points with new hotel cards and stay pre-cruise free. I have received free OBC just by signing up for NCL, Royal, and Carnival credit cards.

2- I drive older cars and don't have any car payments. If the kids say something about them, I remind them that a new car would take away cruising.

3- We cruise in mid January, with some of the cheapest fares of the year.

4- We drive to cruise ports (as much as 14 hours).

5- I book the cruise early (10-12 months out), and have never had the price of any of my cruises drop after booking.

6- I have never been able to take advantage of NCL's Kids Sail Free, but have found that Carnival has significantly lower fares for 3rd & 4th guests.

7- We do not spend much money on the ship.

8- We book most of our shore excursions through a private company, or just take a taxi on our own.


Also, 4 & 5 day cruises during the off season are a real bargain. We took a 4-day cruise to the Bahamas in January once for a total cost of $960 for the four of us (this included port charges and taxes). For cheap shore excursions, take a taxi to a free beach.

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Stay home and enjoy your children while you can. I have 5 children, went on our first cruise in 2011. It was also our first real vacation. (When I say that I mean our first vacation that we didn't stay at one of my sisters house and go to the black hills in south dakota). Anyway, we saved our money for a long time, (at one time I had 3 jobs trying to save) and on that trip decided to go on another cruise in 2015. We are saving money ever since and my kids are paying their own way, the bulk anyway. They are ages 15 to 24. (They all have jobs) I guess what I am taking the long way around to say is. Enjoy your time at home with the kids, it goes so fast. Save your money, go when you can. Maybe you could get a seasonal job or night job. But I tell you, I fell your pain wish we could go more.

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I was a SAHM until June to our now 4 year old daughter. It's a tough job, and I missed work. I also felt guilty working. I went into real estate. I can work from home. When I closed my first deal I booked 2 vacations. One to Disney which is our daughters 4th birthday gift, and our cruise in October. I have been on several cruises, but it' just been years. Their are ways to work, but not put your family last. Without working we couldn't take vacations, so I can relate. Family comes first, because you won't get that back. Cruises will be around for years to come.

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I am now 60 and my 1st cruise was in 1999 at the age of 46. The Girl I was dating at the time had been on 1 cruise and loved it and wanted to go on another but none of her friends (including me as I was going thru a rough divorce) could afford to go. She offered to pay my way if I wanted to go, although I felt guilty having her pay, I said yes, but I would pay for the on board expenses and excursions.

I was unaware how much drinks cost on board (although I did know how much we liked to drink), nor how much the excursions were. Midweek of a 7 day cruise we were given a copy of the bill up to that point.....$700....OUCH!

We had a great time, and I have been hooked on cruising since. As for that Girlfriend, she is now my Wife!


We use a credit card (must pay it off every month) that awards us with points that we use strictly for vacations. It paid for 1 airfare to Rome a few years ago, and is paying for our cruise in February.


Might also suggest that asking your parents that instead of Christmas gifts for the Grankids and you and your husband, they help out with paying for a cruise that they would be more than welcome to go along on.


I see you are from Indiana as are we (Angola), so you might want to look at a 5 day cruise out of New Orleans. NO is a pretty easy drive (pack sandwiches and a cooler will save you $$'s driving down), and if you go off peak, you can find some reasonable deals.

You can carry water and soft drinks onto the ship which will also save you some $$'s on board.


Whatever you do, is sounds like you have a great family and a very nice life!

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When we were younger we never did anything but take the kids to Disney. Now that we are older and worked our whole Lives we can appreciate what we have worked so hard for, travel more , upgrade home etc... We didn't have granite counters, a large home when younger so now that we are older we do appreciate all the more. Set goals and learn in time it will all come. If young, Save Save and Save more. Set priorities. Travel is a luxury and will come in time if planned properly.


I could have written this. We didn't start cruising until the kids were through college and retirement was set.

OP, glad you enjoyed your first cruise.

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