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For those who love/care about Entertainment - and cruise alot - Playlist opinions??


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I agree it is all about cost cutting


I have never sailed Dream but when she came out people raved about her show Dancing in the Streets and the other show - and it seemed as if a new dawn was coming, that shows would actually improve


People still rave about Dream's (unique) shows...but sadly they kept some of the things about Dream (non Farcus decor for instance, more people per ship LOL)...and ...dumbed down the shows


The real problem I see is that once they invade all the ships repeat cruisers will have to endure the same shows or just skip them all together...same sets, same cheap costumes, same low quality casts


what about the true loyalists, the milestones, the diamonds? How many times can they watch 2 gals kicking water at the audience while garish lights flash behind them? Oh - the water gals were dressed as ? Mayan or Aztec indians I think...


so our Latin night was women dressed in old style Cuban dresses with headscarves, guys in Havana style shirts, white hats, rolled up pants -


then they switched to cheesy sort of dance club clothes (wow a clothing change)....and the 2 girls came out in Indian war dress outfits to kick water


Gee I am glad I am not Hispanic or I would really be insulted and angry haha


I am a huge Motown fan - I was sorry that show was not on board but hey maybe I would have been even more discouraged LOL. I imagine these people could mess that up too.


Another annoying thing was that there was very little change of pace in these shows - the old shows would have group numbers then a solo with spotlight, a romantic song, a duo dance, then more lively numbers. This was just a constant blur of lights and action


Here is a Carnival picture of Brits - note the 60's costumes on girls, 70's on guys LOL




I also googled and found ads to hire more Playlist performers - they are looking for "singers who dance"


and I guess that is for 4 of them..the other 4 are "dancers who somewhat sing backup"...none are very good


they do apparently have their own cabin...I say bring back the talented Australian /British singers and the truly talented mostly Eastern European dancers 8X10_white.jpg

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::puts up her trashcan lid shield and dons her metal collander helmet::



Alright..I'm gonna say it. Somebody has to. I liked *Divas* and *The Big Easy* and *Motor City*. Y'all can hate on the Playlist productions all you want but I quite enjoyed them.


In fact, *The Big Easy* is probably the show I liked the most, next to the burlesque show on the Triumph.

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JH may have been fibbing. (trying to be nice here) I assume there were some start up costs here for projection equipment etc., but after that you have saved the cost of a 5-6 piece live band and 4-6 dancers on every sailing. You have no reason to trust me but I assure you this was all done to reduce cost. PERIOD!


Could be. As I said in an earlier post, we will see this for first time in Feb.

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::puts up her trashcan lid shield and dons her metal collander helmet::



Alright..I'm gonna say it. Somebody has to. I liked *Divas* and *The Big Easy* and *Motor City*. Y'all can hate on the Playlist productions all you want but I quite enjoyed them.


In fact, *The Big Easy* is probably the show I liked the most, next to the burlesque show on the Triumph.


I too loved "The Big Easy"...but...it was NOT a Playlist Production

Unlike even most other production shows, Big Easy had/has 4 lead singers, 2 guys, 2 gals - and is IMHO probably the most "spectacular" of the old style Carnival shows. It was a newer show than some of the others such as Nightclub Express - and an improvement.


once Freedom gets the 2.0 "up/down/grade" it too will have the same shows Divas, etc


I did not see Motor City


Diva's had some good songs, not great singers IMHO, horrible set and cheesy, not something I would want to see again. I understand that many people would prefer contemporary songs - they could have set up a new stage show and included some Rianna, Lady Gaga, I am not against "newer" music, just such a non spectacular show - 8 people , not great singers, not great dancers, expected to perform to a sound track with flashing lights behind them. That's all folks

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We were on the Imagination in Oct. and they had just put 3 new Playlist shows on. We hated the two we saw and didn't attend the other. The two we saw were "Divas" and "Epic Rock". Younger people might have liked them but not our cuppa tea.



OMG how could you not enjoy Epic Rock. We saw that show on the Imagination when we were onboard 2 weeks ago. In fact we went twice because it was so good

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Most people is an in correct statement. Epic rock on Sunshine was awesome and everyone have it a standing up ovation. Love playlist shows


Umm...have you read recent reviews ?? I see very few people who liked these shows. I see 2 of you liked Epic rock


Have you been on other cruises, seen the "old" style shows Carnival had,

have you been on ships known for their entertainment such as NCL?

Allure, Oasis, etc?? I have not been on Allure or Oasis but I hear they are fantastic. I have been on MSC which has fabulous shows


If this was your first cruise then yeah you might enjoy these

but...will you want to see the very same shows/background lights (no real sets) just with different singers? What about 4, 5 times>?

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A little background before I comment. My wife and I are very involved in musical theater. We are both musicians, and for several years I was a casting director with a major touring company. Here's my take on the Playlist Shows.


1) The concept is actually very cool. The interactive nature of the video screens with the performers on stage can be very effective. Theoretically, with the use of the video screens, it would be possible for a ship to have a rotation of many shows that would take up far less space--thus a ship such as the Breeze or Sunshine could realistically have ten different shows at its disposal to rotate through to keep things interesting. They do not have this yet, obviously, but it is possible.


2) We saw the Playlist Production shows on the Sunshine, and my feeling was that they were asking the cast to do too much. The talent level of the cast was not up to what they were being asked to do, and this really drug down the overall quality of the shows themselves. The Motown show was horrible--not because it's a bad show but because the cast of ALL WHITE PEOPLE couldn't perform the numbers successfully. The same was true of Epic Rock--they had one female singer/dancer who really nailed the attitude and style of this show, but the rest of them were dreadful, including the young man (the Flying Scotsman) who absolutely butchered "Bohemian Rhapsody"--in fact, he should be sent to musical prison for what he did to that classic.


3) Because the technology is so cool and the performers are not, the technology tends to overshadow the performers, thus making for a very weak show.


4) The costuming is cheesy--but this is true of any/every Carnival show I have ever seen.


5) I would hope that as the concept develops they will be able to move performers off the ships who were kept on board from the old style shows (singers who couldn't really dance and dancers who really couldn't sing) as they recruit and hire people who can do both equally well. This should dramatically improve the quality.


All this being said, however, I wish Carnival would go in a very different direction. Now that they have licensed the Dr. Seuss kids stuff, it would be possible for them to do actual production shows ("Seussical the Musical" comes to mind--which works great for both kids and adults) or else to look in the direction of other licensing opportunities. Someone mentioned America's Got Talent, and I thought about how cool it would be if Carnival had a variety show that featured finalists/performers from ACT. Ships in the Caribbean pass one another frequently enough that the performers could easily be rotated from ship to ship just like the comedians are.


One more thought. We never really enjoyed the old production shows all that much. We loved the live musicians and miss the band a LOT. Playlist is not, however, an improvement. Carnival really needs to think about going in a radically different direction. Playlist Production shows are VERY expensive--that technology investment is HUGE (as is the development cost for each show). I think they could save a significant amount of money by getting licensing rights for something "out of the box" that is ready to perform.

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Based on the reviews, I expected to hate the shows on the Imagination earlier this month. I always found the old shows kind of cheesy and assumed it would be more of the same.


Well I have to say I was VERY pleasantly surprised. I don't know if it was just a particularly talented group or what, but both Divas and Epic Rock blew my whole group away. The singers were amazing!


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The problem isn't that the singers/dancers aren't talented, because they certainly are good entertainers in their own rights.


The problem is the lack of sets and orchestra playing music. It makes the shows feel like a talent show you'd stumble on midday at a mall or something that would blow through a theme park . Just a bit cheesy, IMO. The same singers and dancers could deliver more if given more to work with.


Cruiselines invest a decent amount of $$$ to get licensing, costumes, music, etc...so they want to run a show to death. All of them do it.

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The format will eventually become boring no matter the theme and always too loud and eventually the audiences will get smaller and smaller. Enuf said. I've seen 3 and don't care if I see another one. At first, I found the color and animations etc kind of exciting but found I like real people/real music/sets etc more, not digital animations etc.

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I enjoyed the Motor City show on my last two Ecstasy cruises. I thought the singers were just okay but they were really engaging and they knew how to get people on their feet which is fun. :)


I'm looking forward to trying out RCCL's entertainment though next month too along with Celebrity though. :)

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One main point I am trying to make : who wants to see the very same mediocre to poor (IMHO) show over and over?


Perhaps IF they had 10 shows in rotation one could hope to see a new one


I do agree that they are asking a lot from these people - they must sing various styles. But I do think the former "lead" singers (and lead singers on other ships) are way above the talent level of the ones I saw on Conquest


I could enjoy a good "Tribute" group (with live music) much more than this

For instance, I loved "Oh What a Night" on NCL and "Abbracadabra" and "Starwalker/Michael Jackson" on MSC

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You asked for opinions – so here is mine:

I live in south Florida. I cruise at least once a month. I honestly cannot tell you how many cruises I have been on in the last 35 years. I mostly sail on Carnival, but have sailed on ever cruise line.

I do prefer the older shows that Carnival had over the playlist shows today. The live band, more dancers, singers that could actually sing, costumes and stage sets – yes the shows were better.

I have though seen all 5 of the playlist shows;

Glory – Diva’s, Motor City, and Latin Nights

Breeze – Diva’s, Motor City, Brits

Imagination – Diva’s, Epic Rock

I don’t think the shows are as bad as some make them out to be. The cast, of course, makes a difference in the quality of the show. I guess I have a take it or leave it attitude towards the new shows. There was a time I wouldn’t miss the production show – now I see what else is going on at the same time and decide.

Here is something to think about – there are a few positive comments on this thread – from people who saw the shows on the Imagination and the Ecstasy – NONE of the fantasy class ships got the LED screens when they got the playlist shows. The fantasy class ships are all using a projection screen instead. In my opinion it is like night and day.

With the projection screen – the stage still has the scenery but you can SEE the performers. The LED screens are blinding. The performers on the Imagination (in my opinion) were very good. I did enjoy the shows on that ship. I have been on the Imagination 4 times since the new shows were added – I have seen each of them at least 3 times on that ship alone.


I will though agree with you with the repetitiveness – and it’s not just the shows. 2.0 are making all the ships the same. Everything is branded. The new décor of the Breeze is being carried to the new ships (Sunshine). I do think there will be a day when it won’t matter which ship you sail on – just pick the closest home port because the ship, itinerary, and shows are all going to be identical.

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I would not want to see these same shows over & over. It would have to be quite cheap to get me on another ship with Playlist shows. I would rather save up and take fewer cruises on more expensive cruiselines that have good entertainment but still have a young, vibrant feel to the overall crowd. On the Breeze, I did enjoy Divas good enough. It seems the younger crowd (which I am a part of and my parents are at heart) enjoyed that show more, as it uses more modern song choices, & they were good choices. But even with that show, the lack of live music and the performers being asked to do too much causes the whole production to suffer. It could be so much better. I am embarrassed to have seen the Brits and not walked out. I envy my mom for not having gone to that one. Motor City was okay, but I don't care to see it again.


It seems that they were trying to make things more modern, but they are failing at that, plus the quality has suffered in the attempt to be more modern. If they want to be more modern, they MUST have live music for the shows. You will not find any professional production show/concert anywhere in this culture that doesn't have live music...except for extremely low budget productions. I have been a performer in a very low budget production (EXTREMELY LOW BUDGET), and even we had live music. In fact, it was 100% live music. We would have cancelled the show if we had to use canned music. That was not even an option. We have only used canned music when we absolutely had to, and only as an early act in a festival tent (where nobody really paid attention to us).


In all fairness, I have read some people that have said that they have liked Playlist shows or some in particular & thought they were improvement. But they are in a great minority. Carnival is mostly looking to attract people that don't care about the shows...or newbies. The rest of us, they don't care if they lose.

Edited by k2excursion
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We have now seen five of the playlist production shows...Divas, Motor City, Epic Rock, Latin Nights, and, oh, I can't remember the other one on Sunshine. Or maybe I'm just getting them mixed up.


I would say that overall, I don't know how impressed I am with the new shows. I loved Epic Rock, which would be the best one I've seen, but it's no where near as good as Ticket to Ride.


I also think that the theatre lay out on Sunshine was better for the Playlist Production shows than the theatre on the Fascination was.


I've seen good and bad shows of both the old and new productions, but overall, I think I like the old ones slightly better. Maybe ships can have a mix of old and new...keep Epic Rock from these new shows and make sure to keep some of the old style like Ticket to Ride as well.


I have yet to see shows on any other ship, though we are booked on a Norwegian cruise, and just based on the description of some of the Dawn's entertainment, I'm thinking we'll probably like their's much better.

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Personally I was shocked and very disappointed in the playlist shows. I am elite and traveled with 8 others who have taken less than 5 cruises. The shows where too loud and had bright flashing lights. It was uncomfortable sitting through them. When a cartoon character has the lead in a song it is about too much to take. Carnival comes up with new things to cut costs and doesn't realize the fallback.. I cant imagine if they took the public and not the beards and had them sit through 3 of the top rated production shows and then 3 playlist shows this mistake would have never been made.



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Personally I was shocked and very disappointed in the playlist shows. I am elite and traveled with 8 others who have taken less than 5 cruises. The shows where too loud and had bright flashing lights. It was uncomfortable sitting through them. When a cartoon character has the lead in a song it is about too much to take. Carnival comes up with new things to cut costs and doesn't realize the fallback.. I cant imagine if they took the public and not the beards and had them sit through 3 of the top rated production shows and then 3 playlist shows this mistake would have never been made.




The question is wonder if Carnival realizes most of their customers seem to hate these new shows.

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The question is wonder if Carnival realizes most of their customers seem to hate these new shows.


I had to scratch my head a couple of months back, when John Heald asked his readers what they thought of the Playlist shows. It was overwhelming posted how much they were hated, and he comes on posting how "many absolutely love the Playlist", so the while thing is a lie. They know, and then go on a claim it's more expensive to put on.


Huh? If its cheaper, and your customer shouts that like the old stuff, you would think its a no brainer.


And then we hear how crowded the Sunshine is with the cut in half showroom.


They seem not to be interested in what their customer thinks.

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I had to scratch my head a couple of months back, when John Heald asked his readers what they thought of the Playlist shows. It was overwhelming posted how much they were hated, and he comes on posting how "many absolutely love the Playlist", so the while thing is a lie. They know, and then go on a claim it's more expensive to put on.


Huh? If its cheaper, and your customer shouts that like the old stuff, you would think its a no brainer.


And then we hear how crowded the Sunshine is with the cut in half showroom.


They seem not to be interested in what their customer thinks.


Well if 1000 people answer him and 200 like it than you can say many do love the playlist.


Wondering what they plan for the future.

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Epic Rock was a good show. The backdrops and dancer or dancers was synced perfectly and it was looked awesome. To me the sets were done right from some of the videos the songs used from MTV. It was a nice change from some of the tired shows in the past.

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I have not seen Epic Rock but it seems to get better reviews

Trust me - I doubt many people liked "The Brits"


If I was Latin (Hispanic) - I'm Not - I would be offended by Latin nights

what was up with the 2 Aztec dressed gals kicking water??

What part of their culture is that?


I agree with the sameness....

used to be you saw the Eygptian stuff on Imagination, the "colors" of Glory, the "USA" patriotic themes on Valor - and you saw different shows

Yes I too cruise from south Florida so I mixed it up...and yes I have seen the same shows various times...but a year or two apart as I went to different ships in between....it was all good


I don't want to sail in a few months and see The Brits LOL

My friends who were on Breeze in October declined all Playlist shows = left after 10 mintues of Divas which was maybe the best of the bunch

they didn't like them on Breeze and didn't feel another different but mediocre singer helped


with the ships decor alike, the food alike, shows alike why bother with naming ceremonies? Just call the new one 24....others can be 23, 22, 21, etc

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