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If I get sick before cruising

Sharon Sails

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Saw the doc. She just looked at my throat and gave me antibiotics. No culture. I said "so it's bacterial?" and she said "yes." I looked on-line and everywhere it says there is no way to tell if it's bacterial without a culture. THAT'S why I'm changing to a different doctor's office. But there's not much I can do except take the antibiotics and hope this time. She said "have a nice cruise." Hope so. I do things like cruising because my hubby, who works hard, loves to cruise.


For poster who said something about me hating cruising: I dislike cruising myself, but I do this for HIM. I'd like to think many of us do things for our family that we're not crazy about doing - because we love them.


You are correct. Your doctor is practicing terrible medicine. As a pediatrician a major portion of my sick visits are sore throats. Everyone is worried about strep all the time. Even when strep is at it's worst, the majority of patients with fever and sore throat are negative for strep.


There is NO WAY to look in the throat and determine if it is bacterial or not. Granted there are things that make me more suspect. But that only means I should swab it and test it. It is NOT diagnostic.


Truth be told, if a patient comes in with a sore throat, but no fever, lymphadenopathy, and the throat does not appear terribly reddened and has no exudate (white spots or streaking), there is really no reason to even swab it. Unfortunately, patients and parents have become so programmed to "get it checked" that we usually just do the test anyway (even though it ends up being negative 99.8% of the time).


My favorite call is from a parent after hours telling me their child has a sore throat and they looked in with a flashlight and it "looks like strep". I always think, "Really? You can tell that? That's fantastic! I should give you a job here. Because I've looked in tens of thousands of throats over the years, and I can't tell without taking a swab!". Of course I don't say that, I just think it:rolleyes:


Seriously, any provider who tells you it's bacterial without a swab is practicing terrible medicine.

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I woke up with a sore throat today...not sure if it's just from sleeping with my mouth open or if I'm getting sick. The thing is, I'm retired and don't go out much, so I don't know where I would have picked up germs. At any rate, I DO have the insurance offered by Royal - the one you choose when making reservations. Will that cover me if I DO get too sick to sail? I'm not sure, but it must be in writing somewhere. Anyone have a quick answer? We're supposed to sail on Sunday.


Go get a shot. Tell them you are going on a cruise and you need to nip it



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Go get a shot. Tell them you are going on a cruise and you need to nip it



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A "shot" of what? Are you under the impression that we in medicine have a "secret arsenal" of medicines we only pull out in case someone is about to travel or before a big event?


"I'm sorry sir, it's just a virus that's going to have to run it's course. Drink plenty of water and get some rest, you'll be fine in a few days".


"But Doc, you don't understand! I'm going on a cruise!"


"Oh, I see! Why didn't you say so? Then I'll get out the "super secret" make-it-all-better shot!"

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A "shot" of what? Are you under the impression that we in medicine have a "secret arsenal" of medicines we only pull out in case someone is about to travel or before a big event?


"I'm sorry sir, it's just a virus that's going to have to run it's course. Drink plenty of water and get some rest, you'll be fine in a few days".


"But Doc, you don't understand! I'm going on a cruise!"


"Oh, I see! Why didn't you say so? Then I'll get out the "super secret" make-it-all-better shot!"


I was trying to be helpful and suggest an antibiotic shot. Excuse me for doing so



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You are correct. Your doctor is practicing terrible medicine. As a pediatrician a major portion of my sick visits are sore throats. Everyone is worried about strep all the time. Even when strep is at it's worst, the majority of patients with fever and sore throat are negative for strep.


There is NO WAY to look in the throat and determine if it is bacterial or not. Granted there are things that make me more suspect. But that only means I should swab it and test it. It is NOT diagnostic.


Truth be told, if a patient comes in with a sore throat, but no fever, lymphadenopathy, and the throat does not appear terribly reddened and has no exudate (white spots or streaking), there is really no reason to even swab it. Unfortunately, patients and parents have become so programmed to "get it checked" that we usually just do the test anyway (even though it ends up being negative 99.8% of the time).


My favorite call is from a parent after hours telling me their child has a sore throat and they looked in with a flashlight and it "looks like strep". I always think, "Really? You can tell that? That's fantastic! I should give you a job here. Because I've looked in tens of thousands of throats over the years, and I can't tell without taking a swab!". Of course I don't say that, I just think it:rolleyes:


Seriously, any provider who tells you it's bacterial without a swab is practicing terrible medicine.


I have made it a point over the years to not give my boys abx unless we were sure it was bacterial. My older one has chronic ear infections prior to tubes, and once they were inserted, he did not need an abx for over 4 years. And once my younger one got over his ear infection run, he also has not needed abx.


As a result, I believe they are really healthy kids. Sure once in a while strep shows up (and for my younger one, it never presents obviously...dr. says she's sure he's fine, cultures and surprise, strep), but overall they are pretty healthy kids. Get a cold, over in 2 days.


I applaud pediatricians who buck the parents pushing for abx every time their kid sneezes. It's hard to do and can make you unpopular, but in the long run, those kids will be healthier individuals without taking an abx for every little thing.


OP, I'm so sorry that you're still feeling so poorly, and of course, being viral, it sucks that it has to run its course. Today is Thursday and hopefully you'll start to feel better tomorrow.

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I was trying to be helpful and suggest an antibiotic shot. Excuse me for doing so



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I am sure you wanted to be helpful. Still the OP believes she has a virus, and, right or wrong, her doctor already gave her an antibiotic.


Whether oral or a shot, antibiotics will not help a viral infection. Time mostly is needed, with symptomatic stuff like salt water gargles, tea with honey, and rest. As a whole, we are an impatient lot, and doctors often give antibiotics anyway, presumably in an attempt to placate patients. In the US if you go to your doctor demanding an antibiotic shot or a specific (nonaddictive) medicine, odds are good you'll get what you want from the doc.

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I've had this before, and it sounds like it's going to be what you have, as my symptoms are always the same when I get a really BAD cold...sore throat turns to head cold and horrible headache, but no fever. Can't take antibiotics without having a fever, as they do nothing. I doubt my insurance (bought the one that comes with RCI when you make reservations), so I guess I'll be going on the ship sick if I'm not better by then. I was on a trans-atlantic three years ago and got this kind of cold while en-route to England. Hubby bought lozenges in the ship's store and I had to stay in my cabin for a few days, but I got better before we got to Harwich. This will be a seven day cruise - but we don't leave 'til Sunday - hope I'm on the mend by then. Hubby has his own bedroom here at home (he snores LOUDLY), so he should not pick it up from me (he usually doesn't, as he's extremely healthy!) Crossed fingers here!


You can take antibiotics without a fever if what is causing your illness is bacterial. I've had strep and sinus infections plenty of times without having a fever as well.


OP, if I were you I'd gargle with salt water and maybe take an OTC remedy.

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A big THANK YOU to everyone who responded. I'm actually feeling a little better right now (mid-morning). I'm going to rest more, drinks lots of water, suck on ice, and prepare for the cruise. I hate taking antibiotics when I don't need them, but this one time, I will be safe rather than sorry--even though I do believe this is viral. Changing docs when we return from the cruise. It really upset me (though I didn't show it) when I asked the P.A. if it was, indeed, bacterial, and she responded with a "yes." No swab=no answer. Bad medicine, indeed :(

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NO NO NO everything doesn't need antibiotics. Over use of antibiotics has caused many germs to become resistant and it's become a real problem.


Yes I realize that but in this circumstance it is better to be safe and be sure you're not contagious. You can always hold onto them to see how you feel...


And overprescribing is on the doctor, not the patient...

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It can't hurt to at least call the insurance today. We can't answer here what the insurance will, might, or won't cover.


So call, tell them your information- you have a cruise this Sunday, and have just started a course of antibiotics prescribed by a doctor, and want to know what your options are regarding the insurance. They will tell you. Then you'll know, and can report back here what you have found out. You have already paid for the insurance, they really are there to help you, and better to find out in advance what they need to know in case you do need to miss the trip and start a claim!!


Good luck! Hope you feel better and can 'enjoy' :rolleyes: your cruise

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I was trying to be helpful and suggest an antibiotic shot. Excuse me for doing so



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Well hopefully you've learned now that unnecessary antibiotics are not helpful, and in fact are a huge public health problem right now. Also we docs get a chip on our shoulder about it since we're pretty much the only profession where people sometime feel like they know as much or more than we do.


Can you imagine someone arguing with their attorney? Or accountant? "Well that's sounds good but I think we should file an injunction to move to a new venue based on Bakker vs. Johnson because I read on the internet blah blah blah."


To the OP glad you're feeling better. And of course I'm not suggesting you don't follow your docs advice, for better or worse they're the one who saw you.

Edited by DrD
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Though I am feeling worse again tonight, I have spoken to reps from both the insurance company and from RCI. In order to get our money back, the doctor would have to fill out forms stating that I am too sick to sail. The doc told me to take the antibiotics and go sail and have fun. I doubt she'd write anything saying I'm to sick to sail, as she thinks the antibiotics will work. The insurance seems to be for catastrophic issues only - or if you have a serious flu or pneumonia. There's no way I'd get my money back for having a terrible cold and cough - whether I'm contagious or not doesn't seem to be an issue.


I'd rather be staying home in bed, to be honest. I don't have much energy for getting to Ft. Lauderdale and finding my way to our cabin...where I will probably spend much of my time. At least we have a balcony!

I'd still get the ins. - in case anything catastrophic DID happen...But for now, I'll be sailing sick, I'm afraid.

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I would say the same as the last person, get lots of vitamin c into you and even vitamin b for the tiredness. Get plenty of rest and flush out your system with lots of fluids both hot and cold. It should just be a temporary thing , but its very annoying when you are unwell.

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OMG again with the BS medical advice.


The average adult who suffers with a cold for 12 days a year would still suffer for 11 days a year if that person took a high dose of vitamin C every day during that year.


For the average child who suffers about 28 days of cold illness a year, taking daily high-dose vitamin C would still mean 24 days of cold illness.


When vitamin C was tested for treatment of colds in 7 separate studies, vitamin C was no more effective than placebo at shortening the duration of cold symptoms.


(above from webmed)




In the current study, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, the investigators followed over 23,000 Swedish men who were between 45 and 79 years old in 1997 up to the year 2009. None of them had kidney stones at baseline.


Close to 900 of the men took 1,000-milligram doses of vitamin C, and 3 percent of them (31 men) later had kidney stones. Less than 2 percent of those in the rest of the group developed kidney stones.


The researchers adjusted for factors which could undermine the reliability of the findings, such as education levels, ages, and body weights.


They revealed that those men who received the high-dose supplements had an elevated kidney stone risk ranging between 1.7 and 2.2 times.


(from medical news today.)


Why do people insist on posting this stuff?

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No worries. I already knew all that but I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Actually, I KNOW this is a cold. A VIRAL cold. I'm old enough to have had this before. Nothing will help but time - and drinking liquids to keep the mucus from building up too much - and rest. Unfortunately, I am feeling MISERABLE today. I only have one day left to shake this, but really, only time will rid my body of it. I wish I didn't have to go on this cruise, but without a note from the doctor saying I CANNOT go, the insurance won't cover the cost. And the doc just says "it's a cold - take the antibiotic, you'll be fine... have fun!" (paraphrased) I'm into the congestion/cough stage now. At least the throat isn't killing me. But I'm exhausted. I just hope there's no Noro on the ship! My poor, weak body couldn't take that!

Edited by Sharon Sails
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No worries. I already knew all that but I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Actually, I KNOW this is a cold. A VIRAL cold. I'm old enough to have had this before. Nothing will help but time - and drinking liquids to keep the mucus from building up too much - and rest. Unfortunately, I am feeling MISERABLE today. I only have one day left to shake this, but really, only time will rid my body of it. I wish I didn't have to go on this cruise, but without a note from the doctor saying I CANNOT go, the insurance won't cover the cost. And the doc just says "it's a cold - take the antibiotic, you'll be fine... have fun!" (paraphrased) I'm into the congestion/cough stage now. At least the throat isn't killing me. But I'm exhausted. I just hope there's no Noro on the ship! My poor, weak body couldn't take that!


You don't happen to live in the Denver area, do you? If you did I'd take care of it, one CC'er to another.


Hope you feel better.

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That's kind of you, DrD. Luckily, I'm in Florida - so at least I don't have to fly. That would make it much, much worse! I already have intrusive Tinnitus, so I certainly don't need more ear problems.

I paid for the Berkley insurance, but they won't pay if it's just a cold. I called and asked. The doctor has to fill out a bunch of paperwork stating the I CANNOT go.

Misery. Pure misery. :(

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That's kind of you, DrD. Luckily, I'm in Florida - so at least I don't have to fly. That would make it much, much worse! I already have intrusive Tinnitus, so I certainly don't need more ear problems.

I paid for the Berkley insurance, but they won't pay if it's just a cold. I called and asked. The doctor has to fill out a bunch of paperwork stating the I CANNOT go.

Misery. Pure misery. :(

Your insurance has a cancel for any reason clause, you could easily use that.

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I don't think my husband would be happy with losing $600+. Maybe you can afford that, but we can't. Rather than making my husband miss his vacation, I can be miserable in a small cabin - so he can enjoy his time. That's how we are.


As far as I can see, the cruise insurance is only worth it if you have a serious medical emergency. For that reason, it is still worth buying.

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