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Camp Carnival - Be Warned!


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Although I think the title "Be Warned" is not appropriate...(there are many children that LOVE the camp)......I really wish everyone would stop judging this lady.


We are ALL different....all families are different.

If she wanted to spend time with her hubby....I see nothing wrong with that. If one wants to spend 24/7 with their children.....I see nothing wrong with that either. It really irks me when people think they are the judge and jury in other peoples lives. Ok...I'm done. Where is my wine? :o

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Our whole cruise plan was changed by the fact that our kids did NOT like the camp. We thought we'd have time for relaxing, casino, 'couple time', etc. but our whole experience was shifted.


Our boys are 6 and 8 and their group activities (6-8 year olds) was very immature IMO.


They came out the first time and said "They made us sit down and listen to a story!!!". Even I thought that was ridiculous. They are not 3 year olds.


They are confined to a room - no outside or sports activities - and the most excitement I could imagine is the Wii and Playstation games for kids that like that kind of thing. My kids are active and love sports or age appropriate games. The camp seems geared toward girls who are generally more passive, enjoy crafts and things. They had Musical Chairs as one activity. Seriously?


Some kids were obviously fine with it or even really liked it, but we didn't imagine that our kids would hate it and so just wanted to plant that in people's minds so they could have a back up plan. Me and the hubby had to take turns going to the casino, etc. because the kids were with us most of the time.


The fact that it was cold weather and 3 days until we got to a port was very difficult. Not much to do as a family inside the boat for 3 days during the day. Nights were ok - by the time you ate there was a show or comedy show that took up your evenings.

From their very first cruise on Disney, my kids did not like kids clubs....they didn't like them on Carnival or NCL either when they tried them. Having said that, cruising became one of our favorite types of family vacations even without them doing the kids club. We found plenty to do around the ship as a family, enjoying time together that we rarely got at home. We always brought along different card games and when the activities going on didn't interest us, we would find a place on the lido or the promenade to play cards. A cruise is what you make it....we always made them fun family vacations.

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You can have sexy time with your hubby. You just have to find a way to do it. Book two rooms for one thing. Usually isn't more money than 4 in a room :p. I'm sure you manage at home, so no different on vacation. You cruised during the colder months. Perhaps that was part of the problem. Hard to enjoy the deck and the slides if it's cold. Plus you mentioned the slides weren't working for a time. You might want to rethink your trip and go when there are more children onboard- Spring Break, Summer, holidays. The camp could have combined the group ages if they weren't a whole lot of kids.


You and your husband could have done things separate and enjoyed the ship as adults. Also, yes there are many threads on here with people raving about camp. But I remember when I looked into cruising wit the kids for the first time last year, I saw some not so good opinions on the camp mixed with the raving ones. Knowing how introverted my son is, I was fully prepared for him to be clingy the entire time. It was surprising that he loved it so much.


I would suggest you try the cruise again and tweak your plans and your expectations. No you may not be able to chill with your hubby like you would if the kids weren't there. But there's no reason why you can't find a way to do some adult things AND spend time with your kids. Did you go to the orientation and the first day's events so they could meet other kids? Did you talk to them about camp ahead of time so they knew what to expect? All of that helps. So try it again and adjust your expectations. As they get older, they may like it better.


I see your from Trenton. What's up homegirl.

I live East of you by the shore. ;)


THANK you fellow Jersey girl...guy...person! You get it...


All good suggestions. We NEVER thought of two rooms. We are novices. If and when there is a next time, I will think of that.


And at home the kids do not sleep in our bedroom - a little different, wouldn't you say?


The winter sailing out of NYC in retrospect was a bad idea. Too much time to the first port and COLD. Limited activies compared to a summer cruise.

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THANK you fellow Jersey girl...guy...person! You get it...


All good suggestions. We NEVER thought of two rooms. We are novices. If and when there is a next time, I will think of that.


And at home the kids do not sleep in our bedroom - a little different, wouldn't you say?


The winter sailing out of NYC in retrospect was a bad idea. Too much time to the first port and COLD. Limited activies compared to a summer cruise.


I'm a girl and a mom and wife. Have a good one!:)

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Our kids sort of liked it when they were younger like 7-11 years old. They loved the scavenger hunt that let them stay up until 2 am! Not sure they even do that anymore. Then they started to just hang out with other kids their age. They would travel around the ship in packs. Basketball, ice cream, pool, pizza, slides, ice cream.... and so on. Always had a blast though. Now they are 18 and 16 and run into us at the clubs :eek:

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Reread the first post and see how it's written. Since the first one, you've changed your tune. You'll see why you got certain responses after reading it.


I completely disagree. I think OP's posts have been just fine. I believe all the negativity has been stirred up for one simple reason: the title of the thread.


Consider the same thread if the title had contained something like "-- ANOTHER EXPERIENCE" rather than "-- BE WARNED." While I understand OP's motivation was to warn other inexperienced cruisers not to count on the camp as necessarily working for their kids (an easy mistake for less experienced cruisers to make, especially given how many reviews discuss how great the camp is -- which was exactly OP's point), the title makes it sound like this is Carnival's fault. And, in fact, OP makes it clear that this, in part at least, is dependent on the personalities of the children.

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Our whole cruise plan was changed by the fact that our kids did NOT like the camp. We thought we'd have time for relaxing, casino, 'couple time', etc. but our whole experience was shifted.


Our boys are 6 and 8 and their group activities (6-8 year olds) was very immature IMO.


They came out the first time and said "They made us sit down and listen to a story!!!". Even I thought that was ridiculous. They are not 3 year olds.


They are confined to a room - no outside or sports activities - and the most excitement I could imagine is the Wii and Playstation games for kids that like that kind of thing. My kids are active and love sports or age appropriate games. The camp seems geared toward girls who are generally more passive, enjoy crafts and things. They had Musical Chairs as one activity. Seriously?


Some kids were obviously fine with it or even really liked it, but we didn't imagine that our kids would hate it and so just wanted to plant that in people's minds so they could have a back up plan. Me and the hubby had to take turns going to the casino, etc. because the kids were with us most of the time.


The fact that it was cold weather and 3 days until we got to a port was very difficult. Not much to do as a family inside the boat for 3 days during the day. Nights were ok - by the time you ate there was a show or comedy show that took up your evenings.


This is the original post, I think the OP was fine, she did say that the fact that it was cold etc made an impact.


On a family cruise I would expect my ids to spend some time each day in the camp. Realistically, that is where most of the kid-oriented experiences happen. If the outdoor activities can't happen because of the cold..well, my kids would be very bored and whiney and would be spending an inordinate amount of time on the iPad. They can do that at home.


I think OPs post was balanced, she just expressed her frustration and could have chosen better title wording.


Thank you OP, you reminded me that I need a backup plan for our trip next year. Maybe next time go with some other families so that if you are dropping your kids off it is with friends they already know, that is our plan! and we figure worst case we can trade off but then the adult not in charge has other adults they know to hang around with too...win win :-)

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The title of the thread is unnecessary. If you take your children on vacation, you should be prepared to have them with you 24/7. Couples time may not work out, but OP certainly could have done adults things here and there by just taking turns watching the children with the spouse.


I totally disagree. A family should be able to take a vacation and still have some separate time. I book a house at the beach every year for my family and I still think that my husband and I should be able to go out without the kids for a few hours. My kids would hate me if I forced them to spend every waking minute with me. I didn't think the OP was looking for a couples vacation, I just think they had different expectations based on reviews they have read here on cc. I believe the OP just wanted to let other families aware that not all kids like camp Carnival.

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I totally disagree. A family should be able to take a vacation and still have some separate time. I book a house at the beach every year for my family and I still think that my husband and I should be able to go out without the kids for a few hours. My kids would hate me if I forced them to spend every waking minute with me. I didn't think the OP was looking for a couples vacation, I just think they had different expectations based on reviews they have read here on cc. I believe the OP just wanted to let other families aware that not all kids like camp Carnival.


Should and can are two different things. I don't disagree that separate adult time is desired. Nothing wrong with that. But in a new setting that the kids are not familiar with, that may not always be the case. The only way to know for sure that you will have time apart from them is to leave them home. I don't see how you can guarantee things with kids otherwise. And the OP didn't force her kids to be with her, so that wasn't the issue. I told the OP that I fully expected my son to side me the entire time we cruised as a family last year. As it turned out, he didn't. I understood exactly what the OP was saying and further in the thread tried to offer her some helpful suggestions that may work for both her and her hubby and the kids the next time they cruise.

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I think it is good to be prepared if your kids do not like the camps. One of the 1st cruises I took with my kids I was excited and sooo looking forward to alone adult time while the kids were in camp. However, after the 1st day they didn't want to go back. We were really disappointed. We hadn't anticipated that the kids wouldn't like it, so it was more of a let down. However, since then we have taken them on a couple of cruises and we don't expect them to go to the kids club, if they want to go they can, if not they don't have too. We plan having our kids with us all the time.

However, we just got back from the Liberty and was not anticipating the kids liking the clubs, since this time they were in separate clubs and my 5 year old is a little anti social. Too our surprise, they both loved the clubs and wanted to go to the clubs each evening. So we had 6 lovely dinners to ourselves along with some shows. It was heavenly.

As I plan the next cruise, again I will plan on the kids being with us... but if it so happens they like the kids club...HAPPY DAY!!

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From their very first cruise on Disney, my kids did not like kids clubs....they didn't like them on Carnival or NCL either when they tried them. Having said that, cruising became one of our favorite types of family vacations even without them doing the kids club. We found plenty to do around the ship as a family, enjoying time together that we rarely got at home. We always brought along different card games and when the activities going on didn't interest us, we would find a place on the lido or the promenade to play cards. A cruise is what you make it....we always made them fun family vacations.


I feel I could of written this word for word. My kids didnt like the kids club on the Disney Cruise or the other carnival cruise we took. BUT, we go on vacation to spend time together as a family. We can get couple time at home or on a separate getaway. I fully expect my kids to be hanging with me and hubby the whole time on our upcoming cruise and Im totally OK with that. In fact, Im thrilled they would prefer to be with us (and my girls are very social and enjoy most group activities elsewhere). Family vacation is time for us to all reconnect from our busy daily lives. Cruise was STILL what everyone in the family wanted for a vacation this year. Last year was Disney (btw). :)

Edited by rdevine10
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If this was the Splendor cruise that left 1/20...there were 500 kids on that cruise and it seemed NONE of them were in the kids clubs :eek:


I was really amazed at how many kids were on this ship and how miserable most of the parents looked.

Actually I wasn't amazed at how miserable the parents looked...LOL

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Well I for one appreciate the warning, or whatever anyone wants to call it. We're taking our 2 girls on their first cruise this May, after several cruises with just my husband and I. He is expecting them to spend a lot of time in camp, but I'm trying to warn him that may not be the case, and we have to be prepared if they don't want to go or feel uncomfortable with camp. I'm a little nervous because my girls are very close, but because of their ages (they will be 5 and 6 years old) they will be in different groups. I'm actually hoping they will have a chance to combine the groups on occasion, because while my oldest is outgoing and makes friends easily, my youngest is more shy. But she's very easygoing, and she likes "school" type activities, so I'm hoping she'll be okay. I think my husband has unrealistic expectations about camp - this will NOT be the same experience as our previous cruises! Which is why I wanted to pick a ship where there were lots of things for the kids to do if they didn't like camp. I am very hopeful we can at least have a few hours a day to ourselves, particularly in the evening, but I need to be prepared if that is not the case. So I'll be sure to tell my husband about your experience!

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Yes, some kids def. enjoy it - and after reading rave reviews I never had a doubt mine wouldn't enjoy it also. The reality is that they didn't so I wanted to give people the benefit of my experience so they could plan accordingly.


But really - reading a picture book to 8 year olds? Who would think that is fun?


I'm guessing you went during a week there weren't many kids on board so all the kids were grouped together? During more crowded weeks the kids are broken up by age, giving them all more appropriate activities for their age group.

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THANK you fellow Jersey girl...guy...person! You get it...


All good suggestions. We NEVER thought of two rooms. We are novices. If and when there is a next time, I will think of that.


And at home the kids do not sleep in our bedroom - a little different, wouldn't you say?


The winter sailing out of NYC in retrospect was a bad idea. Too much time to the first port and COLD. Limited activies compared to a summer cruise.


3 long sea days would drive anyone crazy:eek: My daughter hated camp when we took a cruise out of Puerto Rico because all the kids spoke spanish. My son loved it. So my 11 year old daughter just hung out with my older brother. Last year she totally loved camp as she was allowed to do the scavenger hunt and roam around the ship... She was happy to have the liberty to feel a little grown my son hated camp because my daughter was doing all the fun stuff. I hung out with my 8 year old so he wouldn't be too bummed out.


Try one of the 2.0 Funships next time they have a lot of fun activities. Let them chill in camp make friends and get walkie talkies so you can keep tabs on them then you and the hubby could have sexy time:D


We all need a break sometimes! Tuesday is date night for us. Kids stay with my mom and we just do what we like...

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Well I for one appreciate the warning, or whatever anyone wants to call it. We're taking our 2 girls on their first cruise this May, after several cruises with just my husband and I. He is expecting them to spend a lot of time in camp, but I'm trying to warn him that may not be the case, and we have to be prepared if they don't want to go or feel uncomfortable with camp. I'm a little nervous because my girls are very close, but because of their ages (they will be 5 and 6 years old) they will be in different groups. I'm actually hoping they will have a chance to combine the groups on occasion, because while my oldest is outgoing and makes friends easily, my youngest is more shy. But she's very easygoing, and she likes "school" type activities, so I'm hoping she'll be okay. I think my husband has unrealistic expectations about camp - this will NOT be the same experience as our previous cruises! Which is why I wanted to pick a ship where there were lots of things for the kids to do if they didn't like camp. I am very hopeful we can at least have a few hours a day to ourselves, particularly in the evening, but I need to be prepared if that is not the case. So I'll be sure to tell my husband about your experience!



Their only a year apart, I'm sure they can make an exception and put them in the same camp. Just ask the Camp Director, I'm sure it shouldn't be a problem...:D

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OP has a very valid point... Not all kids "LOVE, LOVE, LOVE CC!!" I believe I had unrealistic expectations on our first cruise with my DD regarding camp. I thought since she did well with daycare at home and camp was structured similarly, plus all the rave reviews of CC, that she would enjoy it for a few activities a day. During this time DH and I would go to the casino, adult comedy, dinner, a show, sexy time, ect.


This was not to happen. DD spent 30 mins in camp and the counselors had to call us to come get her because she would not stop crying. She was 3 1/2yrs at the time and she just wanted to spend time with us, which was fine, since we all have busy lives and don't get a lot of quality time at home. DH seemed totally prepared for this to happen and just suggested we spend alone time with DD doing kid friendly activities, or naps, while the other did "adult only" activities.


This worked out great! But I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed in some way that camp didn't work out. This next cruise DD will be 4 1/2yrs and says she wants to try camp again. We'll see what happens, but definitely not planning any "adult only" activities together with DH until DD knows for sure. We know what to expect this go-around so there will be no disappointments.

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Our DD 14 never really got into any of the kids camps on any ship. Sure, she would go for a couple of hours here and there but it was never like we had to drag her out kicking and screaming.


My DH and I gave up on "adult time" a long time ago. It is what it is.:mad:


The three of us have a great time together and before we know it she will be in college and we will have all the adult time we can stand. :D

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My five year old lives for camp carnival! I actually threaten her that she can't go if she doesn't behave. My 12 year also enjoys especially now that she has scavenger hunt privileges. Next cruise will be her first time in Circle C and I'm afraid she won't like it unless we go with someone she knows who also is in Circle C.



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I'm sorry your kids didn't like camp but I don't think people need a "warning". Every child is different and even every day can be different. Your sons sound very active which I think is great but there may have been kids not so active that would rather sit watch movies, play video games, do arts and crafts. We have three kids and when they were little it was like the three bears, one went and felt it was so so, one loved it, and one wouldn't even enter the door. For all those with kids let me just remind you that before you know it they will be teenagers and you will be forcing them to spend time with you.:eek: I hope the OP doesn't give up on cruising and gets her adult time on a future cruise.

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I'm sorry your kids didn't like camp but I don't think people need a "warning". Every child is different.....


Why would you think that no one needs OP's warning when some of the responders have thanked OP for his warning, and admitted that they were counting on their kids spending time at the camp? Isn't that proof positive that there will always be parents who make mistaken assumptions, especially when one strategy or another gets rave reviews?


On the other hand, I still think warning is a terrible word. Reminder, maybe?

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