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This Poor Ship... Triumph again

Naomi John

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First off, I am not a Carnival hater. We had a wonderful cruise on the Pride out of Baltimore but I will never cruise on Carnival out of Galveston again.


It was not eight minutes it was about an hour. Emergency power came on in about 15 minutes but the only things that had power were the point of sales terminals in the bars. Keep the fools drinking and maybe they wont notice. Carnival handled this poorly. They could have asked people not to smoke in enclosed areas with no ventilation while the power was off but wouldn't. We were at the slot machines with over a hundred dollars in credit when the power went out so we couldn't just leave. When power was finally restored we couldn't transfer the credit to our on board accounts as the servers had crashed. So we had to play. Staff wouldn't or couldn't credit our account manually.


All in all a very poor excuse for a cruise. Food was tasteless, beds saggy and hard as a rock, toilet never had enough water to flush properly. We were told nothing could be done because there wasn't enough pressure on deck 8. Had "new" mattresses brought in but they obviously weren't new as they sagged in the middle just like the "old" ones. Entertainment was poor at best with the exception of the band in the casino bar. The casino staff were surly and acted as though they would rather be anywhere else. Couldn't place a wake-up call request. The only good thing to come out of this fiasco was we were able to get off the ship two hours early and get home.


This ship should be scrapped. It is as has been previously suggested "snake bit". Some vessels are cursed. This one sure exhibits the symptoms.


Toilets work off a vacum system.. Not water like at home..

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First off, I am not a Carnival hater. We had a wonderful cruise on the Pride out of Baltimore but I will never cruise on Carnival out of Galveston again.


It was not eight minutes it was about an hour. Emergency power came on in about 15 minutes but the only things that had power were the point of sales terminals in the bars. Keep the fools drinking and maybe they wont notice. Carnival handled this poorly. They could have asked people not to smoke in enclosed areas with no ventilation while the power was off but wouldn't. We were at the slot machines with over a hundred dollars in credit when the power went out so we couldn't just leave. When power was finally restored we couldn't transfer the credit to our on board accounts as the servers had crashed. So we had to play. Staff wouldn't or couldn't credit our account manually.


All in all a very poor excuse for a cruise. Food was tasteless, beds saggy and hard as a rock, toilet never had enough water to flush properly. We were told nothing could be done because there wasn't enough pressure on deck 8. Had "new" mattresses brought in but they obviously weren't new as they sagged in the middle just like the "old" ones. Entertainment was poor at best with the exception of the band in the casino bar. The casino staff were surly and acted as though they would rather be anywhere else. Couldn't place a wake-up call request. The only good thing to come out of this fiasco was we were able to get off the ship two hours early and get home.


This ship should be scrapped. It is as has been previously suggested "snake bit". Some vessels are cursed. This one sure exhibits the symptoms.



Scrapping a half billion dollar ship because it has technical issues? Highly unlikely. I do think that Carnival might be wise to take her out of service and go through each and every onboard system and make any repairs or upgrades




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Granted alot of us were not there, but I think some of this may be a bit of over reaction. There has been NOTHING on the national news about this. I am sure it was uncomfortable and unnerving, but did you make it home safe? Did you still have a place to stay, food to eat, comfort of air and electricity the the other 4 days and 23 hours of the trip?


Some of the claims in this post are nothing at all to complain about? Water in the toilet to flush, you do realize that it is not a traditional flush bit a vaccum right? I have never had a hard and saggy bed (That seems line a contridiction to me.)


I guess you will be asking for a refund or some kind of future cruise credit....


What don't you understand about a mattress that is as hard as a rock but sags in the middle? It wasn't saggy feeling it was as broke down as an old sway back mare.


I didn't expect it to be on the national news. I was just correcting the misinformation that Carnival media reps relayed to the news media. In case you haven't heard this ship is prone to power issues. Is it the on board power infrastructure, a poor plant crew, or just bad juju? I don't know.

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What don't you understand about a mattress that is as hard as a rock but sags in the middle? It wasn't saggy feeling it was as broke down as an old sway back mare.


I didn't expect it to be on the national news. I was just correcting the misinformation that Carnival media reps relayed to the news media. In case you haven't heard this ship is prone to power issues. Is it the on board power infrastructure, a poor plant crew, or just bad juju? I don't know.


Bad juju. It follows this ship. While it was in Mobile for repairs last year, there was a string of bizarre events that damn near tore the town to shreds.

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We've sailed the Triumph three times and are headed on it again this fall. The most recent trip was 12/26/2013. In thirty days I doubt the conditions eroded to the point of scrapping anything.


I've had my family on 22 cruises on 11 Carnival ships and the Triumph is a solid vacation, the ship sails full and MDR experience for 6:00pm dinner was as good as our Glory and Imagination cruise in 2013.


Here's the 2012 trip, I haven't uploaded the images from 2013.



To the OP, what did you like about the cruise?




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It was 8 minutes, not 8 days. What's the big deal? Could have been an overheated circuit that needed to cool and be reset. Anyone ever dealing with industrial power supplies realizes this happens.


Passengers getting off the ship are stating the outage was more like 1 to 2 hours. with confusing orders to get life jackets, or report to the Lido deck.


Who reported the 8 minutes? Carnival?

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where are all the rest of the people that were on the ship? most of the time if it was that bad cc would be full of people griping about how bad the conditions were. we have been on the triumph 3 time before and after the fated trip last time being 12 11 13 and the food was good and had no problems other than a great time with my family!

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Destiny had such a bad reputation that Carnival has gone to great lengths to mask it's history by changing it's name and even making structural changes to it. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Triumph is suddenly and inexplicably "rotated" out of the fleet.

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I for one am not saying you are not telling the truth, just saying that alot if what you have said does not add up to what I have heard, in fact I have a friend that was on the cruise that I am looking forward to hearing what they say. He has been on 84 cruises and not all on Carnival, and will tell it like it is.

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I'll be on it Thursday. Guess I'll bring my flashlight, just in case.
I now take two flashlights, these days!

Ever since Concordia, yew kin never tell. :)


Comes in handy during the night anyway (Interior cabin)



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I for one am not saying you are not telling the truth, just saying that alot if what you have said does not add up to what I have heard, in fact I have a friend that was on the cruise that I am looking forward to hearing what they say. He has been on 84 cruises and not all on Carnival, and will tell it like it is.


What is it that I have said does not add up? I'm curious. You do understand that differing perceptions does not mean anyone is lying right? What have you heard that differs from what I have said? I keep hearing "well I heard different". Just what is it that you heard???????????:confused:

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What is it that I have said does not add up? I'm curious. You do understand that differing perceptions does not mean anyone is lying right? What have you heard that differs from what I have said? I keep hearing "well I heard different". Just what is it that you heard???????????:confused:


I did hear that it was about an hour, but that it was all calm, no cabins filled with smoke, but some aft cabins had a smoke smell due too the incerator being located below them, and only a recommendation that if the smell bothered those people to go to an open deck until it had a chance to go away. And believe it or not, there are more important things to worry about than 100 stinking dollars on a slot machine. Would you rather have the casino up and running, or other, more critical ship systems? People go overboard (no punintended) with how dire a situation is.

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Didn't hear about this til now.

Im surprised it didn't make the local news.

Sorry to hear this happened


I have been on the Triumph 3 times and I wil sail on her again.

I wish everyone will stop sailing on her so the prices will go back down

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Just got off the Triumph Monday. Fine cruise. No issues. Bed great. I do agree about the toilet. We were on deck 8, Not really any water in the bowl to speak of. Toilets in public area did have water. Flushing could be a challenge at times. But multiple flushes and it's done. And we thought the food was delicious. Tastes vary. Ours aren't very demanding but we do know what we like and what's good.

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The wife and I just arrived home from a great week on the Triumph and I look forward to writing a full review here shortly.


That being said I'll give you a brief account of what happened. I don't share the sentiment of the previous firsthand account, carnival staff handled the matter well and it was pretty much a non-issue. We drifted in the gulf for about an hour while they brought all the power systems back on-line. There were frequent announcements from the cruise director updating us on what was going on and while I don't think they were telling us the whole truth I think they were telling us what we needed to know which was that it was under control and to stay calm.


I think I'll just write out a full account in a new thread.

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I did hear that it was about an hour, but that it was all calm, no cabins filled with smoke, but some aft cabins had a smoke smell due too the incerator being located below them, and only a recommendation that if the smell bothered those people to go to an open deck until it had a chance to go away. And believe it or not, there are more important things to worry about than 100 stinking dollars on a slot machine. Would you rather have the casino up and running, or other, more critical ship systems? People go overboard (no punintended) with how dire a situation is.


Well so far you attribute statements to me that I did not make. Nowhere did I mention anything about smoke except from inconsiderate smokers who could not step out on the deck for their nasty habit instead of subjecting us to it in an area of no air circulation. I guess I should just leave the money in the machine and let someone else have it right?


I was not in a state of panic nor was anyone else around me. I just stated my observations. First - Carnival lied to the media about an 8 minute outage. Second it is incongruous to me that one of the most important things to Carnival was their point of sales terminals(cash registers) in the bars. So important that they would have top priority in case of a power failure and be on the back up generators. One would think that Carnival might just maybe give out a couple of free drinks during the duration instead of making it a priority to get the terminals up and running so they can charge for it. But then I guess you figure being able to serve drinks and charge for them during a power failure is "critical". Your words not mine.


As to those who figure since I have few posts and therefore am a shill or troll, these very responses are the reason myself and others don't post. Say anything negative about someones favorite cruise line and we are pilloried for it. Well the jokes on you. I am not easily deterred. Put me on your ignore list so you don't have to bear my drivel. Do you not see the problem with Carnival lying about this outage? Would it not have made more sense to be upfront? This was not a severe outage. If Carnival media relations folks lie abut something so minor what does that say about the corporation in general? They are already hemorrhaging from bad press.


I like Carnival. It is a good value for the buck and I absolutely loved the Pride. It was one of my favorite cruises, so this is not a Carnival bashing thread no matter what you may think. I like Princess a little more but that is just a matter of different tastes probably due to my advanced age. If this were about Princess, Celebrity, or any other cruise line I would still be critical. I don't like lies designed to protect the corporate interests at the expense of paying customers of which you obviously are one. We as customers should always be told the truth so that we can make better informed purchases. Will I cruise Carnival again? You're darned tootin' I will. Just not this ship.


If I have offended you - tough. Grow a little thicker skin. Realize that the sun does not rise and set on the Carnival Triumph.

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First - Carnival lied to the media about an 8 minute outage. Second it is incongruous to me that one of the most important things to Carnival was their point of sales terminals(cash registers) in the bars. So important that they would have top priority in case of a power failure and be on the back up generators. One would think that Carnival might just maybe give out a couple of free drinks during the duration instead of making it a priority to get the terminals up and running so they can charge for it. But then I guess you figure being able to serve drinks and charge for them during a power failure is "critical". Your words not mine.


As to those who figure since I have few posts and therefore am a shill or troll, these very responses are the reason myself and others don't post. Say anything negative about someones favorite cruise line and we are pilloried for it. Well the jokes on you. I am not easily deterred. Put me on your ignore list so you don't have to bear my drivel. Do you not see the problem with Carnival lying about this outage? Would it not have made more sense to be upfront? This was not a severe outage. If Carnival media relations folks lie abut something so minor what does that say about the corporation in general? They are already hemorrhaging from bad press.


Yes I admit that the POS should not be the first thing up, however where I work we also have an emergency generator and the things that come up first on the generator are lights, one elevator, phone system, and our finance systems. Granted it is not a ship. I would not say that the POS is critical at all.


I am not saying that you are a shrill or troll at all. Just saying that some of the things posted on this thread are not at all what others have said.

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The gf and I got off the Triumph this morning. We arrived in Galveston super early, like 5 am because the Captain was trying to avoid potential fog. We were off the ship and in line for customs by 8 : 45 am. I will be posting a full review when I get back home next week. The power outage was a bit unnerving but thankfully it was in the middle of the afternoon. We were in the South Beach restaurant when the outage happened. Everyone was pretty calm and Jen the CD kept everyone updated pretty well. The aft of the ship had a bit of a smoky odor and the outage lasted about an hour. Strangely the ice cream machines still worked under emergency power. The more eventful item was the rocky seas two of the evenings. I think Carnival could have offered a small OBC for the power outage but I won't complain.

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Bad juju. It follows this ship. While it was in Mobile for repairs last year, there was a string of bizarre events that damn near tore the town to shreds.


If you are referring to the 75 mph winds that hit mobile last year, that has nothing to do with the Triumph being there. I can't believe you actually believe in that mumbo jumbo. :confused:

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First off, I am not a Carnival hater. We had a wonderful cruise on the Pride out of Baltimore but I will never cruise on Carnival out of Galveston again.


It was not eight minutes it was about an hour. Emergency power came on in about 15 minutes but the only things that had power were the point of sales terminals in the bars. Keep the fools drinking and maybe they wont notice. Carnival handled this poorly. They could have asked people not to smoke in enclosed areas with no ventilation while the power was off but wouldn't. We were at the slot machines with over a hundred dollars in credit when the power went out so we couldn't just leave. When power was finally restored we couldn't transfer the credit to our on board accounts as the servers had crashed. So we had to play. Staff wouldn't or couldn't credit our account manually.


All in all a very poor excuse for a cruise. Food was tasteless, beds saggy and hard as a rock, toilet never had enough water to flush properly. We were told nothing could be done because there wasn't enough pressure on deck 8. Had "new" mattresses brought in but they obviously weren't new as they sagged in the middle just like the "old" ones. Entertainment was poor at best with the exception of the band in the casino bar. The casino staff were surly and acted as though they would rather be anywhere else. Couldn't place a wake-up call request. The only good thing to come out of this fiasco was we were able to get off the ship two hours early and get home.


This ship should be scrapped. It is as has been previously suggested "snake bit". Some vessels are cursed. This one sure exhibits the symptoms.



So basically no happy moments on the cruise is what your saying



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