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Disappointed with Future Cruise Credit.


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If you were offered one type of compensation on board and now that offer is being altered then my suggestion would be to email agoldstein@rccl.com


Included your departure date, booking number and a phone number where you can be reached. Someone from Corporate Guest Relations will contact you to discuss this situation.


Thank you so much for this info!

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lots of the RCI forum regulars always go off the deep end and either didn't read or didn't comprehend what they did read.

if RCI confined me to my room and didn't offer anything I would say to myself sh!t happens. but, if RCI confined me to my room and of their own free will offered me something I would think damn that's nice of them I'll be cruising RCI again. then they forget or try to change it I would be pissed too and mark them off my future cruise list. I don't understand why she is getting such a beat-down!!


LOL- thanks! If you had read my original thread in December we were definitely in the "**** happens" group. In fact so many people commented in that thread about us having a good attitude about getting sick and still being happy with Royal & how they took care of us.


It is not that people are not comprehending in this thread; my original post did not lay it all out properly and unfortunately I can not go back and edit now to clarify…thus all the follow up posts by me.


We were pretty stoked that Royal told us they would give us credit for each day of confinement. That they ended up not doing that is where the disappointment comes in.

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I didn't follow the whole story completely, but didn't Explorer come home a couple of days early as well. If I got kicked out of a hotel 2 days early I would not expect to be paid for the days I couldn't stay there. I think they at least owe you that much.




Expect it? Not at all. In December Royal stated they would going to be compensating us for each day they confined us to our cabin. It was something they offered and we were pleased that they were being so considerate. Unfortunately now they are not doing what they offered; hence my disappointment and my question for the forum.
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I didn't follow the whole story completely, but didn't Explorer come home a couple of days early as well. If I got kicked out of a hotel 2 days early I would not expect to be paid for the days I couldn't stay there. I think they at least owe you that much.




Their cruise was not shortened.

Edited by time4u2go
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I can't believe you feel deserving of any credit for getting sick on vacation. I think RCCL threw you a bone, one you didn't deserve. I guess the squeaky wheel does get a little grease.


They said (in a later post) that they didn't feel deserving of anything. RCI had told them (unprompted) that they would be given something.

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Unfortunately, you got ill (or your family as well) on vacation, it happens. I really wouldn't expect any compensation from RC if me and my family became ill on board. Noro virus runs rampant once it gets going.


The same thing just happened on a Princess Cruise out of Texas. They offered their passengers a 20% discount on a future cruise. I thought that was even being generous.


I would say to chalk it up as one of those life's lessons that we all have to deal with.

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Thank you, this is why I asked my question on the forum. We were promised one thing are not receiving what we were promised. That was what I was seeking advice on…what to do in a situation like this. And you are right, we should have gotten it in writing. They said they would be sending letters up to our room but they never came.


I had an issue on the Allure the week before Xmas. Guest Services had a letter delivered within two hours of verbally committing to do so. Two weeks later I contacted RCI via phone to ask a question about what I was receiving and verified the terms of the letter. I received the new certificates in the mail about 7 days after that. Easy.


I also do not like it when a company changes what they promise, but I'm not understanding here why you didn't get the letter while onboard? What is the piece missing from this puzzle? Unfortunately without that letter you don't have much proof or leverage. I hope this is resolved in a fair manner and to your satisfaction.

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LOL- thanks! If you had read my original thread in December we were definitely in the "**** happens" group. In fact so many people commented in that thread about us having a good attitude about getting sick and still being happy with Royal & how they took care of us.


It is not that people are not comprehending in this thread; my original post did not lay it all out properly and unfortunately I can not go back and edit now to clarify…thus all the follow up posts by me.


We were pretty stoked that Royal told us they would give us credit for each day of confinement. That they ended up not doing that is where the disappointment comes in.



ah ok.. then I agree with everyone else why in the world do you think RCI owes you for sneaking pass the check-in folks by saying you were not sick but once on board you get busted and sent to your room. now you expect them to care?

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ah ok.. then I agree with everyone else why in the world do you think RCI owes you for sneaking pass the check-in folks by saying you were not sick but once on board you get busted and sent to your room. now you expect them to care?


;) We touched things in Windjammer first. ;)

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You received a credit of over $200pp pd. you did sail on a holiday sailing which is significantly more pp pd. when you book another cruise are you going to book on another holiday sailing or on a cheaper sailing where what you received would be the equivilant to 2 days or more. .


Very good point, thank you for mentioning this. I did a quick look just now for a same category room for an August sailing on Oasis and it was $39 less per night.


Seems we must have gotten a good deal on our cruise (we booked about 6 weeks before sailing) or late summer sailing prices are fairly comparable.

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Please see my other responses. I was not clear on my original post - sorry. Royal had offered to give us multiple day credits and now is not doing so.


Did they offer others on the ship the same? Maybe check the roll call for that week...sometimes people follow up after the cruise.

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Some of you may have seen my post about getting ill while on Oasis over Christmas. (Most likely Noro) Here is the link to the original thread: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1960631


I am so sorry you got sick on your cruise. Unfortunately when you get sick from a virus it is hard to pinpoint how you caught it. That is not to say there could have been a staffmember who was not following the hygiene policy by nt washing his or her hands etc.


If you had an injury that was proven by an X-Ray and it was caused due to Royal's negligence then I would pursue it further.


If it were me I would accept their offer and leave it at that. I was speaking to someone who was on a Royal cruise and her family got sick and Royal did not give any credits.


You could get sick eating at a fine dining restaurant. The most I would expect them to do is apologize and invite me back to eat there.


Yes I got sick for a few days from eating at a restaurant but not to the point where I needed to go to the hospital and the restaurant was so apologetic and sent me a $100 gift card and I was happy. I did not ask them to do so either.


Royal is being generous with you. You have two options accept the offer or try and see if you can negotiate more. But be careful sometimes if you negotiate more they can refuse your offer and not even give you the original offer. Just do it within reason.


Please let us know what happens.

Edited by travelplus
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Thanks all for your replies. It seems I was not clear in my original post; my apologies.


Royal said they were going to compensate us with credit for each of the days they confined us to our cabins due to contracting noro. We never asked them to do this - they offered it - a credit for each day they confined us.


In my original thread from December we stated many times that we were very happy with how Royal treated us - this is why I said we would be happy if they only credited for two days; not the multiple days as promised by them.


My apologies that you all feel I am entitled, pathetic, etc for foolishly believing Royal was going to do what they offered.


I wonder if hotels would pay their guest for every full day they stayed in their hotel room because they got sick?

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Just some more thoughts on what the OP told us.


If I was sick with Noro(now I know its not fun) I would not feel confined to being in my stateroom because all I would want to do is sleep. As long as they have someone checking in on me and that I can get enough liquids then thats all I care about. The last thing on my mind would be to go up to the Main Dining Room and eating a meal only to get sicker.


Even when I'm not sick I have slept in and enjoyed my stateroom away from the hustle and bustle of the crowds. I watched some TV, ordered room service, took a nice shower and just enjoyed watching the sea from the window.


If Royal gave me credits for staying in my room I would graciously thank them but tell them they didn't have to give me any credits. You see they were taking care of me, checking to see that I'm healthy and not passing the germs to others.


In fact if I had the slightest doubt if I had Noro I would go right to the Medical Center no questions asked and have them check me out and I would even tell the Doctor that if you want me to stay in my stateroom for as long as needed until the symptoms pass I would be glad to do so as I would hate to infect others.


Being considerate is so important when cruising. I do my part by washing my hands with warm water and soap before and after every meal, restroom visit and for no reason other than just to stay healthy. I also suppliment it with the hand sanitizer provided. I take Emergen C and drink it as well. I also have Kefir for the weeks leading up to my cruise as it helps me to stay well.


In fact I'm thinking about bringing along probiotic pills to take with me to prevent any sickness but I know even the best preventative measures don't always work.


So far this season I have not gotten sick as I wash my hands, drink lots of liquids, use saline spray ,drink Kefir etc. I know I'm young at 30 but some of my friends have gotten really sick. I also take my annual Flu Shot and keep up with my other vaccinations as well. The H1N1 is going around but since I have had the flu vaccine with the H1N1 for the past couple of years it has helped me to boost my immunity.


GNC has these delicious multi vitamin almost like starburst that you take two a day and it helps.


If you don't take my word for it I have a couple of friends who are nurses and they told me to use a paper towel to turn off the sink and to open the door of the restroom. I have done this on the cruise and have not gotten sick.


Good luck and Healthy Sailings To You.

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If you decide to contact another dept of royal, ask them to consider checking their medical records in the computer system. When they confine you to your cabin the confinement is recorded in the computer system and as you said your seapass has the evidence of this because the alarm went off when you exited the ship. This evidence would show how long you were each confined / quarantined for and possibly support the promise they made to you verbally. Just a suggestion.


By the way we were on Oasis on B2B on 7 Dec and 14 Dec 2013, the 2 weeks before you, I can't remember if it was the first or second week, but one day I returned to my cabin and the room attendant was cleaning the walls and railings in his section outside the cabins. We had had noro in october 2012 on rhapsody (in the south pacific), it was awful. As soon as I saw him cleaning I knew. So I asked and he said that 6 passengers had a gastro virus and they were on deck 6, we were on deck 8. Since getting noro on rhapsody I NEVER eat from the buffet or use the public toilets. I also eat ALL of my food with the cutlery - crazy I know but I love cruising .... it's hard to remember to do this at every meal but I am paranoid because I hate the norovirus - especially vomitting.....


I checked in with him a few days later and he said the count was up to 22 .... I'm getting more stressed ... so was really diligent and tried really hard to remember not to push the lift buttons with my fingers and many other things ... he did say that its rare for oasis to exceed 30 sick passengers as they can't risk a major outbreak on such a big ship with so many passengers.


I'm so sorry to hear your story ..... and we did get compensated for being sick on rhapsody, 3 out of 4 of us were sick and it was myself and 2 of my kids and although it lasted for 24 or so hours, we all got it within 5 hours of each other, so really we were quarantined for about 48 hours and missed 2 ports. We were given a FCC equal to 1 day so it seems like the standard offer despite what staff might have told you.


We have cruised again, just my cautious and diligent with hand washing, buffets, public toilets and the like.


Anyway to end my story, we are from Australia and were away for 5 weeks, 1 week in Disney World, 2 weeks on Oasis, 1 week in Washington and 1 week in New York. We had a mild sore throat on Oasis .... 2 days after we arrived back in Australia I had a 24 hour vomitting bug. Likely picked up on the flight home - no compensation. Although you are disappointed because the promise has been broken, at least you are being offered something .... just a thought.

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Thanks all for your replies. It seems I was not clear in my original post; my apologies.


Royal said they were going to compensate us with credit for each of the days they confined us to our cabins due to contracting noro. We never asked them to do this - they offered it - a credit for each day they confined us.


In my original thread from December we stated many times that we were very happy with how Royal treated us - this is why I said we would be happy if they only credited for two days; not the multiple days as promised by them.


My apologies that you all feel I am entitled, pathetic, etc for foolishly believing Royal was going to do what they offered.



Orangepeel, I remember following your thread back in December. It's a pretty crappy attempt at good will to promise you something and then give you 40% of what was promised.


I'm also sorry that you post something informative on CC that could benefit others that were promised similar things on their cruise and you in turn have been flamed over and over again for it... :(

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Orangepeel, I remember following your thread back in December. It's a pretty crappy attempt at good will to promise you something and then give you 40% of what was promised.


I'm also sorry that you post something informative on CC that could benefit others that were promised similar things on their cruise and you in turn have been flamed over and over again for it... :(


Very well said!

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Thank you, this is why I asked my question on the forum. We were promised one thing are not receiving what we were promised. That was what I was seeking advice on…what to do in a situation like this. And you are right, we should have gotten it in writing. They said they would be sending letters up to our room but they never came.
Sounds like he said , she said. You have no prove this was offered and RCL honestly could have given you zero. Be happy that you received what you did...
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