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Royal Caribbean kicked me off cruise ship for having a migraine


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This person apparently had a similar experience on another cruise line with gout.



"I can confirm from harsh personal experience that cruise lines don’t think they have to do anything to make it up to customers when things go awry and it’s their fault. The contract of carriage is, in fact, totally one sided, with no recourse or appeal on the part of the passenger. Caveat emptor. Buy trip insurance.


I had booked a cruise from Istanbul to Venice last summer aboard Oceania’s Riviera. I reported aboard with a very large knee, caused by my worst gout attack ever, complicated by an infection from a fall. I called my physician at home, who is on staff at Presbyterian-New York Weill Cornell Medical Center, and she suggested I not get treated until I got aboard ship and saw the ship’s doctor. The doctor, whom I judged in the end to be incompetent, wanted me immediately debarked before the ship sailed, so I could “have (my) knee opened and scraped.” I declined. He was in a panic about my high white cell count, not realizing that gout increases white cell count as surely as an infection, and for the same reason. So he treated me for the infection, and only upon my insistence treated me for the gout. He kept referring to me as “septic” and being in danger of losing my knee unless I immediately had it opened and scraped. He never believed I had gout, however, refused to talk to my doctor back home, saying “I don’t care what she thinks and I especially don’t care what you think,” and when he involuntarily debarked me into the Greek medical system three days later he noted on my medical certificate (from memory, but this is the gist) “Patient thinks he has gout. Uric acid level normal.” In other words, he was claiming I didn’t know what I was talking about.



The link is here...bottom of page: http://blog.insuremytrip.com/2013/02/15/travel-insurance-cruise-disasters-carnival-triumph.html


The cruise ship physician that I saw onboard in December (for shingles) wanted to put me off for onshore medical. I sort of refused, because I would have been in just as much pain onshore as onboard. :o No reason to ruin the cruise for my husband and friends. He just wrote "patient refused onshore medical treatment" on my chart. It ruined MY cruise, it was a painful, but not a generally life threatening condition. :D I won't get the lost 4 days back, but either primary or travel insurance will reimburse for the medical visit.



sounds to me like there is a whole lot more going on then meets the eye.. with her history how could she get insurance?

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BY THE INSURANCE COMPANY. that was the whole point of purchasing Cruise insurance in the first place..


why skip that step? the OP needs to go through her insurance company FIRST before demanding Royal refund her one red cent. at best, and I am full of 'exceptional customer service' here( I was in the industry for over a decade and I left it because the customer is NOT always right and their attitude usually sucked making it very hard to even WANT to give them squat) is for Royal to possibly offer OBC for the difference between what the Travel insurance pays out and the actual total cost of the cruise.


from a liability standpoint, Royal did nothing wrong and is not obligated to do any more. assuming that you are entitled to anything beyond the letter of the contract is self serving and will only lead to the lawyers making it even harder for companies to be willing to do anything above and beyond.


Life isn't fair.

Why skip the step? Because it was ROYAL's decision to put the couple off the ship, and not because the OP did anything against the contract. Royal took their money, refused to give the service the money was supposed to buy, and now keeps their money.


Should Royal give everyone that complains money? Absolutely not. But that doesn't mean everyone who complains should get nothing. Some complaints are valid. Each complaint should be handled on a case by case basis.


I'm sure someone will say according to the cruise contract, Royal can kick you off for any reason. While that's probably legally correct, I don't think it's the right attitude to have. Neither is "life isn't fair" (at least not in this case).


If you purchased a TV from a store and when they went to deliver it, the delivery crew decided "it doesn't fit in your house, we're taking it back AND keeping your money", would the answer be "life isn't fair"?


Is it possible we're not getting the entire story and there's some facts being left out (like the "tobacco in a can" thread)? Absolutely. But based on what's presented, I think this is a case where Royal should refund the money.

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So exceptional customer service is just caving in and giving someone whatever they demand , whether they are entitled to it or not?


I once returned a broken appliance to Costco. I had no box, no receipt, nothing. I said "I'm not 100% sure I even bought this here, but it's broke and it's not old enough to be broke." They had every right to tell me to get lost. Instead they scoured my purchase history, found the purchase, saw that it was WAY past the return date (by over a year), and returned my money anyway.


So instead of going around saying things like "I'll never step foot in Costco again," like the OP here is doing, I am an evangelist for Costco. I love that place.


It's making people happy even when you don't have to, that is the difference. Royal Caribbean appears to have missed an opportunity to do that.


They just spent millions on refunds from a single Explorer cruise when they could have pointed to the cruise contract and said "Sorry. Says right here we don't have to."


Do you only observe the Golden Rule, or otherwise act with kindness, when there is an audience? It appears that is exactly what is going on here.

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Yet exceptional is meant to mean out of the ordinary, unexpected.


People requesting this as though they are entitled to a full refund will not see it as exceptional. They are demanding it, and expect companies to cave into their demands "otherwise they'll badmouth the companies' reputation."




Oh I agree



I have been dealing with the public for going on 30 years.


I am a 9-1-1 dispatcher . It would boggle your mind to learn what we get calls for as "EMERGENCIES" .


Calls that should be going to





cable companies

cell phone providers



Ya know the people that are supposed to handle their "EMERGENCY" but aren't open at 3am ........or even worse CHARGE MONEY to handle their "EMERGENCY"



I can be as sweet as pie, compassionate as all get out and even help them get they numbers they need and the times they can call these places, but since I don't drop everything and send them someone right now, this second and FREE OF CHARGE ....I am not doing my job or being very helpful

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I once returned a broken appliance to Costco. I had no box, no receipt, nothing. I said "I'm not 100% sure I even bought this here, but it's broke and it's not old enough to be broke." They had every right to tell me to get lost. Instead they scoured my purchase history, found the purchase, saw that it was WAY past the return date (by over a year), and returned my money anyway.


So instead of going around saying things like "I'll never step foot in Costco again," like the OP here is doing, I am an evangelist for Costco. I love that place.


It's making people happy even when you don't have to, that is the difference. Royal Caribbean appears to have missed an opportunity to do that.


They just spent millions on refunds from a single Explorer cruise when they could have pointed to the cruise contract and said "Sorry. Says right here we don't have to."


Do you only observe the Golden Rule, or otherwise act with kindness, when there is an audience? It appears that is exactly what is going on here.



You raise some interesting points. I suspect in the case of the Explorer issue the fact that there was much more publicity there as opposed to this situation probably played a very big part in the overall corporate response.


Part of the problem with this thread is that there are two issues at hand. There is the issue of the OP being put off of the ship and there is the issue of RCI then keeping the cruise fare. Some people on this thread, and I don't mean you even though I quoted you, are having trouble separating the two.

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Why skip the step? Because it was ROYAL's decision to put the couple off the ship, and not because the OP did anything against the contract. Royal took their money, refused to give the service the money was supposed to buy, and now keeps their money.


Should Royal give everyone that complains money? Absolutely not. But that doesn't mean everyone who complains should get nothing. Some complaints are valid. Each complaint should be handled on a case by case basis.


I'm sure someone will say according to the cruise contract, Royal can kick you off for any reason. While that's probably legally correct, I don't think it's the right attitude to have. Neither is "life isn't fair" (at least not in this case).


If you purchased a TV from a store and when they went to deliver it, the delivery crew decided "it doesn't fit in your house, we're taking it back AND keeping your money", would the answer be "life isn't fair"?


Is it possible we're not getting the entire story and there's some facts being left out (like the "tobacco in a can" thread)? Absolutely. But based on what's presented, I think this is a case where Royal should refund the money.


I pretty much agree with your entire post. However, I came to the conclusion long ago that when it comes to the cruise industry the issue of fairness is hard to insert into any discussion. The entire cruise contract is basically unfair and completely skewed toward the benefit of the cruise lines. I remember the first time that we were planning a cruise and I read the contract my thought was why in the world would anyone ever agree to this? Finally, I came to the conclusion that if we were going to cruise this is just the way it was going to be. The consumer pretty much assumes all of the risk.


And I do remember the "Tobacco in a can" thread.

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Some of you people make me sick with your constant attacks when someone dares to criticize your "favorite" cruise line.


Get over yourself.


OP, sorry to hear about your experience. There are many horror stories involving people being denied boarding or removed from the ship for very questionable reasons.


I know that if this happened to myself or my wife we would certainly never step foot on a Royal ship again.

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Due to your fibromyalgia causing you discomfort you sat down on the deck during the muster drill? Didn't you think that would cause the staff some concern? Then once inside you sat down on the steps, therefore possibly causing others to fall as they tried to get around you? I am an event usher at a stadium, and would have called medics also. We are not allowed to have people sitting on steps for safety reasons. When they tried to get you to go to a seat, you apparently refused. Why didn't you just cover your eyes and ask for a seat somewhere else other than the casino?



"By now, I know when I'm having a migraine and when I'm not."

You agreed to take an ambulance because you write "Also because I wanted confirmation by a qualified physician that I was NOT having a stroke. RCI aren't the only ones versed in CYA."

So you yourself were not sure it was only a migraine, and was worried that it may actually be a stroke? That's what you said.





I question if you actually had insurance because you refuse to answer this.



Why just bash RCCL?

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Some of you people make me sick with your constant attacks when someone dares to criticize your "favorite" cruise line.


Get over yourself.


OP, sorry to hear about your experience. There are many horror stories involving people being denied boarding or removed from the ship for very questionable reasons.


I know that if this happened to myself or my wife we would certainly never step foot on a Royal ship again.


Nicely said.


The cheerleaders never cease to amaze me. They will defend RCI no matter what the circumstance.


When a situation of this magnitude takes place, whether the customer is right or wrong, a senior executive in customer service should be in contact immediately with that customer.


I find it inexcusable in the way RCI fails to communicate regarding such problems. Good professional customer service ain't rocket science.

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Some of you people make me sick with your constant attacks when someone dares to criticize your "favorite" cruise line.


Get over yourself.


OP, sorry to hear about your experience. There are many horror stories involving people being denied boarding or removed from the ship for very questionable reasons.


I know that if this happened to myself or my wife we would certainly never step foot on a Royal ship again.


I'm willing to bet these pom-pom wavers would sing a different tune if a similar issue happened to them or their loved ones.

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The cruise line should have known that strobe lights can cause a severe reaction in people who experience migraines or seizures. Most performances warn ahead of time if there will be strobe lights. My adult daughter has seizures and experienced quite a different response from Princess. She was walking through the casino on a Princess cruise and the flashing lights and loud noises caused her to have a seizure. The young woman who worked in the coffee shop where my daughter bought coffee every evening saw her and called us in our cabin. A ship's officier also responded. They were both very kind and helped us get her to the cabin after some medical attention. At no time did they say that she had to leave the ship. We continued and had an enjoyable voyage. We have booked passage on the Allure but have not made final payment. After reading this we are cancelling in favor of a Princess cruise.


That's too bad for you, but seizure symptoms do not mimic stroke symptoms. And, you were already at sea, correct? I think Princess woukd have made the same call.

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Why just bash RCCL?

Umm, perhaps because it happened on a RC ship ?:confused:

If it happened with Carnival then this company would and should be bashed.

The only difference is there would be less people ridiculously defending this company.

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My point being, I would have worked with the OP. I would have done whatever it took to make them whole and HAPPY, maybe assist with the insurance coverage.


It is something that is far too lacking in many businesses, good customer relations.


As demonstrated by your post, most consumers have come to expect poor or non existent customer service. I am a firm believer that when a company has a displeased customer, they should bend over backwards to see to it that the customer gets satisfaction.


And who said ANYTHING about a law suit?


If you worked for RCCL, then no one would ever have to buy trip insurance. And you would not have a job with them for very long.:D

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Good observations... I'm not familiar enough with migraines/Imitrex/stroke to know, but if Imitrex would be contra-indicated in case of possible stroke, then that would certainly support the argument that the onboard doc wasn't THAT concerned about a stroke.


In the end, as you say, we just really don't know, not enough info.


I do think RCI has handled it badly after-the-fact, from a PR and guest relations perspective.



The doc didn't give the op the meds its what she had with her for her condition. However you would think he would look at the bottle before allowing her to take them just to make sure she was taking the correct meds. Seeing as she didn't seem to be in her right mind or that is what they thought he/she would want to make sure its ok. Or at least I would hope that is the case.

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Umm, perhaps because it happened on a RC ship ?:confused:

If it happened with Carnival then this company would and should be bashed.

The only difference is there would be less people ridiculously defending this company.


And they should not bash the insurance company's refusal? Elfmama still won't name the company would SHOULD give them their obviously due refund! I agree that they should get it, but not from RCCL.:)

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I'm willing to bet these pom-pom wavers would sing a different tune if a similar issue happened to them or their loved ones.



I would likely be Pi$$ed and I might not ever step onboard one of their ships, but you would never know it, as I would never make a Story like this public.

I deal with any issues in a confidential manner between a Company and me and if I think it deserves legal Action, then it´s taken. However I would never take it up on the Internet, as I don´t need the opinions of strangers on the subject.

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My thoughts? I'm not in the medical field, so I can't comment on how the dr respond.


I go on cruises knowing full well that they are in control of the contract, and that I'm at their mercy to a certain extent. Even so, I would be upset if were the OP.


However, I do know that everyone has a responsibility to make sure that the ship is aware of potential health issues they may face when on the ship. They are responsible for safety once the ship leaves. If you have fibromyalgia, and have cues for migraines that are prevalent on the ship, you might consider having a dr's note explaining your symptoms, and any cues that could set them off. There might have been any number of things the ship could have done to help the OP have a safe and comfortable cruise. Isn't there a separate drill for pax who have different needs?


Or at the least, there would be something on record that the ship dr can refer to as a way to inform his opinion, especially with such a short time between the muster drill, and sailing. Would there even have been enough time to reboard after leaving at that point?


When I sail, I bring along the pharmacy's description of medicines I'm taking, that include symptoms, etc. My husband sails with a note about his diabetes. This way we have something to show in an emergency. I assume that a ship's dr will know the basics, but I agree, it's like my going to urgent care. They don't know me. They know symptoms. There's a huge difference to me. Whatever vacation the OP takes next, I would urge her to prepare differently.

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The doc didn't give the op the meds its what she had with her for her condition. However you would think he would look at the bottle before allowing her to take them just to make sure she was taking the correct meds. Seeing as she didn't seem to be in her right mind or that is what they thought he/she would want to make sure its ok. Or at least I would hope that is the case.


Try to read the thread. She clearly states the doc wouldn't let her take her own imetrix but instead opened a package for her from ship's stocks.

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Unfortunately some of the responses here are not only callous, but reflect a very strange inability to perceive the real issues of professional incompetence, poor management and oversight and a total disregard for the passenger by a major cruise line as shown by an obtuse response. Migraine sufferers suffer quite enough misunderstanding and improper care without being misdiagnosed by a poorly trained doctor, having a major travel vacation totally ruined by sheer organizational stupidity to say nothing of at least a dozen further serious problems resulting from being ordered off a cruise ship. If This cruise line will not rectify the mistakes made by crew, staff, management, etc. how honest, fair, safe or competent can its overall operation be for any passenger? Opinions suggesting otherwise are clearly and most unfortunately as obtuse and uncaring as those of the cruise line. Finally, a ship's medical officer who misdiagnosis a migraine as a stroke is a danger to the well -being of everyone on - board!



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