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Holland America Worker Assaults Female Passenger


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The language used in the article is astonishing. Even worse that it is a real newspaper.


Uh, the point is that a cruise ship worker raped and savagely beat a passenger for an alleged slight. You are concerned about the language used and the newspaper. Really? :confused:

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The language used in the article is astonishing. Even worse that it is a real newspaper.


A woman is assaulted and you're worried about language???:confused::eek:


Nice to know where your priorities are...:rolleyes::(

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The language used in the article is astonishing. Even worse that it is a real newspaper.


well it is the daily news and it is a bit much to call him devilish and plotting but it sounds like a horrific crime and I can't imagine how terrified that woman must have been thinking she has come back to her cabin for the night and she ends up fighting for her life.

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The language used in the article is astonishing. Even worse that it is a real newspaper.


Why is it astonishing? Yes, the NY Daily News is a NY paper with a massive circulation. It is one of the largest circulations of any paper in the country.

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No doubt about that. But as we all have not been present during the crime we depend on factual and neutral journalism. That article failed completely that is all I said.



Not really; this is journalism. It was based on fact and I believe police reports. I guess I am not really sure of what you mean and what your intent is here.


I read the article and it made sense to me. Can you let us know what you mean by your (journalistic) criticism? We would all like to learn.

Thanks! :)

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This is a horrible event. I can't even imagine what she went through. I hope she recovers from any injuries physically and mentally.

I'm sure the cruise line will be somehow held responsible which is a shame. Even if they aren't, I hope they set her up with some free cruises and she has the strength to accept. Like in an any vacation, we all hope this never happens to anyone ever again.

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All I know is that I'm never going to take a cruise on HA.


Of course they are responsible. They hired the guy, didn't they? Is it asking too much that a cruiser not have to worry about who is in her room when she enters it?


I don't think it's a shame at all if HA is held responsible. I certainly hope that you don't think that the woman is responsible. Or that it's "just one of those things."

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Absolutely not!! I did not say that at all. If in the profession of dealing with these occurrences. He was hired, but the cruise line, or any business for that matter can not predict what one lunatic may do. I am on her side. I also know that any one person can be held for their own actions. Now if they find he had a history of breaking into rooms, sure, blame the company. But the way I read the article, that nutjob is a total crazy and snapped. Hang him for sure.

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What a terrifying ordeal for that woman.


I don't see HA to blame unless they messed up on their screening and vetting procedures. Don't know what the legal position is nought. Here in Scotland if you appoint an agent to act for you, you are liable for the actions of that agent. It's not so clear cut with employees though. If a company's procedures are to blame that's different. This very much sounds like something that could not have been foretold. He culprit clearly has some kind of psychological problem that he could react in this way to an insult. Doesn't sound like he just snapped and over reacted either. This was premeditated.


To say it's not safe to cruise on HA because of this is not rational in my view. This could happen on any ship or in any hotel. Fortunately a crime of this seriousness is fairly rare in the cruising industry.

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All I know is that I'm never going to take a cruise on HA.


Of course they are responsible. They hired the guy, didn't they? Is it asking too much that a cruiser not have to worry about who is in her room when she enters it?


I don't think it's a shame at all if HA is held responsible. I certainly hope that you don't think that the woman is responsible. Or that it's "just one of those things."


No one said it was the woman's fault. But, how does ANY employer know if an employee will snap at any given time? If you were in human resources for any company, and were responsible for hiring all personnel, could YOU tell if a interviewee were likely to commit a crime? Would you be able to tell if a certain person will become violent? Would you want to be held responsible if someone you hired committed a violent crime? I just don't understand how you can make your comments.


BTW, crimes, violent an otherwise, has been committed on every cruise line, so I guess you're not going to cruise anymore?

Edited by kitty9
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What caught my eye was he used a "Master Key". How many employees on a ship have access to Master keys to our cabins:confused:


Also a reminder to lock your balcony door at night.


Hope the female recovers enough to live a decent life:(




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This is very scary. I just booked a solo cruise, now thinking of canceling. I have done a few solo cruises but frankly didn't really think this can happen on a cruise. Naïve me :/


There are crazies everywhere. Thankfully, not very many of them. Cruising is pretty safe, but there is nothing that is completely safe. A meteorite could come crashing down on your head at any moment, or a plane could crash into your house.


Don't give up doing things you love out of fears of stuff like this. Yes, it could happen to anyone-but it rarely happens. I feel terrible for the victim, but I'm not going to stop living my life. :)

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I just checked HA's website, and I didn't see anything about how they are taking responsibility for what happened, so I wouldn't be surprised if they don't think they did anything wrong.


I was on two HA cruises in the past. On the second one, the waiter kissed the other women at my table good-bye on the mouth. Those women didn't mind, because they had talked with him and joked around with him a lot during the cruise. I had not. However, he tried to kiss me on the mouth, and I shoved him away as hard as I could. Something told him that it was okay to try to kiss women passengers on the mouth. Since then, I haven't taken another HA cruise, and now I certainly don't think I will. And no waiter on any other cruiseline tried to kiss me on the mouth.


I guess this could happen on any cruiseline, but until it does, I will continue to take cruises on cruiselines other than HA.


I would think more of HA if they made public announcement of their responsibility and what they were doing for this poor woman, but their website says absolutely nothing.

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I just checked HA's website, and I didn't see anything about how they are taking responsibility for what happened, so I wouldn't be surprised if they don't think they did anything wrong.


I was on two HA cruises in the past. On the second one, the waiter kissed the other women at my table good-bye on the mouth. Those women didn't mind, because they had talked with him and joked around with him a lot during the cruise. I had not. However, he tried to kiss me on the mouth, and I shoved him away as hard as I could. Something told him that it was okay to try to kiss women passengers on the mouth. Since then, I haven't taken another HA cruise, and now I certainly don't think I will. And no waiter on any other cruiseline tried to kiss me on the mouth.


I guess this could happen on any cruiseline, but until it does, I will continue to take cruises on cruiselines other than HA.


I would think more of HA if they made public announcement of their responsibility and what they were doing for this poor woman, but their website says absolutely nothing.


Of course their website says absolutely nothing. That would make this even more of a PR nightmare than it is? Do you realize how many accidents and crimes occur on Disney properties but you never hear of them because Disney pays the victims large sums of money and makes them sign non-disclosure agreements stating that they will not publically say that "X" happened on Disney property.

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No, I didn't realize it because the opposite thing happened to my traveling companion and me on a Celebrity cruise. We were 2 of approx. 96 people who were treated absolutely abominably on the cruise. Everyone on the ship knew about it, because they made several public address announcements about it. Whenever people brought the subject up, I said that I was one of the people involved. I was always asked if Celebrity had asked me to sign something. I always said no. Then I was asked if Celebrity had offered me any compensation. I always said that they hadn't offered me even one penny.


I never contacted Celebrity about this or even told any officer on the ship that I thought I deserved compensation. However, a couple of days after the cruise, Celebrity called my friend and me, and we told them how horribly we had been treated. We did not ask for anything, but we said that we hadn't been offered even one penny while on the ship. A couple of days later, Celebrity called us back and offered us enough cruise credit to pay for a cruise to Bermuda, including port charges and autograts. We accepted.


However, they never asked us to sign anything at all, so we felt free while on our cruise to Bermuda to tell everyone the circumstances that led us to being on that ship.


That is why I am surprised to hear that Disney makes people sign non-disclosures saying that they won't talk publicly about being treated terribly, because Celebrity never said the slightest thing about it.


I never wanted to sail with Disney anyway. And I'm certainly not going to sail with Celebrity again.

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No, I didn't realize it because the opposite thing happened to my traveling companion and me on a Celebrity cruise. We were 2 of approx. 96 people who were treated absolutely abominably on the cruise. Everyone on the ship knew about it, because they made several public address announcements about it. Whenever people brought the subject up, I said that I was one of the people involved. I was always asked if Celebrity had asked me to sign something. I always said no. Then I was asked if Celebrity had offered me any compensation. I always said that they hadn't offered me even one penny.


I never contacted Celebrity about this or even told any officer on the ship that I thought I deserved compensation. However, a couple of days after the cruise, Celebrity called my friend and me, and we told them how horribly we had been treated. We did not ask for anything, but we said that we hadn't been offered even one penny while on the ship. A couple of days later, Celebrity called us back and offered us enough cruise credit to pay for a cruise to Bermuda, including port charges and autograts. We accepted.


However, they never asked us to sign anything at all, so we felt free while on our cruise to Bermuda to tell everyone the circumstances that led us to being on that ship.


That is why I am surprised to hear that Disney makes people sign non-disclosures saying that they won't talk publicly about being treated terribly, because Celebrity never said the slightest thing about it.


I never wanted to sail with Disney anyway. And I'm certainly not going to sail with Celebrity again.


Let me clarify. The Disney policy that I know of applies to its parks, I'm only assuming that if something negative were to happen on their ships they would enforce the same policy. Disney will either get people to sign non-disclosure agreement or lavish enough perks on the person that they don't go to the media. That's the curse that Celebrity took with you. A better example is how cruise lines handle stranded ships. Carnival had a major PR incident with their cruise ship lost power because they chose to let the people stay on the ship. A little known fact is that a RCCL ship lost power a few months after that but you didn't hear about that because within 48 hours RCCL had the ship in a port, the passengers on planes home and given them all their next cruise free and OBC all on RCCL tab.

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No, I didn't realize it because the opposite thing happened to my traveling companion and me on a Celebrity cruise. We were 2 of approx. 96 people who were treated absolutely abominably on the cruise. Everyone on the ship knew about it, because they made several public address announcements about it. Whenever people brought the subject up, I said that I was one of the people involved. I was always asked if Celebrity had asked me to sign something. I always said no. Then I was asked if Celebrity had offered me any compensation. I always said that they hadn't offered me even one penny.


I never contacted Celebrity about this or even told any officer on the ship that I thought I deserved compensation. However, a couple of days after the cruise, Celebrity called my friend and me, and we told them how horribly we had been treated. We did not ask for anything, but we said that we hadn't been offered even one penny while on the ship. A couple of days later, Celebrity called us back and offered us enough cruise credit to pay for a cruise to Bermuda, including port charges and autograts. We accepted.


However, they never asked us to sign anything at all, so we felt free while on our cruise to Bermuda to tell everyone the circumstances that led us to being on that ship.


That is why I am surprised to hear that Disney makes people sign non-disclosures saying that they won't talk publicly about being treated terribly, because Celebrity never said the slightest thing about it.


I never wanted to sail with Disney anyway. And I'm certainly not going to sail with Celebrity again.


After being so badly treated by Celebrity that there were public announcements on board about your ill treatment, I am just curious as to why you would accept a free cruise to Bermuda on the same line. Weren't you afraid of a repeat performance of what you had already suffered?


Just curious,


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That's a very good question, kirin. I wasn't worried about a repeat bad performance on the cruise to Bermuda, because the horrible incident took place while we were on a tender, and the cruise to Bermuda didn't involve any tendering.


Thanks for the explanation. I can understand. I have had bad experiences while tendering. I'm just glad you weren't seriously injured and are still enjoying cruising.



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No, I didn't realize it because the opposite thing happened to my traveling companion and me on a Celebrity cruise. We were 2 of approx. 96 people who were treated absolutely abominably on the cruise. Everyone on the ship knew about it, because they made several public address announcements about it. Whenever people brought the subject up, I said that I was one of the people involved. I was always asked if Celebrity had asked me to sign something. I always said no. Then I was asked if Celebrity had offered me any compensation. I always said that they hadn't offered me even one penny.


I never contacted Celebrity about this or even told any officer on the ship that I thought I deserved compensation. However, a couple of days after the cruise, Celebrity called my friend and me, and we told them how horribly we had been treated. We did not ask for anything, but we said that we hadn't been offered even one penny while on the ship. A couple of days later, Celebrity called us back and offered us enough cruise credit to pay for a cruise to Bermuda, including port charges and autograts. We accepted.


However, they never asked us to sign anything at all, so we felt free while on our cruise to Bermuda to tell everyone the circumstances that led us to being on that ship.


That is why I am surprised to hear that Disney makes people sign non-disclosures saying that they won't talk publicly about being treated terribly, because Celebrity never said the slightest thing about it.


I never wanted to sail with Disney anyway. And I'm certainly not going to sail with Celebrity again.



I'm not understanding a lot of what you're complaining about. You apparently hated your Celebrity cruise, but took them up on a free cruise. But even after that, you now claim you won't sail Celebrity again. If things had been as awful as you say, why go back on a line that you seem to hate? Oh, I forgot, it was free.


You're upset that a waiter supposedly tried to kiss you on the lips, so you won't sail HAL again. Did you file a complaint against that waiter? If not, how can you expect anything to happen to change the behavior?


Like I said before, terrible things have happened to passengers on every single cruise line. Teen girls have been sexually assaulted. Underage kids have been given alcohol and have behaved badly. A child drowns in an NCL pool. Another child nearly drowns in a Disney pool. Passengers have gone missing on Carnival and NCL cruises. People who've had too much to drink have behaved stupidly and have jumped into the sea off the ship. Just take the time and Google cruise ship crimes and I daresay, you won't go on any ship ever again.


Let me tell you what's happened to me on cruise ships. I fell and broke my foot getting onto a bouncing tender on an RCI ship. The medical staff was so incompetent that they had to redo the Xray three times. Then, after requesting the use of a wheelchair for the remainder of the cruise, they refused. I had to speak to the captain in order to get him to call the medical center to give me a wheelchair. Did I stop cruising RCI? NO, of course not. Crap happens and you deal with it. Tenders are inherently difficult, and we as the sailing public know this and take the chance. After the ship arrived at our disembarkation port, I got absolutely no help with disembarking nor help getting me to the airport. So, how does that compare with your tender experience on Celebrity?


A waiter on a Carnival cruise was enamored with my sister, who was only 16 at the time. He kept asking her to meet him at a bar on shore. My mom reported him to the hotel director and that waiter was never seen again.


My mom fell and broke her hip on a Celebrity cruise. She had to be medically evacuated off the ship, back to the US for hip replacement surgery. Add to that the fact that the doctor on board was a blooming idiot (the doctors in Ft Lauderdale were amazed by how terrible her treatment was on the ship and how they had screwed up in a number of ways) should have turned us off from cruising Celebrity, but within 8 months of the accident, mom was back on Celebrity cruising again. Oh, and Celebrity did not assist us in any way in getting me off the ship and back to the US to be with my mom for the surgery. There was only room for mom and my sister on the medical jet. I made all the arrangements myself and while I was not happy, I dealt with it.


I took my first solo cruise to the Med on a Seabourn ship, a luxury line. When I arrived at the airport, I was suppose to be met by someone from the cruise line to escort me to the pre cruise hotel in Nice. No one showed up, so I had to find my own way to the hotel at 2am. Did I stop cruising Seabourn? No.


When arriving at an airport to join a Crystal cruise, again no one was there to take me to the ship, which was in Singapore. It was in the middle of the night, and calls to the cruise line were impossible. I had to find my own transportation to the ship, which wasn't easy at that time of night. Did I stop cruising Crystal? No, certainly not.


Stories of things that have gone wrong also happen on land vacations. Heck, you don't even need to be on a vacation to have bad things happen. It's a part of life. OK, I can see if something really serious had happened to someone on a ship, like the woman on the HAL cruise, that they'd be totally turned off from that line. But like they say "ship happens" everywhere in life.

Edited by kitty9
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