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Hi all


I've been reading the forums for awhile now and just love the activity here. It's so informative!


Me... I live in Brisbane... a newbie (from Sydney originally and from NZ prior to that).

I'm a single parent of 3... 2 have flown from the nest but the eldest (now 26) will always be with me as he has Aspergers Syndrome and Epilepsy.


I have cruised in the past... once when I was babe (hehehe 17 was a babe back then in 79) with my older sister on the Fairstar. That trip prompted us to move to Australia.


My next trip was in 91 with my then husband... again on the Fairstar. LOLOL I had no idea what a bucket she was at both times I sailed on her but I had the best times. It gave me a love of cruising.


Time has gone by and now am planning another cruise. But ain't doing the Pacific again LOL. This time it's the Panama Canal since I've always wanted to see a bit of Mexico/Central America... and my son wants to visit Miami (CSI-Miami fan).


It's in the 2 year plan though (April 2016). Value wise I think NCL Star looks good as we would book an aft balcony cabin... and it seems to offer the best in itinerary.


Anyone had experience with this cruise? And particularly staff when it comes to dealing with pax with intellectual disabilities.


Cheers much


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:D Hi Dee, welcome to this fountain of information. I would also look at, and ask questions, on the boards relating to the line you are wanting to sail on. We haven't sailed outside of Australia and NZ due to time and money constraints, and we enjoy being on the ship as our main priority so I can't say much about your plan. If you get any weird or rude comments, don't let them get to you, but it seems to me that the tone of the board has picked up lately - which is nice. You are bound to get heaps of information and you have a long time frame to check things out. That is always good for finding out the ebs and flows of pricing cycles too.

Cheers, Kathy.

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Hi all


I've been reading the forums for awhile now and just love the activity here. It's so informative!


Me... I live in Brisbane... a newbie (from Sydney originally and from NZ prior to that).

I'm a single parent of 3... 2 have flown from the nest but the eldest (now 26) will always be with me as he has Aspergers Syndrome and Epilepsy.


I have cruised in the past... once when I was babe (hehehe 17 was a babe back then in 79) with my older sister on the Fairstar. That trip prompted us to move to Australia.


My next trip was in 91 with my then husband... again on the Fairstar. LOLOL I had no idea what a bucket she was at both times I sailed on her but I had the best times. It gave me a love of cruising.


Time has gone by and now am planning another cruise. But ain't doing the Pacific again LOL. This time it's the Panama Canal since I've always wanted to see a bit of Mexico/Central America... and my son wants to visit Miami (CSI-Miami fan).


It's in the 2 year plan though (April 2016). Value wise I think NCL Star looks good as we would book an aft balcony cabin... and it seems to offer the best in itinerary.


Anyone had experience with this cruise? And particularly staff when it comes to dealing with pax with intellectual disabilities.


Cheers much



Welcome to cruise critic,


I have spent 23 days on the Ncl Star and it's a great ship,with the nicest crew.


Ncl is our preferred cruise line....hopefully they will come down under soon.

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Hi Razzledee,


Welcome to your new hobby:)

Probably the best thing to do is start looking at the Port of Call forum for Panama Canal and like already suggested the NCL board.


What is also fun is to look up the ships reviews here on CC. The button is on the page on top L. CC will explain and review the ship and then you have the members reports reviewing how their cruise was on that ship. Which is great to look up the general impressions of the ship and also look for the reviews of your particular itinerary.


You can also look up tips for new cruisers and just start exploring all that is here on CC and what appeals to you and is relevant.


If you need to decide between several ships beside looking up the member reviews, you can also check out footage on You Tube. That way you can see a lot of impressions. The same you can do for the Port of Calls.


Warning though: this is all VERY addictive, especially after your first cruise:p

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Welcome Razzledee! I find that I pick up so many great ideas, ones I hadn't even thought about, on the boards and forums! But as others have said check out the boards for RCL and refresh every once in a while. I am now refreshing the Princess boards nearly every day, that's how addictive it is! LOL Half the fun is organising and finding info out about the cruise, and the other half is actually cruising! Enjoy :)

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Auckland :)


Grew up in Tokoroa myself... plus Whiritoa beach. Later lived in Pakuranga and Remuera before moving to Aus.


Waihekean... my grandparents lived there (and are laid to rest there too). Beautiful part of the world.


Thanks everyone for the suggestions. And you are right... it is addictive :D

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You are bound to get heaps of information and you have a long time frame to check things out. That is always good for finding out the ebs and flows of pricing cycles too.

Cheers, Kathy.


Thx Kathy... definitely going to need the 2 years to save as we don't want to scrimp too much. And if today is anything to go by then we'll need it!

Just had to rush my beloved boy (Jack Russell/Maltese X) to the emergency vet as he can't walk on either of his back legs. Went to put him in the car very early this morning but he spotted someone walking their dog and took off down my steep driveway. He has torn the cruciate ligament in his right knee and will need surgery. He had already strained it a week or so ago and was putting all his weight on his left leg... and so has now strained that side more after today and hence why he can't walk on either back legs :(


I've got 5 dogs here (3 are mine... one is my daughters... and 1 is a foster dog... I foster dogs for Animals in Need Brisbane). Marley is just that typical boy who always seems to be the one that gets into trouble. Sigh.


The vet today gave him anti-inflammatory and pain killing shots and tomorrow I will take him to my local vet. So into the holiday savings already but what can you do? I would do anything for my babies!!!


And whilst I was there at the vet today someone came in and it was clearly an emergency situation as the owner was clearly distraught. I wanted to give her a hug but I was in a consult room and couldn't see her. So sad. I do hope her pet is okay.

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Hi Raz. I too am in Brissie's, and own a foxie (standard) so I feel your pain with the JR!! LOL:D they are hard hard work for sure. Our old vet used to. Call them the fox terrorists - which sums up their destructiveness quite nicely!

I haven't heard of animals in need Bris, so will check them out. :)


Panama Canal is on our bucket list too, will be keen to hear what you find out. Not sure what your budget is, but there are some decent packages that do the Sth of America and the horn etc.


We have just booked a TA & arrive in Miami as our destination. For same reason as your son pretty excited by that! + Las Vegas too, starting in Rome. Savings are also taking a beating! :(


Welcome anyway, and like other posters say, keep your thick skin on and don't take anything to heart! Cheers!

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Hi Raz. I too am in Brissie's, and own a foxie (standard) so I feel your pain with the JR!! LOL:D they are hard hard work for sure. Our old vet used to. Call them the fox terrorists - which sums up their destructiveness quite nicely!

I haven't heard of animals in need Bris, so will check them out. :)


Panama Canal is on our bucket list too, will be keen to hear what you find out. Not sure what your budget is, but there are some decent packages that do the Sth of America and the horn etc.


We have just booked a TA & arrive in Miami as our destination. For same reason as your son pretty excited by that! + Las Vegas too, starting in Rome. Savings are also taking a beating! :(


Welcome anyway, and like other posters say, keep your thick skin on and don't take anything to heart! Cheers!


Cheers for your reply. Everyone has been so nice to me so hopefully I won't cop any flack (though I don't know why I would?).


Anyways... yes please do have a look at Animals in Need. They are just brilliant and thoroughly check out prospective owners. Their website is animals-in-need.com.au and they also have a facebook page ... Animals in Need Brisbane.


If you or anyone you know would like to adopt a new pet... or if you or anyone you know is able to foster... they would be most grateful (donations of any sort... food, worm/flea treatments etc very much needed and appreciated).


If you do look at their sites check out Roy... he's my latest foster babe... and is also a foxie and definitely a terror!! :D

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OMG. Already been there & saw Roy :D. I was going to let a work mate know about him tomorrow. They are looking for a 2nd dog and are lovely people. Foxie / jack owners so know what to expect. Went to adopt a little lad at RSPCA a couple of months back but he had been adopted elsewhere. They were so disappointed :(.


For what it's worth, I think the Aussie humour gets lost in translation on these boards. I tend to stick to here and the roll call of the ship I am doing. People get pretty serious about some things! ;)

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OMG. Already been there & saw Roy :D. I was going to let a work mate know about him tomorrow. They are looking for a 2nd dog and are lovely people. Foxie / jack owners so know what to expect. Went to adopt a little lad at RSPCA a couple of months back but he had been adopted elsewhere. They were so disappointed :(.


For what it's worth, I think the Aussie humour gets lost in translation on these boards. I tend to stick to here and the roll call of the ship I am doing. People get pretty serious about some things! ;)


WOW what a coincidence!!! You saw Roy? I've had him for about 5 weeks now. He's a lovely little boy but one just has to understand him. It would be sooooo lovely if he goes to a home such as your friends!

Unlike the RSPCA the adoption fees are most reasonable and you know that since he's been fostered we foster carers know their personalities. Gosh I do hope this works out for young Roy!


Re the Aussie humour? Yep I've been stung with people not getting me on other forums in the past. Meh... am not going to lose sleep over it hehehe.

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WOW what a coincidence!!! You saw Roy? I've had him for about 5 weeks now. He's a lovely little boy but one just has to understand him. It would be sooooo lovely if he goes to a home such as your friends!

Unlike the RSPCA the adoption fees are most reasonable and you know that since he's been fostered we foster carers know their personalities. Gosh I do hope this works out for young Roy!


Re the Aussie humour? Yep I've been stung with people not getting me on other forums in the past. Meh... am not going to lose sleep over it hehehe.


Small world huh? :)

I would love to foster but have the foxie who is trouble and an elderly shep that is not good with other dogs. Probably be ok with a female, but then I'd worry about the foxie (she is a girl) who can be quite narky :(. Neither have the right temperament for a new dog who has come from tough circumstances.


Keep posting and googling for a good TA :)

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Hi Dee, and welcome :)


I don't post much, and only get time to check out the board in fits and bursts, as there tends to be too much going on in my life at any one moment !


Since you asked about the Canal, though, I thought I'd reply, as we did it in January 2011 with Disney. It was at the top of my bucket list, and it certainly didn't disappoint. It was right up there as the best two weeks of my life :) Many adults may be deterred from Disney, thinking it's just for kids, but the beauty of doing the PC cruise was that there were only 200 kids on board, and as such, most of the activities catered for adults. Also, Disney are fabulous when it came to accommodating SNs. On that cruise we had several people with visible SNs (DS, eyesight-impaired, hearing-impaired, mobility-impaired), all welcomed warmly on board.


Anyway, I won't have much time to write, as I've gone back to uni f/t this year, but if you've got any questions, let me know.



Sally :)

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Hi all


I've been reading the forums for awhile now and just love the activity here. It's so informative!


Me... I live in Brisbane... a newbie (from Sydney originally and from NZ prior to that).

I'm a single parent of 3... 2 have flown from the nest but the eldest (now 26) will always be with me as he has Aspergers Syndrome and Epilepsy.


I have cruised in the past... once when I was babe (hehehe 17 was a babe back then in 79) with my older sister on the Fairstar. That trip prompted us to move to Australia.


My next trip was in 91 with my then husband... again on the Fairstar. LOLOL I had no idea what a bucket she was at both times I sailed on her but I had the best times. It gave me a love of cruising.


Time has gone by and now am planning another cruise. But ain't doing the Pacific again LOL. This time it's the Panama Canal since I've always wanted to see a bit of Mexico/Central America... and my son wants to visit Miami (CSI-Miami fan).


It's in the 2 year plan though (April 2016). Value wise I think NCL Star looks good as we would book an aft balcony cabin... and it seems to offer the best in itinerary.


Anyone had experience with this cruise? And particularly staff when it comes to dealing with pax with intellectual disabilities.


Cheers much



Hi Dee



Cruising is very addictive and I am a cruisaholic as would be a lot here on these threads


Go through and find things matching what you are looking forward and keep an eye on new threads, or start a specific one for yourself


As far as travelling with an intellectually affected person, they are really good in all the cases that I have had

sometimes, I pay a few staff a few bucks to help watch out for my uncle - who has a number of disabilities which a lot take as intellectual


make sure you get some you time though, as with someone you are caring for, it is very wearing emotionally and very draining physically


Good luck and enjoy


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