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Worst thing that ever happened to you on a cruise?

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Oasis. Boarded, knew exactly what I wanted to do. Headed top deck, get to bar, get my first beer.


Exited to the deck port side, made a quick right (should have made a slow left) and ran right into the glass wall, split my nose open, bleeding profusely, got to the bar, bartender looked at me in horror, wetted down a towel, gave it to me, and finally got my first of many beers.


Things improved after that.

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Being assaulted by an 80+ year old American "Lady" because I was sat in "HER" seat. She had cruised so many times I think she thought she owned the Company/ship and not just paid for a holiday. Because I refused to move she told me I was the rudest English person she had ever met. She then first tried to squash me by sitting on me and when I still refused to move she slapped me. I could have reported it but I suspect nothing would have been done anyway because she seemed to be feted by all the personel whereever she went but I'm afraid that didn't wash with me. I was entitled to sit in that seat just as much as she was.



Did you move after she slapped you?

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Yeah, keep an eye on World news. i

In 1984, 2 weeks for we were due to depart on the P&O Canberra (nickname great white whale), learned on the news it had been commondeered by HM Govt as a troop ship to go to the Falklands. Took us 4 years to eventually get back on bard but at least she got a free refit!!

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Would love to hear the story behind this one. :)



Lol long story short, too much tequila and Carlos n Charlies.....me and my bff were drunk pier runners! The accomodations we were put up in for the night was soooo bad. About 10 blocks inside the REAL Mexico.... slide locks on the doors, sheets but no covers, gauzy material on open windows, no towels or wash cloth. The Mexican contact was claiming he could not teach Carnival to authorize flying us out (we were like 22... no money for tix lol)... so they took us to the airport and had immigration issue us 30day Visas! I was freaked out. ...so my mom ended up getting us tix to Miami for $1000. We boarded the boat after customs cleared and packed our things and had to go see the captain. Carnival claims they told the port contact to fly us out so idk.... maybe they were going to kill us and bury us in Mexico.... my mom always said I had nine lives lol. There is so much more to type but it would take forever lol. ... like when I woke up in Mexico I had alcohol poisoning! Anyway that was my first cruiser and it didn't deter me as I was back cruising the next year and every year thereafter. Lesson learned, be responsible and back on the ship early! You never know how well you will be taken care of if you are left behind lol

Edited by MzMelissa26
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Lol long story short, too much tequila and Carlos n Charlies.....me and my bff were drunk pier runners! The accomodations we were put up in for the night was soooo bad. About 10 blocks inside the REAL Mexico.... slide locks on the doors, sheets but no covers, gauzy material on open windows, no towels or wash cloth. The Mexican contact was claiming he could not teach Carnival to authorize flying us out (we were like 22... no money for tix lol)... so they took us to the airport and had immigration issue us 30day Visas! I was freaked out. ...so my mom ended up getting us tix to Miami for $1000. We boarded the boat after customs cleared and packed our things and had to go see the captain. Carnival claims they told the port contact to fly us out so idk.... maybe they were going to kill us and bury us in Mexico.... my mom always said I had nine lives lol. There is so much more to type but it would take forever lol. ... like when I woke up in Mexico I had alcohol poisoning! Anyway that was my first cruiser and it didn't deter me as I was back cruising the next year and every year thereafter. Lesson learned, be responsible and back on the ship early! You never know how well you will be taken care of if you are left behind lol


:eek: Wow, you and your bff are very lucky to be alive!

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I broke my foot climbing Dunn's River Falls in Jamaica on a cruise when I was 17. When we got back to the ship, they had no wheelchairs so they gave me some crutches. I'm not very coordinated, so I was constantly running into walls, people, you name it. Looking back, it was one of the most memorable cruises that I've had :D

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Not a "worst" but stressful....


First cruise - cruising over Christmas. For 6 months leading up to cruise all I could talk about was the cruise. Family and work colleagues know how excited I am.


Day 2 of 9 night cruise we have an incident occur on board. Unbeknownst to me, Australian media reports that due to incident, cruise will be turning around and returning home. According to the media, we will be back before Christmas Day.


Work colleagues and family are devastated that my much wanted cruise is ending basically before it began. Hubby who is not onboard with me, panics because he hasnt bought us any Christmas presents so he rushes out to buy us all gifts.


Meanwhile, onboard, we are all aware of the incident, but blissfully unaware that we are

supposedly returning home early.


After 48 hours of stress because we cannot be reached and RCL are unable to provide my hubby with any info whatsoever, my family and colleagues realise cruise is not coming back early and the media reports were incorrect.

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It was the morning of our last full day heading back from Bermuda on the Celebrity Zenith...yes, long ago. I just happened to be in the cabin when our house sitter called to say she had to take our dog Molly, who was 7, to the vet as she was not acting right and the vet was keeping her, running tests.

I called the vet and he told me how ill Molly was, an autoimmune disease we never saw coming. That last day and night was so bad, we could not do anything but wish to be home. She waited for us and sadly passed on the day after we returned.


I am so sorry. This is one of my biggest fears when we go on a cruise and leave our dogs in the care of others.

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I was on a Princess cruise to Alaska with my mom and my son. My son was 15 at the time. He made several new friends quickly. He would spend most of his time in the teen club. His curfew was midnight every night. I would always check on him before going to the cabin for the night. He was always home on time…..until the second to the last night. I had fallen asleep. I woke up at 4:00AM to find he was not there. I quickly got dressed. I started searching the ship. I was so sick to my stomach thinking the worst had happened. I first went to the swimming pool area. I ran into a crew member and described my son and asked if he had seen him. He said yes, he’s over there with his girlfriend. I look up and see a boy lying on top of a girl in a lounge chair covered up with a blanket making out. I was instantly relieved but mad at the same time. I walked up to them and slapped him on the top of the head. He looks up and IT’S NOT MY SON! I said oops, you’re not my son. I asked if he knew him and he said yes but didn’t know where he was. Of course the boy and girl were in total shock and their eyes were as big as saucers. My stomach was again in knots. I went back to the elevator not knowing where to go next. That’s when I heard a bunch of laughter coming from the deck below. I walked down the stairs and the first person I see is my son. He knew by the look on my face he was in trouble. He said “Mom I’m sorry, I left me key in the room” I told him knocking on the door worked great.

I told him he was grounded the next night. Of course being the softy, I felt bad and let him go to the teen club on the last night. But I told him he better NOT be late. He was in the room by 11:45.

That was one of the worse nights of my life. There were several teens out at that hour. I can not for the life of me understand why a parent would allow that. Maybe they didn’t know they were out. But I can’t imagine all the parents not knowing. But I do laugh now about slapping the wrong kid on top of the head. All the kids were given T-shirts and everyone sighned each others shirts. The kid I slapped signed his name and said "I will never forget your mother" on my son's shirt. LMBO!



THAT was a good one!! Roflmao!



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Our family of four including two teens sailed a few years ago Christmas on MSC for a 7 day cruise. On the second night, DH got noro-type something and he suffered for days, even being a sport and doing the dolphin swim while feeling awful! Then, DS got it.. then DD got it. Luckily.. I did not. I can't be sure if it's why I didn't get sick, but they laughed at me for not touching handrails and elevator buttons, but they won't laugh on our next cruise!

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On our last cruise, one night after dinner ,I went into the ladies room on the lido deck, walked into the stall closed the door and the handle fell off locking me in the bathroom. I am claustrophobic and screamed my lungs out for 10 minutes before some man told a woman was yelling in the women's room, could she go in and check it out. She walked in and asked what the problem was, i told her i was locked in, could she pick up the handle and let me out? I will always check the handles now on cruise ships. Since you cant climb over or under the doors.

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Moral of the story - Never cruise with someone you know only as a casual acquaintance thru work. :rolleyes: :mad:


I don't expect the same behavior as your co-worker, but I'm worried about this part...cause being in close quarters sure brings out the true in people. Hopefully, we'll come back and still be able to work together!

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We're dealing with this right now. Recently returned from a Royal Caribbean cruise. Got our final bill on the last day and were stunned to see $400.00+ of Internet charges that we did not make. Tried to work it out with Guest Relations head while still on board with no luck. Have been in contact with Corporate Customer Relations, IT dept. the travel agency , with no resolution. They said they have to be our charges as you have to swipe your card for Internet access. Hoping to hear some good news soon. What a nightmare!

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We were on The Norway and we had a room with a window over the bed. On the morning of the first full day of the cruise, I stood on the bed to look out the window. When I got off the bed, dumbass me decided to step off the bed instead of sitting first. Well, I don't know if I misjudged the height or what, but, I went one way and my knee went another. :eek: It hurt like hell. We ended up going to breakfast but after that I had to go see the ship's doctor. There wasn't anything he could do (he might have wrapped it, I can't remember now), I just had to take it easy. So, I spent alot of time laying by the pool. My knee felt funny the whole time and I had problems with it for quite awhile after that. I went to my doctor when I got home but they never found anything really wrong, they said it could take a long time before it went back to normal.


I also ended up catching a cold on that same cruise, I swore it was from sitting in the small waiting room filled with germs, waiting to see the ship's doctor. :rolleyes: Even though I felt miserable, I wasn't going to let it stop me from enjoying myself.


We now get a room with a balcony. :p

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Our 5 year old son(at the time) throwing up all over the bathroom at midnight(Floor, walls, toilet). Thankfully it was only in the bathroom. Cleaned it up as best as we could, but still felt bad for our cabin attendant. I was terrified it was Norovirus(this was our first cruise ever and you hear the news stories) and we were only on night 4 out of 7. Turns out, he just ate too much chocolate cake at dinner!

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....sailing in a suite and every evening entering the CL we were confronted with a room full of moss Diamond know-it-alls who took over and tortured the employees......you know the moss people who sit and yell at each other until mushrooms grow on their butts.....;)

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On my first cruise w/Carnival on the second to last day I fell asleep on deck with my legs in the sun (I am a fairskinned redhead) when I woke up I staggered to the cabin fell asleep. My cabin mate went down to dinner and had the maitre d call our cabin to wake me up (why she couldn't wake me up I don't know) I went down to dinner and was in so much pain it was unbearable. The next morning I woke up to a blister about 2 1/2 inches in diameter and about an inch high on my leg. As soon as I got off the ship I went to quick care and got burn cream for my leg and had to take an extra 3 days off work.


Plus, this same cabin mate was a friend from work and didn't have any credit cards so I went ahead and put mine up for her. Well low and behold the last night of the trip I get the bill and she had charged 900 dollars in the casino. Needless to say that was the last time for that! She did pay me back but it took awhile.

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Fortunately, our worst dinner companions were at Anytime Dining. Only had to suffer with them for one meal.


I had bad experiences with both-lol! Back in 2005 we had assigned dining with tea-totalers who instructed us not to order alcohol- to make peace we didn't as hubby liked having his drinks in the lounges after dinner. He was not into into having wine at dinner back then. What galled us was when they saw him order a drink in the ice show, thy had a self righteous comment to make about it the next night at dinner.



Then there was the guy that had ill fitting dentures who ordered 3 of everything in each course; we had anytime dining with back in 2010. We went to early dinner 5:30 and did not get out of dinner until 9 pm because the waiters held up our courses until he was done. (his wife was very embarrassed and apologetic about him too) I am not sure which was the worst experience, but at least with anytime dining I did not worry about having dinner with him again!Lol!

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Last night of our cruise we received a notice that as "aliens" arriving in a US port (Tampa) we were required by US Customs to report to the Schooner Bar at 7 a.m. No other explanation. As you can imagine, this changed all our early morning plans.


At 7 a.m. the two of us, and about a hundred of our fellow "alien" friends, had to stand in line to wait for interviewing by 3 US Customs officials who had set up desks in the Schooner. They asked questions like "What was the purpose of your visit?" and "When are leaving the United States?" The whole process took about one and a half hours. We got no breakfast or even a coffee, and had to haul our hand luggage along through the line-up.


This was our first cruise, and it's never happened in six others since. However, I won't forget it might happen....


It can be ridiculous the way some US officials act. I remember they gave me a hard time coming home to the US from Canada 20 years ago lol! I had been to the Canadian Niagara Falls since they are more scenic than our side so barely out of the US and only for 2 days. Yes I had my ID and also my very strong southern American accent-lol! (maybe he thought I was faking?)I think sometimes there are those in positions of authority who like to throw their weight around. It has to be that because there are plenty of illegal aliens residing down here-lol! and they are not from Canada either! It makes me wonder why one US border is patrolled so strongly and the other isn't?


BTW, we get it too when we go to other countries. I am fine with it as I know it is needed in this day of terrorists. However, the rudest official to me was a fellow American who was suspicious that I was not American-lol! I will never get over that.

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On our next to last day of our Alaskan cruise I became totally winded after walking only a few steps. I thought I was having some issues due to being out of shape and the constant coughing the doctors had been trying to figure out. Turns out I had blood clots (3 total) that had gone to my lungs. I was lucky the doctor allowed me to stay on board (sea days!) and was not evacuated. I had to PROMISE to not leave my cabin, and to go immediately to the ER upon debarking. I stayed 3 nights in critical care in Seattle and had the most miserable 3 day drive home. So now hubby has promised me a do-over, and we will book a last minute (read: hopefully low fare!) Alaska cruise for this summer.


I had never realized how serious an issue blood clots can be. I was told at the beginning of my stay that I might have to go home in an ambulance. I was over 1,000 miles from home - would have hated to see THAT bill!


Suffice it to say, I am fine now, but am very cautious about sitting for long periods of time. And in airplanes, I walk the aisles, and if a flight attendant asks me to sit down and I feel I need to stay up a bit longer, I just tell them "I have a history of blood clots" and they are more than happy to allow me to stay up! Probably don't want me dying on their watch!




Julie, we took a land tour about 5 years ago, a week in France, for awhile we kept in touch by email with some of the others on the tour. One was a man who developed a blood clot right after coming home. He had stayed in his seat the whole time from Paris to NY, a 9 hour flight.

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It can be ridiculous the way some US officials act. I remember they gave me a hard time coming home to the US from Canada 20 years ago lol! I had been to the Canadian Niagara Falls since they are more scenic than our side so barely out of the US and only for 2 days. Yes I had my ID and also my very strong southern American accent-lol! (maybe he thought I was faking?)I think sometimes there are those in positions of authority who like to throw their weight around. It has to be that because there are plenty of illegal aliens residing down here-lol! and they are not from Canada either! It makes me wonder why one US border is patrolled so strongly and the other isn't?


BTW, we get it too when we go to other countries. I am fine with it as I know it is needed in this day of terrorists. However, the rudest official to me was a fellow American who was suspicious that I was not American-lol! I will never get over that.


You should use your best, "Well, bless your heart", when dealing with idiots. The one that should make them feel about 2 inches tall. :)


I'm originally from Michigan but my mom's parents were from Tennessee so I can sort of do it but not as well as a true Southerner.

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