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After a long football-night with lots of different victory-beverages, I have a special question; ho-hum bought local wines and brought them onboard several times. Does SD charge a corkage fee for chilling/decanting or serving them?

Edited by gcmv
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After a long football-night with lots of different victory-beverages, I have a special question; ho-hum bought local wines and brought them onboard several times. Does SD charge a corkage fee for chilling/decanting or serving them?


There is $10 corkage but ho hum also buys two bottles every three days. Somtimes expensive wines.

So because of that sometimes the corkage is waived (if it is then a gratuity is given).

Ho hum wants to try the wines of the region to accompany the local food served sometimes by Chef.

Ho hum also supplies wines that SD fAil to provide despite numerous requests !


So buying wine is never done to avoid paying for better quality wine as ho hum deems the "mark ups" to be very fair.


So yes-ish.

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Another great post Mr. Hum. Cinque Terre was a highlight of a SD trip a few years ago. Our tour from Portovenere was in small boats with about 12 passengers in each boat. Really spectacular scenery and ports. One stretch between villages had sheer cliffs with what appeared to be small farmhouses and small plots of land literally clinging to the cliffs. One fellow passenger posed the question: "I wonder what they do up there?". DW Lois, ever the Chicago girl replied: "If I lived up there, I would jump!". :eek: Thanks again for posting. Most enjoyable.

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Another great post Mr. Hum. Cinque Terre was a highlight of a SD trip a few years ago. Our tour from Portovenere was in small boats with about 12 passengers in each boat. Really spectacular scenery and ports. One stretch between villages had sheer cliffs with what appeared to be small farmhouses and small plots of land literally clinging to the cliffs. One fellow passenger posed the question: "I wonder what they do up there?". DW Lois, ever the Chicago girl replied: "If I lived up there, I would jump!". :eek: Thanks again for posting. Most enjoyable.


Too kind, too kind Jim (but nice to have a bit of feedback, old chap. Thankyou old friend).

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Ho hum wants to try the wines of the region to accompany the local food served sometimes by Chef.


So buying wine is never done to avoid paying for better quality wine as ho hum deems the "mark ups" to be very fair.


Thank you very much for the quick answer; that is, what I want to do in September as well, when we come to Taormina, Capri and the Amalfi coast.

We are going to start the cruise in Athens - but I'm not an expert in Greek wines, so I will have the SD-wines at the beginning.

I had an excellent organic CabSauv of Tsantali a few weeks ago at a Greek restaurant - so far the best Greek wine I ever had. All the other Greek wines I had before where rather plain ...:(


10$ is quite fair! :)

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I am so enjoying your descriptions of this cruise! I've done the same one and thoroughly enjoyed it. However, when we went to Cinque Terre, the seas were too high, so Jeff had to do a quick adjustment and we went by train from Le Spezia and then bus. It was just a year after the terrible floods and landslides, but you could see very little damage. I loved the church in Portovenere!


I thought the FB picture was quite nice -- you are too hard on yourself!


Was this the unpleasant lady's first SD cruise? Why would she have felt excluded from the club party?


I'll be on SD I in just a few weeks -- can't wait!


Looking forward to the next installment.


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I am so enjoying your descriptions of this cruise! I've done the same one and thoroughly enjoyed it. However, when we went to Cinque Terre, the seas were too high, so Jeff had to do a quick adjustment and we went by train from Le Spezia and then bus. It was just a year after the terrible floods and landslides, but you could see very little damage. I loved the church in Portovenere!


I thought the FB picture was quite nice -- you are too hard on yourself!


Was this the unpleasant lady's first SD cruise? Why would she have felt excluded from the club party?


I'll be on SD I in just a few weeks -- can't wait!


Looking forward to the next installment.



Yes it was her first cruise on SD (and everybody hopes it will be her last).

She preferred Seabourn and explained the superior differences !

Later when it was announced that there would be no tender service into Portofino (because of sea conditions) she protested to Gareth that she had a lunch reservation there !

Her voyage was ruined she said.....Gareth explained that alternate transport arrangements had been made with coaches from Genoa.

"But what about my planned shopping ? There would be less time !"

Over to you Seabourn and the very best of luck !

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Yes it was her first cruise on SD (and everybody hopes it will be her last).

She preferred Seabourn and explained the superior differences !

Later when it was announced that there would be no tender service into Portofino (because of sea conditions) she protested to Gareth that she had a lunch reservation there !

Her voyage was ruined she said.....Gareth explained that alternate transport arrangements had been made with coaches from Genoa.

"But what about my planned shopping ? There would be less time !"

Over to you Seabourn and the very best of luck !


Possibly she will review her cruise over at the Seabourn board. Then I might be able to chime in and complain that, on our first Seabourn cruise, we were not invited to the repeaters party. Shocking!:eek::D

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We were moored outside Portofino last night and it was rocky.

The morning revealed leaden skies.

Will our planned lunch at the Splendido be cancelled ?

What a weather change. Checking the weather apps, the consensus is that it wont rise much higher than 23 degs. C and that there will be thunder with a 50% chance of moderate rain.

Well these days are quite typical in the region as you know.


An hour or so later the skies have patches of blue and the temperature rises but we are no longer moored outside Portfonio. Instead we are heading for Genoa? Errrrggghhhh !


Genoa. No, never met the woman. Boom boom.


And as we travel further north, the weather improves tremendously but it"s Genoa.

Its like being promised a date with Brad Pitt but he cant make it and sends his brother Cess !


However Gareth has arranged coaches to Genoa so all is not lost however due to expected bad weather there we decide to cancel our lunch at the Splendido.


We decide to stroll around the old part of Genoa instead. Now Genoa aint no gem but after a short walk around abandoned warehouses, we come to a series of walkways along the sea which leads to a couple of plazas leading off to the old town.


The first thing to do, is to find a chemist to find a means of removing the obstructions to ho hum's ears. A most attractive signorina behind the counter suggests a novel method, comprising of a small tight cone, similar in colour and shape to an ice cream cone !

Which you place in your ear (the narrow end) and then.......light !


After our stroll around the old part of the city in which ho hum samples the Genoese speciality snack of cici: corn mixed with water and cooked to form a thin, rubbery crust which is best eaten with pepper. And of course an Italian beer (Moretti: a very flavoursome drop).


Well after the stroll, we head to TOYB attended by Roland, the London boys and a lovely American couple from Louisiana. Chatting to the Louisiana couple first, they say this is their first time on SD and they nearly did'nt make it all.

They were supposed to fly from their local hub to Dallas then on to London: they were flying at the front of the plane t'boot and were the first to arrive, leaving their home at 5.30am but for whatever explicable reason, the plane was full and they were told there was in-sufficient room ! Now these guys were going overseas and yet the dumb staff "bounced them".

So they then had to hire a car to drive to Dallas from where they landed at Heathrow. Terminal 5 at Heathrow was having baggage handling problems and their bags were not available. They then flew on to Rome after one evening in London, instead of the two full days planned, where their bags turned up on the morning of their embarkation on SD.


So whilst ho hum was inspecting the contents of the ear wax candle, they instantly recognised it and said they had tried it and whilst it did'nt work for them, it did work for a friend. Well the first attempt was a disaster but with the help of our London friends, ho hum tilted his head and rested it on the bar. Cone was placed inside his ear and the exposed top of the cone lit.

And nothing. No cure but a lot of laughter ! As well as coarse ridicule. What do you do for constipation ho hum ?


And so to lunch. This time we drank the other Corsican rose to accompany the salad and bean lunch.


A relaxing afternoon and then cocktails. For most it is eating inside again except for the lucky few. Gareth hosts our table comprising of we two, the Glaswegian couple and a lovely, lovely couple from Maryland, USA. Both very elegant and very tall with exquisite posture. Amazing manners t'boot but not a bit stuffy. We first made their acquaintance at the crew party on shore in Bonafacio, Corsica. They too bought a couple of rounds for everyone.

We had an amazing evening.

Chablis 1er cru

Chassagne-Montrachet, 1er cru, L'Abbaye de Morgeot, 2008

Avocado tartare

Cobb salad

Filet of cod with tomato paste (ho hum removed all vestige of the sauce to enjoy the un-adulterated fish: why tomato ? Remember halibut-gate ?).

Deserts of banofee, milk tart and another.

Capuccino accompanied by small brandy


The conversation was hugely entertaining. No one dominating. A sharing, lovely experience.


Followed by dancing at TOYB. Miserable lady was there but soon left with husband on his own and he really entered the fun ! What a transformation.


Everybody dancing, everybody laughing.


Now one interesting point to report, there is an Aussie onboard who is cleaning up in the casino. Wins of over $ 1000 each night ! The rumour is that he is a professional gambler. Will he be going to the casino tomorrow night in Monte Carlo ? Will he break the bank at Monte Carlo ?

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The swell last night began at 2.0am, ho hum is told by an American passenger at breakfast the next morning as we sail into Monte Carlo, Monaco.

He tells ho hum that he was not able to sleep all night because of the swell.

Ho hum feels a little "crook" (another Aussie term) after the excesses of the night before.


A visit to the doctor at 9.0am follows. The Montenegran doctor is a huge man and very nice. He inspects both ears and pronounces one is full of gunk whilst the other is inflamed and practically closed ! Various medicines are dispensed along with two types of ear drop solutions.

Plans in Monaco are cancelled due to feeling crook again. Blondie lunches by herself.

A return visit to the nice doctor reveals that following syringeing of the left ear, that there is inflammation of the middle ear also. And so progress will be slow. Ho hum reckons his hearing is 90% below normal hearing levels.

Pardon ?


Hungary is 90 below ?

You see how ho hum's life has changed !


The activities for the passengers arranged by SD consist of:

Eze & Monaco

A trip to this wonderful village and returning to Monaco for a tour found the famous sites.



Ride over the sites of the area.



At the Monte Carlo Golf Club


Eze & The Rothschild Museum

A villa containing precious artefacts inspired by the great Renaissance residences of Venice & Florence.


Monaco by Ferrari

Wow !


We eat with our friends from London tonight but will ho hum hear what they say ?


The behaviour of a certain group onboard is raising a few eyebrows.

First the gang of 10 demolish the caviar tin between them until finally a waiter is placed on duty to serve the caviar in equitable amounts. The Gannets !

Then the group wished to see the World cup match. Gareth had arranged taxis to take guests to a local bar. Due to another passenger pinching the taxi arranged for some of the group, all hell broke loose and the "lady" passengers returned up the gangway to shout at the concierge ladies who frantically called extra taxis. But how rude ! The manners of fish-wives !

They returned well before the end of the match, sullen and withdrawn as the team they were supporting were being well and truly routed. Ho hum suggests they eat at table 7 tonight opposite a lovely German couple ! No why spoil the Germans evening.


Another appalling piece of behaviour involved the forth rite demand that the music at the disco last night improves. The "lady" was quite obnoxious and there were a number of passengers asking her to regain her composure and consoling the poor barman.


After returning to the cabin, one of the lady members of the gang of 10 was literally outside ho hum's cabin talking animatedly and loudly on her mobile phone. When asked to move away from the door she looked annoyed. She was taking or making a call so as not to disturb hubby who was sleeping in her cabin ! But she resumed her chat outside the cabin for a good 10 more minutes !


Well these are rare exceptions and the general group of passengers is very nice but it makes you wonder how the crew suffer by these woeful standards of behaviour from those that are older, more experienced and certainly more privileged.


There is a delightful family comprising of three children plus parents. They range from 12, 16 - 21. Well their manners are exceptional. They enter the Main Salon at night and wear full length shirts (sorry they are boys). Whether they are enjoying themselves is debatable for they are reserved and quiet but compared to "adult" behaviour and the extremely casual dress of a few, they are exemplary.

It may partially explain why Norway can't see a problem with children. They and their Scandinavian neighbours seem to raise well mannered children.


Well enough of that nonsense. We have a wonderful evening with our friends from London but the loss of hearing means the meet up with other passengers is too difficult to comprehend what is being said, so its back to the cabin to watch the restored broadcasting of the World Cup (Netherlands v Argentina).

The dinner consisted of:

Chablis Grand cru

French Onion soup


Orange Roughy

Desert extravaganza


On the Captain's table was a gentleman in his mid-50's wearing a short sleeved sport shirt. God damn it sir ! At least put a dress shirt on !

Your not here for a round of golf or partaking of a casual barbecue in your backyard but as guest of the Captain whom you know will be wearing his smart uniform.

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Ho hum reckons his hearing is 90% below normal hearing levels.


... only when blondie asks ho-hum to do something ?:D



When did ho-hum fall asleep watching the most boring football game ever(ARG-NED)? After 10, 15 or 20 minutes? :(


Get well soon!

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Perhaps, Ho-Hum, the inconsiderate oaf speaking on her cell outside your cabin "heard" of your infirmities and felt safe in shouting. After all, why

disturb her hubby when you are as "deaf as a haddock". As she continued,

why or why didn't you arise again to give her hell.


Happy to hear the children aboard are exceptionally well behaved. And yes, their parenting, in most cases, accounts for their comportment. This just reinforces my experience aboard SD that it is the adults, far more often than the kids, that I would like to throw overboard ... and there have been far too many.


Get well quickly and enjoy the rest of your journey, as Barcelona is fast

approaching. Thank Blondie for her tireless efforts as our personal travel agent. P.S. Get to the splash early or the caviar will be gone!

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Hope you will feel better soon. I had occasion to use the medical facility on one SD cruise and was impressed with the service received. Costs were reasonable as well. Good to know that if you need it, it is there. Feeling unwell on holiday is no fun. A cure out West is to pour a bit of tequila in each ear. Then take two shots the regular way. Guaranteed results.:eek::D

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Thank you ho-hum for sharing you voyages and insights!


I do believe DJ's DH and I had the good fortune of sailing with you and Blondie on a crossing a few years ago.


I have been absent from cruising and the boards since real life gunked up the works.


Thankfully, we have a cruise booked on SD 1 in January.:D

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Thank you ho-hum for sharing you voyages and insights!


I do believe DJ's DH and I had the good fortune of sailing with you and Blondie on a crossing a few years ago.


I have been absent from cruising and the boards since real life gunked up the works.


Thankfully, we have a cruise booked on SD 1 in January.:D


Hi DJ. We have missed you.:D

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All is not lost...Saint Tropez is on the horizon...


EUROPANN, 46 rue Allard. Madame will be expecting you at 11 am. I have given her a brief description, so no need for lengthy introductions. Be aware that a number of their lines are fitted. Not that I am suggestion that HoHum isn't fit for fitted, but fitted may not fit. If you could pry you London chums out of the sun long enough, they would fit into fitted, wouldn't they.....From their deluxe brochure, "The famous linen shirts company is the leader of "easy-wear" men clothing for its perfectly tailoring and couture style, and its wide range of colours. Must-have summer trends for 2014 : chino cloth, "hippie chic" floral pattern printed fabrics, trendy tracksuits and polo shirts". It is worrysome to think of HoHum in hippie chic florals however, let alone in a trendy tracksuit, so be aware, Madame can be very persuasive with her Galoise je ne sais quoi...


If this isn't to your liking, move on to La chemise Tropizienne, at 23 rue Gambetta, they will have everything you need. Although they specialize in white, they have a full range of garish colours as well.


And while in the neighbourhood, and surely more to your liking... Founded in 1908, Vignobles de Saint-Tropez specializes in red, white and rosé as well as homemade vin du pays. Av. Paul Roussel


And by then it will be lunchtime, and you will be exhausted, but dripping in sartorial splendour.



Well abenaki tomorrow ho hum will advise you of his time onboard and the sad news that the St.Tropez tendering service was deemed too un-safe.

Yes SD arranged coaches but ho hum moves through the world slowly, leisurely and prefers comfort. So ho hum did not partake of the coach service: the first coach service did not arrive at St.Tropez anyway until 12.30pm and al fresco dining is of greater importance than mere apparel and adornment.

Your, kindly arranged appointment was regrettably missed,

Kindly pass on my apologies and regrets to the shop owner, ho hum est tres desolee.

Abenaki, ho hum is so impressed by your depth of knowledge, it is truly astounding.

One day, ho hum hopes to meet up with you for further insights.

Thankyou kindly gracious being.

All is not lost however, ho hum is returning to St.Tropez in late September and your recommendations have been duly noted.

Until then, ho hum remains un-hip, un-cool and square but Dad would have been proud of ho hum in his current look and the approval of one's father is important to a boy than anything in the world

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Thank you ho-hum for sharing you voyages and insights!


I do believe DJ's DH and I had the good fortune of sailing with you and Blondie on a crossing a few years ago.


I have been absent from cruising and the boards since real life gunked up the works.


Thankfully, we have a cruise booked on SD 1 in January.:D



Thankyou DJ for your valued appreciation and ho hum remembers that crossing and your good self very well as well as many other legends who have been sailing SD well before ho hum.

Real life eh ! There's always something aint there.

Glad you have booked SD for January.

Very nice to hear from you, your contributions are particularly valued.

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Thankyou DJ for your valued appreciation and ho hum remembers that crossing and your good self very well as well as many other legends who have been sailing SD well before ho hum.

Real life eh ! There's always something aint there.

Glad you have booked SD for January.

Very nice to hear from you, your contributions are particularly valued.


Cheers ho-hum (and Blondie as well)!


Thank you for the kind words. DJ's DH and I have missed our beloved SD. While real life did get in the way (changing job, building a new house, selling the "old" house, moving 600 miles north and settling into a new way of life, etc.) the change has been good for us and we are glad to rejoin the SD "family."

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Really HoHum, how pathetic.

I sense from her tone of voice that Madame is quite upset with me. An entire wardrobe had been laid out for your approval, only now to be put back into stock due to your non arrival. Typique Typique. les touristes, toujours pareil.....12:30 would have been far too late to arrive for an 11:00 fitting in any case, with only the most feeble of excuses. I doubt that Madame would have seen you anyway at that point . It just isn't done. Your last resort is now the Massimo Dutti shop at the airport in Barcelona, where the sales are always tempting, but there will be no linen at this time of year.


You are literally falling apart at the seams, with your warranty long expired. I wouldn't be surprised to see Blondie put you out to pasture any day now. First the feet, now the ears, one can only imagine the state of the other bits and pieces.


Do pull yourself together.

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Cheers ho-hum (and Blondie as well)!


Thank you for the kind words. DJ's DH and I have missed our beloved SD. While real life did get in the way (changing job, building a new house, selling the "old" house, moving 600 miles north and settling into a new way of life, etc.) the change has been good for us and we are glad to rejoin the SD "family."


Wow !

A tad busy then !

Cant wait to see and here from you.


Ho hum

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Really HoHum, how pathetic.

I sense from her tone of voice that Madame is quite upset with me. An entire wardrobe had been laid out for your approval, only now to be put back into stock due to your non arrival. Typique Typique. les touristes, toujours pareil.....12:30 would have been far too late to arrive for an 11:00 fitting in any case, with only the most feeble of excuses. I doubt that Madame would have seen you anyway at that point . It just isn't done. Your last resort is now the Massimo Dutti shop at the airport in Barcelona, where the sales are always tempting, but there will be no linen at this time of year.


You are literally falling apart at the seams, with your warranty long expired. I wouldn't be surprised to see Blondie put you out to pasture any day now. First the feet, now the ears, one can only imagine the state of the other bits and pieces.


Do pull yourself together.


And have a nice day yourself !



Or should ho hum say "dont you start !".

No wonder ho hum has little self-esteem as pointed out by vanderfalk.


Regrettably ho hum has no time to shop in Barcelona either as he has an early-ish flight bqck to Blighty to catch the rainy season there.


Just how do you know all these places ?


Stern words abenaki, stern words abenaki. But only 'cos you care (here's hoping). Did you formerly teach fashion design to the SAS or something that combines fashion knowledge and directness !


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Oh? Do tell.


Oh alright ctbjr 1309.


We are booked Athens - Rome - Monte Carlo stopping off at St.Tropez on 25 September, 2014,

Where the first thing ho hum will do is by those damn shirts before more castigating remarks from abenaki !

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Now may ho hum finally report on Day 9/11 ?

So much to tell yous all. Hence it will be in three parts ! Ho hum doesnt want to intrude anymore on your precious week-end.


Oh dear !

Ho hum hopes miserable lady has'nt made another meal reservation in the next port (St.Tropez).

On rising early for breakfast, ho hum can see "white peaks" everywhere and its fiercely windy: it's almost a gale !

Bang ! There goes a plate blown off the central seating area supposedly protected by billowing curtains which are now being lashed down even tighter.

So its just ho hum on deck apart from the boys, making some idle jottings for your amusement (hopefully).

Maybe the ear problems of yesterday made ho hum a little less tolerant of other's perceived failings but ho hum's certainly no saint either.

Oh the hearing you ask. Maybe up to 10% of normal hearing. Ho hum will treat the "lugholes" at times of rest now (yes against doctor's orders) but the sticky liquid drops are clogging them up even further.


Well time to be quiet for half an hour.

June has silently brought the de-tox tea.

We await to hear Captain's plans which he did allude to last night at cocktails but a certain gentleman interrupted the Captain four times telling him he has been able to gain access into St.Tropez in much worse conditions !

Well blondie arrives for breakfast and announces its far too cold and windy so we hunt for a more sheltered table.

She plonks herself down right in front of miserable lady who is haranguing her husband over the next disaster that has no doubt befallen her.

Stop !

You dont want ho hum to keep criticising fellow passengers anymore.

Ho hum apologises.

Whatever annoyance they impart, it is time to rise up above it.


No sooner has this resolve to take the "higher ground" been chosen when the Captain announces the inevitable: no St.Tropez. Well not by tender anyway.

We are heading for Le Lavandou some 38 kms away from St.Tropez.

Captain is still deciding whether it is safe for tender service: the sea is calmer but calm enough for all the passengers to alight into tenders ?

The concierge is surrounded by passengers: the poor ladies.


How did St.Tropez get it's name ?

Saint-Tropez was the antique Athenopolis, or Heraclea Caccabaris, the name used again by the Thermidoriens in 1793. In "modern" times, the town was listed as Ecclesia Sancti Torpetis in 1055, named after one of Nero's centurians who was beheaded in Pisa for the sake of his religion. Torpès' body and his head, along with a dog and a cock, was placed in a boat and set adrift. The dog and cock were intended to devour the man's remains, but he was still intact, so to speak, when the boat came ashore where the town of St Tropez stands today. The current name of Saint Tropez came after the Revolution.


So now you know.

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