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Hello Ho Hum, love the tag btw... :)


We are on seadream II feb 14th St.Thomas--- St.Thomas. Itinerary # 119800

First noticed it paired with Perry Golf adverts. So we are playing a couple of nice golf courses as our excursions. We will be traveling with another couple and I cannot wait to get their views on Seadream....




And now for the bad news........the really bad news !!!!

Ho hum and Blondie will be on the trip too.

How un-lucky is that ?

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Last time we were on Seadream, a few of us ended up in the piano bar with our matching seadream P.J.'s on. We were later joined by a Russian couple who put on quit a show singing.....ask Zoltan about it!! Poor Zoltan...lol kept him up all night. :eek:


Never a dull moment on Seadream...



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Dearest ho-hum - please tell the whole story!

Gcmv wanted to make sure, before bearing ho-hum's company that the evening will not start as a total disaster. As a result of this, gcmv engaged a woman from neighbourhood-stateroom with a yellow blazer to do a pre-check and sent her out to the pool-bar for half an hour.

Ho-hum who always reads gcmv's not properly only saw "YELLOW" and began to overtext this pitiful woman for the whole time - she nearly contacted the Security-Officer, bcause ho-hum followed her whereever she went.

But as we all know, ho-hum is always thursty and when he get his Champagne refill at the bar, the woman send an SMS to gcmv that ho-hum should be Ok and that he and his can come out to the pool-bar.

About 0,3 seconds after gcmv "entered stage" ho-hum started a loud laugh, let the "yellow" woman stood alone (he always does this, which is quite rude) and ran to his new cc- friend gcmv. To be honest, after 0,1 seconds he gave his only attention to Frau gcmv, which is such a lovely woman as ho-hum's blondie is.


Well, before our cruise started, many cc-posters contacted me to write some more details about ho-hum here on this board. Sorry - I can't!

He is so special - just have to book a SD-cruise he is on and get to know him personally.

Tonight we will have dinner with him in his dinghy (they put his table there not to bother the other guests) and this will be a real adventure for us - perhaps it might be the safest to put his friends between us and him - thank god he brought them with him (gcmv does not know, how much ho-hum paid them to accompany him - it must be an outstanding amount!)


No folks, I'm just kidding! He is a real nice guy in his best years, warm-hearted and adorable and always good for surprises.

Today he bought an outstanding greek dessert in a bakery at Fiskado for blondie, him and his friends. When he saw gcmv at the lunch-dessert-buffet, he came and offered him a big, big peace of his sweet treasure, arranged plates and cutlery and disappeared as fast as he emerged - that's ho-hum!


I'm looking forward to dinner with him, blondie and his lovely friends!


Wonderful, wonderful time with the gcmvs last night.....great fun.


Photo of the pair in rare and exclusive expose below !!!


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After strolling around in Taormina and assisting Frau gcmv in finding the most beautiful clothes (not an easy thing to do), gcmv finds time to write a few lines about the stunning dinner we had last night.

Why stunning???

Nearly everything was outstanding; our three ladies where the most charming (at our table), we had a multi-course-dinner (perceived 15 courses) accompanied by a white Chablis and a 2007 red french, which neither ho-hum, nor gcmv was able to vocalise.

Service was excellent - only a little faux-pas happened at the first course, when gcmv's plate looked totally different than the others. Was it really a mistake - gcmv is wondering if ho-hum have had his hand in this?!

Folks, you must know, his influence here onboard is amazing, but during our dinner, we learned, how much influence he even has outside Seadream.

He is a sophisticated global player, has personal contacts to the most famous Formula1-drivers, collects and swaps stamps and is very interested in concerts and musical events - with one word: Having such a charming, well-behaved gentleman at your dinnertable is a priceless gift.

Gcmv wanted to play a round of golf with him today at Sicily, but unfortunately the courses on this island were not the standard ho-hum is accustomed to, like his home club at St. Andrews. Though ho-hum - as a real gentleman - accepted to play, but gcmv was 20 minutes late at the first tee and so the round of golf was canceled ...


Tomorrow is Amalfi - lot of things to see and talk about!

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Well, GCMV, you must surely have been hoodwinked by someone posing as Ho-Hum as I believe I possess the inside track on his pedigree directly from the folks at M-16.


While there is little doubt of his suave sophistication, superior intelligence and disarmingly good looks, I

assure you his membership in the R & A has long since lapsed and his handicap fodder for late night

comics. You spared him much embarrassment by arriving late for your tee time, I assure you. You might,

however, challenge him to a round at Pebble Beach in the simulator. I will eagerly await the scores once

the laughter subsides.


In the meantime, you could not have better traveling companions than Ho-Hum and Blondie, whose

company we look forward to in another month on the trans-atlantic crossing. Kisses to both of them,

well Blondie anyway.

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Well, GCMV, you must surely have been hoodwinked by someone posing as Ho-Hum as I believe I possess the inside track on his pedigree directly from the folks at M-16.


While there is little doubt of his suave sophistication, superior intelligence and disarmingly good looks, I

assure you his membership in the R & A has long since lapsed and his handicap fodder for late night

comics. You spared him much embarrassment by arriving late for your tee time, I assure you. You might,

however, challenge him to a round at Pebble Beach in the simulator. I will eagerly await the scores once

the laughter subsides.


In the meantime, you could not have better traveling companions than Ho-Hum and Blondie, whose

company we look forward to in another month on the trans-atlantic crossing. Kisses to both of them,

well Blondie anyway.




20 minutes late gcmv !!



And so Commander you question ho hum's prowess on the golf course !

Well you would you be right....add snooker too....well anything requiring physical subtlety and dexterity.

And yet the irony is ho hum has been suffering from a huge flare up of "tennis elbow" (or is it "golfers elbow" ?).

Well for someone who doesn't and hasn't played any sports for "donkeys years", it still does not prevent ho hum suffering from all manner of sport term injuries (boxers ears, footballers knees, jockeys bum, dart players eyes, boxers nose....well you name it, ho hum has it or has had it. One of God's little jokes).

And so ho hum's reporting has been affected. Apologies.


Last night we dined with Captain Steiner. Yes, acting in charge Captain Steiner. Due to logistic arrangements of Captain's rotas, Chief Officer Steiner has taken charge.

A man of historic foreboding whom ho hum has never dined with before.

Well he was simply wonderful.

A man of enormous experience and competence, respected by all crew but a man hitherto who has worked in the shadows doing the "real" work. And maybe preferring being out of the "limelight".

Well how wrong we all were.

No may be it's a tad too early to book him for a six month show in Las Vegas but for a convivial dinner of really interesting conversation, ho hum cannot speak highly enough of him. We all had a wonderful time.

He also proposed passing Stromboli at night in almost complete black out to appreciate the orange glowing molten lava spewing from the mountain side as well as the panoply of stars (including Milky Way) that were majestically displayed above us. It was an event savoured by all the passengers who witnessed the events in quietened respect. Magical.


We are now moored at Amalfi. A lot of fellow early risers heading off to Pompei. Whilst Blondie and ho hum will be joining Chef Tomasz on the "Chef's Walk": Captain Steiner intends to join us (sans vin). Had'nt realised he is a bit of a foodie: this Icelander is full of so many surprises and is remarkably informed in all things artistic.


And do you know what to-day is ?

Scotland decides whether to remain in the United Kingdom or be independent.

It will be very close with stupendous implications.


Ho hum leaves you with a picture of Amalfi.

Chef Tomasz is teasing ho hum that the mighty UK will be even less influential in the world. He is right of course but still would'nt wish to live anywhere else.

Suppose we all say that about our homes and rightly so.


Ho hum will tell Chef Tomasz a joke later " What do you call a young Polish man in a London bar ?"




OK time for Chef's walk.


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Ho Hum, hope you're having a great time. I came across these today and thought of your good self. Perfect golfing trousers for your upcoming Caribbean cruise. They would most definitely match your shirt.

As for the Pebble Beach simulator, just treat yourself and play the actual course. I treated him indoors 10 years ago, it was fabulous:)

Enjoy cruising.


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Ho-hum must be more than a little distracted by the vote in Scotland .... either that or Italy has been turned upside down by the thought of the UK breaking up:p:eek::D


Please give Chef Tomasz our best regards. We sailed with him on his first voyage as Chef more than a few moons ago.


Wishing the ctbjrs' as well as gantcc and company safe travel as they wing their way to meet all those lucky to be on the upcoming voyage.

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Ho-hum must be more than a little distracted by the vote in Scotland .... either that or Italy has been turned upside down by the thought of the UK breaking up:p:eek::D


Please give Chef Tomasz our best regards. We sailed with him on his first voyage as Chef more than a few moons ago.


Wishing the ctbjrs' as well as gantcc and company safe travel as they wing their way to meet all those lucky to be on the upcoming voyage.


Well the Union remains. The people of Scotland have spoken. So be it.

Let us all work together with mutual respect.


Yes have given Chef T your regards: he beamed.


Gantt in ho hum's lap !!! There is'nt a chair shortage Jim !

He has no clue who ho-hum and Blondie are anyway. Might let him guess.


Very interesting developments onboard (need special cleRance to divulge) !!


Thank God for places in the world like Capri.

If ho hum were not doing another week, he would end it here.

Sphaggetti Vongole and a crisp Soave with some ciabatta and olive oil.



Phot attached of Capri from our cabin (sorry Stateroom: weare sandwiched beteween Putin one side and the Obamas on the other side).


Oh and its upside down again !!!!


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we are sandwiched between Putin one side and the Obamas on the other side).


Oh, my. I do hope that of the 3 you and Blondie are the only ones continuing on with the next voyage.....


Greetings btw from LPV where the Soiree begins in just over half an hour!

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....but more importantly, did you make it to the via Furlovado, or were you waylaid by the crisp Soave and the Caprisian sunshine? O Sole Mio.....


Dearest, dearest Abenaki,

Ho hum's recent purchase of 3 additional coloured linen shirts in Rome (on special offer) has taken his tally of suitable shirts to an acceptable quota enabling some shirts to now be relegated to "around the garden" category which in turn have displaced former "around the garden" shirts to charity.

Although ho hum has some concern about charitable clothing donations of late, to say West African countries as he has read it is causing local clothes makers to lose their income because of the influx of free Western clothes.

Imagine African villages where the indigenous people all sit around dressed as extras in an English TV "Midsummer Murder" sketch (and conversely a proportion of the young and the middle aged of middle England parade around with piercings and tattoos ! What an upside down world life has become).


To return to ho hum 's clothing situation.

It is with these recent purchases (of shirts: linen) that ho hum is now off the market for shirts.

Ho hum's clothe purchases are much less spontaneous as his wine purchases are.

However the ever expanding waist line is a cause for concern and further purchases of trousers will be needed.

The only decision to make is will the waist size ever reduce or is it's escape for freedom likely to continue ?

"Let my belly go" seems to be the cry and so prudence will be required maybe considering trousers in the next trouser size or beyond !

Unfortunately the range of trousers available is increasingly limited and ho hum is having to consider some very un-savoury outlets for clothing modelled by those that have simply given up, have "big bones", a unique hormone affliction (Arrrrrrr) or incapacity to shift off their huge derriere and waddle about.

It appears corpulence and life attitude are firmly related judging by the dreary clothes displayed on models disporting larger trousers.


Ho hum cannot wait to have an opportunity to investigate and discuss these matters with Abenaki upon our long transatlantic sojourn accompanied as we both will be with the three gentlemen of Amsterdam who are in the fashion industry (albeit ladies).

A solution must be found or ho hum will simply have to exercise: life can be so cruel !

A toute a l'heure mon cher.

Ho hum.

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Oh, my. I do hope that of the 3 you and Blondie are the only ones continuing on with the next voyage.....


Greetings btw from LPV where the Soiree begins in just over half an hour!


Large consignment of refreshments for a VIP guest staying on SD this week being delivered by high security delivery truck.


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Ho Hum, hope you're having a great time. I came across these today and thought of your good self. Perfect golfing trousers for your upcoming Caribbean cruise. They would most definitely match your shirt.

As for the Pebble Beach simulator, just treat yourself and play the actual course. I treated him indoors 10 years ago, it was fabulous:)

Enjoy cruising.



Ho hum

Golf !



What a kind lady you are to your very lucky husband.

Any exciting trips planned ?

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I just realized, that both yachts will be docked at Civi on September 20th - perhaps a chance to take a twin - photo ... :)


Happy to oblige gcmv.


It gives ho hum yet another opportunity to thank you and Lady gcmv for your company and wonderful stories even though you were both 20 minutes late for cocktails every evening !!!



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A Yuk plant !


Reminiscent of a crass "thing" in a gormless, young bachelors flat.

The young man (lug) goes out and buys a garish pot and pot plant to impress the girlfriend out of a 1970's sit-com and then it eats the couple until another tasteless person rescues it !


This plant is blown around morning, moon and night and also not watered except maybe for wine, beer and shots and after a few weeks the leaves turn brown at the edges.

What are the chances ?


It is sited too in a principle location at the top of the stairs to the TOYB.

Awful. Thoughtless. Unacceptable.

Ho hum nearly threw the whole shebang overboard !!!

Come on guys raise the game.



On a happier note SDI sailed out from Civitavecchia alongside SDII, early yesterday evening at "sail away".

Passengers and crews from both vessels jumped and waved to one another whilst a monstrous ship "Oasis of the Seas" peered on to the joyous scene as it lay in the harbour.

After passing, SDII followed SDI out of the port, one heading south (SDI), one heading north (SDII).


During the day earlier crew mingled with one another from both ships when time permitted them during change over and new supplies arriving all the time.


Ho hum and blondie visited SDI and said hello to crew: later we went out to lunch with a few crew at a local restaurant they favoured.

Ho hum can see why.

Whilst most tucked into a Pizza Diable (lots of chilli on a tomato and mozzarella base accompanied by Peroni beers), ho hum was more content with a Spaghetti Vongole accompanied by a chilled bottle of white wine. Wonderful.

Returning to the vessel we could not pass by a local ice cream shop also favoured by the crew without purchasing a scoop or two of the delicious ice creams.

A nap ensued before the sail away of which ho hum wrote earlier.


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Well ho-hum, insiders say, it's even better being late for 20 minutes than for 5 ... :D


Being inspired by ho-hum, I do my first try in attaching a photo on cc.

I hope it will work, as it shows beautiful landscape from the terrace of gcmv's actual stay in Alto Adige.

As ho-hum and blondie are shackled on a small boat, gcmv and Lady gcmv revel the vastness of Northern Ilaly ... ;)


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And one more taken from gcmvs rooms balcony - btw does your SD-stateroom have a balcony? :D


Enjoy your trip and give my very special regards and kisses to blondie. :)


Fabulous photos gcmv.

It is a region that has a growing reputation for gastronomy and wonderful countryside.

Kisses passed on to blondie.........tho' ho hum now fears he will be 10 minutes late for cocktails !!!


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