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.......idle jottings


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Gadzoox, poor Ho-Hum looks like a blonde version of ol' Ragnar, down to the curly hair :eek:


Hmmm, my dad was one of those, unmarried, American pilots that "volunteered" to go fly Spitfires for the British before the US officially entered WWII.... He was "over there" for the duration and more. He was a handsome devil, and surely spent time in the posh part of London.


Just how old is Ho-hum?

Edited by Ragnar Danneskjold
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Gadzoox, poor Ho-Hum looks like a blonde version of ol' Ragnar, down to the curly hair :eek:


Hmmm, my dad was one of those, unmarried, American pilots that "volunteered" to go fly Spitfires for the British before the US officially entered WWII.... He was "over there" for the duration and more. He was a handsome devil, and surely spent time in the posh part of London.


Just how old is Ho-hum?


My Dad also was over there and brought a souvenir home--my Mother.:eek: Not sure how Posh they were as one of her stand by meals when I was young was Beans on Toast. "How old is Ho-Hum?" Not sure but I have it on good authority that he was decorated for his help putting out the Great Fire of London.:eek::D

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Being Sunday, ho hum called "G" up to check up how he's doing (ho hum worries about him sometimes: oldish guy living alone. Bet he doesn't get out much or eat properly).


Ho hum make a few "beseechments" and puts in his occasional "smiting" order.


Damn, always get the ruddy answer-phone: he's never in ! But the order is left.


Ho hum wonders whether he was ever there in the first place !


Nevertheless prayed for all your souls especially Jim's and Charlie's ! (what difference it's going to make is debatable)


Top of the "smiting" list is one of the scowling women who has now added "incredulous staring" at ho hum to her routine finished with a silent "tut-tutting" and a slow head shake with eyes up to heaven, as if that too will make any difference to ho hum's behaviour.


Does she have grounds for her disapproval of ho hum and blondie ? Well more than probably. We do tend to get loud and laugh a lot but it's nearly always all inclusive.


Well the smiting list is curtailed as it's time for ho hum's earthly reward of a chilled glass of champagne or two before chilled Provencal rose with chums at luncheon..... and yes it will be raucous ! Yes Again !


And so it came to pass, verily, ho hum saith unto yous.


Well lo and behold, ho hum's selected "one to be smited" walks into ......... and ho hum recognises that the outward appearance of former scowling lady has ....... well been transformed ..... it is possibly that a potential smile is hiding there behind the now bland appearance. Ho hum feels impelled to advance towards her and somehow a rapprochement is entered into followed by a joy of being in one another's company !


Now if ho hum gave you all the details and if she reads this drivel, then she may be embarrassed so ho hum has kept the actual events sketchy, you understand, you're good like that.


Waddya say to that ! God's work, you bet ya. Or is it ying re-balancing with yang (could put that down to "G" if you felt so inclined and perceived an entity involved in the creation and running of the whole shebang ! Ho hum has no firm preferences except when zealous, over-bearing prigs say they are doing this or that as self-appointed representatives of God thus causing all kinds of misery, invariably to the innocent and vulnerable of mankind ! Just what the world needs !).


Well God, not satisfied with one miracle, he only goes and does another ! Yes, he's on a roll ! Getting the hang of it ...... finally !


How you ask ? Well you remember ho hum expounded yet another of his un-founded, prejudicial and ignorant opinions that ALL Norwegians are terribly DULL en masse. Well a dearest friend whom we have the benefit of enjoying his company on this trip, very kindly and thoughtfully presented a gift to a truly lovely Norwegian lady on a special family event and so waves of thanks were offered to him culminating in the Norwegian contingent wandering over and singing a jaunty thankyou song to him whilst he was dining with ho hum and chums.


Utterly charming and a lovely reciprocative gesture. And a lesson to ho hum but will he ever learn ? (And why do new lines jump to make a paragraph ?).


Love is truly in the air onboard with us. God truly works in mysterious ways (ho hum's ways are less effective). What the hell will today bring ? God knows ! But so far, so good (except for those suffering from colds). Sorry you cant be with us but hope you are getting some of the spirit of this wonderful crossing.

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Gadzoox, poor Ho-Hum looks like a blonde version of ol' Ragnar, down to the curly hair :eek:


Hmmm, my dad was one of those, unmarried, American pilots that "volunteered" to go fly Spitfires for the British before the US officially entered WWII.... He was "over there" for the duration and more. He was a handsome devil, and surely spent time in the posh part of London.


Just how old is Ho-hum?


Sounds a fine man; your father.

So you will know about the Battle of Britain then.

Blondie's mother was in the WRAFs.

Hell knows how the Allies eventually won the war with her involved !


How long did he stay on for ... maybe Ragnar we are related !

That would be a thing !


Ho hum is 87 this coming ....



My Dad also was over there and brought a souvenir home--my Mother.:eek: Not sure how Posh they were as one of her stand by meals when I was young was Beans on Toast. "How old is Ho-Hum?" Not sure but I have it on good authority that he was decorated for his help putting out the Great Fire of London.:eek::D


You old "son of a gun" ......... love the "ribbing" Jim.

By the way, you have got ho hum's picture wrong ..... Ho hum's real identity can now be finally revealed.

Ho hum is actually Albert Tatlock from Burnley, Lancashire ..?...and for the first time ever and to celebrate the 50K milestone of "....... idle jottings".

Here below is the recent photo of the real Ho hum !


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Ho Hum, you should know that several on this board have already figured out who you and Blondie are....but don't worry, our lips are sealed (tho' I 'spose we could be bribed if the reward was big enough - hahaha!). No one person "spilled the beans" then spread the word - but rather came to the conclusion by a process of elimation because you have been on so many SD cruises!


I'm thinking you & Blondie must hold the record for taking the most SD cruises - do you know if this is the case?

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Ho Hum, you should know that several on this board have already figured out who you and Blondie are....but don't worry, our lips are sealed (tho' I 'spose we could be bribed if the reward was big enough - hahaha!). No one person "spilled the beans" then spread the word - but rather came to the conclusion by a process of elimation because you have been on so many SD cruises!


I'm thinking you & Blondie must hold the record for taking the most SD cruises - do you know if this is the case?


In the most recent photos, Mr. Hum has again managed to avoid the paparazzi. And judging by the location shown for SDII, you are only about 3 miles or so from land. Well, straight down but who is counting?:eek::D


Perhaps Ho-hum is the true life persona that this icon is based upon???


Ladies and gentlemen,


The sad reality is ho hum aint no prize ! No oil painting either.


To even compare himself to Albert Tatlock is stretching the truth.


And to CDreamer; there is one gentleman and his lady of nobility (apparently) from England that has done 527 days on SD and much more if you count Sea Goddess !


That is somewhat higher than ho hum's and blondies tally of voyages !


Well the voyage continues in delightful weather and the seas have evened out. Daily life has fallen into a predictable routine albeit a lazy one. Unfortunately ho hum and blondie over-imbibed the rose this lunchtime and barely made it through dinner but we did so as we wished to attend a birthday bash for one of our new chums from Oz and fine fellows they are too.


There is considerable activity on the boat from top to bottom as the crew prepare for entry into American waters and the inspection by United States Public Health (USPH). The intensity of cleaning is fastidiously thorough. Many of the crew spend time cleaning into the wee small hours and are meticulously inspected by heads of department and consultants who are seen all over the ship looking in the thousand nooks and crannies around: on top of things, under things, inside things.......just everywhere. Wonder how USPH would rate ho hum and blondie's "pile" abounding in mice traps at the start of every winter !!!


And you must recall that ho hum always moaned about the choice of lecturers and subject of lectures on crossings. Well things have improved mightily. We have very serious subjects and we have fun frivolous subjects: something for everyone. For example one day the lecture was "Forensics & History: Secrets of the Romanovs" and the next day it was "The Golden Age of the Broadway Musical: 1950-1960". Something for everyone and every mood. It provides ho hum with information as to how to commit the perfect crime. Scowling, disdainful lady has returned ! And is as worse as ever it seems. Into the water she goes is the favoured option as the body will completely disappear. There are no CCTV cameras positioned watching the deck and she is light.....what can go wrong ? Alternatively we could avoid her but blondie seems on a mission to create some kind of rapport.


Nevertheless returning to the subject of lectures. Finally SD has got it right. Well done.


Whilst plaudits are being lavished on SD, another can be added. Last night we were treated to an amazing, accomplished, spontaneous performance of improvised music by a new piano and keyboard player and his equally talented electric guitar playing partner of some years employment with SD. They were outstanding ! Ho hum would have paid money to listen to their performance ! Fantastic talents: the both of them !


And this time the sound levels were perfectly arranged. The musicians played in the enclosed main outside dining area in front of the stairs up to the TOYB. In a way it was a shame as they deserved a better position for their audience.....they were that good !


And yet again, congratulations to SD for capturing these two remarkable talents: Anthony (piano and keyboard) and Booths (electric guitar: he can play a fantastic "Stairway to Heaven" too).

Edited by ho-hum
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@CDreamer: Sorry for the delay (contrary to ho-hum, gcmv still has a company and a boss to work for and so gcmvs time here on cc is limited).

Gcmv liked your Lisbon restaurant recommendation very much and will try out it next year - really appreciate it!


As all the photos on the SD-blog show, the passengers have a very nice Xing.


@Ho-hum: Do you find the misspelling in the following article that gcmv found in the X-ing blog? (For gcmv a no-go! So ho-hum, please tell Oslo or the author onboard what they are doing with my "beloved" Captain)


"Not much has changed weather wise since yesterday – still following wind and seas, partly clouded with a few rain showers. And this is what the forecast indicates for the next few days.

Captain Steiner Holmsteinsson"

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Ho Hum wrote: <<And to CDreamer; there is one gentleman and his lady of nobility (apparently) from England that has done 527 days on SD and much more if you count Sea Goddess !>>


That's an incredible amount of time to be on board.... Would you ever stop rocking when you were back on land?! Wonder if THEY get any perks or upgrades from SD? At the very least, free internet! Ha.


Glad your crossing is going well so far, HH. Sounds like they've stepped up the entertainment value a notch or two. You sure scowling woman isn't part of this new entertainment package? Good on Blondie for trying to befriend said woman. Everyone needs a good challenge, and the impression from you & others who have described her is that Blondie is just the person to accept that challenge and turn that woman's scowl into a relaxed smile and hearty laugh. ;)

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Perhaps Ho-hum is the true life persona that this icon is based upon???


Ho hum is not as worldly wise as you give him credit for Ragnar but ho hum is flattered that comparison can be made to this handsome, distinguished fellow, who ..... by the way appears 7/8 years older than hum and who also appears grey. Genetics is on ho's side on this one ...... luckily but ho is considerably heavier and the belly continues to make it's break for freedom !!!


But oh the cigar !


And it can only be Cuban !


Ho hum used to puff from morning to night on cigars but finally let go about 6 years ago. Fortunately for hum, very few people smoke Cuban cigars but when they do.....the aromas are earthy and heavenly at the same time. The fragrance of damp earth in the morning sun....aaaahhhh !


A single Islay whisky is a perfect accompaniment ......... but those days are over........maybe this sacrifice will eek out a few more years before ho shuffles off this mortal coil ...we'll see.




So who is the gentleman, you mis-guidedly (and yet flatteringly) associate with hh Ragnar ?

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Ho Hum,


I agree with Blondy...


Make nice with scowling, disdainful lady....or this will be a very long voyage!

Kill them with kindness as they say!... :)





Well whatever method is decided upon, kindness, a push into the water or a heavy blunt instrument ........ she is a dead woman walking !

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Ho Hum,


I agree with Blondy...


Make nice with scowling, disdainful lady....or this will be a very long voyage!

Kill them with kindness as they say!... :)





Well whatever method is decided upon dear Kathy (you kind and lovely lqdy) kindness, a push into the water or a heavy blunt instrument ........ she is a dead woman walking !

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So HH and blondie were "hob-knobbing" with the rich and famous last night at the invitation to the Owner's suite (OS) for cocktails and canapes prior to an evening meal with themselves and the Captain.


It appears that the passengers in the OS had encountered recent good fortune when it was discovered their cabin in the back woods straddles a gold mine when Abenaki was digging ditches to build an indoor toilet in the cabin.........there it was.......huge bright nuggets of gold.


And with their new found wealth they booked the Owner's suite !


Threw away their bear skin winter wear and purchased clothing suitable for two of the finest gentlemen travellers. What sophistication !


Yes a peek at the invitation reveals a strange and daunting evening (see below at the attached photo).


The saying is true, you can take the person out of the backs wood but you cant take the backs wood out of the guys !


Moose !


Really ?


They had it frozen and shipped to SD in a refrigerated container. Tastes a bit like chicken. Cant say we will try it again.


Well somehow they managed to "cobble together" a half decent evening.


Their reference to "settlement" on the invitation is a witty (they tell ho hum....haha...there, ho hum has a sense of humour) rebuke to ho hum who innocently referred to their homestead as located in a settlement.


Where is the insult in that ?


Well these rough fellows had probably been out drinking all night on cheap hooch and as usual, had become quarrelsome and prone to taking insult where none was ever intended when the innocent remark was made.


You know the types ? But ho hum graciously let the "dig" pass: class will out ........ always.


Later at dinner outside, Everybody at the table was enthralled by ho hum's opinions how the whole of SD could be run so much better ! After ho hum's ad hoc monologue which lasted several hours ! The Captain was unfortunately called away to be followed by one of the backs wood men citing ill health ! Shame really, ho hum was only just getting into his stride.


And yet it was a beautiful evening and both ho hum and blondie fully agree the backs woods men are truly delightful company and very dear to us in the comparatively short time we have known them.


Indeed the company of so many chums is truly wonderful and then there is the crew.....


The photo is not that good is it. So the invitation reads:





Cocktails, canapes and moose


Edited by ho-hum
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..soot soot soot soot soot


.... ..soot soot soot soot soot


..soot soot soot soot soot


..soot soot soot soot soot..soot soot soot soot soot


..soot soot soot soot soot


..soot soot soot soot soot.....it's just everywhere


The guys in the engine room are doing their best though........ But the goodwill of the passengers is being ....... S. T. R. E. T. C. H. E. D ........ and to compound it, all the air-conditioning has been failing.......and yet the good people here onboard appear to accept it....... ho hum aint so readily compliant though, oh no.


As a good friend said tonight "an old ship it maybe but its not being sold at old ship prices !" Well said sir.


There is mutiny in the air my friends.....only tempered by the awareness that the crew are doing their best.......but the damnedest thing is we are not being told. And in ho's opinion we are being "wussies" ! Ho hum included.


And added to all this, they decide to varnish ....... And where does the pungent aroma end up ? Yes the cabins !


Truly this is really bad, ho hum is sorry to say.


You aint heard the last of this.

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@CDreamer: Sorry for the delay (contrary to ho-hum, gcmv still has a company and a boss to work for and so gcmvs time here on cc is limited).

Gcmv liked your Lisbon restaurant recommendation very much and will try out it next year - really appreciate it!


As all the photos on the SD-blog show, the passengers have a very nice Xing.


@Ho-hum: Do you find the misspelling in the following article that gcmv found in the X-ing blog? (For gcmv a no-go! So ho-hum, please tell Oslo or the author onboard what they are doing with my "beloved" Captain)


"Not much has changed weather wise since yesterday – still following wind and seas, partly clouded with a few rain showers. And this is what the forecast indicates for the next few days.

Captain Steiner Holmsteinsson"


Sorry gcmv, sorry to report, this is'nt the only area where standards are slipping !


Correct spelling confirmed in attached photo; see below:


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..soot soot soot soot soot


.... ..soot soot soot soot soot


..soot soot soot soot soot


..soot soot soot soot soot..soot soot soot soot soot


..soot soot soot soot soot


..soot soot soot soot soot.....it's just everywhere


The guys in the engine room are doing their best though........ But the goodwill of the passengers is being ....... S. T. R. E. T. C. H. E. D ........ and to compound it, all the air-conditioning has been failing.......and yet the good people here onboard appear to accept it....... ho hum aint so readily compliant though, oh no.


As a good friend said tonight "an old ship it maybe but its not being sold at old ship prices !" Well said sir.


There is mutiny in the air my friends.....only tempered by the awareness that the crew are doing their best.......but the damnedest thing is we are not being told. And in ho's opinion we are being "wussies" ! Ho hum included.


And added to all this, they decide to varnish ....... And where does the pungent aroma end up ? Yes the cabins !


Truly this is really bad, ho hum is sorry to say.


You aint heard the last of this.


Aaaaahhhh, I love the smell of varnish in the morning. Soot? Not so much.

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"So who is the gentleman, you mis-guidedly (and yet flatteringly) associate with hh Ragnar ?"


Why, the most interesting man in the world, of course.


Well glad you cleared that one up !

You do recall ho hum lives in the posh part of the UK.

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Regarding Hh:


The police often question him just because they find him interesting

His blood smells like cologne

His mother has a tattoo that reads son

He can speak Spanish in Russian

His reputation is expanding faster than the universe

He lives vicariously through himself

Regardless of temperature you can never see his breath

He has never relied on mistletoe

He is the reason those nine ladies are dancing

He can identify UFOs

The Aztec calendar has his Cinco de Mayo party chiseled on it

His piñatas fight back

His guacamole inspired the term ‘holy guacamole’

He has never filled up on chips

He is the life of parties he has never attended

Sharks have a week dedicated to him

He once challenged his own reflection to a staring contest – on the fourth day he won

At museums he is allowed to touch the art

He’s won trophies for his game face alone

He can make orange juice out of apples

He is the only person to ever find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow

He once went to a psychic… to warn her

Aliens have asked him to probe them

Only he knows why the mariachi band never stops smiling

Presidents celebrate his birthday

He has written piano concertos on the Ukelele

His pronunciation is impeccable, even under water

His tailgate parties have been known to cause game delays

It has never been his bad

He gave his father “the talk”

In a past life he was himself

If opportunity knocks and he’s not home, opportunity waits

His morning breath has notes of saffron and a hint of lilac

His shadow frequently appears on multiple best dressed lists

On multiple occasions, he has vouched for himself

When he holds a woman’s purse, he looks intimidating

He can play Chopin on the drums

Eskimos have seven different words to describe his beard.

Even his nod sounds like a plan

He can steal thunder’s thunder

He once ran a marathon because it was on his way

Sasquatch has taken a photograph of him

His small talk has altered foreign policy

He has once parallel parked a train

His two cents is worth $37 and change

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