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.......idle jottings


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*** Off-topic post - for Jim's eyes only ***


Jimbo, last week I went shooting at a range down Mexico way, near Jamul CA, a mile or so from the border. Took my WWII Garand. Dang those things shoot good with just that iron peep sight. Even with my ancient eyes :eek: Our little cadre is into WWII rifles, we had Garands, K-98 snipers, a G-43, and some Russian rifles. Got a lot of gawkers checking out the rack behind our benches :). Of course we fell back for IPAs and pizza later (guns locked safely away) at a buddy's pad in San Diego :D. We'll have to get together for a shoot when you are out this way.


Fascinating !

Just fascinating, reading about the lives and hobbies of other SD'ers.

Sounds like you are a little out-gunned here Jim !

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No Hum Hum I hate shopping. I'd never heard of Black Friday until I received a deluge of emails full of offers during the week. Today I got 'The day after Black Friday offers'.

No thank you. I would take a panic attack if I got stuck in that frenzy. Some of the images were shocking. All to save £150 off a TV no ones ever heard of.

Apparently the Champagne on offer in Tesco is impossible to get instore. Maybe a little PR stunt!



You dont't have groceries (and wine naturally) delivered sweetie !!

You DO live in London ENGLAND !!


We have SD chums who live in a far off settlement in the wilds of Canada who have all their vittels delivered, admittedly by husky but the point is, even they have deliveries.


The offer is finished but here is a news piece on the hullaballoo:



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2:1 Ho Hum. Good result. Bet your happy. Any hotels you recommend in Auckland?Hotels are booking up very quickly when we will be there so need to get something booked soon.

I've already prebooked this very nice place as a surprise for him (in fact he hasn't a clue where he's going)for a very late long lunch. It's on Waiheke Island, Half a hour away by ferry from Auckland. Looks fab.





Let ho hum get back to you on this one.

We went there almost 10 years ago. NZ is so beautiful.

We also went to Waiheke Island too: stayed at "The Glass House" if memory serves.

The restaurant looks divine. Must try a late harvest Riesling with desert.

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*** Off-topic post - for Jim's eyes only ***


Jimbo, last week I went shooting at a range down Mexico way, near Jamul CA, a mile or so from the border. Took my WWII Garand. Dang those things shoot good with just that iron peep sight. Even with my ancient eyes :eek: Our little cadre is into WWII rifles, we had Garands, K-98 snipers, a G-43, and some Russian rifles. Got a lot of gawkers checking out the rack behind our benches :). Of course we fell back for IPAs and pizza later (guns locked safely away) at a buddy's pad in San Diego :D. We'll have to get together for a shoot when you are out this way.


That's good shootin'. Funny how most gun places have a really good drinking place nearby. Ours is the Wild Horse, an old road house biker bar. Cold long necks and the best burgers in the Valley.

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You dont't have groceries (and wine naturally) delivered sweetie !!

You DO live in London ENGLAND !!


We have SD chums who live in a far off settlement in the wilds of Canada who have all their vittels delivered, admittedly by husky but the point is, even they have deliveries.


The offer is finished but here is a news piece on the hullaballoo:




The world turned upside down - champagne cheaper than quality India Pale Ale.

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Ho-hum, you peeked!


Somehow I imagine foxhunting would be one of your hobbies. Loose the hounds!


Ho hum concurs with Oscar Wilde's opine.


The English country gentleman galloping after a fox -- the unspeakable

in full pursuit of the uneatable.

Oscar Wilde, "A Woman of No Importance"

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2:1 Ho Hum. Good result. Bet your happy. Any hotels you recommend in Auckland?Hotels are booking up very quickly when we will be there so need to get something booked soon.

I've already prebooked this very nice place as a surprise for him (in fact he hasn't a clue where he's going)for a very late long lunch. It's on Waiheke Island, Half a hour away by ferry from Auckland. Looks fab.




Well ho hum has consulted blondie on the subject of Auckland hotels and it goes like this.

Definitely avoid Mollies. It gets rave reviews but we found it oddly eccentric and we had a query with our bill and an over-charging issue which took 8 months to sort out !

Langhams: no.

The Hilton is probably the best, being accessible to Waiheke Island, the city centre with galleries, bars and restaurants.

But this was many years ago. Hope it helps.


One of THE top hotels in the world is in NZ and is one of our top favourites: Huka Lodge.




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Well ho hum has consulted blondie on the subject of Auckland hotels and it goes like this.

Definitely avoid Mollies. It gets rave reviews but we found it oddly eccentric and we had a query with our bill and an over-charging issue which took 8 months to sort out !

Langhams: no.

The Hilton is probably the best, being accessible to Waiheke Island, the city centre with galleries, bars and restaurants.

But this was many years ago. Hope it helps.


One of THE top hotels in the world is in NZ and is one of our top favourites: Huka Lodge.




If staying, ask for harbour view !

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Carnival's fuel cost is 20% of its' cruise operating costs (based on 2013 accounts) whilst Royal Caribbean's fuel costs was slightly less at 17.5%.

Ho hum guesses that Sea Dreams would probably be at least 25% due to less efficient engines.


Oil prices have taken a tumble to the lowest yesterday at $70 per barrel and some believe it could drop to $50 from a height of $110 just a year ago.

That's a hell of a drop and the Owner must be delighted !


And now he has abandoned those stupid itineraries that earned zilch and incurred horrendous costs due to port charges, extra security and damage to vessel.

Well the coffers are now filling !

Ho hum is truly delighted as one of his most heaviest costs has reduced dramatically.


But now he has a decision to make.

To invest or simply repair as you go (he seems to b doing at present) ?

What will new US legislation require (which Europe will eventually follow) ?

And can the vessels meet them ?


Yes it's a huge decision.

We wish him the best.

But if we continue to encounter failing standards of vessels condition then he may have his decision made for him ...... he is probably already "wingin' it" (taking a bit of a chance; not implying a reduction on safety).


Of course we all wish him to keep this amazing and unique line going for as long as possible.


And if he does'nt make any significant investments then he should drop prices ...... his competitors will, that's for sure !!!


By the way ho hum has lost 12.5% on his Crude Oil ETF investment made when he thought the price had reached it's bottom ! Thank God ho hum just "dipped his toes" !

But if you think it's bad for ho hum, think of Russia ! That is an economic disaster !


Anyone else with a view (on Sea Dream that is) ?


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The European Union has ordered that all ships in the English Channel, North Sea and Baltic Sea act to reduce sulphur emissions from 1 January, 2015.


The decision to reduce sulphur emissions was agreed by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) in 2008.


The EU Sulphur Directive requires all commercial ships to use 0.1 per cent sulphur fuel by midnight on January 1, or install sulphur filters known as ‘scrubbers’ – which usually will cost more than the ship itself.


A report to be presented to the European Commission on Thursday warns that smaller shipping firms are not ready for the switch. When a similar policy was implemented off the Californian coast in 2012, the US Coastguard said the number of power failures doubled.


A European Commission spokesman said: ‘Sulphur dioxide emissions result in acid rain and fine dust that causes respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

'They are a direct health hazard in particular near major ports"


So Europe is not that far behind after all ! Very concerning ?

And yet did'nt the Owner say the vessels have another 30 years (in an interview with the Owner, just six months ago) ?

We must feel for him. The decisions are piling up.

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Fuel prices dropping but the airlines seem to be holding the line on fares. Lots of bargains on cruises if you don't need air. SeaDream will not make another 30 years without major overhauls or new ships. As mentioned before, QE2 had a career just short of 40 years and was the longest serving Cunard ship in the company's 175 year history. In order to do that, she had a total refit (including new engines) near the half way mark of her career. As far as the low sulfur regulations, I don't think SD's engines will like the new fuel all that well. Similar to when lead was removed from gasoline, older engines suffered wear issues. I suspect SD will continue as they have doing patch repairs as needed and then one day the phones will go un answered.

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Ho-hum and Jim - aren't you two gloomy Gus' this morning! Let's get back to important issues - will they really bring popcorn to me when I'm lounging by the pool?


How right you are! Nothing lasts forever and we are all very lucky to be in the few that have enjoyed the unique SD experience. I am hoping the next Double Secret Probation Sale comes at a time we can pounce. Missing my SD fix but then Ho-Hum is on every other week and keeps us informed. Curious minds really do want to know.:eek::D:D

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Well ho huj is returning frim zlo don ( Geovesnor square actualky).

Blondie a d ho hum atrfnded. A Fom Perfnon wvenibg to pro

Ote the. 2006 ne vinyage,

O ly. 25 people were invite and we delt very prvwhed ghat wenwere includef ,

Mowt Hennesy appointedba. Nssterpf some ti talk ablut thevwine andmother wines .


Wevwere gortunate to tru the hoowi g :

- 2003? DP

-2006 dp

/. /096 rise

The sines bega flody g as s


On aX wr arrivec,

Tbey served the

Ost delicious canoped.

Wsvhaxr N smaxinv time."

And becsuse jo jum loved gou alk , hevefote his tepiy on the trxin home, so you sould have domethinh tp pondet on the morning.


We adked yhe dpeaker if he dies private events, he ssid je would lvebto . Do next werk Ho him woll be arrxnging gorcs group of. 12 nearedt snd desrest yo fo s chzmpzgne werkend, beginnng zfriday noght to Dinday motninh.


Wish hou could javr been tjetr.


Oh ho hum forgot. Ho hum met up with blondie and friend at The Goro g Hotel, love this hotel. Nestest hotel tp Bu ks Palace do when there is a big do ?Sll the k o scstH

Yhete, the girls wete havinf tea nut bo hum orderd a. G @t (Gotdons gin). It was p lxd eith togfs, nice vrowd actualky.

This ischo hz kind of hotel. Close to Bo rora so ota z qui k wzlk to the station a w d then home where adlrsm pclx

Jx up.


Ho hum hopes hou can read this

Ok. Ritidh texons arenabot bouncy esevulh aftet havonhdfu lb: bottles of gods finest wine,

Mjdt friml morw !

Love to Him; tagy. John. Vill , ralphz. Mrs bcmv, poppy , charlie And all ofvyoj !


Ho jumbapplogised gor z crs spellongistZkrd.


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Ho-hum and Jim - aren't you two gloomy Gus' this morning! Let's get back to important issues - will they really bring popcorn to me when I'm lounging by the pool?





Ho hum always overlooks the more important things.


Ho hum thanks you.



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Not sure you can fully trust Norwegian managers, the CEO of SeaDrill said the dividend was safe through 2016, shortly before the dividend was eliminated entirely... That one cost ol' Ragnar a couple of SD cruises:eek:




O Raggy you crack ho hum up.......hahahahaha

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Not sure you can fully trust Norwegian managers, the CEO of SeaDrill said the dividend was safe through 2016, shortly before the dividend was eliminated entirely... That one cost ol' Ragnar a couple of SD cruises:eek:


You know Raggy you remind me of a friend who gave ho hum a tip on a horse.

Well it took so long to finish the course, the jockey wrote a diary !

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Well ho huj is returning frim zlo don ( Geovesnor square actualky).

Blondie a d ho hum atrfnded. A Fom Perfnon wvenibg to pro

Ote the. 2006 ne vinyage,

O ly. 25 people were invite and we delt very prvwhed ghat wenwere includef ,

Mowt Hennesy appointedba. Nssterpf some ti talk ablut thevwine andmother wines .


Wevwere gortunate to tru the hoowi g :

- 2003? DP

-2006 dp

/. /096 rise

The sines bega flody g as s


On aX wr arrivec,

Tbey served the

Ost delicious canoped.

Wsvhaxr N smaxinv time."

And becsuse jo jum loved gou alk , hevefote his tepiy on the trxin home, so you sould have domethinh tp pondet on the morning.


We adked yhe dpeaker if he dies private events, he ssid je would lvebto . Do next werk Ho him woll be arrxnging gorcs group of. 12 nearedt snd desrest yo fo s chzmpzgne werkend, beginnng zfriday noght to Dinday motninh.


Wish hou could javr been tjetr.


Oh ho hum forgot. Ho hum met up with blondie and friend at The Goro g Hotel, love this hotel. Nestest hotel tp Bu ks Palace do when there is a big do ?Sll the k o scstH

Yhete, the girls wete havinf tea nut bo hum orderd a. G @t (Gotdons gin). It was p lxd eith togfs, nice vrowd actualky.

This ischo hz kind of hotel. Close to Bo rora so ota z qui k wzlk to the station a w d then home where adlrsm pclx

Jx up.


Ho hum hopes hou can read this

Ok. Ritidh texons arenabot bouncy esevulh aftet havonhdfu lb: bottles of gods finest wine,

Mjdt friml morw !

Love to Him; tagy. John. Vill , ralphz. Mrs bcmv, poppy , charlie And all ofvyoj !


Ho jumbapplogised gor z crs spellongistZkrd.


Makes sense to me. I speak fluent British Bar/Pub.

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This has been "doing the rounds" amongst a few chums; if you missed it, then here it is:


Lots of experienced cruisers have heard the same “silly cruise questions” so many times that we have them memorized. Questions like “Does the crew sleep onboard?” and “What is our elevation?”



In fact, many so-called “silly questions” are really logical concerns, but just posed in a somewhat clumsy manner.


I remember a time when I did not know whether the crew slept on board. It seemed possible that the cruise ship could stop and drop them off at a dormitory every night, or that most only came aboard to cook and clean when the ship was docked.



It isn’t a crime to phrase a question in a funny way, but it also isn’t a crime to make fun of people – especially when the questions (or responses) are really funny. So with that, we went looking for, real-life stupid passenger experiences as told by crewmembers.


Room Steward Confessions


One room steward told me he couldn’t believe how often this one happens. Like most stewards, he waits for his passengers to leave for dinner before he enters to refresh the linens and turn down the bed. But some nights the people never leave, so before he quits for the night he makes a point of checking in to see if they need anything. When they answer the door he says:“I’m just about to head downstairs, so do you mind if I come in and clean up?” To which he has gotten the response, “Oh, is your shower broken? …. Um sure, you can use ours.”


Another room steward has been asked if he could fix the microwave in the cabin, only to have the guest point to the room safe, which has a metal door and a numbered keypad. Then there are the guests who know what a safe looks like – but when they can’t lock it, rather than reading the simple instructions on how to set a combination they ask the room steward "What's the combination for the safe?" Why do they think the safe is there in the first place?


Room stewards often get this question: “Is that salt water in the toilets?” The real answer is “no,” but the funnier reply is, “I don’t know, I never tasted it.” The logical response that's never uttered is “Why do you want to know?”


If you say “none of the clothes I packed fit me anymore,” the best room stewards are always ready with "it’s the humidity in the Caribbean, it shrinks everything." It isn’t that you gained five pounds.


Here is another common one: Once he told a passenger most of the crew was scheduled to go on vacation in a few weeks. The guest replied, “Well I’m sure glad we cruised now. I couldn’t manage a without the help on board.”

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