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.......idle jottings


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Our esteemed travel correspondent Mr Hum puts his life on the line for us eternally ungrateful sods (or did you send in Blondie and wait in a fast car outside?) to report back on his findings of lunching “Russian style”.


Frisked at the door, shadowy figures seen through curtains, and a spy in the midst being the “animated talker” at no extra charge. Did you not realise “Tits up” is the KGB code for “undertake whatever action is required to eliminate this clear and present danger to the security of Putinland”?


It is believed that the "now taken care of" Alexander Litvinenko was equally unaware of such a predicament he was in when he “enjoyed” what turned out to be his last supper at Boo Hoo Ricard or anywhere in fact and happily went ahead and chose the dessert "recommendation" of the maître de, namely the clootie dumpling or whatever the Russian equivalent is.


Maybe it has already started, the poison is taking effect… Mr Hum is starting to hallucinate about a counter.





Our esteemed travel correspondent Mr Hum puts his life on the line for us eternally ungrateful sods (or did you send in Blondie and wait in a fast car outside?) to report back on his findings of lunching “Russian style”.


Frisked at the door, shadowy figures seen through curtains, and a spy in the midst being the “animated talker” at no extra charge. Did you not realise “Tits up” is the KGB code for “undertake whatever action is required to eliminate this clear and present danger to the security of Putinland”?


It is believed that the "now taken care of" Alexander Litvinenko was equally unaware of such a predicament he was in when he “enjoyed” what turned out to be his last supper at Boo Hoo Ricard or anywhere in fact and happily went ahead and chose the dessert "recommendation" of the maître de, namely the clootie dumpling or whatever the Russian equivalent is.


Maybe it has already started, the poison is taking effect… Mr Hum is starting to hallucinate about a counter.





Still alive ! Still alive !


Just in the Bond film, where Bond staggers to his Aston to resuscitate himself following the deadly "Mickey Finn" dropped into his cocktail, so Ho Hum notices a slight change in his overall well being and pops in an Ibuprofen (2x200mg) after a few sips of the re-styled Ayala champagne but it could have been brought on by the awful journey through "commuter land" and sitting with a mix of humanity that was so appalling that had possibly caused the cerebral tension and not the works of a hostile agency.


And of course Ho Hum is as important to National Security as a spent paper clip these days !

Not significant enough to control, let alone liquidate though HH would be quite open to a "honey trap" if that can be arranged ?

The fabulous Russian spy: Ivana Humpalot would be assigned to HH and after a night of Beluga caviar, Russian vodka and Crystal champagne, she would whisper "tell me all you know about Sea Dream's children policy !"


So what's Putin's plan ?

Keep some of the Crimea, that's HH's guess.

Access to the Med. and take over cruising in the Black Sea and beyond !

Tis a cunning plan for sure !



Why are we still going on about Richard III, though HH heard pronounce an Irish news broadcast refer to him, what sounded like "Richard da turd".

Oh my ! as dear Charlie would say.


It was on the same news channel as the important piece of news reported in the link below:



Sheer genius !

Well done Ireland, winning the 6 Nations (just). A great weekend of rugby, to be sure, to be sure, no "Blarney" (which yours truly has kissed !).

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Mr Hum,


Now that you are relaxed from your "hols", can you recommend one or two french wine regions that we should visit after the Normandy/Brittainy portion of our "War and Wine" tour? We will have a car and six full days to devote to wine tasting and general sightseeing. We have studied up a bit on the major wine regions, all sound nice, but we have to pick one or two. There is nothing on our "have to see list", so we are wide open to suggestions (from ho-hum and other ...ij inmates). We will be there in mid September. We plan to fly back to LHR from the end point of the six days, so trip should terminate near a major town (but not Paris).


Thank you in advance for your valuable advice.


You admirer, Ragnar.

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Mr Hum,


Now that you are relaxed from your "hols", can you recommend one or two french wine regions that we should visit after the Normandy/Brittainy portion of our "War and Wine" tour? We will have a car and six full days to devote to wine tasting and general sightseeing. We have studied up a bit on the major wine regions, all sound nice, but we have to pick one or two. There is nothing on our "have to see list", so we are wide open to suggestions (from ho-hum and other ...ij inmates). We will be there in mid September. We plan to fly back to LHR from the end point of the six days, so trip should terminate near a major town (but not Paris).


Thank you in advance for your valuable advice.


You admirer, Ragnar.


Dearest chum Raggy,


You old charmer you.


Brittany ? Are you sure ? Were there any invasions there ? Or were you just popping round the corner to take a peek ? Well worth it.

But if you are in Brittany.

Oysters. Oysters. Oysters !!!!

If you love oysters then you must visit Cancale.

Muscadet-de-Sevre is perfect for this delicacy: a white Loire wine.



Isigny-sur-mer for:

- the best butter in the world

- Calvados

- cider

- Bayeux tapestry is nearby.


So if you take a view of the map attached you will see you will just be above the Loire region; so pop down to Tours (2.5 hours away) from where you have two choices:


-West: Along Loire and then drop down to Bordeaux fly back from Bordeaux

-East: Along Loire, Chablis and up to Champagne fly back from Reims


-East: Along Loire, Chablis and down to Burgundy, Rhone fly back from Lyon


If you are travelling from mid- September, it may well be grape picking time !

Smaller wineries will be closed.


From what HH knows of you Raggy, you are a "man of the people" kind of guy and seem not keen on posh stuff and the French "Michelin" starred restaurants can be over-fastidious !

Then you are in luck, for France offers fantastic gites to stay and brasseries to eat.

The gites will have a lot of local knowledge about everything and anything, run as they are by homeowners.


Check the link below:



Each has its plus and minus points:


- Loire wines are not in same league as other regions but have red and white

- bit of a drive to Bordeaux

+ places in Loire are gorgeous

+ drive to Bordeaux through Dordogne is amazing

+ great regional foods along way

+ greatest chateaux are in Bordeaux but mainly red and desert wine

+ St.Emilion is a great place to stay

+ lots of tours available for Bordeaux (try to include Sauternes if you can)


East (up to Champagne)

- Chablis doesnt have any tours but you can visit a winery for a tasting: Chablissienne is best

- scenery between Loire and Champagne not great. Champagne itself is lovely.

- Champagne restaurants not the greatest

+ great if you like champagne

+ lots of tours in champagne (must visit church where Perignon & Ruinart are buried, opposite which is a great house: Gobillard for tasting)




East (down to Burgundy)

- Chablis doesnt have any tours but you can visit a winery for a tasting: Chablissienne is best

- scenery between Loire and Burgundy not great. Burgundy itself is lovely.

+ Chablis, Burgundy, Rhone all follow one another (Rhone may be a bit too far)

+ Burgundy is brilliant

+ Beaune is beautful

+ amazing restaurants in Lyon


Hope this helps old chap. Much depends on how strong you feel about the wines. If not then it depends on scenery and watering holes !

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Damn and blast it !

Forgot the ruddy map !

Here it is ...... Dughhhh !


First the counter now ruddy maps. Mr Hum, keep taking the prescribed anti poison medication, I suggest it is yet to kick in.


Memories, memories...back in 1995 (what a Bordeaux vintage!!) my father wished to further my "useful education" and thus proposed a week of hands on study discovering the appellations of Bordeaux.


It was September, the weather beautiful, few pesky tourists and we spent a week visiting chateaus that deemed it okay to let in the hoi polloi, peering over vines to get a glimpse of the higher brow establishments where visits were by invitation only and gorged ourselves on cuisine from the simplest lunch of pain et fromage washed down with an agreeable white to magnificent French regional cooking accompanied by outstanding right and left bank wines.


As Mr Hum mentions, St Emilion is a beautiful little town to discover as are its neighbouring villages within the appellation. Bordeaux itself is filled with wine history.


Now that the drink and drive laws are tighter, a glass at lunch will take you over the limit. "Jeeves... Jeeves... where is the fool, doesn't he remember that we have an appointment with the Count at Chateau Lafite to taste the '82?


In fact, any region would be gorgeous. France in September, lazily discovering and enjoying wonderful food and wine from bargain basement prices, but not lacking quality to absurd levels of French indifference to both your self esteem and bank balance!


A votre santé!

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Talking to a chap this morning, whose favourite place in the world is Cancale.

He informed HH thatthe borders have in fact CHANGED !

Sacre Bleu !

So Raggy you are right !

Smug smile breaks across Raggy's face no doubt.

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Thanks for the great insights! We were thinking of the Loire-Burgandy option, flying back from Geneva (after a boat ride on the lake), but your comment about the Dordogne has flipped my thinking to the Loire-Bordeux option, and seeing Lascaux along the way. We would save Burgandy for a Provence to Alsace trip another year.


So current plan would be:


Bovington tank museum

Ferry to Cherbourg

Normandy (Bayeux base)

Cancale area (oysters, oysters, oysters! And Mont St. Michael)

Tours base for Loire Valley (a fine tank museum here too!)

Drive through Dordogne



Question, should we spend three mights each at Tours and Bordeaux, or spend a night or two in smaller places along the way? Variety is good, but so is not having to pack/unpack a lot :rolleyes:

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Thanks for the great insights! We were thinking of the Loire-Burgandy option, flying back from Geneva (after a boat ride on the lake), but your comment about the Dordogne has flipped my thinking to the Loire-Bordeux option, and seeing Lascaux along the way. We would save Burgandy for a Provence to Alsace trip another year.


So current plan would be:


Bovington tank museum

Ferry to Cherbourg

Normandy (Bayeux base)

Cancale area (oysters, oysters, oysters! And Mont St. Michael)

Tours base for Loire Valley (a fine tank museum here too!)

Drive through Dordogne



Question, should we spend three mights each at Tours and Bordeaux, or spend a night or two in smaller places along the way? Variety is good, but so is not having to pack/unpack a lot :rolleyes:


HH has found a lovely tour of the Dordogne (see attachment) beginning from Brantome (3 hours from Tours).

So HH would spend two nights in Tours then a night between Brantome to Bergerac and on to Bordeaux (after Bergerac) the next day.


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Of course once when planning a "road trip" in France with some dear chums from the "Land of Perpetual Snow & Ice", one of our potential travelling companions insisted that when driving from north to southern France to go on a canal trip from Carcassonne to Arles, that we adopt only "B roads" and stop off at every village patisserie along the way sampling every regional delicacy !

HH estimated it would probably take 5 months and there would be a weight gain of 40 kgs. each !

That's assuming we had'nt killed one another en route !

Unfortunately that road trip seems to have been abandoned but we are doing another road trip to Maine with these two delightful fellows.

Now that surprisingly will only take 5 days from their settlement in the Canadian wilds.

Maybe one should make a similar request to only take "B" roads and stop off at every village antique shop !

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Looks great! Do you have a link so we can read the fine print?


Tell you what Raggy, even better than that.

HH has 6 days spare......why do t you just follow old Ho Hum !


Yes, HH takes your point; these attachments just can't be magnified.

Tried incorporating on this here main page, seen others do it, but it is beyond HH !


In essence Raggy, it says following:



Romanesque. & Renaissance abbey along the River Dronne



Famous for foie gras, truffles, confit de canard, walnuts, wine (they even have nut liqueurs. ... Delicious)



Prehistoric images of mammoths, rhinos etc



Architectural town of great Middle Age buildings



Historic forts.


La Rogue-Gageac

Great river life on typical wooden cargo boats along Dordogne river.



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Where you lead, I follow. Mrs D thinks its a grand idea.


But perhaps you'd like to meet in the London area for dinner on Sept. 10 (ol' Ragnar's 60th), a week before we get to Tours, so that you can re-evaluate the wisdom of traveling with the boorish Ragnar. Would give you plenty of time to cancel your reservations. No one would blame you :o

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Where you lead, I follow. Mrs D thinks its a grand idea.


But perhaps you'd like to meet in the London area for dinner on Sept. 10 (ol' Ragnar's 60th), a week before we get to Tours, so that you can re-evaluate the wisdom of traveling with the boorish Ragnar. Would give you plenty of time to cancel your reservations. No one would blame you :o


HH would be honoured old chap ! It's in the diary ! So you fly in to LHR, are you staying in London ?

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The honor is ours.


Can stay one night, but should stay either close to LHR or maybe Waterloo station, as our flight gets in at 16:00 (customs - bleh). If staying near LHR we would hire a car/driver to drive us to Bovington in the morning, if near Waterloo we could take the train. Original plan was car from LHR to a small hotel near the tank museum, late dinner there. But very flexible this far out from departure. We do have our BA tickets already, so the start and end are fixed. But everything in between is negotiable :)


In which direction is Castle Ho of Hum from, say, The City?

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The honor is ours.


Can stay one night, but should stay either close to LHR or maybe Waterloo station, as our flight gets in at 16:00 (customs - bleh). If staying near LHR we would hire a car/driver to drive us to Bovington in the morning, if near Waterloo we could take the train. Original plan was car from LHR to a small hotel near the tank museum, late dinner there. But very flexible this far out from departure. We do have our BA tickets already, so the start and end are fixed. But everything in between is negotiable :)


In which direction is Castle Ho of Hum from, say, The City?


How many will be travelling with you Raggy ?

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The honor is ours.


Can stay one night, but should stay either close to LHR or maybe Waterloo station, as our flight gets in at 16:00 (customs - bleh). If staying near LHR we would hire a car/driver to drive us to Bovington in the morning, if near Waterloo we could take the train. Original plan was car from LHR to a small hotel near the tank museum, late dinner there. But very flexible this far out from departure. We do have our BA tickets already, so the start and end are fixed. But everything in between is negotiable :)


In which direction is Castle Ho of Hum from, say, The City?



How many will be travelling with you Raggy ?


Raggy HH so sorry ! We are in New York whilst you are in UK !

HH recalls now.


But on with your plans.

A map is attached showing:

Directions from London Heathrow Airport, United Kingdom to Tank Museum, United Kingdom




You will note that Winchester is en route: 1 hour away from LHR.

There is a great place to stay there: the Hotel du Vin (HH previously mentioned it).

Attached is a link below of hotel:



It is mid-way-ish between LHR and Bovington. Ideal. As you will arrive around 19.00-19.30 ? Ready in the bar for around 19.45, dinner 20.30 !

Next day, full English breakfast, toodle off around 08.45 and Bovington 10.30.


Sorry again for HH's forgetfulness. So no meet up this time.

Let HH know if there is anything else.

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First the counter now ruddy maps. Mr Hum, keep taking the prescribed anti poison medication, I suggest it is yet to kick in.


Memories, memories..."..............l..e in September, lazily discovering and enjoying wonderful food and wine from bargain basement prices, but not lacking quality to absurd levels of French indifference to both your self esteem and bank balance!


A votre santé!


Et a votre sante aussi mon brave !


HH commends you for searching the grammatical list to obtain the "grave" over the "e"......, sorry but Raggy has taken most of my time cette matin !

But HH loves 'im ! He would do the same for ol Ho Hum.


My, my what a story.......HH thinks it was for your father's pleasure.

Bordeaux for one so young ? Pas possible.


By the way HH still has two cases of '82 Bordeaux !

Berry, Bros. & Rudd still recommend holding !

Talking of BBR........going out to lunch with one of it's "big wigs" and his lady with Blondie for a long, long, long lunch after a few G&Ts at a local hotel......an Italian tapas style restaurant: Bocca di Lupo.


Do you get to old London town much MACT ?

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Damn and blast it !


One of me Sainted Mum's favourite expressions when I was a Lad. :D:D


And now one of your sainted chums saying it !


Lucky Jim


"Oh Lucky Jim"....very old song.

"Lucky Jim" .... funny film.

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Quick thinking booking that New York trip to avoid ol' Ragnar:rolleyes:


Please to clarify if you will be away on the 10th and while we are touring the french wine regions?


But, you have another chance, we'll be back to LHR on the 21st for an overnight stay before our flight home on the 22nd. That flight has not been booked yet, so we can get in in time to tube to dinner just about anywhere (try squirming out of this one!)

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Quick thinking booking that New York trip to avoid ol' Ragnar:rolleyes:


Please to clarify if you will be away on the 10th and while we are touring the french wine regions?


But, you have another chance, we'll be back to LHR on the 21st for an overnight stay before our flight home on the 22nd. That flight has not been booked yet, so we can get in in time to tube to dinner just about anywhere (try squirming out of this one!)


Raggy you awkward old son of a gun !

Your memory is worse than Ho Hum's !

HH has quoted a reply from HH to you on 11 February, 2015 explaining HH would be away.

The only difference is HH explains we are going to New York first before onto Montreal where we will be meeting up with old SD chums and now hope to meet up with new SD chums and various other devotees !

It was HH's pure excitement that caused HH's forgetfulness and deep wish to meet up but the God's have other plans, dear chum.


Raggy, ho hum's packing !

Of course let ho hum think about it....we have some time.

Raggy we are visiting Sea Dreamer friends in Canada between 8-22 September.

We would love to meet up with you but is this the time of your visit ?

If not then let's meet up.


Give ho hum a week or so. Bovington is really close to the posh part of the UK.

Kindly clarify, are you looking for two places ? One near Bovington and one near the port (Dover ?). HH presumes you will be arriving London Heathrow (gatwick would be easier for you though) then immediately off to museum.


Or are you looking for one place ? You will bit the ground running if that is the case.


Come on Jim give HH some support !


Finally Raggy, we come back to LHR as you fly out.

Promise to wave to you as we fly by one another over the Scilly Isles !

That's the best HH can do.

Desperately disappointed not to meet up.

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Raggy you awkward old son of a gun !

Your memory is worse than Ho Hum's !

HH has quoted a reply from HH to you on 11 February, 2015 explaining HH would be away.

The only difference is HH explains we are going to New York first before onto Montreal where we will be meeting up with old SD chums and now hope to meet up with new SD chums and various other devotees !

It was HH's pure excitement that caused HH's forgetfulness and deep wish to meet up but the God's have other plans, dear chum.




Come on Jim give HH some support !


Ok H-H. Since you have let poor Raggy down, it is up to me to make amends. We will alter our August "Beat the Heat" excursion to California and swing by Casa Sundance and stay with Raggy for a while. That will cheer him right up.:eek:

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Uhhhh..., we will be in New York for the month of August.


However, Mrs D has declared that she wants to sail Seadream in the Caribbean again and that "we should meet up with those chat room people you go on about". She prefers a southern caribbean itenerary, as we have been to all the more northerly islands Seadream visits. And I think she would prefer to go after new years.


So the gaunlet is thrown, James and Ho-hum.


(Update: 11 of the 25 caribbean sailings during 1/16-4/16 fit the "southern itenerary" description)

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