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.......idle jottings


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Uhhhh..., we will be in New York for the month of August.


However, Mrs D has declared that she wants to sail Seadream in the Caribbean again and that "we should meet up with those chat room people you go on about". She prefers a southern caribbean itenerary, as we have been to all the more northerly islands Seadream visits. And I think she would prefer to go after new years.


So the gaunlet is thrown, James and Ho-hum.




Bwaaaa Haaaaa Haaaaaaaaa!!!!!:eek::eek::D

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May HH be the first to let you good folks and chums of Sea Dream know that the Manager of the Year, 2014 has just been announced !!!!


And it is fully deserved.

It is awarded to:


Executive Hotel Manager..........Monsieur Christophe Cornu.


Many, many congratulations......you make Sea Dream, extraordinary (helped with fantastic captains & crew and being a beautiful boat) !


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By the way HH still has two cases of '82 Bordeaux !

Berry, Bros. & Rudd still recommend holding !



Do you get to old London town much MACT ?


Oh boy!! Don't spill it.


Did you start with two or temptation...


About three or four times a year to check on business.

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It’s not just “why don’t you dig me up again for a laugh” King Dicky 111 that has been hogging the royal headlines this week past…


It appears ol’ big ears himself, seemingly impatient of his mother’s continuing robust health, has been poking his right royal nose into all sorts of issues of the day by sending an eye watering number of letters expressing his outrage and angst to all the great offices of the land.


Poor Camilla…sent out once again in the rain to the corner shop to replenish the depleted supply of Basildon Bond, “take the corgis for a walk while you’re at it”. No wonder she has a permanent facial expression of chewing sour prunes.


The postman was at it again yesterday quashing and tearing the mail through my letter box but alas, none from the great social commentator. It’s an outrage! Charlie, our moral crusader, whom British serfs rely upon to keep the good, good, the bad in check and the Camilla… yet I appear not even to be on his radar. I cannot understand why.


It was only a mere week ago that I caused consternation in my front garden by lambasting a holly bush for being green. It just stands there, between the common all garden hydrangeas and lavender, socially smug and with an air of self- imposed superiority. I would give it a deserving clip around the stem if it weren’t so prickly. No doubt some do-gooder heard my ranting and contacted the St James Palace snitchers hotline and dobbed me in it big time.


Maybe the first in line was at least understanding of my acknowledgment of the ability of plants to enjoy a hearty discussion but when they just stand there, swaying a little and completely blank you…what is a sane man to do? Who do they think they are? B****y teenagers?


We do know Charlie likes to take to the water occasionally in the Caribbean aboard the yacht Leander so next time perhaps chartering SeaDream? Imagine, the game bird Camilla at the piano bar singing a rendition of …

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Jim, Mrs D not too keen on a caribbean trip so close to the winter solstice. We did that once and she didn't like the lighting, both for mood and photography reasons. So the later in the spring the better for a CC frat party trip :D Just not at spring break :eek::eek::eek: I tried explaining about the sun angle in the southern Caribbean, but she wasn't buying the sciencey mumbo jumbo...


And six days seems to short. We did a nine day SD and that was about right. But they don't seem to do the longer trips much anymore. And with the pony issue, back to backers would be tough. So ideal stituation would be 2-4 days on a fun island pre-cruise (7 day-er). Is there enough to do on Barbedos to fill, say, three days before embarking SD? Now assuming you and ho-hum show up, all we really would need was a good beach bar for the three days :D Oh, and good shopping for the ladies :rolleyes:

Edited by Ragnar Danneskjold
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Jim, Mrs D not too keen on a caribbean trip so close to the winter solstice. We did that once and she didn't like the lighting, both for mood and photography reasons. So the later in the spring the better for a CC frat party trip :D Just not at spring break :eek I tried explaining about the sun angle in the southern Caribbean, but she wasn't buying the sciencey mumbo jumbo...


And six days seems to short. We did a nine day SD and that was about right. But they don't seem to do the longer trips much anymore. And with the pony issue, back to backers would be tough. So ideal stituation would be 2-4 days on a fun island pre-cruise (7 day-er). Is there enough to do on Barbedos to fill, say, three days before embarking SD? Now assuming you and ho-hum show up, all we really would need was a good beach bar for the three days :D Oh, and good shopping for the ladies


I'm with you, sun angles in the Tropics don't vary all that much. But then, the best camera I have ever owned is on my phone.:eek: As far as Spring Break, yes avoid, avoid, avoid! Though SD is not exactly Panama City, FL. (We lived about 40 miles from there and Spring Break was H*ll), we did have the kid trip on SeaDream with 30 kiddies in March. Technically, someone is on Spring Break from end Feb to early May.:eek: As far as Barbados, only been a couple of times for port stops so much missed. Seems to be very golf intensive. If beach bars and shopping are high on the list, St. Maarten/St. Martin fills the bill nicely and has better flights. SD is definitely calling but so many choices. We love sailing from SanDiego as it is a nice town an easy drive away for us but the cruise choices are limited. Maybe SD will do a Sea of Cortez season?:D

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I believe Lindblad or some such does Sea of Cortez. Hopefully they avoid the cartel gangs :eek: Mrs D has nixed any Mexico trips, despite our proximity, fears her head will end up in a bag on the courthouse steps. Has similarly nixed all of Africa and the middle east for the same reason... Fortunately, she felt confident she could outrun the Galapagos torti.


And now she is quite nervous about flying....


Any head choppers or planes falling out of the sky out there in Az?

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It’s not just “why don’t you dig me up again for a laugh” King Dicky 111 that has been hogging the royal headlines this week past…


It appears ol’ big ears himself, seemingly impatient of his mother’s continuing robust health, has been poking his right royal nose into all sorts of issues of the day by sending an eye watering number of letters expressing his outrage and angst to all the great offices of the land.


Poor Camilla…sent out once again in the rain to the corner shop to replenish the depleted supply of Basildon Bond, “take the corgis for a walk while you’re at it”. No wonder she has a permanent facial expression of chewing sour prunes.


The postman was at it again yesterday quashing and tearing the mail through my letter box but alas, none from the great social commentator. It’s an outrage! Charlie, our moral crusader, whom British serfs rely upon to keep the good, good, the bad in check and the Camilla… yet I appear not even to be on his radar. I cannot understand why.


It was only a mere week ago that I caused consternation in my front garden by lambasting a holly bush for being green. It just stands there, between the common all garden hydrangeas and lavender, socially smug and with an air of self- imposed superiority. I would give it a deserving clip around the stem if it weren’t so prickly. No doubt some do-gooder heard my ranting and contacted the St James Palace snitchers hotline and dobbed me in it big time.


Maybe the first in line was at least understanding of my acknowledgment of the ability of plants to enjoy a hearty discussion but when they just stand there, swaying a little and completely blank you…what is a sane man to do? Who do they think they are? B****y teenagers?


We do know Charlie likes to take to the water occasionally in the Caribbean aboard the yacht Leander so next time perhaps chartering SeaDream? Imagine, the game bird Camilla at the piano bar singing a rendition of …



Now for our non-UK chums of SD, dear MACT is of course "talking" about good old Prince Charles (and his missus).

There was very little news about Charlie boy in HH's usual news material but there were a few articles in the Gaurdian (as Private Eye would refer to the paper).


Talking to plants ehh !

Obviously you and Charles have a lot in common but Charles is a tad more encouraging than "lambasting" (very rare expression these days, HH likes it) God's work ! Haha

A "sane man" you say.......mmmmm, let HH get back to you on that one !

Maybe HH should start referring to you as Basil or Victor. Haha


Well you are in good company old chap !


But the really important thing HH wants to address is Charlie's Caribbean jaunts on Leander.

HH had never heard of it.

Now for all you others out there, check the link out below; it is really worth it;



What a beauty ! Mmmmmmm.


But why o why did they get rid of Britannia ? Quite upset the Queen, it did.

So sorry maam.

That was a beauty too (see the link below).




Now she is forced to go round the Scottish Isles on the Hebridean Princess .....quite nice though, several crew came to Sea Dream when the line went "tits up" !




HH has actually fancied it himself but HH has been told you have to be titled, own at least 20,000 acres and be over 80......oh and it's dinner jackets every night.

But you know, the real issue is weather. They have an awful lot of it, mainly the lashing rain variety.

Oh and HH heard the food is not the greatest......more like up market public school dinners, which no doubt suits the clientele.

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I believe Lindblad or some such does Sea of Cortez. Hopefully they avoid the cartel gangs :eek: Mrs D has nixed any Mexico trips, despite our proximity, fears her head will end up in a bag on the courthouse steps. Has similarly nixed all of Africa and the middle east for the same reason... Fortunately, she felt confident she could outrun the Galapagos torti.


And now she is quite nervous about flying....


Any head choppers or planes falling out of the sky out there in Az?


So far, so good out here but you never know. We keep kicking ourselves for missing the SeaDream Egypt excursion a few years back. Had lots on the plate already and said we would do it next year. Guess What..... Agreed there are many places on this crazy rock that are spiraling down a bad direction. A possible result will be more ships cruising out of "local" ports. Double benefit of cutting down on the pleasure of flying. Hey, there is always Anthony's Seafood Grotto in San Diego followed with after dinner drinks in the "Top Gun" Bar.:eek::D

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But the really important thing HH wants to address is Charlie's Caribbean jaunts on Leander.

HH had never heard of it.

Now for all you others out there, check the link out below; it is really worth it;



What a beauty ! Mmmmmmm.


But why o why did they get rid of Britannia ? Quite upset the Queen, it did.

So sorry maam.

That was a beauty too (see the link below).




Now she is forced to go round the Scottish Isles on the Hebridean Princess .....quite nice though, several crew came to Sea Dream when the line went "tits up" !




HH has actually fancied it himself but HH has been told you have to be titled, own at least 20,000 acres and be over 80......oh and it's dinner jackets every night.

But you know, the real issue is weather. They have an awful lot of it, mainly the lashing rain variety.

Oh and HH heard the food is not the greatest......more like up market public school dinners, which no doubt suits the clientele.


Chas and Cam have not been on it for a few years now but did charter her for a few discreet jaunts around the Caribbean. Good friends of Donald Gosling I understand, his Mum gave Don a tap on both shoulders with her sword some years back.


Ahh...the good ship Britannia. Betty & Co loved spending a month peering out of the rain lashed windows on her summer holiday amongst the Hebrides and Northern Isles. Blame Mr Blair or that killjoy Brown for scraping it. Can't have those who reign over us gloriously lord it over us on their little yacht (forgetting the fact that Betty paid every penny for these private trips) whilst the workshy and feckless live it up on their two week trips to spend time with Mickey Mouse.


Today the yacht is in great shape based in Leith, Edinburgh as a visitor attraction. Can be hired for events, even private dinners in the royal dining room!


Hebridean Princess...remember it as the car ferry from Weymes Bay to Rothesay. As you say, very weather dependent, best time is always May when its near "tropical" on the west coast. Very pricey and passenger make up will be high percentage of jacket and tie and floral dresses. Does have a real fire in the lounge I believe, which is very useful during those long light nights in June, huddled for warmth nursing a large Islay in the tumbler.

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So concludes the comical duo's "much ad about nothing" with guest appearance by yours truly.

Butch, Sundance and Ho Hum will not be meeting up on SD: the reasons are mystifying !

And with HH being on "the other side of the pond" whilst Sundance is on his "War & Wine" tour, neither will be meeting up in September either !


There is nothing left but for Ho Hum to fit these guys in somewhere in California-Arizona.

But when ? 2015 & 2016 taken care of........2017 ?

Oooh that's an age away.

And what time of year is best for the light !

"I am the walrus, I am the egg man, coocukidoo"


And so endeth the travel plans and bizarre attempts at meeting up....well for a short while anyhooo.

You poor readers reading about us all.


Thanks for the 100th page acknowledgement Raggy.

2,000th reply is the next milestone, then the big one !

Which is just as well as issues with SD have finally resolved....well almost.

Edited by ho-hum
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So concludes the comical duo's "much ad about nothing" with guest appearance by yours truly.

Butch, Sundance and Ho Hum will not be meeting up on SD: the reasons are mystifying !

And with HH being on "the other side of the pond" whilst Sundance is on his "War & Wine" tour, neither will be meeting up in September either !


There is nothing left but for Ho Hum to fit these guys in somewhere in California-Arizona.

But when ? 2015 & 2016 taken care of........2017 ?

Oooh that's an age away.

And what time of year is best for the light !

"I am the walrus, I am the egg man, coocukidoo"


And so endeth the travel plans and bizarre attempts at meeting up....well for a short while anyhooo.

You poor readers reading about us all.


Thanks for the 100th page acknowledgement Raggy.

2,000th reply is the next milestone, then the big one !

Which is just as well as issues with SD have finally resolved....well almost.


We are going to be on Azamara Feb of 17 for a 12 day Sea of Cortez round trip out of San Diego. Many SeaDream alumni over at Azamara.

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The light that time of year is simply dreadful !

Sorry no can do boys.


Sorry dear readers, but one last attempt at a "hook up"...


Ho-hum, are the Christmas and New Years sailings your only remaining planned SD sailings in 2015/2016? Well, apart from crossings. Ho-hum and Ragnar on the same crossing would likely be too much for the crew and other passengers to bear.

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Sea Dream sold to Disney Cruises !


Breaking news that Antler Brimstone has sold both ships to Disney Cruise Line for over $20 million each !

Sea Dream is to become a rich kiddy only line said the new Children Entertainment Director, Uncle James Aviary.

The jacuzzis are to be converted to "birthing pools" !

The main salon will be a creche.

The crew will be dressed as Disney characters at all times, even lifeboat drill.

Including kitchen and house-keeping departments and all senior personnel including Captains.

The shoreside management will also be expected to dress accordingly.

A spokesman commented, "well they are a Mickey Mouse outfit anyway, so dressing like one is not reasonable".

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Word in British real estate circles confirms that Reigate journalists and his lovely billionaire partner

have rejected an offer on their multi-million dollar estate from actor George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin.

Apparently the local hoi polloi were up in arms at the prospect of the increased traffic the star couple

might attract.


Apparently folks in Oxfordshire, down the road apiece, were not so particular, and the Clooneys have

purchased a more simple manse for a mere $9 million. Ah, life among the rich and famous!


April fools. :)

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Sea Dream sold to Disney Cruises !


Breaking news that Antler Brimstone has sold both ships to Disney Cruise Line for over $20 million each !

Sea Dream is to become a rich kiddy only line said the new Children Entertainment Director, Uncle James Aviary.

The jacuzzis are to be converted to "birthing pools" !

The main salon will be a creche.

The crew will be dressed as Disney characters at all times, even lifeboat drill.

Including kitchen and house-keeping departments and all senior personnel including Captains.

The shoreside management will also be expected to dress accordingly.

A spokesman commented, "well they are a Mickey Mouse outfit anyway, so dressing like one is not reasonable".


You found out about my employ. Just love those little kiddies. Screamers are my favourite.

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