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.......idle jottings


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Raggy, my boy, suggest you take a look at the Inn at Little Good Harbor ...

small boutique hotel, and its sister property, the Atlantis.


Good Harbor has a nice and very private beach. Atlantis, really no beach

but a very nice hotel and restaurant. For both, you can drive off to Cranes

Beach, the islands best and for a small fee, open to the public.


Good luck!

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Bon Voyage Mr. & Mrs. Hum. Looking forward to your travel reports. Attached is a Bon Voyage gift for you. After you hear it, you will realize why Mr. Sandler had no singing career. We rented the car he sings about once upon a time in St. Barts.


Haha.......absolutely brilliant old friend.

Loved it.


And here's one for you and of course the rest of you lovely peeps.


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Well, guess what ?

Both boats leave the Caribbean (18 & 19 April, 2015) and head for Europe.

And both boats meet up in Madeira on the morning of the 28 April, 2015.

Now there is a lady guest on SDI who has somewhat of a extravagant reputation......just maybe HH and Blondie will saunter over and say hello to Silvio, Christophe and the crew and maybe, just maybe, see the intriguing figure !


There is usually a xing blog with terribly dull photos that give no clue of the fun of these voyages and the camaraderie between passengers and crew.

Of course if the "real" evidence were shown, then there may have to be some explaining to do when arriving back home !

Oh the things that happen !

There was an evil English passenger and his beautiful, bubbly lady who gave the waiting staff a dog biscuit so when the cloches were removed at dinner in the Dining Salon, said fare was displayed on HH's plate !

He also duct taped both HH's arms to the arm rests of the chair and then duct taped HH's mouth !

And he is on the xing again......great fun, as is his beautiful lady.

So at least Blondie has someone who she can dance with.

It was the occasion of his birthday once on the boat and HH gave him half used bottles of Bulgari products and a shower cap !


The xing detail links are below.


Sea Dream I



Sea Dream II



Photo of SDI leaving San Juan, PR


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So buffet breakfast with the rest of humanity.

It went quite well; met up with lady stewardesses........it took them 1 hour to get into their room !

That's normal they say !

Thought HH was talking to one of their sons......it was the ruddy pilot !

He looked 14 years old.....bet he has to sit on cushions to reach the pedals.

In shock HH did'nt criticise him about the hot cabin on boarding.

The BA crew were flipping marvellous. They bought chocolate bars for some of the hotel staff. There was a real warmth seeing them meet up. The reserved English and the open Bajans: a beautiful sight BUT still they have to wait for a room.

HH waited just 25 minutes, so being "a pain" works !


It annoys HH that check out is 11.0am and check in is at 4.00pm but still the rooms are not ready and there are a mountain of staff......going at the pace of catatonic zombies.


Sound of people at odd times all through the night and loud mechanical "clunking" sounds: most dis-combobulating (Mary Poppins word methinks ?) !


Now at about 9.00am speakers blare out around the complex playing music. Why ?

Oh five of the most un-co-ordinated people HH has ever seen are gleefully doing aerobics in the pool. At least they are having fun.


Well off to "Daphne's" restaurant for a long, long leisurely lunch.

Service was generally OK (not sloooooooow at all) but had to ask to pour wine bottles ourselves as their pouring timing was a little off (prefer to pour oneself anyway).

The restaurant was practically empty: season coming to a close they tell us.

The restaurant ambience was delightful, peaceful and beautifully (and tastefully) styled (unlike most pink based "garish" establishments on the island ! If the Caribbean islanders knew about colourful garden gnomes, no doubt they would be littering the external approach !),


You snob HH ! Yes. HH apologises.


The food was just OK but for Caribbean standards it was very good.

The wine was very expensive and not as chilled as one would have initially liked but an efficient ice bucket was provided and soon we were drinking chilled champagne, then a Frascati and finally a Soave: love chilled Italian white wines when it is hot.

Meal cost $450 for three: so should'nt you expect only excellent service ?

But with the few very minor points aside, a most lovely way to meet chums, unwind and chat.

And it also demonstrates that there can be efficient service in the Caribbean.

For HH, this "chill man" attitude to service is plainly a cover for indifferent service.

There HH has said it !

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OK so let HH make a confession.....err...the Hilton is quite nice.

There HH's said it.

Met the girls at Breakfast.

The girls ?

Yes omelette ladies...cheerful, open, fun loving ladies that you can have a good banter with.

A few...oh hell what is the proper term. Dont want to cause offence. People can be a bit touchy.

Well there was some British-Caribbean sisters from London and a pair of Afro-American from Texas and we were having a right ol hoot and a holler; Ho Hum began talking in the Caribbean "patois" to omelette lady.

"Now woman dont you be a grievin I, just make the omelette, sister"

Well they all burst out laughing and then the Texans ordered their omelette in upper class English style "Good lady, would you kindly prepare me an English omelette".

Well done. Now the turn off the Londoners ordering a cockney accent "alright me darling, get me an omelette and make it sharpish, right",


That set old Hum up for the day.


The teaming hordes now had human faces and personalities.....oh Hum you silly old sod !


Hum is just not used to these big corporate hotels, if he were, he would be sailing on Disney and the like. Yes Hum is a strange character and no mistaking. Hum found the people very kind and so there is a place for these kind of establishments naturally.

And the breakfast service was efficient and friendly and again the guys talked cricket, so we kind of bonded over that.


If it is a choice between The House at $1052 per night or the Hilton, then HH will be back at the Hilton, with his more tolerant hat on, this time but only for 2 nights.

Can only do so much tolerance old chap.


Silly old fool. Turning into a right old curmudgeon, you are. Sorry.

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The xing detail links are below.


Sea Dream I



Sea Dream II



Photo of SDI leaving San Juan, PR


Links not working here. Maybe Charlie will provide the usual good links.:eek::D



Hi Jim, works for HH old chap.....it's not the blog just the crossing voyage details

Yep maybe Charlie will sort out the blog links.

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SeaDream I earned a perfect 100 score in surprise U.S. Public Health inspection

According to the Vessel Sanitation Program (VSP) operated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, SeaDream Yacht Club’s SeaDream I earned a 100 mark in the late March surprise U.S. Public Health inspections.

The VSP inspections are required for all passenger ships that call at a U.S. port. The inspections are unannounced and are carried out twice a year for every cruise ship. The score, on a scale from 1 to 100, is assigned on the basis of a 44-item checklist involving hygiene and sanitation of food (from storage to preparation), overall galley cleanliness, water, shipboard personnel and the ship as a whole.

SeaDream I Captain, Bjarne Smorawski said “We are all very proud of the perfect ‘100’, thanks to the excellent crew onboard.”


Very many congratulations. An oustanding achievement.

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So buffet breakfast with the rest of humanity.

It went quite well; met up with lady stewardesses........it took them 1 hour to get into their room !

That's normal they say !


HH waited just 25 minutes, so being "a pain" works !


Hello Ho Hum

I'm out of the lurk o sphere because you gave me a chuckle and a fun memory! I used to be one of those "stewardesses" flying into Gatwick and staying at the Gatwick Hilton. We often had to wait over an hour for rooms. We had an old Captain that would start undressing in the lobby and lay down on the lobby sofa in his underwear! Needless to say, they found him a room right away! Bon Voyage!! I was on the inaugural San Juan - London SDI crossing in 2011 and I so agree, crossings are the BEST! I SO want to do it again, and I will. Looking forward to it! Enjoy....now back to the lurk o sphere...... :))

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As Daphnies sounded like a good place to grab a bite on our upcoming visit to Barbados, I took a look at their wine list. Below are some of the whites, which seemed a bit high until you realize those prices are half that in US dollars :D



Orvieto Classico, Ruffino, Umbria, Italy 2013 65

Pinot Grigio, Mezzacorona, Trentino, Italy 2012 74

Soave, Folonari, Veneto, Italy 2013 60

Trebbiano d’Abruzzo, Villa Rocca, Abruzzo, Italy 2013 65

Frascati, Casale del Grillo, Lazio, Italy 2012 76

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Ho, were your figures in Barbados dollars or US dollars? Or would you even notice the difference ;)


$US Raggy.....or 900 Barbados $.


"Would HH notice the difference".......haha


Raggy old chap, we met up with a chum before the xing who's meteoric rise in his field of "earning a crust" coupled soon after by an extremely ambitious business gambit which paid off lead to this excess and joie de vivre.


HH hears "you cant take it with you"..,,and if we could our's may get badly cinged (but the company will be great) !

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So buffet breakfast with the rest of humanity.

It went quite well; met up with lady stewardesses........it took them 1 hour to get into their room !

That's normal they say !


HH waited just 25 minutes, so being "a pain" works !


Hello Ho Hum

I'm out of the lurk o sphere because you gave me a chuckle and a fun memory! I used to be one of those "stewardesses" flying into Gatwick and staying at the Gatwick Hilton. We often had to wait over an hour for rooms. We had an old Captain that would start undressing in the lobby and lay down on the lobby sofa in his underwear! Needless to say, they found him a room right away! Bon Voyage!! I was on the inaugural San Juan - London SDI crossing in 2011 and I so agree, crossings are the BEST! I SO want to do it again, and I will. Looking forward to it! Enjoy....now back to the lurk o sphere...... :))


Haha....the world would'nt be the same without characters like your old Captain now, would it ! ....haha

Thanks for sharing the story dear ohmiss.

Hope to meet up with on a crossing one day.

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Yikes, ho-hum, you are not painting a pretty picture of hotels on Barbados...


We will be there for three nights in March, pre-cruise, any suggestions on a nice quiet hotel on a nice beach? With a good restaurant, or good ones near by.


Impossible Raggy !


Maybe the Commander's recommendation of the Good Harbour is something to explore but it is quite a way out from the best restaurants (except for The Fish Pot or something like that) so you will have to add $40 to get to and from them but if you are not "foodies" or "winos" (that's not right, surely) then no problem.


Certainly the Atlantis is nice and the staff are friendly but it is windy and on the "wrong" side of the island: the taxi costs would be higher to the better restaurants as well as a longer journey.

The restaurant serves simple (nothing to get excited about), Bajan food and has Sunday lunch buffet of traditional English food for hordes of visitors: not a pleasant experience.


And as the dear Commander advises, there is no suitable beach close to the hotel (though it overlooks the water) but there are lovely, quiet coastal walks.


We go to the Caribbean for the boat.

Maybe we will consider arriving on the day of the boat's departure: risky though.

A buffer between home, travel and joining boat is nice too for Blondie but for Hum it's a case of "get me out of this...... and onto the boat A S A P "!


We stayed at a nice B&B run by Bajans.

It had a nice pool too but we never returned. It was away from the beach.

But the main issue was the closeness of being in someone else's home with a fussy owner who drinks awful brands of spirits and wines and his "pours" were miserly.

Even getting a simple G&T was a trial and quite un-satisfactory; watery warmish, cheap gin, in cut glass tumblers just aint right !


Raggy, you seem a relaxed guy and are not so "picky" (or even "prick-ly" with emphasis on the first part) as the dilettante, high maintenance pairing of Ho Hum and Blondie.

Yes HH acknowledges we do sound awful but we are just not used to "sloppy" service and lousy food.

Having said that neither are we "sit back and serve us" types; we do make an effort in engaging with others and the Bajans are nice friendly, relaxed people but they just don't do "service".

What do they do ?

Well practically the same as everyone else.........but so slooooooooowly.

Hell knows you had a fire and had to call the fire brigade !

"Wazzup man, dont be a chillin, we be along soon-ish just gotta pop in to da store to pick up some peas for rice and peas lunch......."


Kathy may have some opinions and we know she loves the Caribbean way of life and style so it would be very interesting getting her take on the issues BUT please if there are any others out there with a view, then kindly advise.


Raggy, next time HH will be persuading Blondie to join the boat on the day of arrival. Straight from very efficient "meet and greet" into "no talking" a/a Mercedes and straight to boat for a cold towel and glass of champagne with canapes.

Who needs "buffer" time for a 12 day crossing anyhooo ?

Not HH, that's for sure !

And Sea Dream could lose "Caribbean Night" off the menu too......too far ? OK, well at least there is an option on the menu and the chef will (and does) cook whatever you want (with enthusiasm).


OK the boss has spoken !

Her words were something like "are you frigging crazy".

Yes no way to speak to an "International Man of Mystery" and voted fourth in his class as a man likely to join the Jesuits (yes he was a very pious 7 year old.....how things quickly changed).

No HH digresses...... Blondie has spoken. We will try "The House" one more time.

"Style over substance" with trendy young things who were "easy on the eye" but whose level of in-competence was staggering.

Never again, HH said but it's had a "make over".

That's all well and good but if they are still employing the same young twits then just what is the point ?

No, it will be The House next time.....oh yes it is right on the beach and is 10 minutes walk to "Daphne's". It is also expensive. But Blondie may have a point....she is super-smart you know.

Adults only you know.......No, not that kind ! Shame on you ! Stop giggling .... how old are you ?

Having said that, better just check.

Several years back an old chum of HH's booked us into a hotel to enable us to attend the wedding of his elder daughter. He also booked his mother and other two daughters.

He had un-wittingly booked us into a "Swingers" hotel.

One of the facilities available were bedroom photographers !

The only photo they would get of HH would be HH in his "wynciettes", night cap, face cream thickly applied and sheets pulled up under his chin....oh and eye mask !


Here is a link to The House.



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Is..........Roderick Alcantara !


He is the Provisions Master and is married to the delightful and wonderful Rowena: a senior stewardess on the same vessel.


Roderick keeps us in champagne to toilet rolls and is an all round good guy and thoroughly deserves this acknowledgement.


He and his wife have been around a long while.


After a particulalrly boozy St.Tropez rose wine tasting session, Blonies was transported back to the ship on Roderick's "sack barrow" !

Now that's service !

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Wow, picky, picky, picky!


Between you, Raggy, and dearest Ho-Hum, it ain't easy being a travel agent.

Okay, you are foodies, like to "tip a few", and don't want to incur huge taxi



Take a look at http://www.littlearches.com, a small boutique hotel across from a beach (not my

favorite) with a highly touted restaurant on the second floor. The staff could not have

been nicer, the accommodations superior to a Hilton and far more charming. Perfectly

suitable for a night or two, pre or post cruise.


If none of this works, you can always book in at Sandy Lane for a couple of grand a night.


Happy hunting!

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Day 1 - 3

We are 39 souls: sailed off from a hot but dark cloudy Bridgetown, Barbados in the early evening of the 19 April, in the year of our Lord: 2015.


We are a happy "crew" and most familiar to one another as we have sailed with one another many times and some are great chum; some of whom have brought their chums and so it goes.


"Sail away" was feverish and fun, meeting up with one another and of course meeting up with the crew. Immediately there is a great atmosphere all except for ........


Blondie and one of our young lady chums valiantly tried to make an effort towards the person in question but was met with awkward reticence .....we are curious.

The girls are thinking there is something sad about it.....well we have many days...it takes people a while does'nt it.

And we are determined to be inclusive but at the same respectful, hopefully.

Suppose we can be a bit loud and intimidating for those dont know us: meaning all those that have sailed the crossing before.


It was really quite choppy out of Barbados...yes it usually is, is'nt it.


A grand meal outside with Indian food choices selected by HH accompanied by a Stella (Artois) and then bed by 9.30pm !

Far too much champagne earlier at "sail away" that HH now wishes to be served in white wine glasses.....yes very fussy.....so ?


A beautiful morning (20 April) after a wonderful gently rocking night...though HH's burgeoning weight gain caused the bed to creak a tad in certain positions !

No not those positions !

What's got into you these days, you did'nt used to be like this !


Attended first lecture ever !

A physicist talked about "Time".....quite interesting but perplexing to some. In essence time is an arbitrary measurement that the subjective experience distorts.


A long leisurely lunch ensued after a delicious "pass around" of battered prawns with a mustard dipping sauce accompanied by a pink lemonade (HH stuck with champagne) and another sampling of Indian food: a vegetable "pattie". Absolutely delicious.

Lazy afternoon then trivia quiz attended by Blondie who teamed up with our chum: they finished second. They lost points not knowing nationality of Ayrton Senna (Brazilian) and group Michael Stripes was in (R.E.M.)....dughhhhh !

Did not know where insulin was discovered or created (Canada) and what beavers homes are called (Lodges).


And so to Captain's welcome ........a few still affected by queasiness but there is much less motion (in the ocean).

Captain advised weather is looking good but in a few days time we may encounter more swells and the weather could deteriorate very slightly.

Captain looks great and is fine form and out eating with the "chosen few" after which he did his round of seeing passengers on the rear deck where we happy three are ensconced enjoying the warm evening and sea air.

A huge moth flies around and HH quips that one of the other passengers must have opened his wallet !

HH will pay the price for this as the victim of the quip loves a prank (silly HH).


An amazing dinner of sweet and sour soup, Boston lettuce, vegetable tempura and grilled pineapple accompanied with vanilla ice cream.


Night caps at TOYB where the new Bose speakers (4) with a new amplifier were pumping out at a healthy high volume by a new English recruit Activity Director who is a very accomplished DJ...so a brilliant evening was had by all.


And so to bed where this humble offering is whipped off before .....zzzzzzzzzz.

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Day 1 - 3


A grand meal outside with Indian food choices selected by HH accompanied by a Stella (Artois)


Attended first lecture ever !




Seems Mr Hum, having roughed it with the hoi polloi in the Barbados Hilton has now begun a journey down a path which can only result in catastrophic outcomes...


It has already started...Beers and curry for dinner?!?! Then banefully trying to retain some hint of respectability by attending a lecture...go on Mr Hum, cast off all semblance of belonging to the "posh part" and just act disgracefully for the next ten days.


You're in the middle of the ocean...no-one is watching. (Now if we could only figure out those links to the crossing page)

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Sandy Lane is booked up, except for a three bedroom penthouse for $5,000 (US) a night. As we will only be bring one butler this trip, three bedrooms is a bit excessive. Maybe Jim would like to split?


Not sure what you mean by "split" but we would be most glad to fill the unused space. On the G650 as well. Let us know when you expect to land at Scottsdale Airport. Thanks!!!!:D:D

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Well, after many hours spent perusing the 'net, finally ended up booking three nights at the Barbados..... Hilton :eek:


Not sure how the posh ho-hum got snookered into staying there, but from what I could glean from the exceedingly un-impartial (i.e. partial) internet, it seemed to have the "best bang for the buck". And it is close to the port, as well as some other things we want to do. If booking there, go through the main Hilton website rather than the hotel's site, as the main site offers some perqs that the hotel site does not.


Room is about US $400/night, vs over $1,000/night for The House. Ol' Ragnar aint $1,000 posh...

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