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.......idle jottings


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Well, after many hours spent perusing the 'net, finally ended up booking three nights at the Barbados..... Hilton :eek:


Not sure how the posh ho-hum got snookered into staying there, but from what I could glean from the exceedingly un-impartial (i.e. partial) internet, it seemed to have the "best bang for the buck". And it is close to the port, as well as some other things we want to do. If booking there, go through the main Hilton website rather than the hotel's site, as the main site offers some perqs that the hotel site does not.


Room is about US $400/night, vs over $1,000/night for The House. Ol' Ragnar aint $1,000 posh...


Which cruise did you pick, Sundance?

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7 day Barbados to Aruba on Windstar. With three nights on Barbados and one night on Aruba.


By the way, Expedia had a ton of photos of the Hilton, which I found after I booked. A bit nicer than I feared from ho-hums review.





Mrs D wants to do a lot of snorkeling and thet have it right there, and they do day trips from the hotel. Plus they rent seadoos - yeehaw :D I wonder if they sell Boones Farm in the sundries shop?

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7 day Barbados to Aruba on Windstar. With three nights on Barbados and one night on Aruba.


By the way, Expedia had a ton of photos of the Hilton, which I found after I booked. A bit nicer than I feared from ho-hums review.





Mrs D wants to do a lot of snorkeling and thet have it right there, and they do day trips from the hotel. Plus they rent seadoos - yeehaw :D I wonder if they sell Boones Farm in the sundries shop?


Is that the Nov 21 voyage? Looks good. Not sure about Boone's Farm but we did have PBR in Barbados one time.:eek:

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March 5th.


Long way off, I know, but trying to use up a bunch of frequent flyer miles. And with the improving economy it seems everything is booking up further and further out. Even the little non-descript types places we are staying at in France in September are filling up.


This is an issue, as ol' Ragnar is not normally one to plan ahead (well, except maybe for the next meal...).

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Seems Mr Hum, having roughed it with the hoi polloi in the Barbados Hilton has now begun a journey down a path which can only result in catastrophic outcomes...


It has already started...Beers and curry for dinner?!?! Then banefully trying to retain some hint of respectability by attending a lectureY...go on Mr Hum, cast off all semblance of belonging to the "posh part" and just act disgracefully for the next ten days.


You're in the middle of the ocean...no-one is watching. (Now if we could only figure out those links to the crossing page)



"No one is watching" and in light of heightened security on HH's life, SD has decided NOT to do a blog (well not so far)..,,,,,,booooohh.


The spoil sports.


It is most likely that shoreside management are just not organised and several hundred people are left disappointed. Either way they dont come out of it very well do they ?


Well if they dont do it then HH to the rescue without filters !

No HH's sorry, he is on vacation.


My dear friend, the Indian food served on SD is of the highest standards (maybe not Michelin but definitely Dunlop) HH will have you know and the Stella is as close to an IPA that the discerning Hum can find.


This Is'nt the local curry house slop you know.


And a brief sojourn and dalliance at a metaphysical lecture accompanied by a chilled champagne (when every one else is drinking water or coffee) quite whets the appetite before a long leisurely lunch, al fresco.


HH did not attend to-day's lecture "President Ronald Reagan & Rancho del Cielo".

There are no Americans onboard and those that appointed the lecturer should remember that Reagan was not considered a Statesman of any note on this side of the pond, in fact he was .......no stop there HH, dont want an American covert operation force after HH too !


"Rancho del Cielo" sounds like a salad dressing.

Now that does sound a tad interesting but not for an hour.


The lectures have been entitled Sea Dream Enrichment Lectures, yes pretentious twoddle is'nt it ? As if learning about Reagan could in anyway enrich one's life !

There is the joke about Reagan's library......not all the books were coloured in !

Sorry HH's American friends.


The two guest lecturers are displayed on a board outside the Main Salon and show cheap black and white photocopies of the duo and resemble passport photos and when they were 15 years younger.......Hum is so tempted to get a felt pen and draw two eyeballs close to the bridge of the nose as if they were cross eyed or add a short moustache and a hair sweep down to one side.

The lecturers are so nice that HH does not wish to hurt their feelings so it takes great self-control to restrain himself every time he passes the board.


A fashion show tonight with a difference. This time the senior officers were the models amongst whom was the Captain !

He had the largest applause and the crew loved his participation and in actual fact he looked really good.

Well done our Captain.


"The Grand Budapest Hotel" tonight.

Boy SD are getting some great films you know.

We have brought with us the "Carry on cruising" film......HH's favourite Kenneth Williams as the Chief Officer....sheer brilliance.

Will ask Nick to play it or at least arrange a private view with chums, champagne and canapes.

We asked he did'nt like the idea.....God how damn precious.

Suppose he is new at his job and probably Sid James playing the Captain could go against him.

It's a bloody funny film.....though HH thought it was "pants" at the time.

Yes he was a moody yoof full of existential angst.....that was before he discovered wine !

That soothing balm for the soul.


Rambling again HH, you dont mind do you ?

What a pair we make, you and HH.

Same time tomorrow old chum ?

Have a nice day and toodle pip.


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7 day Barbados to Aruba on Windstar. With three nights on Barbados and one night on Aruba.


By the way, Expedia had a ton of photos of the Hilton, which I found after I booked. A bit nicer than I feared from ho-hums review.




Raggy, the Hilton is going to be fine......and yes the professional photos look fine too. HH's comment about appearance of hotel was from approach and guess what ?

No photos of front....not even a professional photographer can tart that up.

But elsewhere it is fine.

We would return there.

Promise you will tell us all how you found it.

Odd you did'nt check Trip Advisor...most ratings are very high.

As HH said before HH is "picky".

At the end of the day, it is probably the only choice for a reasonable budget.

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Looks good. Hey, Mr. Hum, you only need 20 more views of Idle Jottings to have your 100K. Quite the accomplishment Mr. Hum.:D


Could'nt have done it without you old friend and friends like you.

Well done all, HH says.

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Congrats - 100,012 as of this view!


Actually, did use Tripadvisor. However, TA tends to be just cheerleaders and disgruntaled cranks, I take it with a shaker of salt....


No, the reviews were generally very goid Raggy....and cheers Raggy......and as said to Butch, could'nt have done it without you and ALL the other chums.

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If SD are not playing ball then how about a weather/sea conditions report Mr Hum?


Gorgeous and sunny in UK, the bright ball in the sky now has a little warmth... the ice is even starting to melt north of Watford!


Any Benny Hill/Walter Mitty guests that are providing "entertainment"?


No doubt strict instructions from the bunker in Oslo that under no circumstances should any film starring Sid James as a sea captain be aired for public viewing. Can't have uproarious laughter from guests, a pop corn strewn floor and champagne fuelled debauchery. Where do you think you are...in your own little world miles from nowhere?


There is the word for today...debauchery. Go get it Mr "Sid James" Hum.

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"The Stella is as close to an IPA as the discerning Hum can find"


Nooooooooooooooooo :eek: Stella is a poor imitation of a belgian, and made with corn :( It's not even in the same space-time continuum as IPA.


SeaDream not stocking a good IPA makes me question the capabilities of their beverage manager, and has me re-thinking future cruising plans....


Well, I suppose we could use our two checked bags per person allowance on American to haul a supply of good IPAs and pale ales (refreshing by the pool) down to the Caribbean. Bet a big cooler full of them by the pool would make 'ol Ragnar very popular with the other, sophisticated, passengers :rolleyes:


By the way, have tried the pre-cruise special request route with SD and it didn't work out.

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"The Stella is as close to an IPA as the discerning Hum can find"


Nooooooooooooooooo :eek: Stella is a poor imitation of a belgian, and made with corn :( It's not even in the same space-time continuum as IPA.


SeaDream not stocking a good IPA makes me question the capabilities of their beverage manager, and has me re-thinking future cruising plans....


Well, I suppose we could use our two checked bags per person allowance on American to haul a supply of good IPAs and pale ales (refreshing by the pool) down to the Caribbean. Bet a big cooler full of them by the pool would make 'ol Ragnar very popular with the other, sophisticated, passengers :rolleyes:


By the way, have tried the pre-cruise special request route with SD and it didn't work out.


When you find yourself in a far away place with no good beer around, well, that is what they make Jack Daniel's for.:D

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Mrs D wants to do a lot of snorkeling and thet have it right there, and they do day trips from the hotel. Plus they rent seadoos - yeehaw :D I wonder if they sell Boones Farm in the sundries shop?


I don't know about snorkeling off the beach at the Hilton, unless you're a very strong swimmer. The Hilton is on the windy side of the island, and the red flags have usually been up at the beach when we have been there. But there is an upside to this - the wind makes it easy to sit comfortably at the pool or beach, while the folks at Sandy Lane paying thousands a day are roasting.


And the Hilton is fine. I'm not saying I would plan my vacation around it, but for a few days it is absolutely OK. The only meals we have eaten there have been breakfast in the executive lounge, which is well, like any breakfast in an executive lounge, and lunch outside at the pool, where the salads have been acceptable. And I don't think that will change for us when we return there next time we sail from Barbados. But the fabulous restaurants are only a cab ride away.


I don't know about snorkeling trips from the hotel, but we took one this January which we booked from home on the internet, and it far exceeded our expectations - best snorkeling excursion we have ever taken, and we have taken many. I don't have the info right now - we're in Paris this week (someone's got to do it, right), but when we return home next week I'll look it up and post. But I do think I mentioned it at the time on another thread.

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Happy Birthday to that wily old Coloradan coyote (60 in fact) they call D........missing you here on the xing.


Thank you very much HH. Wish we were with you and Blondie on the eastern crossing but looking forward to seeing you in November and we shall raise a glass then.

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If SD are not playing ball then how about a weather/sea conditions report Mr Hum?


Gorgeous and sunny in UK, the bright ball in the sky now has a little warmth... the ice is even starting to melt north of Watford!


Any Benny Hill/Walter Mitty guests that are providing "entertainment"?


No doubt strict instructions from the bunker in Oslo that under no circumstances should any film starring Sid James as a sea captain be aired for public viewing. Can't have uproarious laughter from guests, a pop corn strewn floor and champagne fuelled debauchery. Where do you think you are...in your own little world miles from nowhere?


There is the word for today...debauchery. Go get it Mr "Sid James" Hum.


Sea Conditions: Moderate Southerly Swell. 6-13 feet (2-4 metres)

Weather: Partly Cloudy, 26C


Yes there are quite a few characters as there are always are on a crossing and we are merciless in our character assassinations of them but these are only available in our very reasonable fee paying subscription "Premium Package".

Otherwise all that is available is this filtered, drivel that you have before you.


HH was surprised yesterday when a fellow passenger voiced enjoyment of the thread: never knew he was a viewer and so one has to be very careful whom one is therefore describing.

Of course HH would never have included him in the gaggle of "those to be un-fairly pilloried" as HH has always had enormous respect for him and his exceedingly high intellect and most wonderful manners (enough "toadying" methinks).

But you see it does'nt take a genius to work out whom one is un-fairly disparaging and that would be somewhat cruel if one were to correlate characters to actual individuals unless there was an individual who you felt certain attracted the same kind of dis-respect resulting from an in-appropriate episode of bad behaviour towards the crew or fellow passenger.

And as no such behaviour has been witnessed then HH regrets HH cannot offer a disparaging critique as all the passengers are exceptionally well mannered as one is used to experience on a crossing

Sorry folks.

And since penning this nonsense, two other passengers have discovered HH's true identity as well as one crew member.

And may HH say how ruddy wonderful these characters are also: paragons of virtue, the whole shabang !


So enjoyed the film last night.

Is'nt Ralph a great actor......and some great lines t'boot.

"You see, there are still faint glimmers of civilisation left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity.

Indeed that's what we provide in our own modest, humble, insignificant... oh, **** it"


The burgeoning fat carried around by HH has to be addressed especially as HH has no excuse left regarding the gout preventing him exercising as it has now gone and so it is .......to the gym much to the amusement of the s******ing crew dressed as Hum is in his old, hand-me-down, school style gym outfit circa 1950 English public school style.

No there are no flashy clothes, trainers etc.. for old Hum.

If they were good enough for his father, they are good enough for Hum.

But an iphone and headphones are permitted....nay they are essential, otherwise the drudgery would be just too much.

"What are you listening to Hum ?" A few of the "ripped" crew enquire flexing their "guns".

"Music to pump you up" they scoff.

Desert Island Discs my old darlings, HH replies in the style of Monsieur Gustave.

Incredulous expressions abound.

HH loves to listen to a collection of DIDs.

Sir Mervyn King this morning, the man who slept through the 2007-8 banking crisis whilst custodian of the country's finances as head of the Bank of England.

Of course it was entirely the greed of the un-regulated "Wolfs on Wall Street" with their Fanny Maes and Freddy Macs.

Well no one took them that seriously with names like that !

They sounded like old people in a Louisiana retirement home.

What possible trouble could these ol timers cause ?


Well good ol Mervyn turns out he is a Dylan fan !

He chose "Highway 61".....maybe not such a lug after all.

One of HH's favourites too: loved Johnny Winter's version (an amazing blues guitarist who sadly died last year at 70 yo).

DIDs are for public figures who have to chose a few records for their theoretical abandonment on a desert island...they are allowed a Bible, the full works of Shakespeare and a book of their own choosing together with a luxury item.....some are quite racy (blow up dolls) and some really sweet (pillow with the aroma of their young children). Mervyns book was a catalogue of the complete works from the National Gallery. Surprised, thought it would have been "Dummies guide to doing your job properly...schmuck" (love Yiddish).


Well after a full workout, a shower, Hum reports for the lecture where he is penning this because it is running way to late because of some cock up or another with the screen and projector.

Lunch is calling Hum. So it better start soon.

Well you've done quite well out of it, have'nt you darlings.

God the lecture was tedious.....no more, HH's done.

An advanced PhD was required to understand whatever he was talking about. Fortunately HH has some grasp but oh boy....zzzzzzzz.

Photo of our handsome levturer attached at end,


Dinner tonight with two lady officers and a male officer.....we did laugh, it was tremendous fun and the table next door kept us entertained in the later stages of the meal with Irish drinking songs.


And during all of this a special wine was sent to HH purporting to be a Ch.Petrus, 1999. No not a great year unlike the years that preceded it and proceeded it and which HH never had before: no, not any Ch.Petrus's, probably because they sell for the equivalent of Raggy's 3 night stay at The Hilton, Barbados including all his meals, bar bill and snorkelling costs !

It was not a Merlot to start, it was not old: some fiend is having a prank.

And HH knows just the guy.

So a strategy is discussed around the table: the ladies are evil. HH likes it: exactly what HH is thinking.

It begins either by saying nothing more or if the fiend makes an enquiry, saying "Oh God, you did'nt drink it did you, it was corked old darling".

No that's a bit lame. HH's suggestion of buying a Ch.Yquem and filling all our glasses and going over to his table with a glass for him but filled with a similar looking liquid but entirely man made was greeted with disgust.....the ladies loved it though. HH began having admiring glances. Wow, did not know before, how being a cad turned on the ladies.


A wine was provided by the Executive Chef tonight for which we were all extremely grateful though the reason must be kept under wraps.

Is that discrete enough for you my ol darling ?


And so to bed and a few jottings will complete this piece which shall be posted soon after waking to accompany your expresso, cuppa, martini, IPA or preferred beverage (as the Americans would say).

What service ehh ?

You darlings are worth it......just imagine what the subscription service would be like !


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"The Stella is as close to an IPA as the discerning Hum can find"


Nooooooooooooooooo :eek: Stella is a poor imitation of a belgian, and made with corn :( It's not even in the same space-time continuum as IPA.


SeaDream not stocking a good IPA makes me question the capabilities of their beverage manager, and has me re-thinking future cruising plans....


Well, I suppose we could use our two checked bags per person allowance on American to haul a supply of good IPAs and pale ales (refreshing by the pool) down to the Caribbean. Bet a big cooler full of them by the pool would make 'ol Ragnar very popular with the other, sophisticated, passengers :rolleyes:


By the way, have tried the pre-cruise special request route with SD and it didn't work out.


......and HH is called "picky" but point well made Sundance and argument conceded....ggrrrrrrrrr !


There is certain passenger who has posted many times on this forum who has the knack of obtaining his preferred "brew" onboard but HH believes it is due to his celebrity status round these parts....never seen adulation like it, what with ladies going wild, guys cheering, Captain back slapping him as he strides up the gangway and fellow passengers crooning over the rails to get a glimpse of this celebrity passenger but for the likes of you and HH .... you gotta be kiddin': no chance amigo.

Reported to be just back from the continent, this jet setter and his lovely lady.

Loves beer so much he even eats it with a souffle.......oh my !

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CRew miss you too.......Gareth especially but with each passing day, they too seem to get a little stronger coping with the loss at not seeing you both and with the knowledge that they (and we) will see you for the return trip.


Ladies and gentlemen....this guy is one pf the funniest HH has sailed with.


PS Quote button not working

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One of HH's favourites too: loved Johnny Winter's version (an amazing blues guitarist who sadly died last year at 70 yo).


Dinner tonight with two lady officers and a male officer.....we did laugh, it was tremendous fun and the table next door kept us entertained in the later stages of the meal with Irish drinking songs.


And during all of this a special wine was sent to HH purporting to be a Ch.Petrus, 1999. No not a great year unlike the years that preceded it and proceeded it and which HH never had before: no, not any Ch.Petrus's, probably because they sell for the equivalent of Raggy's 3 night stay at The Hilton, Barbados including all his meals, bar bill and snorkelling costs !

It was not a Merlot to start, it was not old: some fiend is having a prank.

And HH knows just the guy.

So a strategy is discussed around the table: the ladies are evil. HH likes it: exactly what HH is thinking.

It begins either by saying nothing more or if the fiend makes an enquiry, saying "Oh God, you did'nt drink it did you, it was corked old darling".

No that's a bit lame. HH's suggestion of buying a Ch.Yquem and filling all our glasses and going over to his table with a glass for him but filled with a similar looking liquid but entirely man made was greeted with disgust.....the ladies loved it though. HH began having admiring glances. Wow, did not know before, how being a cad turned on the ladies.



Saw Johnny play a show in about 92/93, mesmerising performance but looked like he was knocking at death's door then.


Fun at dinner time...what entertainment on SeaDream is all about. Dining with the lady officers, you lucky chap Mr Hum.

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While the UK is still in lock down serious mode about electing some 650 empty heads to the funny farm, we in the real world are still being exposed to the seemingly unrelenting barrage of quite the most barking mad happenings.


Yesterday, I can report than Don drove a tractor! That is right, your eyes have not deceived you, read it again…a farm tractor was driven by Don. The startling issue at hand is that Don has four legs…can’t read road signs…has a cold moist nose…barks at other drivers…and is prone to lick your face rather than shake your hand.


This shaggy dog story is mind-bogglingly true. Don decided that this herding sheep lark was just getting too tedious so whilst Farmer Barleymow was tending to a new lamb that had just popped out into the world to say hello, Don, that sly old dog, jumped up into the tractor cabin, revved the engine and off he drove down the farm track in his bid for a bit of canine capers. Expert handling saw him steer the tractor around the bend at the bottom of the field, over the little bridge and, minding the speed limit, sauntered along the road looking out at all times for children and small animals.


But no…this was not thrilling enough for speed junky Don. The six lane motorway was close by and he thought to himself “why not?” Ever conscious of the limitations of his vehicle he kept the tractor to the inner lane and, with the scent of freshly frying bacon in the air knew that the service station was only around the next bend with a tasty breakfast awaiting.


With blue lights flashing and sirens wailing Don realised that the tongue drooling prospect would have to wait. There was no point in trying to out run the cops with his cruising speed of 25 mph. Staggeringly, he showed no remorse as he greeted the officers with a wagging tail and a few woofs of “what kept you so long”? He was breathalysed and happily past.


Later Farmer Barleymow commented that ever since Don sold his Ferrari F340 he has been itching to get back out on the open road. Perhaps Barleymow should buy him some flee powder instead.

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The dinner menu has been in the style of an early Indian restaurant, 70's throw back in style and was an embarrassment !


All that has changed !


it is now a sophisticated, clearer, more assured styled menu both in terms of layout, clarity, use of better font and overall presentation.


How can you get so excited about a menu HH ?

A menu tells you so much.

Hundreds of choices tell you these schmucks know nothing.

A myriad of choices of styles tell you the chef is directionless....oh yes they still have the ludicrous proselytising Owner, saving our souls through weird diet choice: this has to be accepted, regrettably.

Oh how embarrassing having to add two lines after the heading of the menu basically telling "it's good for you, you know".


The menu incorporates a combination of an opulent, even "over the top" scroll looking main heading and an assured, clear font in just a few sizes then follows (possibly an Arial or Verdana),

It is so much easier on the eye.


The menu is now calm, clear, sane with underlying assuredness and sophistication.


Order times WILL be reduced significantly as a result and the assembled table can get on with the business of (fine) dining. Gone will be the enquiries "what are you having" followed by "I didn't see that (on the menu) then orders are changed and the whole table is left even longer waiting to dine.


Also they will receive comments like "we liked the old menu" well all HH can say is these kind of remarks come from dodos and they will go the way of the dodos too.


HH loves the Chef Tomasz category and it's rightful position.

The reference to the wine guy as Sommelier Ferenc is quite correct, respectful and deserving. His non-casual reference still retains an approachability too.


Fantastic, fantastic job.


And get this, the food tastes better even !

No, not when you have to espouse how good it is for you...it proves to me instantly how frigging distant he is from reality.


Now no going back and please refrain from embellishments.......less is more.


SD portioning too are perfect.

Take the raw tuna starter, beautifully sourced and much prefer the look on the plate of 4 pieces than 6. It looks more of a treat you know.


One thing HH hates though is calling the lamb cuts "lollipops" ... These wonderful creatures are giving up their lives for our sustenance and pleasure, please show some respect.

They are chops dammit.


Next the Wine List.


And of course, the next day, the perfect menu now incorporates inconsistent fonts, inconsistent sizes...grrrrrrrrr !

It says to HH, if the chef is sloppy with his menu presentation, he is sloppy in his food sourcing, preparation and presentation !

Who proof reads the menu, one eyed Dick Lexic who does'nt speak English ?


Come on guys get it right !


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