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.......idle jottings


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Jim, I agree with Charlie. Even though it's been awhile since we disembarked in STT, I recall that the immigration folks are the least pleasant I've encountered in the Caribbean. Seemed to me they drew out the process of clearing the ship just because they could. :eek: And then there is the joy of dealing with the airport itself. Unlike most, you can't just check your bags and hang around outside (and indulge in bad habits). No, you must go through with your bags, clear security, and then spend hours hanging around a less than pleasant terminal.


Having said that, when we get off in November after the crossing, we will bite the bullet and take the later flight so we can get home after being gone a MONTH!


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Thank you Todorman for the FILM ON info. Works perfectly here in the settlement Hum. Last night I watched the Caravanner of the Year trials on BBC2. You and Blondie should try that out as well, you would be very good. I'm sure, changing tires and the lot.


Oh my (to coin a phrase used by a certain special someone, who recently popped in and always nice to hear from it is too!).

Hum didn't realise just how tedious life was for you in the "settlements"!

Watching a tv programme about caravanning in Britain on a Saturday evening!!


Is that the best on offer out there?

Well Hum suppose it is slightly more interesting than your usual entertainment of tossing stones into the peat bog alongside The Commander followed by wooden spoon whittling which you occasionally sell to the passing tourists (who took the wrong turning).


You could never pass a belt without "hitting below it"!

As you so enjoy the misfortune of Hum.

The hand injury to Hum could have prevented Hum jotting forever and just how would you feel then with nothing to feel, oh so superior to when perusing Hum's daily "droppings" chaque matin?

Vraiment, mon petit choux.


Hum also remembers that the thought of Hum undertaking a "manly activity" rendered you in shock and dis-belief followed by hysterical laughter!

Well sir, may Hum remind you that it was puny Englishmen like ol' Hummy that colonised your ruddy "back in the dark ages" little country and brought CIVILISATION! (though they obviously never quite made it to the "settlement" inhabited by your forefathers! You make that abundantly clear! And yes we gave up on your southern neighbours when they dumped all our tea! Well how do you expect the British to fight without tea? Bunch of savages. We knew there was no hope for 'em. The game was up.).


So there!

And a good day to you sir!


And finally suggesting Blondie travels in a caravan, using the facilities of a chemical toilet!

Well really !

That really does "take the biscuit" ....... see, you have provoked Hummy into using crude and vexatious language!


The offers for shows and interviews are "pouring in" dear chum, simply pouring in.

The "Caravaners Club" newsletter has made no enquiries but we know they are looking for "celebrities" as patrons .......... you never know, you just never know.

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Hum, so glad you had a great trip. Ayers Rock is one of my all time fave places to visit. Love the map! Funnily enough it is a really good representation of OZ, and enough to put most people off! As an aside, we were at an Hawaiian Luau a few years back and an American gentleman asked if English was widely spoken in our country. By the way we talked he obviously didn't think so!


Safe travels,



Millie darling, you are a "bonza Sheila"!

Hum is full of respect for you and your countrymen and women.

Yes Uluru and Katakutta too are magical but of the earth also.

The Aboriginal Art Centre advised not climbing Uluru.

Hum respected the wish and not wishing to have a heart attack either!

Can't say Hum loves all the Aboriginal art but Hum was "bowled over" by an 80 year old woman Aboriginal contemporary artist.

Truly it resonated as deeply as any "Rothko", in some ways, more so.

Stay in touch....love the Aussie direct thought on things.

Thanks for being a "good sport" too.

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The tension is mounting, the time is practically upon us. I am trying to decide if I should be making popcorn for the event. No, too highbrow, calls for something more like a shrimp dip, pull out all the stops, I say.

I'm putting my money into long scarves, in no time at all, fashionistas around the globe will be seen mincing about with scarves dangling around their necks à la Hummie. And what about feather boas? I wouldn't want to be an ostrich right about now. I predict a craze that makes the hula hoop look like a passing fancy.....

And to think we knew him before all that. I expect that the ladies are doing up the Grange Hall right now for the Village Fete this evening. Don't forget to wear your dark glasses, what with all the flashbulbs popping.


There must be heartbeats racing at Castle Hum..... Merde to you, dear friend.

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Hum - thank you for your generous contribution to our economy over the last few weeks - it is very much appreciated as we need all the business we can drum up now the Chinese aren't buying up all our dirt


The Qantas First Class lounge is pretty swish by any standard - did you have a spa treatment or just gorge yourself on the lovely nosh available - or perhaps one of the four varieties of champers available - it almost makes all the flying required to qualify for Platinum and access worth it


Much appreciate your hand of friendship and it is gratefully accepted - and it didn't even cost you a drink! - you clearly understand our Antipodean sense of humour - inherited from your forbears I suspect, so our dry wit and friendly banter is accepted in the spirit it is intended


Sea Dream cruise could make the list although I like the size of the Crystal ocean ships - it will certainly happen before I even consider stepping foot on that recycled old tub Crystal Esprit (assuming they fix it so it runs long enough to continue cruising) - on our last cruise two of our table mates were SD advocates - they loved it - even wore their SD polos to dinner in the MDR :eek: - fortunately not on black tie optional nights


Your rugby team arrived today - with loaner ex Aussie coach I should add - should be an interesting tussle with the Wallabies over the coming weeks


Well to show no ill feeling for standing Hum up for that get together and Hum offering to buy you a drink in Sydney (by the way Hum now understands about your comment about traffic. Oh, it's bad. Ooops, "whinging" again but you started it).

So, where was H ?

Ah yes, so, if you were to ever drop in on SD when Hum is onboard, Hum will get in the drinks at the TOYB!

No, don't mention it ....... that's what chums are all about.


Sadly Hum didn't help your economy that much.

The generosity of your countrymen and women saw to that !

And what with the exchange rate of 2 "drongos" to the 1 "Royal pound", well let's just say, when it was our "round" we just couldn't spend it all.


No, Hum did't know about the spa treatment at Q Lounge besides they normally have to get the help of other masseurs to cover the large amount of body presented within the allocated time.

No it was time to sample some of the wines with a meal. And very good they were too though the choices of both were "far from safe" and may have been a tad too eclectic. "Ladies who shoot for their lunch" was the name of a very fine Chardonnay, from Victoria, if memory serves.

The Lounge was quite cold (literally, not metaphorically).

Hum believes the Dubai Lounge "shades it" for best lounge. We didn't try the champagnes as we were awaiting the DP2016 on the plane.

Neil Perry seems to do no wrong.

Hum bumped into him at Rockpool before meeting a very posh Aussie chum a few years back.


We are brothers when all is said and done and our banter is a sign of our mutual respect and affection built up over a century (and Hum prefers that to your neighbour's "nose rubbing" malarkey!).


"Ruddy poor show" to display anothers favoured cruise line garments on another ship, even if they do love SD ! You surprise Hum. Not British, Hum hopes but Hum does know of one Brit who wears a sweater from another company whilst on SD. Poor show, is Hum's view. Tut-tut.


Your Aussie influence on our cricket and rugby national teams has been invigorating and we appreciate you lending us some of your best coaches.

It seems to have worked too.

Now, considering we are good chums now, may Hum request just one favour ?

Don't be too rough on our boys.

Some of our chums are mothers to these angels and they worry so.

Oh and no, nasty name calling either. Some of our boys are quite sensitive, you know.

Whilst in Oz, Hum caught a couple of games: the Aussies look real good.

Hum thinks you will be too strong.

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Thanks Hum Chum (a term of endearment that hopefully doesn't cross the line)


As you're a TV star I was wondering if you watch Below Deck or Below Deck Mediterranean - it's about private yacht charters and the crews antics - I'm thinking it sounds much like a typical SD cruise


The SD apparel wearing folk were Californians - lovely couple but being from the relaxed state we made concessions - maybe they were imbibing in some medical herb treatment as the US folk all seem to be doing these days


While the Kiwi natives love to hongi on the snout the Aussie Natives will smoke you out - smoking ceremonies and I don't mean a large Havana are the go on the big Island


Cconfession - I'm a Kiwi who saw the light and shifted to Aussie around 20 years ago when I heard they'd struck gold - seems I was a hundred years or so too late - but the place is pretty nice so we decided to stay anyway


Rugby series should be good - have your lot unfrozen Johnny Wilkinson again and bought him down to do the kicking - seems like your recipe for success but starting to get a bit old in the tooth to save the day

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Gabriel Ponce from Puerto Rico who was a waiter on SDII has decided to call it a day.

He was a great character, loved by crew and passengers.

Whatever he does in the future, he will do with a full heart and with joy.

Good luck, friend.

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Gabriel Ponce from Puerto Rico who was a waiter on SDII has decided to call it a day.

He was a great character, loved by crew and passengers.

Whatever he does in the future, he will do with a full heart and with joy.

Good luck, friend.


I wonder if Gabriel Ponce is from Ponce, PR? I used to work out of Ponce, PR years ago. Nice part of the island back then. I think SeaDream put in there on an itinerary or two last year. Always sorry to see good people leave but, in all reality, very few of us work our entire lives at sea. You do it for the adventure, for the money (mostly for the money) and for the experience. Then do something ashore where you can have "normal" relationships and family life.:D

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Yes, that is Robin Leach manning the kiosk in Leicester Square in anticipation of the long line of wannabees trying to get tickets to the BBC documentary featuring Mr. and Mrs. Hum on a recent SD excursion.


Word has it that the lines are so long, organizers of the event are having difficulty

in situating the klieg lights and porta-sans in oh so limited space. Meanwhile,

Mr. Hum has been seen at Max Factors having his pancake makeup applied (in

extra heavy doses) while Blondie is luxuriating at the Bulgari Spa in Knightsbridge.


There is no doubt the Friday night airing will be among the BBC's most viewed

programs of the season and the smart money is predicting a BAFTA award for

the spectacle (whoops, I mean spectacular).


Anyway, order up some fish and chips and a good larger and settle in for this

long, oh so long, event, :)


The tension is mounting, the time is practically upon us. I am trying to decide if I should be making popcorn for the event. No, too highbrow, calls for something more like a shrimp dip, pull out all the stops, I say.

I'm putting my money into long scarves, in no time at all, fashionistas around the globe will be seen mincing about with scarves dangling around their necks à la Hummie. And what about feather boas? I wouldn't want to be an ostrich right about now. I predict a craze that makes the hula hoop look like a passing fancy.....

And to think we knew him before all that. I expect that the ladies are doing up the Grange Hall right now for the Village Fete this evening. Don't forget to wear your dark glasses, what with all the flashbulbs popping.


There must be heartbeats racing at Castle Hum..... Merde to you, dear friend.


Well you are not wrong Commander nor Abenaki, you are not wrong.

People in this "sceptred isle" have completely forgotten about the European football competition, the Queens 90th birthday celebrations, the European Referendum !

No, its all about that FILM starring your Hum-ship and the gorgeous Blondie !

It is hysteria here.


Hum, kids you not.

The press, paparazzi and hordes of fans are encamped at the front gates of the estate: there are even helicopters overhead!

It's all Hum can do to stop Wainright the gamekeeper from taking "pot shots".

"Warning shots" he calls them but the mess it would make over the rose garden is Hum's main concern.

The loss of life Hum ?

Oh yes, that too. Good point: the courts etcc.... could truly "begger up" the SD trips, the court process simply takes ages!


The village ladies had indeed worked tirelessly for weeks to combine the film showing with an event to raise money for repairing the estate's private chapel.

The roof needs replacing and old George, the bell ringer, thought he saw some "Deathwatch beetle" in the bell support timbers.

He wont risk peeling the bells after that. Not until the beetle is eradicated.

Hum will do something for the ladies. Hum loves them all. We'll do a "high tea", get out the bone china for finger sandwiches, cakes and the compulsory Darjeeling finest tips. Hum made the mistake of inviting the husbands once, never again, a tedious lot, wanting to know the cost of everything, so rude, bordering on vulgar.


Oh fame is such a cruel mistress!


You know our "mugs" are spread out in a host of magazines too!

Here's one (shown below): going "head to head" with our Queen for tv ratings!

Sincerest apologies Ma'am.

That's the knighthood gone!

No dont send us to Australia and Gawd forbid not the remote "settlements" in CANO'DA! Hum's too talented to spend his days wooden spoon whittling! Hum's seen first hand what it can do to a man! Aaaaahhh!


We have declined all interviews with the ghastly, grubby tabloid press and those read by the "oiks" but we are willing to be interviewed by "Country Life" and "Paris Match" but that's all.

We have not told even our family, neighbours but just a handful of very close friends.

Blondie will even be out of the country at the time of airing!

Tres nonchalant, n'est pas?

No, international fame wont change us.


Hum loves his scarf. Silk you know. Present from a chum.

Not too "light in the loafer" j'espere: dont want to upstage the dandyish Commander.

Well spotted, dear Abenaki.

Hum did prefer to wear his jacket and several magazine shots show that, as you can see (also below). Hum had absolutely no "direction" at the photo-shoots, just what is Hum's "motivation" he kept on asking, so he just stood around perplexed making minor adjustments in complete disdain towards a pair of anorexic boys (the photo crew) who confirmed everything was "Fabulous, just fabulous darlings". So all of us, apart from Blondie, look a bit "stand offish" (at least in Hum's case there is a sense of "brewing manliness" which Abenaki considers Hum is in-capable of. Yes Hum concedes, it looks more like Hum is constipated! But maybe there is also an air of superior disdain there to: it comes naturally, Hum must confess. It's all in the breeding you see).


They say there is a new opening for the role of Bond after Daniel Craig said his body cant take it anymore. Hum puts himself forward for the drinking and writhing about with the ladies but some other can do all those stunts. Hum insists on his "Bond girls" (Z,V & L....you know who you are!). Having seen photos of Porto and Poppy, they are also definitely in with a chance if they play their cards right!


Oh just who the hell is Hum kidding?

Dreaming again.

No this aged body has also been ravaged too but in Hum's case by one too many slices of Stilton not to mention the many vats of wine.

Mr.Blobby more likely!


And when it is finally "put out there" (the film) then we are subject to the jackals, the hyenas, the journalists, who must make a point, any point, mostly "sneering" naturally.

"Leftist batards !"

"Let's keep people from enjoying simple pleasures" et all.

We are not that frigging naive, it will happen and oddly, Hum will kinda understand it.

It's the ruddy title which has "skewered it" for us, how hate inducing was that?

But we trust in ourselves.

If everybody hates us, then fine.

Our chums know who we are and kinda like us for it too (obviously Blondie more so, no arguments from Hum there).


A fish supper sounds a good suggestion but over here we drink beer, British beer (not lager) dear Commander.

But no some scenes contain many of of those of a sexual nature (150 "shades of grey"!) then there is the violence and of course the usual bad language (Hum prefers to call it plain Anglo-Saxon), blaspheming naturally ...... so the usual "night in" with Hum and Blondie kinda stuff but it may cause Hum to choke if eating and witnessing some of the graphic scenes, realising they are being seen by the great British public!

So best stick to 2/3 bottles only: yes of course champagne!




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They say there is a new opening for the role of Bond after Daniel Craig said his body cant take it anymore. Hum puts himself forward for the drinking and writhing about with the ladies but some other can do all those stunts. Hum insists on his "Bond girls" (Z,V & L....you know who you are!). Having seen photos of Porto and Poppy, they are also definitely in with a chance if they play their cards right!4a95e95d-488c-458a-8a95-a196d6e8a44e_zpsjgbosu9j.jpg


If you choose to cast Z as your Bond girl, I would be willing to give you a two-fer. For the same fee, I could be the arch villain. Have practised law for 40 years. That should qualify me, eh?

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If you choose to cast Z as your Bond girl, I would be willing to give you a two-fer. For the same fee, I could be the arch villain. Have practised law for 40 years. That should qualify me, eh?


What? A redo of the Herve Villechaize role in The Man With The Golden Gun??:eek::D

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Porto audition for Bond Girl]



Err......you definitely pass!

Hum's punching well above his weight here (which is quite considerable Hum will have you know) !!

Hum (like Quentin) proposes to incorporate a homage to a famous past character in the film (which he now seems to be directing too!). Seeing the photo of your gorgeous-ness, Hum now proposes a remake of Ursula Andress in the "emerging from the sea scene". Hum presumes (and prays) you have no issues with partial nudity. It's all for art, you should know that.

(Thanks in advance for "playing along". Hum prefers to incorporate this apology rather than receive a metaphoric "face slap", though he should be use to them by now! It's an illness in Hum really "Acting like an idiot in front of a pretty lady" syndrome).


Oh and Jim says thanks for sending picture of the boat! Well you know Jim......


Blond....Jane Blond....:eek::D


Haha ....... good one!


If you choose to cast Z as your Bond girl, I would be willing to give you a two-fer. For the same fee, I could be the arch villain. Have practised law for 40 years. That should qualify me, eh?


TrapperZ, you exude "pure evil" !

You were born for the role as the archetypal Bond villain!



No, Hum just can't do it! Who is Hum kiddin'?

No old chum, no, you are one of the nicest and funniest chums Hum has the privilege of knowing!

Your beautiful self-deprecation has undone your claim as any type of villain.

No self-respecting despot would refer to his long serving practice at law, as sufficient qualifying criteria as villain, Trapper.

So sweet.

The type of person who looks as if he has killed scores of people, is the character we are after, not someone who can recite obscure case law ad nauseum. We want the threat of gruesome deaths not being bored to death!


Would you accept the role of "Q" instead?

Sophisticated, intelligent, academic, smart, with ingenuity t'boot.

Oh the "grovelling" Hum has to do!


What? A redo of the Herve Villechaize role in The Man With The Golden Gun??:eek::D


Haha.......behave Jim!


I can work with you. I can play Francisco "Pistols" Scaramanga.:eek::D


Haha......Jim now claiming the role as villain!

Sorry "Butch", you have been "type cast".

It would be like John Wayne in his cowboy outfit walking in to Mary Poppins!

No, Jim, its gotta be "body double" for all those stunts: like the one at the end of this post.

What if something went wrong in a stunt? Sorry, it may not get the use it once did but Hum is still very attached to them and still has so much to live for!

"No, Mr.Bond, I expect you to die".


Come on guys, the arch villain has to be "Attila Brimstone" with his band of "baddies" (SD shoreside management), all of whom are housed into a cave buried deep in a granite mountain outside Oslo.

They are proposing to launch SDIII but it really contains a powerful laser that can destroy satellite systems of powerful countries.


Anyway who cares, so long as we all get a free cruise on SD ehh?


It's often at time like these Hum thinks about the new reader visiting the site to find out all about SD for the first time and here are a cast of "lovers of SD" talking about being characters in a Bond film!!

You can sense the reaction can't you:

"Well Maud, I think we should just stick to Seabourn! Bunch of kooks over here"!Hahaha



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Err......you definitely pass!

Hum's punching well above his weight here (which is quite considerable Hum will have you know) !!

Hum (like Quentin) proposes to incorporate a homage to a famous past character in the film (which he now seems to be directing too!). Seeing the photo of your gorgeous-ness, Hum now proposes a remake of Ursula Andress in the "emerging from the sea scene". Hum presumes (and prays) you have no issues with partial nudity. It's all for art, you should know that.

(Thanks in advance for "playing along". Hum prefers to incorporate this apology rather than receive a metaphoric "face slap", though he should be use to them by now! It's an illness in Hum really "Acting like an idiot in front of a pretty lady" syndrome).


Oh and Jim says thanks for sending picture of the boat! Well you know Jim......


Happy to have obliged and no bit parts for Porto. I knew Jim would like the boat.

Next step is for all of you to pick a Bond Girl name for Porto. She cannot be Honey Ryder 2 and needs something very special. Hum will make the final decision as Director and Film Writer.

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Would you accept the role of "Q" instead?

Sophisticated, intelligent, academic, smart, with ingenuity t'boot.


Yes, M'Lord. Q would be a most appropriate role as I was a quartermaster in my army years. Of course, many years have passed and I'm not sure I have kept up with the technology. I'd probably put Bond in a souped-up Buick SUV (yes, the one in my garage) that quite naturally emits thick smoke as it drives down the highway. And capable of leaving an oil slick without having to push any buttons. Just remember to open the sun roof before using the ejector seat. It does, however, have stealth capabilities. When left in a parking lot, it can never be seen where I thought I had parked it.

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Yes, M'Lord. Q would be a most appropriate role as I was a quartermaster in my army years. Of course, many years have passed and I'm not sure I have kept up with the technology. I'd probably put Bond in a souped-up Buick SUV (yes, the one in my garage) that quite naturally emits thick smoke as it drives down the highway. And capable of leaving an oil slick without having to push any buttons. Just remember to open the sun roof before using the ejector seat. It does, however, have stealth capabilities. When left in a parking lot, it can never be seen where I thought I had parked it.


LOL. Good one Trapper. Now, about Porto's Bond Girl name. That will take some time as the very best one was taken long ago in Goldfinger.:eek::D

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Happy to have obliged and no bit parts for Porto. I knew Jim would like the boat.

Next step is for all of you to pick a Bond Girl name for Porto. She cannot be Honey Ryder 2 and needs something very special. Hum will make the final decision as Director and Film Writer.


Oh yikes the pressure!


Unfortunately Hum's predisposition for the "lewd" must rule him out on the grounds of not wishing to offend and for heaven's sake DONT ask Jim for suggestions (you dont receive his private emails !!).


Yes it may seem Hum is just an insensitive snob towards others and yes it is true he has been known to be to those deservin' of a barbed (and always witty) rebuke but Hum cannot do it in your case darling Porto on account of the highest respect you are held by Hum together with your obvious class.


Nay, ordinarily Hum would open it up to the SD perusers and posters here to chose but fearing abuse from a tiny proportion of some elements of this mostly, highly refined assembly of travellers, he is somewhat reluctant to do so, again on account of not wishing to cause the slightest offence to a valued chum.


Oh heck ! It needs to subtly incorporate a "double entendre" of a hint of the erotic (so Austin Power style of female leads names is definitely out) but respectful too.


Hum has been "found out". He may "talk the talk" but he can't "walk the walk".

All those years raised by Jesuits in a single sex school and then doing "blokey" stuff after that, renders Hum actually very shy in these matters and Hum does actually have the mind of a "sewer" at times and is quite adept at the old "double entendre" so the "playfulness" is often kept internalised (which accounts for the bursts of laughter out loud at boring conventional meet ups, dinners etc.. Hum just goes off into an enriched internal environment).


But no ! Hum has it !

"Contessa di Portofino"


BTW, Jim has asked Hum to ask you, do you have any more boat photos!

Hulls are a particular favourite.

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Thanks Hum Chum (a term of endearment that hopefully doesn't cross the line)


As you're a TV star I was wondering if you watch Below Deck or Below Deck Mediterranean - it's about private yacht charters and the crews antics - I'm thinking it sounds much like a typical SD cruise


The SD apparel wearing folk were Californians - lovely couple but being from the relaxed state we made concessions - maybe they were imbibing in some medical herb treatment as the US folk all seem to be doing these days


While the Kiwi natives love to hongi on the snout the Aussie Natives will smoke you out - smoking ceremonies and I don't mean a large Havana are the go on the big Island


Cconfession - I'm a Kiwi who saw the light and shifted to Aussie around 20 years ago when I heard they'd struck gold - seems I was a hundred years or so too late - but the place is pretty nice so we decided to stay anyway


Rugby series should be good - have your lot unfrozen Johnny Wilkinson again and bought him down to do the kicking - seems like your recipe for success but starting to get a bit old in the tooth to save the day


"Downunder rumblings" !

Love it !

A regular column hopefully !

Nay, your devotees demand it sir!


Any term of greeting works for Hum (even "seeming" derogatory terms) welcomed (provided the intent is chummy).


"A tv star"! Haha

No a silly old fool more like and you dear chums know it but we had some fun in the making of it and we made some great chums along the way.

Our "15 minutes of "fame"" will soon be over and in-conspicuousness awaits us.

Which is fine by Hummy.

And by the way "Je ne regrette rien" !

Hum doesn't take himself seriously so why should others.


Hum confesses not having seen the programme "Below Decks" so he YouTube'd it: there is an extract here so others can take a peek.



What disgusting, self-entitled, privileged, nauseating, "full of themselves" people !

A typical SD cruise?

Obviously Bodog you are suggesting it "tongue in cheek"


SD is as much fun as you wanna make it or you can simply "chill" but the calibre of the guests (and definitely) the calibre of the crew is "chalk and cheese" to those featured on the film with the additional characteristics of self-respect and respect for others and especially those that do their damnedest to take care of us and provide us with a pleasant experience whether working in the laundry, cooking in the galley, serving drinks, waiting on us, cleaning our cabins and simply sailing the beautiful, classic lady.


The crew is the GOLD standard which unites ALL those that post and read this forum: we have nothing but complete respect for them but we have had a lot of fun with them too.


Now Hum will concede that charters have been known to be ....... well a very few charters have been known to be, well let's just say, possibly akin to the film BUT NEVER have the crew dropped their standards EVER, EVER....Capiche.


Johnny Wilkinson!

He just retired from club rugby. Played mostly in "Frogland" where they revere him.

If you lot didn't play so dirty, then there would be less penalties and so we wouldn't need to win by taking so many conversions.

But have no fear: in our last match against "Leekland" our kicker missed 8 conversions in a row!!! Blondie could do better!


So a Kiwi ehh?

Nought wrong with the Kiwis ....... but keep away from those sheep tho' fella!

Nose rubbing isn't all you get up to, if reports are true but no doubt you have adjusted to Australian norms of behaviour (if you could call them "norms".....just kiddin' of course dear chum),


Very sorry to hear about the extensive flooding and damage caused out there.

Our chums mother who is in her late 80's lives in Collaroy: they seem to have suffered very badly.

Best of luck.

Best of luck to, to chums in Texas and Germany: GCMV, are you ok? (Probably still in Sardinia).

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Good Morning Hum,

I think enough boat photos for now. I can assure Jim that the Hull is not a Flat Bottom boat, and the Bow and Stern are in excellent shape, as well. Probably along the lines of a beautiful Chris Craft as she skims gracefully across the water with her polished wood and expensive leather interior. Only a select few will ever own one.


Ciao for now,

Contessa Di Portofino aka CP

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Ho-Hum, while surfing the cleaner parts of the net, I came across websites that actually have "Bond Girl Name Generators". No kidding, there really is such. Just what you need to anoint Porto. And Porto, your post brought back pleasant memories of the 7 years we lived aboard our old (beautiful) Chris Craft. :D

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