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.......idle jottings


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Look, seeing as Hum is in a reflective and sharing mood, Hum would like you all to know something about Blondie.


All through the making of the silly ol’ film, as well as before and after, she has been aware that some (simple) investigative surgery needed to be undertaken (which is today).

So when we see "carefree" Blondie, she was simply expressing her love of life, SD and chums AND she so SHINES, yet she is not immune to life’s vicissitudes (just as none of us are) and she has a great compassionate “heart” too.


And no, Hum will not be giving up-dates, details etc….. each to their own way of “handling” stuff I suppose.


Back to the drivel (for a little while longer and then Hum will allow you time off from His Hum-ship; so some good news to look forward to) !


Don't worry, Hum will take great loving care of her so that she is in sparkling form when next onboard ..... Hum's not ruling out "dancing on the tables" !

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Hello again and as I return to the forum what is all this that's been going on? Just popped out for a breath of fresh air which took longer than anticipated and on my return it seems that the world has gone mad…again.


Many religious zealots pronouncing their god is great and buying a one way ticket to meet him….oh I do so very hope that they are bitterly disappointed. Britain is soon to say “cheerio” to Pierre, Luigi, Hans, Knees and boopsadaisy, read “the end of western political civilisation” from Mr one of five presidents Tusk as “the end of my tax payer financed gravy train”. Whilst in the good ol’ US of A she who hides all those damning emails is seeing her “rightful place” in the White House potentially being denied by the one who has to hide his bald spot.


And just when I think it might be safe to turn the tv on, what abomination do the innocent British viewing public have to tolerate? His Majesty Ho Hum and the beautiful Blondie on their holidays, sorry, travels. On a Sunday evening too, have some decorum please… almost choked on my glass of claret. Thankfully the children were tucked up in bed and spared the sheer viewing terror that unfolded. Such programming would never have seen the light of day during old Marmaduke’s time as DG of the BBC.


I just hope that Seadream can financially withstand the mass of cancellations happening this week. “Good God, if that’s the type of fellow guest we’ll have to share the yacht with then it’s back to the caravan at Great Yarmouth for us”.



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Hello again and as I return to the forum what is all this that's been going on? Just popped out for a breath of fresh air which took longer than anticipated and on my return it seems that the world has gone mad…again.


Many religious zealots pronouncing their god is great and buying a one way ticket to meet him….oh I do so very hope that they are bitterly disappointed. Britain is soon to say “cheerio” to Pierre, Luigi, Hans, Knees and boopsadaisy, read “the end of western political civilisation” from Mr one of five presidents Tusk as “the end of my tax payer financed gravy train”. Whilst in the good ol’ US of A she who hides all those damning emails is seeing her “rightful place” in the White House potentially being denied by the one who has to hide his bald spot.


And just when I think it might be safe to turn the tv on, what abomination do the innocent British viewing public have to tolerate? His Majesty Ho Hum and the beautiful Blondie on their holidays, sorry, travels. On a Sunday evening too, have some decorum please… almost choked on my glass of claret. Thankfully the children were tucked up in bed and spared the sheer viewing terror that unfolded. Such programming would never have seen the light of day during old Marmaduke’s time as DG of the BBC.


I just hope that Seadream can financially withstand the mass of cancellations happening this week. “Good God, if that’s the type of fellow guest we’ll have to share the yacht with then it’s back to the caravan at Great Yarmouth for us”.






Hum's prayers have been answered !


Much needed "ballon pricking" and Hum has ALWAYS thought of you as the biggest PRIG ever !!!!


No, you know Hum jests.

So glad you have returned to the fold of your admirers (Hum is No. 1).


The cancellations are pouring in ! That was the plan !

To think that they might encounter "Fatso" and "Absolutely Fabulous" !!

Our "cunning plan" has worked......for the benefit of all.


How are things in Scotty-land ?

Hope you are relishing the "Leave" vote from the EU then you will be off on your merry old way for Independence ....... and the best of,luck to ya!

It's time, Hum thinks, maybe we should see other people.

Will you be welcomd with "open arms" ?


Hahahha, of course NOT !


So nice to banter with you deraest chem.

Look at Hum, cant even be botheres pd to use the auto spal check !


Nice hearing from ol' chap. You've made Hummy's day.


Thank God for the "EDIT" facility on CC.......could have been the end of a wonderful chum-ship.

Always with the greatest respect MACT.

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Darling, you were brilliant. The second time was even better than the first.


With every word of your dialogue, I sensed your inner motivation. A Tour de Force performance. Yes, they are quaking in the West End and on the West Coast tonight. A new Olivier treads the boards. A new matinee idol has streaked across the firmaments.

And he swims and he dances too, who could possibly have known the overflowing talents of the Hum.




You glutton !

You saw it again !

Oh my !

And how....... ruddy generous you are (or have you been at the Gonzales Amontillado ......... yet again ! A schooner darling (not a red wine glass size) !

All our chums have been so kind.

You and they did not have to be but you were. So lucky to have met such decent, kind people on our SD voyages from which highly valued friendships have blossomed (Hum is sure it is the case for all of you "out there" too regarding the friendships you have also made).


But if Hum was "passable", what of Blondie ?

We all knew she was glamorous, photogenic, funny, assured, loved but even Hum was surprised by her dynamic screen presence and "tongue in cheek" wit !

Hum was definitely playing "second fiddle" to the "little woman" as Hum refers to her. Haha


Hum kids ya ! Nothing "little woman" about her is there ?

Hum was the "woman behind the man" here......well everywhere actually.

And does Hum mind ? Not a ruddy jot !

Hum Is so proud of her and is glad that she is seen by more people.


So much filming yet so little shown ! Well you would know more than Hum of course.

We keep asking ourselves "why did they show that ! and not that !".

At least, Hum thinks, the reason for doing the silly old film, being the love and respect we have for the crew "shone through" from the potential ghastly people we could have been portrayed if you were to relate to us (and the wonderful Mervin) from the awful film title (the costings, number of dresses etc.... were completely WRONG by the way. Blondie had bought 5 dresses over 10 years from Mascara in St.Barts, not 50 and she didn't pay $800 each for them ! Christine's, the boutique owner's, English wasn't the best).

By the way, the Brits loved "Leaving it to the Cat's Home" Mervin, not so those in Trumpland judging by the feedback: too grumpy for the Trump-ettes.


Lawrence ehhh ? Not a young Richard ? Hum's disappointed. Hum rehearsed constantly those "to camera" interviews to add "gravitas" to the performance, all undone behind his "Incontinence pads !" remark with a weird Frankie Howard look to camera !

Oh God !

Everybody now refers to Hum as Mr.Incontinence Pads !

So much so that Hum has been sought out by a famous incontinence pad manufacturer who wishes Hum to endorse his product.

Hum could become the face of incontinence pads across the whole of Europe !

Waddya say to that !!


And lots of people have asked where did Hum get his clothes. Hum was initially flattered but later discovered the enquiries were made because they were looking to buy clothes for their XXXL chums !

Oh the embarrassment !


Thankyou dearest darling Abenaki-kins.

Looking forward to November and fun times with you both.

Yes there will be a lot of fellow chums but our breakfasts together are "set in stone" and bring ol' "what's his name" along too.

Besides, we need a creative director for the sequel and there is so much to discuss.

Any suggestions for the film sequel's title ?

Come on you are allowed to be rude.

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Everybody now refers to Hum as Mr.Incontinence Pads !

So much so that Hum has been sought out by a famous incontinence pad manufacturer who wishes Hum to endorse his product.

Hum could become the face of incontinence pads across the whole of Europe !

Waddya say to that !!


Can we expect to see Hum's face on the incontinence pads?

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Can we expect to see Hum's face on the incontinence pads?


Negotiations are in an advanced but delicate stage and as a lawyer TrapperZ, Hum is a little surprised you even asked such a commercially sensitive question on a public online site about facial displays of famous film celebrity endorsed products !

It could jeopardise the whole deal !


When you refer to Hum's face on the pads, are you considering them on the outside, or the inside or both ?

Perhaps TrapperZ you could come in on the negotiations and contractual matters after all.

Hum needs a man on the inside and behind him (trust Hum, Hum could labour the innuendos indefinitely but for the sake of public decency, he shall refrain).



And thanks for your best wishes earlier......all is looking good.

Phew !

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Well there has been a lot of "barn storming" negotiations and the deal is almost concluded yet they want Hum to re-brand the product.

And then it struck Hum, it will be re-named "PEE DREAM" !

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It has finally happened.......Someone has slipped LSD into Hum's Cabernet......


High on life Jim, just high on life (with the occasional glass or two, naturally: the only acid involved are the naturally occurring sulphites kind).

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That's it Trapper! As tony Bennett would say "spread sunshine all over the place, just put on a happy face". :D



You ruddy genius Jim !

That will be the product logo


Very funny.

Obviously you found the tequila.

How does that work combined with the "hallucongenic toad licking" you Arizona desert dwellers get up to ?

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Missed you MACT.

Want to hear your views on the EU....promise to be respectful.



Good to be back amongst the towering intellectual giants.


Is the eyesight failing? I think that is about size 140 type you are using.


My views on the EU vote? There may be fair maidens and young children on this forum...don't want to frighten the life out of them. Let's just say there is a clue in the name of our "Great" country...let's make it that again.


Scottish independence to follow? Not a chance...you may remember that when oil was $ 115 a barrel our former dear leader, that "two gallon hat on a two pint head" failed Royal Bank of Scotland economist (what happened to Fred's plaything again?) proclaimed that Scotland was on the cusp of a second oil boom. Oil was "a bonus" not to be counted with the everyday pennies. Tell that to the people of Aberdeen right now.


And if it all goes pear shaped, we shall seriously consider invading the posh part of your green and pleasant land, to suck on the teat of South East prosperity.


Best wishes to Blondie.



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I just hope that Seadream can financially withstand the mass of cancellations happening this week. “Good God, if that’s the type of fellow guest we’ll have to share the yacht with then it’s back to the caravan at Great Yarmouth for us”.


Dearest ho-hum,

gcmv is now back from Sardinia (AMAZING!!!) and asked himself the same as MACT did.

And - surprise, surprise - yesterday we received an e-mail by SD with enormous price reductions for the coming cruises in the Med.

Perhaps TV-viewers were shocked by one scene during the Champagne-splash event (and promptly canceled their cruises), when a "yellow body whale" was washed up on the beach. (So far gcmv knows the species of yellowfin thuna, but it was the first time for him to see the scaring portly yellow body whale). :D:D:D


Joking aside: The film has turned out well!!!


To see (and to hear) blondie and ho-hum after such a long time was heartening and we felt like being with both of you together on a cruise.


As a fact of friendship to ho-hum, gcmv provides the correct spelling (to google) of the "unknown" singer to round up hum's common knowledge:

Robin Thicke - next time we come together, we chorus a song of him together with hum and blondie ... ;)


All the best to both of you!

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By the way, the Brits loved "Leaving it to the Cat's Home" Mervin, not so those in Trumpland judging by the feedback: too grumpy for the Trump-ettes.


I must say that we enjoyed Mervyn immensely. Not quite as immensely as we enjoyed Blondie (are we even now, h-h :) ? In fact, I'm trying to contact Mervyn in order to see if he might forego his vacation in Jamaica this winter and trade it in for a cruise on SD with you and Blondie. Stand by for further details!

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Hum - you're in!

Pee Dream will appeal to the European market.


And what about the huge US market TrapperZ ?

Hum now foresees a huge demand for such equipment in the US now that the political candidates for Presidency seem to have been finalised; well it certainly seems to be making more people nervous sufficient enough to pass the yellow trickily liquid in moments of anticipatory nervousness at just what might happen when one of them becomes El Presidento !


No Hum !

Stop it right there !

Please forgive the un-solicited foreign commentary into the state of your country's political condition: certainly we Brits and other Europeans have little to "brag" about at this time or for the foreseeable future either regarding our own political masters ...... what a "shower" !

Even the great Canadian hope (and adept boxer) is not averse to elbowing a mid-aged lady political opponent in the chest in the actual chamber of legislature !

Mon Dieu !

So no sneering at your southern neighbours, if you please.

"As if butter wouldn't melt" !

Ha !

You call that "leading by example" ?

What sort of affect do you think it has on those less educated citizens in the remote settlements of that wide country ?


Looking at the state of the world and the solutions offered by ALL our political masters (and religious leaders too)……well it truly does feel like a weird wine/acid trip but without the fun and conviviality (they say ! what would Hum know?) what with all the reforms being touted by various candidates in your truly wonderful country, there is one reform that would really make a difference but is being wholly and passionately ignored much to the amazement of the rest of the world.

Just sayin’….....friendly like.


From incontinence pads to the worlds political condition.

Maybe they should be applied over the mouth !

Yes, especially Hum's.

Please take no offence.

"Just shootin' the breeze" chums, "just shootin' the breeze" (the only indiscriminate shootin' that should be permitted anywhere, anytime......).


Hum is just in one of those moods.......kindly ignore the old fool.

Obviously he is feeling so full of himself after that silly ol' film.

Pompous twit.

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Thomas Carlyle wrote, "In the long-run every Government is the exact symbol of its People, with their wisdom and unwisdom."


When we were on SD last month, we were discussing politics with our traveling companions, whose own country is also in disarray. When we said we might consider emigrating to Canada, another passenger turned and said, "What makes you think we will let you in. We're building a wall. And you're paying for it!"


And while we were in France, we experienced the labor unions protesting against their Labor Party president.


And then, Charles de Gaulle said, "Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first."


By the way, Hum, I hope my references to "You're in" and "European" did not go unnoticed in our discussion of Pee Dream. Usually you comment about my twisted sense of humor.

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And what about the huge US market TrapperZ ?

Hum now foresees a huge demand for such equipment in the US now that the political candidates for Presidency seem to have been finalised; well it certainly seems to be making more people nervous sufficient enough to pass the yellow trickily liquid in moments of anticipatory nervousness at just what might happen when one of them becomes El Presidento !


No Hum !

Stop it right there !

Please forgive the un-solicited foreign commentary into the state of your country's political condition: certainly we Brits and other Europeans have little to "brag" about at this time or for the foreseeable future either regarding our own political masters ...... what a "shower" !

Even the great Canadian hope (and adept boxer) is not averse to elbowing a mid-aged lady political opponent in the chest in the actual chamber of legislature !

Mon Dieu !

So no sneering at your southern neighbours, if you please.

"As if butter wouldn't melt" !

Ha !

You call that "leading by example" ?

What sort of affect do you think it has on those less educated citizens in the remote settlements of that wide country ?


Looking at the state of the world and the solutions offered by ALL our political masters (and religious leaders too)……well it truly does feel like a weird wine/acid trip but without the fun and conviviality (they say ! what would Hum know?) what with all the reforms being touted by various candidates in your truly wonderful country, there is one reform that would really make a difference but is being wholly and passionately ignored much to the amazement of the rest of the world.

Just sayin’….....friendly like.


From incontinence pads to the worlds political condition.

Maybe they should be applied over the mouth !

Yes, especially Hum's.

Please take no offence.

"Just shootin' the breeze" chums, "just shootin' the breeze" (the only indiscriminate shootin' that should be permitted anywhere, anytime......).


Hum is just in one of those moods.......kindly ignore the old fool.

Obviously he is feeling so full of himself after that silly ol' film.

Pompous twit.



And just think dear HH, the US election is November 8th, last night of the fall crossing. Won't that be fun:cool:

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So what say our friends in the UK on Brexit? US financial tv networks are playing up all sorts of scenarios of gloom and doom. Vote is next Thursday isn't it?


Next Thursday...D Day as in "Democracy Day"


The BBC, that "treasured national institution", or Ho Hum TV as it is now known, is really pulling out the stops...full 24 hour "unbiased and balanced" coverage...and we taxpayers are compelled to pay our licence fee for all this "the world will end if you don't vote Remain" they are peddling.


We are all starting to act like three year olds. Fingers in the ears, "na na na na na we can't hear you"


Political debate 2016 style...don't you just love it!


Enough to make you take a residency on SeaDream to get away from it all and just accept that certain guests may present challenging behaviour and could lower the tone somewhat.



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You meet some great people onboard don't you.

That iconic TOYB, with it's hardwood, horseshoe shaped bar and stools has to be one of the best little ol' bars in the world with great bar keeps.


Oh and the stories and jokes Hum has heard !

Usually by mid-week in the voyage, people open up a lot more don't they.

This is one of the great ones told by an American guy.

Oh, its a bit "fruity" so you've been warned !

But it's sweet too: certainly not in the least offensive.

Come on ? Would Hum ?


Here goes:


"Earl leans over and asks his wife, "Do you remember the first time we made love over 50 years ago?

"We went behind the village tavern where you leaned against the back fence and we made love"

"Yes," Maxine says, "I remember it well."

"OK," her husband responds, "How about taking a stroll around there again and we can make love again for old times' sake?"

"Oh Earl, you old devil, that sounds like a crazy, but good, idea!"

A police officer sitting in the next booth heard their conversation and, having a chuckle, he thinks to himself, "I've got to see these two old-timers making love against a fence. I'll just keep an eye on them so there's no trouble."

So he follows them. The elderly couple walks haltingly along, leaning on each other for support aided by walking sticks.


Finally, they get to the back of the tavern and make their way to the fence.

Then suddenly they erupt into the most furious love making that the policeman could imagine.

The policeman is amazed. He thinks he has learned something about life and old age that he didn't know.

After about half an hour of lying on the ground recovering, the old couple struggle to their feet and put their clothes back on. The policeman, still watching, thinks to himself, "This is truly amazing, I've got to ask them how they do it ..."

So, as the couple passes, he says to them, "Excuse me, but that was something else. You must've had a fantastic life together. Is there some sort of secret to this?"


Shaking, Earl is barely able to reply, "Fifty years ago that wasn't an electric fence.!""

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