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.......idle jottings


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Always having to wait 20 minutes for you and the ravishing frau GCMV whenever we play golf !!!


And hopefully GCMV using the word "ravishing" about frau GCMV is not considered offensive here either, old chap.


Dearest hum,

in Frau gcmv's mind, ho-hum is burned in as a real gentleman (gcmv has no idea why?) and so, she would not spare a thought of an "incorrect" meaning of this word. ;)


There where some pending points gcmv has to process during hum's latest conversations:

Fortunately Hidihi-berg region was not flooded dramatically - only the Rhine and the Neckar have a very high water level caused by the heavy rainfall during the past weeks, when Herr and Frau gcmv lingered in Sardine-land.


We tried a lot of different Vermentinos, but gcmv is honest (as ever!;)) and must face ho-hum with the fact, that the Gallura was not in the top ten.

In fact we had a bottle of Pedres Thilibas Vermentino di Gallura DOCG with no freshness at all (Frau gcmv asked twice, if it is really the recommendation of hum). It was full bodied, but had a very, very different taste.

But this was no problem for us - as always.:) After dinner we had a few Myrtle Schnaps to shoo the bad aftertaste in our mouths - thereafter everything was fine ... :D

Taking the last hit, Frau gcmv remembered old hum with his wise saying: "Wherever Herr an Frau gcmv are, they will always have fun ..." ;)


But let me recommend something: Our most favorite wine was a 2014 blend of Vermentino and Chardonnay named Villa di Chiesa (Valli di Porto Pino) by Santadi - extraordinary!


Hum never mentioned the most important theme at the moment in Europe:

European Football Championship

What about the English football team with old captain Rooney (not Steiner) - do they know where the goal is placed on the field or are their views covered with too much bank notes??? Gcmv watched their game last night - they could have played another 10 hours without shooting a goal ...

"Little" Wales is now the frontrunner in the group - what a shame!:p

Hopefully the German team does it better tonight against Northern Ireland?


Let's see tonight ...

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From the original 6 founding countries (not the UK till '73) The EU has morphed into a monstrous bureaucracy rivaling, and in some cases exceeding, the same massive government overreach seen in the US. The history of Europe, and indeed most of this planet, is composed of many periods of extreme violence. After one of the most extended eras of "peace" in European history, it seems, unfortunately, that the next era is approaching. European history is exceedingly interesting, complex, and repetitive. The old saying of remember history or be doomed to repeat it is fully realized in Europe. Not much us regular "sports' can do about it. Personally I feel a "Leave" vote will ultimately be the best for the UK. The EU will not be bothered much either way as they seem to be on a collision course with history anyway. Isn't there another famous quote concerning "living in interesting times"? Let's all head for SeaDream and try to ignore the rest of the world.:D


A most intelligent appraisal as Hum has ever heard Jim.


The mood, in the last week, was to "Leave" but coupled with the murder by a deranged man (allegedly shouting "Leave" sentiments) of a most marvellous lady Member of Parliament who supported the "Remain" view PLUS an awful lot of "cold feet" coupled with dire warnings of economic melt-down (including your nice Mr.O).........(catch breath), well the mood has dramatically changed to "Remain" and the surge in the markets reflect that (which is comforting especially as Hum's purchase of Chinese funds has a ruddy great "hole" in them !).

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Homer Simpson, when he decided to become an atheist, asked Marge, "What if we picked the wrong religion? Every week we're just making God madder and madder."


Wow, Hum. It looks as if I lit a fuse under you and have turned Idle Jottings into Idyllic Jottings. Well done, chum. I like it. We do have to meet in the "office" soon. I'll buy the first round.



How generous you are, buying Hum the first round.

Aww schucks !

Was it too much (the previous reply post to you) ?

Yikes !

Apologies chums.

Didn't mean to sound like a ranting Ayatollah.

The "world" doesn't need any more zealots of any particular persuasion or even un-affiliated non-persuasion (atheist groups and the like).

Hum left that whole "shebang" decades ago and doesn't describe himself as anything (including atheist).

Natural, un-filtered. That's Hum.

Perhaps it might be best filtered occasionally though.

Apologies again to those offended or even a tad "miffed".

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A most intelligent appraisal as Hum has ever heard Jim.


The mood, in the last week, was to "Leave" but coupled with the murder by a deranged man (allegedly shouting "Leave" sentiments) of a most marvellous lady Member of Parliament who supported the "Remain" view PLUS an awful lot of "cold feet" coupled with dire warnings of economic melt-down (including your nice Mr.O).........(catch breath), well the mood has dramatically changed to "Remain" and the surge in the markets reflect that (which is comforting especially as Hum's purchase of Chinese funds has a ruddy great "hole" in them !).


Jim, this is "our" Alamo.

As in "Remember the Alamo" !

We are being overwhelmed and assaulted by the battalions of the "Let's be reasonable about this" brigades.


When have you known Hum EVER To be reasonable about anything ?



Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!'

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Jim, this is "our" Alamo.

As in "Remember the Alamo" !

We are being overwhelmed and assaulted by the battalions of the "Let's be reasonable about this" brigades.


When have you known Hum EVER To be reasonable about anything ?



Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!'


We are with you Hum. "reasonable" never works unilaterally. One of my favorite history trivia questions is: "How many Crusades have there been". An unanswerable question as all Crusades were not necessarily called "Crusades". Good luck with the vote.

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Roll up, roll up and get the latest hot news from Buckingham Palace...


Following the release of Queen Betty’s Birthday Honours List and the knighthood bestowed upon Mr Hum, sorry, Sir Ho for services to broadcasting and very heavy and insomnia inducing entertainment…what, you missed it?...it’s right there very near the bottom of page 38 of the List between Sammy “oh my back” Skitters for services to picking up horse**** at the Royal stables and Harry “everyone’s a winner” Hoodwink, the Queen’s bookie at Ascot.


The hot news is the talk leaking from every orifice within the Palace's servants quarters that the traditional pageant of Trooping the Colours which is staged down The Mall in mid June to celebrate the Monarch’s official birthday is to be renamed Trooping of the Hum. Already questions are being asked…will this new knight of the realm ride traditional horseback, with Sir Sammy right behind with a big bucket just in case, or take the safe option and spread his ample eminence around the gold leaf carriage? Lady Blondie will of course have to join him to add some much needed colour and glamour and ensure young children, commanded to wave and cheer, a la North Korean style, are not rigid with fright at such a foreboding spectacle.


And yet even hotter news is starting to spread like an unpleasant odour...


Queen Betty appears none too chuffed seeing a beautiful photo of herself haphazardly placed between photos of this upstart Hum in such prodigious publications as the TV Times. When it comes to the knighting ceremony, “ninety and not out” Betty’s grip on the mighty sword is not what it used to be, one little slip and we might have our very own Marie Antoinette moment at the Palace! The newly knighted Sir Ho stumbles around in headless wonderment and his well abused body does one final Chicken Dance before resting at her majesty’s slippers whilst his head rolls down the red carpet, mouth open, heading straight for the champagne reception.


Quite appropriate really... Whilst watching that astonishing tv drama last week I’m sure I heard Sir Ho mutter “let them eat cake” scoffing his ninth fresh oyster as he sat at his lunch table at the rear of deck five glancing disdainfully over to the huge cruise tub anchored off the bay with its 65,000 belt bursting yet apparently perpetually hungry passengers.


You read it here first so it must be true.


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It's a quandary all right up here for the deluded and hard of thinking.


In, out, in, out then shake it all about.


But for those half awake and semi sober (not many I give you that) our Dear Leader has pronounced....."vote in (EU) so that we can then vote out (UK), so long as UK votes out and we (Scots EU vote) vote in. Just don't vote out (Scots EU) when there is a vote in (UK)"


Yep...me neither.


With such clear political thought and judgement you still wonder why we are driven to drink and such an unhealthy diet? "If in doubt deep fry it, that'll kill the bugs".


On a lighter note and in readiness for the society wedding in the South of France....What do you call a coat to wear for inclement weather?


A Rennie Mackintosh!! Boom Boom!!!!


I'll get my coat.





Get your coat indeed, young man !

Let it not be said that old Hum does not encourage the "young" !

But dearest MACT your foray into joke telling was err...........

Nay, Hum won't say but would suggest your un-doubted talent lies in the sardonic and imaginative, in which you are a Master: this fall from the high esteem that Hum holds you in, is quickly overlooked.

Not another word, Hum won't hear anymore about it.

Yes, Merciful Hum encourages you to continue in humorous sardonicism and flights of fancy.

Nobody does it better in Hum's modest opinion.

Stick to what you do best.


Now "affairs of state".

It seems the great "un-washed" are ignoring our "jingoistic overtures" and superior intellect and are actually "thinking for themselves".

How dare they !

Listen to your "betters" and do as we say.

But nay there is now a sentiment to "Remain" (and Hum's fund portfolio is certainly reflecting a "blue hue" on the funds held rather than the "hysterical red" of a few days ago: up 1.23% after a 3.04% leap a few days ago, as Hum taps away watching the "footie" after eating a steak and kidney pie from our local butcher and sipping on a delightful, 2004, Ch.Haut Batailley).


Hum will immediately fall into a depression from which he does not think he will recover.

As all dinosaurs, he takes the view that it is now over to the feckless young.


But still Hum takes the view that the "kids today know nothing of real life".

Just as Hum's seniors thought of Hum "kids of their time were sacrificing their lives for freedom and liberty".


And of course they were right.

Hum sees it now, nay he admitted his errors decades ago after wandering the acres (or should that be hectares) of war graves along the coast of Normandy to the Somme.


"Hum, leave it to us ol' timer" the young say to Hum.


Hum hears your call.


It seems we will "Remain" after all.

Well look at it this way old chum, you and Hummy will remain in the Union for a lot longer.

Hum raises a glass to you over the border.

But "pop down" any time old chap.

Hum has quite a few single malts he would love to share with a chum.


But it is forecast to rain heavily tomorrow with thunder and lightning.

Verily the Gods are angry !!

And the “wishy-washy”, “I’ll only vote if it doesn’t rain”, “Remain” voters may not pop along and vote.

Meaning, you know what.


News of Hum's departure for France at this crucial hour in our country's history has caused mild panic and the "Remain" camp are buoyed by the news.

"See how the toffs run to their tax free havens"

Obviously Hum has a "leak" at Hum Manor.

Hum suspects one of the chamber maids.

Walters, the gamekeeper will find out (Hum has no stomach for his ways).


Hum has left instructions with Downing Street to have a jet on standby if the early polls look as if we shall “Leave”

Hum needs to be home amongst his people at these historic times !

"Cometh the hour, cometh the man"

David has made arrangements to hand over office to Hum rather than Boris.

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We interrupt this fascinating and interesting discussion of the future of the great UK to let you know that Colonel Clint is scheduled to come home from rehab on Monday! He'll still need some speech therapy but is doing well. However, he was not exactly pleased when told he had to follow my directions! :D


Thank you for all your good thoughts -- still don't know if we will be able to make the fall crossing, but we'll see what the doctors say! :confused:


Edited by vandrefalk
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We interrupt this fascinating and interesting discussion of the future of the great UK to let you know that Colonel Clint is scheduled to come home from rehab on Monday! He'll still need some speech therapy but is doing well. However, he was not exactly pleased when told he had to follow my directions!


All the best to Clint. I feel his pain. Had a bit of repair/maintenance and had to listen to Lois's directions. Not easy to do for some of us. Hoping to see Y'all on SD soon.

J & L

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How generous you are, buying Hum the first round.

Aww schucks !

Was it too much (the previous reply post to you) ?

Yikes !

Apologies chums.

Didn't mean to sound like a ranting Ayatollah.

The "world" doesn't need any more zealots of any particular persuasion or even un-affiliated non-persuasion (atheist groups and the like).

Hum left that whole "shebang" decades ago and doesn't describe himself as anything (including atheist).

Natural, un-filtered. That's Hum.

Perhaps it might be best filtered occasionally though.

Apologies again to those offended or even a tad "miffed".


Apologies? For what? Injecting intellectual conversation into our dull lives? Besides, on this side of the pond we have gotten quite used to unfiltered dialog in the past year. You are a refreshing counterpoint to the man with the orange hair. Please keep it up, chum.


And good to hear your news about Col. Clint, Vandrefalk. Zimmy and I send our best wishes.

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We interrupt this fascinating and interesting discussion of the future of the great UK to let you know that Colonel Clint is scheduled to come home from rehab on Monday! He'll still need some speech therapy but is doing well. However, he was not exactly pleased when told he had to follow my directions! :D


Thank you for all your good thoughts -- still don't know if we will be able to make the fall crossing, but we'll see what the doctors say! :confused:



We send "The Colonel" and you our love.

Hum & Blondie xx

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And good to hear your news about Col. Clint, Vandrefalk. Zimmy and I send our best wishes.


Us too! So happy 'Clint' will soon be home soon and back on "his lawn" again! :D Tell him he had better behave or he'll be hearing from us too! :eek:


Wishing him all the best, including many, many more SD adventures to look forward to!

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Interesting enough, dear Hum, the local rag here in the Rocky Mountain State actually had an editorial this morning regarding Brexit, stating the rag's opinion of why the UK should not leave the EU. That's what we need, a regional newspaper to provide more international opinion of another country's right to self determination instead of worrying about our own economy and the fractious nature of not only our own political system but of our country in general. I believe the editors of the rag have been smoking what is now legal in our state, that mara-hoochie-wanna stuff.


You would hope with the good judgement of the people of the UK, their voting decisions will be based on what is best for the UK and not for what is expedient or easy. Your economy is going to be far more affected than ours - though we will take a hit in the short term as our economy is not US-centric (even though many would like to think so).


As to the US election, boy the choices we have! I really cannot see either HC or DT begin our President. At least on the Republican side it shows what a minority of voters in primary elections can do. This is where the minority rules the majority. On the Democrat side it shows what a socialist party the Dems have become when some like Bernie can garner as many votes as he has and only through the capture of the Dems "super delegates" - whatever they are - could HC be assured of the nomination. Free college for all; free health care for all; taxes at 90% of income. Sounds like a few Nordic countries I know.


So, there you have it; views on both sides of the pond provided. One last thing - neither election better screw up our plans for retirement - so Hum, our retirement is in your hands.:eek: Thank God we'll be on SD for the election here. :):)


Hum, for one has no objection to anybody talking about Britain's dilemma (not Fux News though) and Hum would find the arguments fascinating while the political pundit is mildly "stoned" !

In fact there should be a section in public political debates where they are !

To show their "true colours".


"The good judgement of the British peopke" !

Stop making Hum howl with laughter. Our educational system over here is creating initiative-less morons.

Hum appreciates receiving yet another clear and incisive summary of the "way things stand" over there.

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It is 4.30am on the day of THAT election.

In 90 minutes time the polls will upon for 16 hours.

2 hours after that, the first indications will be known.

Will it be Great Britain ?

Indications show a 1% margin for "Remain" in Europe.

The weather is fair.

Still too clise to call but momentum with "Remain".

We will know by this time tomorrow.

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Dearest hum,

in Frau gcmv's mind, ho-hum is burned in as a real gentleman (gcmv has no idea why?) and so, she would not spare a thought of an "incorrect" meaning of this word. ;)


There where some pending points gcmv has to process during hum's latest conversations:

Fortunately Hidihi-berg region was not flooded dramatically - only the Rhine and the Neckar have a very high water level caused by the heavy rainfall during the past weeks, when Herr and Frau gcmv lingered in Sardine-land.


We tried a lot of different Vermentinos, but gcmv is honest (as ever!;)) and must face ho-hum with the fact, that the Gallura was not in the top ten.

In fact we had a bottle of Pedres Thilibas Vermentino di Gallura DOCG with no freshness at all (Frau gcmv asked twice, if it is really the recommendation of hum). It was full bodied, but had a very, very different taste.

But this was no problem for us - as always.:) After dinner we had a few Myrtle Schnaps to shoo the bad aftertaste in our mouths - thereafter everything was fine ... :D

Taking the last hit, Frau gcmv remembered old hum with his wise saying: "Wherever Herr an Frau gcmv are, they will always have fun ..." ;)


But let me recommend something: Our most favorite wine was a 2014 blend of Vermentino and Chardonnay named Villa di Chiesa (Valli di Porto Pino) by Santadi - extraordinary!


Hum never mentioned the most important theme at the moment in Europe:

European Football Championship

What about the English football team with old captain Rooney (not Steiner) - do they know where the goal is placed on the field or are their views covered with too much bank notes??? Gcmv watched their game last night - they could have played another 10 hours without shooting a goal ...

"Little" Wales is now the frontrunner in the group - what a shame!:p

Hopefully the German team does it better tonight against Northern Ireland?


Let's see tonight ...


Kind words, kind words GCMV !


Hum is very surprised by your view upon the Sardinian wine but fully accepts your findings based on your exquisite palate.

Apologies to you both.

And thank you for your recommendations; Hum will try them at the first opportunity !


Our English team not scoring a goal is simply an indication of sportsmanship !

Letting the other fella have a chance, not like you Germans winning the World Cup by a 7 goal margin against Brazil.

Just look at the damage you have done to that country since then !

Brazil is in melt-down !

Your country showed little mercy.


What Hum would like to add was the joy Hum felt seeing the German and Northern Ireland supporters walking side by side in friendly companionship on the way to the match.

Bravo !

Would English fans behave in such a manner ? Most would but there is a significant ugly minority that Hum fears would cause trouble. No they definitely would.

Hum would take their passports away until they are 40 years of age when they would be expected to be sensible (of course Hum never became sensible but neither was he a thug either).

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Roll up, roll up and get the latest hot news from Buckingham Palace...


Following the release of Queen Betty’s Birthday Honours List and the knighthood bestowed upon Mr Hum, sorry, Sir Ho for services to broadcasting and very heavy and insomnia inducing entertainment…what, you missed it?...it’s right there very near the bottom of page 38 of the List between Sammy “oh my back” Skitters for services to picking up horse**** at the Royal stables and Harry “everyone’s a winner” Hoodwink, the Queen’s bookie at Ascot.




Quite appropriate really... Whilst watching that astonishing tv drama last week I’m sure I heard Sir Ho mutter “let them eat cake” scoffing his ninth fresh oyster as he sat at his lunch table at the rear of deck five glancing disdainfully over to the huge cruise tub anchored off the bay with its 65,000 belt bursting yet apparently perpetually hungry passengers.


You read it here first so it must be true.


Scandalous, scandalous allegations to suggest Sir Ho would ever usurp the Queen in any way whatsoever !

Hum has honour and returns the knighthood to dispel any consideration that Hum is only interested in personal advancement.

Besides Hum will soon be the "face of incontinence pads" across Europe from Romania to Albania and onto Espana via Italia, gracia !

And Hum was rather hoping for a Lordship anyway.


Oh my, we started early dear chap.

Drowning your sorrows at the likely vote for continuing servitude under "Johnny" foreigner.

Whatever happened to this once proud country (and with good reason).

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It is 4.30am on the day of THAT election.

In 90 minutes time the polls will upon for 16 hours.

2 hours after that, the first indications will be known.

Will it be Great Britain ?

Indications show a 1% margin for "Remain" in Europe.

The weather is fair.

Still too clise to call but momentum with "Remain".

We will know by this time tomorrow.


Leave projected by UK media.

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Leave projected by UK media.


Indeed, darling popper, indeed ! In fact that is precisely what has happened !


The ordinary men and women have voted that they "want their country back".

Hum is actually stunned !

All the professional politicians, economists, "money men" said to stay.

We have been ruled by faceless bureaucrats with a far too left Socialist agenda (even our "bonkers" Socialist opposition leader agrees !).

Now, remain calm, gather yourselves and accept that all those that have been running indifferent (to the UK) policies must now heed the call of the ordinary men and women of our country.


Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay and if this "triggers" them leaving the Union.

Then so be it.


If that is what they really want.

Hum believes it will be sad but "fair play" to them, go if you wish.

It will be a lot harder than they think in Europe.

Join the queue for membership alongside Kosovo and Albania !

Good luck with that as one of the biggest subsidisers has just left and all var Germany are on "hand outs", ruddy "big hand outs too" !!

And not wishing to have nuclear arms on Scottish soil (for fair reasons) then others will have to defend them (NATO) and those others wont like that.

So do what you will Scotland.

You are no longer our concern.

Time to grow up or grow "some".

Hum's had enough of your petulant "chip on your shoulder" !


Europe looks a bit worried this morning.

Could it spread ?

Oh yes, it WILL !

Sadly lead by Nationalistic Parties with a not so nice attitude to different cultures (yes Hum means those from Mecca-land).

But the European Union (and especially the German Chancellor) have continually ignored the ordinary man and woman across the whole of Europe but here in Britain, one corner has said "STOP": we're leaving.

And the Brits will take a "hit" in our savings.....Hum too (well for a couple of years-5/6. Will just wait it out with Jim. He is finding Hum a caravan in the desert, hopefully away from the "firing range". No, his aim is as worse than ever !)


We are visiting a couple of friends with homes in France !

Hum will NOT be commenting about the election.

Their home prices will have dropped by 10-20%.

They will be without free medical assistance.

Their running costs will increase.

No Hum will be sympathetic, they are chums.

But it's going to spoil things a tad, no, a lot !

Hum will just have to "step over the murdered body in the front room" !

Oh God, Hum will have to appear sullen.

God, Hum hopes no one asks "and what do you think Hum ?"

Here is the best Hum can come up with:

"Eventually we will have to accept the views of the common English (not British) men and women's opinion. We cannot see the ramifications for at least another 3-5 years. Meanwhile Hum has the greatest sympathy for your predicament."


Unfortunately the first event with chums is with a bunch of Scots, Scots who drink, Scots who dont all like the English, Scots who have a lot to say !!!!

Ho Hum

At least there will be lots of champagne !

And food.

Yes, it will be bad.

Sad for the "happy couple".


Have a view ?

Yes, you dearest chum !

We are a lovely bunch here, so in the spirit of chumminess if you can but just a suggestion. Rant if you wish, it just wont be as effective. Only a suggestion.


Britains brave vote will send a "tidal wave" around the world for ordinary, decent folk to stand up for themselves (not in a jingoistic manner but out of self-respective) to reclaim their culture whilst remaining chums with ALL.

Edited by ho-hum
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Brexit - they did it!


What will happen?

Because the British Pound goes down in value:


- Herr and Frau gcmv will be able to go on holiday to lovely Devon again




- Herr and Frau gcmv will be able to visit ho-hum and blondie at Hum's Castle (don't worry - I'm joking).


Back to reality:

The UK’s decision to leave the European Union – “Brexit” as it is known – means the beginning of a lengthy transition period. The decision has a significant impact on international trade, treaties and economic policy.

Perhaps we will not understand the nature of these changes for months, even years, as policymakers work through the complicated aspects of the separation.

But now that Brexit is a reality, the hard work has only just begun. Nobody knows exactly what will come - thrilling ...

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BREXIT! Cheers, a pint on me and God Save the Queen :) You will get your country under control with it's immigration and refugee policies. Things will stabilize and this actually helps us in the USA because I think we can say goodbye to Obama and Crooked Hillary. Trumpland is loving this!



Contessa P

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Brexit - they did it!


What will happen?

Because the British Pound goes down in value:


- Herr and Frau gcmv will be able to go on holiday to lovely Devon again




- Herr and Frau gcmv will be able to visit ho-hum and blondie at Hum's Castle (don't worry - I'm joking).


Back to reality:

The UK’s decision to leave the European Union – “Brexit” as it is known – means the beginning of a lengthy transition period. The decision has a significant impact on international trade, treaties and economic policy.

Perhaps we will not understand the nature of these changes for months, even years, as policymakers work through the complicated aspects of the separation.

But now that Brexit is a reality, the hard work has only just begun. Nobody knows exactly what will come - thrilling ...


Dearest GCMV, we are still brothers, no silly EU will change that !!

Yes, come to Great (again) Britain where you will be welcomed, nay honoured !

Please understand it is NOT about being "tiny Englanders" it is about taking back some self-respect: we have been told what to do for too long.

Enough !

GB welcomes all the world, immigrants too (but never radicalised fundamentalist, mysoginist, haters) but there must be some control also.

Currently there is none.

GB welcomes Germans, we are truly related.

We respect Germany anD Germans but Angela had a "brain fart" !

If Frau GCMV were Chancellor, Hum is certain it would have never lead to Brexit.

You (Germany) are too "cosy" avec Monsieur Garlic Breath !

Yes that was a tad racist. Sorry.

Look Hum is in France, Hum loves French food, wine but God they are a lazy, smug bunch, even the women look a bit rough....

And as you know Hum loves "les femmes" (hairy armpits et toutes).


Visit Hum Castle anytime old chum.

We expect you to be late by about 20 minutes !!


Germany deserves to win the Euros.

You see chum, Hum is not a "little Englander".

Remember GCMV, that outside of Germany, GB buys more of your ("wrigged") cars than anyone else !

So be very careful when it comes to trade embargoes !

No, just sayin' !

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Good Job to the English people. Ignore the financial chaos of the next day or so, they have to create it after all the gloom and doom spread about and the insiders have to have a good crisis in order to make another few billions off of short trading. Things will be much better for the UK in the future. Europe on the other hand is initiating one of its predictable dives into chaos. Time after time throughout history, here we go again. Except for Europe, cooler heads will prevail. Needed heads will roll. Good bye Mr. Cameron! Maybe Obama has a place for you in his "most transparent administration in history. Oh? not a US Citizen? No problem! A good session at the TOY Bar could figure this out in a trice. Fear not good citizens of SeaDream, all will be well and we shall meet again on the high seas.

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