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.......idle jottings


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BREXIT! Cheers, a pint on me and God Save the Queen :) You will get your country under control with it's immigration and refugee policies. Things will stabilize and this actually helps us in the USA because I think we can say goodbye to Obama and Crooked Hillary. Trumpland is loving this!



Contessa P



Dearest darling, ravishing, Contessa,

Hum knows you mean well but our country has thrived on immigrants and Hum loves the multi-cultural nature of England.

Our real issue was with extreme Socialist Europeans who were out of touch with the common man's plain decent values.

They went too far !


Unlike Obama (who must Europeans respected enormously.......not now) who told England what to do, we have now shown self-respect and fine moral judgement over threats and fears about our financial security.

It was Mr.O's worst decision to comment how we should think !

He, like every other frigging "too big for his boots" got it wrong, so wrong !!

The common man and woman told them so.

Hum is quite common actually between you and Hum.

Nay Hum is a peasant.


Still love your passion Contessa.

Hope your faith in Him is well founded.

But where did "The Don" stand on the EU ?

Did'nt he feel the need for strapping on a pair of "HH's" water-proofs?


Your illustrious countryman expresses Hum's position (love Tom !):



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Well the end has come to the great Euro ponzi scheme .... the Brits have said

goodbye to the left wing do gooders and taken their economy back.


Today the markets will tumble (Gilbralter will crumble) they're only made

of clay, but England is here to stay.


Rule Britania!


God bless you sir !


You have actually summed up the state of Euro-land more concisely than anyone Hum knows: you ruddy genius you !

Good job, Commander.


By the way, if it all goes "tits up" is the offer of the cabin on the edge of the bog still on ?

Wooden spoon whittling is a speciality of Hum's, if it helps.


Just in case "tits" is "pulled" substitute it for "teats". Slightly more elegant.

No, Hum is not suggesting pulling someone's ***: it's been a long day !

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Today is a huge opportunity for the calm among us. Do you think The Donald really went just to re open a Scottish golf course? Where is mu Bloody Mary?


The Donald was brilliant with that move. He supported leaving EU. Yes,stay calm and look for good stock buying opportunities :)


Hum..The Contessa has a heart and our nation was built on immigrants. Our problem is that many of us want "legal" immigrants and we also want the many refugees that Obama welcomes to be vetted and cleared properly prior to being allowed entry into our beautiful USA.


Contessa P is very happy today and will toast your Country this evening around 5pm with a lovely glass of wine. Jim has started early it seems along with Sheriff Joe ;-))

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Contessa, is it time to be worried about silence coming from Ho-Hum? He is trapped deep in "Frogland" as he put it. Possibly the Brexit has caused the internet to crash, trains to jump tracks, and the sun to come up in the West.:eek: Hope Mr. Hum makes it to Marseille and gets passage on to Casablanca.:eek::D

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Contessa, is it time to be worried about silence coming from Ho-Hum? He is trapped deep in "Frogland" as he put it. Possibly the Brexit has caused the internet to crash, trains to jump tracks, and the sun to come up in the West.:eek: Hope Mr. Hum makes it to Marseille and gets passage on to Casablanca.:eek::D


Oh my. Casablanca....the movies make it much more glamorous than it is. After a cruise with 1st port of Agidir and the cobras and camels and filth, Contessa chose to stay aboard the ship. A bit too exotic for this lady. Marseilles is another story! The Contessa does not do 3rd world countries nor exotic injections to ward off what she may encounter in these type places.

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Oh my. Casablanca....the movies make it much more glamorous than it is. After a cruise with 1st port of Agidir and the cobras and camels and filth, Contessa chose to stay aboard the ship. A bit too exotic for this lady. Marseilles is another story! The Contessa does not do 3rd world countries nor exotic injections to ward off what she may encounter in these type places.


Hopefully Contessa you do not need exotic injections to ward off Mr Hum.😎🍸

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Good Job to the English people. Ignore the financial chaos of the next day or so, they have to create it after all the gloom and doom spread about and the insiders have to have a good crisis in order to make another few billions off of short trading. Things will be much better for the UK in the future. Europe on the other hand is initiating one of its predictable dives into chaos. Time after time throughout history, here we go again. Except for Europe, cooler heads will prevail. Needed heads will roll. Good bye Mr. Cameron! Maybe Obama has a place for you in his "most transparent administration in history. Oh? not a US Citizen? No problem! A good session at the TOY Bar could figure this out in a trice. Fear not good citizens of SeaDream, all will be well and we shall meet again on the high seas.


Top notch political analysis and punditry !

Is it true that international politicians, economists and the like are heading towards a forum for a pair of old boats and their zany patrons for clear heads and analysis ?

Hum thinks it so.

Certainly very entertaining and educational.

And you weave into SD ship life.


A veritable United Nations.

Sorting out the world's problems in a spirit of chumminess.

Wonderful post Jim.

May Hum add a further observation.

The ordinary people around the world are beginning to become pretty sick and tired of their respective politicians and a new breed has entered that is saying the things in a straightforward manner that ordinary people can relate to.

In the UK, a guy has pretty well lead the UK out of the EU by himself.

He smoke, he drinks, he's cheeky, he holds his press conferences in the local pub surrounded by beers, he swears, he mocks but he knows his subject inside out and defeats everyone on televised programmes.

Remind you of anyone else (probably not smoking, drinking and swearing) ?

And the Socialists hate him and are affronted calling him everything under the sun !

Hum's just pointing out what appears to be happening.

If there is a candidate like this in the US of A, so be it.

Hum is not endorsing anyone just observing a trend.

Disclaimer over.

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The Donald was brilliant with that move. He supported leaving EU. Yes,stay calm and look for good stock buying opportunities :)


Hum..The Contessa has a heart and our nation was built on immigrants. Our problem is that many of us want "legal" immigrants and we also want the many refugees that Obama welcomes to be vetted and cleared properly prior to being allowed entry into our beautiful USA.


Contessa P is very happy today and will toast your Country this evening around 5pm with a lovely glass of wine. Jim has started early it seems along with Sheriff Joe ;-))


Of course, we know you by now to consider you to be an open and fair person with a heart.


If anything, Hum's wish to clarify was as much for you as it was for ol' Hummy.


Sincerest apologies darling if my appalling wording pointed to anything else.


The British are very concerned about illegal immigration and for good reason.

Hum will restrain himself in order to be non-provocative but some (yes some not all) has resulted in very serious consequences.


Britain is multi-cultural and there are benefits but there are also some issues......


But enough of "dead horse flogging".

For many this a time to celebrate.

For others there is a sense of fear for the future.

So Hum will celebrate with the "Leavers" and try to console the "Remainers".

Hum will be less cheeky and more aware.

Hum shares in a drink with you.

Jim is just ahead of his time and always finds something to celebrate.......and with a "tipple" of something or other.

Personally Hum finds it very inspiring (as Hum also finds you Contessa Porto).

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It's complete chaos !

Complete and utter chaos !

No, not just in Britain but across the whole of Europe !

Well just what did everyone expect ?

Chaos means change.

Change was needed.

Nay change was demanded.

Change was absolutely necessary.

So let's welcome it and just get on with it !


And it's very, very interesting and revealing seeing those who are treacherous, those who are completely floundering and those that are accepting of the voice of the ordinary man and woman who formerly felt ignored by politicians, big corporate organisations, financial institutions etc... who told the ordinary citizen (and tax payer) how they should live their lives (in servitude to their "betters") and who were the ones most adversely affected by the dictates of the European Union that has been effectively run by just one very disturbed ("bonkers") person: Mrs.Merkel, Chancellor of Germany (and ruler of Europe) with her "Germany first, cronies".


Mr. O was the most threatening prior to the vote (Hum thought we had a special relationship with our old chums "across the pond". Hum believes we still do but O was "flexing his muscles" here when he never did it at home or is Hum wrong on that one ?. Hum used to respect him. Of course he is yet another one telling ordinary, decent citizens (of someone else's country) how to live their lives but ignorant and immune of how it affects them.


Then there is the chief villain: Mrs. M and her side-kicks seeking vengeance to punish Britain and keep all the other wavering European countries (who may wish out) in the fold, especially those that make positive contributions (some of her allies want her to ditch the most demanding countries in hand-outs but she has resisted as most money loaned out has been Germany's ! Ooops !)


For anyone still interested, Hum will pist very occasionally on the subject especially if it is a "slow" SD content day or two (as it seems to have been becoming of late: no fault of Hum, "j'espere".

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Mr. O was the most threatening prior to the vote (Hum thought we had a special relationship with our old chums "across the pond". Hum believes we still do but O was "flexing his muscles" here when he never did it at home or is Hum wrong on that one ?. Hum used to respect him. Of course he is yet another one telling ordinary, decent citizens (of someone else's country) how to live their lives but ignorant and immune of how it affects them.


For anyone still interested, Hum will pist very occasionally on the subject especially if it is a "slow" SD content day or two (as it seems to have been becoming of late: no fault of Hum, "j'espere".[/font][/size][/color]


Now you know how it has been "over here" for the last 8 years. "Do as I say, not as I do". Never could understand my English Cousin's fascination with O. And yes, I for one would like your insight to things a changing on your side of the pond.

Edited by Jim Avery
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It's complete chaos !

Complete and utter chaos !

No, not just in Britain but across the whole of Europe !

Well just what did everyone expect ?

Chaos means change.

Change was needed.

Nay change was demanded.

Change was absolutely necessary.

So let's welcome it and just get on with it !


And it's very, very interesting and revealing seeing those who are treacherous, those who are completely floundering and those that are accepting of the voice of the ordinary man and woman who formerly felt ignored by politicians, big corporate organisations, financial institutions etc... who told the ordinary citizen (and tax payer) how they should live their lives (in servitude to their "betters") and who were the ones most adversely affected by the dictates of the European Union that has been effectively run by just one very disturbed ("bonkers") person: Mrs.Merkel, Chancellor of Germany (and ruler of Europe) with her "Germany first, cronies".


Mr. O was the most threatening prior to the vote (Hum thought we had a special relationship with our old chums "across the pond". Hum believes we still do but O was "flexing his muscles" here when he never did it at home or is Hum wrong on that one ?. Hum used to respect him. Of course he is yet another one telling ordinary, decent citizens (of someone else's country) how to live their lives but ignorant and immune of how it affects them.


Then there is the chief villain: Mrs. M and her side-kicks seeking vengeance to punish Britain and keep all the other wavering European countries (who may wish out) in the fold, especially those that make positive contributions (some of her allies want her to ditch the most demanding countries in hand-outs but she has resisted as most money loaned out has been Germany's ! Ooops !)


For anyone still interested, Hum will pist very occasionally on the subject especially if it is a "slow" SD content day or two (as it seems to have been becoming of late: no fault of Hum, "j'espere".


"Who do you think you are kidding Mr Juncker if you think ol' Blighty's done?"


Old Mother Merkel will have the final say in all matters...let Juncker spit venom...German trade with the UK is what matters.


And what about the Donald...looking resplendent at Turnberry...basking in the Ayrshire sunshine.


He's turned the hotel into something resembling a cross between American design sensitivity and Arabian outlandishment, or is it the other way around?


And what about a further Scottish referendum...just not happening anytime soon...only a third of the total Scottish electorate actually voted to Remain in the EU...Ho Hum land will be spared an invasion of the unwashed, a swarm of the uneducated, a mass migration of the malingerers...just imagine the mess they would make of his lawn.


Fear not...hold on for the ride...keep calm...you can't beat democracy even if the EU's Five Presidents think otherwise


And if the above turns out to be a load of twaddle ("it usually is" says Mr Hum)

then get on the phone to Seadream and book a very long voyage into the sunset...

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Now you know how it has been "over here" for the last 8 years. "Do as I say, not as I do". Never could understand my English Cousin's fascination with O. And yes, I for one would like your insight to things a changing on your side of the pond.


It wasn't just Brits, it was the whole of Europe (who admired or in Hum's case, used to admire O and maybe Hum was being a bit severe in his criticism).

So forget O, he is just "treading water" and playing being a "big man" though most of Britain now feels betrayed by him but we are sensible enough to recognise the difference of a weak man bleating and the real view of most US citizens (or so Hum very much hopes!).

We (Europeans) liked O because we couldn't stand a long, long line of your other predecessors. O gave the US a sense of dignity but in fact he was just a polished act with apparently little appetite to really fight for causes or so it seemed from over the "pond".

Let's move on Jim, next please ?

So that's just you Jim (politely) interested in Hum's (deranged) views.


Oh just one other thing in the attempt to provide balance: no PM in the UK has been worth "his salt" either and were not the Americans so in love with Tony Blair ?

Statesmen are "few on the ground" except for the German Chancellor but she is the one person recently responsible for this whole mess: so her formerly great reputation is now in tatters.

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Will "Brexit" affect SD ?


Greater minds than simple Hum's are welcome to comment......Hum cannot see how (maybe a minor proportion will not book because of reasons of general un-certainty but Brits pay in pounds sterling, so ....).


Best answer wins a round of drinks at TOYB (*subject to conditions: to be announced at TOYB).


Perhaps Hum's location should be altered from "Great Britain posh part" to "Great Britain fall apart" !

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It wasn't just Brits, it was the whole of Europe (who admired or in Hum's case, used to admire O and maybe Hum was being a bit severe in his criticism).

So forget O, he is just "treading water" and playing being a "big man" though most of Britain now feels betrayed by him but we are sensible enough to recognise the difference of a weak man bleating and the real view of most US citizens (or so Hum very much hopes!).

We (Europeans) liked O because we couldn't stand a long, long line of your other predecessors. O gave the US a sense of dignity but in fact he was just a polished act with apparently little appetite to really fight for causes or so it seemed from over the "pond".

Let's move on Jim, next please ?

So that's just you Jim (politely) interested in Hum's (deranged) views.


Oh just one other thing in the attempt to provide balance: no PM in the UK has been worth "his salt" either and were not the Americans so in love with Tony Blair ?

Statesmen are "few on the ground" except for the German Chancellor but she is the one person recently responsible for this whole mess: so her formerly great reputation is now in tatters.


Well Jim, it seems someone (apart from you and a few others here) understand Britain's "really there was no other" choice.


See link:



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Lets count the countries where the good old US of A has propped up

incumbent governments or ousted those not espousing our democratic

values. Now tell me how many of those countries are significantly better off than before we landed on their shores, and at what expense.


The Brits have spoken and have a right to "self determination" for better

or worse. Now lets all sit back, take a deep breath and let them sort

out their next step. Something tells me all will be fine!

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Lets count the countries where the good old US of A has propped up

incumbent governments or ousted those not espousing our democratic

values. Now tell me how many of those countries are significantly better off than before we landed on their shores, and at what expense.


The Brits have spoken and have a right to "self determination" for better

or worse. Now lets all sit back, take a deep breath and let them sort

out their next step. Something tells me all will be fine!



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"Who do you think you are kidding Mr Juncker if you think ol' Blighty's done?"


Old Mother Merkel will have the final say in all matters...let Juncker spit venom...German trade with the UK is what matters.


And what about the Donald...looking resplendent at Turnberry...basking in the Ayrshire sunshine.


He's turned the hotel into something resembling a cross between American design sensitivity and Arabian outlandishment, or is it the other way around?


And what about a further Scottish referendum...just not happening anytime soon...only a third of the total Scottish electorate actually voted to Remain in the EU...Ho Hum land will be spared an invasion of the unwashed, a swarm of the uneducated, a mass migration of the malingerers...just imagine the mess they would make of his lawn.


Fear not...hold on for the ride...keep calm...you can't beat democracy even if the EU's Five Presidents think otherwise


And if the above turns out to be a load of twaddle ("it usually is" says Mr Hum)

then get on the phone to Seadream and book a very long voyage into the sunset...


The sooner they dump Mrs.M the better.

They are already talking about dumping Juncker (quite appropriately named).

Yes Donald is loving the photo-opportunity hailing the Brits stand unfortunately he chose to do it in Scotland who voted to stay !


Yes, just what the heck has he done to the place !

Are your figures right about only a third of Scots voting to remain ?

Your evidence sir.

"Nickerless Surgeon" will still want another referendum though, she is off to EU land as Hum pists.

Do you think the Scots will want to leave this time ?

Hum will take your advice and begger off to SD later next month.

The only galling thing for Hum is having an Icelandic Captain onboard !!


No, Hum congratulated Captain Steinar immediately after the match for his countryman's fine win over hapless England.

England out of Europe again !

Oh and what of "billy no mates" Corbyn ?

Lost a vote of confidence by his own party 174-42 !

Doesn't he get the hint ?

Who will replace the "muppet" ?

His fancy lady ? Diane Abbott !

And we have the irrelevant Liberals bleating on too.

Come on Boris or Theresa get this country going again.

Otherwise MACT, it's time to bring out the "big guns", you and Hum.

Hum as Foreign Secretary cos Hum likes to travel and tell "Johnny" foreigner what to do !


Dear chums forgive Hum if you are not familiar with British politics, it is a lot more intriguing in Europe, simply because there are more parties and factions within those parties.

The main party (Republicans) leader has resigned and will probably be replaced by "Bonkers" Boris or Margaret Thatcher wannabe, Theresa.

The leader of the opposition (Democrats) has just been told by his colleagues that they want him to step down but incredulously he has refused and has assembled an amazing array of complete half wits to join his team: trained chimps would do a better job.

The remaining leader of an ultra-Democrat party (Liberal) is so flaky and is himself a replacement of a former leader who no one can remember who in turn replaced a jolly nice Scotsman who preferred drinking himself into a stupor than do any leading.

The remaining leader is a nice enough chap who "found God" and is now radiantly happy, how God felt about meeting this bore is not reported.

Then there is the leader of the deranged Scottish ("Nickerless Surgeon", yes her real name) who wants to sign Scotland up to any group that will have her bunch of "chip on their shoulder" scroungers provided they are not English or have anything to do with English people.

And there you have a fair and balanced report of the British political system.

No, it was a pleasure.


Mrs.M is the Chancellor of Germany and runs Europe.

Juncker is the President of Europe and does what Mrs.M tells him.

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Lets count the countries where the good old US of A has propped up

incumbent governments or ousted those not espousing our democratic

values. Now tell me how many of those countries are significantly better off than before we landed on their shores, and at what expense.


The Brits have spoken and have a right to "self determination" for better

or worse. Now lets all sit back, take a deep breath and let them sort

out their next step. Something tells me all will be fine!


Heartily agree but first a "little rain must fall"..........ok a lot !


The rest of Europe are in a trance under the dominance of one "almighty nut job".

Wake up Europe, you have sleep walked into becoming a pawn in a part of Greater Germany.

Show some "gumption" for pity's sake !

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Will "Brexit" affect SD ?


Has "Brexit" affected English football team? :D


The "Icewarriors" did a great job - first Brexit, a few days later European Football - Exit - England exits everywhere ... ;)

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Europe is going to show some gumption all right. By giving Britain the middle finger in a big way.

And now the Promises of the Leave politicians have been exposed as nothing but exagerations and lies, with no plans for "what next", things don't seem as rosy as the flag wavers said it would be.


The idiot voters here who think that building some kind of a wall is an viable option will face the same reality check, although they will never even get the chance to try, thank goodness.

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The sooner they dump Mrs.M the better.

They are already talking about dumping Juncker (quite appropriately named).

Yes Donald is loving the photo-opportunity hailing the Brits stand unfortunately he chose to do it in Scotland who voted to stay !


Yes, just what the heck has he done to the place !

Are your figures right about only a third of Scots voting to remain ?

Your evidence sir.

"Nickerless Surgeon" will still want another referendum though, she is off to EU land as Hum pists.

Do you think the Scots will want to leave this time ?

Hum will take your advice and begger off to SD later next month.

The only galling thing for Hum is having an Icelandic Captain onboard !!


No, Hum congratulated Captain Steinar immediately after the match for his countryman's fine win over hapless England.

England out of Europe again !

Oh and what of "billy no mates" Corbyn ?

Lost a vote of confidence by his own party 174-42 !

Doesn't he get the hint ?

Who will replace the "muppet" ?

His fancy lady ? Diane Abbott !

And we have the irrelevant Liberals bleating on too.

Come on Boris or Theresa get this country going again.

Otherwise MACT, it's time to bring out the "big guns", you and Hum.

Hum as Foreign Secretary cos Hum likes to travel and tell "Johnny" foreigner what to do !



Eagle eyed Mr Hum has pulled me up on facts and figures.


I was getting mixed up with the feckless yoof that wail but don't get off their backsides to do something about it. Only about one third of the total number of 18 - 24 year olds who are registered to vote placed their cross in the Remain box. Perhaps they should have been allowed to use a finger print instead as many will probably have been perplexed as to how to hold a pencil. Or how about the yoof should have been able to vote via their smart phones like a talent contest? So much for being in love with the EU!


For the record Mr Hum, the Remain vote was 41.5% of the total number of Scots eligible to vote. Hardly "dragging Scotland out of the EU against our wishes" as Nae Knickers keeps squawking about to anyone still listening.


The only downside at present with all this palaver is that the weaker pound is requiring a deeper delve into the pocket to find some more shekels for that Seadream escape.

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Belgian chums are inundating H-H&B with congratulations about THAT documentary.

It was shown on Belgian TV last night.

How ruddy nice they have been about us too.

We love the Belgians, the food, the beer and of course the people.

Best gourmands in the world.........after ol' Hummy, naturalment (their one failing is not "getting" Oriental & Indian food.....shame but a "schooled" Brit would always "pip" them. It's the same with New World wines).

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Europe is going to show some gumption all right. By giving Britain the middle finger in a big way.

And now the Promises of the Leave politicians have been exposed as nothing but exagerations and lies, with no plans for "what next", things don't seem as rosy as the flag wavers said it would be.


The idiot voters here who think that building some kind of a wall is an viable option will face the same reality check, although they will never even get the chance to try, thank goodness.


Oh Abenaki, quite radical for you old chum.

You know Hum just cannot let that **%#^*+=€# go.

Here begins the onslaught.

Oh do come out from behind the sofa.

No Hum's not angry but vengeance is mine says the HUM!


Oh how nice to have an opposite view (albeit completely deluded and a tad hostile to the poor old British people who are bashed and ridiculed by quite a few: they will be remembered).

No really.

Hum expects hardships by the stand Britain has bravely taken.

And yes it is into the unknown in many respects.

But the decision was a rejection of most politicians too.

Britains are not as easily fooled or naive as you are alluding to.

Of course both sides lied and exaggerated.

It is a terrible claim to imply ONLY those that voted 'Leave" were stupid and naive.

Hum thought you supported the common man, the oppressed.

Why not now ?

Your hasty pronouncement from "Cissy Liberal Hysteria Daily" has sadly not reflected the huge worldwide market reversals where it seems most of the panic is over: FTSE 100 up 3.58% at close to a bear 18 month record.

Hum has cashed in and is feeling pretty smug (and yes, relieved too, Hum admits it).

But there will be another drop and real confidence will take a lot longer.

Years in fact, but your hero Mr. O hasn't helped matters (and his response on the Turkish bombings was actually grossly insensitive).

Oh yes Hum knows you are Canadian and true to form we ignored your young Mr.T's advice and his weeks and weeks of experience as a leader and part time beater up of middle aged women!

Quelle surprise !

What a 'wet blanket" he's turning out !

Sorry Kathy but yes he is cute.

You are a tad premature to "right off" Britain.

Portraying the exiting as jingoism is un-forgivable though Abenaki.

And joining in on the vicious bullying of Britain when it's down and had a battering from the brutal gang leader Mrs.M !

Well shame on you.

You liberals can be mighty vicious when things dont go your way: the way of the democratically elected majority too.

And with the worldly wise Commander there to steer you in the right way and all.

It is un-forgivable of you.

That's what happens when you read the hostile and vicious Liberal propaganda only.

Subscribe to the Financial Times dear chap, it has a great Art section too and a Wine section: Hum sees you have a new interest in that.

Oh and a Gardening section: blue night lights are all the rage you know.

Hum can never be angry with you for long though.


Hum hears the wall has been scaled back.


It has been planned to be restricted to around your part of the settlement.

Don't worry Hum will break it down with his bare fists to release you.

Sadly Hum cannot release you from your perverse thinking but he will never give up trying for a dearest, dearest chum.


Sorry to hear the price of beaver pelts has dropped (again).

Oh and Hum knows that marijuana is now compulsory to ingest in your country but its having really perverse side effects.


On a slightly more serious note, didn't the Quebecois seek autonomy to preserve their culture. Was that wrong ? If so how ? And were they then stigmatised by the rest of Canada ? No, of course not, so why should Brits ? Were they punished as you gleefully consider the Brits will be ? Again no.

And doesn't it just vindicate the decision for Britain to leave ?

The German Chancellor is showing her true hostility towards Britain that operated whilst we were members.


On a recent visit to your good self, Hum noticed that you don't have open borders. Would you like open borders ? No. Well why should Britain ? And dont forget Britain has had a 1 million immigrants in a year ! That would be the Canadian equivalent of 50 million.

And how would you like it if you were effectively ruled by your bigger (and better looking) neighbour where you had no rights in your own country ?

No, didn't think so. So why should Britain ?

Unfortunately there is religious freedom in the UK: the reality is that any hateful view is protected and arriving migrants from Mecca-land are able to establish and radicalise others and interfere with others whose sexuality is different and who also view women they deem "provocatively" dressed (that is not dressed in a black sheet from tip to toe) as freely sexually available to mass assault.

Prosecuting these deviants is handicapped because under EU law their "Human Rights" are protected if they had family in the UK.

This perverse uber Liberalisation of Europe has to end, well at least in Britain (Hum is not advocating a right tendency just a correction to a middle position reflecting both hues).


Hum wonders how those were to live as ordinary citizens in a country which are struggling with mass immigration, laws made by other countries and where Muslim chums are growing faster than any other population in the country and where some cities, English is the third language !

We are in gridlock too, roads, rails, water supply electricity (75% imported) is running out of capacity.

The hitherto ignored citizen has simply said enough. Immigration will still continue (and is welcomed and is needed) but some control is necessary.

You live in a wonderful country, it is liberal, it is spacious and the way of life continues un-interrupted.

When you do pop over for a visit and stay, we must visit Birmingham (Britain's second largest city) it is a tad crowded and you will need to be able to speak Punjabi or Urdu but the curries are fantastic and of course they are rather intolerant of some life styles though.


Something to re-consider perhaps.

Forgive Hum, if he has protested too much and his playfulness was not too rough Hum hopes but you have been very naughty.

Too much coffee this morning ?

Has the Commander's shoulder been playing up again and has he been a little niggardly, bless him.

Been speaking perfect sense to Hum (and Jim wholeheartedly agrees).


Hum would much prefer instead to tell you all about the Colombe d'Or.

Hum knows you would adore it too.

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