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.......idle jottings


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Darn it Jim !

They've just discovered this !




So no longer the oldest man in the world !

Pipped by just a couple of weeks TOO !

Oh and the indignity of it ....... he's still smoking !

But surely (and hopefully), you're still the best sport in the world !


"Guzzle & Sail" ehh....


Edited by ho-hum
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Darn it Jim !

They've just discovered this !




So no longer the oldest man in the world !

Pipped by just a couple of weeks TOO !

Oh and the indignity of it ....... he's still smoking !

But surely (and hopefully), you're still the best sport in the world !


"Guzzle & Sail" ehh....



I realize sometimes it is confusing over there in the fog and all but drinking Port with breakfast will disorient you every time. That story is not about me.....It is actually about my Evil Twin, Trapper.:eek::D

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I realize sometimes it is confusing over there in the fog and all but drinking Port with breakfast will disorient you every time. That story is not about me.....It is actually about my Evil Twin, Trapper.:eek::D


Well you're right yet again Jim........it's a "right pea souper" here !

Can't see your hand in front of your face even.


But Port is an evening drink unless it is white Port.

No old chum it's a nip or two or three or four of whisky (Springbank) on Hum's oat porridge with Demerara sugar and double cream followed by a couple of nips with a pot of Irish Breakfast Tea and a round of toast and Seville orange marmalade (thick cut, natutrally).


No Hum's obvious confusion is probably a genetical condition.

Great wine (and whisky) is the cure.

Thank the Lord Hum found a cure !


But yes, Hum sees it now, TrapperZ it is !

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Well you're right yet again Jim........it's a "right pea souper" here !

Can't see your hand in front of your face even.


But Port is an evening drink unless it is white Port.


But of course it is. Tisk tisk, Mr. Hum. I was sure I told you i have read every Ian Fleming novel? That makes me a drink expert, right? Well, at least a 1950's version.....

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Well you're right yet again Jim........it's a "right pea souper" here !

Can't see your hand in front of your face even.


But Port is an evening drink unless it is white Port.


But of course it is. Tisk tisk, Mr. Hum. I was sure I told you i have read every Ian Fleming novel? That makes me a drink expert, right? Well, at least a 1950's version.....


Your proof sir !

Your proof.


Now you know Hum "hangs on every word" so if Jim says it then it must be true.

Even found this book (see link) to check it out:




Nothing !


What was a nice surprise was that Bond drank "Negroni"; now Hum loves a "Negroni" but only in Italy !

Oh and of course the champagnes and martini ("lemon twist" using a London Gin).


Hum loves Port.

Hum bought 6 cases (72 bottles !) of the 2000, which was rated 99 (of varying Port makers).

The 2001 was then rated 100: just Hum's luck !

The vintage Port was bought "en primeur" (really cheap) and will last Hum the rest of his days !

It is divine stuff and will evolve over the years offering delight upon delight (much like ctbjr1309).


But there's a "snag" !

Gout !

The curse of the "bon viveur".


So, are you "having Hum on" ?

Hum can be so very gullible......no, it's true.


One piece of advice.

If you want a Port and the barman asks you to select a bottle from the range on display amongst which there is a brand called "Cockburn", remember the "ck" is silent and it's pronounced like the actor James Coburn.

Oh ........ and the correct medical name for "cockburn" in men is called cystitis and very painful it is too !

Lots of water.

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Well the lady seems very nice and if she passes this way again.....(she's obviously been "sipping" early; probably upgraded herself to the "slurping" voluminously package too)....then have a great trip.

Oh and congratulations on your union.

Shame she had to wait 53 years.

Is that one of those overseas bridegrooms you hear about ?

Usually it's Russian brides called Svetlana ......or so MACT tells Hum.

Their photos show them looking "purring" with blonde, straight hair and a cleavage ...... always a cleavage.

They say they are romantic types and like to be active !

Active, shopping more like spending all your roubles no doubt !

MACT says he knows the type.

Don't forget he is the most experienced man on the forum, well you remember his exploits in London ?

Yes precisely.




Well just hold on there Mr Hum...seems you've been imbibing that port a little too freely and your fingers got a walking mighty exitedly over the keyboard.


I wish to put on the record and I was a young inquisitive, wet behind the ears lad at the time of said event and no young Russian ladies called Svetlana or any other exotically named ones participated in the "show".



But what on earth does she mean by: "Waiting to book air" ?

Is air an extra ?

What if youre a shallow breather ? Do you have to pay the same as someone who takes ruddy "lung fulls of the stuff" ?

Seems awfully unfair if you do.


And how is S+S ever a perk ?


So many ways to cruise are'nt there ?

On SD, you just get on !

And they ruddy give you a glass !!! [/Quote]


I have just spent the last ten minutes trying manfully to book more air for my lungs from all the laughing.


S+S = Stagger and Spill


Alegbra, never could understand it myself but now the fog of mystery clears...TOYB+S+S= happiness.

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"Only in America !"


Well that was what the rest of the world used to say.........funny though how so many want to leave their own countries and cultures and want to live in the US though !

Funny that.

You must have something right or (more likely) the immigrants homeland is less desirable (much, much less) for all kinds of reasons.


But how isn't the racist organisation (KFC) not banned ?

Freedom of speech is one thing but this is just hatefulness isn't it ?

America did away with the Confederate flag because it became (partly) associated with ethnic hatefulness, so why not this organisation ?


Oh and we have "bonkers" organisations too and our politicians especially so.

The political leader of Scotland and those purporting to represent the British "working classes" are doing a fabulous job of being completely divorced from reality to the growing utter astonishment of the rest of the country !

And yet they indeed have very impassioned followers too !


And on the Continent, the dithering, clueless Socialist politicians of Europe are going round demanding Muslim women to divest themselves of their attire when bathing on the beach because they are deemed to be dressed in too much clothing covering them !

But in Hum's opinion, allowing large men to display huge paunches over the tiniest of "speedos" as well as British male holidaymakers being allowed to parade around in brown socks and open sandals in their knee length shorts or even worse "just above the ankle"'trousers is really offensive !

They are the ones that should be imprisoned by the "fashion police".

Gawd awful sights !


Finally Raggy and chums, do you recall Hum advised he was going to "lighten up" on the "oh soooooo dull ones" ?

Well if proof were needed of dullness, here is the Leader of the Norwegian Liberal Party playing a game on her mobile phone whilst discussing the defence of her ruddy country !!




You see ?

Even when talking about the defence of their own country, it is so ruddy boring listening to the participants drone on that they have to amuse themselves to keep awake !

You wonder what her plan is to stop the "Ruskie" tanks rolling across the border.

It seems her solution maybe to eat more chocolate cake and lay across the border road !


And did you hear about Sir Richard Branson ?

Fell off his bike, he did.

Almost died, he did.

Remember what Hum told you 'bout riding 'dem racing bikes ?

Yes Hum.

We remember........oh wise One.

Well stay away from 'em.

Stroll instead with your lady by your side (or your man), talking, laughing.......... not hurtling around at "break neck speed": the clue's in the saying !


Yes it's been part rant, part ramble.

It's been the weekend.

Take no offence from Hum......you know him by now.

Silly old fool !

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Finally Raggy and chums, do you recall Hum advised he was going to "lighten up" on the "oh soooooo dull ones" ?

Well if proof were needed of dullness, here is the Leader of the Norwegian Liberal Party playing a game on her mobile phone whilst discussing the defence of her ruddy country !!




You see ?

Even when talking about the defence of their own country, it is so ruddy boring listening to the participants drone on that they have to amuse themselves to keep awake !

You wonder what her plan is to stop the "Ruskie" tanks rolling across the border.

It seems her solution maybe to eat more chocolate cake and lay across the border road !



No need to worry folks...remember the Norwegians have that Brigadier penguin in Edinburgh zoo ready with his AK47. Putin would never dare...


"Come on punk Putin make my day"

"Here pretty penguin I have a tasty fish for you"

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Dear moderator,


Please remove the reference to "KFC" from ho-hum's most recent post. I'm sure it was just a typo, as we all know that the Colonel's fried chicken represents what is good and right in the world, a universal symbol of love and deliciousness.



Thank you,


Ragnar "Thinks It's Finger Lick'n Good" D.

Edited by Ragnar Danneskjold
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"Only in America !"



But how isn't the racist organisation (KFC) not banned ?

Freedom of speech is one thing but this is just hatefulness isn't it ?

America did away with the Confederate flag because it became (partly) associated with ethnic hatefulness, so why not this organisation ?



As Ragnar noted we assume you are not anti fried chicken. And on CC the three initials you are probably referring to are "bleeped". Amazing isn't it? As you say only in America. This year the highest paid actor in Hollywood is black. The highest paid professional athletes are black. The president, attorney general, homeland security, big city mayors, police chiefs, etc. etc. etc. are all black. And are a whopping 13% of the population. My gosh, just imagine what they could do if they weren't confined to such a racist country!:eek::D Thank goodness we have SeaDream to retreat to and discuss more important topics like drinking port at breakfast.:D

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Well just hold on there Mr Hum...seems you've been imbibing that port a little too freely and your fingers got a walking mighty exitedly over the keyboard.


I wish to put on the record and I was a young inquisitive, wet behind the ears lad at the time of said event and no young Russian ladies called Svetlana or any other exotically named ones participated in the "show".


I have just spent the last ten minutes trying manfully to book more air for my lungs from all the laughing.


S+S = Stagger and Spill


Alegbra, never could understand it myself but now the fog of mystery clears...TOYB+S+S= happiness.


Apologies, apologies, apologies.

Your rebuke is fully justified.

Oh MACT you must forgive Hum.

No you must.

You really, really must.

Somehow the whole post had become mis-construed, no doubt because of Hum's poor clarification and lack of competent writing ability.

No association with the fictitious Svetlana was ever intended dear chum.

You are wholly exonerated but you were never implicated either.


Is there any point in explaining or is it best to let matters lie.

Some brief explanation may assist.

Hum was simply deferring an area of expertise regarding womenfolk away from himself (who is frankly clueless but a besotted admirer) to one of a more mature sensibility and awareness (like your very good self) but at the same time not even suggesting the hint of philandering.

Heavens forbid.



Pythagoras would be of proud of ye'.

To a few, "Idle Jottings" is a form of "literary algebra".

Totally incomprehensible drivel !

And utterly pointless !

But readers have to persevere and after a while they become familiar with the terminology and view it in a manner similar to one dabbling in the "Dark Arts" of yore to decipher a kind of sense from these jottings, idly selected and "laid down" before you.

But when you do !

Ah when you do.

A new World is entered upon.

And you can join Hum and chums in a different reality for a while and return to "normality" refreshed and en-vigoured.

Reflecting to yourself "what just happened"?

You were on SD at the TOYB with Hum and chums !

Kind of.

Sort of.

Well, wasn't there something of the flavour, the atmosphere, the vibe ?

"Oh what nonsense" !


Same time tomorrow then ?

"Very well Hum"



No need to worry folks...remember the Norwegians have that Brigadier penguin in Edinburgh zoo ready with his AK47. Putin would never dare...


"Come on punk Putin make my day"

"Here pretty penguin I have a tasty fish for you"


Trained penguins !

Brilliant !

But, as you suggest, for a "red herring" (geddit......Russians: The Reds) they could turn on their Masters !

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Apologies, apologies, apologies.

Your rebuke is fully justified.

Oh MACT you must forgive Hum.

No you must.

You really, really must.

Somehow the whole post had become mis-construed, no doubt because of Hum's poor clarification and lack of competent writing ability.

No association with the fictitious Svetlana was ever intended dear chum.

You are wholly exonerated but you were never implicated either.


Is there any point in explaining or is it best to let matters lie.

Some brief explanation may assist.

Hum was simply deferring an area of expertise regarding womenfolk away from himself (who is frankly clueless but a besotted admirer) to one of a more mature sensibility and awareness (like your very good self) but at the same time not even suggesting the hint of philandering.

Heavens forbid. [/Quote]



No need to apologise whatsoever!

Everything in jest...I thought your post hilarious.


My late father provided me with many wise words and wisdom...one being "try to avoid doing things you can't spell". Well, fillanderererinngg comes into that category I do say!


Thankfully, from a young age I was word perfect with "Bunnahabhain" malt whisky.


Trained penguins !

Brilliant !

But, as you suggest, for a "red herring" (geddit......Russians: The Reds) they could turn on their Masters !


It's all true, legendary in fact! The squadron, led by their estemed Brigadier are trained to perfection to march at 3.00pm everyday out of their enclosure and take a walk to stretch their webbed feet. Thier timing of "left, right, left, right" is a sight to behold.

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Jim, I could make your day even happier by allowing you to pay for our next cruise, too.


Oops, the travel kitty looks a bit small at the moment. Maybe Ho-Hum will let you collect all the spare change in his sofa.......Should cover it fine. :D:D

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Dear moderator,

Please remove the reference to "KFC" from ho-hum's most recent post. I'm sure it was just a typo, as we all know that the Colonel's fried chicken represents what is good and right in the world, a universal symbol of love and deliciousness.

Thank you,

Ragnar "Thinks It's Finger Lick'n Good" D.


As Ragnar noted we assume you are not anti fried chicken. And on CC the three initials you are probably referring to are "bleeped". Amazing isn't it? As you say only in America. This year the highest paid actor in Hollywood is black. The highest paid professional athletes are black. The president, attorney general, homeland security, big city mayors, police chiefs, etc. etc. etc. are all black. And are a whopping 13% of the population. My gosh, just imagine what they could do if they weren't confined to such a racist country!:eek::D Thank goodness we have SeaDream to retreat to and discuss more important topics like drinking port at breakfast.:D


Gentlemen, gentlemen.

Un-bunch your under garments for they have become most twisted and your eyes are watering so !


Look fellas Hum was simply playing ........... trivialising the KKK by switching it to KFC.

Hilarious, was't it ?

Well at least it demonstrates you were paying attention.

And for that Hum is a tad flattered and surprised too.


Hum was only calling into question how a racist party could exist in a society where integration is possibly the best in the world (Hum would never even think the opposite) and as you clarify, diversity is greatly accepted (more so than the "pockets" of prejudice) and talent is very much appreciated regarding exceptional black artists (cannot stand that Kanye West though, oh and Chris Brown).


However someone commenting so unkindly about your southern neighbours is wholly un-acceptable even if there are proven social issues related to a proportion of illegal immigration.



Hum would drink a Lagavulin (Islay whisky) if he were eating kippers or Abroath smokies.

He would have a Springbank (light whisky) on his porridge too.

And he would drink a light champagne (Veuve Cliquot) if eating caviar.

But never Port......in the ruddy morning.

Please, in all that is decent......leave it there.


Oh by the way here is the alleged actual recipe for KFC !




Has anybody made it ?

What are chum's favourite chicken recipes ?

Coq-au-vin for Hum with a Burgundy.


The subject matter that is covered here is mind boggling !


KKK - KFC - racism - Penguins - Defence of Norway - Islay whisky - chicken recipes (at least we dropped "ping-pong" !).


Finally, whilst it is most rewarding having Raggy contributing here, Hum nevertheless suspects that he is merely shirking from the project on his home thus delaying the visit by Jim and Hum.

We know Raggy too well.


Hope the knee is improving old chum.

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KFC can be both the best and the worst fried chicken. The corporate stores are run by bored highschool drop out "managers" who don't give hoot about product quality. The chicken at these stores is a lukewarm, overcooked, greasy mess.


But, if you are fortunate enough to find a store owned by a franchisee who is still "in the loop" on his/her chicken's quality, then you are in for a treat of the highest order :D Oh those 11 herbs and spices, combined with the proprietery pressure fryer, can produce the best fried chicken on the planet.


Sadly, the expansion is on hold. The builder's final quote came in at double his earlier "back of the envelope" estimate. We are interviewing other builders, and working with the architect on various potential cost reductions. A major problem has been that foundation companies and framing companies are jacking up rates as they have all gotten super busy (another RE bubble forming?). We are looking at builders that have there own crews and can do the project without subs.


The knee has taken a step backward, as it appears to be infected and they may have to go back in to "wash it out" :eek: It hurts like the dickens, I have a high fever, and I have to use crutches to get around.


And our pony was found to have bladder stones so he also went under the knife last week. Seems to be recovering well. It will be a while until my wallet recovers though, it cost a week for two in the caribbean on SeaDream, including coach airfare!


Poor Mrs D, she's having to play nursemaid to two old, convalescing dogs...

Edited by Ragnar Danneskjold
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Dog people are good people.:D Mr. Hum needs to get Idle Jottings back on track.:eek:


Doubt ho-hum has ever stepped foot on a track....


haha........quite correct Raggy

"the road less travelled" though ……..oh yes !

it meanders mostly

quite unlike a railway track

taking the hordes along in un-conscious, un-examined, un-eventful comfort


Hum thinks a more appropriate phrase from Jim

would have been

to "get back in the saddle"

but even that is too earnest

as if there is still a goal

no goals anymore

thank heavens

even, just to get out of it alive

has been cancelled..........permanently


jottings......idly composed

pointless observations

and blustery empty rants

"much ado about nothing"

wonderfully penned


the mood, for Hum, is a tad subdued

what with events on SDI

as it for many of you too, no doubt

no, not moping


and less full of Hum-self

and maybe it's time to ……


go on SDII soon

maybe with that there could be…….

wait and see

until then it’s been great to hear from others

makes a nice change from ‘ol big head ALL the ruddy time

doesn't it (rhetorical)




thought it might make a nice change.....Hum likes it

no doubt MACT has an opinion

did'nt like the last font style

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OK, dearest hum, you were cruising for a bruising ... :D


Has the Baron become the new Teutonic "rap artist" of "Hi-de-hi-burg"......"cruising for a bruising" !!!



Are you sure, blondie traveled with "our" hum on this cruise???:confused:

While reading these lines, BoH can't believe it! ;)


It was a shock to Hum too (the "very down to earth" reference).

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thought it might make a nice change.....Hum likes it

no doubt MACT has an opinion

did'nt like the last font style


Opinion?..whoever took notice of my opinion, certainly appears not to be very high on the Richter scale in my household.


The font used in your last deliberation is a tad small, but variety in life is essential to avoid becoming stuck in habits...just ask a monk but you probably can't, as stuck for so many years in habits that many have lost the ability to speak!


SeaDream 1 hitting the the proverbial rocks, even those peace loving Norwegians are currently erecting a "friendly" border fence between themselves and Russia as their elite fighters are still eating fish in Edinburgh zoo...What is a "friendly" border fence? "Ve are coming to invade zoor country, ya?" "Okay come in then, but please wipe your boots first".


September starts uneasily in this most turbulent of years.

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Opinion?..whoever took notice of my opinion, certainly appears not to be very high on the Richter scale in my household.


The font used in your last deliberation is a tad small, but variety in life is essential to avoid becoming stuck in habits...just ask a monk but you probably can't, as stuck for so many years in habits that many have lost the ability to speak!


SeaDream 1 hitting the the proverbial rocks, even those peace loving Norwegians are currently erecting a "friendly" border fence between themselves and Russia as their elite fighters are still eating fish in Edinburgh zoo...What is a "friendly" border fence? "Ve are coming to invade zoor country, ya?" "Okay come in then, but please wipe your boots first".


September starts uneasily in this most turbulent of years.


Good heavens !

This was'nt the font Hum adopted !

Something happened 'tween incorporating one style and this !

"A tad small" ...... downright miniscule !

No, no, no.

It won't do at all, not at all.



"Wipe your feet"


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Well, if Tiki Man's report is true then some previous replies can see light of day.

And this one was quite important.

No funny fonts this time MACT: font scrutineer to the stars.


Jim, I could make your day even happier by allowing you to pay for our next cruise, too.


Oops, the travel kitty looks a bit small at the moment. Maybe Ho-Hum will let you collect all the spare change in his sofa.......Should cover it fine. :D:D


Yes, the contents from deep within the crevices of the sofa Hum usually favours when imbibing, are all yours TrapperZ !

It comprises of:

- 3 corks

- 2 half-eaten Ritz crackers

- 1 piece of cheese (Somerset Cheddar, Hum guesses)

- 2 six-penny pieces (old currency, sorry)

- 4 beer tops

- 2 biros (only 1 works)

- glass top from a decanter

- 1 dart

- 2 playing cards (10 of spades and 2 of clubs)

- chewing gum (cleaner's !)

- 1 glass marble

- 1 cotton reel and pink cotton

- 2 items Hum would not like to mention (1 used !)

- 1 comb (not Hum's, he never uses 'em)

- 3 ring pulls

- and rather a lot of hair (does Hum have "aloo-pea-sher" ? Sounds like an Indian curry doesn't it ?).


Please arrange pre-paid collection (excluding decanter top) from Hum House, Poshland, County of Posh, Great Britain.


Note to self: sack the ruddy cleaners.


No, not a word, no need to thank Hum, it is entirely Hum's pleasure but why Jim thinks you would want it, is beyond Hum.


May Hum suggest to you, TrapperZ that you in turn suggest to Jim that you know where his (illegal) tequila still operation is hidden ....... maybe then Jim will look in his "bootleg kitty" if the "travel kitty" is empty.


What's down your sofa ?

Hum is declaring today: "Look down your sofa Day"

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