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Happy Birthday To Me: Breakaway Review, March 2-9


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Before we dive into what promises to be a long and detailed review, here’s the short-but-sweet version:


The trip – planned to mark my 50th birthday, and my first full-length cruise – was one of the best vacations I’ve ever taken… maybe even THE best. Fantastic food (via the Ultimate Dining Package), lots of new friends (thanks to my Cruise Critic Meet & Greet), a big win in the casino. Yes, there were a few misses, which I’ll detail in the review, but nothing significant. Yes, we had one wildly bumpy night that left a lot of people ill and a few things broken, although I emerged relatively unscathed. Yes, everything you own will wind up smelling of smoke thanks to the casino.


Want the full story? Read on… and hit the comments with any questions! Note that I’m going to break this into several entries here on the main board, but if you want to read the whole review without comments and questions interrupting, look for it in the “Review” section… once I get around to finishing it!



As New York City’s my home port, I was at the pier by 10 a.m., and checked in by 10:30. The process was incredibly easy, although right from the start, you could spot the people who were bound and determined to have an awful time. While we sat waiting to board, one older man began furiously expounding about how upset he was about having had to walk so far to check in. It’s worth noting that the check in’s at the far end of the space were FAR less crowded than those up front, so it’s pretty easy to imagine that had he gone through those lines, he’d have been complaining about how long it took. This behavior was something I saw over and over again: people complaining for the sake of complaining.


Let’s stop here to discuss the first of several lessons learned: When picking out your wardrobe for the first day, make sure it’s fully functional! Only after handing my suitcase — which was approximately the size of Tahiti — over to a porter did I realize that the zipper on the jeans I was wearing wasn’t particularly interested in staying up. Every 10 minutes or so, I’d check and find it down. And of course, I was stuck with this outfit until my luggage was delivered to my room later that day. I’m sure I wound up flashing more than a few people. File that one under #SmallThrills


Moving on…


Once the boarding process began, things moved incredibly quickly. I was on the ship by noon, and was in the atrium with a cocktail in hand by 12:15 p.m.! Before swinging by the bar, I went straight to Guest Services in an attempt to snag a pass for Vibe Beach Club. Managed to snag the 17th pass of the limited number they sell, then sank my butt into one of the big, cozy chairs in the atrium and soaked up the atmosphere. For about 30 minutes, I had the space completely to myself. Honestly, I sat there thinking, “Holy crap… after a year of planning and waiting and obsessing, it’s finally here! My first full-length cruise!”


Time for another lesson learned, and for many of you, this one will already come too late: Don’t over plan. Don’t read too much. As with a striptease, there should be something left to the imagination. When I finally got my first glimpse of the infamous chandelier that hangs at 678 Ocean Place, I was… underwhelmed. Don’t get me wrong: It’s gorgeous. But you know how the rearview mirror of your car warns, “Objects in mirror are closer than they appear?” Well, sites aboard the ship will prove more stunning if you haven’t seen 10,000 pictures of them. By not looking at every picture you can find and not reading every bit of info available, you’ll find that things make their own impression as opposed to seeming smaller or less grand than you might have anticipated.


By this time, the rooms were ready, so I made my way to cabin 12906… which for many folks on these boards, myself included, might just as well be called The Gambee Balcony. After all, it was his review of the ship in general — and the balcony of this room in particular — that led me to wind up in the aft-facing balcony of my dreams. Once inside the room, I found an envelope on the bed inviting me to a VIP meet-and-greet with the ship’s captain, being held the following night in the Haven. And after wandering around a bit, I returned to find yet another treat: This time, it was a plate of delicious canapés! Headed off in search of food, and found that they’d set up a mini buffet in Moderno. Nothing fancy, but the grilled chicken and fries hit the spot and promised to hold me over until my reservation that evening at Le Bistro.


Wandering through the casino, just to sort of eye which machines would be eating all my cash over the next week (or so I assumed), I signed up for a slot tournament which would be held during our sea days. (Registreation was $15 bucks, and you could enter as many times as you wanted.) My muster drill station was in the Manhattan Room, and this was actually the only time during the entire week that I set foot in one of the Main Dining Rooms, thanks to the fact that I had pre-purchased the Ultimate Dining Plan and would wind up eating all my dinners in specialty restaurants. At the muster drill, I met fellow Cruise Critic member Tita and her son… who it just so happened were staying in the aft-facing balcony room next to mine! We would wind up spending a LOT of time together over the next week, and lemme tell you something: those two were the proverbial hoot, as well as the accompanying half.


As the dinner hour approached, I headed down to Mixx bar, which was shockingly quiet despite being situated directly between Savor and Taste, two of the main dining rooms. Downed a potent Moscow Mule while reading, then headed to Le Bistro for my first dinner. And man, what a way to start the week! If you eat nothing else in a specialty restaurant during your cruise, I’m going to have to insist that you swing by here to try the escargot. Three words… To. Die. For. Oh, sure, I also had a tasty salmon mouse starter and the lamb chops, but the escargot was the star. I have to say, you KNOW a meal is good when I eat the veggies, which in this case were some kind of zucchini hash accompanying the perfectly-prepared lamb. I actually skipped dessert not only this night, but just about every night… which may have helped prevent me from gaining weight despite there being food here, there and everywhere.


For absolutely no reason whatsoever, I wound up attending the jewelry sale and raffle. I have to say, the energy exuded by the hostess was infectious. Whether you gave a crap about what they were selling or not, you couldn’t help but get caught up in her vibe. After that, it was a drink or two at Shaker’s Martini Bar before heading back to the room for some good, old-fashioned stare-at-the-ocean-and-mull-over-life time, after which I hit the sack.




More to come...

Edited by Tralfie
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DAY 2 (Sea Day)


Slept like a baby, or maybe just a plump, buzzed guy only days away from 50, rousing myself out of bed at 9. Eventually, I walked up to Vibe to check it out (the pass was $79 for the week). Nice area, kinda hard to figure out how to access it the first time you go searching for the entrance. The space was very quiet that morning, so I hung, read for a bit, then went to my Cruise Critic Meet & Greet.


Okay, let’s take a minute to talk about Meet & Greets. In a word, GO. And even before that, be active in your Cruise Critic roll call. Apparently, I managed to be at least mildly amusing during my roll call posts, because when I arrived at the Meet & Greet (late, because it had been moved and I’m easily confused), several people said they’d been looking forward to meeting me. I can only assume that either my mother paid them off for fear I’d spend the week bored and alone (what with traveling solo) or they were easily entertained. But no matter the case, I met people whom I’d cross paths with all week, and I met people who would make this trip a thousand times better than it would have been had I not attended. So… run, do not walk, to your roll call and meet and greet!


After the M&G was the slot pull, which Carol ran beautifully. Those of us taking part — and we had a great, fun group — paid $15 each, which bought us five spins on a Wheel Of Fortune machine. At the end, we divided up the profits. Paid $15, walked away with $19. Hey, given the odds of walking away with anything in a casino, that was pretty darn good! Following the slot pull, I wound up hanging out with Steve and Ann, whom I’d met there, for a drink and some really fantastic talk. Great people from Montana, a place I couldn’t find on the map if I tried.


When we went our separate ways, I headed to my room and met Louisa, my room steward. I’d already met her husband (Roberto?), so it was interesting hearing about their life as a ship-board married couple. Heading down to the atrium, I watched Deal Or No Deal… which is a blast, even just as a spectator. For the first time, I kinda understood the audience mentality that causes folks with absolutely no vested interest to cheer and boo as game shows unfold.


I was supposed to have dinner that night at Cagney’s, but I’d made the mistake of pigging out in the buffet earlier that afternoon, so I skipped dinner. I hit the buffet several times during the week, usually for lunch, and have to say I really enjoyed it. I’m a bit of a foodie, but it’s a really new development. Until about 10 years ago, I had a REALLY limited spectrum of foods that I’d eat. You couldn’t have paid me to eat escargot or anything that might be mistaken for a salad… even if you deep-fried it. Now, however, I’m far more adventurous. But even as a budding foodie, I’d still say the buffet food was pretty high quality. I always found something different, it was always right around the right temperature, and I never failed to find a table… although sometimes, the best approach was to leave the crowded main area and head to those closer to the pool.



It was time to head to the Haven for the VIP meet-and-greet with the captain. Yeah, yeah, sure, get a pic with the captain. I was there to check out The Haven! And man, is it gorgeous. From the private bar to the pool area, totally swankified. Ran into Steve and Ann again… and for some reason, at this point, I decided his name was Bob. I continued to labor under this delusion for several days. A couple of other folks from my CC M&G were there, including Jeffrey and June, who were on their honeymoon. Leaving the Haven, I headed down to the casino to throw some money down the toilet, and got an incredible invitation: Andrea (aka MommyTo2Girls) & her hubby, Harold, invited me to spend Friday — which was both my 50th birthday and our day at Great Stirrup Cay — hanging with them in the cabana they’d rented for the day. I couldn’t have been more excited. Heck, thanks to Cruise Critic, I was feeling like the bell of the ball… but unlike Cinderella, I crashed early, heading to my room around 10:30. Once there, my upset stomach had me convinced that I’d contracted nurovirus… which, um, turned out to actually be gas. A few burps later, I was good to go. Climbing out of bed, I went to the Norwegian’s Night Out Party for a bit, gambled a bit and then — having skipped Cagney’s — went to O’Sheehan’s for a late-night snack of fish & chips along with a platter of wings, all of which was as good as people say!




Stay tuned for Day 3...

Edited by Tralfie
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Thanks so much for writing your review and opening with the positive. We'll be on Breakaway on March 23. I'm trying not to over-plan but I'm stuck in the "too close to vacation to resist" gravity well. I'm looking forward to more of your review!

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I loved your review and I loved your caption "Happy Birthday to Me". We are sailing next month on the Getaway for one sisters 50th birthday and the other sisters 60th. Hope our family has as much fun as yours.

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Loving this Richard…thanks for the shout out, but it was Wednesday at GSC cause it was my birthday not yours..lol. We totally enjoyed our day with you :)

I am loving this review and I was there!





HA! You're right! It was YOUR birthday! Look at me... stealing your thunder!





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Thanks for the terrific detailed review.


If you wouldn't mind answering a quick question or two, what night and at what time are the fireworks for the Florida/Bahamas 7 day cruise? Thanks in advance.


Well, in our case, there were no fireworks. LOL


They were originally slated for Day 5, after we left Nassau, following the 80's Party. But because of winds, they were postponed. The weather continued to present issues for the days to come, so we wound up not getting fireworks.

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I keep literally laughing out loud. I had to read a few lines to my husband because I keep cracking up! LOVE your writing style.....and the review is great so far!


My favorites so far: your entire zipper story #smallthrills hahahahahaha, "Slept like a baby, or maybe just a plump, buzzed guy only days away from 50, rousing myself out of bed at 9" and "Ran into Steve and Ann again… and for some reason, at this point, I decided his name was Bob. I continued to labor under this delusion for several days."


LMAO! Can't wait to see more...

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I keep literally laughing out loud. I had to read a few lines to my husband because I keep cracking up! LOVE your writing style...


Well aren't YOU my new favorite cruise critic member! :)


I actually love writing. I do it professionally (I'm the editor of a magazine) and for fun (having authored two books), so I can't even begin to tell you how tickled I am by your comments. I'd say I'm "tickled pink," but I suspect my rosy glow has more to do with the last lingering bits of sun I got during the trip... or perhaps the bourbon I'm currently enjoying...

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Well aren't YOU my new favorite cruise critic member! :)


I actually love writing. I do it professionally (I'm the editor of a magazine) and for fun (having authored two books), so I can't even begin to tell you how tickled I am by your comments. I'd say I'm "tickled pink," but I suspect my rosy glow has more to do with the last lingering bits of sun I got during the trip... or perhaps the bourbon I'm currently enjoying...


Love it! Can't wait to

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If you are ever troubled by your zipper again, and happen to have a keyring handy, just loop the ring through the end of the zipper and circle the ring around your button. Zipper will not go down again! Love your review! I'm still debating on Vibe, as we will have Haven access... Decisions Decisions... Looking forward to more! :D

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DAY 3 (Port Canaveral)

When sailing out of New York in March, you have to expect that it’s gonna be cold… and it definitely was the first day. By day 3, everything had changed… including the basic demeanor of everyone on board. Amazing what some sunshine can do for you! Suddenly, the pool deck and other areas were crawling with sun worshippers tilting their heads toward their god of choice. Folks were everywhere, and the mood was downright joyous… except, of course, if you were trying to use the jogging track.


Here’s the thing: In many cases, Breakaway proved that a bigger ship doesn’t necessarily translate into bigger (let alone better) public spaces. The jogging track is a great example. It is a ridiculously short track that could not be in a worse place, given that several of the slides exit directly onto it. You also have all kinds of gawkers standing there, looking up at the folks about to take the Freefall plunge. And while the track claims that five laps equal a mile, I’m pretty sure that’s inaccurate. I usually struggle to jog 2 miles under the best of circumstances, and I had absolutely no problem (aside from dodging interlopers) doing 12 or 13 laps.


But, as usual, I digress…


After doing my morning jog, I went down to the gym. Hey, I was inspired to work out, and heaven knew when THAT would happen again. I climbed aboard a treadmill and did another mile or so while watching as we sailed into Port Canaveral. This was the only day I exercised, although I can’t blame that on the size of the jogging track or the equipment in the gym (which was all perfectly fine), but rather… well, I blame Norwegian. They lulled me into a sense of relaxation that left me unable to do anything more taxing than walk to a bar, buffet or restaurant! How very dare!


Following my morning constitutional — wait, do only dogs have those? And does it mean that I pooped while I was walking, as dogs do? — I went back to my cabin and sat on my gorgeous balcony — bathed in the Florida sunlight — talking to Tita, who I think I told you was in the cabin next to mine (with her son, Charlie). We gossiped for a while, exchanged gambling tips and then made plans to have dinner that night at Moderno. The important business of “where will my next meal come from” dealt with, I headed up to Vibe (the adults-only area I’d bought a pass for on Day 1), which proved to be a great respite from… well, everything. The area was practically empty, and the staff was quite pleasant. Every now and then, they’d come around with fresh fruit skewers and even spray bottles which they offered to use to spritz you down with. You know, the way you do meats cooking on a grill. Honestly, this made me kinda laugh. I mean, I’m just not comfortable with someone coming over and spraying me down…. and it’s not because I’m like the dude in Beauty & The Beast (“Look away! Do not gaze at my unsightly form!”), but rather cause it feels so demeaning to the poor staffer who has to do it! If there’s one thing I’d love to change about Vibe, it’s that I wish they had a water feature like the one at Spice H20. But since they didn’t have one, I took full advantage of the hot tubs, which are perfectly positioned for staring off into the distance. I also took advantage of the bar, perfectly positioned to serve me drinks to encourage staring off into the distance.


Funny (to me) sidebar: At one point, a group of tourists came through. I don’t think these were people already on the ship, but rather people (I assume from Florida, since that’s where we were docked at the time) on a tour of the ship. They were ushered into Vibe, and they poked around a few minutes as if we were animals on display at the zoo. (Reminder: “Look away!”) Most of them were elderly. As they were leaving, one of them looked over at me and whispered, "Is this free?" I said, "No, it's $79 for the week." Like something out of that old hair commercial, he told two friends and they told two friends and so on... by the time they walked out of Vibe, the entire group of old folks was muttering about "nickel and diming" and I felt bad for the hostess, who was probably going to get an earful at the end of the tour...


After a couple hours, I moseyed on back to my cabin (okay, I've gone from being a puppy on his constitutional to a cowboy!) for more gossip with Tita. I later ran into a few other cruise critic folks and went to Headliners for some karaoke. Carol -- who'd organized the slot pull -- was there with her son, Jimmy, who had us all clapping and hooting and hollering like fools when he took the stage.


Dinner was with Tita and Charlie are Moderno, and the meal was fantastic. Just the salad bar alone was awesome! I have to say, this was probably the worst service I had during the entire week. It wasn't bad, per se, as much as... disinterested. The waiter seemed like he wanted to be anywhere else. Instead of making any form of eye contact when talking to us, he was always looking elsewhere. When we made requests, they took forever to be delivered (if they were at all). Fortunately, Moderno isn't a restaurant that really relies heavily on your server. And the company was great.


Once I had a full belly, I went back to my room and wound up laying down to take a "nap." Of course, being (at this point) three days away from 50, my nap turned into "down for the count." And I probably would have stayed there... had the music from the 70's Party being held up at Spice -- three decks above my aft-facing balcony - not kicked in. "Hey, fool," it seemed to shout at me, "You're on vacation! Get your butt outta bed!" So I did just that, went up to spice and grooved to the 70's tunes for a while before heading down to the casino where, sadly, the fortunes were not smiling upon me. But it was fun, anyways. With the next day being our stop on the private island, I eventually headed to bed in anticipation of a great day on the beach...


More to come...

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Thanks for the great review Richard, looking forward to the rest of it. This is the person formerly known as "Bob". Ann and I had a great time visiting with you as it is just as fun talking with you in person as it is reading your posts. We had a great time on board the Breakaway and getting to meet and visit with you was a special treat. I hope we are able to cross paths again on a future cruise:D.


Steve and Ann Denny

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Excellent review! When I read this I felt like I have been on this ship. But I havent. Your writing style makes me feel like I was there. Great stuff!! I was supposed to be on it last Sept. But come final payment and it was no dice. Maybe sometime in the future. Looking forward to the rest.

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