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What're your thoughts on MSC?


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The food is hit and miss; especially if you are not use to European style of preparing and serving food. I posted a thread that compared breakfast & lunck to Burger King. I was immediately attacked by several "Bullies" who said I had an ax to grind.


Pax et bonum,




In nomine Patris et *****, et spiritus sancti


If you didn't like the bacon because it was chewy, then why didn't you ask any one of the servers behind the line, or any of White Uniform Officers required to be present at every meal on the MSC Divina to please you? You did want to be pleased didn't you?


Jerome asked and he got a plate full of nice crispy bacon just like he enjoys it, and he got it every day. Just by opening his mouth and asking for it.


Did you ask that your needs be met? What did Guest Relations or the Officers say? Did you ask that you be provided with something other than Burger King?


So did you ask anyone for anything to be replaced or to be given to you? Re cooked? Not once in any of your comments or reviews, do you ever say you asked for something to be corrected. You never gave MSC the chance to rectify any situation or problem.


Wallow, wallow, wallow, down the Misery Yellow Brick Road and complain all the way to Oz. Wallow the Yellow Brick, wallow the Yellow Brick, wallow the Misery Road......


Ask and I shall receive. Expect and Entitled, and I would get absolutely nothing but the title of The MSC Divina Bacon Hater.

Edited by cruiseguys2009
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I have to admit that the crispiest bacon I have ever had has been on MSC. It is, in Amomondo's words , "like shrapnel". Bacon can be toooooo crispy! I prefer thick-cut, back bacon with all the fat trimmed off. MSC's was the bacon equivalent of a pork scratching - all flavour but not really food as we know it.


As to comparisons with Royal Caribbean, the differences have been well-documented here.


MSC ships are most tasteful and less bling/glitzy

MSC service is more reserved and less in-your-face

MSC entertainment is more music-based and less wordy

MSC has an over-the-top Italian theme in everything, more Italian than Italy

MSC knows how to fully cook a fried egg without turning it over!


That latter point I think is the biggest Transatlantic divide and may yet lead to World War 3.



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In nomine Patris et *****, et spiritus sancti


If you didn't like the bacon because it was chewy, then why didn't you ask any one of the servers behind the line, or any of White Uniform Officers required to be present at every meal on the MSC Divina to please you? You did want to be pleased didn't you?


Jerome asked and he got a plate full of nice crispy bacon just like he enjoys it, and he got it every day. Just by opening his mouth and asking for it.


Did you ask that your needs be met? What did Guest Relations or the Officers say? Did you ask that you be provided with something other than Burger King?


So did you ask anyone for anything to be replaced or to be given to you? Re cooked? Not once in any of your comments or reviews, do you ever say you asked for something to be corrected. You never gave MSC the chance to rectify any situation or problem.


Wallow, wallow, wallow, down the Misery Yellow Brick Road and complain all the way to Oz. Wallow the Yellow Brick, wallow the Yellow Brick, wallow the Misery Road......


Ask and I shall receive. Expect and Entitled, and I would get absolutely nothing but the title of The MSC Divina Bacon Hater.


I got the raw bacon in the MDR, not the buffet. Isn't it the waiters responsibility to bring out the food the way you requested it?


Every night I asked the waiter to please put the bread in front of me so I don't have to turn around. How many times can you ask for somthing?


Pax et bonum,


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Your statements are so "ridiculous" as so far from the truth!!!


From God's lips to your ears. The purpose of CC is to share your cruise experience. I missed the thread where it asks other members to evaluate each members comments. As they say in Ireland: "Up Mayo".


Pax et bonum,


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From God's lips to your ears. The purpose of CC is to share your cruise experience. I missed the thread where it asks other members to evaluate each members comments. As they say in Ireland: "Up Mayo".


Pax et bonum,



If you were to open the Asbury Park Press or the Star Ledger and see a restaurant review or a movie review that consisted completely of the following:


"It sucked"


How much credibility would you give this critic?


Your posts are the Cruise Critic equivalent. You have provided no helpful information, no discussions on measures attempted to correct anything, and outright lies (unless your bacon came from the refrigerator to you, never having seen a heat source, this is a lie).


One can only come to the conclusion that either:

-You are a toddler experiencing a tantrum


-You have an agenda (otherwise known as an ax to grind)


Whatever the reason, an educated reader has no choice but to ignore, confront or laugh.

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If you were to open the Asbury Park Press or the Star Ledger and see a restaurant review or a movie review that consisted completely of the following:


"It sucked"


How much credibility would you give this critic?


Your posts are the Cruise Critic equivalent. You have provided no helpful information, no discussions on measures attempted to correct anything, and outright lies (unless your bacon came from the refrigerator to you, never having seen a heat source, this is a lie).


One can only come to the conclusion that either:

-You are a toddler experiencing a tantrum


-You have an agenda (otherwise known as an ax to grind)


Whatever the reason, an educated reader has no choice but to ignore, confront or laugh.


Correct. I just gave my experience which is what CC is all about.


Pax et bonum,


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The company in general in just a disaster. They can't do anything right.


We just completed a charter on the Divina. Given the fact that the charter company chose not to charter with MSC again in 2015 speaks volumes.


Of the 2,750 onboard, very few would repeat an MSC cruise. Just an example of MSCs ineptitude:


The MSC transfer bus from the port to FLL broke down four times on the way to the airport. Some people missed flights. I was unable to find many things that MSC did right.


I used to consider Carnival the bottom feeder among cruise lines, but MSC easily replaces them.

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I've seen a few comments and reviews from the people on the charter. Apparently, they forced MSC to do "freestyle" dining when that is not what MSC does. Of course it was a disaster. Take charter people's reviews with a grain of salt, they thought they could control everything.

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The company in general in just a disaster. They can't do anything right.


We just completed a charter on the Divina. Given the fact that the charter company chose not to charter with MSC again in 2015 speaks volumes.


Of the 2,750 onboard, very few would repeat an MSC cruise. Just an example of MSCs ineptitude:


The MSC transfer bus from the port to FLL broke down four times on the way to the airport. Some people missed flights. I was unable to find many things that MSC did right.


I used to consider Carnival the bottom feeder among cruise lines, but MSC easily replaces them.


I have read many of the reviews from the charter you're talking about, and find it interesting that most cast no blame with the Charter company!

Having been on a few Charter cruises for 'gamblers':eek: I know first hand it the Charter group who is responsible for almost everything that happens good and bad on the Charter cruise cause they are the ones who organized, and set it up! They are the point people who fix any problems! We had problems, but we didn't let it ruin our cruise!

The people who went on your Charter don't want to blame the Charter company who set up the rules for the cruise before the ship left port!

Why, it was their Charter, could it be the reviewers are protecting their friends at the Charter company?

1) Complaints about crowded dining rooms might be because the 'Charter' decided to go with anytime dining, and too many people showed up at once! DUH! The Charter should have known this, it was their fault!

2) Complaints about long times getting a drink, again the Charter's fault cause who knows their Charter members better then the Charter Company themselves! As was stated by other non-complainers 'we like to party more then average cruisers'!

Blame can go around, but it seems focused on MSC, not the Charter! Why is that, maybe attempts by the Charter and their friends not to loose future customers by blaming the cruise line only!

Reviewers should ask themselves why they are focused on MSC mistakes, and nothing on the Charter mistakes! Then maybe their reviews would be more believable!

One reviewer said he saw someone yelling at a bar tender about his cabin!

You mentioned a bus, do you really think MSC owned the bus, or was it leased/rented for this cruise! Maybe MSC should have gotten another bus company, maybe the Charter should have gotten you from the port to the airport, or maybe you should have taken care of it yourself, see, blame can go around!

No one wants to have problems on a cruise, but a lot of the reviews for this Charter sound way over the top, and I'm sure MSC is just as happy not to deal with this Charter company again!

And if you think a cruise on a Charter is the same as a regular cruise then you are again not to be believed!

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I have been following the three negative posters who are on CC about the RSVP Charter cruise. One is a 10,000 plus member and chimes in with a barrage of complaints then quickly chimes out, insulting anyone in his path.


What is strange is that there are now over three dozen you tube videos of this particular charter, and some are way over the top, even for my standards and border on pornography, but that is expected on a Gay Men's cruise. However, every single one of the three dozen videos, each say that "The Divina was the best experience, Ever!" "This has been the best cruise ever!" "We have had a wonderful time!" "This cruise has been fantastic!" And each video goes on to praise the cruise, The MSC Divina and The Cruise line.


Jerome and I have been on a RSVP Gay Cruise and also an Atlantis Gay Cruise. Neither one of us will ever to on another charter with those companies. The specialized party activities these cruises provide are not our cup of tea, nor the behaviors exhibited in the videos, are the kind we follow. One only has to watch some of the you tube videos, and wince as I think, oh my gosh, my mother just saw that.


To each his own.


What surprises me most is that these anti Gay MSC Divina CC posters, are GAY and perhaps don't realize that several of the hierarchy of MSC USA are as well. It was these very Gay Executives that brought RSVP to The Divina. There is an unwritten code in our community to stand together, even on the extreme, and not bash each other. Gay Bashing is not a part of my life as I have grown up with it and I can always find something good to say in any situation.


The Charter has the run of the ship, the guest pays the Charter Company, not the cruise line. The Charter Company sets the prices, not the cruise line. Many of the "Undesirable, lower cost cabins" that sell for significantly less on a normal MSC Divina cruise, were jacked up to support the "Charter" mystique. I would complain too, if I had a balcony that looked at a life boat, or just a french door and no balcony. The cruise line only has the responsibility of passage and meals. Entertainment is the responsibility of the Charter. The Anytime Dining issue was probably too much for the new employees on The Divina to handle and that perhaps was MSC's mistake, and sadly it was a Live and Learn situation. I am sure that the MSC Exec's all sat around a board room table and said "Yes, I think we can pull Anytime Dining Off", as that was a major stipulation of the contract. However, on the other hand, I as a passenger, after a night of partying, I know how I can become when I am hungry, imbibed and swaying. So a clash ensued.


One other thing. The 10,000 poster who chimes in and chimes out with a barrage of negativity, after reviewing over 300 of his past posts, I rather suspect he is not telling all. It's curious, perhaps he is with the charter company himself. Ergo the motivation for him to damage MSC's reputation for us NON Charter Folks who will have an entirely different experience on The Divina. I don't give anyone that much power. It's my money and I will spend it where I see fit.


And one other note on Charters. The MSC Divina in January and February, had two other successful back to back charters with different groups, HolyShip and another well known music industry group. Both were enormously successful and both have incredible you tube and Cruise Critic endorsements of The MSC Divina. It's all in the Charter!


I take Charter comments and reviews with a grain of salt.



Wave your Pinky at NEG-A-TIV-A-TY!

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The MSC transfer bus from the port to FLL broke down four times on the way to the airport.


Did MSC own the bus ? how are they responsible for it breaking down i wonder!


MSC arranged the transfer with this company. I gather this transfer is made on a weekly basis.


They should have a reliable company handling their transfers, Ultimately, the blame lies with MSC.

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MSC arranged the transfer with this company. I gather this transfer is made on a weekly basis.


They should have a reliable company handling their transfers, Ultimately, the blame lies with MSC.



I understand that MSC RECOMMENDED TO THE CHARTER GROUP 4 different BUS lines and the CHARTER GROUP chose the least expensive OF THE FOUR, thus the charter is guilty of charging back the guest the highest rate....which to me means to enhance their pockets. So MSC was guilty of recommending a selection of transport companies. The Charter chose the least expensive option. How unfortunate for you and the rest of the Charter Bus Passengers. You had to ride a bus. Oh My Gawd, I just realized what you said. A Bus? You actually Rode a bus? And, you are Gay? There is no such thing! No self respecting Gay Man rides a BUS, ever!


Personally, for me. You will never catch me riding on a bus, dear. Oh no. It messes up my hair. And after a week of the party animal inside of me, I don't want to mess up anyone else's hair either. For me, and for that matter, every single person we know, It's a limo, a taxi, a rental car or DIE. NO BUS for this Mary...... EVAH! Sorry, your excuse just burst like what happens with supposedly unbreakable Corning Glass Corell dishes when dropped. They burst into a million different pieces all over the floor. Yes, all over the floor.


The Divina is a magnificent ship. I am so excited to travel on her in just 48 days!

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I understand that MSC RECOMMENDED TO THE CHARTER GROUP 4 different BUS lines and the CHARTER GROUP chose the least expensive OF THE FOUR, thus the charter is guilty of charging back the guest the highest rate....which to me means to enhance their pockets. So MSC was guilty of recommending a selection of transport companies. The Charter chose the least expensive option. How unfortunate for you and the rest of the Charter Bus Passengers. You had to ride a bus. Oh My Gawd, I just realized what you said. A Bus? You actually Rode a bus? And, you are Gay? There is no such thing! No self respecting Gay Man rides a BUS, ever!


Personally, for me. You will never catch me riding on a bus, dear. Oh no. It messes up my hair. And after a week of the party animal inside of me, I don't want to mess up anyone else's hair either. For me, and for that matter, every single person we know, It's a limo, a taxi, a rental car or DIE. NO BUS for this Mary...... EVAH! Sorry, your excuse just burst like what happens with supposedly unbreakable Corning Glass Corell dishes when dropped. They burst into a million different pieces all over the floor. Yes, all over the floor.


The Divina is a magnificent ship. I am so excited to travel on her in just 48 days!


Well. I'm just going to get me some popcorn and sit back and watch this. :D


(With my pinky up!)

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I understand that MSC RECOMMENDED TO THE CHARTER GROUP 4 different BUS lines and the CHARTER GROUP chose the least expensive OF THE FOUR, thus the charter is guilty of charging back the guest the highest rate....which to me means to enhance their pockets. So MSC was guilty of recommending a selection of transport companies. The Charter chose the least expensive option. How unfortunate for you and the rest of the Charter Bus Passengers. You had to ride a bus. Oh My Gawd, I just realized what you said. A Bus? You actually Rode a bus? And, you are Gay? There is no such thing! No self respecting Gay Man rides a BUS, ever!


Personally, for me. You will never catch me riding on a bus, dear. Oh no. It messes up my hair. And after a week of the party animal inside of me, I don't want to mess up anyone else's hair either. For me, and for that matter, every single person we know, It's a limo, a taxi, a rental car or DIE. NO BUS for this Mary...... EVAH! Sorry, your excuse just burst like what happens with supposedly unbreakable Corning Glass Corell dishes when dropped. They burst into a million different pieces all over the floor. Yes, all over the floor.


The Divina is a magnificent ship. I am so excited to travel on her in just 48 days!


JW, we're going to have fun over some drinks on our cruise, I can just tell !:D

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I understand that MSC RECOMMENDED TO THE CHARTER GROUP 4 different BUS lines and the CHARTER GROUP chose the least expensive OF THE FOUR, thus the charter is guilty of charging back the guest the highest rate....which to me means to enhance their pockets. So MSC was guilty of recommending a selection of transport companies. The Charter chose the least expensive option. How unfortunate for you and the rest of the Charter Bus Passengers. You had to ride a bus. Oh My Gawd, I just realized what you said. A Bus? You actually Rode a bus? And, you are Gay? There is no such thing! No self respecting Gay Man rides a BUS, ever!


Personally, for me. You will never catch me riding on a bus, dear. Oh no. It messes up my hair. And after a week of the party animal inside of me, I don't want to mess up anyone else's hair either. For me, and for that matter, every single person we know, It's a limo, a taxi, a rental car or DIE. NO BUS for this Mary...... EVAH! Sorry, your excuse just burst like what happens with supposedly unbreakable Corning Glass Corell dishes when dropped. They burst into a million different pieces all over the floor. Yes, all over the floor.


The Divina is a magnificent ship. I am so excited to travel on her in just 48 days!





Have you booked the Allure for Oct 15 yet? Please say you have!



Sent from my iPhone using Forums mobile app

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MSC arranged the transfer with this company. I gather this transfer is made on a weekly basis.

They should have a reliable company handling their transfers, Ultimately, the blame lies with MSC.



The blame lies with the company who supplied the bus! after all MSC do not carry out the services on them do they? nor do they force people to use the service!

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  • 1 month later...

JW, please adjust your signature to include your future itineraries. I laughed so hard at your Reflection review that I tinkled and am trying to get on one of your sailings. Yes, I have my shoe rack and 12" boxes and hate being hugged by a shower curtain.

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JW, please adjust your signature to include your future itineraries. I laughed so hard at your Reflection review that I tinkled and am trying to get on one of your sailings. Yes, I have my shoe rack and 12" boxes and hate being hugged by a shower curtain.


JW will be with us on the Divina May 3!:D

We have a great cast of characters on this cruise, and the party begins this Sat. 3PM at the DK 15 Garden Bar!


Edited by American Bear
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To quote Justice Antonin Scalia from his opinion in the US Sup Ct decision in Holmes v SIPC:

"Life is too short to pursue every human act to its most remote consequences. 'For want of a nail, a kingdom was lost' is a commentary on fate, not the statement of a major cause of action against the blacksmith."

Or something like it.

p.s. I thought the food and service on my last 3 day MSC cruise in So America was horrendous. Maybe it's better in other parts of the world. There's a Cruise Critic cruisers choice poll I want to tell you about...

Edited by pmacher61
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To quote Justice Antonin Scalia from his opinion in the US Sup Ct decision in Holmes v SIPC:

"Life is too short to pursue every human act to its most remote consequences. 'For want of a nail, a kingdom was lost' is a commentary on fate, not the statement of a major cause of action against the blacksmith."

Or something like it.

p.s. I thought the food and service on my last 3 day MSC cruise in So America was horrendous. Maybe it's better in other parts of the world. There's a Cruise Critic cruisers choice poll I want to tell you about...


You lost me when you mentioned Scalia!:mad:

Food/Entertainment/MDR dress suggestions, etc. are all subjective!

But chair hogs are selfish pigs/fact!:D

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You lost me when you mentioned Scalia!:mad:

Food/Entertainment/MDR dress suggestions, etc. are all subjective!

But chair hogs are selfish pigs/fact!:D

Did you read the title of my post which apparently so puzzled you that you got mad? It should make it obvious that my reference to Justice Scalia has to do with blaming MSC for the consequences of its actions so far removed from its actions that it's unreasonable to ascribe blame to MSC. It would be analogous to blaming the blacksmith for the loss of a kingdom because he screwed up shoeing a horse.


Likewise your comment on the subjectivity of food/entertainment/MDR dress suggestions (sic) is not well considered. While there is an element of subjectivity in re appreciating the quality of food and entertainment (not sure how that applies to shipboard rules), there are limits to subjectivity. That is, there are lines past which all sentient, reasonable people would agree something is bad or unacceptable. I could give examples if it would help you comprehend the concept of unacceptable quality, but the concept is so self-evident I'll assume you get it, unless, of course, you're unreasonable and insentient. Let me know if that applies.

p.s. hint: cheap hot dog vs great prime rib or bad, off-key singer performing on passenger talent show vs Ella Fitzgerald

or Luciano Pavarotti.
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