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Live From the Grand - Greek Isles


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I am about to embark the Grand with my 13 year old daughter and 13 year old son.

Don't worry, your daughter should have a great time. The Grand has a separate teens only club, restricted to the age range you mentioned. They have their own dedicated centre, programme and, perhaps best of all, their own ''off limits'' area on deck, which has loungers and a jacuzzi. I would strongly recommend that you both go to the introductory talk on the first day and your daughter to the first evening at the teen centre, as this is where friendships start to happen. IMHO the Grand's teen facilities are simply brilliant. Our problem will probably be dragging our teens away to spend some family time with their dull old parents:D

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Day 9 – Rhodes



Lori. First of all an apology! Our shuttle in Mykonos was charged in Euros not $$s as I’d suggested. You pay for the shuttle - in cash - at a desk stationed on the pier just as you get off the ship. It is not, therefore, charged to your account.



Yesterday evening’s dinner menu was billed as International. It did not disappoint and there was something for even the most discerning of passenger. I am always amazed at how hot the food served has been. Soups have been served steaming, as have the main courses. I have noted on these boards (not necessarily on this itinerary) occasional complaints about the standard of food served on Princess. Given the numbers they are catering for, I personally think the chefs and catering staff deserve praise! It definitely beats anything on the menu at Chez Ourlol. It may also account for the sudden shrinking of my wardrobe…..or could that be down to leaving them too long in the dryers?? Put it like this, I’m glad I didn’t bring my black and white swimming costume as I think I could easily be likened to a beached whale or ‘Shamu’ if I wore it at the moment. Guess who is going to be dieting on their return home?



Island Night in the Med was relatively well supported and yes, mandatory lei were distributed as you arrived in Explorers Lounge. Oasys the resident band are very good and had people up dancing within minutes.



We have periodically bumped into those people who made up our roll call. What we lack in terms of numbers is more than made up for in warmth and friendliness. Although the miles may divide us geographically the time I have spent in their company on board will remain with me. They are very special and we have arranged to meet for lunch on Thursday when we have a sea day.



So far as today is concerned we docked a short walk from the Old Town of Rhodes. Bustling with tourists and locals alike, standard Greek wares are seen in abundance i.e. pottery, chess sets, olive oil products, spices, leather belts etc. The town itself is very old, spotlessly clean and pleasant – a good port for the ‘potterer’ i.e. those happy to simply spend an hour or so looking around a place, having a drink and buying a few souvenirs. Once again it was very hot and for those travelling independently (without tours booked) taxi drivers were waiting at the port gates to transport people around the island. Some will have gone to Lindos, others to the Acropolis.



Dinner tonight was Italian fare. We ate at 8.30 after a 10 minute wait for a table. Earlier on in the evening my husband had entered into the Weakest Link quiz. Mandy proved an excellent and witty game show host, albeit not quite as acerbic as Anne Robinson! Thank goodness. Richard was in the last three left standing and despite being the strongest link in the round was voted out by two females – a lawyer and a judge. His view was that it might have been legal but it was hardly justice. That said I think he was quite chuffed to have got that far and is secretly delighted with his victory prize of a Princess clock!! Bless him (she says grinning).



Off now to think about tomorrow’s trip to Santorini……go ashore or stay on board?? Donkeys or cable-car??? Decisions, decisions!!



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Hear hear spongerob !!


Laura and I are email ''pen pals'' off-board and, whilst totally respecting her privacy, I know what a torrid time she has had of late.


Laura, your reports have been fantastic and I am truly truly delighted that you seem to have had such a succesful cruise. I leave for Rome tomorrow morning and you have made me so excited at our forthcoming trip. If you get fed up at work, go for a job writing for a broadsheet ( Travel section obviously :D ).


Having regard to another thread on these boards, Laura's reports have confirmed what most of us know already. Cruising still remains the best vacation there is and there's a lot more right with Princess than wrong.


PS...Be brave, go for the donkeys (we will) ...cable cars are two a penny.

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your reports are fantastic, it's like being there but not putting on any weight;-))

As a tip for British Bacon- order it as room service breakfast the night before. It's not on the card but just write it at the top with smiley faces and please please;-)) If it's possible and they have it then you should get it. When it's not available they should call you and tell you what you can have instead. Has worked for us on the last 2 cruises (with Egg Benedict most mornings;-)).

We love Capt Andy as well- he was our captain on the inaugaral Princess cruise to Antartica on the Royal in Dec 2003.

We are on the Golden to the Greek Isles next May celebrating my 40th, so your tips are priceless. Thanks so much again for sharing with us


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Took my 16-year-old daughter on the Grand Princess Greek Isles cruise this June. She didn't do the 13-17 group the first 6 days, thought it sounded 'lame'. But after we ran into one of the youth leaders on an excursion, she decided to try it out. Hardly saw her the rest of the cruise! She made lots of friends, had fun hanging out with them both in the club area and outside of it, and still emails several of them.

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Hi Laura,


I am truly sorry that your cruise is nearing the end even though that means mine (Sept 11, 2005) is getting nearer. I have eagerly awaited each new installment of your review and I am now more revved up than usual for our cruise. Since it is apparent from your postingss that you truly enjoy sharing your experiences with others via the written word, would you consider continuing your daily postings after your return. It would not have to be about anything in particular, sort of like the Seinfeld show. I am sure you would have regular readers and, what the heck, many folks would probably pay for a subscription. Just a suggestion.


Thank you for sharing this piece of your life with us. Keep on enjoying your cruise on my favorite line.



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Day 10 – Santorini



Another day, another… euro!! Anchored offshore, passengers are being tendered to the quayside today. Long queues ensue to disembark and anxious to avoid a long wait once ashore we chose to leave it until midday before getting off the ship. It turns out to be a ‘boys only’ tour as us girls try to catch up on our beauty sleep. Some of us, (us being moi) will need more than an extended lie in for it to have the desired effect! The tenders were, I’m told, a bit bumpy due to choppy sea conditions and it was just as well that they chose seats on the inside …. thus staying dry.



The choices at Santorini – for scaling the cliff (which must be close to 2000 feet high) are:



  • to get a donkey ride – slow, slippery and smelly;
  • walk – cheap, hard work and a significant risk of donkey collision;
  • catch the cable car – quick, a little hair-raising and you need to be quick on the camera shots; or
  • stay at one of the small tavernas at the shore and wait to get a report from those on their way down.


The boys had already discounted options a and b and it was only the fact that the tavernas were full – and that I had been promised some great pictures – that got them into the cable car. At 3.50 euros each way it seemed good value.



The streets of Fari are steep, crowded and full of the same sort of shops that we’ve seen at each of the ports. A climb up to the highest taverna was rewarded with a beer (or soda) and a picture of the “Grand Prince” docked below us. It must be said that the Prince was not very grand at all – and certainly not on a par with our Princess. The return tender was a much calmer affair and was enjoyed from the open top deck.



We couldn’t get a reasonable table reservation tonight so will be turning up for the wait-to-be-seated dinner. Before that we are planning on getting some family photos taken. The photo gallery now do an ‘informal’ shoot where you can get pictures - against a white background (to show up my ‘patchy’ tan and youngest son’s cut forehead) – in a casual pose. Will report back as to how well it goes.



Off now to prepare….suspect that it may take more organising than the Formal Night!




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thanks for all your reports laura. please excuse the typing--i currently have a broken right shoulder which i am hoping will heal prior to the 9/11 sailing. i just have one question if you have time to respond- does princess offer a post cruise rome tour with a drop off at the airport/hotel . we would have to have our luggage with us since we are staying in an airport hotel. thanks a million kathleen

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Day 11 – Our first and only sea day!



I awoke early this morning (before 6.30 a.m.) wide eyed and … legless!! Ladies and Gentlemen, this is not the result of a heavy night on the tiles … oh no Siree… this ship is bucking like a bronco and MOVING in every direction. Okay… I’m exaggerating a little, but this is my 3rd cruise in the Med and never have I experienced such ‘bracing’ weather conditions during the day. I would describe the wind as brisk, the sea lively!! Actually I have been mesmerized. I believe the wind was blowing (first thing today) at 40 knots, but to be honest, where I was on Caribe it wasn’t that bad at all, certainly nothing to be worried about. Then again, you are unlikely to ever suffer REALLY adverse conditions in the Med. I also noted that my fellow passengers also seemed undeterred by the situation and from early on were claiming their sun loungers up on deck, ready for the fun and games due to take place around the pool this afternoon. You just had to ignore the fact that some were looking a little green around the gills!!



Post Script: By 1100hrs conditions were much calmer.



My own day was due to be fun packed, starting with an audience with Captain Andy at 11.30 a.m. What a nice, friendly man he is… very personable indeed. Passengers are no longer normally allowed to visit the bridge, but I had extenuating circumstances which have meant that the rules had been bent slightly to accommodate a request I had made at the beginning of the trip. I believe, the reasons why I was being allowed to go and details of the experience itself are worthy of a thread all of its own. May I suggest that if you are interested to know more, you should keep an eye out for a post some time next week!! My hope is that the content of this new post will be different to that seen previously on the Princess board. Now that fact alone ‘should’ whet your appetite? It should be ‘different’… well I hope so anyway!!



Later at 1 pm there was the final gathering of the people who made up our CC roll call, where I would be sorry to say my goodbyes. The wonders of the www ~ friendships forged over the internet highway. Tonight would be our last (and second) formal night and the champagne waterfall.



Of course I spoke too soon, as last night brought our first lukewarm offering in the dining room. So much for all the emphasis I’ve made on the fact that everything has been served steaming hot. In the big scheme of things though, it was hardly the end of the world.



Yesterday evening was spent variously in Explorers Lounge where we had the pleasure of talking to Charles (yet another nice guy) one of the band members from Oasys; then briefly to the Wheelhouse bar where we have been taken under the wing by Dragos (he is rather special too) and latterly we threw caution to the wind and went to Skywalkers. I haven’t been there before, so this really is a cruise of ‘firsts’.





In answer to your question ~ Yes, Princess are offering a shore excursion from the port of Civitavecchia. There are two tours, both leaving at 7.30 a.m. and are of 6-7 hours duration. The first (for those with flights after 5.30 p.m. on disembarkation day) is to St. Peter’s Basilica and Coliseum and costs $69 if you are already in possession of a transfer voucher or $144 or $134 if you don’t have the voucher. You will be dropped off in the City Centre or FCO Airport respectively. The Second visits St. Peter’s Basilica and the Vatican Museum. Transfers are to the Crown Plaza Hotel, the Marriott Flora Hotel (you must have reservations at them) or to the City Centre. The cost with a transfer voucher is $65 or $130 without.


Depending on how many of you are travelling in your party you may find it cheaper to source your transfer and tour independently.



NB: In case anyone is interested, I note that trains into Rome from Civitavecchia leave at 08.40; 09.07; 09.40; 10.00; 10.40 and 11.22. The journey time is about 70 minutes.

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Well, my vacation is sadly drawing to a close. By and large this long awaited sojourn has met with expectations. It would be wrong, however, for me to compare this trip with previous ones, since I would be the first to acknowledge I haven’t necessarily been in the right frame of mind to make the most of what has been on offer.



My belief that this is a happy ship holds true. Even a member of staff on the purser’s deck passed comment on this fact; being of the view that the mix of slightly younger passengers - of differing nationalities - may be responsible for the general sense of contentment that exists onboard.



Of course there are things I have seen that would be cause for complaint by some ~ particularly the faux pas that have been the subject of protracted discussion and angst on this board. Over the course of the trip, I have personally witnessed jeans (and shorts) in the Dining Room at dinner, young children in the aft adult pool (just the once), a small infant in swim diapers in the main pool (again only once), chair hogging in prime positions (although deck attendants have been seen removing towels). I have noticed them perhaps because my attention has been drawn to these issues on these boards. Had they not been debated at length here, there is always the slim possibility I wouldn’t have noticed at all. Mind you, by nature I will admit to being a bit of a stickler for following rules, so although these things don’t overly bother me (certainly not to a point where I would actively complain about it) it does sadden me a little, just fleetingly… a moment of contemplation, trying to understand why folk NEED to try and bend the rules. Personally, I find it easier to then don my rose tinted spectacles again and move on. “SHIP” happens!!



There has been some debate in recent days about how many kids (under 18) are actually on board. The number of 900 quoted on our first night in the Theatre, has subsequently been demoted and referred to as approximately 500 by others on the Entertainment staff. This seems a more realistic figure. My own children certainly seem to have had a great time. I have seen the older two sat in Explorers with those of a similar age greeting each new arrival to their group with a handshake or kiss (as appropriate). It all seems very civilised and I wish I had had their confidence when I was their age. The group itself comprises young adults from every continent and they have been a joy to watch. Believe me… I’ve been watching from the sidelines!! They tell me that the younger teens (i.e. those under 18) are not being allowed to loiter on deck at night and are being escorted back to the cabins after 1 a.m. by Teen Security, as are those over that age (up to 21 years) if found in “the vicinity of alcohol”. I do not doubt there have been some incidences of bad behaviour, but then the young don’t necessarily have the monopoly on bad manners… it can manifest itself in us ‘oldies’ at times too. I always try to remember “there for the grace of god go I” and breathe a sigh of relief to get home with our reputation unsullied. Proud of my kids as I am, I realise ‘none’ of us are perfect.



As I stated at the beginning, the Grand is looking a little tired in places, but it is just wear and tear in keeping with her age. It is certainly not for lack of effort on the part of the crew to keep her in pristine condition… where else would you see the top of a lift being vacuumed? Surely this is above and beyond the call of duty. I was impressed or to use a British phrase… “gobsmacked” when I saw that. I have noticed a few ‘cut backs’ but once again these have not impacted on my overall enjoyment of life onboard. No doubt, the competitors of Princess have tightened their reins in similar fashion and put it like this, there has been nothing I’ve seen that would induce me to write a letter of complaint.



Well, today’s missive has turned out to be something of a tome. Here I am wittering on… (yawn). Last post tomorrow (thank God I hear them cry).








I&S: Actually, our informal snaps are quite good. Mind you I think I’ll need to tweak my own image first with some photo imaging software (to shave off those excess inches) before letting them loose on the internet for all to see.



Colin: I realise I will have missed your departure, but nevertheless want to wish you a wonderful holiday. You too deserve it!

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Again Laura, thanks so much for sharing. I have looked forward to your postings as one does with the next chapter of an excellent book. I think you missed your calling and I will expect to see you published some day. Very entertaining as well as informative; not an easy combo.

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Thank you so much for your informative reports. Most especially the ones about the ship events. We are going on the Sept 11 cruise and your reports have been so very helpful. I did not even realize that there would be an Island night until I read your report.

Mu DH is a smoker and wants me to ask you if there is a tobacco shop on the Grand. We have not been on this ship before and on a previous Princess cruise he was unable to buy cigarettes on board. Anyway, if you have time to check on this, we will be very grateful. We will be carrying lots of smokes if he can't get any on board!!!



Thanks, Ann

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Day 12 – Naples – Our final day!!



So much to see and so little time to do it all in!! Personally I think everyone should try and get to Pompeii if they can. It is so interesting and, in my opinion, best toured with the benefit of a guide. The Amalfi coast is another option, as is the Island of Capri. Take your choice, you won’t be disappointed. By 9 a.m. this place resembled a ghost ship, it seemed pretty much as if everyone had gone ashore today (except, of course, for Mrs Dullsville here). I suspect it’s going to be crowded at all the tourist venues as I’ve noticed that docked alongside us are P&O’s Oceana and Ocean Village. I think the Grand Princess is by far the nicest ~ nah nah nah nah nah!!



Let’s now hope that someone - from this trip or a forthcoming trip - takes up the baton (for all you future Med cruisers) and fills in the gaps I’ve left with accounts of the ports in detail.





Cigarettes are sold on board in the bars, although there isn’t a vast selection i.e. Marlboro, Malrboro-Lite, Dunhill, Benson & Hedges and Silk Cut. The shop isn’t open at the time of writing this, so I can’t check whether they can be bought by the carton, but they seem to have a wider selection including Camel, More (that’s all I could see through the window). Your husband will find cigarettes for sale at all the ports though ~ local tobacconists sell them cheaply (for far less than in the UK). I don’t know how prices compare to the US. So far as I’m aware, areas have been made available for smokers in the Wheelhouse Bar, in Explorers Lounge, adjacent to the Alfresco Bar by the aft pool and on one side of the Neptune Pool. I believe folk can also smoke in the Snookers Bar and there is no restriction in the Casino.



Anyway, I’ll keep this brief today… the packing beckons!!



I’ll close by saying a big thank you to everyone for their condolences and well wishes. Expressing here my thoughts on the trip has been somewhat cathartic for me. Since my mother was widowed in 1979 I have been so used to speaking to or seeing her on a daily basis, I was feeling a little lost and without purpose. Writing this ‘diary’ has, in a small way, helped fill that void. What is it they say “smile and the whole world smiles with you… cry and you cry alone”! I hope, therefore, I’ve succeeded in raising the odd smile.



With fondest wishes


Happy Cruising to you all



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Laura, I have enjoyed immensely your day to day writings! Yours is the only post I search out, and the only reason I've been coming back to the Princess board. Thank you for a delightful "trip"!


I hear the Greek Isles cruise calling to Bob & I :)

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Dear Laura,


If arms could stretch through cyberspace, you'd have felt many hugs coming your way. I was glad to read this morning that you too benefited from posting your journal online. Those of us who have been on the receiving end have surely enjoyed your writings. You have been most kind to go out of your way to get answers for us.


You have been in my thoughts and prayers since you first posted about your mom. I have been following your roll call thread for many months as a part of my planning for our 9/11 sailing. You are a lovely lady and hopefully we will find ourselves posting regularly on the same roll call one day.


I will be watching for and look forward to reading all about your visit to the bridge! Be Blessed.



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Thanks for sharing your trip with us, we were on the same cruise in June and reading your posts brought me back to that time.

It is so difficult to get through these difficult times in life and your journal was a gift to us and helpful to you. Worked both ways. You have been sent many good thoughts and prayers. Take care.

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Thanks again Laura, for sharing your cruise with us! It has been wonderful to hear about places I've read about, and studied in school a thousand years ago, and it has been so good to hear of your enjoyment of your spa adventures, as I have been a "spa chicken" myself.......... :) I loved hearing about your kids, and the sexy looking untied bow ties............I'd forgotten that, but they really do look kind of cool....... :cool:

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I'm home and staggering under the biggest pile of laundry ever encountered. I suspect I would merit a mention in the Guiness Book of Records, there's that much of it... despite the fact I used the machines on the ship to try and break the back of it.


Anyway I digress.


Here's a link to a few of our photos from the holiday. Hopefully it will give you a flavour of 'some' of the ports of call (bearing in mind, I spent most of my time on board).



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Thank you for your wonderful cruise diary, and for sharing the photos with us.


We are on the Grand on 11 September with the same itinerary as yours, and we can't wait. It's been lovely following the journey with you and anticipating our own trip.


Hope the cruise has gone a little way to healing your heart following the loss of your mother. I know how it feels, and it's hard.



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