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Carnival Ecstasy - Cuban Rescue/ Port Change Issue


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I am sure many have heard about the rescue of the 41 migrants by the Ecstasy. http://www.local10.com/news/carnival-ecstasy-rescues-41-cuban-migrants/25177288


Anyhow, we were on that ship. I have to say it was exciting and rewarding to see Carnival save the lives of the men, women and children.


The cruise was a 4 day trip. Mon- Miami, Tues- Key West, Wed- Cozumel, Thur- Day at Sea and Fri morning was home.


However, we and many other passengers were extremely disappointed. We left Key West on Tues afternoon and were heading toward Cozumel when we found the migrants. Once onboard, the US Coast Guard ordered us to turn around and head back toward Key West. Carnival scrambled and found us a port in Nassau, Bahamas. They had to scramble to find excursions, etc. Nassau- -the water was cold and area was NOT even close to Cozumel.


I called Guest Services and was told no credits or compensation would be offered. The cost of the port (Nassau) was more than Cozumel, so Carnival deemed it a even swap.


I know we did not choose a Eastern Caribbean cruise in March (Spring Break) because it is not the the best weather this time of year.


So, my question....Shouldn't Carnival offer us a credit or something? I can tell you that I feel a bit cheated on what I expected and what I actually received. I thought about calling or writing to ask Carnival for something....any ideas, suggestions would be great!


Thanks in advance.


BTW: I find this site very useful and look to it for answers before talking to the cruise line.



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I really am sorry about your disappointing cruise. Unfortunately, the contract you accept when booking clearly states that Carnival can change or remove ports as necessary. I know Nassau is nowhere near as nice as Cozumel so I would have been sad about that as well. Over the years, I have been on many, many cruises where ports were changed (or deleted) after we were on the cruise. I have never received compensation, except for port fees when we missed the port entirely. I hope your next cruise is much better and you have a fabulous time.:D

Edited by pungo3
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I am sure many have heard about the rescue of the 41 migrants by the Ecstasy. http://www.local10.com/news/carnival-ecstasy-rescues-41-cuban-migrants/25177288


Anyhow, we were on that ship. I have to say it was exciting and rewarding to see Carnival save the lives of the men, women and children.


The cruise was a 4 day trip. Mon- Miami, Tues- Key West, Wed- Cozumel, Thur- Day at Sea and Fri morning was home.


However, we and many other passengers were extremely disappointed. We left Key West on Tues afternoon and were heading toward Cozumel when we found the migrants. Once onboard, the US Coast Guard ordered us to turn around and head back toward Key West. Carnival scrambled and found us a port in Nassau, Bahamas. They had to scramble to find excursions, etc. Nassau- -the water was cold and area was NOT even close to Cozumel.


I called Guest Services and was told no credits or compensation would be offered. The cost of the port (Nassau) was more than Cozumel, so Carnival deemed it a even swap.


I know we did not choose a Eastern Caribbean cruise in March (Spring Break) because it is not the the best weather this time of year.


So, my question....Shouldn't Carnival offer us a credit or something? I can tell you that I feel a bit cheated on what I expected and what I actually received. I thought about calling or writing to ask Carnival for something....any ideas, suggestions would be great!


Thanks in advance.


BTW: I find this site very useful and look to it for answers before talking to the cruise line.







IMO Carnival owes nothing in this case. As you stated Carnival didn't choose to be diverted and they did pay for a more expensive replacement port. Like you, Carnival did not plan an Eastern cruise either.


Who is at fault? Fidel Castro and the our government's outdated policy of isolating Cuba; it isn't working, never has worked, and never will work. The only people who suffer are Cubans, US Tax payers, and US cruise operators / passengers.

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I am sure many have heard about the rescue of the 41 migrants by the Ecstasy. http://www.local10.com/news/carnival-ecstasy-rescues-41-cuban-migrants/25177288


Anyhow, we were on that ship. I have to say it was exciting and rewarding to see Carnival save the lives of the men, women and children.


The cruise was a 4 day trip. Mon- Miami, Tues- Key West, Wed- Cozumel, Thur- Day at Sea and Fri morning was home.


However, we and many other passengers were extremely disappointed. We left Key West on Tues afternoon and were heading toward Cozumel when we found the migrants. Once onboard, the US Coast Guard ordered us to turn around and head back toward Key West. Carnival scrambled and found us a port in Nassau, Bahamas. They had to scramble to find excursions, etc. Nassau- -the water was cold and area was NOT even close to Cozumel.


I called Guest Services and was told no credits or compensation would be offered. The cost of the port (Nassau) was more than Cozumel, so Carnival deemed it a even swap.


I know we did not choose a Eastern Caribbean cruise in March (Spring Break) because it is not the the best weather this time of year.


So, my question....Shouldn't Carnival offer us a credit or something? I can tell you that I feel a bit cheated on what I expected and what I actually received. I thought about calling or writing to ask Carnival for something....any ideas, suggestions would be great!


Thanks in advance.


BTW: I find this site very useful and look to it for answers before talking to the cruise line.




Yes it is disappointing when you plan a cruise for its itinerary and things change. But unfortunately it is part of the cruise contract.


But wasn't it nice seeing how Carnival stepped up and rescued these people instead of ignoring them. Kudos to you Carnival.

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My sister in law and her husband was on this cruise, planned by my husband and me. Her first cruise to dip their toes in to see if they liked cruising. She saw the boat full of people, a child on the boat waving a shirt frantically to get attention of the ship. She saw a baby get handed up to a crew member and was moved to tears by the sight. She came away from the experience feeling extremely lucky for her family and the life that she is able to lead here at home. I clicked on thread expecting kudos to carnival, life changing, wanting a possible update on the rescued people. Never did I think to find that carnival should owe pax something. Wow. I'm beyond stunned. I'm sorry the cruise was not as you expected, but .......come on. Read the contract, have regard for life, be grateful you are blessed with time and money to vacation.


My advise.....count your blessings.

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Carnival's cruise contract not withstanding, the vessel's Master has both a moral and legal duty to render assistance to anyone found at sea in danger of being lost, so long as doing so poses no danger to his vessel or those onboard.

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So many people click through the cruise contract without comprehending the contents. When situations like this come up its always best to refer to that contract. Absolutely Carnival owes the passengers nothing besides refund of port taxes and carnival excursions for missed port. Such is the nature of cruising. Plus they substituted another port. A few years ago on the Dream, we were unable to dock at Costa Maya due to high waves. We could see the port but couldn't safely dock. In our case no port was substituted. We had very fun day at sea. We were disappointed but had a blast with the activities that were quickly planned onboard. Life is much happier when you go with the flow.

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Ports change for many reasons. In this case, it was beyond Carnival's control and they did the best possible job in securing an alternate port, given the limitations of port schedules and distance. You have to be so careful planning cruises for ports not to get your expectations too high.


I don't think Carnival owes the passengers anything in this situation. I've had ports cancelled or replaced due to weather and all I got back was cost of shore excursions and any differences in port taxes. I think that's fair.



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OP came here and asked a question about it. There are some strong responses here to it.


In case y'all missed it, OP is looking for opinions before even contacting Carnival.


The people in the article seem to have overreacted to the situation. Yes, it would be disappointing to have that happen. I don't really understand not finding something fun to do in Nassau. Granted, the water was cool there, but there are still places to explore.


Carnival lost a lot of money on shore excursions I am sure, plus was out of pocket for higher passenger fees in Nassau.

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As others have stated it is in the contract.


We did basically the same thing back in 2004 when we were on the Fascination. A child was seriously hurt after leaving key west heading to cozumel. We also had to turn around and head back to key west and the cost guard came and got the family. We ended up going to Nassau instead.


Not in our plans...... but oh well the little boy's life was saved and we had fun in Nassau. We were compensated with an hour open bar :p

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I am sure many have heard about the rescue of the 41 migrants by the Ecstasy. http://www.local10.com/news/carnival-ecstasy-rescues-41-cuban-migrants/25177288


Anyhow, we were on that ship. I have to say it was exciting and rewarding to see Carnival save the lives of the men, women and children.


The cruise was a 4 day trip. Mon- Miami, Tues- Key West, Wed- Cozumel, Thur- Day at Sea and Fri morning was home.


However, we and many other passengers were extremely disappointed. We left Key West on Tues afternoon and were heading toward Cozumel when we found the migrants. Once onboard, the US Coast Guard ordered us to turn around and head back toward Key West. Carnival scrambled and found us a port in Nassau, Bahamas. They had to scramble to find excursions, etc. Nassau- -the water was cold and area was NOT even close to Cozumel.


I called Guest Services and was told no credits or compensation would be offered. The cost of the port (Nassau) was more than Cozumel, so Carnival deemed it a even swap.


I know we did not choose a Eastern Caribbean cruise in March (Spring Break) because it is not the the best weather this time of year.


So, my question....Shouldn't Carnival offer us a credit or something? I can tell you that I feel a bit cheated on what I expected and what I actually received. I thought about calling or writing to ask Carnival for something....any ideas, suggestions would be great!


Thanks in advance.


BTW: I find this site very useful and look to it for answers before talking to the cruise line.




Nope. Not a single penny or thing. Read the cruise contract. :rolleyes:

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Carnival's cruise contract not withstanding, the vessel's Master has both a moral and legal duty to render assistance to anyone found at sea in danger of being lost, so long as doing so poses no danger to his vessel or those onboard.


And the OP stated they were ordered to rescue the Cubans. Maybe those disappointed in their cruise should sue the US Coast Guard for issuing that order! :rolleyes:

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OP came here and asked a question about it. There are some strong responses here to it.


In case y'all missed it, OP is looking for opinions before even contacting Carnival.


The people in the article seem to have overreacted to the situation. Yes, it would be disappointing to have that happen. I don't really understand not finding something fun to do in Nassau. Granted, the water was cool there, but there are still places to explore.


Carnival lost a lot of money on shore excursions I am sure, plus was out of pocket for higher passenger fees in Nassau.


The OP is an adult. As an adult, certain sensibilities (common sense) should come into play. If a port was missed because the captain wanted to see his girlfriend in Nassau, that would be one thing. But to get upset because a port was missed due to being ordered to rescue 41 people from the possibility of death and then get disappointed over it to the point of posting about it and actually thinking they should get something (OP) or even suing (not the OP), to me is just outrageous. Just my opinion.

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I am sure many have heard about the rescue of the 41 migrants by the Ecstasy. http://www.local10.com/news/carnival-ecstasy-rescues-41-cuban-migrants/25177288


Anyhow, we were on that ship. I have to say it was exciting and rewarding to see Carnival save the lives of the men, women and children.


The cruise was a 4 day trip. Mon- Miami, Tues- Key West, Wed- Cozumel, Thur- Day at Sea and Fri morning was home.


However, we and many other passengers were extremely disappointed. We left Key West on Tues afternoon and were heading toward Cozumel when we found the migrants. Once onboard, the US Coast Guard ordered us to turn around and head back toward Key West. Carnival scrambled and found us a port in Nassau, Bahamas. They had to scramble to find excursions, etc. Nassau- -the water was cold and area was NOT even close to Cozumel.


I called Guest Services and was told no credits or compensation would be offered. The cost of the port (Nassau) was more than Cozumel, so Carnival deemed it a even swap.


I know we did not choose a Eastern Caribbean cruise in March (Spring Break) because it is not the the best weather this time of year.


So, my question....Shouldn't Carnival offer us a credit or something? I can tell you that I feel a bit cheated on what I expected and what I actually received. I thought about calling or writing to ask Carnival for something....any ideas, suggestions would be great!


Thanks in advance.


BTW: I find this site very useful and look to it for answers before talking to the cruise line.




A credit? A credit for what? What out of pocket expense did you incur due to this rescue mission that you feel you need to be remunerated?

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I am amazed that this would be a question to ask. Congratulations to those that think they should get compensation for a change in a port. All I say is congratulations to carnival and those passengers that saw this as not only the right thing to do but the necessary thing to do. I wish I was on board so I could give my children another example of our human responsibility to others. I hope those others in the law suit are banned from all cruise lines. Thank you also to our USCG for keeping lives safe both foreign and domestic.

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I really am sorry about your disappointing cruise. Unfortunately, the contract you accept when booking clearly states that Carnival can change or remove ports as necessary. I know Nassau is nowhere near as nice as Cozumel so I would have been sad about that as well. Over the years, I have been on many, many cruises where ports were changed (or deleted) after we were on the cruise. I have never received compensation, except for port fees when we missed the port entirely. I hope your next cruise is much better and you have a fabulous time.:D


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I am sure many have heard about the rescue of the 41 migrants by the Ecstasy. http://www.local10.com/news/carnival-ecstasy-rescues-41-cuban-migrants/25177288


Anyhow, we were on that ship. I have to say it was exciting and rewarding to see Carnival save the lives of the men, women and children.




So, my question....Shouldn't Carnival offer us a credit or something? I can tell you that I feel a bit cheated on what I expected and what I actually received. I thought about calling or writing to ask Carnival for something....any ideas, suggestions would be great!


Thanks in advance.




No Carnival should NOT offer you credit or something is my take.


I will not even add anything...you have been beaten up enough....:(

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I am sure many have heard about the rescue of the 41 migrants by the Ecstasy. http://www.local10.com/news/carnival-ecstasy-rescues-41-cuban-migrants/25177288


Anyhow, we were on that ship. I have to say it was exciting and rewarding to see Carnival save the lives of the men, women and children.


The cruise was a 4 day trip. Mon- Miami, Tues- Key West, Wed- Cozumel, Thur- Day at Sea and Fri morning was home.


However, we and many other passengers were extremely disappointed. We left Key West on Tues afternoon and were heading toward Cozumel when we found the migrants. Once onboard, the US Coast Guard ordered us to turn around and head back toward Key West. Carnival scrambled and found us a port in Nassau, Bahamas. They had to scramble to find excursions, etc. Nassau- -the water was cold and area was NOT even close to Cozumel.


I called Guest Services and was told no credits or compensation would be offered. The cost of the port (Nassau) was more than Cozumel, so Carnival deemed it a even swap.


I know we did not choose a Eastern Caribbean cruise in March (Spring Break) because it is not the the best weather this time of year.


So, my question....Shouldn't Carnival offer us a credit or something? I can tell you that I feel a bit cheated on what I expected and what I actually received. I thought about calling or writing to ask Carnival for something....any ideas, suggestions would be great!


Thanks in advance.


BTW: I find this site very useful and look to it for answers before talking to the cruise line.





To answer your question. No, Carnival does not have to nor will they offer or provide you a credit of any kind. You still completed a cruise although with an alternate port due to the rescue at sea. If you booked a non Carnival excursion in Cozumel you are not entitled to compensation as you booked that excursion at your own risk and against the advice of Carnival.

By all means you can call Carnival about your plight but as the cruise contract clearly states ports and itineraries are subject to change you are not owed any compensation.



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I am sure many have heard about the rescue of the 41 migrants by the Ecstasy. http://www.local10.com/news/carnival-ecstasy-rescues-41-cuban-migrants/25177288


Anyhow, we were on that ship. I have to say it was exciting and rewarding to see Carnival save the lives of the men, women and children.


The cruise was a 4 day trip. Mon- Miami, Tues- Key West, Wed- Cozumel, Thur- Day at Sea and Fri morning was home.


However, we and many other passengers were extremely disappointed. We left Key West on Tues afternoon and were heading toward Cozumel when we found the migrants. Once onboard, the US Coast Guard ordered us to turn around and head back toward Key West. Carnival scrambled and found us a port in Nassau, Bahamas. They had to scramble to find excursions, etc. Nassau- -the water was cold and area was NOT even close to Cozumel.


I called Guest Services and was told no credits or compensation would be offered. The cost of the port (Nassau) was more than Cozumel, so Carnival deemed it a even swap.


I know we did not choose a Eastern Caribbean cruise in March (Spring Break) because it is not the the best weather this time of year.


So, my question....Shouldn't Carnival offer us a credit or something? I can tell you that I feel a bit cheated on what I expected and what I actually received. I thought about calling or writing to ask Carnival for something....any ideas, suggestions would be great!


Thanks in advance.


BTW: I find this site very useful and look to it for answers before talking to the cruise line.



When you book a cruise, you should never ever feel that the ports in the itinerary are guaranteed. They aren't. The cruise ticket contract is very clear on this. You have to remember that a cruise ship is more than just a floating hotel. As a seagoing vessel, it has obligations with regard to maritime law to render aid to other vessels. You must be accepting of these and other facts when you travel on a cruise ship.


Also, when the Coast Guard ordered the Captain to head back towards Key West, he had no choice but to do so. This situation that you and the other passenger's found yourselves in might have been disappointing, but you have to be able to adapt to the new circumstance. The fact that you feel that Bahamas is not as good a port as Cozumel is a moot point as no Cruise line guarantees ports. The nature of travel at sea makes it impossible to do so.


We have missed ports or had itineraries change at the last minute. Oh well, we just "roll with the punches". There is no other alternative, but we also would not try to seek any other alternative as we accept that the itinerary is not carved in stone.

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When you book a cruise, you should never ever feel that the ports in the itinerary are guaranteed. They aren't. The cruise ticket contract is very clear on this. You have to remember that a cruise ship is more than just a floating hotel. As a seagoing vessel, it has obligations with regard to maritime law to render aid to other vessels. You must be accepting of these and other facts when you travel on a cruise ship.


Also, when the Coast Guard ordered the Captain to head back towards Key West, he had no choice but to do so. This situation that you and the other passenger's found yourselves in might have been disappointing, but you have to be able to adapt to the new circumstance. The fact that you feel that Bahamas is not as good a port as Cozumel is a moot point as no Cruise line guarantees ports. The nature of travel at sea makes it impossible to do so.


We have missed ports or had itineraries change at the last minute. Oh well, we just "roll with the punches". There is no other alternative, but we also would not try to seek any other alternative as we accept that the itinerary is not carved in stone.



The rescue was an uncommon occurance, however, ports get cancelled all the time, often with no replacement. It is a fact of cruising.

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I once booked a cruise expecting to go to Cozumel, Ocho rios, Grand Cayman and NCL private Island.. Weather issues happened We ended up Going to Cozumel Ocho Rios, and Nassau... Lost a Port gained a sea day.. They scrambled to book nassau at the last minute to give up another port day.. No fault of NCL.. They didn't control the weather Just Like Carnival had ordered from the Coast Guard to save the boat at sea.. Not Carnivals fault OP shouldn't get anything..

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We have been on 2 cruises that we specifically picked because of a stop at Half Moon Cay. We are now 0 for 2 due to rough seas. The tenders couldn't safely operate. We got another sea day and a refund of the port fees. Didn't expect anything more. Spent the day in the Serenity area.

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