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NCL cancelling Roatan (MERGED THREADS)

swedish weave

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Yes, crime happens everywhere. But when things like murders and robberies of tourists and crew happen in broad daylight, it shows me that these offenders are bold and brazen and just don't care. This most recent incident happened extremely close to the cruise pier. Not in some back alley. If you people don't think that's cause for alarm, well you're very brave. I don't normally scare very easily, but this is not the first attack. There have been others in recent months. That shows a PATTERN. Not worth the risk for me.

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I am honestly torn on this subject. We have been sailing the western Caribbean ports for several years now and Roatan has become my absolute favorite place to go. Every time we book another cruise, we say it's time to head back to the eastern side and end up back on the western. (With the exception of our next cruise, which will be eastern, and that's basically because that's where the Getaway goes). But we do have another western cruise scheduled for November.


I feel so bad for the NCL crew member, his family, and the rest of the NCL crew that knew him. It's just so sad. But I do agree with others that state that it's just as bad in some of the big cities here in the US. We just don't hear about it unless it's on your local tv or it happens to be someone famous. It happens everywhere, even in the small little towns where everyone knows everyone and even the rich neighborhoods. Crime does not discriminate who it's against or where it is at.


I'm also confused and concerned with a few other things...like the reports that state Honduras is the #1 ranked place for murders and crime. I'm sorry, but I take that as Honduras itself and not Roatan, even though Roatan is a part of Honduras, it's not actually the same "piece of land". Yes, I'm sure the stats include Roatan, but a majority of it probably comes from Honduras itself as a whole. The same goes for Mexico. People freak out when you are going to Mexico. Yes, Mexico can be bad, but you are going to Cozumel, which is just like Roatan and an island OFF of the mainland.


Mexico vs Cozumel:




Some people (yes, even cruisers) don't understand "where" exactly the ship is going when they say "Mexico". Can crime happen in either of these places? Of cours, just like it can and does happen in your backyard (meaning neighborhoods/communities/cities). I honestly don't believe the "stats" for either of these places reflect Roatan (or Cozumel) itself, but includes all of Honduras or Mexico. (Yes, I'm aware of the other crimes that have been reported in Roatan-family renting a car and being shot at and the daughter of General Mills being killed).


As for Carnival not pulling out of Roatan, well of course they won't. They have invested $62 million dollars in creating that spot owned by them and they are not about to lose that money. By having a majority of their passengers stay at Mahogany Bay, they make even more money because the people are fearing for their life to go outside the compound that Carnival created and spending their $$ there instead. It's a win-win for them.


As for people saying to book ONLY ship related excursions, this protects you from the ship leaving you, it does not protect you from something that "could" happen. Anyone remember the 14 year old cruise passenger shot and killed in the middle of gang gunfire in St Thomas close to Coki beach back in 2010? We sailed to St Thomas right after that happened. Some said it was a cruise ship sponsored tour, others did not. However, they were with a BUNCH of people and it happened. So even being in groups won't always protect you. Yes, it gives you a better opportunity to not be targeted, I'm not saying that. Just that things can and do happen no matter what.


There are accidents that happen all the time, it's just not highly publicized until you see it happen on a cruise ship. Carnivals mishaps with being stranded out to sea, could happen to any of the ships. Costa Concordia sinking, could happen to any ship (I mean how do YOU know what the background of your Captain is? You can only hope he is not as careless as that Captain was). Elderly man getting back on the ship and a huge wave killed him. Conditions of the sea change constantly. That could be one of us getting back on the ship. Freak accident. Not too many months ago a worker on the ship docked was crushed. The child that drown on Carnival back in October? The child that drown in the hands of the grandmother this year? Things happen. It's good to be informed. It keeps us on our "toes" and makes us aware that we always need to be aware of our surroundings, try to stay in groups or whatever makes everyone comfortable. We each have our comfort zone.


As for NCL pulling out of Roatan. I hope they do for "awhile" just to show Roatan that they need to beef up security or get things under control the best any place can. But I do feel this is only temporary. Just like St Thomas was temporary when the shooting happened. People avoided getting off the ship...for awhile. Then it was back to normal. I love the people of Roatan and have never felt uncomfortable there, but I don't let my guard down either. It would be a shame if I never got to return. (Yes, we have a cruise booked for November there and planned on heading back to Little French Key).


Now my question is this...if they want to pull out of Roatan, which is actually a little island OFF of Honduras, and then take us to Trujillo, does this really make sense? I mean after all, this IS located IN Honduras.





If Honduras is #1 in murders, why would we be going there come next year or even this year? If NCL pulls out of Roatan "because it's unsafe", then does it really make sense they will be taking us actually to Honduras where it's even less safe? Do they plan on building this place to be a compound like Carnival has and all the cruise ship passengers won't go off the compound because of how bad Honduras is? I don't understand.




Roatan=off the main land of Honduras.

Cozumel=off the main land of Mexico.


Like I said, we are scheduled to go to Roatan in November, however looking at the site for this new place, when you look at the calendar on the site that shows cruise ships arriving there for Novemeber, when we are going, it has our ship listed already!!!





I believe that this has already been planned out way before the murder of this poor crew member. This just gives NCL a reason to switch to the other port by then. I do feel bad for the people in Roatan counting on the cruise ship money to generate into their little piece of paradise. It is truly a shame that this has happened for everyone involved. :(


Just to make it clear, I am not disagreeing with anyone that has posted or their opinions. I'm merely thinking out loud to myself on this thread and giving my thoughts. :) Please try to stay as safe as possible no matter where you travel.

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Good post !

I am honestly torn on this subject. We have been sailing the western Caribbean ports for several years now and Roatan has become my absolute favorite place to go. Every time we book another cruise, we say it's time to head back to the eastern side and end up back on the western. (With the exception of our next cruise, which will be eastern, and that's basically because that's where the Getaway goes). But we do have another western cruise scheduled for November.


I feel so bad for the NCL crew member, his family, and the rest of the NCL crew that knew him. It's just so sad. But I do agree with others that state that it's just as bad in some of the big cities here in the US. We just don't hear about it unless it's on your local tv or it happens to be someone famous. It happens everywhere, even in the small little towns where everyone knows everyone and even the rich neighborhoods. Crime does not discriminate who it's against or where it is at.


I'm also confused and concerned with a few other things...like the reports that state Honduras is the #1 ranked place for murders and crime. I'm sorry, but I take that as Honduras itself and not Roatan, even though Roatan is a part of Honduras, it's not actually the same "piece of land". Yes, I'm sure the stats include Roatan, but a majority of it probably comes from Honduras itself as a whole. The same goes for Mexico. People freak out when you are going to Mexico. Yes, Mexico can be bad, but you are going to Cozumel, which is just like Roatan and an island OFF of the mainland.


Mexico vs Cozumel:




Some people (yes, even cruisers) don't understand "where" exactly the ship is going when they say "Mexico". Can crime happen in either of these places? Of cours, just like it can and does happen in your backyard (meaning neighborhoods/communities/cities). I honestly don't believe the "stats" for either of these places reflect Roatan (or Cozumel) itself, but includes all of Honduras or Mexico. (Yes, I'm aware of the other crimes that have been reported in Roatan-family renting a car and being shot at and the daughter of General Mills being killed).


As for Carnival not pulling out of Roatan, well of course they won't. They have invested $62 million dollars in creating that spot owned by them and they are not about to lose that money. By having a majority of their passengers stay at Mahogany Bay, they make even more money because the people are fearing for their life to go outside the compound that Carnival created and spending their $$ there instead. It's a win-win for them.


As for people saying to book ONLY ship related excursions, this protects you from the ship leaving you, it does not protect you from something that "could" happen. Anyone remember the 14 year old cruise passenger shot and killed in the middle of gang gunfire in St Thomas close to Coki beach back in 2010? We sailed to St Thomas right after that happened. Some said it was a cruise ship sponsored tour, others did not. However, they were with a BUNCH of people and it happened. So even being in groups won't always protect you. Yes, it gives you a better opportunity to not be targeted, I'm not saying that. Just that things can and do happen no matter what.


There are accidents that happen all the time, it's just not highly publicized until you see it happen on a cruise ship. Carnivals mishaps with being stranded out to sea, could happen to any of the ships. Costa Concordia sinking, could happen to any ship (I mean how do YOU know what the background of your Captain is? You can only hope he is not as careless as that Captain was). Elderly man getting back on the ship and a huge wave killed him. Conditions of the sea change constantly. That could be one of us getting back on the ship. Freak accident. Not too many months ago a worker on the ship docked was crushed. The child that drown on Carnival back in October? The child that drown in the hands of the grandmother this year? Things happen. It's good to be informed. It keeps us on our "toes" and makes us aware that we always need to be aware of our surroundings, try to stay in groups or whatever makes everyone comfortable. We each have our comfort zone.


As for NCL pulling out of Roatan. I hope they do for "awhile" just to show Roatan that they need to beef up security or get things under control the best any place can. But I do feel this is only temporary. Just like St Thomas was temporary when the shooting happened. People avoided getting off the ship...for awhile. Then it was back to normal. I love the people of Roatan and have never felt uncomfortable there, but I don't let my guard down either. It would be a shame if I never got to return. (Yes, we have a cruise booked for November there and planned on heading back to Little French Key).


Now my question is this...if they want to pull out of Roatan, which is actually a little island OFF of Honduras, and then take us to Trujillo, does this really make sense? I mean after all, this IS located IN Honduras.





If Honduras is #1 in murders, why would we be going there come next year or even this year? If NCL pulls out of Roatan "because it's unsafe", then does it really make sense they will be taking us actually to Honduras where it's even less safe? Do they plan on building this place to be a compound like Carnival has and all the cruise ship passengers won't go off the compound because of how bad Honduras is? I don't understand.




Roatan=off the main land of Honduras.

Cozumel=off the main land of Mexico.


Like I said, we are scheduled to go to Roatan in November, however looking at the site for this new place, when you look at the calendar on the site that shows cruise ships arriving there for Novemeber, when we are going, it has our ship listed already!!!





I believe that this has already been planned out way before the murder of this poor crew member. This just gives NCL a reason to switch to the other port by then. I do feel bad for the people in Roatan counting on the cruise ship money to generate into their little piece of paradise. It is truly a shame that this has happened for everyone involved. :(


Just to make it clear, I am not disagreeing with anyone that has posted or their opinions. I'm merely thinking out loud to myself on this thread and giving my thoughts. :) Please try to stay as safe as possible no matter where you travel.

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I just wanted to add, the people of Roatan do care that such a horrible death occurred there. Not just because they possibly could lose business, but because most of them are honest, friendly and wonderful people. It saddens them that they are given such a bad reputation for something that this terrible person did that shouldn't reflect their entire population.


Little French Key posted this today on their site:


"There will be a simple vigil held for Jacob Gaban at the site of the incident where he lost his life this Sunday at 2:00 pm to honor his soul and the way he departed, please join....our deepest condolences to his family from Roatan Residents."

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In Paradise, you don't think of things such as this. I had several hundred in cash, two cell phones, camera, tablet etc. I never even thought I could be putting myself in danger, but even though you are in Paradise, you still have to use your head. That could have easily been me getting robbed so next time I will be smarter and leave it in the room. Again, with so many reputable tour guide services, I think it's probably very safe. Again, I never felt in danger and it seems that these few incidents targeted folks on their own or driving unknown streets in a rental car.... You never know what Street you Will end up on. I learned that lesson the hard way on a rough Street in DC. It can happen anywhere. Plan, research and book with folks that will keep you somewhere safe.

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LFK did post the following on their page:


"There will be a simple vigil held for Jacob Gaban at the site of the incident where he lost his life this Sunday at 2:00 pm to honor his soul and the way he departed, please join....our deepest condolences to his family from Roatan Residents."



They also stated the following:


"This incident was very tragic and very unusual, it happened on an unusual day, A Sunday, when Cruise ship was in Roatan, Cruise ships usually don't dock in Roatan on a Sunday. This Sunday was the first Sunday and also the last that a newly installed chief of police had on Roatan <he has since been replaced> his first Sunday with minimum security installed near the cruise ship port terminal because he thought there would not be much activity there. Powers at be have taken this extremely seriously and to heart, they offered an immediate reward, beefed up security and have captured the suspect and are making every effort to eliminate any chances of this happening ever again...as it has been stated this can happen anywhere in the world...we hope, pray and prepare the best way possible that it will not happen again.....our deepest condelences and prayers to Jacob's family, may G-d bless his soul"


While maybe this explains what "might" have happened as far as the security in Roatan around the cruise ship port area on that day, I can only post what they said (and it could offer some insight to that tragic day) and thought I would share.

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Of course things can happen anywhere. But some folks on these forums act like you should never choose a vacation location based on the probability of being safe versus not as. I don't get it. The best advice was given upthread- do what makes you feel the most comfortable. Everyone is different. The only reason why I haven't switched is because it would cost too much and this week was best for us in terms of work. Also my sailing is still months away. Maybe by August the police chief will have gotten in the swing of things and security better refined. And maybe the local thugs will run out of bullets. Again my condolences to the family of the NCL employee that was killed.



Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk

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While this maybe true, I am not even going to begin to believe this without far more info than this.


Like I said, do not believe everything you read on the internet.


what internet? This happend to my close friends !!! They book excurison from hotel . What info do you want? pictures of robbers? sorry thay don't have any pictures because cameras was taken .

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I am on the NCL Dawn April 20th 2014. I have booked for the excursion (I always book with NCL) to Maya Key. I know how Central America can be, so when I booked my excursions I always kept safety in mind. Maya Key is a 5 minute boat ride from the port to a private island. The only locals there are the employees evidently and it is usually quiet and very safe. I am hoping that the ship still intends to dock at Roatan which was what I was informed by NCL last week.


If you are looking for a safe excursion, Maya Key may work for you. I do not suggest going alone into cities either in Honduras or Belize. It is another world out there and although most people are good there are way to many opportunities for the bad ones to find tourists.


Plus...never take along anything you can't do without...as little money as possible etc. Think safe. Be safe.

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I am on the NCL Dawn April 20th 2014. I have booked for the excursion (I always book with NCL) to Maya Key. I know how Central America can be, so when I booked my excursions I always kept safety in mind. Maya Key is a 5 minute boat ride from the port to a private island. The only locals there are the employees evidently and it is usually quiet and very safe. I am hoping that the ship still intends to dock at Roatan which was what I was informed by NCL last week.


If you are looking for a safe excursion, Maya Key may work for you. I do not suggest going alone into cities either in Honduras or Belize. It is another world out there and although most people are good there are way to many opportunities for the bad ones to find tourists.


Plus...never take along anything you can't do without...as little money as possible etc. Think safe. Be safe.


I am on the Jewel this week and the ship is docking at Roatan. I have booked Maya Key with the ship, after canceling a reservation with a land based tour operator.

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So I got to miss my stop in Roatan last week, because an American punk, who's Daddy owns a resort, was acting out, because he was bored....


Awesome move NCL...:rolleyes:





No, you missed your Roatan stop last week cause NCL choose not to stop due to a crew member being murdered for his tablet very close to the cruise ship in broad daylight.


The above reports are a different thing.

Edited by Guest 2000
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This whole thing sounds fishy to me. I find it hard to believe that people get robbed, stabbed, shot or whatever and there has never been a mention of a "white guy", which would stand out to me in Roatan and cruisers would state that obviously in any report. Then this comes up.


There's a poster that also states: "

Your police in Roatan originally rounded up 2 Hispanic men as suspects for killing the NCL crew member. There are photos of the men being tied to the rack of a pick up truck while driven around town and then more photos of their faces courtesy of the police. They were completely innocent it turns out and were released.

The fact that this guy is white makes no difference to me. The passengers who were robbed at gunpoint describe more than one person, including some people who weren't described as a while guy."





So they released the guy they had in custody for the Pearl crew murder? It makes me wonder if they just took someone and said "hey look, we caught him now" for us to start coming back (and now he's released). :confused: Now this...a 20 year old "gang leader" responsible for all the robberies? Are they just over there trying to point a finger to make it look like things are being taken care of and we'll come back? It's just all a little fishy to me.



(The sister of the guy arrested is over there posting as well and did make a good point).

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This whole thing sounds fishy to me. I find it hard to believe that people get robbed, stabbed, shot or whatever and there has never been a mention of a "white guy", which would stand out to me in Roatan and cruisers would state that obviously in any report. Then this comes up.


There's a poster that also states: "

Your police in Roatan originally rounded up 2 Hispanic men as suspects for killing the NCL crew member. There are photos of the men being tied to the rack of a pick up truck while driven around town and then more photos of their faces courtesy of the police. They were completely innocent it turns out and were released.

The fact that this guy is white makes no difference to me. The passengers who were robbed at gunpoint describe more than one person, including some people who weren't described as a while guy."





So they released the guy they had in custody for the Pearl crew murder? It makes me wonder if they just took someone and said "hey look, we caught him now" for us to start coming back (and now he's released). :confused: Now this...a 20 year old "gang leader" responsible for all the robberies? Are they just over there trying to point a finger to make it look like things are being taken care of and we'll come back? It's just all a little fishy to me.



(The sister of the guy arrested is over there posting as well and did make a good point).



Is it possible you are talking about two different things? The NCL crew guy and the people being robbed on Palm Beach road.


I agree, truth is tough to come by no matter where you are and in third world countries perhaps even more so.


The point I wanted to make is they are trying...something I am not sure was happening before.


Going to the island or not, getting out of bed or not, adventure or not... all choices must be made by the individual with their own personal comfort level in mind.

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Is it possible you are talking about two different things? The NCL crew guy and the people being robbed on Palm Beach road.


I agree, truth is tough to come by no matter where you are and in third world countries perhaps even more so.


The point I wanted to make is they are trying...something I am not sure was happening before.


Going to the island or not, getting out of bed or not, adventure or not... all choices must be made by the individual with their own personal comfort level in mind.


I was quoting what the poster on that site (with the link about the arrest of the 20 year old) said..."Your police in Roatan originally rounded up 2 Hispanic men as suspects for killing the NCL crew member. There are photos of the men being tied to the rack of a pick up truck while driven around town and then more photos of their faces courtesy of the police. They were completely innocent it turns out and were released. "



Yes, I assume the robbing at gun point is talking about the family that was in the rented car (among a few other reports online and on TA in the Palm Beach Resort area).


I took out of this cruiselaw article that they are trying to blame this 20 year old kid for being the leader to the robberies happening in Roatan and now he is "caught" and charged with it. (The NCL crew member that was killed was still a "robbery" because they were taking his ipad/tablet, but they happen to kill him over it). I think it sounds like they are trying to insinuate this American is the ring leader behind it all.

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Oh, and Guest, I totally get what you were trying to relate with the link and agree. It "looks" like they are doing something about it (and I was just saying I think they are reaching to try to make it look that way for us to remain sailing there). I'm just not completely buying it. (Not you, them) :) I really value your thoughts and you have always been a big help regarding Roatan since you are there a lot. Hopefully you'll have some inside "connection" that can keep us connected and "in-the-know" about this port. I love this port and hate this has happened. :(

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Oh, and Guest, I totally get what you were trying to relate with the link and agree. It "looks" like they are doing something about it (and I was just saying I think they are reaching to try to make it look that way for us to remain sailing there). I'm just not completely buying it. (Not you, them) :) I really value your thoughts and you have always been a big help regarding Roatan since you are there a lot. Hopefully you'll have some inside "connection" that can keep us connected and "in-the-know" about this port. I love this port and hate this has happened. :(


Thanks! I dig you too. :0)

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