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Live From The Decks Of The Summit B2B 4/19 & 4/26/14


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Answer to the question about Kettle One and Bacardi. I got various answers until I was in

the Martini Bar. The bartender looked it up and it is in the second one. I’ve forgotten

the name but you probably know which one he meant.


Thanks for asking! I hope your toe is feeling better. I hate when that happens to me. The only damage is always to my ego! Again, great review and love reading your daily activities!

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Hi Gail. You have been hanging around JoAn . Her wit and humor has definitely rub off on your writing style ;). I was giggling out loud reading your posts. Don't worry , Kevin and I won't desert you . We like the MDR. hopefully you have gotten all your spills out of your system . I am even more excited about Tortola now listening to the raves. Btw, Tortola day is birthday day for me :D. At the airport now waiting for our flight. I will text you when we are on board tomorrow . Xoxo


Jeff and Kevin

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Kevin and Jeff,


I was told today that my Verizon may not work in San Juan. I sure thought I used before I got on, maybe not. Text but if I don't answer do it old school. I will either be out by pool or in Bistro on Five.


Can't wait to see you!

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We are in St Thomas this morning. Weather is perfect even if it will get a little hotter today.

Breakfast for me was in the Normandy, as usual. This cruise the little buffet was set up great for the first people in at 8 but by 9 (or before) it was mostly gone and refills were hard to come by. One reason for this is the fact that we only have two servers and they are expected to do everything, no matter how many people come by. They do their best but they need help.

Dishes are left on tables, drinks take forever to get and things are generally in a state of chaos. One day we had asked for Salmon so many times that a guest finally went up to the buffet on deck 10 and brought a plate down. No one seems to be in charge. And this is how they are treating their ‘best’ guests?

Larry, Paul, Nancy, Christine and, of course, me set out to walk to Havensite. Okay, I took the free transportation, but we all met at the shopping area. We went down one side then over to Al Cohens. They decided to walk to the boardwalk and I did some more shopping before returning to the ship.

I left my packages in my cabin and went up to the pool. There were a few people there, more than when we were in St Maarten, but it was clear the majority of the passengers

had left the ship. Makes it all the nicer to stay on board! J

About noon I found Cil and Roger in the buffet. I had a tuna melt with chips and After Eight Ice Cream. Roger had an egg salad sandwich and a pastrami sandwich (he’s a growing boy!) and Cil hit up the pasta bar.

I went back out in the sun for about an hour but it was very hot so I came down to my cabin, took a shower and a nice nap! I may have to keep this habit up when I get home.

Sure makes the evening more enjoyable.

I was trying to find Nancy and Larry’s cabin because they were having a small get together but I felt like I had walked a mile and hadn’t found it so I went to Revelations where Cil and Roger were. I got a glass of white wine, left it there, and went down to look at the Final Clearance Sale they had been advertising at the shops. I didn’t find anything that was a better price than before the sale but I did find Paul, who was looking for me. The troops had been sent out when I didn’t appear at Nancy and Larry’s cabin. They even had a Strongbow for me. It was a nice gathering with LOTS of food.

About 6:30 Paul, Christine and I went back up to the Revelations Lounge to talk to Cil and Roger. We were discussing the fact that the little boys who had caused so much disruption at the Lounge the day before (and almost every night before that) had walked in just as nice as you please even though we were told the Revlations Lounge was for adults the day before. These same children have also been running through Select Dining with no consequences.

Our CCH said she was not allowed to tell them they couldn’t come to the lounge with their children because the parents are Elite. I have certainly seen CCH’s quietly tell parents on other ships they must make other arrangements for their children because they

can’t bring them there. I’m sure part of their misbehavior is due to boredom. You can’t expect children to sit still (and quiet) for 2 hours. They are going to act out. Seems to me the parents could come in shifts if they can’t afford an in cabin baby sitter. JMO.

I’ve also seen CCH’s tell people they must adhere to the dress code if they come into the lounge with shorts on. On this cruise shorts were seen many times and no one said anything to them.

Dinner was interesting. The table I was at last night with the two young women who said we would all be at that table tonight didn’t show. Larry wasn’t feeling well so he was not at dinner. That left a place open at his table, which I took. Ok, that’s 4 tables in 7 nights and two nights I didn’t eat. What’s wrong with this picture?? Sure am looking forward to this coming week, where I hope I can have all 8 nights at the same table!

Everyone I’ve talked to has agreed that the cuts in staff have really affected the dining experience the hardest. Service has suffered and what’s the worst part about it is that people don’t seem to have that nice relationship you build with a waiter over the course of a cruise. The people in Select know they aren’t going to get that but those of us who choose Traditional dining do expect it and miss it if it’s not there. It is a shame to see the dining experience changed for the almighty buck.

After dinner, since I did not have to pack J, I went back to the casino to use up about $15.00 I had on one of those paper receipts that come out of the machines instead of money. Bear in mind I was playing penny machines. I played until midnight on that money and finally hit 5 7’s and a double. So I cashed out with $25 to play next week.

That’s what I started with this week. I was happy!

This has been a very good cruise in spite of some of the things that we didn’t like. After

all, we were on a cruise, sailing around the Caribbean so how bad could it be. Sure things need to be addressed and I hope they will be. But all in all I still had a GREAT time, met some wonderful people I now call friends, ate some good food and had some tasty drinks. It was sure better than staying home. J

Tomorrow I’ll start Cruise 2 of the B2B. The one with Tortola! YEA!!

Bye For Now!

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I'm always so glad to be able to read about your sailing adventures, Gail! I can count on getting caught up on my laughter in 3 pages or less. :) And I can sleep with visions of you napping in your cabin or you relaxing by the pool to keep me smiling and feeing like the most successful voyeur. :)


So far you haven't mentioned your pedal pushers so I'm assuming all is well, but I'm sure you'd find a store if you had to. LOL I do hope your sciatica has improved and heaven forbid your foot now - - it's always painful to walk when you've hurt your little toe - but to have to get around and do all the walking you do on a cruise? That's gotta still be one little big Ouchie!


I'm so looking forward to hearing about Tortola and don't forget to check out our villa rental house on the mountainside! A couple of candid pics would be nice, too, if you can manage it. :)


Now where is it you can buy that 2% magic cream? I forgot to ask you to get me a tube on your last Caribbean cruise, but please - can you get one for me this time if you are going by there? And I'll sweeten the deal - I'll even pay you double! :) LOL


Talk to you soon! Just keep on having a blast!!!!!

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Nice reading your adventures am enjoying your posts. The penny machines you are playing, what is the minimum bet on a penny machine? Just of the Royal and the minimum bet on a penny slot is either twenty of forty cents, didn't know if X still had true penny slots?

Have a great second half of your cruise!


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Hi Gail,

Looking forward to reading your posts on your second week of your journey, now that your "partners in crime" have arrived !

No mention of your "relief pills" so that's a good thing !

Reading all your posts I've decided that you really should think about writing a book on all your travels, it would sure to be a best seller ! Lol

Hugs 💕


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Today is one of the best days of a cruise. This is the day everyone has to be off the ship and on the way home = EXCEPT FOR US B2B’ers!! I was told there are 70 of us!

At 10AM we get the call to meet up for our parade off the ship. Things were going swell until we used our cards to get off. And they kept them! Many of us save our cards but they took them this time, no if, ands or buts! And I did try to get security to give it back.

We got into the building and waited. At least this time I wasn’t on the slope but on the flat part of the floor. We waited a few minutes, it seemed like 5 or less and then the line started to move. Our passports were checked by one agent and then we were given our new cards by ship’s personnel. Really easy. We had the new cards visually checked a couple more times and we were onboard. With champagne, mimosa’s or OJ.

I had to go by Guest Relations for Cil and Roger so I asked what the deal was with taking

our cards. She said they had them there and all we had to do was ask for them. Which I did and she came up with mine She said we can always get the cards at GR if security takes them. That works for B2B but I wonder what will happen when I get off for good on May 4th? I think I have all of the cards from my cruises and I hate to miss one. Besides, they say if you ever have to prove you were on a cruise like for missed points either that card or the boarding picture is the proof you need.

Anyway, we were back on board and laying in the sun before 11 AM. It was heaven!

A little after 11 new passengers started to trickle in. One of the first was my friends Kevin and Jeff! Jeff came up by the pool because they had texted but I hadn’t answered. My Verizon is not working in San Juan. It has been so long since I’ve seen them but they haven’t changed much! Still a couple of pretty good looking, fun guys!

The three of us went up to the Bistro for lunch and then people started to come in. Cil and Roger, Christine and Paul and finally Randi and Mark. Everyone else eventually wandered off till it was just Mark, Randi and me. We talked for a while (I had a couple of Strongbows) and then we split up and went to our cabins.

I got to rest a little but, all too soon it was time for Muster. Mine has been in Michael’s Club and last time I didn’t get a seat so I went early. I was glad I did because it packed out with about 3 rows, standing on two sides and the back wall. Sitting it was okay but standing would have been hard for me.

Muster was when we found out that our CD Kyle had gotten off the ship and our new CD was Lisa. I’ve talked to her some since that first day and she seems really great! Very friendly and out and about with the passengers.

I had dinner that night with Mark, Randi, Kevin and Jeff plus another couple who were our ‘wild card’ diners. Our waitress is Sophia and we are at table 206 just right of the Captain’s Table.

I missed my prime rib on the first night of the first cruise so I was looking forward to enjoying it on my second first night. I had the best cream of mushroom soup! When the entrée was served I got a prime rib that was medium. I had ordered rare so Sophia took it back and gave me a ‘sort of’ rare piece. Then handed my medium to Mark. J As it turns out, he got the better deal. At least half of mine was (I’m not kidding here) 1/8”. Flatter than a pancake! Oh well. I had hoped to start off better but it’s still just the first night of my second cruise! J I did try something I hadn’t had for dessert and that was the Chocolate Cake on the anytime menu. It was as good as I had heard.

Most everyone was tired so it was an early night. I started to go to Café al Bacio for an Igloo. Randy says it is to die for. In the end I was just too tired and I, too, toddled off to bed.

Bye For Now!

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Today we arrived in St Maarten (second time in a few days for some of us). I was going to get off and go with Mark and Randi but it was very hot so I decided to stay on board. They really didn’t stay too long them selves.

Breakfast in the Elite area took a turn. We were greeted by no buffet, no juices or smoothies that you served yourself, in fact no food at all. We took seats and the waiters began to bring a 3 tier tray to each table. Top was meats and cheeses (VERY little lox, 1 portion of cream cheese, one little circle of onion, and a couple of slices of other meat and cheese). Second tray was fruit, primarily a pineapple, cantaloupe and honey dew wedges(none of which were ripe), a half grapefruit and a few blue berries and raspberries. Third tray was breads and Danish including 1 mini bagel. Everyone just sort of sat there, looking at this thing. Most stayed and picked at the food, a few had coffee and Mimosa’s and left. We are told this is fleet wide. Hands down the most in demand item on the buffet was the Lox, cream cheese and bagels. With not even enough to fill one mini bagel it was kind of weird. Surely they know what is first gone every morning.

After a very small breakfast I was up at the pool by 10:30 and stayed there until about

2:30 I took time out to have an early lunch in the buffet with Cil and Roger. I think we

were all hungry early because we had almost no breakfast. I had a tuna melt from the

sandwich bar WAY at the back of the buffet. I like to get sandwiches there but it’s not

fast. It probably takes longer to get a sandwich than any thing else on the buffet.

Ice cream is good as always but they must be having trouble with the freezer because its

been really soft for the last couple of days. Much too soft for a cone. But it still tastes

better than ice cream on any other cruise line. J

After 2:30 I went up to my cabin for a nap before formal night. Now I don’t mind formal

night. In fact l kind of like it but on this cruise there are THREE formal nights. Two of

them are only one night apart. That is just too much. And that’s what I’ve heard from

everyone, three formal nights are too much for an eight night cruise. Wish the Captain

would hear the grousing and change the last one. He would make a lot of friends if he


I got myself together and dressed and went on up to Revelation. The whole area by the

windows was taken so we sat in the first set of chairs and banquettes as you come in.

There ended up being 9 of us so we took up quite a bit of space where people were

walking. Maybe tomorrow we can get up by the windows where we can spread out.

At one point a waiter spilled a drink, including lemon slices over two chairs. We had a

bit of a problem getting that cleaned up. I finally went and told Raluca and she got the

chairs replaced very quickly.

From Revelation Mark, Randi and I went to Michael’s Club for a meet and greet with the

Captain and more drinks and food. It was a small, intimate gathering which included

photo opportunities with Captain Leo.

Mark, Randi and I are sitting at the Captain’s Table tonight which was even more of an

Honor because it is Capt Leo’s final table before he goes on vacation. He is scheduled to

return in August.

After champagne we left Cellar Masters for the dining room and our walk down the

dining room stairs. I wonder if anyone has ever fallen down the stairs being escorted to

the Captain’s Table. It’s always a fear of mine. I hold onto the banister like a dying man

hangs onto the last life raft! And when I touch the floor after the last step I can breathe


The menu was a special one with things from the specialty restaurants and unique items

such as venison. I had the Lava Crab, Cream of Mushroom Soup, Beef Tornados and we

all had a specialty dessert with strawberries and a crepe wrapped around ice cream. It

was all delicious. And we got to keep the menu. Easily one of the best Captain’s Tables

I ‘ve been invited to!

That was my day. After all the rich food I had no energy to go to the casino. It was

writing and bed for me!

Bye For Now!



I'll get this caught up tonight. You know how it is when your friends come on board...

Don't know why this posted so weird but not going to take the time to fix it. :D

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Penny machines are penny machines. I play 9 lines (all) for 1 or 2 pennies. 9 cents or 18 cents!:D


Toe is better. Sheets and shoes hurt it most!


Larry, everyone is jealous of your 'cute' man purse! You are the talk of the Elite Lounge!


Dave's girl - have tube in hand. (that doesn't sound so good! )


Joan, we miss you!



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Gail, do you know who is replacing Captain "Leo"? My DS was looking forward to seeing him again this year. Are there any other staff changes that you are aware of? Also, can you find out who is the sommelier in cellar masters, we are trying to see if Merrill is back on board? Sorry for all of the questions, just trying to be prepared for June.


Hope you are having a great trip, maybe we will meet again (sailed with you on Mercury from Baltimore a few years back).

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We were greeted by no buffet, no juices or smoothies that you served yourself, in fact no food at all. We took seats and the waiters began to bring a 3 tier tray to each table. Top was meats and cheeses (VERY little lox, 1 portion of cream cheese, one little circle of onion, and a couple of slices of other meat and cheese). Second tray was fruit, primarily a pineapple, cantaloupe and honey dew wedges(none of which were ripe), a half grapefruit and a few blue berries and raspberries. Third tray was breads and Danish including 1 mini bagel. Everyone just sort of sat there, looking at this thing. Most stayed and picked at the food, a few had coffee and Mimosa’s and left. We are told this is fleet wide.


Thanks for all your reviews and updates

Not impressed to read this at all, if you get a chance Tuggers you might like to flag up this change on a separate thread. I do not want my breakfast choice dictated - I might want more fruit, less breads and for DH he has food allergies that would impact on what he would want - or would want to have touching the food he does want. Sounds like another beancounters farce. The more I read of all these cutbacks the less I am inclined to go with Celebrity after our current bookings

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The more I read of all these cutbacks the less I am inclined to go with Celebrity after our current bookings


Thinking the exact same thing. Said to my DH two days ago that our upcoming Summit cruise might be our last.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forums mobile app

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I take whole cruises just for this one stop! To me, it is the most beautiful and peaceful spot in all of the Caribbean.

I had a fast breakfast of muesseli in the buffet and then headed off to the pier to wait for the others. We (okay, me) wanted to be in a cab and on our way by 8:30. We made it to the taxi pickup by 8:30, found a van and then waited what seemed like an hour but was probably only 5 minutes for a couple of other passengers for the van, while I repeatedly threatened to take every one to another cab. Our driver, Smitty, kept trying to get me to relax, calm down, etc. None of which was going to happen until I had my feet in the sand of Cane Garden.

We are only in Tortola until 2 and I didn’t want to waste a minute of it in a cab. But, seriously, this guy drove like he was 100 years old. I wanted a FAST cab and instead I

got Grampa Moses!! Where were the guys who had you hanging onto your seat as they careened around corners and missed other cabs fenders by a hair??? Grampa must have slowed down at very turn and passing car.

As we exited the van, I shut the door while Larry was holding onto the part between the two doors. He screamed and we all thought I had amputated a finger. That goodness it only caught the skin. Of course he tried to put a guilt trip on me but as I told him, I was raised by a Jewish mother so none of that worked on me. But I did feel bad.

Finally we get to Cane Garden and the Big Banana! Only there is no more Big Banana!

While I’m digesting this little bit of heart break a woman from Rhymer’s next door is yammering in my ear about chairs and umbrellas! I just wanted to scream at her, SHUT UP! No more BB, no more Judith my favorite bartender. Life is NOT good right now! Besides, she is entirely too pushy for Tortola!

We walked in front of what used to be the BB and I saw a familiar face. And she saw me! She is a friend of Judith’s and called her on the phone so I could talk to her. The BB’s owner and Judith’s brother in law sold out to a ‘white man’ and so far the place has not reopened.

However, Judith’s friend has a small place and gave us a great deal on loungers and umbrellas and told us they also were making drinks. So all was not lost. They have a very new two story wooden building right past the old BB, heading away from the rest of the crowds. If you go to Cane Garden be aware that every cab driver wants to take you further down the beach where the vendors are. Stay near the pink hotel (Rhymer’s) and the beach will be much more peaceful. But get your chairs at the new place.

In the end, we all had a wonderful time. The water does not get deep for a long way out and even us non swimmers can enjoy it without fear. Today the birds were diving for

breakfast! They come in silently, wings drawn back until they look like one long black cylinder as they dive straight down into the water making hardly a ripple. Then, just as quickly, they are coming up out of the water with their fish. The entire beach seemed enthralled with the show!

There were several big catamarans anchored just beyond the swimming area and a few yachts. It makes for such a peaceful tableau. If I was an artist I would be there every day, trying to get that feeling of peace on a canvas! But since my artistic talent lies more to the paint by number kits of my youth I will have to be satisfied with my memories and my photographs.

They will be doing work on the dock this coming year so Celebrity will not make Tortola a stop in 2015. I hope, when the improvements are made Tortola will be a longer stop. Next year I may have to take an (horrors) NCL cruise just to get a quick fix. If I do I may have to take my own food because I hear theirs is pretty bad!

All too soon it was 12:30 and our cab was back to pick us up. Grampa Smitty rides again! As I opened the front door someone said something and I turned loose of the door. That’s when I realized that the door closes on its own. And pretty fast. When I thought I had slammed the door on Larry’s hand I didn’t remember pushing the door closed. So maybe he was the victim of a self closing door! Anyway, it was a much more sedate group going back to the ship. Everyone said they had a good time and that it was a beautiful beach. I hope some of them enjoy it on another cruise.

As we were waiting on the elevators on deck one at 1PM there was a waiter who told us that the dining room was still open for lunch. I think that was because we had so many people coming back at the same time.

Randi, Mark and I decided to take advantage of the dining room. I had only been to lunch there one other time on this cruise and wouldn’t you know it, it was the same menu! As least I knew the small steak was good. Randi and I both had the steak. I had a salad and the steak came with fries and green beans. Very small green beans which I liked. I had butter pecan ice cream for dessert.

Then back to the cabin and a much needed nap! I didn’t set a wake up call because it was so early. Bad idea! Woke up at 6:35! J At least I had time to get dressed and do a little casino before dinner.

I’m sure I had dinner, I just don’t remember what it was! When you get old(er) you get really, really tired after a big day! J

I did go back in the casino for a bit but like most cruise ships, there is a lot more money going in than coming out. There are some newer machines on here. Kevin liked playing Sex and the City and he did pretty well on it but he said h got bored with it. At least he was in the black. I’ve been in the hole since we left SJU!

Few random thoughts about cost cutting (things I’ve noticed and things others have asked me to mention):

Lots of us think they have made the Elite Breakfast so unappealing that people will not go as much. You can no longer use it as breakfast because there is just not enough served. We’ve already seen a decline in usage. Once there are only a few people taking advantage of it X will do away with it. Most people think it was just too popular. It’s such a shame because the breakfast and cocktail hour are two of the most coveted perks to being Elite/Elite Plus.

I was asked to talk about the fresh flowers or lack there of. No more fresh flowers in the Ladies Rooms or on the tables in the dining room. You can still find them in Café al Bacio.

If you are Elite Plus and get Cappuccinos at Café al Bacio be ready to tell them they are no charge for Elite Plus. Some are still getting charged for them. And it is only Cappuccinos and Espressos that are free.

There do not seem to be Bar Servers in the Dining Room. Asst Waiters are now taking the drink orders and delivering them to the tables. We do still have Wine Stewards.

The amount of cruises necessary to go from Elite Plus to Zenith is so much that most people who talked to me about it feel it is totally unattainable for them.. Some feel once they are Elite Plus they have no reason to stay loyal to X. There, of course, are always us diehards who are willing to give it a try! J

Bye For Now!

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I will try to answer your questions tonight.


Yes, there are cut backs and yes they take some getting used to, but for me, this is still the best line. Major cuts in Elite Plus perks would probably get me to rethink that.


I will continue to give you the good and the bad because I have always tried to be truthful and give you the straight scoop. Those who know me know I tell it like it is!:D

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I take whole cruises just for this one stop! To me, it is the most beautiful and peaceful spot in all of the Caribbean.


They will be doing work on the dock this coming year so Celebrity will not make Tortola a stop in 2015. I hope, when the improvements are made Tortola will be a longer stop. Next year I may have to take an (horrors) NCL cruise just to get a quick fix.


Gail - Take a look at the Connie 11-28-15 cruise. It will be stopping in Tortola from 8 AM to 6PM on 12/3 - plenty of time to get your "fix"! :D

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WOW I am really upset to hear about the cuts to the Elite Breakfast. My DH is going to be really, really upset as he loved it.:mad::(


Is it not amazing however that there are posters who refuse to believe there has been a change because you have not personally experienced this downgrade. I'm really getting sick of the ridicule that three posters pass out to anyone showing concern over recent changes to the Celebrity experience.


Thanks Tuggers:


I will continue to give you the good and the bad because I have always tried to be truthful and give you the straight scoop. Those who know me know I tell it like it is!


Is there any way that you could post a picture of the new offerings?

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