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A Getaway Review: A week in Paradise (with photos) [April 26-May 3]


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Friday, April 25, 2014 - Commute


What a day of travel! I won’t bore you with all the details, but it’s 11:30pm and we are finally in Fort Lauderdale. We picked up our rental car from Budget and headed to Taco Bell beside the hotel and then CVS to pick up snacks and drinks for the stateroom.


We originally book QLS shuttle for transport to and from the cruise port, but a rental car turned out be be roughly the same price and we could leave earlier (plus not sharing a ride).


Our friend Kallie took us to the airport this afternoon after a lovely dinner at Rock Bottom Brewery with her and her mom, who is in town from Washington state. Anyway, only one flight delay, so that’s always good.





Our “flight-delayed” faces



The flight was uneventful except that Spirit's CFO was on board and introduced himself and did a little Q&A session. We were right up front in the first row so it was difficult to rest because he stood up there talking to the attendants about general feedback-y stuff. I’m not sure, I just wanted to sleep. All the same, cool to meet someone behind-the-scenes.


We basically went to bed as soon as we arrived and ate. We want to be up early in the morning to head to the cruise port! (Hoping for VIBE passes!)



(Continuing in comments below - May be delayed, about to board flight home!)

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Saturday, April 26, 2014 - Day 1: Embarking


After sleeping on one of the world’s worst mattresses at Comfort Suites (and full sized at that, which was miserable for my 6'5" tall husband), we packed up the next morning, checked out of the hotel, and ate our hot morning (hotel lobby) breakfast. I started to panic when I noticed how many others were up and ready to leave so early. Would we be there in time to snag a highly sought after VIBE pass? I suppose you can scroll down if you have to know right now, but what’s the fun in that?


I wasn't able to eat much. Too excited/nervous, I suppose. I had a few bites of scrambled egg and a banana, and we loaded up the car with our bags and started the drive to Miami. While on the Interstate we (mainly I - Chris was driving) saw a single-engine plane doing amazing tricks, flips, etc. I was concerned for a moment because I don’t think I've ever witnessed a plane doing some of the things this one was doing. Amazing. I took it as an omen that this would be a special trip for us.



Once in downtown Miami, we couldn't really find a close gas station anywhere to fill the tank before returning it to Budget, so we just returned it as is and because we traveled less than 75 miles, they only charged us the flat rate of $13.99. To us, worth it because we were noticing more and more people, and it was still very early (just before 10am).


From there we hailed a cab - a friendly Colombian gentlemen who offered tour-like information as we passed certain landmarks and helped me brush up my Spanish - who took us straight to our terminal. He also pointed out a lot of hot landmarks (like where Miami Heat plays and well, clubs mostly).



We arrived at exactly 10:10am and handed our bags to a porter. We walked inside and were handed a health screening form (new or standard practice, I’m not sure) to screen for susceptibility to norovirus (I’m guessing). Then we went through the easiest check-in process ever. I was feeling pretty great until we walked to the back of the terminal to wait and the lobby was already very crowded a full hour before embarking. We were giving group 4 (I was really aiming for group 1!) and sat down.





Terminal Lobby



I guess I really didn't expect so many people there to be prepared for the VIBE process, but that’s what everyone was talking about. I was starting to get really nervous now. They started calling groups at exactly 11:30. That went quickly, and eased my nerves some because I was starting to realize that there’s only about 20 passes per group - my chances were now “okay.” Do you see how anxious I can get? Did the passes really matter? Would my vacation have been ruined? Clearly, the answer is "no," but it's difficult to really understand that when you're in the moment. These passes had been hyped up online so much, I thought I had to have one.



We met a lovely solo rider while waiting - you know me, always making friends. We saw her again later on board and she took this picture for us before we sailed off.




The picture our new friend took for us once on board



Finally group 4 was called and we practically sprinted on board. No time for pictures just yet. You can’t really see the ship from the outside anyway, so we decided to take one while it was in port one day. On we boarded and immediately went one deck below - straight for guest services.



There was a line - a pretty long one, too. There were large groups in front of us - it was 11:43 and we were about 20th in line. Not a big deal - there are 70 passes - but many of the groups were getting passes for friends as well (as many as 6-8 at a time for people who hadn't even boarded yet). It was looking grim, the line was very slow, and the guest service attendants were getting visibly annoyed (although they’d never say it) at people asking the same panicked questions and trying to get passes from another line.



Photos of the VIBE from our first day exploring the ship




The large reserved cabanas block most of the view for the left side of VIBE



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These two smaller cabanas are behind the large ones and comfortably seat 2. We spent a lot of time in these the times we did go as they were always empty, comfortable, and the shade was considerably cool.




Overall - a very poorly executed process - but we managed to get the passes. However, the five cabanas sold out very quickly and we didn't manage to snag those. While Chris waited in line for the VIBE bracelets, I went over to the empty shore excursion desk and booked tickets for the Sea Helmet Trek at Coral World in St. Thomas (Wednesday). After we got our wristbands for VIBE, we headed straight up to the spa to get our weekly pass, and booked a couples massage and ritual bath for the next day. No clue at this point what a ritual bath is - but it is our vacation and I’m going to find out! :)



Chris stopped at the deli and got the soda package. I had read that everyone in the stateroom had to get the same package to avoid “cheating,” but they didn't make me purchase it. I’m grateful, since I rarely drink soda, but I was expecting I would have to get the same deal.



We called and facetimed our parents one more time before sailing off. We both really want to sail with our family sometime. We know they would love it - it’s just getting us all together and on the boat. They’ll come around one day ;)


Coming up soon: Photos from exploring the ship - Day 1.


We are about to board our plane home. So these will probably come tomorrow evening!

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So glad you were able to get the Vibe passes. I think I know exactly what you were going through. Am leaving in august on the Breakaway and already having nightmares of trying to get passes. It is silly I know. We will have a great time with or without Vibe, But until I know for sure I will fret and worry... :eek:

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Photos we took of our cabin (12774) on Day 1



Excited face - So unbelievably happy that we were upgraded to a balcony!



Five minutes in and already a little messy...


On the plus side, they give you lots and lots of hangers in the closet, and there was plenty of storage for everything we brought along. No need for a shoe rack for the bathroom door in these cabins, there was plenty of shelf space in the bathroom (and in the shower). I thought I took a picture of the bathroom but can't seem to find it (sorry)!



The blue light above the door signifies to the room steward that someone is in the room (or at least has a card in the power switch). A green light means to make the room up, and red means do not disturb. A really neat system.




We grabbed a quick bite to eat in the Garden Cafe (buffet).



We watched passengers of the Carnival Breeze board from the aft of the cafe as we had a little lunch before sail away.

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We watched the sail away from our balcony and waved to the friendly coast guard and rescue squad giving us a proper send off.

(Not sarcasm - he looks intimidating with that machine gun, but he was waving and all smiles!)









Bye bye, Miami! See you in seven days!




The spa had a really nice raffle at 5pm - giving away $100 and $200 spa certificates and listening to promotions and services of all the departments. It was a sales pitch, sure, but a short one with some appealing things. Everyone who attended was offered a head-to-toe package with facials, Swedish massage, foot reflexology massages, and something I’m forgetting for $149 (usually $3-- something). The art auctioneer was there to promote the art gallery auction (with emphasis on the free champagne) and auctioned off a work of art to “give us a taste” (it went for $101 - but he ended up giving it to the winner for free).



At 5:30, we had reservations for the Illusionarium. We weren't able to take pictures - but it truly is a great show. A few of the tricks really stumped me. And it’s not just a magician standing on stage with a host of “tricks,” it has a well thought-out plot and has a large cast of multiple magicians. Really, a great experience. But be warned - some of the strobes and the fog are annoying.




The meal was pretty good. I had eggplant Parmesan and Chris had some beef dish with really crispy potato wedges, and the dessert palette was amazing.

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After the show, I went to the room to shower and relax for a moment before we headed up to a surprisingly not-crowded Spice H20 to watch Monsters University on the big screen. The chairs were very comfortable and great for snuggling up in to watch a movie and eat some popcorn (they had at the bar). For a little while, I got in the hot tub and watched the movie from there. It was Chris’s idea to go - and I’m glad now we did. It was very relaxing.




After the movie - it was time for bed. It had been a long, adventurous day, and we had lots to do still tomorrow.



Here are some of my favorite photos we took of the ship while exploring on day 1:











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Sunday, April 27, 2014 - NCL Getaway: Day 2


I got up early (6:25am) to see the sunrise, but the balcony was facing the wrong way. Still plenty of time for that I suppose! I headed back to bed and rested for a while before our breakfast order came (early). …. and then we went back to bed.



Good morning! Loving the balcony!


Finally, 11am rolled around and we decided we should probably get out of bed. We got dressed and grabbed lunch at the Taste dining room. We shared an order of chicken nachos (sans chicken) and I ordered the only item without meat - an omelet. Having already had breakfast, I really didn’t feel like having an omelet, but that seemed to be my only choice, as even the tomato soup used chicken broth.






We wanted to go to the thermal suite at the spa next, but were directed to check in for our 3pm couple massage. We explicitly told them we wanted to lounge in the thermal suite before checking in, but they insisted and had us wait in the “relaxation room” (a glorified waiting room) for over an hour and a half. Not a very relaxing start to our spa time.



Relaxation Room


We added a 20 minute ritual bath to our couples massage - and they had us start that first. We soaked for about 10 minutes, before deciding to get out. The water was less than warm, and Chris is just too tall to get comfortable in a bath, but the aroma they used was relaxing and nice. We arrived in our swimsuit, but they gave us mesh underwear to change into.




After the bath, we hopped onto the massage tables. The massage was great. It was Chris’s first ever and he enjoyed it as well, but he says they didn’t know how to work with leg hair (lol). At the end they tried to sell me a 3-month, $300 detox pill - umm no thanks, and after all the hassle to get there and relax, I was instantly stressing again. We decided to finally go up and relax in the thermal suite, but it was packed solid. Every chair was occupied and the hydrotherapy pool was full, and the sauna, salt room, and steam room were also full. Now I need to go back to the spa, to escape from the stresses of the spa. Ah!



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We gave up and decided to return another time (while the ship is in Nassau, probably). We went to hangout in the VIBE for a while. We grabbed refreshments and laid out until dinner time. It was all you can eat ribs in O’Sheehans (the Irish pub) so we headed there. I had the salad sans ham and turkey and Chris ordered the ribs.



"Bowling" at O'Sheehans - The balls are about the size of a cantaloupe with no finger holes, and the lanes are shorter, and the pins smaller (and stringed to the top).




Next we went back to the room to watch the sunset - we could watch it from the balcony, but it was hiding behind the clouds.




Chris wanted to watch the newlywed, not-so-newlywed game in the atrium, so we headed there just in time to grab good seats. It really was a hilarious show, and the cruise director, Sinan from Turkey, was upbeat and hilarious (listen for the way he pronounces certain words - like "Ap-plows" [applause] and "nnnneixt" [next]). They had 4 couples, ranging from 2-months to 59 years together. We were in the first row behind the cruise director, and the show was being recorded for the onboard television. I’m not sure if it’s for future cruise, or just ours, but it was a lot of fun and we were in a lot of shots. So if you ever take the NCL Getaway, turn to Channel 16 and see if you see Chris and I - I’m wearing the black and white chevron maxi dress! :)




We missed our reservations for the comedy show because I thought it was at 9:45pm (wrong!). We rescheduled for tomorrow evening. After a day of stressing and destressing, stressing again and then laughing our butts off and having a good time - it’s been a tiring day. So we returned to our cabin for a shower and rest. Off to bed for these old souls!



Our first towel animal!

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Monday, April 28, 2014: Day 3 (Sea Day)


Ah, vacation! We slept in until 11am on this sea day. Too late for breakfast. We looked out the balcony and had a new companion, Royal Caribbean's Independence of the Seas, which followed us all the way to St. Maarten.




We dressed quickly and headed to the theater to play Deal or No Deal. We bought two cards ($39.99) and found our seats. You are given a punch out card with 20 cases. Two contestants are called to the stage and call out the cases they want. You open the case they open on your card, and if the amount matches in the corresponding case, you have a match. You could get 0-8 matches and the more matches you had, the better the reward. Chris’s card only had 1 match, but mine had 3 matches on both games, so we won two photos from the gallery. You don't win anything for 1 match (and you don't win the amount you match, either). The cards only go up to $50, and the live game goes up to $1,000, so that lessens your chances some.



Deal or No Deal, hosted by cruise director, Sinan.

1 match = nothing

2 matches = instant win punch cards

3 matches = free photo

4 matches = $50

5 matches = $200 (split with other winners)

6 matches = ? Can't remember. No one got past 4 matches in our game


After that, we decided to try Flamingo grill for the first time - where Chris had a burger and I grabbed the only veggie option. It's worth noting that O'Sheehans and Flamingo grill had the same exact menu throughout the cruise - everyday. O'Sheehans has nightly "specials" (like fried chicken dinners, prime rib, or rib dinners) but the core menu is always the same.



The fried plantains are delicious!


Next, we headed up to the ropes course and tried our hand at balancing on ropes and planks. We also did the “Walk the plank” attraction, which is a sturdy wooden plank that extends out past the ship. You walk out (more difficult than it sounds as the plank is narrow and the winds coming off the ship are strong), pull the rope and have your picture taken. Of course you are harnessed in - there is no danger of falling off. There are numerous routes you can take depending on your comfort level, so it’s good for all ages and physical capabilities. At the end you take the zip line across the ship, and you can start again or walk off the course.




Your picture is taken during the plank and the zipline! Lots of fun!



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Next, we got changed into our swim suits and tried the dead drop slides. You walk into a tube and it counts down from 3, and the floor drops out from underneath you. Incredible! There isn’t just a few water slides on the Getaway - it’s like a whole water park!






After the slide, I went back to the room and changed. Chris stayed behind to shower and get dressed while I went to the shops to browse. I purchased a few glasses, a purse, and postcards. I browsed the makeup and perfume as well and will probably go back another day for at least some perfume - they had some good deals.


Next, I texted Chris using the iConcierge app to ask about dinner and waited in the casino for him. I won a whole 10 cents in a slot machine and put $20 worth of quarters in a quarter machine. We had dinner at Savor - one of the main dining rooms. Again, I had the only vegetarian option - the potato gnocchi. So far, it has been my favorite dinner. Our waitress, who we later found out was Getaway’s restaurant manager, was perplexed that we didn’t want dessert, but after a starter each, 2 baskets of bread, and the entree, we were stuffed.



Chris had a very nice mushroom ravioli starter. It was the most popular dish in the room - very good.

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We had 7:30pm appointments for the Ice Bar (more on that in a second) so to kill time, I grabbed a pineapple mojito from the Sugarcane Mojito bar and we walked around for some aft views.






We found this cool ledge thingy. A see-through window you can stand on and see the raging sea below.




Time to put on our parkas to try out the Svdeka Ice Bar ($20pp). Seventeen degrees inside this ice box - it was very small. They gave us gloves and a parka and two drink tickets and we walked inside.




On the ice throne - I'm like Queen Elsa! (Frozen Reference)

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Chris's frozen glasses afterwards.


The last event for the night was Levity Entertainment group. We made our way to Headliners Comedy Club to listen to the comedic stylings of New Yorker Pete Corealle.



Part of headliners - some would argue, the most important part.

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