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Freedom of the Seas, May 3, 2015 Not available for booking?

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Last week someone posted on the Maxwell at Sea FB page asking if the cruise was still on. The Maxwell page responded and said yes, so I commented asking if they were going to adjust the description to exclude the "full ship charter" part as Royal Caribbean is now booking rooms for the public. It appears that the Maxwell page has now deleted the whole post. Sketchy!

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Last week someone posted on the Maxwell at Sea FB page asking if the cruise was still on. The Maxwell page responded and said yes, so I commented asking if they were going to adjust the description to exclude the "full ship charter" part as Royal Caribbean is now booking rooms for the public. It appears that the Maxwell page has now deleted the whole post. Sketchy!

VERY sketchy - others have reported on that page that they've called the Maxwell folks and they STILL insist its a full charter, as recently as a week or two ago!


I think that cruise is going to be one gigantic train wreck! The ones who paid exorbitant Maxwell prices are expecting a full ship charter with their group controlling all the venues - and providing special meals from a celebrity chef! The ones booking through RCI directly don't realize that there's a Maxwell group expecting to "own" all the venues. I'd love to be a fly on the wall! Hope someone comes back here to review for the rest of us afterwards! :)

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Quite frankly I am surprised that the RCI legal folks have not stepped in to clarify the situation with the Maxwell organizers (on their website) to protect the RCI brand...I also hope that the Maxwell cruisers who deposited or paid in full by March 15th have very good trip cancellation insurance (cancel for ANY reason) and again, wonder how they (Maxwell organizers) are communicating with their paid guests as to onboard expectations


Full charter music cruises (regardless of musical styles) are an incredible experience due to the immersion and well worth the additional cost....at the same time a music theme group on a regular sailing can fill a niche and provide a taste for those music fans/cruisers who cannot budget for a full charter...Carnival LIVE was designed to fill yet another niche for those that cannot be part of a theme group or pay the incremental up charge


This situation will play out well before March 15th and it will be a nice regular sailing for those that benefitted by the discounted rates...it's sad that the situation is playing out in this manner

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For the poster who asked about groups larger than 100 -


All but 1 of the cruises I've been on (my honeymoon) have been incentive trips earned by my company. Each year our group grows. We've been 100+ for many years. This year I think I heard the number was close to 600. We do have places like The Sphinx reserved for meetings. But it's at times of the day that there wouldn't be anything else going on. We have in the past (and I think on this one we are leaving on on Sat) we have a private karaoke session booked. There are actually meeting and classrooms on the ship that we have used before as well.


Most of the time, people have enjoyed us because we are a lot of fun :). We wear matching shirts on embarkment day and sometimes other days. People will stop and inquire as to who we are.


As for the cost of the groups. Remember they are paying for more than just the cruise. They are also paying for the special entertainment that is coming on the ship, they are probably getting some kind of swag bag, room drops, etc. I know that if we don't earn the entire incentive, we pay a certain price. If we were to book outside of the group, we'd probably get a cheaper rate but we also wouldn't get all the goodies that the group is getting (from our company, not RCCL).

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I hope it's not a train wreck I did a mock booking last night and took it all the way till they wanted my cc 6500 for an interior cabin they also sent me an email that said I was registered my wife's royal Caribbean rep has told her that the maxwell group is off.... But they were still going to take my cc last night. Thierry website has cabins on the website you can pick your cabin so I don't get it!, 6500 for an inside cabin or 535 for a balcony that diversity and no body has told us anything about restricted venues ??????

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Hello everyone. Would just like to report to you all that has happened and that there should be no reason to worry in regards to this sailing date!


After weeks of going back and forth with RC trying to get off this ship and price protect for another date, they refused. I ended up cancelling my May 3rd Family Promenade Stateroom. I did not stop there. I got in contact with someone in the executive office. She was able to clarify everything for me.


At one point, back in May 2014, this ship was fully chartered. This charter was cancelled on November 13th, and RC started to release rooms on Nov 14th. The person I spoke with obtained this knowledge from "very high sources." We ended up reinstating our booking (at a great rate it seems). She assured me that the cruise experience will not be effected in the slightest. There is no partial charter, full charter, any charter.


As far as the website goes, she told me their legal team has been notified and they will be working to take it down. Also, I was the one who commented on their FB asking if it was still happening, and they ended up deleting all of my posts so it seems fishy on their end. Glad I was able to get it all clarified.

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Thanks for sharing the latest results of your inquiry with RCI corporate regarding the Maxwell situation...hopefully the website situation will be resolved quickly, so fans of the musical style and artists will be able to recoup their funds (thru trip insurance) and perhaps still have time to seek out a full charter which features the music they love (i.e. the Capital Jazz Super Cruise which has featured 90% of the artists that were scheduled to perform on Maxwell's cruise)...these types of Smooth Jazz charters sell out quickly


Music theme groups on regular sailings, due to performance logistics ( sound systems,concert schedules) usually work best with a group that does not exceed the capacity of the largest :confused:smallest:confused public room:(usually will hold 250-400) (not the main showroom or atrium), which means it will not impact in a major manner the rest of the ship's activities...the group will use that one venue for all of it's events both day and night...that benefits regular cruisers because the rest of the venues (including pools, bars etc) are less crowded....

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I really really want to believe this is true, but how is the Maxwell camp still booking rooms if the charter doesn't exist? This is all so confusing :(

Its rather obvious that they're acting fraudulently, to a greater or lesser extent. If you call them, they'll tell you its still a full charter - definite fraudulent statement! Whether or not they can simply act as a TA and still book cabins - at insanely outlandish prices - I'm not sure. RCI legal should stop them completely, but if they've booked even 50 cabins or something, RCI may not be wanting to lose that revenue, who knows.

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But maaan, if the charter isn't happening and there's no musical guests, can you imagine how much crap RCI is going to get when the guys who booked at the astronomical prices find that out? Especially if they don't have trip insurance, or can't cancel for some reason? You would think RCI would do anything to avoid that huge headache.

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We ended up reinstating our booking (at a great rate it seems). She assured me that the cruise experience will not be effected in the slightest. There is no partial charter, full charter, any charter.



That was certainly in informative post. I guess all you have to worry about now is if they can get me off the ship May 3rd so you can board.

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I am quite confident to charter the Freedom, requires posting of a non refundable bond (by the promoter) that allows RCI to recoup revenue & operating cost, plus an administrative fee )that the cruise line lose by not having cabins for sale to the general public...thus...every cabin that was booked after the Freedom became a non charter is pure profit for RCI, thus the bargin cabin rates folks are enjoying...the greater concern is the confusion & potential damage to the RCI Brand the longer this situation plays out...


Full Charters & large affinity groups on regular sailings are very profitable for the cruise lines...if you notice the next generation cruise mega ships are designed to not have huge MDR's and Theatres, but instead have multiple smaller dining venues and public rooms which can attract groups without distracting from the overall onboard enjoyment of the balance of the guests...if one makes a selection of a cruise based upon whether or not a large group will be onboard that particular week, you will find fewer and fewer options...and if course what happens if the group cancels


""be careful what one asks for " & " it's better to deal with a known, then an unknown", comes to mind in this situation...the displacement of the Maxwell group (the known) might be replaced (due to the cheap cabin rates) with groups that are not so easily identifiable (the unknown) until you are in the holding room waiting to board the Freedom

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Just got off RCCL and May 3, 2015 Bookings are open, not closed, Freedom Balcony is $2908 at the lowest rate. So I do not know where the LOW prices are and I do not see any mention of any specials. As Far as this Maxwell whatever I never heard of them. So I believe this whole thing is a scam of some kind and hope RCCL shuts them down.

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looksandletters (I love that handle)....I agree with you 150%....that's why I am confident this situation will be resolved prior to final payment on March 15th...RCI does not recognize the Maxwell group's cabin bookings until they receive the final manifest (and check from the promoter)...up to March 15th, payments are made to Maxwell 7 Seas, not RCI...if a Maxwell guest called RCI with a question about their cabin booking, RCI would not show it in their system and refer them to the Maxwell folks...


I would suspect by now, those that are booked with the Maxwell group must realize all is not normal and will direct their inquiries to the Maxwell folks and not RCI...

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Just got off RCCL and May 3, 2015 Bookings are open, not closed, Freedom Balcony is $2908 at the lowest rate. So I do not know where the LOW prices are and I do not see any mention of any specials. As Far as this Maxwell whatever I never heard of them. So I believe this whole thing is a scam of some kind and hope RCCL shuts them down.


Low rates are most definitely available - I believe you have to go through a travel agent though. I booked our promenade room for around $850 for both of us, and I know our agent said balcony rooms are available for around $1250 for two.

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Last week someone posted on the Maxwell at Sea FB page asking if the cruise was still on. The Maxwell page responded and said yes, so I commented asking if they were going to adjust the description to exclude the "full ship charter" part as Royal Caribbean is now booking rooms for the public. It appears that the Maxwell page has now deleted the whole post. Sketchy!


I caught that. :) They're very much in the habit of image control, which is not a good sign for any music production, charter ship or not. They've deleted more than one of my comments as well; I called them out for the completely BS inflation of the prices several times, and those posts ended up mysteriously vanishing as well.


They're fooling themselves if they think it's going to work. If they're deleting negative comments, they're as good as outright acknowledging the comments ring true. It's basic PR 101: if the negative comments aren't true, then you needn't delete them, because you have visible proof to dispel them. If, however, you know the naysayers are right, you try to shut them up and remove them quickly without disproving them.


I'm watching the entire situation carefully; I have several friends who stand to lose quite a bit if - or maybe when - this charter collapses.

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Hello everyone. Would just like to report to you all that has happened and that there should be no reason to worry in regards to this sailing date!


After weeks of going back and forth with RC trying to get off this ship and price protect for another date, they refused. I ended up cancelling my May 3rd Family Promenade Stateroom. I did not stop there. I got in contact with someone in the executive office. She was able to clarify everything for me.


At one point, back in May 2014, this ship was fully chartered. This charter was cancelled on November 13th, and RC started to release rooms on Nov 14th. The person I spoke with obtained this knowledge from "very high sources." We ended up reinstating our booking (at a great rate it seems). She assured me that the cruise experience will not be effected in the slightest. There is no partial charter, full charter, any charter.


As far as the website goes, she told me their legal team has been notified and they will be working to take it down. Also, I was the one who commented on their FB asking if it was still happening, and they ended up deleting all of my posts so it seems fishy on their end. Glad I was able to get it all clarified.


Thank you for letting us know!!! Really. This saves a lot of people a lot of grief, especially on the musical side.


Sad thing is, I would've gone on that cruise, IF they weren't all but extortive in their prices.

Edited by LadyMage
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But maaan, if the charter isn't happening and there's no musical guests, can you imagine how much crap RCI is going to get when the guys who booked at the astronomical prices find that out? Especially if they don't have trip insurance, or can't cancel for some reason? You would think RCI would do anything to avoid that huge headache.


Typically, if a charter event gets canceled, it's up to the promoter to refund them the cabin fees.




If the Maxwell charter is continuing to book rooms even though RCL pretty much pulled the plug on the entire thing, fraudulently at that, then I think the absolute last thing that people should expect are refunds.


I really hope everyone had trip insurance.

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Usually the promoter of these types of charter post a disclaimer on their website...;)Talent Line Up Subject to Change Without Prior Notice;) and also places a disclaimer that ;)monies paid are non refundable (xxxx amount of time after deposit), so guests are encouraged to purchase trip insurance;)....also for full charters (and not groups on a regular sailing) the cruise line usually requires the promoter to post a bond equal to 100% of $$$ paid in escrow in case the charter cancels or has a major screw up....so if the case goes to court, there is a fund pool to draw on


That's why one has to do due diligence before depositing with a first time or unknown cruise charter promoter, especially in this case...if the Charter cancel the bond should cover for full refunds for $$$ paid by guests prior to sailing.....however...it gets :eek:murky:eek: if the full charter is converted into a regular sailing and offers a different (or reduced) line up then advertised)


Full Charters and large groups on regular sailings cancel all the time for a wide variety of reasons...we usually never hear about it because folks are refunded their $$$., (thru the promoter or trip insurance)and hopefully have enough time to arrange alternate cruise vacation plans...if not the case it would make for good tv on the People's Court


Ladymage...please keep us informed how your friends make out in this situation...if you are comfortable, can you share what type of communications your friends have been receiving from the Maxwell folks

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Usually the promoter of these types of charter post a disclaimer on their website...;)Talent Line Up Subject to Change Without Prior Notice;) and also places a disclaimer that ;)monies paid are non refundable (xxxx amount of time after deposit), so guests are encouraged to purchase trip insurance;)....also for full charters (and not groups on a regular sailing) the cruise line usually requires the promoter to post a bond equal to 100% of $$$ paid in escrow in case the charter cancels or has a major screw up....so if the case goes to court, there is a fund pool to draw on


That's why one has to do due diligence before depositing with a first time or unknown cruise charter promoter, especially in this case...if the Charter cancel the bond should cover for full refunds for $$$ paid by guests prior to sailing.....however...it gets :eek:murky:eek: if the full charter is converted into a regular sailing and offers a different (or reduced) line up then advertised)


Full Charters and large groups on regular sailings cancel all the time for a wide variety of reasons...we usually never hear about it because folks are refunded their $$$., (thru the promoter or trip insurance)and hopefully have enough time to arrange alternate cruise vacation plans...if not the case it would make for good tv on the People's Court


Ladymage...please keep us informed how your friends make out in this situation...if you are comfortable, can you share what type of communications your friends have been receiving from the Maxwell folks


At this moment, I really can't share as much as I would like. This may change.


But what I can tell you is this: nearly everyone whom I spoke to about this charter was expecting this to happen just based on the price tags alone.

Edited by LadyMage
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My take at this point, for what its worth... The Maxwellatsea organization is a fraud, a scam, a sham - totally dishonest. But what's most distressing is that RCI hasn't taken firm, legal action to totally shut them down - in terms of their still operating website (claiming full ship charter), still operating Facebook site (claiming full ship charter) and their telephone lines, which are apparently still taking money and still telling the people who call that this is a full ship charter. The fact that RCI wouldn't have put a stop to this long ago does not speak well for them, I'm afraid.

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