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Royal Princess TV documentary


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Hi bilco

They are going to broadcast the show throughout the ship on disembarkation day to speed up getting us of the ship


Yours Shogun


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Ha ha ha Shogun, this made me laugh out loud....


The programme was truly terrible. It did not show the crew in a professional light at all. My parents watched the first ten minutes of the programme to see the ship their family were travelling on and they had to switch it off.

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I won't cruise Princess, there you go Shogun.

Not after seeing that pap, reminded me too much of our nightmare on Carnival Sunshine.



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I think the series could have been filmed on any cruise ship of any cruise line and the results would have looked the same.
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So we bit the bullet, installed a VPN solution, logged onto ITV1 and watched all four episodes. Was it corny? Oh yes. Was it schmaltzy in places? Yes. Was it funny? Too funny! Where all of the angst and worry is coming from we have no idea. "I would never cruise Princess after seeing this show." Who could make that statement??? I thought British people (and Scottish) had a better sense of humor than what is reflected by the comments on this thread. We are definitely looking forward to our Regal cruise in December more than ever now. And, yes, watching this show actually increased our anticipation for that cruise. :cool:




Well it was corny but I don't think you could say it was schmaltzy, and as for funny - where was it funny? It seriously cannot have done Princess any favours at all and I am someone who likes the Princess product sufficiently to achieve Elite status. However, if I had never cruised before and took this programme at face value (having no experience to compare it with), there is no way I would set foot on any cruise ship.



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I think the series could have been filmed on any cruise ship of any cruise line and the results would have looked the same.


I think you're right. The ship herself was not featured all that much in the programming.

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....... However, if I had never cruised before and took this programme at face value (having no experience to compare it with), there is no way I would set foot on any cruise ship.


OK, I am curious. What specifically would make you feel that way? The bulk of the program focused on the crew and their goofy stuff. There was nothing that I saw that in anyway would have an effect on the passengers or their enjoyment of their cruise.


Well it was corny....... and as for funny - where was it funny?


The whole thing was funny. But, then, YMMV (your mileage may vary).

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OK, I am curious. What specifically would make you feel that way? The bulk of the program focused on the crew and their goofy stuff. There was nothing that I saw that in anyway would have an effect on the passengers or their enjoyment of their cruise.


I can't speak for Dorset Cruiser, but I would be terrified that I might end up at the dinner table with the likes of Mandy and her husband. I might also be wary of encountering a bunch of "snobs" and losing all my laundry. Those deliberately unattractive shots of the "old folks" around the pools might put me off, too. (And I'm an old folk myself.)

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However, if I had never cruised before and took this programme at face value (having no experience to compare it with), there is no way I would set foot on any cruise ship.
I've seen quite a few similar comments in regard to this series and I agree. However, I don't think it works that way. I think a lot of people had the words "Princess Cruises" etched into their minds. Down the road when something spurs them into thinking of going on a cruise (vacation, spouse, retirement) the first thing they may think of is "Princess Cruises." Then, before committing lots of money, they'll do a bit more research. I think that is the way a lot of advertising works. We keep getting our subliminal bombarded until we are programmed.
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OK, I am curious. What specifically would make you feel that way? The bulk of the program focused on the crew and their goofy stuff. There was nothing that I saw that in anyway would have an effect on the passengers or their enjoyment of their cruise.




The whole thing was funny. But, then, YMMV (your mileage may vary).


Exactly - you obviously thought it was funny but I didn't. We are all different and have different levels of expectation when we cruise. I KNOW that this programme did not represent Princess cruises in any way that I have experienced and it actually made the staff look rather silly. For instance, I would have preferred to see more of how the ship functions below deck, rather more than the very odd Sous Chef and the Staff Manager performing Karaoke, but that is just my view.



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The whole thing was funny. But, then, YMMV (your mileage may vary).


Exactly, we have a VERY different sense of humour to the US and tend to find your comedy shows corny whereas you tend not to see anything funny in our humour as you expect a punch line whereas we tend to leave the punch line in the head of the listener.


As a result, I generally avoid telling European jokes to Americans as the silence can be embarrassing, but I will try to give an example:


Five people in arrive at the ferry terminal in Belgium to cross to the UK. (The French always tell jokes about the Belgians in the same way at the Irish tell jokes about folks from Kerry)


When they present their ticket, the conversation goes like this:

Receptionist: Sorry you can't board, you have too many people

Driver: What do you mean we have a ticket for five people?

Receptionist: Yes but the car is an Audi Quattro, Quattro means four and you have five people.

Driver: Don't be silly. Quattro is the name of the model of car and has nothing to do with the number of seats. We have five seats and a ticket for five people and I insist you allow us to board.

Receptionist: No it is definitely not permitted to board with five passengers. Quattro means four and you have five people.

Driver: This is ridiculous, I insist that you allow me to speak to your supervisor.

Receptionist: OK, but you will have to wait. He is over there talking to that couple in the Fiat Uno.


Obviously there are exceptions to every generalisation, but as a rule, tell that to a European and there will be a very short pause before they smile and start to chuckle. Tell it to a US citizen and they will be waiting for you to finish the joke.


I stress, I am not saying one sense of humour is better or more funny than the other, just that they are different, which is why folks in Europe are far less likely to have found the programme at all funny.

Edited by Corfe Mixture
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I got the joke.


I watched part 3 of the thing, and I now think I do not want to visit Princess Cays. ;) I thought it was mean-spirited to portray the lady who had lost her husband as a silly hat-wearing airhead (with the hots for George, apparently.)

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OK, try this one:


Wife goes on a cruise with a friend and leaves husband at home to look after her mother and the cat:


At the first port of call she decides to phone home and see how her husband is managing and the conversation goes as follows:


Wife: How are things?

Husband: The cat is dead

Wife: What do you mean?

Husband: I mean the cats dead. You know, stiff, legs in the air, flees leaving home

Wife: That's not nice telling me like that, couldn't you have been more gentle?

Husband: Sorry, explain what you mean by gentle?

Wife: Well, you could have told me that the cat is on the roof and won't come down. Then when I next phone, you could say the cat has fallen off the roof and is not at all well. Then, when I call for the third time, you could say the cat is dead and it wouldn't be so much of a shock.

Husband: Ok, Darling, I understand. I'll try to be more gentle in future.

Wife: Good. Changing the subject, how's my mother?

Husband: She's on the roof.


The question is not whether or not folks understood the joke. It is obvious when you think about it, but more of a case of how much they have to think about it and did they find it instantly funny, or witty but too obtuse to be really funny, or 'clever' but not at all funny.

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I did traditional dining once with my family and unlce/aunt (we're from England) and we sat with a huge table of 10. We sat down and the family was American (I think from Texas) and they immediately recongised we were non american, they asked where we were from and my unlces (nicee

st human being in the world and a true gent replied, I'm from Sheffield in the Uk, where abouts are you alll from? The whole family turned away and ignored us and said nothing....


9 cruises in a row of anytime dining ever since :)

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OK, try this one:


Wife goes on a cruise with a friend and leaves husband at home to look after her mother and the cat:


At the first port of call she decides to phone home and see how her husband is managing and the conversation goes as follows:


Wife: How are things?

Husband: The cat is dead

Wife: What do you mean?

Husband: I mean the cats dead. You know, stiff, legs in the air, flees leaving home

Wife: That's not nice telling me like that, couldn't you have been more gentle?

Husband: Sorry, explain what you mean by gentle?

Wife: Well, you could have told me that the cat is on the roof and won't come down. Then when I next phone, you could say the cat has fallen off the roof and is not at all well. Then, when I call for the third time, you could say the cat is dead and it wouldn't be so much of a shock.

Husband: Ok, Darling, I understand. I'll try to be more gentle in future.

Wife: Good. Changing the subject, how's my mother?

Husband: She's on the roof.


The question is not whether or not folks understood the joke. It is obvious when you think about it, but more of a case of how much they have to think about it and did they find it instantly funny, or witty but too obtuse to be really funny, or 'clever' but not at all funny.

I don't get it. If the mother was on the roof, why didn't she get the cat?
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ROFL! More jokes!


Last one from me and then it is someone else's turn.


Two guys talking in the pub and the conversation goes like this:


First Guy: How many times did you say you had been married?

Second Guy: Three times.

First Guy: That must be terrible, having three mothers in law.

Second Guy: Not really, two of them are angels. The other one is still alive.

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So would you suppose that the people that use the ferry crossing could just solve the problem of the number of passengers by driving an Infiniti......??


Please don't misunderstand me, I am not against or criticising your US humour, I just recognise that it is different and your reply is an excellent example of our different approach to humour and, hopefully without causing any offence, I will try to use it to explain the difference in our senses of humour.


For us, the idea behind your response was great, nay it was a brilliant next step in the mental image, but by explaining the joke, you rather spoiled it for our European sense of humour.


On the other hand, if you had simply said:


'Perhaps they should buy an Infiniti', we would have found it very very amusing.


This is because it would leave us to create this wonderful mental image of the receptionist trying to deal with a full 'Infiniti' turning up at the ferry which we would find really amusing in much the same way that we found Billco's self-effacing reply:


'I don't get it. If the mother was on the roof, why didn't she get the cat?', very funny.


He did not need to explain that he really did understand the joke, we all knew that, but he left us with a mental image of mother chasing the cat around the roof.



I repeat, please do not take offence at this response. It is not critical of your humour, just an attempt to use your response to explain how our humour is different - but not necessarily better.

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Please don't misunderstand me, I am not against or criticising your US humour, I just recognise that it is different .........


.......... to explain how our humour is different - but not necessarily better.


Corfe, no offense either, but, I think that I will cry uncle here. I'm afraid saying more would be the same as saying to keep flogging the horse, it doesn't seem to be dead enough yet. :cool:

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I repeat, please do not take offence at this response. It is not critical of your humour, just an attempt to use your response to explain how our humour is different - but not necessarily better.
We appreciated your explanation of UK humour. We have been fans of UK humour for a long time. Most recent favorite series were Gavin & Stacy and The Wrong Mans. IMO, the Cruise Ship didn't come close to my idea of UK humour.
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Hi all,


As you can see I've only cruised with P&O so far but I was eager to watch this programme as I love anything cruise - related. I have to say I was very disappointed too - I only saw 2 episodes but won't be going on iplayer to find the others. I've not been on Princess yet but my first thought was it would put me off cruising if I had never been. Cruising full stop - not just Princess!


Hi Sue


Only just catching up with this thread, haven't seen the last show yet as we're currently in the Far East :)


Like you, I was looking forward to watching the programme, as we have sailed on quite a few Princess Cruises, still only babies compared to some :D but did find it didn't reflect the experiences we have had on the cruises. I think some crew members were definitely 'building up their part' and we're performing for the cameras, as most people do. I found some of the activities a bit cringe worthy but that just goes to show how things like that can make or break your holiday. Some people enjoy it, some people don't - that's life.


We took our very first cruise with P&O in May and to be honest with you, we felt had it been our first cruise ever. I don't think we would have ever booked another one. The CD staff were older than what we're used to and their entertainment reflected that. Trivia etc was mayhem, screens & technology seemed to faze them, it was at times embarrassing but I know you can tell me tenfold of all the fabulous experiences you have had with P&O, as we and many others can about Princess - it's all down to people's individual taste and perspective.


Unfortunately Princess had a good shot of introducing new customers to them, I think ITV let them down! as did some of the personnel who fell into the 'celebrity' limelight.


Would it put me off sailing with Princess again - no, 2 cruises booked and many more to come.


Did our experience put us off P&O - maybe, but one bad experience doesn't close my mind - if at first you done succeed ........


Keep Cruising, it's a big world out there

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Princess sent me a survey today to see what I knew of and thought about the Cruise ship programme, I think it might have hit a nerve with them!


Basic questions, had I heard about the show, did I watch all episodes, what was the cruise line:rolleyes:, would it influence me cruising in the future and would it make me more inclined to cruise Princess and a comments box at the end.


Anyone else get it?

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Princess sent me a survey today to see what I knew of and thought about the Cruise ship programme, I think it might have hit a nerve with them!


Basic questions, had I heard about the show, did I watch all episodes, what was the cruise line:rolleyes:, would it influence me cruising in the future and would it make me more inclined to cruise Princess and a comments box at the end.


Anyone else get it?


We haven't received anything from Princess, did they send it by email?


Princess just need to read the comments on here to find out the views of the public

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We haven't received anything from Princess, did they send it by email?


Princess just need to read the comments on here to find out the views of the public

I am not sure the views expressed here represent the views of the public.

Are you in the UK?

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