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Smoking on your balcony is out! Gratuities are going up.

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Tips going up 50 cents. No big deal. That’s about 1/7th of a gallon of gas. No big deal. Most other lines charge more per day anyway.

We switched from balconies to ocean view cabins so we would not have to put up with the smoke. May be we can venture out on balconies again.

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BaseballMom; the majority of people obviously do not want balcony smoking allowed. A capitalist corporation has made a policy change at the behest of a vocal majority and after careful study of similar businesses with similar smoking bans. All of your varied arguments are for naught, it does not matter about canned corn or burning wood chips, there is no relevancy whatsoever. People did not want smoking on balconies, they got that policy now. Can't please everyone however and I doubt any single policy has 100% approval from all guests.


It is done and final. This is all just post mortem and though you may be objectively correct in some of your statements it will change nothing. The old way is not coming back. Smoke in designated areas on the ship and not in others. It's just that simple. If you feel so strongly that you can not enjoy a vacation with Carnival, do not book one and set yourself up for disappointment. Vote with your wallet. With the cost of cigarettes going up and the number of places you're allowed to smoke going down you might look at this as an opportunity for other actions, but that is again entirely up to you. Just saying, smoking on balconies on Carnival is soon to be a memory only. Accept, move on, be happy.


I do believe she has already done that. And she is voting with her wallet.......something to the tune of $20,000+ gone from Carnival's coffers. I'm sure that's not much to Carnival but that is only one cruiser. And yes, they may make the revenue from someone else but they may not as well. More importantly, how many of her friends will she now turn off from cruising Carnival. It's not bad enough that Carnival already has a bad reputation as being Walmart of the Seas, every ship is an accident waiting to happen, and every cruise is a frat party, now this on top of it all. How many different types of people will Carnival alienate before they stop pissing people off? Can't piss off everyone and expect to stay in business.

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your PVP is upset because they lost out on their earned points not that you cancelled


You would think an employee would be upset because of the loss of business for the company they work for, not for what they individually receive. Either way, what did Carnival expect?

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I do believe she has already done that. And she is voting with her wallet.......something to the tune of $20,000+ gone from Carnival's coffers. I'm sure that's not much to Carnival but that is only one cruiser. And yes, they may make the revenue from someone else but they may not as well. More importantly, how many of her friends will she now turn off from cruising Carnival. It's not bad enough that Carnival already has a bad reputation as being Walmart of the Seas, every ship is an accident waiting to happen, and every cruise is a frat party, now this on top of it all. How many different types of people will Carnival alienate before they stop pissing people off? Can't piss off everyone and expect to stay in business.


The only problem is about 9 out of 10 Carnival cruisies don't smoke.


Without more smokers this only has one way to go.


Sorry to see you go.

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I spend most of my time in the casino during the evenings , now people who smoke will be filling up the casinos , lounges and even the Lido deck


Is this really better for the non smokers


FYI I am a smoker


They already do...I can't see that being any worse than it already is. One of the reasons I avoid the casino and clubs at night. I may try the casino early on sea days but other than that I already have been chased away by the smokiness.

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If you'd have actually bothered to read his post (which I would have assumed you to do, since you took the time to truncate it), you'd have seen him indicate that he wouldn't be throwing garbage in the sea.


Nice ad hominem, though.


Actually, if you had bothered to read his post you'd see that he mentions (and I am paraphrasing here) putting the butt in a coke can that's tossed to sea. I actually found the quote and it's in my next post in bold.

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Didn't mean to say I didn't agree to the tipping. Thats fine in my book.


And Yes, it was how the fire started, but did you know airplanes are required to have an ashtray in the bathroom because they know people are going to smoke on the plane, and need a safe place to put out the butts, even though it's not allowed. People are going to smoke on the balconies, butts will just be thrown overboard to avoid getting caught, or in a coke can that's tossed in the sea, or into the complaining neighbors balcony to burn the ship down. I'd probably go the coke can route though, I never litter with my butts, but that's going to be the mentality of a lot of smokers.


So he won't throw the butts directly to sea, but he will put them in a coke can and throw the coke can to sea.

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If I am in a cabin next to you and you light up, I will take your picture for proof. Also, they will know if you smoked because you will smell awful.


Just how are you going to take someone's picture through a partition? Have you seriously thought this out? If you want to see your camera floating in the ocean you are free to stick it around the partition.

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I'm not much for complaining on a normal basis. However I think that this is crap. I smoke like 2-3 cigs a day. Period. I'm totally ok with the limited smoking areas on the ship, but the balcony is taking it too far! I mean....REALLY people? Some of the perfume and body odor people carry around with them gags me....can we ban smelly people too? As I nurse I fully understand the dangers of smoking, but this has taken it too far.


I'm not sure why Carnival couldn't have allowed smoking on the balconies on one side of the ship or even just the back half. It makes all of the sense in the world, I have several friends and family members who do not smoke, yet smoke does not bother them and I'm sure they would book a smoking side.


I hope the nonsmokers like all of the gambling I will be joining them for...cigarette in hand...penny slots of course:) That casino is about to get nasty really fast!


Being a smart consumer, I called and downgraded both of my two booked cruises to interior rooms.....saved a TON. Rant over.[/


We have never had trouble with smoke from another balcony, but perhaps that is just luck or the odds since JH says only 10% of the cruisers smoke. Carnival main purpose is to generate profit so I am sure they have done research that makes then believe banning smoking on balconies will result in economic gain for them. While you downgraded, others are saying they are upgrading to balconies now that they can be sure they will not have issues with smoke on them. Other cruisers who defected to RCCL when they banned balcony smoking say they will now come back to Carnival. It is rumored that NCL will go to non smoking balconies in January of 2015. Since HA is operated by Carnival Corporation, I would be surprised if they did not also adopt this policy in the near future. Only time will tell if this was a smart move by Carnival.


Apparently not enough people defected to RCCL because their profits decreased by 2/3 when they banned smoking on balconies. This whole thing is stupid. Lets ban smoking from the outdoors...Really?

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You will be hard pressed to find a hotel or house rental that will allow smoking you know


Maybe an RV might be best. Of course you will have to own it and not rent it because if you rent there most certainly could be a no smoking clause.



Sent from my iPhone using Forums


But I bet you can sit on the porch of that RV and light up all day long without a problem. ;)

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I do believe she has already done that. And she is voting with her wallet.......something to the tune of $20,000+ gone from Carnival's coffers. I'm sure that's not much to Carnival but that is only one cruiser. And yes, they may make the revenue from someone else but they may not as well. More importantly, how many of her friends will she now turn off from cruising Carnival. It's not bad enough that Carnival already has a bad reputation as being Walmart of the Seas, every ship is an accident waiting to happen, and every cruise is a frat party, now this on top of it all. How many different types of people will Carnival alienate before they stop pissing people off? Can't piss off everyone and expect to stay in business.


There is no maybe to it. In the long term they piss off less people overall by having less smoking on board. Their customers (overall) have spoken loud and clear on the issue and they are changing policy to reflect customer preference, as any smart business does.


If strict smoking policies were hurting revenue and profits you wouldn't see the trend in pretty much every single service industry including cruise lines moving toward stricter and stricter policies.

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Either pay more in tips or pay more to cruise. It balances out


Oh you are going to pay more to cruise believe me...They will have to up the prices on cabins to make up from lost revenue on balcony sales

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so do cigarettes




And when you research these land vacations and are appalled at all their new smoking restrictions, then what will you do?


To the smokers replying to this thread......have you stopped and given thought to the reality of where you can smoke in your everyday lives?


Yes, you can smoke on about 99.5% of the planet.

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How? Not being argumentative, just curious as to why you think non-smokers have made casinos more conjested.


Because with all their whining, letter writing, etc...they have had smoking banned practically everywhere else. All the smokers that used to sit on their balcony in the morning and smoke a cigarette will now head to casino....at night...they will head to casino bar. only 1/2 of casino bar is smoking therefore you end up with a very smoky casino

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Carnival has not banned smokers from cruising. Smokers just have to walk to get to a designated smoking area which might cause them to try to use lung capacity they don't have. I had nothing to do with a campaign against smoking on the balconies but am glad they are.


Reread my analogy. Do you truly not understand that my right to not be made physically ill by your smoke wafting my way trumps your right to light up wherever you please. You cannot reason with the unreasonable. Have a good day. :)


Well damn according to your analogy I can insist that Carnival ban all perfumes/after shaves as they make me physically ill

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So he won't throw the butts directly to sea, but he will put them in a coke can and throw the coke can to sea.


Exactly. It's just another example of a person doing whatever they want without considering the impact it has on other people...only this time it's the environment.


This in itself should come with a $250 fine.

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The only problem is about 9 out of 10 Carnival cruisies don't smoke.


Without more smokers this only has one way to go.


Sorry to see you go.


First of all, I completely disagree with your supposed fact, especially since you have 0 proof to back up such a claim. The CDC has estimated that 18% of Americans smoke. The numbers are even higher in Europe of which many of them sail Carnival as well. So fo your to throw some numb er such as 10% is hogwash.


Personally, I will still continue to sail Carnival as long as smoking on board is allowed (and never said i was leaving because of this policy). I never wasted my money on a balcony anyway and hate sweating to death sitting in the sun (tried a balcony twice for my wife, regretted it both times). I'm very happy to walk up to the Lido to have a smoke and watch the big screen. Now if they ban it on board, my butt will be gone in a second, no looking back. At that point, I'll either sail with someone else (as I do now for fun) or I'll just stick to my timesharing. On that, we'll just have to wait and see.


The sad thing is, I just received a free balcony on the Sunshine for an 8 day cruise.......in March. Well, I know the wife will enjoy it and it's no difference to me since it is a freebie cruise anyway.

Edited by Out to sea!
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Exactly! In the streets. No longer is restaurants and public indoor spaces. Which is what the poster was stating that you were trying to negate.


Yep...Since when is a balcony on a cruise ship a public indoor space? This would be the majority of our issue with this. But hey...Until NCL caves to the smoking ****s they are about to get a HUGE increase in balcony business :)

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Of course just paying the fine will not cut it. If you keep doing it you will be removed from the ship at the next port.


Funny how people think they can pick and choose what rules to follow.


Just like smugglers, CHOGS, and other jerks on board. They all pick and choose which rules are acceptable to them.


BTW, when are they going to start fining smugglers for lost revenue?

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Because with all their whining, letter writing, etc...they have had smoking banned practically everywhere else. All the smokers that used to sit on their balcony in the morning and smoke a cigarette will now head to casino....at night...they will head to casino bar. only 1/2 of casino bar is smoking therefore you end up with a very smoky casino


I rarely gamble, so I hardly ever go to the casino bar.....so I'm indifferent to the fact that the casino will be congested. No whining, I just stay away from certain areas that one should expect a lot of smokers to go to – a casino is one of them.

Edited by Linerguy
extra word
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so do cigarettes




And when you research these land vacations and are appalled at all their new smoking restrictions, then what will you do?


To the smokers replying to this thread......have you stopped and given thought to the reality of where you can smoke in your everyday lives?


Sure have. I don't smoke in my house and wouldn't consider smoking in my cabin. I do smoke on my back open air deck, outside my office building, in my car, outside when at a bar or restaurant, outside outside outside....get the trend? Maybe that would be why I think banning smoking on an OUTDOOR balcony is absurd...Same as a lot of other smokers.


So I will book inside cabins on Carnival and head for casino or smoking deck first thing in the morning if I choose to cruise Carnival again or I will spend my hard earned money on a balcony cabin on NCL as they will allow me to smoke there. Its pretty simple really. PS...I smoke on my deck first thing in the morning in my PJs...IT really does suck having to get up and get dressed to go to deck and smoke...My PJs are usually a t-shirt and my underwear so I guess folks on Carnival ships are gonna get a free show on deck

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There is no maybe to it. In the long term they piss off less people overall by having less smoking on board. Their customers (overall) have spoken loud and clear on the issue and they are changing policy to reflect customer preference, as any smart business does.


If strict smoking policies were hurting revenue and profits you wouldn't see the trend in pretty much every single service industry including cruise lines moving toward stricter and stricter policies.


Actually some people were not given a voice so I don't see how you can say "customer have spoken loud and clear" when it is truly "some customers have spoken loud and clear".

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I rarely gamble, so I hardly ever go to the casino bar.....so I'm indifferent to the fact that the casino will be congested. No whining, I just stay away from certain areas that one should expect a lot of smokers to go to – a casino is one of them.


Someone asked a question...I answered...and the whining for banning smoking in the casino has already started in earnest on both here and John Heald's facebook because lets face it the ANTZ won't be happy until their worlds are completely smoke free. God forbid they would instead whine to US Congress to outlaw cigarettes if they are so concerned about it

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