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Cruise Director bashes Cruise Critic at Meet & Greet

ny cruisequeen

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(1) It will be useful to hear from Celebrity regarding their policy regarding port excursions. If Celebrity is saying that passengers must take their port tours, they are acting like a river boat company and should make this clear (and include such plain vanilla tours in the price of its cabins). I would suggest that they first go after large websites and companies such as CitySightseeing that draw away 100s of passengers. Seeing that Cruise Critic seems to be set in the USA and English is its language, I wonder how freedom of speech and free enterprise is factored in to their policies? As already posted by several, then what are the expectations for drink packages, casino gambling, "party activity," and the purchase of ship pictures. Cruise lines need to just adjust to the current century -- this is no longer the loveboat generation!


(2) Cruise Critic is a wonderful travel resource as is TripAdvisor. (Interesting to see the annual salary of the later's CEO, yes?). We all assume that Cruise Critic exists to promote interest in cruising and to be a resource to both passengers and cruise line companies. I have no idea if Cruise Critic has a backbone of salaried staff or is a public entity in any way that functions under certain laws and regulations. It is difficult when we only hear from "hosts" who are apparently just enthusiastic volunteers (as we are). It is also clear that Cruise Critic is viable because it is useful. Will removing such value diminish website use?


(3) My hope is that more of the folks who attended this 27 June meeting will speak up about this meeting called for our benefit. If you attended the many events hosted by JC, you understand that a discussion of his behavior was not a viable alternative (and his face and booming voice was present everywhere. It is, however, easy to perhaps misinterpret his tirade (not knowing if it was a personal thing or a corporate directive) because his manner, in general was loud and brash (looks like his hallmark). Obviously his words only served to alienate a relatively sophisticated/experienced and a very small segment of ship passengers.


(4) I remain dumbfounded why a cruise line would "snoop" into communication that many thought was dedicated to passengers and then learn from it that they should "threaten" those most interested in the integration of cruises into vacation plans. As a personal note, I am a stockholder in both Royal Caribbean and Carnival and obviously found this experience offensive. My personal experience is to select the cruise line for dates/ports/prices as for many of us who read these postings, the cruise ship is a moving hotel room that facilitates the adventure, not like the 1920s Cunard couple with her in a beaded dress smoking a cigarette in a long holder, while he, in his tux, gazes into his brandy snifter! (Wake up, our airlines don't transport trunks and cabins don't provide facilities for our staff!) I guess that investigation of other cruise lines and new travel options may become useful in the future. My thought is that a cruise company that is happy with elderly couples who never leave the ship (like during their yearly Caribbean cruise in February) should not care if we participate in port activities of our own planning? My very first CC cruise included, just as an example, a Sunday visit to Rome when the Vatican museum was free -- any visit could not be planned through a cruiseline excursion. In our case, we developed a list of places to visit that provided exposure to Bernini and Michelangelo, ending with a reserved visit to the Villa Borghese -- I would suggest that the 8 of us did not represent a threat to a cruise line and this activity should be of no interest to a CD such a JC! Maybe he should pay more attention to the quality and timeliness of his entertainment (i.e. production pieces featuring music from the 20s to 50s with a British bias to preference is not the same thing as our enjoyment of Foyle's War or Downton Abby).



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He went to say that such privately arranged excursions should be limited to very small groups only and kept private, not publicly discussed on the boards.


I would have told him that when Celebrity stops allowing large groups to charter portions of their ships, I'll consider keeping my excursion group small as well. If they can't consider the other passengers in their group bookings, I shouldn't consider them in mine.

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i would have told him that when celebrity stops allowing large groups to charter portions of their ships, i'll consider keeping my excursion group small as well. If they can't consider the other passengers in their group bookings, i shouldn't consider them in mine.



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I actually think it makes it MORE awkward when the CD or other crew members show up--because then people expect them to 'run' the event. I think it would be better if Celebrity provided the location, possibly some coffee, and left us to make the most (or least) of our time together. I am always waiting for someone to get up and 'start the show' but frequently no one wants to do it. If some brave soul (and we're ALL brave hiding behind the anonymity of our computers) would get up and suggest that we go around the room and introduce ourselves, it would be a great way to kick off the gathering. I now there can be hundreds of roll call members there, but it is a doable thing and would be very helpful.


At our last M&G, the CD made a few comments and then said, "no one wants to hear announcements" and left. A few brave souls tried to shout out a few things, but the crowd was exceptionally rude and would not stop talking--so no one could hear a thing and it was a big bust. When people politely say "Shhh", no one thinks it pertains to THEM!! One hates to be a schoolmarm and demand silence, but until people develop some social skills and realize when it's time to chat and when it's time to listen, we are our own worst enemies as far as M&Gs go.

Have to disagree, I enjoy when the crew shows up. On my last cruise (not on Celebrity), the Captain came around and shook everyones hand and the Hotel Director and the other officers introduced themselves and said if we had any problem to give them a call (gave us a card with all the phone numbers on it) and answered any questions asked of them and then left us to entertain ourselves. The Hotel Director even said he was setting up another meeting near the end of the cruise to go over any issues that people had (ones that were fixed and those that weren't)...that was fantastic and the first time I've heard of that. I wasn't able to attend the second meeting, but heard from a new Cruise Critic friend I met at the meet and greet, that it was really productive.


I've also been at meet and greets, where we went around and introduced ourselves and told everyone where we were from. It was great to put the faces together with the screen names and to learn someone's real name.

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The June 27.Meet and Mingle sounds very unpleasant. Had I been on that cruise hope that I would have had the courage to politely challenge the CD although I understand how uncomfortable attendees must have felt.


Have found that Celebrity gatherings are usually held at inconvenient times so often don't go but as others have said, have never experienced money changing hands at a CC event. Think that is crass behaviour.


Azamara Meet and Mingles are lovely events usually attended by the Captain, HD, CD and other senior officers. They are very welcoming to CC members but of course these gatherings often have only about 25 people as the capacity of the ships are much less than Celebrity vessels.


Hope the June 27 debacle proves to be an isolated incident and that the CD in question was having a very bad day.

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Thank you again ny cruisequeen for further expanding upon your original post.

I didn't think it was necessary but clearly some believe that you must have misunderstood.:rolleyes:

It also wasn't necessary for" three others from my Roll Call have written here to confirm this"

but again perhaps helpful for those who believe that no such thing is possible.

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(4) I remain dumbfounded why a cruise line would "snoop" into communication that many thought was dedicated to passengers

I'm going to play devil's advocate on this and then make a suggestion to Cruise Critic.


Many on here want Celebrity to be on Cruise Critic to answer their questions and issues and will even complain if they don't respond to their issues and then if they look at roll calls, they are snooping. The way I look at it, is that if you want them to be on Cruise Critic, you should expect them to look at all the threads, including roll calls, and not put anything on there that you would not like read by the world.


Now my suggestion to Cruise Critic. If it is possibly, can you block a poster from just one portion of Cruise Critic, say the Roll Calls. If you could block all cruise lines from reading the Roll Calls, since posters are not posting issues regarding the cruise lines and it would protect your posters from possibly having to go through what those on this cruise went through.


Just some thoughts.

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Interesting incident and thread...


I probably would have cornered that CD later...and engaged him in a small debate...


First off, cruise lines have always claimed that shore excursions are NOT a major profit center for them--whether we believed them or not...They always said that they contract out to local tour providers and only pass along the cost plus a small administrative fee to cover their expenses in running the system...That they provide these as a "service" to their passengers...


AND, it has never been the case where everyone on board a cruise has availed themselves of ship-sponsored excursions. Many people choose to wander around various ports on their own...others just stay on ship...and, yes, some arrange private tours--but, I'd guess most of those small groups are formed elsewhere other than cruise critic--sometimes friends or families just cruise together and hire their own guides...And some just hire guides for themselves...


I usually form small groups--ON Cruise Critic and IN ADVANCE of the cruise...THAT is the great advantage of Cruise Critic: We are able to make internet "friends" in advance of our cruise and form our own groups. I have never gotten to the Cruise Critic Connection party still looking for anyone to join a group...


Now, if it were so important to the cruise lines to compel its passengers to tour each port WITH the cruise line, there are ways of promoting that. We just returned from a Viking River Cruises tour to China. All of the tours were INCLUDED in the price. For our upcoming Galapagos cruise on Xpedition, all of the excursions are included...And I have received advertising materials from many cruise lines where they either include a package of shore excursions or offer it as part of a "deal"...THAT, of course, would compel more people to do the excursions through the cruise line...


Of course, the reason that Celebrity...and most cruise lines...DON'T do precisely that is that it adds considerably to the cost of the cruise...AND most of their cruisers DON'T want to be compelled to do excursions with the cruise line...We don't like the choices offered...We don't want to be forced to tour on a big bus with 30-40 people. Big groups move slowly and aren't able to visit some sights while they move through others inefficiently...So I, among others, would likely shy away from a cruise where the shore excursions are included (and the cost buried in the overall price) in favor of one where I have the flexibility to choose how I intend to spend my time in each port...


Typically, ANY cruise contract ONLY provides 1) A cabin on the ship, 2) transportation from port to port on the itinerary, 3) Food and limited drinks, 4) Onboard entertainment. It specifically does NOT provide tours while in port. Do they intend to change that? They can't have it both ways--they can't not include something AND direct you as to how you may handle it...while OFF the ship (Yes, they can control how you acquire your alcohol ON the ship)...But, they can't tell you what souvenirs you may purchase while in port--although, theoretically, that hurts their onboard gift shop sales...They can't tell you you can't get a massage or a facial in port, although that would hurt their onboard spa sales. And they certainly can't tell you how to tour while in port...


What the cruise line could do is to consider the "competition" in the structure of their shorex offerings...For example, perhaps they should offer some smaller vehicle/smaller group excursions--at a somewhat competitive price...Oceania seems to do this a bit, though the prices tend to be way too high...


And, of course, most cruise lines offer those car/driver or van/driver half-day and full-day options in some ports--but the prices are typically WAY out of line...

We've only taken that sort of option once in our travels--on an Oceania cruise visiting Port Said (for Cairo/Giza) as the pricing was, somehow, not out of line with where their big bus excursions were priced and only a small premium over booking with a private group (and we didn't mind the small premium for having the comfort of going through the cruise line rather than the unknown)...At least these arrangements give you the flexibility to control your own itinerary...But, most of the time when you see them offered on Celebrity, the cost of the van/driver seems WAY out of line--like $1200 for a half day when you can purchase a private full day tour in a van for less...

So, this particular Cruise Director's comments werejust plain out of order...as well as insulting to the group...


Now, assuming that shore excursion sales ARE so integrally important to the cruise line, what he might have done would be to make a sales pitch--in a positive manner--for the ship's excursions...He could have pushed them in a positive manner, talked about their availability and the various positives about doing an excursion with the cruise line, etc. That would not have been out of order...



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I do agree that people shouldn't be selling their tours on board.



I'm not sure what that means exactly, but how many times have posters been advised to find their roll call when they ask for advice on excursions or tours? I'm starting wonder the purpose of roll calls.



Edited by Beachdude
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I'm not sure what that means exactly, but how many times have posters been advised to find their roll call when they ask for advice on excursions or tours? I'm starting wonder the purpose of roll calls.



I took it that TonyUK was saying cruisers shouldn't be selling non-ship sponsored excursions while on board the ships.
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I meant actively going around the ship hawking tours. I don't think that's right just like trying to sell groceries in the doorway of wallmart!


I don't have a problem with groups of people meeting on a roll call organising their own tours. We do this quite a lot and join others. We have small groups, often common interests, don't do much shopping like to try local food etc. etc.


If Celebrity think this is about price they are so wrong. Most people who do this just like to be independent. We don't like being barked at in a theatre, trooped round in large groups, spending little time at the places we want to go to and too much time at shops and toilets. Don't get me wrong we do go on tours in some places like in South America where it can be trickier or when we know we are going to be very jetlagged. We have had wonderful tours in New Zealand both private and ship!


It is all a matter of choice - isn't that modern luxury?

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I was on this cruise and share "Bounce's" take on it. The independent tour group did meet before the M&G but early enough to have it wrapped up before the starting time of the M&G. Money was collected fairly discreetly because the organizer had prepaid for two of the tours. The tours were completely full from e-mail exchanges prior to the cruise so there was no solicitations before, during, or after the M&G. I take blame for collecting the money on the ship - as I have organized non-cruise related activies before, I've gotten burned with no shows so I suggested to the organizer that pre-collection was smart.


JC did announce the captian had a welcome event for new employees just 15 minutes after the M&G start so he couldn't stay but the captain was very visiable and approachable the remainder of the cruise. I think JC's natural speaking voice and demeanor is a bit "preachy" even when he's joking. Every night after the show he'd remind us that we needed to be back on ship at "FIVE FORTY FIVE" the next day. Other than the M&G, I thought JC's interaction with the activity manager Mark (the Daily Show) and the Captian were hilarious.


Another nice touch of the cruise is that CC was invited for a private sailaway on the helipad and we had the pleasure to cruise out of one of the most beautiful ports (Flam). On a side note, unfortunately the invites came a little too late - those that didn't return to their rooms before sailaway missed the invite.


We only did one shore excursion with the ship - my first ship excursion in the 3 cruises I've done - the Flam Railway. I believe the tickets if purchased from the railway are $60-70 and we paid $114 including a waffle/coffee break so that's one of the lessor mark-ups I've seen. For that we were herded to the railway (it's a couple blocks from the ship so no bus needed), herded onto the train. We got to a hotel for waffles and it was 100 people fighting to get waffles and coffee like we don't get enough food on the ship! Someone bumped into me as I had 2 full hot cups of coffee. It just wasn't pleasant. I loved the private excursions, as I have on previous cruises - much cheaper, enjoyable, and inclusive.


Overall it was a really good cruise. I would go with Celebrity again but probably avoid most ship excursions.

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We would probably have not begun cruising as a desired style of vacation if it were not for CC. The benefits of exploring options, reading reviews, viewing pictures and seeking advise on the CC website helped ease any fears or reluctance we might have had to book and sail on a cruise vacation. We hope our best cruising is ahead of us - thanks in large part to CC!


Cruise lines, take note.

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The independent tour group did meet before the M&G but early enough to have it wrapped up before the starting time of the M&G.
Just wondering was there set-up staff in the room when you were doing this? If so, possibly they heard the conversations and passed it on. Edited by NLH Arizona
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This like all things will break this way--People who use tours and then those that dont--people always like what they do and those that dont will complain that it transgresses their territory!

Actually, We pay MORE and MORE for cruises and seem to recieve LESS and LESS---


Shore excursions are something that happens on shore and should NOT be governed by the ship--also,people should be very discreet with correspondence on the ship as a respect for the Cruise Line.As long as Excursions are double the price that we can do on our own, it would be foolish to throw $$ away---



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I find it hard to believe that what the CD said had anything to do with shore excursions being organised on that particular ship and although a couple of posters who were there thought his remarks were serious, others who attended have interpreted it differently. It sounds to me like an attempt at irony - but he misjudged his audience. If it was said in all seriousness, it would certainly be out of order, but the Captain was standing next to him and did not intervene, so it seems more likely that it was meant to be lighthearted. The Captain is the boss, and he is hardly going to stand there meekly while one of his staff says something that is going to upset the passengers. The CD will be aware of this thread by now and my guess is that he probably can't believe the fallout his remarks have caused and is horrified that some CC posters are interpreting it as some kind of "message" from Celebrity.


Please give the guy a break - we all get it wrong occasionally (or, in my case, quite frequently)!:eek:

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I hit the wrong key. Let me finish we had an excursion concierge in an office adjacent to the excursion booth . She arranged for small 10 person or so excursions and they where wonderful .they where a little higher priced but much better !




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I find it hard to believe that what the CD said had anything to do with shore excursions being organised on that particular ship and although a couple of posters who were there thought his remarks were serious, others who attended have interpreted it differently. It sounds to me like an attempt at irony - but he misjudged his audience. If it was said in all seriousness, it would certainly be out of order, but the Captain was standing next to him and did not intervene, so it seems more likely that it was meant to be lighthearted. The Captain is the boss, and he is hardly going to stand there meekly while one of his staff says something that is going to upset the passengers. The CD will be aware of this thread by now and my guess is that he probably can't believe the fallout his remarks have caused and is horrified that some CC posters are interpreting it as some kind of "message" from Celebrity.


Please give the guy a break - we all get it wrong occasionally (or, in my case, quite frequently)!:eek:


I would think that the Captain would not say anything to the CD in front of any passengers. It would be deemed a personnel matter and should be handled in private. When I was a volunteer crew member for a breast cancer walk, we had a saying to "keep it transparent"- meaning don't let the walkers know if there are any problems. Surely the Captain would do the same with the employees on his ship.

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I would think that the Captain would not say anything to the CD in front of any passengers. It would be deemed a personnel matter and should be handled in private. When I was a volunteer crew member for a breast cancer walk, we had a saying to "keep it transparent"- meaning don't let the walkers know if there are any problems. Surely the Captain would do the same with the employees on his ship.


I am not suggesting the Captain would have reprimanded the CD, rather that he would have smoothly and courteously intervened and taken control of what was being said. Most Captains seem know exactly how to handle tricky situations with minimum drama.

Edited by Suzy Smith
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I would think that the Captain would not say anything to the CD in front of any passengers. It would be deemed a personnel matter and should be handled in private. When I was a volunteer crew member for a breast cancer walk, we had a saying to "keep it transparent"- meaning don't let the walkers know if there are any problems. Surely the Captain would do the same with the employees on his ship.
I was thinking the same thing. A good manager wouldn't say anything in front of customers, but behind closed doors.....you'd better watch out.


I'm still wondering if the set-up crew was in the room at anytime when they were discussing the excursion and exchanging money. If so, this could have been the catalyst for what happened.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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Some comments on ship tours.


I agree they are often too expensive. I'm not keen on the bigger buses. Therefore we often join tours planned by those on our roll call, or plan and book a small group ourselves.


However, besides the guaranty of getting back to the ship, these tours HAVE to cost a bit more than private ones. Someone on their staff has to research them, organize them, then have staff working to guide you. I think they are often overpriced, but do understand they have to be somewhat higher priced to pay people for what we do in the comfort of our homes! Time is money!


I realize this isn't exactly what this thread is about, but the cost of ship's tours has come up so often, just thought I'd give my two cents worth!

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I was thinking the same thing. A good manager wouldn't say anything in front of customers, but behind closed doors.....you'd better watch out.


I'm still wondering if the set-up crew was in the room at anytime when they were discussing the excursion and exchanging money. If so, this could have been the catalyst for what happened.

You would think, wouldn't you. At our disasterous meeting on the Reflection (when we were told "this is the way it is and if you don't like it . . . ") someone took the mic away from the CD pretty quickly.

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I would rather be on a larger bus with a huge window than stuck in the middle of the back seat in a minivan (and yes, on every private excursion, SOMEONE will be there).


I like the security of knowing I'll be back to the ship on time, and taken care of if we are not.


They cost a little more...to me that's fine.


But to each their own, I think the CD was way out of line with his comments.

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(2) Cruise Critic is a wonderful travel resource as is TripAdvisor. (Interesting to see the annual salary of the later's CEO, yes?). We all assume that Cruise Critic exists to promote interest in cruising and to be a resource to both passengers and cruise line companies. I have no idea if Cruise Critic has a backbone of salaried staff or is a public entity in any way that functions under certain laws and regulations. It is difficult when we only hear from "hosts" who are apparently just enthusiastic volunteers (as we are). It is also clear that Cruise Critic is viable because it is useful. Will removing such value diminish website use?


TripAdvisor, in fact, owns Cruise Critic.


I was a lurking reader, but because I was going to point out the above, I figure I would share a few thoughts and observations.


I don't have a comment about what JC said specifically, but I do know sometimes people say the wrong things, at the wrong times, and give anyone the benefit of the doubt. No need to crusify him, or any staff member really. I have read a few other threads here (like the Who's onboard thread) where the comments about staff being better than others seem so personal they make me cringe. It's easy to comment behind the veil of anonymity. I try no to write something here, I would not say in person to another.


I have also seen large tours privately organized on roll calls. Many from cruise critic were on Connie's TA this past November, which included JC, Mark and Captain Tasos, as well as lots of Elites, Elite Plus and Zenith, which include a large and fun CC M&M.


There was at least one tour in Morocco with not a lot of choices, where one private organizers started with 20, then added a second bus, and a third, and a 4th, until finally I beileve there were 100 on the "private" tour. No solicitation was done at the Meet and Mingle, and in fact, money was not collected at all on the ship as I am fairly certain funds were collected the morning of the tour.


Finally, I don't think private tours are the demise of the cruise industry, businesses adapt to survive. It's certainly very different now, than my first cruise in 1980 on Carnival's Carnivale!


Happy sailing,


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