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Back to Black and the Med too.... Live from the Prinsendam


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the saga of the missing camera....


The camera disappeared on October 8th. DH left it in the Oak Room by accident for about 1/2 hour to 45 minutes. For those of you not familiar with the Prinsendam, the Oak Room is a very small room, a reading room with comfy chairs. The smallest room on the ship that holds at the max maybe 20 people. We had gone to dinner and he realized he didn't have it. The camera was gone and of course he reported it to the front desk..


When he didn't return to the dining room table in two minutes (it takes less than that to get to the Oak Room, just up the staircase in the MDR.) I knew the worst had happened and he was at the front desk. It wasn't going to be a good night.


I drew up a note to be distributed asking for the memory card back at the very least and while they could copy it, HAL was not willing to distribute it. I suspect they didn't want the theft known.


Hello? We have big roll call and I just told one person and they told someone and so on and so on. The theft became no secret with crew member after crew member asking if we had found the camera, it's a small ship.


We checked with the front desk every day for a week and the crew was on alert to look for it.


Very frustrating especially when we saw someone with the same make of camera. Probably theirs but you find yourself watching and wondering. I decided we had to do as much as we could to try to at least recover the memory card. So, I requested a meeting with the security officer, stating that it wasn't lost, we knew where it was left, it had been misappropriated (aka stolen)


Both the staff captain and the security officer met with us and they were very sympathetic. We explained that if the camera was lost, so be it, but we would like to make an attempt to recover the memory card. The ironic thing was that I had offered to download the pics to my iPad two nights earlier, but when Dh realized that he had a 16 megabyte card he said not to bother as he didn't want to interfere with my iPad memory. I had lots of room and the gadget to do it. If only I had. Oh well, back to the story.


We discussed ways of reaching out to the passengers through On Location,. Letter in the mail boxes to the passengers and signage on display. We also recommended that there be a gentle reminder in the On Location that found items should be returned to the front desk promptly on all cruises. Both the staff officer and the security officer seemed to take our suggestions seriously and said that they would do something, I told them that I would not have forgiven myself if I didn't try at least. The Staff Captain said this was the first time this has happened in the four and 1/2 years he has been on the ship. Guess we are just lucky. We also had a nice chat about the Prinsendam and her future and quality of build but that is for another post.


The next day the concierge showed me a sign that had been made and was going to be placed in the Oak Room requesting the return at the very least of the memory card. It was nicely done and I was really appreciative.


That night I went with DH to the Oak Room as he said he had not seen the sign. I looked and no sign to be seen anywhere! Huh???? So I nipped up to the concierge (the new one not the good one) who stated she had placed it personally and maybe it had been taken down By the entertainment staff or someone playing bridge. Huh??? No on one plays bridge in the Oak Room. I said as much and asked her to check into it and get the sign back up.


Next morning, no sign again. Back I go to ask about the sign. We are starting to feel like we are getting lip service. In port that day, we get back and go to see the sign, not there again! DH goes to the front desk and low and behold she is there. She swears the sign has been there the whole time. She has checked - it is there and she put it there personally, so DH say show me. Take me to it. Where does she take him? To the Half Moon Room. Hello? When did the Oak Room become the half moon room.


Ok, so it's finally where it belongs. We have now lost two days. The next day I go into the Oak Room and it's go pen again. I suspect Dominic (the port guide - his title but not his expertise) has removed it but it is nowhere to be seen. Uggher again?????


I tell DH and there is no one in the know on, so we head to the casino and ask o bar for a much needed drink . As DH sits there one of the attendants tells him that one of the crew has found the camera. Quickly we both ask where she is and the bar staff literally evaporate. A few minutes later (it seemed longer to us, so I will. not guess how long it was) the Crew member returned to say that there was a "miscommunication" and the housekeeping staff member had said "has he found the camera" not she had the camera. Hopes up now down we are depressed to say the least.


That night I composed a letter which was probably rewritten three times to the staff captain with a CC to Cees and the security officer about the lack of the promised signage and requested that the signage be moved to the front desk since we were now running out of time.


Guest relations called on his behalf to say the note had been received and they were taking action. Shortly after there was a sign at the front desk. The next day there was another sign at the front desk. Off to the side a bit but with both at the right and left hand side at least the notice was there.


The staff captain offered another meeting with us but we declined as we didn't want to waste his time and was certain he was doing all he could and that was the message we conveyed.


The camera was valuable and it was mine, but all things can be replaced. The memory card can't. Pics of the cruise, pics of Master Marley growing up. One of the most frustrating things is that I had made arrangements with HAL in advance to take pics of some cabins for HAL facts. Camellia at the front desk said "that's the camera you used for your cabin pictures, yes? I nodded yes sadly. I did take a few with the iPad as an experiment but I don't know if they will be good enough.




So sad. I hope whoever has it has a good time with it. I believe in karma and hope it bites them hard. I will follow up in the hopes the memory card appears but I don't expect anything now.


Ironically at our M&G some of our roll call noticed an expensive camera Just sitting on a table and were prepared to take it To the front desk. We discovered it belonged to a roll call member so all was good. I talked to someone whose husband left his Ipad at the Lido and it was returned to the front desk within two hours. He. Was a wreck until it was recovered


So, most people are honest. Sadly our camera and the memory card was found by someone who wasn't


End of the camera saga for those wondering


A tad frustrating as you can see but HAL did try to help. I guess if someone doesn't have remorse or a care it makes no difference

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Have enjoyed your reporting of the second half of your journey. Appreciated your expertise in organizing tours for the Barcelona to Athens segment. Many good memories....this public facility in Durres, Albania falls into the "can you believe it" category!


My pleasure on the tours. I was thinking of doing a washroom post LOL

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the saga of the missing camera....


So, most people are honest. Sadly our camera and the memory card was found by someone who wasn't


I guess if someone doesn't have remorse or a care it makes no difference


I was so hoping for a much better outcome. After what happened in Ottawa yesterday I have lost a bit of my faith in people. You are very correct, unless you are dealing with someone with a morals it makes no difference at all.


How disappointing and sad.

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I see the toilets have now been cordoned off. When I went many years ago, we were able to sit on the toilets and have our photos taken. Brings back happy memories, thanks.


Tes, they are trying to protect the monuments and pieces of history.


Our guide said there was talk of a monorail so no one steps on anything on the site:eek:

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One of the best reviews/photo reviews we've enjoyed here in ages.


Thanks so much for sharing with us.

Your photos are fabulous and I could leap into that Greek Salad it looks so good. :)


Thank you for the kind words. I will be posting a bit more.


The photos are only taken with my IPAD which became my camera

Edited by kazu
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I've been following your thread since the beginning and want to thank you for sharing! Such a great review and wonderful pics! We'll be boarding the "Elegant Explorer" on the 4th for the TA and can't wait! :)


I was very sorry to read about your Camera and was so hoping that you would have, in the very least, received the Memory Card back. I'm the one who had my Ipad stolen at Punta Tombo and although we were able to get it back they had erased pics of not only the beginning of my SA Trip but also a Partial PC that hadn't backed up to the Cloud. Cameras and Ipads can be replaced but losing the pics is heartbreaking!


A bathroom review would be great! LOL :D



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After our tour of Corinth our guide took us to our hotel.


We stayed at the Sofitel at Athens Airport. You can WALK to the airport, it is so close. (for those with mobility issues, you really can walk).


There was a standing joke on our cruise as every time we asked how far something was or how long the walk was, we were told it was 5 minutes. I don't know what kind of a watch they use, but their five minutes is not my five minutes. Gigianne's DH was rolling his eyes every time he heard the 5 minutes.


When I told him that the hotel was a five minute walk, he gave me the 'look'. A huge smile lit up his face when he saw the airport and the hotel.


Despite being so close (and I do mean close - you just pick up a cart if you have a bit of luggage at the hotel) and wheel it over to check in), you never heard a plane inside the hotel. You wouldn't even know you were at the airport.


It was very convenient as it meant no fighting traffic or paying for a transfer for an overnight stay. Food can be a tad pricey compared to what we were used to but probably no more than for an airport hotel. The good thing is that if you have a club room, there are munchies upstairs that can suffice for a light dinner as well as wine and liquor and soft drinks.


The airport offers all kinds of food and shopping venues before you check through security at reasonable prices, so there are all kinds of options when you stay at this hotel.


A lot of our roll call members were on Lufthanza to fly home the same day we disembarked. (We had chosen to overnight as we didn't want to be rushed). Sadly the Lufthanza pilots were on strike so we were worried for them as to how they were going to get there. Imagine our surprise when we saw some outside of the Sofitel Hotel. Lufthanza had put them up their on their dime and included lunch, dinner and breakfast the next day. They had early flights and the Sofitel was serving them a special breakfast at 4:30 am!!! Lufthanza and Sofitel certainly took good care of our stranded roll call members and they flew out the next day.


We are now home and the drudgery of what has to be done facing us.


I'm going to try to give you some overall impressions as well as some of the ports for those that are interested.


By the way, our first flight was on Air China and I was very impressed. I had read some negative reviews and wasn't expecting much (always good), but we were very happy. We only had a limited choice on carriers as we were flying business class on Aeroplan (frequent flyer miles). Actually Air Canada could learn a few things as far as food and drinks go from Air China.


And yes, I tried a Chinese wine on board :)




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Thank you Kazu for your fabulous "Back to Black and the med too". I have been a follower since the beginning and have loved reading every post. I m sorry for you that you didn't get your camera back but I too am a believer in karma. It may not happen today, but eventually their karma will catch up with them.


DH and I are on the Zuiderdam next August sailing the Med. Your posts have given me some great insights and ideas as to what to plan for. Thanks again.

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I've been following your thread since the beginning and want to thank you for sharing! Such a great review and wonderful pics! We'll be boarding the "Elegant Explorer" on the 4th for the TA and can't wait! :)


I was very sorry to read about your Camera and was so hoping that you would have, in the very least, received the Memory Card back. I'm the one who had my Ipad stolen at Punta Tombo and although we were able to get it back they had erased pics of not only the beginning of my SA Trip but also a Partial PC that hadn't backed up to the Cloud. Cameras and Ipads can be replaced but losing the pics is heartbreaking!


A bathroom review would be great! LOL :D




Washrooms are an experience in Greece, Albania and Turkey to say the least.


This experience might be more relevant to women than men, but it here you go!


In Durres we went to a museum which was quite new (built in the 60's if I recall correctly) and many of us headed for a much needed bathroom stop.


OMG, what did we find, holes in the floor (literally) and water all over the floor, nothing to hang on to and no thank you I and many others said. A few intrepid souls used it but the rest of us declined. Couldn't believe that a new museum still had this type of washroom.


Of course, in Europe this is relatively acceptable to many that are used to it.


In another port, we found holes in the floor, but they were at least with porcelain and here was a bar to hang onto.


We also found triangular holes. I wasn't quite sure how to use them.


Also, most times, the TP goes in the garbage can there (I knew this before from other travels, but thought I would alert those that didn't know) not in the toilet.


Some washrooms will cost money, so be sure to have a euro coin with you.


What did I learn?


To avoid the public washrooms. They are deadly and nearly guaranteed to be the holes in the floor. Use washrooms that are in a restaurant (make sure that the restaurant has a washroom first) They are usually not half bad.


If you have a good guide, listen to them. When they say they are stopping somewhere for a washroom stop as these are nicer washrooms, that's a heads up that this is the most decent washroom there is for a while and most likely not a hole in the floor.


Our good guides did just that, suggested when and where to use the washroom and found us spots where there were toilets that we were used to.


sometimes they used souvenir shops and/or ceramic shops but no shopping was required and they made that clear.


So, listen to your guides, drink little coffee in the morning and enjoy Europe.


gigianne did take pics of the washrooms. I didn't but if she posts on her FB page and with her permission, I will post a couple of samples :)

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Washrooms are an experience in Greece, Albania and Turkey to say the least.





Once when we stayed in Istanbul after a cruise, we took one of the boats that jog from the waterfront across from the Spice Market back and forth from the European side to the Asiatic side of Turkey up towards the Black Sea. They had the same type of hole in the floor toilets and lets just say these boats do not have stabilizers.








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Those holes in the ground are much easier to use if wearing a skirt - trousers make things so much harder (unless you're a man, of course).;)


sounds good in theory. I wear a lot of skirts, but they are long. It's a bit awkward holding them up and trying to balance, especially with a bad wrist ;):p


I opt to avoid the experience if possible. I did have to cave once, but once was enough. I guess I am getting old:p

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Welcome Home Jacqui & Jose.. Was hoping that you would at least get your memory card back, so Sorry..What a nasty shame..


And, Shame on the Person who stole it!!!


Many years ago when DH & I were ready to board NCL for our first cruise together out of Miami, we had our camera stolen right off of our luggage, while we were checking out of our hotel across from the Port.. The camera strap was tossed over the handle of our rolling carry on & we only turned our backs for a minute... It was gone in a flash...We were able to replace the camera in St. Thomas but the pics on the film was lost.. I still can't forgive the person who lifted it..


I'm still reading your thread & am excited by your wonderful narrative.. Hope you have many good memories of your trip..


Stay well try to get some rest now..



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Thank you Jacqui!!! Your review and views have kept me entertained for hours...I wished we had seen you and Jose while you were in TO!


Thank you for your posts, pictures etc....We truly enjoyed and appreciated them, and you taking the time to write and post them!


As for your camera....KARMA!!! You will always have those pics in your head and memory....sometimes that's all you really need!!


Job well done!!!:)

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Gigianne was kind enough to send me a pic of the Toilet inAlbania. She recalls the museum being built in the 80's which is why we were so surprised at the Facilities.


It was the only one with porcelain if we recall correctly




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Gigianne was kind enough to send me a pic of the Toilet inAlbania. She recalls the museum being built in the 80's which is why we were so surprised at the Facilities.


It was the only one with porcelain if we recall correctly




Looks exactly like the ones they used to have at the airpot in Skopje, Macedonia. Although these are cleaner!

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Gigianne was kind enough to send me a pic of the Toilet inAlbania. She recalls the museum being built in the 80's which is why we were so surprised at the Facilities.


It was the only one with porcelain if we recall correctly





I think I'd just hover over the sink!:o

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