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Carnival Dream 10/5/2014 - 10/12/2014, Review and Pictures


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Day 1 Continued:


As we walked onto the ship, I could tell that I was going to like our cruise. I can't explain what type of decor the Dream has, but it's beautiful. I was on the Pride several years ago, and to me the Pride is "way over the top" in the decor. To me, the decor of the Dream was just right, it was not too over done with way out decor.


Once we got on board, the agent wheeled DH to the main deck and he was able to get out of the chair so that we could go up to the Lido Deck for lunch. It must have been around 12:00 PM or so, and knowing that the rooms are not ready until 1:00 or 1:30 PM, we decided to have lunch. Also, DH needed to eat, before he fell out.


It was pretty crowded on the Lido Deck, but we were able to find a good spot to sit and have lunch. We both got a few items from the buffet and was able to sit down and enjoy a bite to eat. We also decided try the "Fun Ship Specials", and boy oh boy, that was good. I don't know what was in it, but who cares, it hit the spot!


We sat at our table enjoying the view and people watched for about an hour or so. It was nice to sit back and just take in the sights, especially of the Mississippi River. Even the river was busy, several barges going up and down the river. Didn't see any pleasure boats (sailboats), but every few minutes a large barge was chugging it's way up the river.


After we sat there for a while, I thought that by now our cabins should be ready. We were on the 9th Deck (#9343), which was right under the Lido Deck (more on that later). It was a great spot and I thought that it would be easy for John being close to the Lido Deck. It's also a balcony cabin, which we always get. We got inside and actually started unpacking our carry-on bags since we still had a few hours until the Safety Drill (muster). Once we unpacked it was time to roam around the ship. DH had a full belly (as I did as well), he was happy, and good to go. One thing I do want to mention is how our luggage was handled. For some reason DH was nervous about our luggage not being delivered right away. Remember when we arrived at the port, we were not greeted by a porter, we had to find one ourselves. So DH was nervous that something might have happened to our bags. Well, right after the Safety Drill when we came back to the room, our luggage still hadn't been delivered. I wasn't worried, but he was actually stressing out about it. Well as we left the room, we saw a cart that had all these bags on them, and there were our bags. We took them from the cart, and rolled them back to the room. But, I will mention that one of the couples that sat with us at the table did have problems with his luggage. At the end of the cruise, they were not able to find his suitcase and they left without it. Carnival told him that if they found it that they would ship it to him. I'll have to find out if he ever got his luggage. It happens from time-to-time, I'm sure.


Now when I tell you that the ship was crowded, I mean it was crowded. I was told that the ship had 4200 people (passengers and crew), and out of that 900 were kids 18 and under! When I choose the cruise in October, I thought that I had picked a date, where a lot of the kids would be in school. What I forgot was a lot of the kids (living in the South) were on Fall Break. Now I'm from California, and went to school there. I have NEVER heard of Fall Break, but apparently they have it. I have nothing against kids/teens as long as they are not rude, but I'm sorry, I have to say that a lot of the kids we encountered on this cruise was out of control. (more on that later as well).


Note: I do have pictures to include in this review, but I'm having a hard time trying to get the pictures over to CC.


The Safety Drill was held in one of the dining rooms, which was very helpful for those with medical problems. We could sit down and at least be comfortable. I've heard so many other stores, where people were laughing and talking during the Safety Drill, but I have to tell you, the people in our group were great. When we were told to be quiet, no one was talking or laughing. The only thing we heard was the Cruise Director going over the drill, plus a baby here and there. Twenty minutes later, it was over and we were free to go.


I don't think we left right at 4:00 PM as scheduled, but it was close to it. We pulled out and was cruising down the Mississippi.



Picture of DH sitting in the cabin



As you see I was finally able to get some pictures added. Hang in there with me folks, I'll become "Tech Savvy" yet!!!



Another picture of DH in the cabin



I think that DH and I were so excited to be away on vacation, we didn't know what type of pictures to take.


We scheduled to have dinner for late seating (8:15 PM). I had requested to be at a table for two, but they were unable to accommodate our request (which was fine). I know for me, I find it a little awkward meeting people and making small talk, but let me tell you this...the group that was at our table was GREAT. Including DH and myself, there were three other couples, and they made it so enjoyable.


I'm sorry I didn't take any food porn pictures. I was too busy enjoying the food. I actually took my camera to the table, but didn't take any pictures. I will say this...the food I had at dinner was wonderful. DH also had the steak as well and said that it was cooked just the way he liked it. That first night I had the New York Flat Iron Steak. It was cooked the way I requested it and it was wonderful. Dinner was topped off with the most anticipated dish...Warm Chocolate Melting Cake, and it hit the spot.


DH and I are not into cruise shows and never have been. I went to one and it was just to cheesy (my opinion) to me. So we hit the casino instead! We didn't stay up too late as we were tired from the running around and just the anticipation of the trip. So we played in the casino for about 30 - 40 minutes and then went back to the cabin. We are really not boring people, just wiped out, so we hit the bed.


DH trying to look mean



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Here are a few more pictures:


This is my binder that I make for each cruise vacation (told you I was OCD)




Sorry this is a little fuzzy. DH enjoying lunch on the train going to New Orleans. Can you see how much space we have!




Me sitting on the Lido Deck eating lunch on embarkation day.




One of the many barges going up the Mississippi.


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Day Three

For this cruise, I had planned on sleeping in as much as I could. But I was up bright and early, which I couldn't understand why. Since we had a balcony, I propped the door open because I enjoy listening to the sound of the waves. Believe it or not, DH is really nervous about sleeping with the door open. Not that anyone would come in, but he's afraid of large waves coming into the cabin. I reassured him that being on the 9th deck, we were fine.


I had ordered room service the night before so at 7:30 AM it was delivered right on time. We had coffee and a bagel, which was really nice. I tipped him for bringing our food up, and then we sat on the balcony eating. The bagel was toasted, but by the time it got to us, it was a little stiff. I was still able to eat it, but I will not order a toasted bagel any more (lol). No one's fault, if you don't eat toasted bread right away, it gets hard.


The first day on the Dream is a sea day. So once we got up and got going, it was time for a sit down breakfast in the dining room, which was open seating. I had an omelet with cheese, mushrooms, jalapeno peppers, and tomatoes. I also had turkey bacon to go with the omelet, and coffee. Everything was very tasty, and the coffee was good and hot. I had read several reviews where people said the coffee was bad. I had the coffee in the main dining room, on the Lido deck, and room service, and each time I expected the coffee to taste bad, and it was very good! I'm picky about my coffee, so if it tasted bad, I would say it did. I don't know if Carnival changed it or not, but for those of you that love your coffee like I do, no problem, it was good.


After breakfast, we walked around the ship to try and get familiar with it. The Dream is a big ship, and I know I didn't see half of the ship while on this cruise. We hit the casino after a while and played there for a few hours. Yes, I actually came out ahead and decided to take my winnings with me.


Note: Not sure how many of you play in the Casino, but I do not like having to enter your pin each time you sit down at the slot machine. You put in your Sign & Sail card, then you can put in money and play. However, when you go to leave the machine, you have to push a button that will store your money in a "bank". Then move to another machine, and you insert your card, push a button to transfer your money from your bank to the machine (or charge money to your room), then push your pin number, and then start playing. Just too many steps, it was a pain.


After playing in the Casino, we hit the Lido Deck for lunch. I will tell you this, there is so much food to choose from. Everyone should be able to find something they like. I had heard so much about the Mongolian Wok that I wanted to try it for lunch. The Mongolian Wok is open from 12:00 PM - 2:30 PM each day on the Lido Deck. There was always a line, and we waited for 20 minutes to get our food. Since we had a chance to try it, I will say that it's pretty good. They ran out of the noodles I like, and so I had the clear rice noodles. I don't really care for them, but had to other choice. It was okay, nothing great, just okay. Would I try it again, only if the line isn't too long. Nothing to write home about, but I give Carnival kudos for having another food option on board!


We walked around a bit more, and then decided to do something I don't get a chance to do all the time, and that was take a much needed nap. We went back to the cabin, turned on the TV, and before I knew it I was out for the count! We must have slept for about three hours, and we just lazed around and did nothing. To me, a vacation is all about relaxing. DH is retired and stays home taking care of everything at home. I'm the breadwinner, so each day (Monday - Friday), I'm up and out the door at 5:45 AM, so to me, after three years of working straight, this was time for us to just chill and relax, which we did.


So most of you know that Monday night is Elegant/Formal night. I always like dressing up for dinner, but this time around, I didn't go way out for this night. Again, with working straight for three years, I just didn't feel up to it. Now before some of you get on to me for not dressing up and eating in the dining room, I did dress a little, but not like I use to do.


This is formal night on the Carnival Pride. Notice how we went all out dressing up. Even DH wore a tux!





This is us dressed up on the Carnival Dream




Our table mates on Elegant Night. They were actually celebrating their anniversary



This was one of our waiters "Serhy". He was wonderful and did a good job making us laugh. If you ever get a chance to cruise on the Dream, ask for Serhy.



Serhy dancing on the table for Elegant night.



After dinner, we went back to the Casino and played for several hours. I won a bit more (only put in $20), so again I was a head. Poor DH was not happy because he lost all his money, so he gave up. We went and got ice cream, and then decided it was time to hit the bed.


This is what greeted us when we got back to the cabin.



Note: Just a quick side note to say what a wonderful cabin steward we had. Imade was awesome. He made sure we had everything we needed and then some. Although we didn't need or ask for ice, he made sure we had it, which I ended up needing some later. We couldn't have asked for a better person, Imade was GREAT!


More to come.

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This is a great review for us greenhorns from the UK. I have been on Royal Carribbean and Celebrity before but never Carnival. We are 4 Friends who work together and have been going on Girly holidays for 10 years and I have finally persuaded them to do a cruise. We are all 60 next year so as well as our individual family holidays thought we would do something special together. I was worried because reading some of the reviews, I thought that maybe we were the wrong age group?? We are not adverse to a bit of a party ourselves but Carnival certainly seems like the party cruise line. I am reassured by your post though, looks like we wont be the only more mature cruisers! We are looking at this ship for next year, 3 days in New Orleans and then 7 on the ship. Can't wait for your next post!!

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One more picture that I forgot to add on the first day. DH with his "Fun Ship Special"



Okay now we're on Day 3

Tuesday was another day at sea. We ordered room service, but got fruit instead of a bagel, and of course coffee. It's so nice to sit on the balcony and watch the ocean as you sip your coffee. Wish I could do that all the time, but I can't :(


We went to breakfast in the dining room, and then took a walk around the ship, and just took it easy. I wanted to get in the pool, but there were so many people in the pool, I did'n't even want to chance it. I think the max is something like 18 or 20 people, but I lost count after reaching 30. Just way too many people in one pool. The teens were in full force by running and jumping into the pool. I'm sure you know what the pools on the ship look like, so imagine a youngster running and then jumping into a pool full of people. One lady moved out of the way a the last minute as the teen was doing a cannon ball into the pool. Again, no parental supervision. I know that parents like to give kids the run of the ship, but they really need to check in on them from time-to-time. After a good walk around the ship, we ended up on the Lido deck over-looking the pool and ordered a Miami Vice. If you don't know what a Miami Vice is you have to try it. It is half strawberry daiquiri and half pina colada. I have read in several reviews that the drinks are watered down. I had several drinks on board, and I'm here to tell you that they were NOT watered down, or it depends on the bar tender. DH had rum and cokes, and he had a nice little buzz going on, so the drinks we had on the ship were good.




The Miami Vice



We went back to the Casino (see the relaxing pattern here), and then took another nap. We got up, went back to the Casino and then went to dinner. I told you we just chilled during this cruise. We did a lot of walking, a lot of sitting, and a lot of napping.


Here's a picture of DH relaxing on the balcony. Although he's not smiling, he is enjoying himself (really, he is). [/u}



A random scenic shot I took on the balcony.




Another photo shot from the balcony.


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Day Three continued



When we got back to our room that night, this is who we found on our bed.




DH kissing the frog, or is it the frog kissing DH!



That night, after dinner, we sat on the balcony for a while and I noticed that it was lighting in the distance. It was beautiful the way it lit up the sky. I tried to take a picture of it, but of course couldn't capture it. I needed to have a special lens that had a special shutter. So I did the best thing yet, we laid in the bed, going to sleep with the curtains wide open so we could the lighting across the sky. Talk about a beautiful display of nature!!!


One thing I do have to mention is how well I slept during the entire cruise. I've always had problems sleeping when at home. Sometimes it takes me hours to fall asleep, sometimes I fall asleep and then I'm up for hours. During the whole cruise, I slept like a baby. I did the deep sleep, where you wake up and found that I was drooling in my sleep. No matter how bad it sounds, you know that's some good sleep!!! LOL!!


Day Four

Our first port day, and it's Mahogany Bay, Isla Roatan Honduras. DH and I didn't have anything planned as far as excursions and just decided to get off the ship and walk around. Today, we didn't schedule room service (ahhh shucks). We had breakfast on the Lido Deck today, because so many people were getting ready to get off the ship, so it was easy to go and have breakfast. We had bacon, omelet, and potatoes, which was quite filling. We went back to the cabin, and got some things together so we could then get off the ship. If you're wondering, Honduras is a port where the ship docks right there. You are free to come and go off the ship as you want, until it's time to go.


Here's a picture early in the morning coming into Honduras.




A picture of DH in Honduras.



Now I have to tell you that it was hot that day. I think it was in the high 80's with 85% humidity. As soon as we walked off the ship, I was soaking wet! DH and I walked around the port for a while and did some shopping, but I could tell the heat was bothering DH, so it was back on the ship we went. We had water with us, but it was just too hot, even I was feeling it.


DH taking a much needed water break.



I'm sure you are noticing that there are not a lot of pictures of me. Because DH is legally blind in one eye, he has a hard time taking pictures. Not too many people offered to take pictures of us, and I don't like asking people because I don't want to be a bother to others, so I have a lot of pictures of DH. Hopefully on our next cruise I can feel a little better about asking people to take pictures of us. Seems like it's a cruise with only DH!



The Carnival Dream is a big ship isn't she!


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Day Four continued

As we were walking around in that heat, I noticed a storm cloud off in the distance, so I told DH that we might as well get back on the ship. I had done my shopping, we looked around, and it was time to go. Besides, DH needed to get cooled off. We dropped off our purchases in our cabin and decided to hit up the Lido Deck for lunch. I could still see the rain cloud off in the distance, but it was bigger and getting closer. DH and I are now comfy sitting down eating (I had a cheeseburger, and DH had a hot dog). Not more than five minutes later, it started to rain, and it came down hard. With it being so hot even if we had been outside in the rain, I'm sure we would have been dry in probably 10 minutes. It stopped raining after about 15 minutes, which made the humidity worse to me.


Port days are also good to be on the ship while everyone is still out enjoying the port. This was my time to enjoy the pool, so I went and got changed, while DH waited. There were chairs available close to the pool, so we claimed two seats, and then I sat back to read for a bit. After a while, I decided it was time for my first dip in the pool. I was ready, because I was hot, and wanted to cool off, so off I went. I climbed into the pool and regretted getting in...it was flipping COLD! LOL! I tried walking around, doing a little running up and down in the pool, but it was freezing cold. I finally just decided that I had enough and got out, but it was a little funny to me.


We laid out for a while enjoying the warmth of the sun (while I warmed up), and then headed to the cabin to get cleaned up. As soon as we got back to our cabin, the rain came down again, and you know what's great to do in the rain...A NAP!! I got cleaned up and then decided to watch TV and off to dreamland we both went!


A picture of a catamaran in Honduras. Sorry the picture isn't very clear, but you can tell it had been raining.



DH and I slept for several hours and got up feeling refreshed. We woke up too late to see if there had been any pier runners, but I heard later on that there were a few. For the life of me, I cannot understand why people like to take chances when it comes to the ship leaving. Now if you are on an excursion, and it's late coming back, that's one thing. But to press your luck and come back late, that's crazy. That ship is NOT leaving me that's for sure.


Here's another picture of us coming into Honduras that morning.DSC00540_zps059db0d9.jpg


Once we left port, it was time to think about dinner. We had dinner in the main dining room with our table mates and had a good time. Went back to the room and crashed. For some reason, this cruise was all about sleeping, which I don't regret at all. I had nothing planned as far as doing anything special and I really needed the rest. Look at who came to see us in our cabin that evening.


Cute bunny rabbit


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This is a great review for us greenhorns from the UK. I have been on Royal Carribbean and Celebrity before but never Carnival. We are 4 Friends who work together and have been going on Girly holidays for 10 years and I have finally persuaded them to do a cruise. We are all 60 next year so as well as our individual family holidays thought we would do something special together. I was worried because reading some of the reviews, I thought that maybe we were the wrong age group?? We are not adverse to a bit of a party ourselves but Carnival certainly seems like the party cruise line. I am reassured by your post though, looks like we wont be the only more mature cruisers! We are looking at this ship for next year, 3 days in New Orleans and then 7 on the ship. Can't wait for your next post!!


Jemima, you will enjoy yourself on the Carnival Dream. I still can't get over how big the ship is. There is so much to do and I'm sure you will have a wonderful time with your friends. Because this was a relaxing trip for us, we didn't do a lot. However, get out and have fun. The All White party, dancing in a few of the clubs. Plus, there are shows, so you and your friends should have a wonderful time. I've seen young and old on the Carnival, and they all seem to enjoy it.


Thank you for reading and following. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.

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We are sailing the Dream Nov 2nd.....can't wait!!


Cajonmom1223, did you check to see if the Sunday you are leaving is also a game day in New Orleans. Remember that if it is, get to the port early. Traffic was bad, and it was worse around the port area. We came to a grinding halt as soon as we turned into the port area.


Thanks for following and reading. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

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Nice start to your review. We will be on the Dream in 52 days :D:D:D


Hey there Wrigley80, I've read several of your reviews before. I'm sure you are going to enjoy the Dream, just fair warning about the confusion at the Port. It was really bad, so I'm hoping that you can get there early. Maybe by the time you get there, all the home games for the Saints are over with, and it won't be as bad!


Thanks for reading and following.

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We were on this cruise also, and I agree that the port in NOLA was a mess, this was my 3rd cruise out of NOLA and I do not remember it being that bad on previous cruises. We were 4 blocks from the port and it took 45 minutes to get there :eek:.


I also agree with the unsupervised children, I witnessed them doing cannonballs into the hot tubs at the aft pool, then taking buckets of water from the hot tubs and throwing them onto people that were in the pool. Just unreal.

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Will be on the Dream 12/07/2014, looking forward to rest of your review.


Thanks JamesEM. Make sure you take some time and walk the whole ship if you can. You will enjoy your time on board.


Thanks for reading and following.

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We were on this cruise also, and I agree that the port in NOLA was a mess, this was my 3rd cruise out of NOLA and I do not remember it being that bad on previous cruises. We were 4 blocks from the port and it took 45 minutes to get there :eek:.


I also agree with the unsupervised children, I witnessed them doing cannonballs into the hot tubs at the aft pool, then taking buckets of water from the hot tubs and throwing them onto people that were in the pool. Just unreal.


Carib1, several people witnessed what happened and I just can't believe that people allowed their children to just act crazy. Continue to read my review as there was another incident that actually happened to me and my DH.


Thanks for reading and following.

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Carib1, several people witnessed what happened and I just can't believe that people allowed their children to just act crazy. Continue to read my review as there was another incident that actually happened to me and my DH.




Thanks for reading and following.



If I would have witnessed any of that nonsense I would have corrected them myself. Which I've done in the past. Sometimes All I need to do is give them "The Look".


I don't understand how parents allow their children to act in such a way. If the parents don't want to be bothered with the kids, then they should be left at home.


When on vacation, cruise or not, our children know better. We teach them to be respectful of others, we do not under any circumstance leave them unattended, unless they are at the kids camp, and thankfully they are on their best behavior there as well.


My husband works hard so we can enjoy our vacation, just as the rest of the ppl on the ship or at a resort.

I explain to them the importance of being well mannered and respectful.




Sorry for the rant.


Great review :)






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Day 5

Today is Thursday and as usual, I ordered coffee and fruit to eat on the balcony. Something about eating and drinking coffee on a balcony while cruising on the ocean. It's peaceful and so relaxing, I would encourage everyone to try it at least once. Remember room service is free, but just give them a tip, $2.00 or $3.00 is good. The work hard for it, and always had a smile on their face when they delivered our food.


It's also port day, and we were going to be going to Belize. This was a tender port, and I was a little nervous because smaller boats make me nervous and ill if they get rocking really good.


DH and I got up and went to breakfast. I have to say that although I had no problems with the food, breakfast was a little boring. You see I don't eat pork or shellfish, and I would love to see more options, but nothing to complain about. I had cheddar grits (yummy, yummy), an omelet, and I decided to try the chicken sausage. Everything was good, but I couldn't stomach the chicken sausage. No offense to anyone. I would love to see turkey sausage, along with the turkey bacon. I'm just not a fan of turkey bacon because it can get tough.


We went down to one of the lounges (I forgot) and we were given a number for the tender, and then sat down to wait until our number was called. I actually like this process because it put a stop to waiting in long lines along the stairs waiting to get on the tender because it was "first come, first serve". DH said that we waited about 30 - 35 minutes for our number to be called. We went down and got on the tender and off to Belize we went. The ride itself was about 20 minutes, and the guys on the tender were very professional and explained to us where the life vests were stored, and to stay seated. Did people stay seated, of course not!!!


I think this is a Celebrity ship that was docked not too far from us.



I just loved the name of this business.



DH in Belize. I wish someone could have taken a picture of us together



We decided to walk and do some shopping. I was rather surprised that the shop owners did not want to haggle. I saw a few cute little necklaces that I wanted to get for my niece, but to be honest, I didn't think the price they quoted me was worth it. One necklace they wanted $15 for it and it had only one little thing on it. So as I was walking away, I was hoping that they would "what do you want to pay for it", but no one said anything and I just walked away. I ended up going to a store, that had set prices and got some t-shirts.


At the end of the market, there was a store across the street that said "Flea Market". I wanted to check it and see what they had, but there was a police officer posted right at the open gate. He said that if we crossed the street over to the Flea Market, we would be arrested. He told us the only way to get there was to go back through the port, then catch a cab, and then go to the flea market even though it was about 1,000 to 1,500 ft. from the port entrance. Whatever, once he said the word arrested, I was done! Like I said before, no one is leaving me behind.


So as we are walking back through the port area, guess what I noticed in the sky?


Looks like rain, with the Carnival Dream in the background



So I tell John, I think it's time we head back. I have everything I need and I'm ready.






As we were standing in line waiting to get on the tender back to the ship, the sky opened up and it started raining. The ride back on the tender was a little rough as the seas were choppy. I got a little queasy, but was able to hold on until we got back on the ship.


Once we got back on the ship and to our cabin, look what happened...



Yeah, I wouldn't want to be on that tender coming back in that mess. Even the seas look worse than what they did when I got queasy coming back, so I'm so glad we came back early. Now remember it's still hot outside. When I went to take this picture, my glasses were fogging up because of the humidity.

Edited by ch27088
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If I would have witnessed any of that nonsense I would have corrected them myself. Which I've done in the past. Sometimes All I need to do is give them "The Look".


I don't understand how parents allow their children to act in such a way. If the parents don't want to be bothered with the kids, then they should be left at home.


When on vacation, cruise or not, our children know better. We teach them to be respectful of others, we do not under any circumstance leave them unattended, unless they are at the kids camp, and thankfully they are on their best behavior there as well.


My husband works hard so we can enjoy our vacation, just as the rest of the ppl on the ship or at a resort.

I explain to them the importance of being well mannered and respectful.




Sorry for the rant.


Great review :)



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Rant on my friend it was really that bad. I belong to a group on the "other" site, and that's all people have been talking about after we got back home. More to come and thanks for following.

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Day 5 Continued:

Once we got back on board, we headed upstairs to the Lido deck for lunch. I got my usual cheeseburger, and DH had a hot dog. DH said those were the best hot dogs he has had in a while. DH is from New York, and is use to eating Nathans Hot Dogs, which I understand is the best. So, he really enjoyed the hot dogs and ate them for lunch almost every day.


We did what we do best after lunch (since it was still raining), and laid down to rest. I actually decided to read for a while, and had a great afternoon relaxing. Later on after we had left Belize, we decided to hit the Casino until it was time for dinner. It was then I found out that there was a Mexican Buffet that night, but it wouldn't be until 11:00 PM. Who in the world thought about having a buffet at 11:00 PM. Don't they know that older/mature people like us end up with heartburn, especially if it's Mexican food. Oh well, I'm in! LOL!


DH and his Mexican buffet plate



They had a nice selection of food that evening, and we took it back to our room to eat.


Did you notice in the picture that DH had a little friend looking over his shoulder? As you see by the pictures I've posted that our cabin steward did a great job with the towel animals. Since I had been on Carnival before, I was thinking that they would do the same animals over and over, but these towel animals were new, and I just loved them.


DH's friend looks like he's flipping us off (just rude)!LMHO



After we finished our food, we took a hot shower and hit the bed for a good night sleep.


Day 6

Today is another port day, which is Cozumel, Mexico. DH didn't want to get off the ship, which kind of bothered me, but he's been a a trooper so I decided to stay on board. I decided that I wanted to find the Serenity Deck, which is part of the 2.0 upgrades. It's something I think that Carnival should have done a long time ago, and I just love it. It's an area just for adults 18 or 21 years and older (actually forgot the age). Love the cushioned seats and the clam shell loungers.

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