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Stacey's Solo Southern Caribbean Valor Adventure!


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I'm really enjoying your review! I'm booked on the Valor in February for my first solo cruise, so I'm looking forward to having as much fun as you did! (I've also been considering my first-ever zipline excursion, in St. Lucia, though, since I won't have as much time in Puerto Rico. I may need someone to push me off the first platform. :eek:)

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Great review so far! Love this ship/itinerary we did it for our honeymoon in April and Booked it again for next april (they switched ships on us though and now we are on the liberty!)


Question.... If you don't mind answering.... how much did you pay for Cheers? We had it on the last southern itinerary cruise before they started the "seasonal/itinerary-al" pricing. At the old price we were just a hair over 400 a person for the week! I'm hoping for this to be lower next time!

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Thanks for doing the review, Stacey! We go on March 1st, and you've already given me a few ideas for our pre-cruise activities! I have to admit that I'm Irish Catholic (born in Limerick), so I don't understand what you mean when you use the term "sarcasm.";)


Look forward to your continuing review! Thanks again. Also, thanks for coming to the defense of the "Selfie" reviewer! Very gracious. Keep on doing our selfies, too.

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I am loving another Valor review. My DH and I leave in 29 days for San Juan. We are flying in two day early and staying one extra day after. Great job on the review. Love all the pics. Did you by chance spend any time in the piano bar? Our group I'd curious about how fun the player was.



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I'm really enjoying your review and looking forward to the rest...this is going to be a good one! I've already laughed a few times. We were on Valor, same itinerary out of San Juan, in May 2013 and this was probably our favorite cruise and we loved the itinerary. I remember your earlier post about whether to upgrade to a balcony and I was one of the ones encouraging you to go for it and am so glad you did! :D Balcony is definitely the way to go, whether cruising with others or solo, especially for this itinerary. Again, I'm following and really looking forward to the rest.

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Great start to this review. Thanks for doing it. We love this itinerary, we have done it 2 times before (on the Victory) and are doing it again this coming January on the Valor (in fact only 90 days until we leave for Puerto Rico) We are staying 3 days prior and going to the San Sebastian Festival in San Juan. So excited :eek::D. Cant get enough Valor reviews. Keep it coming.

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Quick question to any techies reading...its been awhile since I uploaded pics on a thread via a computer(obviously used Tapatalk app for the others)...anyone care to give me a quick refresher? I wanted to upload some other pics from my camera while Im working on the rest of the review:)


On to comments....THANK YOU for all of the feedback so far!! I am glad everyone is enjoying my review so far,it definitely keeps up the motivation to continue:))) It sounds like a LOT of you have upcoming cruises,especially in March it sound like?? Im so jealous,this was an awesome trip and you will all have a great time no matter what you do-theres so many choices on what to do with each day both on the ship and the islands-its definitely a trip that needs to be repeated. I felt like I didnt even scratch the surface on what i could have done!


Special shoutout to all solo cruisers who commented...glad to hear there are more of you out there! This cruise was defintiely a good one for solos,as there were a lot of activities to meet up with other people in general, and it was rare that i got the "Im all alone" vibe during the week.


Some individual comments/answers...


Deladene-I read your great Victory review,it was quite helpful as well!!!


Bigdawgmatty-I think you were supposed to be on the same St Lucia tour that I was? Were you were one of the foursome in the back? Hope you had a great week too!


Midnightbuffet-DO the zipline in st lucia,heard its one of the best spots to zipline in!Dont worry,someone will push you off if needed:)


Bo59rt- I did read your wedding cruise review(no wedding plans at the moment,just like reading them for some odd reason) andIi loved it! If/when I get married,I would love to do a st thomas wedding like you had,so I may end up bugging you for details a year or two down the road! Anyway,Cheers was $302 out the door,including 15% gratuity-they didnt add tax to that. The only caveat is that you pay tax on any drink you get in Puerto Rico or St thomas,but its like 50 cents a drink. Other than that,its all covered. To give you an idea, I bought mostly Malibu and Cokes($6) and frilly umbrella drinks($7.50-$8.75) so i managed to break even every day with about 3-4 of these plus a regular soda here and there. Anything else I drank was just a surplus,so it was VERY economical-I paid $400 on NCL and didnt come close.


JAGR-I felt so bad for that reviewer,she was/is doing a good job,and I wish i had read it prior to my cruise but she went only a week or two before me. I thought it was needless for that AH to make that comment about the selfies,hence why i put that in upfront. As the review continues,youll see me get a bit defensive on others behalf-Im not an underdog champion,but some people are just thoughtless towards others...so stay tuned:)


Lilbits...our meet and greet was in the piano bar on sea day,and we snuck behind the piano for a group pic that has yet to surface on facebook-hint hint-other than that, I didnt go in at night so I'm not too much help there.it seemed like on this cruise,the eagles lounge and theater were the busiest places,but then again,as youll read, i wasnt the best night owl. Hopefully others on this week might have more feedback on this aspect? it did look like it has the potential of being fun though!


Pghsteelerfan!! I feel like we are old pals LOL-I know weve run into each other on other threads,and your review was absolutely one of my go-tos for research for this trip. I do recall you being in favor of the balcony,esp the starboard side,so I owe you a huge thank you for your encouragement! It was worth every penny!


Again,thank you all for your compliments and feedback...Im going to try to post some more pics,but hope to get the next installment up by Saturday:)


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Just a comment re: solo travel - I was single for 9 years, newly divorced, in my 30's and desperately wanted to see Europe. I decided to back pack by myself since I couldn't find anyone to travel with. I HAD A BALL! I also learned a lot about myself & gained a confidence that did me well later. It was an adventure!


Bravo solo travelers! I admire your spirit and openness to new experiences.:D

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Love your style and humor! We are booked on this cruise for our 30th anniversary in April so I enjoy reading everything I can about this itinerary and what to do in San Juan and all the ports.


We have 4 cabins booked with a group of 9 and I somehow managed to be the researcher/planner/etc. for this cruise. I wouldn't have it any other way though! LOL I think half the fun?anticipation of the cruise is researching all the ports and finding things to do, things to see, and fun activities for us and our family and friends.


Thanks for taking your time and effort to do this review, and know that it is much appreciated by all of us who still have months to go before our turn!


Can't wait for more!

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We board this coming Sunday :cool:


Glad to hear you got your $$ worth on the Cheers package... we have been debating it since there is only the one sea day, if it would be "worth it" or not.


Carnival has to have the worst muster drills. We have also cruised NCL and recently Celebrity - our muster stations were actually in theaters and dining rooms on those cruise lines... where you could sit down and listen. And also they were locations that you can easily FIND again should heaven forbid the need ever arise - unlike Carnival, do you really think you can find H16 ever again without someone showing you which magical staircase to take and which way to go on the decks? :confused:


p.s. dry sarcasm is my life ;)

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Great review so far. I'll be on this ship next month.


I've been wondering if I could cruise solo. I'm not outgoing unless I'm around close friends or family. I'd probably just sit out on my balcony, drink alone and come home an alcoholic.

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Hi everyone! Don't worry,I'm not a starter and disappearring writer....meant to have the next few days up last weekend,but came down with Ebola after the cruise...or perhaps just a bad cold. I've been feeling a bit better the last day or tow,and have my next post almost done,so I will have St Thomas up at least tomorrow evening. Thank you for sticking with me,and I promise, more dry sarcasm(glad you all love it LOL) shenanigans and critiques are coming! Thank you all for the continued compliments!


BTW, I would be totally pissed if I went on a cruise and was quarantined for Ebola....





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St Thomas day


Just like yesterday, I was up bright and early...so much for sleeping in! But who needs sleep when you can watch the sunrise and eat omelettes on your balcony while you sail into St Thomas?


Anyway, once I realized that I wasn't falling back asleep, I got ready, headed up the one flight of stairs to the lido deck, and found a pretty empty Rosie's restarant wit he buffet just getting opened at 7am. I will say that this buffet is very organized,with the omelette station on its own side of the room,not just a corner of one bar with a line of people stretched Out onto the Lido deck. I got my food within a few minutes and headed back down to my balcony,and watched the sail in. We sailed in so that my side was facing the dock at first,but then the ship backed up and turned around,thus having the port side be facing the dock. It was still a pretty view though.





It was about 7:40, and I was waiting for the infamous announcement saying that we had docked and been cleared to disembark the ship,head to deck 0, etc. When ten minutes went by with no announcement,and I saw people getting off the ship from my balcony, I called guest services and stupidly asked when we would be allowed to leave the ship. "Oh, we've been cleared since 7:30," she said.


Oo-Kay...now it had been about two years since I had been on Carnival,but for those five cruises there had always been announcements,bright and early as we pulled into port. My two cruises on NCL carried on this pattern,so I was definitely not expecting the quiet arrival. But whatever,I was ready, so I headed down the hall, found an elevator, and was off the ship less than ten minutes after leaving the cabin.


Now for St Thomas, I had done some research, and more research, and more still. This was my second visit here, but I did a ship excursion to St John(the champagne catamaran sail offered on nearly every cruise here) in January. This time I wanted to spend the day on one of St Thomas' beautiful beaches,but was having a difficult time narrowing down the choices. I knew Magen's Bay was popular,but cost something like $10 to enter,plus cab fare,plus chair rental. I wasn't too worried about crowds,since we were the only ship in port that day(miraculous- last time there were five of us,including the giant ship that shall not be named). However, I had read a LOT about the other beaches,namely Sapphire, and how picturesque they were, with good snorkeling,etc. I had debated doing Sapphire in January, but they had just closed the restroom facilities and vendors,so I skipped it.


All of this is my fancy way of rambling on and saying that as I walked through the still closed shopping center of Havensight toward the taxi stand, I wasn't 100% sure as to where I would go that day. I decided I'd be happy with either Coki(vendors,good snorkeling, but possible crowds) or Sapphire(ok snorkeling,beautiful,quiet, recently reopened vendors but not that many supposedly).


The taxi stand is quite a walk from the ship,probably about 5 city blocks, but once you find it,you can't miss it, as about ten people descend on you immediately. I told the driver I was open to either beach, and I was ushered into a van with a few others going to Coki( the driver settled my debate,saying it was "more fun." Ok,just make the decision already LOL). There was also a couple in the van going to some resort, Sugar Bay, I think(?) for a sailing excursion that they booked privately...and was leaving in FIFTEEN minutes. Needless to say, they were pretty stressed and yapping at the driver to drop them off first,and quickly,thank you very much.


Now,I'll hold back a bit,as I have been doing private excursions myself on the last few cruises,but....No, I think the idiocy of leaving the ship with less than a half hour transport time speaks for itself. Sadly,this was NOT the only time I encountered this scenario on the trip(stay tuned).


Anyway,seeing as it was still early, and everyone else in the van was pretty relaxed, we just kept quiet while the driver raced to the hotel and dropped the couple off. Then we were off to Coki,passing bySapphire on the way. Since we were on a hill,I could see the beach below, and it did look quite pretty....


Once we arrived at Coki,the driver let us off in the hands of the friendly vendors who immediately pounced on us to buy loungers,snorkel gear,etc etc etc. ( the cab fare was $9pp btw). I walked up the steps onto the small pier, between two beach shacks selling their wares,and onto....a very small beach. Now don't get me wrong, the beach was pretty with the green hills to the side and in the distance,and the indescribable blue of the Caribbean stretched before me...but the length of the beach was just smaller than what I had expected. There were about three or four vendor areas of loungers, then some rocks to the right by the white bubble of Coral World.


Oh well, I guess I can see how this beach can get crowded quickly, but at 830-845ish, we were amongst the first vans there,and it was VERY QUIET. The initial vendor that approached me offered up her lounger and umbrella for $12, which I figured was about the going rate, so I took it and grabbed a front row chair. The tide was was still coming in up around the lounger,so the vendor helped me hang my beach bag on a hook on the back of the chair(very nice)!




As I settled in with my iPad, I relaxed to the scenery...it really was peaceful during that first hour and a half. No vendors really walked by trying to sell you sarongs,jewelry or other crap( trust me, you'll get plenty of it throughout the week), and not many people had discovered is beach yet....or so I thought. I later discovered that people on the ship tended to roll out of bed later and start their days around 11 or 12... This worked to my advantage a few times! I felt a little guilty about being disappointed about Coki's size.




Then the masseuse set up her table....and I'll just admit it. I'm a massage junkie. Carrying around my nursing bag and walking 3-5 miles daily(total,not all at once) plus stress in general leaves my poor back and neck in knots,and for me,it's just a good stress reliever,although an expensive one at times. I'm going to warn you, I probably went kind of ridiculous with the massages on this trip,but hey, I'll be able to provide an idea of where the good ones are for those like minded souls.


So this ones name was Nerfetti,like the African Queen,and she charged the going rate of $1/minute,so no huge deal but not a ripoff either. She had a decent spot underneath what I thought was a coconut tree,but was something else...can't recall. And she was a serious masseuse,let me tell you. Forget the relaxing beach massage, she works your muscles in and out and attempts to diagnose different muscular issues. She was good,don't get me wrong,but it was one of those massages that are more clinical than relaxing. She also told me during the facial portion that she would "fix my migraines so I'd never get one again..." While this part actually was a bit relaxing, it wasn't accurate...


After the massage, I settled back on my lounger,and was approached by someone from the A and D restaurant for any food/drink requests. Now,while I did have some cash on me, i asked if I could use my card,as I wanted to save the cash for,well the places that would only take cash. She said that they did take cards,so I ordered a drink,and settled in with....OK,I'm not going to lie. With my phone. It's the last port that we have cell service and 4G, and if you tell me that you can go the entire trip without some access to wifi,you're lying. Besides, there's always that wonderful moment when you call family or friends and gloat about being on a tropical beach while they are...not.


Anyway, I did spent the next little while doing that,and reading,and sipping my cocktail,and ordering lunch(cheeseburger...edible but passable). Then I rented snorkel equipment($15 for vest,mask,snorkel). I was given the equipment along with a Milkbone,which I was told to crumble up to attract the fish. Ok,that was new.


So I stumbled over the rocky shore into the water( the edge is a bit bumpy...actually stumbled a bit and ripped the edge off of my sandal)swam out towards the Coral World bubble,with my ghetto disposable underwater camera that of course I haven't developed yet, and snorkeled. let me tell you,those fish are part bloodhound,as they can smell the damn Milkbone as soon as it hits the water. I had a school of silver fish following me. Once I crumbled it, it was like Finding Nemo...fish galore. I did see my favorite, the parrotfish,along with some bright lavender fish that looked pretty cool. The coral was ok. I admit, I'm probably a little biased here, as one of the first places I ever snorkeled was the absolute best reef in the world, so I think it kind of ruined other places for me in that aspect.


Ok,enough of me being a snob,LOL...it is pretty, but on this itinerary, not the best snorkeling spot. Then again,I'm basing it on three snorkeling times- I had some fellow roll callers who snorkeled every single day, though I think they'd agree with me on St Lucia being the best island.


Once I finished snorkeling, I went back to my chair, and noticed that the secret was out,the beach was getting crowded,and I was getting hot,so I only stayed about another 45 min or so before I asked to cash out my bar tab. All was well,until my server approached with another woman,and proceeded to tell me that there was a TEN DOLLAR service charge for using a MC/Visa.




The server hung her head and tried to use doe eyes to tell the manager that she had told me this,to which I strongly denied. The manager apologized, claiming that this was a typical problem with the servers,and offered that I didnt need to tip her. To which my reply was, "Well, you can take the ten dollars as a tip or service charge,but I'm not paying for more than that." Go ahead,flame away...I am NOT anti tipping but I refuse to be ripped off, and my reply was that had I been told about this so called "service charge" I would have ordered less and paid cash,and tipped my usual 20%. The manager continued to be apologetic(the server had long since disappeared) and begged me not to flame her on reviews on here or TripAdvisor when I asked to clarify the name of her restaurant.


Which I'm not. I'm simply presenting the situation as it happened and my opinion. Readers can make their own decisions based on that.


Anyway,once that was settled, I found the cold showers at the side of the restrooms and rinsed off before going to request a taxi. As I was leaving the shower area, I was chatting with another woman for a minute before she stopped and said, "Aren't you Stacey?"


I was a little surprised until I realized at it was G from the roll call,and Barrachinas...so we laughed about not recognizing each other at first. I went down and said hi to her sister S, and they said they had just gotten to the beach. We chatted for a few,then I left,as my poor skin was starting to roast...and it was going to be a long,sunshine filled week.


One of the vendors found a waiting taxi with two guys already in it for me, so I hopped in...and the driver got out,turning off the engine. Figuring it would be a minute or two,I didn't think anything more until it grew warmer and warmer inside the van. then the other passengers and I bang to wonder where the driver was. A minute later, I saw an open air taxi pull up, and I opened the door,asking where she was going. When she said "downtown" and that she was leaving right then, I glanced around,seeing that my original driver was nowhere in sight, and jumped ship(or overheated van). My fellow passengers were right behind me.


One of the guys sitting out in front of the van looked up and said "Hey,aren't you guys in so and so's van?" Sorry,bud, but this one is leaving now, and so and so is nowhere to be found.


Just as we took off,So and So appeared,chasing after the taxi, screaming that our driver was stealing his fare. One of the guys that was in the van with me yelled out that we had been sitting in the van without AC for ten minutes. So and So continued to scream at us as we sped off.


Little tip,So and So...if you're going to leave the car,might want to at least crack the windows. Customers leaving the beach are probably hot enough already.


On the drive back, I managed to get a decent shot of the Valor in port.


I got off the taxi right where I got on in Havensight, and ended up browsing in a few of the shops for a bit in search of some cheap replacement sandals, but no such luck- until one of the clerks directed me to a Payless just outside the shopping center on the main road. It was about a 5 minute walk,in a small strip of stores that was in the same parking lot as the tiki bar,Mojos. I know,Payless is not unique BUT I found a comfy pair of sandals for only $16.99, tax free!


After securing the sandals and ditching my broken pair, I stopped by a Scotiabank in the same plaza(affiliated with Bank of America,so I can withdraw cash without fees). Then I decided to try out Mojos,since I was right there and all:) There weren't too many people there, so I got a swing at the bar and tried one of their frozen drinks- cant recall the name but it was cold and fruity.




Now it was really getting warm, so I headed back to the ship. It was about 2:30, but I think a lot of ppl were getting warm,and the lines were longer than I had expected. However, the elevator was actually there and free when I pinged into the ship,so I grabbed it and was in my room within a few.




Since it was still early, I decided to check out the outside decks on the ship, and went in search of Serenity, the adult only area with the padded loungers. On the NCL ship that I had been on,they have an area like this,but they sell out passes for the week and only have something insane like 100 passes for the week. Thus, I was looking forward to discovering the area on Carnival for free.


I walked across Lido deck and found both of the main pool areas fairly empty. serenity is on deck 12, I believe,all the way forward...basically,climb the tiered levels on the Lido deck and take another staircase up,and you'll find it behind the bamboo wall.


I found Serenity to be also fairly empty, and explored the different padded loungers and clamshell chairs at the very front before claiming one. I went to the bar to start working on my Cheers package( only 1 drink in so far...). It was here that I met Pat, the bartender who became my favorite during the week. Her name is something like Patawanam, and I did ask and try to pronounce it before she said to just call her Pat or Patty. She's from Thailand,so we chatted about it for a few minutes as she got me my drink.


Now,the unlimited drink packages include gratuity, but as I did on NCL, I added in some extra tips here and there at the bar I planned to frequent in hopes of avoiding watered down drinks. It's a debate,I know, but I figured a few extra dollars here and there weren't a big deal for consistent service. It definitely worked out with Pat, as she frequently made drink suggestions for me during the week,greeted me by name, and was a lot of fun to chat with.


Also,right by the bar are two large sectional couches and some individual chairs underneath an awning,so these are some more shaded areas if you a looking for that.


I spent the next couple hours in my clamshell, and ended up watching sail away from there. Some people around me swore that they could see dolphins in the distance as we sailed out of port, but I couldn't really see anything other than splashing.




As it grew cooler,and dustier, I ended up going back to my cabin and resting for a bit before getting ready for my first MDR. I wasn't sure what to expect,being solo, as I had companions on previous Carnival cruises. I decided to come prepared with my iPad in my purse in case I had a solo table,so I would have something to do,but was open to either.


Just before dinner, I wandered around Deck 5, stopping by the casino,figuring I would spend my typical $20 per cruise on slots. I was a little thrown by how to work the machines with the S&S card,but a casino attendant got me set up with the password and told me how to add and transfer the balance when I switched machines. In all honesty, I may have been a bit inebriated at this point, so I wasn't sure I did this correctly. I didn't end up with a huge chunk of casino money on my bill,but I may have left a cash balance on in the end...who knows?


At 8:10, I headed to the Washington Dining Room,and gave my card to the host,who led me to my table at the back of the dining room. Luckily,there were two other people there,a woman about 5-10 yrs older than me,and a cross dresser.


Oh, excuse me... The politically correct term is transvestite. Or transsexual? I'm not sure. but it was an older guy,with bright blue eyeliner,fuschia nails and lipstick,jewelry, and a sundress.


However,after we all introduced ourselves, it turned out that the woman, P, was a solo traveler from Canada, and M, the cross dresser, was a solo traveler from Florida. We actually all hit it off right away and i quickly forgot about M's unusual dress choices. We chatted about our solo travels,previous cruises, etc. a few minutes later, an older woman,L, came to join us,another solo traveler,also from New York. She was a bit quieter,but pleasant.


Regardless, we all had an enjoyable meal,and no one batted an eye when I took my food porn pics. P and M both mentioned wanting to try the steakhouse,so we tentatively made plans to go as a group later in the week. The meal had been good enough that I was willing to pay another $35,so I was in.


Our waiter was Nolbert,who was a sweetheart and ended up calling us the wild table...( we may have been a bit louder than the other tables around us LOL). Then again, P and I had Cheers and had been using it well that day.


The assistant waiter,Aswan came by towards the end with the shotglasses,offering shots of some type of whiskey. I declined,as whiskey isn't my thing, but then he offered up Baileys instead. M,P, and I decided to go for this,and I started my shotglass collection.


The dinner was actually one of the better ones of the week,and quite filling. Dessert was bitter and blanc, and I decided to be a pig and ask for a warm chocolate melting cake to go BECAUSE...


Ok nerd alert coming up....


M and P talked about going to the comedy show after dinner,and invited me and L. L declined, as did I tonight since I had noticed that we still had some TV service, and my favorite favorite show was coming on at 10. Since the season had just started last week, I was eager to try to see it, so I took my extra dessert, bid my farewells, and and hurried back to my cabin with 5 minutes to spare.


And that's how I wrapped up my evening...balcony door open, eating a second dessert, and hanging with the 12th precinct crew..(points to anyone who knows the show) Oh yeah, and my new towel buddy....





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Extra photos....again,if anyone can help me with posting pics via a computer...most of my good St Thomas shots were on my camera,can't figure out how to upload! In the meantime,here are the rest of the ones from my phone....






















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