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Island to Alaska with Pictures (part 2)


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By the way tee, I snuck something special in for you.


"....I once was lost...but now I'm found..." As I've often stated in public, I'm not really a stupid person but I do frequently play one in real life. After a week or so of being puzzled that there were no new posts to the diabolically relocated new post, I figured out how to satisfy my Cworld Jones. I FOUND YOU!!!!


Great pics, Carl and congratulations on the panorama! (Drat and Zoiks!! My secrets have been revealed to all the common folk) BTW, did you notice in your Captain's Circle quarterly bible that by submitting a photo and 50 word essay you have a chance to (drumroll please.brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrump) WIN A FREE CRUISE!!!! That's right Johnny tell him what he's won!!! Free, gratis, por nada, nyet, zip, zilch...FREEEEEEEEEE. Oh...bummer of the day for Mr. and Mrs. Cworld....it has to be submitted within 3 months of your Princess cruise. :mad: You lose and get the consolation prize.


I, on the other hand, still have about 2 weeks to submit and Mrs. Tee has graciously offered to drop the subject of Tee Gals if I win or at least attempt to garner her a free cruise. Say, have you ever noticed that the only time your printer runs out of ink is when you REALLY REALLY need it? So I'm off to the computer store to spend half a week's pay for new ink cartridges for my printer. Has anyone besides me noticed that you can buy an entry level printer complete with ink cartridges for LESS than it costs to buy the freakin ink cartridges by themselves????? There oughta be a law...by the time i put gas in the truck and drive to the computer store for ink, it's gonna cost me a whole buncha money. But like you said, we're hooked. This was our first cruise and I've already notified family and friends in distant states that our visitations will be greatly reduced in the future. We're saving our time and money for another cruise!!!


Anyways, time (and ink cartridges) waits for no man. So sing it with me as I ease on down, ease on down, down the road to financial ruin. "We're off to see the Lizard......the wonderful Lizard of Ahssss"


Peace, Out.

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Hey everybody,


I made it home, but I'm afraid I lost something along the way. Poor Bob Smith, he didn't make it through the weekend. He passed on while I was driving home. So in his honor, and due to the fact that I'm kinda exausted, I won't have anything new tonight, but barring a major hurricane or something, I'll have something new tomorrow.


I do appreciate everybodys kind words and thoughts for my trip.


Till tomorrow. Patience.


It’s coming

Are you ready?

It’s gonna be big

Life as we know it will never be the same

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Wow. It’s been a long time. I’m not sure how to proceed. Do I do a post mortem on Bob Smith? Something along the lines of “there’s a little Bob Smith in all of us, and you just never know when it will come boiling out.” Or do I just let Bob Smith die a quiet death.


All in favor of a quiet death, say I… All opposed?


The I’s have it. Bob Smith is no more, long live Bob Smith.


Yes, dear, I promise that’s the last you’ll hear of Bob Smith.



OK, let’s go way back, back to page 1, back in time to 1 week ago today, before all of this happened.


(Insert sound of tape rewinding here)



So we go off in our a semi-magnificent waterjet-powered catamaran to find some more bald eagles, or some lumbering leviathan that lollygags lugubriously as they go locomoting by, or any other interesting life form that this crew can conjure up.


You’ll find some pictures of the trip to find the bald eagles and other life forms here.




By the way tee, I stuck something special in for you.


Oops, sorry, I backed up a little too much. (Really I couldn’t remember where we had left off, and if I can’t remember, you probably need a little refresher too.)


I think the last time we talked about the actual excursion I was getting a little bored because all we were seeing were eagles, and mountains. So, we took off again in that highly-powered, semi-magnificent, waterjet-powered, twin-hulled catamaran. Boy that thing could fly. Using my special government issued homing radar that all of us super secret agents are equipped with, I figured that we were going at least 35 mph. Thirty-five miles an hour on water in a large craft is moving. It was really cool (literally). It was so cool that I came down from the top to warm up. It was cold up there when we were moving. I had a sweatshirt and that beautiful new, Princess Cruise Lines, navy blue with beige lining, water-resistant, wind breaker on and still I was cold whenever we were moving. Remember, it was a beautiful 74 in Juneau, Alaska the day we were there, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky.


We motored on for about 6 days, (more like 10 minutes) until we came to some rocks. What? Did jyall find more moss? I’ve seen, and even photographed pink moss, what now? “Honey, what’s that little creature sticking it’s head up over there?” the lady next to me asked here husband (at least I assumed it was her husband). “Well, honey,” her ‘husband’ answered. “I don’t know. Don’t look like no whale. Don’t look like no baaalllllldddd eagle. Why doncha ask the girley over there with the bull horn thang?” “Hey, Hey, you, yeah, you, girley, what’s that?” She asked pointing to this cute little head poking out of the water about 20 feet from the boat. “Well, ma’am,” the young naturalist said sweetly, “that’s a harbor seal.” (I think that’s what she said, it was either a harbor seal or a killer whale, I get those confused. What? Don’t you?) “Ohhh” the lady said knowingly, “Doggie, the lady with the bullhorn said it’s a marina seal, or somethin’”. “Cool” he said. Pretty soon about 4 of these seals were playing around the rocks and the boat. Interesting.


We motored on.


I was beginning to wonder if we were going to collect the 200 clams, when someone shouted there’s a lumbering leviathan that lollygags lugubriously as they go locomoting by, (that’s where I got the idea… not really). We all looked, but alas nothing. Our boat driver stayed around for a couple of minutes hoping that the lumbering leviathan that lollygags lugubriously as they go locomoting by would resurface, but alas, nothing.


one hundred seventy-one, one hundred seventy-two, one hundred seventy-three…


phhhht (and no this isn’t another weak attempt at confusing humor) What was that? There… there!!!




There! See it?


YES, YES, YES, (so much for the $200.00)


And there finally after 4 days, 6000 miles, 3 boat trips, 2 plane trips, 7 bus trips… finally, there was what we came to see a…


Beautiful Humpback WHALE. Not some stinkin moss. Not another eagle, not even a harbor/marina seal, but live in the flesh a HUMPBACK WHALE. Now this is what I’m talking about.


This one came up, and dived about 3 times before we lost track of him. But man, how impressive.






After that one disappeared, we moved on. We came to a buoy where some seals were playing King of the mountain. It was quite comical.




After a while, it was time to head back to the dock. OK, we saw one whale, a bunch of seals, a couple of eagles, and no stinkin moss. I guess our day is done. Besides I’ve only got a little battery left on the camera. Need to save some for the glacier.


Then we had one of those Candid Camera moments, you know the “Sometimes when you least expect it…”




This guy showed up. He went up and down about 15 times. He kept coming closer and closer until I thought he was going to surface right under the boat. He stayed around for a full 20 minutes. We finally had to leave. I would guess at the closest he came up about 30 feet from the boat. It was incredible.


And all of this while I have NO STINKING BATTERIES ON EITHER CAMERA!!!!!!!!!


Life stinks.


It’s coming

Are you ready?

It’s gonna be big

Life as we know it will never be the same

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So glad you are back, and writing us again. Hope your father is doing okay.


Wanted to let you know that I'm so impressed with your cruise that I am going to book a trip on Island Princess myself! (but to Hawaii). Princess, are you reading this? How about a little reward for cworld?

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Wanted to let you know that I'm so impressed with your cruise that I am going to book a trip on Island Princess myself! (but to Hawaii). Princess, are you reading this? How about a little reward for cworld?


Hmmm, how to respond to this? Hmmm... Sounds like a good idea to me. Anybody have any contacts at Princess?


Just kidding.


BTW, the parents are safe, and thanks for the concern. I really appreciate it.


Hopefully we'll see all y'all this evening.

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What can I say?… (I’m sure you’ll find something) This is what we came for. This big boy got up close and personal. We could have counted his nose hairs. (What? LLLLL’s don’t have nose hairs? You sure?) But even as close as we got, I’d like to get really close up with a lumbering leviathan that lollygags lugubriously as he goes locomoting by.


Note to self. Next time you go to Alaska, you’ve got to get in to a smaller boat when you go whale hunting. Some how you have to get up close and personal with one of these things.


OK, I know, enough about the lumbering leviathans that lollygag lugubriously as they go locomoting by. So on with the trip. After seeing Mr. Humpback up close, we started back to the dock. It was time for the next section of our big shindig. We’re off to see a glacier.


As we turned back toward the dock, a couple of neat things popped up. First, we ran in to a Coast Guard cutter that was deep in super spy mode. It was obviously lurking around to find some nefarious something. They were just hanging around the beach, not doing anything that we could see. But it was cool.


The other thing that was cool was a car mover. This big thing passed us as we were heading toward the dock. Then it slowed to a complete crawl and we still had to follow it in. This thing had about 100 cars on it. The kids that were helping with the highly-powered, semi-magnificent, waterjet-powered, twin-hulled catamaran, told us that the only way to get cars to the island were to put them on these things. How quaint. The huge, (I believe it was a catamaran too) thing cost us about 10 minutes of waiting before we could come in to the dock. It was the most enjoyable 10 minutes of holding I think I’ve ever experienced. Especially when I remembered…


It was back to Ms. sultry, the narrated motorcoach driver’s, blistering blimp, to hear her bleat about some bacchanalia that happened a century ago. Oh, yeah baby, that’s what I’m talking about. (NOT!!!!!) We disembarked from our wonderful highly-powered, semi-magnificent, waterjet-powered, twin-hulled catamaran ride and climbed on the bus. Guess what? She still didn’t have the air conditioning on.


Rating for the highly-powered, semi-magnificent, waterjet-powered, twin-hulled catamaran ride – A, very professionally done. Congratulations.


Let me end tonight by saying, we’re praying for the people involved with Katrina. I hope that it didn’t touch any of you, and hope for the best for those involved. It’s really hard thinking that I was just driving through most of that area just a few days ago. I know how hard it is to go back to a place like that without a loss. I can’t imagine what those people will go through for the next few months and years. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.


It’s coming

Are you ready?

It’s gonna be big

Life as we know it will never be the same

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Sorry, but nothing major tonight.


Neocruzer, happy to make your aquaintance. Keep in touch.


flashdog_1, still a ways from the doggies. Loved your review. Next time we have to get on one of those whirlygig things.


I hope to have something tomorrow. Really busy right now. Have a great evening.

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Let me end tonight by saying, we’re praying for the people involved with Katrina. I hope that it didn’t touch any of you, and hope for the best for those involved. It’s really hard thinking that I was just driving through most of that area just a few days ago. I know how hard it is to go back to a place like that without a loss. I can’t imagine what those people will go through for the next few months and years. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.


It’s coming

Are you ready?

It’s gonna be big

Life as we know it will never be the same



You're absolutely right, Carl. We all need to send our prayers to our brothers and sisters in the south. The devistation is beyond anything any of us have ever even thought of. God be with them all



On a more toney note, I think I know what happens in about 30 days. THE BATTLE OF THE RED RIVER!!! Sorry to break it to you but the Big 12 championship game will be Colorado vs (drum roll please brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrump) Texas. Sorry boomer, it's a bit too soon.


Photographic truth #8 "You will come across the photograph of a lifetime, the one that will secure your family's finacial future for years to come immediately after your very last battery has expired."


War CU Buffs! Peace....Out

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On a more toney note, I think I know what happens in about 30 days. THE BATTLE OF THE RED RIVER!!! Sorry to break it to you but the Big 12 championship game will be Colorado vs (drum roll please brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrump) Texas. Sorry boomer, it's a bit too soon.


Forgive me, but I just can't resist.


Sorry tee, but you are WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!!!!!!! OU/texas is October 8, and while on paper texas should be better than OU, Mac Brown will find a way to mess things up (again). This being the year of the big wind, I fully expect OU to beat Iowa State in the Big 12 championship game, and then Miami for the National Championship. (I know, I'm a big dreamer, but everybody needs a dream.)


Can't (not true, I could, but I won't) give you any details about the happenings of Oct. 1, but it doesn't have anything to do with football. Sorry.


Have a great day.

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So let, see. Where did I leave off? Hmmm. We were boarding Ms. sultry’s narrated motorcoach and we were heading off to see the Mendenhall Glacier. GLACIER sounds impressive. I’ve never seen a glacier, but I’ve seen the commercials that show the huge walls of ice falling off of the glaciers as the cruise ship flows smoothly by.


The only thing I really know about glaciers is that they are made of ice, and they sunk the Titanic. I’m a little nervous about this Titanic sinking thing. I saw the blue people in the movie… I don’t want to turn blue. Blue, Isn’t that the color of glaciers? Smurfs are blue. I don't want to be blue. Maybe I'll just stay with the bus. No today is not the problem. We’re not going to be on any boats. We’re going to be on smooth, dry, beautiful, sun-drenched, warm, Alaska ground. Nothing to worry about.



Ms. sultry pattered on about her insignificant life as we drove the 3 hour (hey, you ride on Ms. sultrys overheated, “motorcoach” and listen to her prattle on about nothing you want to hear about, and just see how long you thing the ride was) journey to the historic Mendenhall Glacier.


We finally arrived. Ms. sultry, the narrated motorcoach driver, emphasized that we were to be back to the narrated motorcoach in exactly one hour. We didn’t have any extra time, because she had a hot date, or maybe it was that we had a hot date, I’m not real sure. I wasn’t paying attention. As quickly as possible we got off of the bus.


We walked over to toward the glacier. Truly, what an awesome sight. I quickly scoped out the best vantage point for a couple of pictures. (I’ve had the camera off for a little while, and figured the battery had rested, and might just take a couple of shots before it completely died.) I mumbled toward Mrs. c that I was going over that way to take pictures. She mentioned something about the bathroom, and so we split up.


I walked down toward the viewing area. What a great idea. Every tourist attracton should do this. These people are so thoughtful. They put a pavillion that has a viewing area that is covered (has a roof over it) in just the right spot to take pictures. It's so neat that someone had the idea to funnel everybody to the same spot so that every picture ever taken of the Mendenhall Glacier would look just alike. That's what I like. Sameness. Make sure that you don't get any 'unflattering' pictures. Cool. So like everyone else with a camera, I walked over to the picture taking area and snapped pictures until my battery died completely.


Here is one taken from the viewing area:





OK, so it’s not much, but it’s all that I have time for today. I started working on the next section, and while it’s going to be good, it’s going to take some time to put together. So for at least until tomorrow…


It’s coming

Are you ready?

It’s gonna be big

Life as we know it will never be the same

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Forgive me, but I just can't resist.


Sorry tee, but you are WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!!!!!!! OU/texas is October 8, and while on paper texas should be better than OU, Mac Brown will find a way to mess things up (again). This being the year of the big wind, I fully expect OU to beat Iowa State in the Big 12 championship game, and then Miami for the National Championship. (I know, I'm a big dreamer, but everybody needs a dream.)


Can't (not true, I could, but I won't) give you any details about the happenings of Oct. 1, but it doesn't have anything to do with football. Sorry.


Have a great day.


Carl, Carl, Carl.....You should know by now you're supposed to feed that stuff to the cows, not smoke it. I mean heck, I can fantasize a scenario where OU, once again, exposes Mack Brown for the fraud he is..but ISU????


Of course, there is the special consideration for someone who supports a schoo with the absolute best fight song lyrics of all time..C'mon, sing it with me.."Boomer Sooner, Boomer Sooner...Boomer Sooner, Boomer Sooner...Boomer Sooner, Boomer Sooner...Boomer Sooner, Boomer Sooner..." Second verse, same as the first....well, you get the point.


I must say, though, that I'm recovering from spraining my ankle jumping off the CU bandwagon. They play CSU tomorrow and calls to local talk radio shows have shown the CU folks for what they are: a buncha earth shoe wearin, tree huggin, granola eatin weenies. (Overheard from a CU grad student..."I think it's okay to make fun of the football players and coaches but when CSU supporters say bad things about real students that's just wrong.") This after a CSU booster called in to relay the old joke: "How do you get rid of a CU grad? Pay for the pizza"


C'mon you weenies, butch up. This is FOOTBALL!!! It's your God given obligation as a true American to say bad things about your opponents.



On a much more somber, much more serious note, I've been speaking with survivors of Katrina all week and they still need all the prayers and assistance we can send their way. Please, please, continue to keep them in your prayers and help in any way you can.


War Rams...Peace, Out

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That sound you just heard was me screaming at my television. Yes, life as we know it is over. Any time now the trumpets will sound or something. The world will come to an end. Be prepared. There is no tomorrow. What are we going to do now?


Yes, before anyone else has a chance to say something nasty, I'll admit it. OU stinks. It's going to be a very long year here in Sooner Land. Maybe we should avoid the rush and fire Bob Stoops today.


Phew, got that out of my system. Now if I'll just get to work and finish this everlasting report, we'll all be happy.


Hopefully, I'll get something up tonight.


Until then, (with taps playing quietly in the background) go Rams.


PS. My birthday is in December.

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I think it’s time for another commercial. I’ve heard this one on the radio a bunch of times, and I thought it might fit pretty good right here. It’s a beer commercial, (aren’t all of the good ones?) for Bud Light, I think. It goes something like this. (I might have used a little creative license.)


Bud Light proudly presents,


REAL MEN of Genius,

(The background singer sings: REAL MEN of Genuis)


Today we salute you, Mr. Single Syllable Vocabulary Speaker.

(Mr. Single Syllable Vocabulary Speaker.)


You make all of America proud as you respond to anything said to you with a simple “YUP”.

(You tell us nothing)


We watch in awe as you ignore all instructions and do things your own way.

(We are astounded)


If anyone asks you a question, you boldly say “Yeah” or “Sure” or something else so uncommittal that the whole world ponders your depth.

(Is he that shallow?)


So crack open a Bud Light, Mr. Four Letter Word Boy. You know just how to get the ladies to ignore you, and you proudly display it.

(Mr. Single Syllable Vocabulary Speaker)


OK, I know what all y’all are thinkin’. He’s pulling another Bob Smith here. Not really… The preceding little bit of fiction (isn’t all of this a work of fiction?) talks about the only real unsettling time that Mrs. c and I had during our trip.


Mrs. c said she was going to the potty, and, as happens a lot of times, I turn in to Mr. Single Syllable Vocabulary Speaker. She asked me where I was going to wait, and I mumbled something like “there”, nodding my head in a generally westwardly direction. Usually this is not a problem. Usually, I’ll wait by the restrooms, or somewhere where I can see her come out and rejoin her whenever she’d done. BUT, today I was distracted. I had that wonderful, that fabulous, that great tool of imagination in my hands. I had my almost brand new, battery rapidly dying Nikon D70, digital SLR camera in my hands, in my bag, in my mind. I was loaded and ready. Got to take a picture of the glacier. I can’t wait 2 minutes while my wonderful wife goes to the bathroom. I have to do it now. I only have 57 more minutes to use up my 45 seconds of battery life. Must take picture now. The light is perfect now. It might change in the next 3 minutes. I could just hear the glacier calling “Carl, Carl, we’re just standing here in the same place we’ve been for the last 50 years waiting for you to come and take our picture. We won’t be whole until you take our picture, and if you wait any longer we’ll just melt away to nothing.” Really, that’s what I heard. Really.


I ran right over to the viewing area, and fired off 5 quick pictures, thinking I’d get the pics before Mrs. c came out. I walked back over to where the nice people of the Mendenhall Glacier Viewing Center had placed a welcome sign that showed the temperature and fired off the picture of the temp for the day. (Forecast 73, actual at the time 73, actual high for the day 74. Priceless) I looked around. No Mrs. c. No problem, probably a line or something I’ll just mosey back down to the viewing area cause that’s where I told her I’d be. (At least that’s what I assumed she’d get from my head nod.) And I waited. And I waited. And I waited… I must have waited a whole 45 minutes (4 minutes in real people time). OOPS. Something’s not right. So off to find Mrs. c.


(Right now there’s an old Smothers Brothers song running through my head, about hunting bunny rabbits, if I’m remembering it right it says, “they hunted over here, they hunted over there, trying to find the place that the bunny rabbit dwelled. They hunted… on and on. It was a really silly song. Probably why I liked it.)


So I hunted high and low, I hunted over here, I hunted over there, trying to find my beloved wife. No luck. OK up to the information center. Hmmm. Got to have a pass to get in. Hmmm. I think Mrs. c has those. Hmmm. No Mrs. c. Hey Mrs. c, where are you? Back down the hill. Stop at the place where you could view… No Mrs. c. On down to the bottom and… Ahhhh, there she is. Relief.


Mrs. c gently said... Hey, dear, where were you? I went right down there to the beach where you can view the glacier… right where you said you’d be. What? I said (a little voice in my head shouted STOP. She’s correct. Admit it gracefully. You were wrong, Wrong, WRONG. You need to take a communications class, and learn how to talk to your wife. Hey, I teach that class. I don’t need anyone telling me that I need to communicate better. I’m perfect. (Yeah, right. That’s why you’ve been frantically looking for your wife for the last 15 minutes. Yeah, you’re a great communicator.) She should be able to read my mind. No wait, I don’t think that’s a good idea.)

I was down at the viewing area, right where I said I'd be.


Note to all Real Men of Genius that are, like me, Single Syllable Vocabulary Speakers. Slow down. Listen to your wife. She likes that. Talk to her. She likes that. Be specific. She likes that. Talk in complete sentences. She really likes that. Make firm plans and stick to them. She likes that. Don't leave her looking for you. She doesn't like that.


Anyway, we were back together. We went up and toured the information center area and learned a lot more about the formation of Glaciers, and especially about the Mendenhall Glacier. It was very cool, literally. The air conditioning was welcomed. It was getting hot outside, and we had on coats and sweat shirts.


We stayed in the information center right up until time to go back to the bus. We watched the movie and everything. If you haven’t ever gone to the information center at the Mendenhall Glacier, I’d highly recommend it. Doesn’t take long, 30 minutes or so should do, but it’s worth it.


Rating for the information center at the Mendenhall Glacier – A


Tomorrow a hunt of another kind.


It’s coming

Are you ready?

It’s gonna be big

Life as we know it will never be the same

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