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Millennium Amazing Asian Adventure 2014


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Lunch was included and while basic was tasty. We were also given an open air tour of the zoo which included the typical animals in nice settings but allowed many such as the Ostriches, Rhinos and Elephants to get so close you could feed them. While there are no gibbons up in the mountain with the zip lines they roamed free around the zoo. We thought it was quite clean, and had none of the typical zoo smells that might come from less than ideal "housekeeping" of the animals. To me it felt a bit like "We Bought Zoo" a la Matt Damon.









We were back to the ship by 4pm to relax a bit before our 6pm sail away.


Tonight we opted to participate in the Chef’s Table. While probably not worth the value at $279 per couple with the cook book we had a nice evening. It was hosted by the HR Director and as is typical it started with champagne and small bites in Cellar Masters, a tour of the galley which was the only time we saw Andy, the executive Chef and then dinner was served in the Olympic Wine room. In some ways we would have preferred the uniqueness of dinner in the galley. The menu was generally unique in preparation or dish anywhere we've seen on Celebrity, which was nice and one of the reasons we were willing to do this. Dee and I both started with sweetbreads which were excellent. Next we had ciopino which was FRESH and prepared tables side (well, just outside of the room as there isn't room table side in the wine room) and large enough for a main dish. It was one of the best dishes we've had on onboard ever. Dee had a stuffed lobster tail and needless to say of the three people who ordered it, none ate the stuffing. I had the rack of lamb which was the usual "Murano" preparation. Neither of us finished our mains. Dessert was Pana cota or White cloud. The Pana Cota included a small Pana cota, vanilla gelato and a mouse. The white cloud merengue in chocolate was a disappointment to Dee compared to other preparations she's had.


I have pics of the galley, if anyone is interested, I'll post. None of dinner as I don't take me phone out (usually).


As I write this, I'm relaxing with a pedi in the spa, at the end of the first of two sea days until we arrive in Singapore bringing us nearly to the halfway point of the cruise and our adventure.


I'm finally posting as we arrived in Singapore and will post another update in a bit.


Happy sailing,




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Edited by need2bespoiled
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Jenna, thanks for the wonderful update again. Just wondering...if we want to do this, does this company provide transport to/fro the port? How did you manage the transport?



We kept our guide and driver with us which probably is not essential. They were providing transportation from Bangkok so I would guess they would have picked up from the port which is closer. They'd probably pick you up in the AM in Bangkok and then even drop you off back at the ship. Definitely worth asking.


Happy sailing,




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It was HOT on the sea days, sun, little wind, a morning shower and hazy when we arrived in Singapore bit now it's sunny and HOT and Humid.


We heard rumored talk from officers that the new suite dinning room may be below Blu on M class, it now has a name that I can't remember :( but will ask agin. We also heard that Celebrity has a new ship build spot at Meyer Werft for a 2017 delivery. Of course all is rumor and unsubstantiated.


Happy Sailing,




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Good morning Singapore.






Happy sailing,




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The new Marina South Pier MRT (subway) station for Marina Cruise Terminal will be operational on 23/11/14 (tomorrow)


Passengers from Millennium and Mariner of the Seas will have the honour being the first batch of cruisers to use this station, easing the problem of getting into the city.

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Sorry for the long post. I seem to go overboard when I get decent internet (you’ll see how below) and type on my laptop instead of the phone or ipad.


Today was hot. Really hot. For some reason, Dee decided we’d be ok to tour via public transportation. This will be the last time we likely do this, ever. As a group, we’re not against public transportation one bit, but if you plan to use it all day, DO expect to WALK, in the HEAT. The big advantage of a private car, besides no waiting, is the fact it drops you off RIGHT there where you want to be via air conditioned comfort. For our first day in Singapore, we had a full day tour booked but by noon or just after most of the group was pretty well cooked from walking in the HEAT.


We met our guide Ana just after 8:30, she explained that because this was a private tour, anything could be adjusted as we go, just let her know and she'd make adjustments, and she did. We ended up with as much a city tour as a cultural tour. We started off by boarding the bus for a few stops to pick up the subway. As of tomorrow, there is a subway stop RIGHT at the port, so the bus ride would be a thing of the past. Our first stop was China town and when we walked out of the comfort of the station's air conditioning we could already feel the heat before 10am. See a theme?


We walked through China town which was just opening up, made some stops for history along the way and on to the oldest Hindu temple in town.






The Hindu Temple was interesting, and quite different than the Buddhist temples we've seen previously.






He did go by a Buddhist Temple. notice how everything is SO clean, and maybe a bit sterile?




To be continued...

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From there, we walked through the Hawker center which was already pretty busy on our way to the Singapore City Gallery, which besides being air conditioned, and allowing a place those who needed it could rest for a bit, the tour gave a really great overview of the amazing planning of the city, and perspective for its layout with models and neat interactive displays.


I didn't take many pictures inside. By then it was almost 11am and considering Dee and I only had a muffin for breakfast, it was a good time to grab lunch in the Hawker center before it was too busy, and too HOT (the theme continues. I highly recommend this as it is CHEAP and tasty, but like anything not air conditioned it is HOT.




Made famouth by Anthony Bourdain, Chicken and rice. It was good, but not _that_ good.



From there, on to the world’s second largest “ferris wheel” called the Singapore Flyer. It used to be the tallest, but that now goes to the new one in Vegas, for now. This would provide a nice air conditioned birds eye view of the amazing city. We had a bit of a walk back through China town which was now HOPPING a, a subway ride, and a bit of walk from there, both underground and in the heat. This is when we realized we’d really made a mistake, so by the time we reached the ride, we were asking if Ana could find a driver for the rest of the day, or if we’d just call it a day. The views from the ride were awesome.




From the flyer:







Yours truly for the requisit selfie:



To be continued...


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Ana suggested a boat ride through the basin and Marina bay, where we could then catch a cab or hit one more spot, like the flowers by the bay, indoor garden. The boat ride started right at the bottom of the wheel, and went through the city, including many great sites, like Marina Bay, the Merlion and the Sands and surrounding hotels, Boat Quay, Clarke Quay, and many iconic buildings. While we started at the Wheel, we ended at the Merlion and decided we would hop a cab back to the ship. We’ll continue the tour with Ana with a car and river on Monday.











Rob is heading out early in the morning for home, which is sad. Toni is staying on the ship to spend the last night with Rob. We were back to the ship, through security by a bit after 2pm. Dee and I are moving rooms, and since we had to be off the ship for “cleaning” due to the supposed “Noro outbreak”. I use those quotes, because a number of officers I spoke with didn’t know about the messages we received. I can confirm, they wanted EVERYONE off the ship for a good part of the day so we decided to get at a hotel room for the night to have a comfortable place to use tomorrow and to allow the crew to move our belongings to our new cabin, with no fuss from us, while we relax worry free.


After I did one final check of our cabin and grabbed our bag, we were off the ship again by a bit past 3:30pm and in a waiting Cab, absolutely no one in a basically deserted terminal. We’re debated staying at one of the hotels at Marina bay, but finally went with the Marriott on Orchard Road which we arrived at just before 4pm. While the hotel is nice, there have been quite a few “blips” in service. It took visiting 3 rooms to find one that worked. The first was a beautiful junior suite, but had double beds (we were told it had queen beds). After an hour, and no one contacting us about a new room, I was getting pretty frustrated between not having a room, and the challenge getting a recommendation for a dinner spot nearby with so many malls and restaurants. Our list of requirements for a room were pretty low: Bath tub and King Size bed, and we’d settle for a queen bed for a nice room. I do NOT like to use “DYKWIA” (if you don't know what it means, don't worry) but with more than 130 Marriott nights this year one of the basic benefit I expect is guaranteed room type, not to mention, I am paying quite a bit for the room and not using points. The second room we were walked to by the front desk supervisor had wood flooring, which literally had a whole in it from obvious water damage, right between the bed and bath tub, which was semi open to the room. We simply asked for a carpet to cover the missing area and soft boards but to she just swapped our room to one next door. On the plus side, we’re poolside and they've given us a very late checkout so we don't need to rush back to the ship. Since we don't sail until tomorrow night, we can do as we wish.


We had dinner at Wan Hao which serves high end Chinese fare. We were a bit adventurous tonight and while they didn’t have the suckling pig, we tried a few new dishes like sea cucumber, abalone, and fish maw (not all at once). Needless to say, some dishes weren’t winners in our book, but the fried rice was pretty amazing, and some dishes were very good. Sorry, no pics at dinner.


After dinner we were disappointed to find out we didn't get turn down service (after 2 calls). Since the bathroom is open to the room, and we had quite a few wet towels to deal with the tub / shower overflow/leaking, we were out of towels. No biggie I guess not having them come in, but just another thing that would have been pretty easy to do. They’re going to freshen the room while we’re at breakfast tomorrow (I hope anyway).


Tomorrow we’re doing a “girls nail day” in the morning since it has been three weeks or more since we've had them done. Then some pool time if it isn't raining, a late lunch at Raffles, and some shopping. Nothing to major before heading back to the boat, and back to touring on Monday.


Good night Singapore



Happy sailing,


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It appears your itinerary is changing according to the Celebrity website Travel Alert banner?


What an awful shame to miss Bali and Komodo Island due to this dispute with Indonesian authorities.


Having just seen this posted on our roll call for the upcoming cruise, and now on the Celebrity website, my head is pretty close to be ready to EXPLODE :mad:


I understand, this stuff happens, but this is obviously something they've known could happen for more than a day or two, but yet, they haven't told anyone until it was too late to change plans, etc. Very, very disappointed in the service decision, and how this is being handled.


I wish I could end this post with my normal "Happy Sailing" but i just can't :(


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Woah what a bummer! Especially for those who are on b2b - while HCMC and Bangkok are nice I think many are probably not keen on doing it twice in one sailing. I almost booked the 23 Nov sailing too just for the Indonesian ports.


On a separate note, I'm curious about the wordings of the travel alert:


"a dispute has arisen with local Indonesian authorities of a nature that we believe puts those legal and ethical standards at serious risk"

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WOW!! I was really enjoying this thread until the last 2 posts. I'm in shock and hoping that Celebrity will do some compensation for changing so much of your cruise. For B2B passengers this must be such a let down. We're taking this same cruise in January and sure hope things get resolved!! Thinking of you, Gail:(

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On a separate note, I'm curious about the wordings of the travel alert:

"a dispute has arisen with local Indonesian authorities of a nature that we believe puts those legal and ethical standards at serious risk"


I know - the wording of that travel alert really stopped me in my tracks. It has to be something exceedingly serious or costly for Celebrity to pull the plug at the 11th hour, knowing how drastically this change disappoints and inconveniences their passengers.


Yes, they have a contractual right to change itineraries but - It's not like skipping St. Thomas. And it's not an Act of God like a major storm or volcano eruption.


Maybe the Captain will give more details to passengers who, no doubt, will be demanding a more detailed explanation.


Jenna, I am SO sorry and I know others are too. I'd be foaming at the mouth.

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We're looking at all kinds of options. Flying Monday to Bali, flying from Ho Chi Min to Bali, meeting back up with the ship in Bangkok, flying somewhere else neat. It's not ideal to fly in 48 hours from Singapore, and while flying out of Ho Chi min is not too expensive, flying back to Bangkok is pretty pricey AND far from the port. I'm lucky enough to have the know how and within reason the means to _try_ and turn this around, but it's not proving to be easy on such short notice. If we hadn't already booked a trip to Siem Reap at the end of the cruise, that could work, as Celebrity offered it from Ho Chi Min to Bangkok as an excursion last week.


Sigh :(


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Really sorry for N2BS, having followed the detail of the adventure. We do the opposite journey from S to HK on 1st Feb, hence my interest.


Now you know the true reason for wanting you all off the ship...probably nothing to do with Norovirus, rather to ensure there are no snaking lines at Guest Relations following the dreadful news for B2B'ers.


I hope you can somehow turn your trip around, and fly some of the routes you are now considering! For me, reading the Celebrity announcement, I would be surprised if any of the planned cruises during this winter season get to Indonesia. Will be interesting to see what compensation Celebrity ultimately offer to pacify their guests!

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So sorry to hear tge news about your changed itinerary. When Celebrity changed our itinerary from an overnight in Saigon to one day plus an extra seaday, we stayed off the ship for 2 nights and flew to rejoin the ship in Danang. We didn't realise until close to sailing that (a) we needed to arrange our own Vietnam visas as the visas arranged onboard would not be valid and (b) we needed to get advance written permission to leave/rejoin the ship. Hope this helps

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So sorry to hear tge news about your changed itinerary. When Celebrity changed our itinerary from an overnight in Saigon to one day plus an extra seaday, we stayed off the ship for 2 nights and flew to rejoin the ship in Danang. We didn't realise until close to sailing that (a) we needed to arrange our own Vietnam visas as the visas arranged onboard would not be valid and (b) we needed to get advance written permission to leave/rejoin the ship. Hope this helps


We already have an overnight visa for Vietnam for the last cruise, stuck right in our passports, it's good for a month. We actually were able to arrange it through the ship for an extra charge, as we notified them in advance. There are MANY passengers doing overnights in various ports on these cruises as they have multiple days with overnight stops, far from the "real" destinations, but I do appreciate the advice.



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It appears your itinerary is changing according to the Celebrity website Travel Alert banner?


What an awful shame to miss Bali and Komodo Island due to this dispute with Indonesian authorities.


interesting! i am to be in both these ports in feb on Azamara.. Wonder if we will get changed around. but bali is a turn around port for us. hopefully thigns wil lcalm down by then.

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Hey Norma,


I remember you! Thanks for the kind words.


I didn't sleep at all last night, as I've been so distraught about the Bali cancellation. I went for a run in the botanical gardens which was just AMAZING. I'll post some pics in a bit.


In the mean time, since I cam back from my run, I've booked us flights from Ho Chi Min to Bali on Singapore Airlines that weren't too outrageous on 48 hours advanced purchase and back from Bali to Bangkok on Thai Airways using miles. I burned more than I would have liked, but who knows when we'll have the opportunity to be in this part of the world again, and we really didn't want to miss Bali. We were already staying at the Stones hotel the entire time we were in port because Bali is a 45 min tender ride each way, with 300 people per tender, so we're adding a night at the same hotel, keeping our same plans and going to send up less upset. I think we may be the only ones on the cruise who get to go to Bali.


Happy sailing :cool:


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Jenna and Dee...sorry you are missing two Indonesian ports. Hoping plan B turns out to be awesome.


Blan B it is. 3 nights and 4 days in Bali!


When you get lemons, make lemonade. Thanksgiving in Bali anyone?


I'm very fortunate enough to have the miles and ability to "throw" this plan B together on short notice. It felt a LOT like work, flights, hotel, visas, ground transfers, etc, which is a shame as I am on vacation, but better than the alternative I guess.


Happy sailing,


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