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From sickness to salvation... my SPLENDOR repo review


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Once on-board, I had a nice ham and cheese sandwich from the deli and then bumped into some folks from the Facebook page. I sat down and enjoyed some drinks and conversation with them for a while before sail away.



Sail away from Grenada was awesome. I found a spot on the starboard bridge wing and watched as a couple of pier runners made their way onto the ship with cross looks from some staff. We set sail shortly after and once again they sounded the horn as we backed out of port. There were a couple of cool looking vessels anchored off shore, that had I had a better lens, I would have taken impressive photos of.


Yours truly!




After sail away I went back to the cabin. Waiting for me was the invitation to Chef’s Table, and the past guest party. Chef’s Table I was looking forward to with a slight bit of hesitation. I felt like I was on the mend, but wasn’t sure If I could handle all the courses and endless wine. I was denied Chef’s Table last cruise on Carnival Victory though (due to low attendance) so I wanted to go through with it this time. I donned some nice threads and at 6:30, made my way to the lobby bar where we were to meet the staff. I felt slightly overdressed, but then again, preferred it that way. We waited a short amount of time and then were escorted by the steakhouse staff into a separate dining room near the mid-ship main dining room. We were seated in an order that initially didn’t make sense as it separated couples. We re-arranged out seats accordingly. Not long after seating, we were introduced to the lead chef and his assisting staff, along with those waiting on is. Another short time later we were then given the galley tour. I had seen the galley before on a Behind the Fun tour of Carnival Valor which is a similar class. I knew roughly what to expect. At the start we were led to an area in a remote portion of the galley, where we were given a couple of really good hors d’oeuvres. We were then led to another section of the galley, where the lead chef gave us detailed instructions on how to properly prepare the cruise line’s famous warm chocolate melting cake. I had read about those who had issues making it and when he was giving his instructions, I realized it has to be pretty specific in some parts -Read, it’s easy to screw up. I have no desire or proper amount of patience to make it on my own. Before heading back into our separate dining room. There were some questions asked. First off, due to the unique nature of the cruise, there were THREE sessions of Chef’s Table which is unheard of. Secondly, when the seas are rough, they lower the levels of soups/stew to avoid spillage. Another interesting detail is that the lead chef can decline delivery of any type of food for any reason he feels it’s not satisfactory. Good to know.




Once the tour was over, we were seated. The courses began and so did the endless wine. The food came out looking very ornate and fancy. Everything was delicious. I ate everything and drink the wine along with it. It was so much food. By the time the (very rich) dessert came around, it was all I could do to eat a portion of it. Good grief, what a meal. I was stuffed. At the end of the dining service, we were given copies of a group photo we had taken with the lead chef earlier, and then we departed.






After chef’s table, I wanted to burn off some of the massive amount of food I had eaten. I walked around for a good while and then changed in the cabin before a brief moment in the nightclub. Kim was telling me about how the DJ had been playing the same reggae over and over and over again the night before (the night I missed). She also told me about how Amberly called him out on it, and how eventually how his manager was called in to have him switch things up. I wish I had been there to see it. I don’t think it made much difference though as the DJ seemed a little better but was still not getting enough people on the dance floor. Seated at the bar were Alicia, Kim J, and Andrew. We all talked for a while and they mentioned they were on the same tour I had booked for Dominica the next day. Sweet! More familiar faces!



After a while most of us started calling it a night. My stomach still relatively full, I fell like an anchor with a loose chain into bed and passed out for the night.



Yes. I was feeling better.

Edited by seannyice81
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There must have been some healing power in the air at Grenada, because when I woke up for our arrival into Dominica, I was feeling great. This morning I actually enjoyed a nice breakfast on lido deck consisting of eggs benedict, a waffle, and some toast. I could see the room service folks assuming I wanted them to bring me the same thing I always ask for, only to not find me there. After eating, it was back to the cabin for arrival in port.



Dominica was interesting. Our pilot boat looked like a kid's shoe. One of the smallest I had seen, I wondered how it could be so noisy for it's size. After looking to the island though, it really became a question of "where's the pier?" because I didn't initially see anywhere for us to make port. That is until we were pretty-much there. The pier in Dominica is actually a rather tired looking one that was about half the length of the ship. As it was smaller, there was a longer process of attaching the mooring lines. The pilot boat and a smaller one, took individual workers to stand-alone mooring platforms to attach the lines. It wasn't really an issue, but from the look of things, Dominica could really use an updated pier. It was easy to assume that the island didn't see many cruise ships and I found out why later. Shortly after the lines were tightened and the ship tied tightly to the dock, we were given the go-ahead to step off the ship.





Today I had booked a river tubing excursion that made a stop at a waterfall and cultural village. I was eager to experience the awesomeness that was floating down one of Dominica's many, many, rivers with palm trees looming overhead and my butt in the cool water. I was not looking forward to sunburn though so I put on a lot of sunscreen and brought my cap. Good thing I did because as soon as I stepped off Splendor, there was rain, which fortunately ended as I neared the end of the pier. Walking through the brief rain there was a covered area at the end of the pier where it meets the street and tour operators had set up. Most of them through Carnival, which had obviously established the area as domain. Off to the left was the person holding the sign for our excursion. There was a little bit of confusion as to who was part of what tour due to crowding. I also didn't see Alicia, Kim, or Andrew who said they would be joining me. After a short while, we were told to pile in the vans. Not being in a hurry to crowd, I waited for the others to find seats first and then I hopped in the back of the smaller van. As soon as I started thinking that the others had made other plans, they made it to the van. Just in time as we were about to be on our way.



Once in the vans, we set off from Roseau. Driving through parts of the city and then into mountains. We passed a small airport and then what seemed like the island's only car dealership (a pretty nice one). Momentarily, I imagined working at a car dealership on an island. The guide in our van continued to gave us information while we were being driven higher into the mountains. We were told about the islands natural fruit, the parrot that adorns the nation's flag, and several bits of history. It was much like any other time I had spent in vans earlier while on tours, with the exception of this being Dominica. The information continued to flow as we wound back and forth, up and down, through the mountains which reminded me much of St. Lucia (although St. Lucia is even more twisty).



Eventually, we made it to the base where we would start river tubing. There we were given a little bit of fruit juice, an opportunity to use the restroom. I wisely used most of the time to add sunscreen. From there we were directed to a hut to get helmets and life vests. The life vests were actually fairly smelly, and a couple people complained. I lucked out in that mine didn't smell too much. After some instruction and safety guidelines we were given tubes and led to the river to begin our floating trek.



The water was cold initially, but once in it was much like that of a swimming pool back home and you got used to it pretty quick. Most of the time, the sun was out and it would make you more comfortable if you didn't happen to be in the shade of trees you floated past. At the beginning there was a little bit of a learning curve for some as they had to be retrieved by the guides after winding up in the grass, rocks, or shore. You could tell who was a first-timer pretty quick. I managed to control myself pretty well with an occasional bump into another. The trek down the river was awesome. Once in a while there was a section where the water flowed a little faster causing some rapids. In these cases the guides would get out and guide the us one way or another, tell us to grab onto each other's rafts, or they would just go and throw water over those who happened to float by them. At one point on the journey, we were stopped and the guides took the opportunity to jump from trees into the river for a little bit of fun. Our main guide jumped from one such tree and reached out to swing off a smaller branch, which snapped causing him to awkwardly (hilariously) crash into the water. I wished I had brought a waterproof camera at that point. After the brief intermission, we continued down the river for some while longer. There were a couple spills, when someones raft upturned right behind me. There was also one guy trying to put on more sunscreen while going down some rapids and wound up upside-down on some rocks (I might have laughed). By far though, the most memorable part of experience was the tour guides small dog who would go from raft to raft while we all made our way down the river. He never wound up on mine, though.



When the end of our trip down the river came, we all made our way up under a bridge onto a driveway of sorts. Next to the driveway were our vans and a couple stands. We were given time to dry off and buy some food from the stands. A very pregnant woman was selling Kubuli (the local beer). I naturally, took her up on two and then ordered a mahi-mahi sandwich from the roadside hut, which was delicious. Shortly after that, and shortly after I accidentally kicked-over some poor guy's beer (he declined my offer to buy him another), we made our way back into the vans and started our winding way back the Roseau.



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On our way back we made a stop at a so-called "eco village" that were actually a couple road-side stands next to a staircase leading to a waterfall. Many of the others had the same mind-set as me and walked right past the "village" to the stairs leading down to the waterfall. We made the right choice as it was absolutely beautiful down there.





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Edited by seannyice81
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At the base were some others who were there either independently or through other tours enjoying the cool water. I avoided the water though and just took some time looking around at the scenery. It was awesome just being there. Our guide from the river tubing portion was there as well. He went looking under the rocks for crabs that lived there, bringing one for people to photograph. Afterwards he swung on vines, and encouraged a few others to do so. Nobody seemed interested though as A, the rocks were slippery as hell, and B, everyone was paying attention to the waterfall (myself among them). After a while, we made our way back to the village for a few minutes before getting back on the vans. One of the huts had a spiced-coconut snack. One person bought it and it sort of snowballed from there as more and more people commented on how good it was. I wound up buying some of the snack and if I was smart enough, I should have bought more as it was actually really good. I enjoyed one more Kubuli before getting back on the van to go back.



The way back was as twisty as the way out of town. We drove back through the twisty mountain roads and then passed the airport we had seen earlier in the morning. While talking with some of the folks in the van, I found that some were Carnival employees and one in particular was a vacation planner I was given one of his business cards before we started talking about ships and ports. If you thought Carnival employees were able to get better discounts on cruises than anyone else, you're mostly mistaken (I say mostly because while they do have special rates, they aren't necessarily special). We also discussed some itineraries and I gained a little knowledge. Dominica was a regular port on the Southern Caribbean itinerary until taxes made making port there less profitable. I also found out that the older ships stick to Mexico and the Bahamas because they're pretty inefficient with fuel. The only time it will get interesting for a Fantasy-Class ship is when it repositions from one coast to another or retires. While discussing all things cruising, we passed the industrial port. Looking at the size and its layout it seemed much better suited for a cruise ship than the actual cruise port we docked at. As we started pulling into Roseau, we happened on what could be considered the islands rush hour. Traffic was jammed and it took roughly an hour just to get from the edge of the city to port where we left the vans.



Walking around Roseau was interesting. Like all the earlier ports, there were no tourist trap Senor Frogs, Margaritavilles or Diamonds Internationals for people to duck into if they weren't comfy with the surroundings. Like Martinique, it was very much a "real" Caribbean city. The only thing that made it different when our ship was in port were the stands selling all the exact same tourist garbage that I admittingly bought (I have to get a t-shirt and magnet in one form or another). I found my way into a local bar that seemed to be in the middle of everything. It was a cool looking place that seemed to be build into the remaining floor of a building that had fallen apart some time ago. It wasn't particularly busy, but was had loud music and an active bar. Pulling up to the bar, I sat next to a couple from the ship. "Isn't this place just beautiful?" one of them asked me. "Sure is. I want to come back and spend some more time here. Hell, all the places I've seen so far." I replied. After having another Kubuli, I paid my tab and asked for the Eastern Caribbean Dollar as change. I got back 12 ECDs in the form of a cool looking $10 bill and two $1 coins.






After enjoying my last Kubuli, I roamed around some more and bumped into Suzette who pretty badly needed a dollar. "I need a dollar to use the bathroom here! Isn't it ridiculous?!" I agreed and gave her one of mine. "Thank you! Keith owes you a dollar!" she said as she went to pay the toll. Haha, I did run into Keith, but didn't ask him for the buck. Instead I asked if he knew where they might be stamping passports. The vendor he was talking to replied and said there was a place about a 5 minute walk up the street. I left and started making my way up the street. I walked past a bar with wifi where more than 20 Carnival crew were perched, and ran into Janet and Sherry. Both of them had finished their tour and were looking around some of the vendor tents. I told them I was off to get my passport stamped and they decided to join me. We made our way up the street and passed bars, barber shops, a grocery store, and numerous shops that sold all sorts of things but never anything specific. The customs office when we got to it was a tiny, yet busy building along side a small parking lot. It looked and felt like it had been a hotel check in office at one point. Surprisingly with all the people there, we didn't wait too long before a busy-looking clerk was nice enough to take a break and stamp our passports. Having that done, we made way for others and made our way back to the ship. We paused for a couple photos and then got back on the ship.



Sail away inevitably came and while tying the mooring lines took a while, releasing them took even longer as there was no additional boat to assist the pilot boat. The lines came up in time and we departed Dominica on schedule. Shortly after, I made my way up to the aft lido deck to check and see if what others were up to. I found 10 folks I knew and hung out with them for a while. This eventually became a larger group and after a while I found that some of them had brought jello shots. God know knows how they made them considering the fridges in the cabins barely cool enough to chill a soda. We all didn't really care though as they were awesome and we were having a good time. Another one of us had brought a survival punch which consisted of Fireball Whiskey mixed with something unknown. Most of us liked it but one person didn't care for it quite as much. "Sean, I honestly am not as big a fan of this, what should I do?" I assumed that meant I should drink it, but instead I poured it into a nearby receptacle (trash can) BUT not without getting caught. This meant not only did I foul, but I assumed I'd be paying for it by taking a big swig of the stuff right from the container. Fortunately, I liked it.





The afternoon rolled into evening. After having a really good turkey sandwich from the deli to balance my guts, I headed to bed for a nap before dinner. Waking up later, I got ready and made way to the dining room. Kim suggested changing tables and it paid off. It was pleasant sitting with more people and some I had met before on tours like Monica and her sister. I was the only guy present at the table... until Harold arrived.

Harold was a character. He was on the ship solo since it had left New York at the beginning of the prior cruise. While never totally disagreeable in front of me, Kim mentioned that they had been in a little bit of an argument over the role of a flight crew. I didn't like how the others felt they needed to correct their wording around him and I didn't like how I felt like I needed to watch what I said. I didn't want to escalate things though as we all did seem to enjoy our conversations and food while there. Besides, he usually didn't stick around too long. I just watched what I said, even I was being judged and took it easy. Nobody wants to rub people the wrong way on a ship where there really isn't much of anywhere to go.



After dinner was over, I assumed photographer duty and took some photos of Kim on the stairs before leaving the dining room. We headed up to the Morocco Lounge to meet with the others for the adult game show and Quest. It made for an interesting evening.



The adult game show was not so much a game so as much of a game of musical chairs between the sexes. Five men were asked to come down and participate. After being prodded and nudged I obliged along with Brian who was in our group. Six ladies were then asked to come down. Kim came down, followed by Gerri from the group. We (the men) were then instructed to get down in a circle on our hands and knees while the women remained standing. We did our thing and then the cruise director told the women they would be playing a game of musical chairs using us men as chairs... awesome. I knew the moment the music started that I was going to be "THE chair" that would be fought over. My intuition proved correct and sure enough when the music stopped, there I was with two women trying to sit on my back. Gerri had happened to sit on me first and another attempted to follow her only to just miss making it in time. I didn't get her name, but wound up not caring shortly after. When the time came to eliminate one of the "chairs", she was asked to pick one. Naturally, she chose me. "Because he can't handle two women!" was her reasoning. I got up reacting to that the best way I could "C'mon, you've got to be kidding me!" after she made her cheap-shot. The game continued for a short while. Kim was eliminated and then Gerri. Brian was the last guy remaining and had to lay upright on the floor. The last round, whichever girl covered him the most with their body won. Lucky guy. There was also a bit where couples talked about their sex lives, which was hilarious when they had to make the sound the other makes in moments of passion.



Quest followed right afterwards. After being humiliated like I was, I was ready for it. I had played it once before and knew mostly how it would go. It's basically an adult scavenger hunt using people on your team or in the audience. One person from your team brings the "item(s)" up front to be counted as points. Being as how we were already there in a group, we all teamed up. When the game got going, the requests for items started off simple. "Car keys!" Hilariously, nobody had any keys. "A pencil!" a couple brought pencils. It went on, they called for a sail and sign card, pilots license, and a couple other things before the subject matter started it's curve. "We need a guy on all fours barking like a dog!" "We need two guys holding arms skipping in a circle!" It progressed... "We need 4 pairs of womens bras!" Women in our group frantically started taking off their bras from under their shirts. Gerri ran with them up to the front to be counted. "We need men wearing women's heels!" One of the guys was taken up there in Kim's shoes. "We need a lady kissing a man!" I went up there with Kim covering my face in her hot pink lipstick, while laughing almost hysterically. "We need 4 pairs of mens pants!" Me and 3 other guys dropped and removed our pants for Gerri to take up. My sail and sign card fell out of my pocket (fortunately the cruise director caught it). The last "item" was "We need a man with no shirt, no pants, wearing heels, wearing lipstick, wearing a bra, and wearing a purse for a hat!" Fortunately, I was busy putting my pants back on and Curtis who was in our group, gave himself up for the challenge. I had already been embarrassed that evening and wanted nothing to do with it especially knowing people had cameras. After all the judging and points were added up, our group won! We were given some bottles of (cheap) champagne, medals, and ship trophies. It was great to finally win something on a cruise, even if I had embarrassed myself in the process, even if it meant taking my pants off around a few hundred others. Victory is victory.





The night grew late in the club. We talked about how fun the game was when we weren't commenting on how poor the DJ was. There were a couple dances on the floor before 3am came around. We were asked to leave in the most cliche way when the DJ played "Closing Time" by Semisonic. We all made our way up to the 24-hour pizza station before calling it a night. What a day!

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So happy that you were finally feeling better!!!!:D:D

I was thinking to myself, "this poor guy is on an amazing cruise itinerary and feeling like complete CRAP":(

Loving your review and cannot wait for more.:D


Thanks! I was so relieved to start feeling better.


Coming in just a couple minutes!


Great review!



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The first pic in post #49 is one the nicest pics I've ever seen of a sky! Just beautiful!!!!


Love this review. Enjoy all the Splendor reviews for the rep cruises! Thanks everyone for sharing.


Thank you!


All the first 4 ports were stunners in the morning! Awesome skies!


Glad you started feeling beter. Looking forward to the rest of your review.



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Leaving the Caribbean Sea behind.



8:30 is too damn early after being out past 3am in the morning. Alas, falling back asleep was not possible. A little after 9 rolled around, it was time to may-as-well head to sea day brunch. Before that though, I stepped out on the balcony to find that we were sailing between Puerto Rico and St. Thomas. Walking up to deck 9, over the bridge, I found my cell phone had service and called my mom to check in. After telling her "all good" I headed to brunch.



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Sea day brunch is usually excellent on cruises. You have from 8 or 9 until 1 pm to enjoy it and the menu is different from most mornings. There is an option for a Dr Suess themed brunch (which I'll visit later) but today was regular brunch in the aft dining room. Once there, I was seated at a table for 10. It took a few minutes before the table filled. Myself and many of the others had brought their past-guest free cocktail coupon that morning. When the drink waiter came around most of us (including me) ordered mimosas and another ordered a bloody mary. Eventually the waiter came by and took every one's order. Afterwards there was the usual couple minutes of silence as people decide who breaks the ice first and tries to start conversation at the table. Fortunately, one couple was making comments about past cruises and that led to others joining in. Once the conversation gets going over brunch, it's usually good. We talked about being out late, hangover cures, kids on ships, and the events of the day ahead. We wound up actually talking for a while as service was slow. Others all got their beverages and I had to remind the waiter about my mimosa. Eventually, food did come as well and it was good and hot. I ordered the yuevos rancheros because this was a pre-Blue Iguana ship and it was the only way I knew I would get them. Of course, they were great. Afterward, I enjoyed some coffee while conversation continued. A guest from another table joined us and we sat there for a good while talking about all sorts of stuff before wrapping up and finding something to keep us busy the rest of the day.



A trip to the spa to ask about a back-rub was slightly disappointing. Because the ship featured a Cloud 9 Spa, it meant the services were slightly more "high-end" than those of others (though I never had a lack-luster spa visit before). A nice simple back rub was not available in the there and I would need to get the whole hot-stone massage. It was $150 for 45 mins. No thanks, I'll get one in Grand Turk for cheap and have a nice beach view... Only later did I see them giving back rubs near the main pool. Not an ideal place honestly though, and it always seemed like the same tubby guy was getting one. I didn't feel interested enough to ask about the price.



The big Facebook/Cruise Critic meet and greet was in the afternoon. While I had met much of them already on the ship or ports, there were still a few that I had not. When I arrived at the Morocco Lounge, a few people had arrived already. Angela, the organizer, and a few others were handing things out. Raffle tickets, name tags, and leis. I walked around meeting some I hadn't, and most didn't recognize me at first. It wasn't until I told them I was the guy who always wore sunglasses did they realize who I was. This continued for a short while before we found seats. Cocktail service was a little delayed as the bartending staff had thought it was later. Angela took the microphone and started with an introduction for the party. She then explained how some of the raffles would work... She called up a couple of people, who would be used as examples for what I think was the gift exchange raffle. Sheila went first, followed by Suzette. She took a minute to open the bag and package, but inside she found a ring. Keith made his way over at that time and proposed to her in front of everyone in the lounge. As Suzette said "Yes" the lounge erupted in cheers and applause. Nice words and congratulatory comments were exchanged before the raffles got started. Sitting with Alicia, Kim, and Andrew, we mostly used the time to talk and enjoy drinks. We watched our tickets for our numbers, but only Andrew won at our table. After the raffle, the door decoration contest was held and I didn't stay around much longer after that. Had I though, I could have been in the group photo which I didn't realize was afterwards.






With still much of the afternoon/evening ahead, it was time to enjoy the Serenity Deck (adults only and pretty quiet) part of the ship. I napped a little off and on before looking for something to eat. I bumped into Jenna and her crew who happened to be playing Cards Against Humanity. I joined in and won a couple of rounds before most of us decided to start getting ready for another elegant night. Before getting back in the cabin, I noticed it had become pretty cloudy outside. Once in the cabin, it seemed to be looking ominous. An osprey had taken perch on the railing outside the bridge wing. After a short nap I awoke to the ship moving a little more than it had earlier. It also sounded like somebody was spraying the window and balcony door with a shower head. Turned out we were in a thunderstorm. It was no minor one either. Rain was just coming down in buckets. After getting dressed, I made my way to deck 3 and stepped out onto the exterior promenade. I didn't get far though as water was just cascading from the underside of the lifeboats and there was obvious lightning not too far in the distance. I enjoyed the movement of the ship, but others didn't seem to care for it as much as there seemed to be fewer people at dinner.





This was night two and the new table. It was good conversation again. We talked about dogs, houses, jobs. I can't remember what I had for dinner to be honest but I'm pretty sure I ate all of it. The ship was still moving a good bit and there was lightning seen through the windows.



After dinner, it was called an early night. I had wanted to be one of the first of the boat tomorrow to get one of the best cabanas in Grand Turk. I was not going to settle for bad neighbors or an undesirable view. I had also promised the use of the cabana to others as well so I wanted to be there when they dropped off their stuff. So after a brief stop at the nightclub, it was bedtime.

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I've pretty much finished my review and am now reading through your's and Kim's for different perspectives of the week.


So sorry I didn't meet either of you! And sorry your trip got off to such a rough start.


Love your photos.


I miss Dominica and Kubuli! Must see if there's anywhere it can be purchased in the states. My favorite island and favorite island brew.

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Just spent the morning reading your review. Loving it. Can't wait to read the rest of it.

We sailed from San Juan on our 2nd cruise but flew in the day of sailing. We have been there one other time (did a rainforest excursion - WOW) and will be stopping there in April 2015 while on the Quantum of the Seas. However now I want to sail from San Juan again and go down a day or two early to be able to spend more time there.

We have been to both Grenada and Dominica but again would like to go back after reading your review. Neither place really impressed us, but that may have been due to the excursions we chose. Those falls do look familiar though. Do you know if there was a hiking trail up them? If so, that was the day my battery died in my camera and I had left my other battery back in the van.

Found your reviews as I guess you have booked on the Conquest in January 2015. We are also on this cruise and I can't wait.

Thanks for sharing this wonderful review and amazing photos.

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Just spent the morning reading your review. Loving it. Can't wait to read the rest of it.

We sailed from San Juan on our 2nd cruise but flew in the day of sailing. We have been there one other time (did a rainforest excursion - WOW) and will be stopping there in April 2015 while on the Quantum of the Seas. However now I want to sail from San Juan again and go down a day or two early to be able to spend more time there.

We have been to both Grenada and Dominica but again would like to go back after reading your review. Neither place really impressed us, but that may have been due to the excursions we chose. Those falls do look familiar though. Do you know if there was a hiking trail up them? If so, that was the day my battery died in my camera and I had left my other battery back in the van.

Found your reviews as I guess you have booked on the Conquest in January 2015. We are also on this cruise and I can't wait.

Thanks for sharing this wonderful review and amazing photos.


Thank you, and I look forward to meeting you on Conquest. :)


Grenada was great port for me for a couple reasons. The biggest reason being that I started to feel better here and get back to spending more time off the ship. The other reason I think is because of the really simple excursion I chose. It was one of those times where I just sampled tiny things without scratching too much into the surface of the place. It also wasn't too focused. It was just right at the time, and I do want to go back sometime for another visit.


Dominica was along the lines of St. Lucia but with a lot of rivers. If I could, next time I'd hire a cab just to stop on the sides of mountains for the views. Unfortunately, I cannot remember the name of the falls. I wish I had a waterproof camera that I could have taken river-tubing.


If it works-out, I'll be posting Grand Turk tomorrow evening. :cool:

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Friday morning, I awoke fairly early. I had set a wake-up call to get my ass out of bed so that there'd be enough time to get crap ready and be down to the lower decks as the gangways were cleared for passage. I had to get the best choice for a cabana that day and nothing would stop me. I was NOT going to repeat my experience trying to step-off from Carnival Victory. A knock on the door came. Room service once again delivered breakfast, though this time I had progressed to not just a banana, tea, and toast, but added cereal and yogurt. I wanted to have more food in my stomach because I knew that I'd be drinking more today (not just at the island). I enjoyed my deluxe breakfast, showered and got my stuff together. Off the balcony, I could see we were on the west side of the island, creeping closer to the pier. When we started pulling along-side, I did what we're not supposed to do and headed down to deck 0. Once down there. I was met by a somewhat (though understandably) displeased girl from the UK with a walkie-talkie. A couple of others had come down behind me and she told us to wait on deck 1 as they were not ready and would need to set up the area. "Okay," I went up the stairs and planted my butt on them a couple of steps below deck 1. By this time a few others were waiting there already and was seated behind them. Not too long after being ushered out, we were then given clearance. Those and myself waiting on the staircase headed back to deck 0. Seconds later, I stepped-out into the warm sun of Grand Turk.



It was a beautiful day in Grand Turk. There were the clouds to the south that we had left behind much earlier in the morning, but the rest of the sky was a bright blue. I only noticed it upon just a glance though as I was speed-walking past people to be among the first at Margaritaville to reserve a cabana. Apparently, one of the other gangways had opened before ours and I had to catch-up a little. Not really knowing whether to expect the same from others who had reserved the cabanas that were all spoken for. Off the pier, I made my way over to Margaritaville without stopping at any of the duty-free shops, bars, or even to see the view of the ship on the beautiful water. Once I arrived, Margaritaville employees mostly looked like they had gotten out of bed merely minutes before their shift. Not many were there, and those that were seemed to be taking their time starting their day. I charged past the pools and started walking up to the cabanas that encircled it. My ideal one was closer to the beach, yet had a decent view of the pools and bars. Walking past them, it seemed they didn't quite reach as far to the beach as I had thought. Getting close to the end, I found that cabana #9 was placed a little closer to the pools but was 2nd closest to the beach. Out in front were 2 loungers and a shower. Perfect. I stepped up onto the porch and set my backpack onto one of the porch loungers and then placed a towel over one of the loungers out front. I walked over to the main bar and was told the woman would be coming around soon to check us in. I went back and placed my butt on the other lounger waiting for her. It was no big rush anyways as Kim was going on a helicopter tour that morning and I wasn't expecting Jenna or her friends until later. The clerk did eventually show up and unlocked my cabana for me. Inside were 2 couches, one loveseat, a coffee table, a basket to hold orders, and a side table. There was also air conditioning that I almost turned-off. There was a ceiling fan that was capable enough of moving what was nice island air. Placed on the tables were a couple of beaten-up food and drink menus. The clerk took my Sail & Sign card and I kept the key in trade, then she pointed out the call button in case I wanted anything. Out front people had started to fill the tables and loungers out front. Steve was seated at a table out front with his family and I talked to them for a little while before deciding to scout the port area. I tucked my gear into a corner of the cabana, then I set off to get a t-shirt and bottle opener. Realizing I wanted cash too, I was also on the look-out for an ATM machine. Heads-up, there is no ATM on the port area, and the staff at shops mostly don't get the cash-back concept of using an ATM/debit card for a transaction. No biggie, the girls would probably have some cash later. On the way back, I found Kim and Sheila waiting for the helicopter ride. I paused with them for a little while, then went back poolside.





After dozing for a short while back at the cabana, I woke up and walked over to the pools to see if anyone had arrived at the pools. I found Jenna with some of her crew. She had been looking for me earlier, but I must have been walking around or passed out on the couch inside. We went back to the cabana and ordered a couple of drinks. I had my first Turks Head Ale of the day and she enjoyed a fruity blended cocktail. After a few minutes we decided to walk down to Jack's Shack which was almost at the end of the port area beachfront. We stopped by loungers with her friends/family, then continued.



Jack's Shack, if you've never been there, is a pretty cool place there on Grand Turk. Jack opened the place a few years ago with his family and it really is a hit. Out in front of a store, is a usually crowded bar and deck area. To the one side is their kitchen that prepares some of the best jerk chicken I've ever had. Further out front are loungers, tables, and a volleyball net. Many in the Facebook group had decided to head there for the day and enjoy the food, drink, and each others company. It was certainly a little crowded when we arrived. Many from the group were indeed there, as well as other passengers, and crew who were mostly there for the wi-fi. Having finished my beer before the trek over, I went to the bar and ordered a Sandy Vagina (one of their popular drinks). Jenna ordered another drink as well. We stepped inside the shop for a few minutes while she bought some of their souvenirs and I also bought a "Bar-fly" t-shirt and magnet. We went back to the bar to order food (they give you slips to take to the kitchen staff). We ordered Jerk chicken to take back to the cabana. Already feeling a good buzz from some of the drinks, we headed back. I insisted on walking with my feet in the water so I more or less trudged. The walk took a little longer as we paused occasionally to enjoy the water or people who we'd passed. I had already begun enjoying the chicken on the way over and not too long after getting back, it was done. It was so damn good and it didn't help I was feeling "great" myself.






The time in-between then and when Kim arrived from her helicopter tour is a little bit of a blur, but I think I enjoyed the pool. I think Jenna ordered from the restaurant (or not, I don't know, haha). I enjoyed the sun still keeping in my buzzed head that I couldn't be in it for as long, thought I had quit taking Cipro a day or two before. When Kim joined us we hung around the cabana for a short while longer. She showed me some of the awesome photos taken from the helicopter. She was hungry though and Jenna and I were thirsty for more drinks. We decided to head back to Jack's Shack for another round. We walked (I trudged) back and it was even more crowded. By this time though the majority of the people there had some amount of alcohol in them and were having an even better time. People were playing volleyball, talking loudly at the bar, and enjoying a lot of the food. After ordering some more drinks, I noticed that the kitchen had added jerk pork to the menu on the dry erase board. Thinking it would be equally as amazing as the chicken, I placed an order at the bar, gave them my ticket and waited. And waited, and waited, and waited. After several inebriated people had passed me with their warm platters, I was beginning to wonder if somebody had gone-off, searching the island for a pig to butcher. Finally they pulled some out of a pot and chopped it several times before handing it off to me. They added some slaw instead of fries this time. I don't really like slaw, but hell, I was feeling pretty good and up to trying some. After all, he said it would be the best I would ever have. After a long-ass wait, I found the girls and we headed back to the cabana


Daaaaaaaaannnggg that slaw was good. The jerk pork was great itself, but the chef was right. We sat around the cabana for a little while enjoying the food and drinks. I would not be surprised if the girls said I made a pig of myself because it was probably the best food I had the entire trip. Eventually, the food vanished and we decided to get in the water for a little while. I had been walking back and forth in it most of the day, but I wanted to take a nice dip. Well, I was the only one. Jenna saw fish and didn't really then around her. Kim only got in up to her shoulders because she couldn't get her hair wet. I swam out a little bit and enjoyed the water myself for a short while. Around me others were enjoying watching small fish zip by them or hiding within the occasionally rocky seabed under them. Grand Turk has always been the last port of the cruises I've taken that have stopped there. I reflected on it shortly while floating around. Knowing it would be the last time in water that nice, made it harder to convince myself to head back to shore. There's always something sentimental about that port that makes me pause and be thankful for the times I've had and think about how much I would like to get back. Clearing my head, I headed back to shore, to the girls, and we chilled a little while taking photos before heading pool-side.



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We headed back to the cabana for a while to see what was going on at Margaritaville. Jenna and I hopped in the pool for a bit while Kim enjoyed one of the loungers. For the first time, I enjoyed a beer at the swim-up bar with some others. I wanted to take a photo of my Landshark Lager but the bartender insisted that I couldn't enjoy an open bottle at the bar. Shortly thereafter, I found out why when 2 pretty big guys almost got into a fight. After that nearly bad-scene, we got out of the pool for a short while. The booty-shaking contest was coming up and while it's not the main reason to hang out by the pool, it's always an interesting hot mess to watch. By the time it rolled-around we were all watching in a group by the side of the pool. I couple drunk girls went first, making fools of themselves, and not really doing anything that would be considered attractive. A girl from Houston went after her and did pretty damn good. While this was happening, the DJ kept calling-out Kim. At first I really didn't think she'd cave, but after a bit of convincing from everyone, she did. Amid cheers, Kim did her thing. She didn't do it for long, but the crowd enjoyed it. The DJ shot her down though as "The only black girl who can't dance." "Really? She was pretty damn good!" Well, can't win em' all. Bootys shaken, we headed back to the cabana to close it out. Our time in port was coming to an end and most had already started making their way back onto Splendor. We paid our tabs, I traded the key for my ship card, and we set off for the ship.



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Back on Splendor, I stood on the balcony enjoying the last moments of Grand Turk before we departed. Many were taking their time getting back on as they also knew it was back to the ole' USA after another day at sea. Watching from above there were quite a few drunk people and one fellow in particular had to be helped back onto the ship. He stopped and tried to talk to each pier worker, before getting somewhat pushed back onto the ship. With the sun starting to get low in the sky, Carnival Splendor took up it's mooring lines and set sail for Miami. I enjoyed some ice cream with Janet and Sherry on the aft deck while taking photos of our departure. Some of the others were there and we shared some of the "Tennessee water" one of them had happened to sneak on board. After hanging out for a while, I made my way around the ship for a bit before getting ready for dinner.


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Once again, it was dinner at the new table with (mostly) very enjoyable company. One of the things I enjoy about how the arrange seating is the great conversation you can have with others. While I did have conversation with the others at the first table, this one was just more enjoyable. The bar waiters came around this night with a special shot. Rumchata and (I think) Fireball. It was really good, tasting much like Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Everyone (except one) enjoyed the shot at the table. Once again, great table mates.



After dinner was another night at the club. Not a lot of people were out and most seemed to have been tired after a day in the sun at Grand Turk. The DJ continued to baffle people with his odd and poor selections. After the club, it was one more round of the ship before going to bed. Tomorrow would be another day to sleep in and the last full day with the ship.

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I will not eat green eggs and ham again. Not ever on a trip or another ship.




There was no need to be up at 7am, but there I was sitting on the edge of the bed. I couldn't really fall back asleep again so I was going through the Fun Times (schedule of events). Outside the balcony door was a nice sunny day. The ship moved peacefully over the very calm water. Looking over what was in store for the day, I found that there was the Dr. Suess Sea Day Brunch. It was considered earlier, but I had balked at the $5 additional charge to go. I relented though. Picking up the phone, I called the maitre d and requested seating. Apparently, others had the same idea as there was a moment where the assistant maitre d wasn't sure about finding room. Room was found though, and with that done, I found a little more sleep before needing to be there.


Arriving at 9 for the what I'll to refer from now on as "Suess Brunch", it didn't seem like it was going to be that busy. There didn't seem to be a lot of people being seated, having seen more in the other dining room for brunch the other sea day. While children's music was being played over the speakers, I joined others at a table for 10. It was heavily decorated with Suess stuff, red, white, and light blues. The centerpiece a hat similar to the one the Cat in a Hat wears. The menus looked like an actual Dr. Suess book. Opening it, the terms for food you could order were very Suess-like, their descriptions not really straight forward (take note if you have kids and are specific about their food). It took a little while for everyone to have a seat. After that is where it all went down-hill, fast, like a train with no brakes (you sense where this is going?).





Where do I begin with the hot-mess that was Suess Brunch? Lets start with the timing. Naturally, because it was a sea day on people's vacations meant that others didn't feel the need to be where they were supposed to be at the time they were supposed to be. It's pretty rude to hold up others because you couldn't get yourself together in time, especially when dining. There was now little time between everyone having a seat and the parade of characters. Not having placed our orders for food yet, the characters were brought in one by one. First were Thing 1 and Thing 2. They spent about 15 minutes taking photos. I was seated at one of the all adult tables. Everyone at our table got up for photos which meant they weren't there in case our waiter wanted to take everyone's order. Shortly after the Things left, the Cat in a Hat was brought out. Again, everyone at our table got up for pictures. I kind of wanted a picture too, but was already getting a little grumpy. Just as everyone regained their seats from taking photos with the cat, Sam I Am was brought in and they all got back up. GOOD GRIEF!.. Finally after all 3 photo ops had passed orders were placed. Then came the waiting. We waited, and waited, and waited. Others had already been given their food and it seemed like we were the lone table without. In the midst of our wait, all the staff donned blue wigs before doing a song and dance for everyone in the dining room. We continued to wait even more and being in the dining room for almost an hour and a half, the food finally showed-up. Or did it?.. I had ordered the pancakes with some green eggs on the side. My green eggs arrived in a full course (as there was difficulty in arranging them as just a side). They were on top of ham and on english muffins, like a benedict. It was a short while later my pancakes arrived (truthfully, I had hoped they forgot because I couldn't eat it all). With all the might I had, I made my way through the breakfast and tried to eat as much as I could so it wouldn't be wasted. What I couldn't eat, I tried to give to others. Somebody took my macaroon. The green eggs were really just plain scrambled eggs with food coloring. People were put off by it, but it tasted no different. The small pancakes alternated between the normal color and red. Somebody assumed they were red-velvet, but it was just food coloring again. This was not a bad thing. The whole time we had been sitting there, my water had never been refilled and my coffee had long been consumed. I knew better than to ask for another because it had been almost two hours and I was getting to the point of just wanting to leave. Mercifully, a short while later, we signed off on the $5 charges and split. I was thrilled to get out.


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I have a lot of ideas to improve the way brunch was handled by the dining room, but apparently, the other dining room suffered a similar fate. Long wait times, cold food, etc... Something was probably up in the kitchen or with the staff because it was not just the Suess mess. One thing I will point out though, is that characters should come out ONLY AFTER everyone has placed orders. Then time can be passed while photos are taken. The rest I put into words in Carnival's post-cruise survey (that I couldn't get soon enough). I don't think I'll ever go to another Suess Brunch again.


After the train wreck that was Suess Brunch, it was time to wander the ship and see what others were up to. Turned out though that not much was really going on with people packing for debarkation and the trip back home. Guessing I should probably do the same, it was back to the cabin to organize my stuff. This is pretty much how much of the day progressed. Pack, wander, snack, nap, repeat. For a late lunch, I met up with Suzette and Keith. I indulged at the Indian buffet for the last time and then had some treats from the chocolate buffet that Carnival always has the last day. There were activities all over the ship, but people just didn't seem at all interested. Everyone was either being lazy, packing, or beginning to camp out at the customer service desk. I checked in for my 6pm flight back home the next day, but wondered if I could find an earlier flight as nobody was really able to hang out after we got into port. I called JetBlue and found that to change flights, it would have cost me $200... no thanks. Kim had suggested before that I look into a Miami excursion as they'll take care of your luggage while doing a tour. At the point I was at, I figured why not. At the Shore Excursions desk, There were 2 options for those leaving Miami, but flying from Ft. Lauderdale. An Everglades tour or a Miami tour. I chose the latter as it was forecast to rain and I could be inside for the most part. Yea, I have been around Miami many times before, but there's always something to see and do. I bought my ticket and was told to meet early the next morning in the theater.


I spent some of the afternoon crossing off things I wanted. I had a Thirsty Frog Ale and bought the glass, I bought the yellow Serenity towel (cruise line towels make excellent beach towels because they're usually more durable), and went seeking a funnel cup. I hadn't seen one the entire cruise. I asked at just about every bar and got a lot of the same answers with the best one being "they ran out and didn't order more before repositioning to Miami." Alright, no biggie. I had at least got the magnet for my tool box.





Dinner tonight was a bit of a swan song. We enjoyed each others company one more time in the main dining room. Harold came late with some trophies, medals, and a book. He ordered a steak and then left early without eating it. We all continued on afterwards, enjoying wine and conversation (but declining shots). Some of us exchanged info before setting off one last time for the last evening on the ship.


We had one more gathering with the Facebook group by the aft pools that night. That night there were less jello shots, but instead gummy bears that had been soaked in Fireball or Rum. I kept inhaling those while we all made goodbyes, shook hands, and hugged. Some of the others headed down to the comedy club while I remained there talking about the trip and where some of us might go in the future. A little after 11, I went to the dance club one last time and had a little fun just kind of sitting around watching everyone. I was kind of tired and sure I was going to be up earlier the next morning anyways. We enjoyed the drinks, goofing, and each others company one last time before calling it a night for the last time on Carnival Splendor.

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Great review, Sean!


I just finished GAPearl's also (And have already read a few pages of Jamman54's, who I believe was on the previous sailing).


Thanks so much for posting! These are all wonderful Splendor reviews!


Especially great to read multiple reviews of the same sailing--by reviewers who all hung out together! Looks like you all had a blast!

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Just read this all at one time and really enjoyed it. Your pictures are astounding. Been on Splendor 3x and wanted to do "one of the" repositioning cruises but didn't work out. I can relate about sinus problems. I go 2 months on, 2 off lol. Going back to the ENT Monday matter of fact for another Rx. Best thing to do is "get them drained." :eek: LOVE LOVE Grand Turk and it was nice to read Jamman's, Kim's, Tribe's and your reviews together! Thanks for the memories, feel better and SAIL ON! ;)

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This morning I read your review from beginning to end. WOW! The pictures are absolutely beautiful and you do have an eye for composing. Loved the write-up and felt like I was right here with you. I'll be in Grand Turk this FEB and really appreciated what all you wrote and the pictures. Now to go back and read some of your other reviews. THANKS for putting the time and effort into this writing, it is much appreciated.

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