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Live from the 2015 QE World Voyage


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The "discounted" internet time did indeed work as I was on for 30 minutes and only got charged for 15 so that was a successful test.


Karen, a lot of us noticed that Cunard said that bags should only weigh 20 kg, but we never heard anyone say anything about anyone's bags. Everyone said they knew their bags were over 20 kg! I know ours were too...30kg as allowed by the airline. No one said a thing!


I will post one update at a time...it looked like too much the last time when I posted 3:eek:


Saturday, 31 January


Good morning all! Today was another lazy sea day. Got up, ate breakfast,

and changed into my bathing suit for a day by the pool. The temp outside

was 26C and the water, according to the guy taking it, was 23C. I tried to

get near it (lol) and it sure did NOT feel like anything close to that. A

lot of others said the same. So I ended up in the spa for water time. Started

reading my 5th book and enjoying the sun, after I applied lots of sunscreen.

Every couple of hours, I would try to get in the pool and only was partially

successful after we'd been there for about 6 hours. The guy rechecked the

temps to tell us it was now 24C.....I don't think so. Anyway, lots of people

kept telling him it was too cold and that was why less than 15 people had been

in it all day.


Had to get ready for our formal night so took a 30 minute nap first. Hair and

dress cooperated so we were ready early and decided to go get some pictures

taken. The last formal night there were 3 stations set up but tonight there

were 5, all with different backgrounds. I remembered to wear my glasses tonight

so hopefully will look a little better. Each of the photographers reminded us

that with if we purchase any of tonight's pictures we could get a black and

white copy free. We will have to take a look at them tomorrow. On our first

two Cunard cruises, we purchases the photo packages but they were 14 and 18

day cruises. We bought all the pictures plus the CD that had them all on there

so we could make copies it we wanted and the price was fairly good because we had

every picture taken. But since then we have rarely bought any. This cruise,

however, we have been getting a few taken and most haven't been worth getting.

I will have to ask what the package prices are and let you know.


Dinner in the Britannia was pretty blah. The appetizer/salad choice that we

had was good (Mediterranean Chicken Salad and Double Beef Consomme). We both

chose the rack of lamb for the Entree. DH said he was only ok and lacked

taste, but mine was so pink that I only ate the accompanying vegetables. I

know that I could have gotten it cooked more or ordered another choice, but

decided the soup and vegs were enough. There seemed to be a lot of people

that had chosen to eat elsewhere because the restaurant looked a bit empty.

The service was also very slow again tonight, so rather than wait for the

dessert menu, we went to the Lido to check out the desserts there. Had a nice

cup of tea with our choices and then had a brief talk with the waitress who

served our drinks by the pool. She made us laugh because she said sometimes

it was hard to recognize those who she served by the pool and later when they

had clothes on and makeup/hair done......LOL.


The line for the cocktail party looked too long so we passed on that at the

last minute (I had RSVP'd but was told it was not needed). I was sorry about

missing that, but truthfully I was nervous about going.


Tonight's entertainment was a new show called Saxation, which I hope to catch

next time. Because we are up so early, sometimes it is hard to make it to 8:30

I know which sounds strange.


In the DP insert, there were things like Using an IPAD (Pt 1), Opus One Master

Class (Wine Info, Tasting, etc), Art Exhibition, Costume Jewellery Bonanza,

Medi-spa Cosmetic Facial Treatments, Casino promotions, Sailing promotions

and Last Booking opportunity reminder for Cabo San Lucas. The DP had the usual

schedule of events, Lectures, Sport competitions around the ship, today's

film "Captain Phillips", classes (watercolor, tech, photoshop, photography,

Bridge and dance). Also of note, is the info regarding White Star. Before

each disembarkation port, they let everyone know, who is disembarking, that

White Star luggage options are available just in case you bought a bit more

than you expected ;) The WS rep available for consultation during specific

times, or you can leave your info and they will contact you to discuss your

options and quote you a price. Pretty good to know about that. One last thing

that is noted, is they have come up with Super Bowl 2015 Hospitality Box Sales. Here is what it says:

"At game time, Cheerleaders will guide you to your private box, where bar staff

will serve you a platter of All American Favourites including Hot Dogs, Wings,

Mini Pizzas, Nachos, & Pretzels, with a jug of beer per person. A fee of $34.50

per couple applies and reservations can be made through the Purser's Office".

I wonder how many will do that?


Good night all....

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Sunday, 1 February


Up early and decided to try a healthy breakfast for a change...oatmeal. It

was pretty blah until I added a few things...lol. It was probably still

healthier than my usual bacon and eggs. Had a brief walk on the aft Lido Deck

to see the very beginning of a sunrise with red, orange, yellow, blue and

purple. Peaceful and pretty. Had a discussion with a lady who was in a hurry

to eat her cereal before attending a stretch class in the gym at 7. She was

saying she had to get there early because at 7 it gets so crowded. I need to

be there too but as you are probably noticing I am not that ambitious. She

was also commenting on the lounge saving practice at the aft Pool Deck. She

said it was frustrating to see so many saved lounges, but I told her that on

this cruise it was being monitored closely, more closely than I had ever seen.

I have seen two guys watching and waiting to remove things that sat on the

loungers too long. They said they understand people leaving their things to

grab a coffee or tea, or grab a quick bite, but 2 or more hours was not

acceptable. Then off she went to her class and I back to my cabin to sort

laundry...yes today will be a domestic morning...takes around 2-3 hours for

this process. I stay with my laundry throughout, just in case.


They advertised the Galley tour so we thought we'd check it out. It was a

very brief tour thru different parts of the galley. They gave out a handout

that described various parts of the galleys, statistics, and other info. The

Executive Chef introduced the Head Chefs of each restaurant and then took

a few questions from the passengers. The tour only lasted around 20 minutes

or so, but it was interesting. We might have to sign up to take the more

detailed Behind The Scenes Tour.


Time for a little lunch and then to check out the $10 Bijoux Terner Sale. I

bought an evening bag the other day so today I found a nice costume jewellery

bracelet for formal evenings. We stopped by the Photo Gallery and took a

look at our pictures from last night...not too bad. The guy working was pretty

busy with other passengers so we will have to come back later to discuss the

photo packages and pricing.


Got an invitation to the Cunard World Club party on Tuesday, 3 Feb at 5:15pm

in the Queens Room. It will be formal. You can enter two ways: Queens Room to meet the Captain, or if you want to bypass the Captain's reception line, you can enter via Stairway A, Deck 2. While we were on the Galley Tour, we saw the cake that I think they will have for that night. A huge half globe

shaped cake with the continents displayed...pretty impressive.


Oh, let me take this moment to say that I had the latest resident bands name

wrong. It seems that from Southampton we had Changez. In NY we changed, to a different group called MUTE OUT LOUD. They have a Caribbean-type beat on alot of their songs, but include jazz and country music as well.


Thought I would take a stroll to the Spa to check out if they had any appointments open for a manicure, but they didn't. Saw a few CC friends and had a brief chat then headed to Cafe Carinthia to read and have an iced mocha. Was there for a couple of hours and now back to the room. The sun tried briefly to warm things up but nw it is cloudy again. In the not too far distance, there are some dark, ominous-looking clouds. I was going to sit out on the balcony, but ever since last night I noticed water still in the channel along the bottom edge of the deck near the glass, was filled with water. There must be a clogged drain somewhere. I hope they fix that before it completely covers out balcony deck.


We weren't too hungry, so just went to the Lido for a bit of pasta then back

to our room for an early night to get ready for tomorrow in Cabo. TTFN.

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Monday, 2 Feb


We set our clocks back overnight one hour so we'd be on Cabo time. Up to have early breakfast before the majority of people arrived. It is 7:30 and we've just anchored and the tenders are being lowered. This will be our first tender port so it will be interesting to see how it all goes. The forecast today is

supposed to be sunny and 21C (around 70F), but at the moment it feels a bit

chilly so will take a light sweater. They will begin the tendering process

around 8:00am. Last one will leave shore at 5:30 and we'll sail shortly

thereafter. Getting on the tenders was proving to be quite a challenge today

as there were deep swells. But we finally got on and to the tender pier.


It was warmer than 21C today. As soon as you get to where the tender drops

you off at the pier, there are lots of tour operators vying for your business.

We figured we would bypass them all and just follow the marina around and see what was in the area. By the time we got to the end of most operators we

thought we were finished...but no. A nice guy named Paco gave us his spiel,

and the idea to do the water tour to the rock Arch that Cabo San Lucas is

famous for. It was a 35 minutes tour from the pier along the coast to the

Arch. We saw the locals beach, Lovers Beach, Divorce Beach, Window to the

Pacific, Pirates Gate, Land's End, a rock formation they call Scooby Rock (yes,

Scooby from Scooby Doo) and the seals laying on a rock to rest from their

morning activities. They also fed fish some tortilla so we could get a view

of local colorful fish. All that for $12pp...not bad. When we finished that

we continued our walk along the marina where we saw lots of boats, and there

were fish visible in the water there as well. Lots of pelicans everywhere...

the locals call them Mexican chickens...lol....and they taste good. :0

Vendors had a few stalls set up along the way to the Puerto Pariso Mall. The

buildings in this area were in a sad state of repair, including the Mall. The

outside of the Mall looked very nice with a pretty fountain and that what we

thought the inside would look like, but that was not the case. There were

not many stores inside the Mall, lots of empty shop spaces, and lots of

repair needed to be done. There were some high end shops at one end, but we did not go there. A few souvenir shops were sprinkled around as well, but

the prices were a bit higher than the ones just outside the Mall, but not as

high as the vendor stalls nearer the tender pier. We walked quite a lot

today. On our way back to the tender pier, we saw lots more vendor stalls

had set up since we passed there earlier in the morning. Picked up a few

souvenirs along the way coming and going so I was happy. The best deal of

the day, however, was the $1 for a ice cold bottle of Corona beer! That sure

hit the spot after a long, hot day of walking and shopping!


Got back to the ship and had to grab a bite to eat before we fainted. I had

my appointment for the Spa (the Aroma Hot Stone Massage that I won earlier in the cruise). Originally it was set for 6:30pm but I called and got to move

it up...thank goodness. My legs, feet and hips were screaming that they

wanted some attention. It was so great and I highly recommend it!


Now we are back in our cabin watching for dolphins and whales in the distance.

Could only make out small areas of questionable sightings. Maybe we'll see some as we sailaway. Captain on the horn saying one tender left to get back and then we will be on our way. I can also hear the sailaway party in full swing on the aft pool deck. Having the last glasses of our wine that we purchased in FLL and will watch a bit of TV (The Good, The Bad and The Ugly is on). Sailing away now...... beautiful moon out already. Off to take a few

pictures. Good night all!



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For those posting from the Queen Elizabeth See you guys in San Francisco in 5 days time :)


If I find any wifi hotspots in any of the ports, we are going to, I will try and see if I can add to this thread :)


Thanks Stu. Enjoy your cruise.:D

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Was it the Pol Acker that was in your stateroom the first day? If so, it is from Cunard.


Enjoying your posts. I am going to Cabo on my next cruise and you have given me lots of useful info. Thanks!


Missing all of you!



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Was it the Pol Acker that was in your stateroom the first day? If so, it is from Cunard.


Enjoying your posts. I am going to Cabo on my next cruise and you have given me lots of useful info. Thanks!


Missing all of you!



Hi Kathy, Hope you are now back to normal after the cruise.

I know I am work in process, but the weather is lovely here but a bit chilly at night time.

Missed going to Cabo St Lucas as I love it there! It is one of my earliest memories of cruising in in 1980 when I first went there on my first world cruise as a working hairdresser on Holland America. Happy days. :)

We were there two years ago and I found a lovely little shop in the back streets in the town behind all the tourist stuff. It was a jewellery shop and the lady made her own things. Wonderful creative silver jewellery. It was on a corner of a street and was very busy with tourists from QM2 . Look out for it as it is a real gem of a place. Sorry I do not remember the name.


Regarding the UEA. I have been many times and have never known any one be arrested for having meds in there system or possession off.

I would not worry about it if I was going there.


Also to any reader who is worried about taking booze on Cunard. Do not be to as they are very obliging, and you will see many crew and officers out buying Liquor for their own consumption. I have know people who take a small air flight bag and fill it up and no problem getting back on board. Having seen this on three Cunard world cruises I know it is the right answer to the booze question.


Many thanks you for your updates and all other bloggers on here. I am with you all the way.

BTW Barbara, if the lady in the gym thinks it is busy now at 7-0am wait till you reach Japan. The Japanese will take over and are there at 6-0am standing on their heads. :) True! I used the gym daily and I saw this last year. it was very funny and I wrote about in my blog. Dancing and the gym, the Japanese love both so the Queens Room will be busy as they are excellent dancers also.

Have a good day all on board QE. :)

Read about the Japanese segment from last year here.


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Hi when irish eyes - When I joined cc I tried for the name irish eyes which was rejected so I added a number. I suppose it could have been worse if it was one irish eye!


Ha! I thought i was being very inventive! Had to change my password as I for got to put the gaps in on the user name as well. :D

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Hi Kathi, it wasn't the Pol Acker because we had that too in addition to this other bottle.


Maggie, I remembered you telling of your gym experiences and had already told the lady about it so she would be prepared. ;)


It will be nice to get to meet all of you that will be joining the cruise in the next week. Hope to see you all at the M&G on 9 Feb at 12-1 in the Yacht Club!

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Has anyone done the Singapore to Southampton segment before? Just about to book the excursions and would welcome any advice




So those CC names won't become confusing for other members on the roll call.:rolleyes:


Welcome to Cruise critic, can I ask where Wokingham is?

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I have just received notification from my Travel Agent to say that Queen Elizabeth will now berth at the Overseas Passenger Terminal, Circular Quay for the duration of the stay. Result, so much better.


Regards Pat


Hi Pat, hope you are well. Here is your ship in port.


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I'm pretty excited because I will be boarding the ship tomorrow in Long Beach!


I look forward to meeting all of you.




Hi Glenn, I remember meeting you last year. You came to the meet & greet if I recall. Hope you have another wonderful cruise. Maggie.

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I so remember that from last year Maggie. I have some lovely photos of my nephew and his wife and 3 kids alongside her. Wish you and John were on this year. Maybe one day we will do another cruise together.


Hello Pat, sorry we missed you in Southampton but we were already onboard. It would have been nice to meet up again. However there is no way I could have done another world cruise this year as I felt so cruised out after four in succession and last years was just so good. We were happy with a shortie for now and we will be back on board next January, You have a fabulous time. Sad we were not able to meet up with Jay Jay again but I guess he is will be having a ball all the same . Regards Maggie & JT.

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Hi John & Andrea, I am still following you around the globe.

We arrive home two weeks ago now and it seems an age away but keeping up with you all. Enjoying Barbara's reports and your blogs of course. Plus the rest of the blogs.

I hope you have a good day in San Fran.

For the people asking about taking booze on board there was no problem last year, or previous years on a world cruise and we bought things we needed around the world in different stores.

There is a big Safeway within walking distance from where the ship docks. You can get all supplies there. :)


Hope you are enjoying my book John. Have you finished it yet? :)

Did I tell you the Captain requested a copy? I gave him a copy and signed it and he sent me a lovely letter in return, and invited me to join him for dinner on our next cruise. :)

I also donated my book into the library on deck three.

John, forgot to tell you. Mel, in the photo shop was one of the girls I write about in the book who was left behind on the Panama Canal when we were on Arcadia. Do you remember that incident.? Go say Hi to her.

Have a good day, Maggie.


Hi Maggie,


Your book is the always open reference guide ! I'm going through it again and Andrea is trying to catch me up :cool:


I was talking to Mel the other day, and she does remember us from the fateful Arcadia cruise ! I will send your regards again.


Just had a quick chat with Barbara and Ali, she seems to be doing a sterling job posting her experiences - maybe another book in the pipeline ?


Everything going well, but temps falling now, and the wind is cool. (like the passengers :confused:)


We must find the Safeway, we found Walgreens the last couple of trips but hadn't noticed the Safeway (maybe tunnel vision?).



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Yes. We had a couple of conversations in the Commodore Club too.



I'm pretty excited because I will be boarding the ship tomorrow in Long Beach!


I look forward to meeting all of you.




Hi Glenn, I remember meeting you last year. You came to the meet & greet if I recall. Hope you have another wonderful cruise. Maggie.

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Tuesday, 3 February


What a good night's sleep! I love this bed and the pillows! Breakfast was

the usual but a few more people were up and about. It looks like it is going

to be a nice day.


Grabbed my book and headed to Deck 2. After a bit of reading went to see what sales were going on. Duty free watches Deck 3 near the shops was the answer. Nothing exciting for me there. At 10, wandered to catch the SFO Port Presentation. Came back along Deck 3 to browse the book shop when I noticed they were setting a tale up outside near the atrium stairs, for book and memorabilia signing by the Captain and Chief Engineer. I had a very pretty card with a picture of QE in the Sydney Harbour so I decided to get that autographed as a nice memento of our cruise. Then wanted to read a bit more so sat in the Midships Bar area next to a window. The sun was shining but the temperature was noticeably cooler than the previous days. In the noon announcement, the Captain said it was 20C (68F) but it felt a bit cooler than that to me.


Time for lunch and to meet up with the DH who had been at the golf net to

practice his swing. It seemed quiet today for lunch time. Everyone must be

spread out around the ship. Got back to our cabin to see that our steward,

Jojo, had left the US Immigration paperwork on our bed. It said in the

instructions, to fill out the attached paperwork (green Homeland Security/ US

Customs form, and the blue Customs declaration), bring passports and ship

ID card, and on Thrusday, 5 Feb at 7-10am, to visit the US inspection guys on

Deck 3 Britannia Restaurant. This is a mandatory inspection prior to getting

off the ship in LA. Now that is done and we will be "inspected" on 5 Feb.


Time for a few laps around the promenade deck to breathe a little fresh air

and get a bit of exercise. Read a bit on the deck chairs on the Promenade.

Back in the cabin now for a little housekeeping before getting ready for the

formal night. At dinner in the Britannia, it was the Chef's Parade night. We

did not realize it would be tonight but thought it would be the night before

SFO. Anyway, it was nice to see and got a few pictures. We go to dinner in

the Britannia about half the time. We check the menu to see if anything sounds good, or if it is a port day we may choose either the Lido or room service. We have noticed a huge difference in the service compared to our previous cruises. The waiters, along with their two helpers, have about 10 tables. Service has been very inconsistent and slow overall each time we have been here. Things we've noticed being lacking or slow are the refilling of water glasses, receiving the next course, checking that the meal is okay or seeing if we need seasoning, sauces, or anything else.


Walked around the ship looking at the beautiful clothes the other passengers

were wearing. A lot of men were wearing tuxedos, while the women chose either long dresses, evening pants and dressy tops, or cocktail dresses, for the most part. The entertainment was not to exciting so we left to go back to the cabin. Have a good night.

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Looks like a rainy welcome to San Francisco (I think Los Angeles will be ok). We fly in tomorrow (Thursday) and the rest of the weekend all the way to Monday is looking like SFO and points north are going to get a soaking (so much for walks with my sisters this weekend). They desperately need the rain, but it could have waited a few days :). Apparently the moisture is coming in from Hawaii, where it's been blustery for awhile now.

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