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Calling home to check on kids...


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I apologize if this is one of those frequently asked questions but I didn't see anything current...We will be cruising on Magic in May. This will be our first time leaving the kids (a month shy of 2 and 4 at time of cruise) for more than one night. Yeah, I'm nervous. Before I started poking around on here, I had just assumed that free wifi was standard most everywhere and that we could call and FaceTime whenever we pleased. Now I know that internet service is pricey and spotty.


Sorry, I'm a rambler. Anyway, what will be the cheapest way to call/Skype/facetime with the kids? I know that we will want to at least check in via text, if not call, every evening.


Thanks in advance. :)

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We cruised without the kids a few years ago. We just called from our cabin each night. Spent about 5 mins or so talking to them. It was about $11-13 a day, but it was worth getting to speak with them.



My advice is just budget the call in each day ahead of time.

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I apologize if this is one of those frequently asked questions but I didn't see anything current...We will be cruising on Magic in May. This will be our first time leaving the kids (a month shy of 2 and 4 at time of cruise) for more than one night. Yeah, I'm nervous. Before I started poking around on here, I had just assumed that free wifi was standard most everywhere and that we could call and FaceTime whenever we pleased. Now I know that internet service is pricey and spotty.


Sorry, I'm a rambler. Anyway, what will be the cheapest way to call/Skype/facetime with the kids? I know that we will want to at least check in via text, if not call, every evening.


Thanks in advance. :)


If you want to do it daily the cheapest way would be to use your cabin phone. That is 1.99 per minute. You can find free WiFi in the ports.

Edited by cruiser fanatic
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MY husband and I did a 7 night to bermuda for our 15th anniversary in oct 2013. Our kids were aged 2-13 at the time and it was the first time we'd left them (besides one nighters at a friends/grandparents). And our first childless vacation since our honeymoon!


I was a wreck up until we pulled out of our driveway...

but honestly, it was fine. We let them know how we could be reached on board if an emergency arose, the during the 3 days docked in bermuda we called them twice using our cell (pre-purchase worldwide minutes with at&t). They basically didn't want to talk to us lol.


I made a chain for them before we left....each link represented a day, and I wrote on it an idea of what we were doing that day and a little message for them.


They had a blast with grandparents and aunt & uncle. We were ready to see them after a week, happy to be back refreshed and remembering why we did this whole parenting thing in the first place. ;)


So I know I'm not really answering your question, but just wanted to share my experience. Honestly, I know people say it all the time, but it's true: it's much harder on you than it is on them.

Relax and have fun!


P.s....we also left their health ins. Cards, and a notarized letter giving permission for my parents to make medical decisions on our behalf, for the kids, while we were out of the country. Just googled and found a form. Not sure if the notarization was necessary, but we have a friend who's a notary....so, better safe than sorry. Just some other things you may want to consider. :)

Edited by mommareds
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We cruised without the kids a few years ago. We just called from our cabin each night. Spent about 5 mins or so talking to them. It was about $11-13 a day, but it was worth getting to speak with them.



My advice is just budget the call in each day ahead of time.


Good advice. Follow up question: Can onboard credit be put towards that expense? We have $100 just for booking so that would work out great.


If you don't mind my asking, how old were your kids when you went? I know we need this getaway (for our 7th anniv.) but there's that bit of mom-guilt creeping in.

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They had a blast with grandparents and aunt & uncle. We were ready to see them after a week, happy to be back refreshed and remembering why we did this whole parenting thing in the first place. ;)


So I know I'm not really answering your question, but just wanted to share my experience. Honestly, I know people say it all the time, but it's true: it's much harder on you than it is on them.

Relax and have fun!


P.s....we also left their health ins. Cards, and a notarized letter giving permission for my parents to make medical decisions on our behalf, for the kids, while we were out of the country. Just googled and found a form. Not sure if the notarization was necessary, but we have a friend who's a notary....so, better safe than sorry. Just some other things you may want to consider. :)


Oh, I really appreciate this! And that is an excellent reminder about the permission letters as well.


To the bolded, I really think that's what this trip will do for us. Life with kids is a whirlwind and having ours so close together feels like we haven't taken a deep breath in over 3 years. haha

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Good advice. Follow up question: Can onboard credit be put towards that expense? We have $100 just for booking so that would work out great.


If you don't mind my asking, how old were your kids when you went? I know we need this getaway (for our 7th anniv.) but there's that bit of mom-guilt creeping in.


OBC can be used towards anything.

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Good advice. Follow up question: Can onboard credit be put towards that expense? We have $100 just for booking so that would work out great.


If you don't mind my asking, how old were your kids when you went? I know we need this getaway (for our 7th anniv.) but there's that bit of mom-guilt creeping in.




I am sure the OBC can be used towards that.



They were young, 5 and 1. It was the first trip my husband and I took just by ourselves since before my oldest was born. It was a short cruise, but it was such a great cruise. I missed my kids everyday of course, but it was great to have so much quality time with my husband.



You will have a blast.

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First time I cruised without kids was on the freedom in 2013. They were 4 and 11 at the time and I caked home each night via the cabin phone. I did but the internet minutes for FaceTime but only got it to work one night. But at least I was able to talk to both of them


By the time you go they might have the new wifi packages, if not already, where you can get the $99 package for the week that will allow you internet, social, email, and video chat


You can use obc to purchase the phone calls or internet package. Just try to have fun and relax.

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Oh, I really appreciate this! And that is an excellent reminder about the permission letters as well.


To the bolded, I really think that's what this trip will do for us. Life with kids is a whirlwind and having ours so close together feels like we haven't taken a deep breath in over 3 years. haha


Amen girl. I was pregnant 9 months after the I do's (oops!) And then it never stopped....ha! We have 5 now, and this was so amazingly necessary I can't even tell you. More so than either of us even realized until we were actually there.


So tell the mom guilt to shut up. Happy couples make happy parents. Giving your children 2 parents who are in love and partners is just as important as caring for them in any other way.

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Oh, I really appreciate this! And that is an excellent reminder about the permission letters as well.


To the bolded, I really think that's what this trip will do for us. Life with kids is a whirlwind and having ours so close together feels like we haven't taken a deep breath in over 3 years. haha


Be prepared mentally. On our back to back, our 18 month old daughter went with us for our 1st three days and got off for the last 4 with my parents. The 1st time we left her was pretty painful the 1st day. I really felt we were ripping her off, when in reality she got to spend time with grandparents she never got to see. It's still tough to leave the kids for a weekend, let alone a week. You will be fine, but just be ready.

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MY husband and I did a 7 night to bermuda for our 15th anniversary in oct 2013. Our kids were aged 2-13 at the time and it was the first time we'd left them (besides one nighters at a friends/grandparents). And our first childless vacation since our honeymoon!


I was a wreck up until we pulled out of our driveway...

but honestly, it was fine. We let them know how we could be reached on board if an emergency arose, the during the 3 days docked in bermuda we called them twice using our cell (pre-purchase worldwide minutes with at&t). They basically didn't want to talk to us lol.


I made a chain for them before we left....each link represented a day, and I wrote on it an idea of what we were doing that day and a little message for them.


They had a blast with grandparents and aunt & uncle. We were ready to see them after a week, happy to be back refreshed and remembering why we did this whole parenting thing in the first place. ;)


So I know I'm not really answering your question, but just wanted to share my experience. Honestly, I know people say it all the time, but it's true: it's much harder on you than it is on them.

Relax and have fun!


P.s....we also left their health ins. Cards, and a notarized letter giving permission for my parents to make medical decisions on our behalf, for the kids, while we were out of the country. Just googled and found a form. Not sure if the notarization was necessary, but we have a friend who's a notary....so, better safe than sorry. Just some other things you may want to consider. :)



Very good info! Glad I read your reply first, because my one line response would have been "EFF THE KIDS (with love)".. you'll be thinking about them more than they'll be thinking about you!


I always joke with my son if I am taking a work trip/vacation and he has to stay behind with the grandparents.. it's a vacation for him too!

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Good advice. Follow up question: Can onboard credit be put towards that expense? We have $100 just for booking so that would work out great.


If you don't mind my asking, how old were your kids when you went? I know we need this getaway (for our 7th anniv.) but there's that bit of mom-guilt creeping in.


We took trips each time our kids turned two. (They are 3-4 years apart). They will be fine and you will have a nice time to relax, reconnect, and remember that you are not just mommy. They were never really interested in talking to us on the phone. That's mostly just to reassure you that they really are fine. :)

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The onboard wi-fi is so hit or miss. I wouldn't plan anything around it. For at sea days, we just did the $1.99/min call from the cabin phone. On port days, we used free wi-fi or free-with-a-drink-purchase wi-fi for Skype video calls. Check the port reviews on these forums to find good wi-fi locations, or ask on the port section if your excursion has opportunities for wi-fi.

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Our kids are all grown and have kids of their own but I still miss them when we're gone. We use Kindles, with the 3G service they provide we are able to log into facebook each day. I always have the kids post a picture at least once a week showing that my grandkids are all okay. Just a smile at meemaw pic and I'm happy.

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We cruised without the kids a few years ago. We just called from our cabin each night. Spent about 5 mins or so talking to them. It was about $11-13 a day, but it was worth getting to speak with them.



My advice is just budget the call in each day ahead of time.


Best answer I have seen to this question.


Many things are more expensive on a cruise yet it seems people spend the money -- do people forego drinks because they cost a bit more, do people avoid the spa because it costs a bit more, do people avoid the restaurants with a charge because they cost a bit more ... the call (from the cabin or your cell) is going to cost a few bucks more, build it into the budget and do it if that is what is important to you.


You should spend your money on what is important to you -- not what is important to those on CC that believe it is foolish to spend money on a quick phone call.

Edited by snowskier
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If you are leaving your kids with responsible adults, which I'm sure you are, complete with instructions on how to contact the ship and what to do in an emergency you will be fine. Based on experience I found it better not TO SET UP CALLS to the kids when I was away because, often, it made it harder for them to readjust to you being gone.


Of course only you know your kids and how much they "need" constant reassurance from you...And, really, how much will you enjoy your vacation if the kids get on the phone and whine and bawl and make you feel guilty because you left them. Let sleeping dogs lie is my best advice.

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Good advice on here!


Don't let that quilt or worry ruin your vacation. My DH and I have been married almost 23 years and our kids age from 20 down to foster sons who are 19 months and 3 months and our first trip away without the kiddos was last February. My DH had a heart attack in December, 2013 and we wanted to do something with just the 2 of us - life is very unpredictable.


We just always felt like we were cheating our kids not taking them along. We now see we were cheating ourselves instead. It was soooo good to get away for a few days and not have to worry about getting everyone up and ready for school, carpooling to school, ball practice, cooking, cleaning, etc. - you get the picture. We just focused on us and when we got back home we felt like we were rejuvenated and could be even better parents.


As luck would have the week we were gone we had 2 snowstorms (we never get snow in Georgia) so needless to say we were worried about that. We did text back and forth to our oldest 2 and called from the cabin at the $1.99 rate. If you have AT & T incoming texts are free and outgoing are like .50 each I believe. Just check with your cell phone provider and they can help you out a lot!


Go and have a good time - those babies will be fine and their caregivers will have a ball with them for a few days!

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Thank you for all the replies! Our kids will be staying with my parents, who only live a half mile from our house. The kids stay overnight at least every other week so they are very comfortable there. I agree with the consensus that this will be harder on me than it will be on them.


It's a good point about sleeping dogs.. I know if our youngest were to see me on FaceTime, he would lose his little mind. I will probably just stick to brief, upbeat phone calls to check in.


I also appreciate the perspective on budgeting these calls like we would anything else. It is important to US and so the money spent will not feel like a waste.


Thanks again everyone-super helpful bunch around here.

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To find the best internet cafes in the ports, ask the crew (room stewards, waiters, bar tenders etc.) Many of them are away from home most of the year, so when they get a chance to go ashore, they head to the internet cafe to call home. They know where all the best ones are.

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Our kids ages 22 and 12 didn't want to cruise with us on our anniversary trip last year.... I left not only my son, but the worlds greatest neighbor and a best friend copies of notarized health permissions, insurance cards and copay money just in case. I did 3 because you never know if someone else could get sick, have a loved one pass away or have an emergency themselves. The thing that overall did work the best was the 1.99 minute for in cabin calls. I will be doing that for our spring break cruise..the kiddos are coming on this one so I'll be calling home to check with my dog sitter for the two fur babies. :D

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I will probably just stick to brief, upbeat phone calls to check in.


Good idea.... And ALWAYS call in the morning - when they have a fun, busy day ahead of them. A call anywhere closer to bedtime brings the possibility of meltdowns.


Have a great cruise!!!


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