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Do YOU always participate on formal nights?


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Unless you're concerned about other people's opinions, don't worry about it. I have seen everything from tuxes to jeans in the MDR on "elegant" night. Personally, my husband wears linen pants and a silk button down, or something similar. No coat, no tie. I typically wear a dress appropriate for work, or a pair of black slacks with a sparkly top.


This is just my 2 cents, but those who say you "need to eat on the Lido" if you don't want to "dress up" are full of horse hockey. It is no one's business what I do or do not wear in the MDR, yet many feel it is their right to be the fashion police. OP, take what you got and know it'll be fine. The exception of course, is if you are worried that the fashion police are taking notes and will talk about you for months. Then I would worry. Us, we don't worry :D

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Nothing to feel guilty about or struggle over, it's just dinner and most of all, It's YOUR vacation.


I haven't been to the dining room in the last 10 cruises. Heck, I don't even pack pants anymore. I don't miss the hours long production at all...


1. Getting ready to get ready.

2. Getting ready.

3. Lining up for dinner.

4. Getting seated, and waiting for the rest of the table to get seated.

5. Menu time!

6. Water and Roll time.

7. Ordering time.

8. Appetizer time.

9. Main Course time.

10. Desert time.

11. Hurrying to the lounge for the show.

12. Going back down to change clothes.


*Add picture time (optional)


I rather enjoy the quiet lido deck at dinner time, it gives us a chance to really talk, play cards, or whatever.

You missed the song & dance routine put on by the wait staff...

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I am struggling with this idea for our upcoming cruise. The reason I am struggling? The extra packing for our family of four and the fact that the four of us do not truly have anything formal, the kids even semi-formal, so it would be be added costs for us to get some new digs!


I am on the fence with just sucking it up and buying some formal-ish wear (fear not, I am not talking three piece suits and such) Hoping some replies can help me make up my mind.


I know there is a whole "go dressed as you are camp" but I would feel frumpy and I also wouldn't want to offend anyone with our flip flops. :p


Can we expect many to be skipping the formal nights and dining elsewhere or are we going to be lonely sitting at the buffet?


We always eat in the MDR, but we do not dress up any longer. Long pants and collared shrit for me. In fact John Heald the Carnival ambassador just posted on his face book that he does not understand why passangers care what others wear to to the steakhouse or MDR. I take that as Carnival saying its fine with them for you to dress down if you want. My advise, go to the MDR and enjoy your vacation and don't worry about others.

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Oh my gosh!:eek: Totally OT, in fact I didn't even read your post. But I was struck by the picture and couldn't resist saying: I know that guy!!!! In fact, I was there that day watching as this shot was taken (WWII Day at MAAM)! It was really strange to be scrolling through a thread on CC and see that shot of Ray.

OK, sorry for the interuption, folks. Please continue.:o


ETA: I just realized the picture was your whole post. :o

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Hi RCmommy :)


After almost 3 and a half decades of cruising my wife & I still take part in formal/elegant evenings.

For us, we view the evening as a night out on the town with dinner, dancing, a show, a comedy show, etc, etc..


We like to have our 2nd formal/elegant dinner in a specialty restaurant no matter what cruise line we are sailing.


Depending how we feel that particular day & depending on the cruise line and how many specialty restaurants are aboard, we will sometimes do all formal evening meals in a specialty restaurant.


We eat all dinners in the main dining room, so in regard to formal/elegant evenings it basically comes down to how we feel that day; if we want to have our meal in the dining room or a specialty restaurant.

When we cruise, we take long sailings & pack heavy. Oh my, the luggage fee's.

But that is all factored into our "saving process" portion prior to the voyage, and we keep our luggage underweight to avoid the HUGE luggage fee's.


Many of our sailings consist of four formal/elegant evenings. My wife always brings at least one gown & a few dresses.


Me? Well, I am her fashion accessory, so to speak, LOL!

Personally I like my dress shirts & ties to match her gowns/dresses and shoes.


Typically I take 2 full suits, a handful of dress pants, dress shirts/ties and a sport coat so I can mix it up & also match nicely for her, for us, and for all of those photo's that after all of these years, we still purchase.

(also factored into the saving process of our sailings)


For us, the focus on these evenings are on each other & NEVER, EVER, on what another passenger is wearing.


In your post you asked: "Can I expect many to be skipping the formal nights and dining elsewhere"

Difficult to answer, voyages vary. Keep in mind that Cruise Critic members/passengers, make up an extremely teenie tiny percentage of the cruising public, so it is not easy to gauge what may or may not take place by the answers one receives on a message board.


There will be a few thousand passengers all doing their own thing.


Some will dress formal, some will dress casual, some will skip it.


The bottom line.......

The ONLY THING that really matters is you and your family enjoying the love you share, and the precious time you have with one another.


Have a wonderful voyage!!







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We've missed one dinner in the MDR, first seating since cruising on the Mardi Gras in 1976 as a teenager. I wore a sport coat and tie then.


In the past 30 months we've been on 5 ships at all different times of the year and from three ports. People dress the same on all of them, more casual.


Our Magic cruise last week had the biggest number of guys in Tommy Bahama style shirts and khakis that I've ever seen. Count me in the group. My wife wore a casual dress.


Walked on the ship with a 22" suitcase and backpack, debarkation at 7:35am on the last day. It's been that way for nearly a decade.


The point is if you don't want to wear a coat and/or tie then don't. Go eat the lobster and ask for another. Just tip and give them a good evaluation.


You're on a Carnival cruise, chances are someone did a Tarzan yell and then ground their hips in a woman judges lap for the Hairy Chest Contest about three hours before this so called "Cruise Elegant" meal. Think about that before the Mr. Blackwell list comes out...




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I like getting "dressed" for dinner, seldom do I have the opportunity in my regular life. I can see why people don't, if i had to wear a tie everyday to work I would probably go nuts and definitely not want to do it on vacation.

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You're on a Carnival cruise, chances are someone did a Tarzan yell and then ground their hips in a woman judges lap for the Hairy Chest Contest about three hours before this so called "Cruise Elegant" meal. Think about that before the Mr. Blackwell list comes out...[/quote ]



Oh my gosh. Perfect.

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I like getting "dressed" for dinner, seldom do I have the opportunity in my regular life. I can see why people don't, if i had to wear a tie everyday to work I would probably go nuts and definitely not want to do it on vacation.


This is precisely why my husband says, "Not just no, but hell no," to wearing a tie. He does it every day for work. Not happening on vacay!

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The hubs and I do dress up, but not black tie and ball gowns.

Generally, I'd say the least you can/should do for men is a pair of pants that aren't jeans, a collar shirt with a tie and/or a jacket (blazer is fine). A tie takes no space to speak of and can be picked up pretty cheap.

For a woman, really, a simple dress or dress pants and a top, with blingy jewelry or a scarf, and shoes that aren't beachy rubber flipflops is fine.

The kids get a bit more leeway, depending on age, but the same as above is fine for them, too.


When I took my son (who was a mid-teen at the time) on a cruise, we made a trip to Salvation Army/Goodwill and found him a navy blazer for really cheap. It worked fine with chinos and a collar shirt and tie. (This was quite a few years ago, so the dress code was a bit dressier)


Sweet answer and if you want to be ready to participate...I truly understand not having fancy/or little bit dressy clothes at times in life right size wise, style wise, room wise and budget wise. One time my extended family went to a Ross dress for less...only one we had then..now a TJ Maxx is here too wooo hoo..and Wall mart. I am not kidding...there are markdowns and surprises at every one of those stores for an ok option keeping simple with ideas people have said. My family found simple basics with needed accessories all at Ross before a Lion King big deal they were driving across state for..(so sad I lived elsewhere at the time). All things were not too bulky and would fit in each souls suitcase or probably in fewer with carry ons...make one outfit be two with 2 shirts or even different tie or pin or something and there is self service wash laundry. Goodwill always had nice things for nephews in their needed football suit jackets and prom..Have fun whatever you decide, it is your trip..Sarah


PS..The Ross day was as much fun as the Lion King Day.

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Absolutely! I wear a dressy pair of wide-legged black pants + fancy top. My SO wears his suit even though I've told him he could skip the suit jacket, he said, "If you're going to make me wear the rest of the suit, I may as well wear the jacket, too." lol

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This cruise we are participating in the elegant nights, DH and I are cruising with my 3 best friends from HS and their SO's, and formal nights will be a wonderful opportunity to get dressed up and take fun pictures. I usually wear a sun dress to dinner anyway, mostly because they are comfortable/dont take up much room and easy to pair with my easy to pack sandals that I'll wear with them all.

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This cruise we are participating in the elegant nights, DH and I are cruising with my 3 best friends from HS and their SO's, and formal nights will be a wonderful opportunity to get dressed up and take fun pictures.


Everyone wearing sunglasses is always a popular picture with our friends. Something about sunglasses and formal dress.



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I do believe the point of this thread, but I might be off base here, is to ask OTHER people what THEY do, not asking what people suggest the OP do.



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Good point.


We do participate and we are not formal. The kids and hubby wear khaki pants and a button down dress shirt or polo shirt. We wear water shoes at the beach, after nearly stepping on a used syringe in Cozumel, and I buy the type that are like sandals with thick soles and cover their feet with cutouts in beige. They wear those with their khakis or their tennis shoes. The very first thing my boys do when we get on board is check out a basketball. They meet lots of other kids right away by doing that. So tennis shoes are a must. I wear a sundress or maxi skirt with a cute top and sandals. I bring quite a few long skirts because I wear them in port over my swim suit and they can be dressed up or down. The knit maxi skirts can even be converted into a dress and with heels can work at the club's on board.

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Thank you everyone for your feedback. I appreciate the input.


I think I will aim for us to go to the MDR on formal night at least once. Assuming I can find something for us all to wear. I now know that I do not need to buy clothes that are very formal which is awesome because we likely will not wear them again anytime soon.


Bring on the bargains!

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Velvetwater, I have to say I do the same for dinner. I always dressed real nice, and then for the formal nights, I dress to the "9's.":) I really don't care how others dress, but for me, and my friend, we like to do this. I love seeing people in their formal wear. Sometimes we just sit and watch people walk by. I will walk by, and people will stop me, and tell me they like what I'm wearing. If I didn't enjoy doing this, then I would stop. I'm not embarrassed when others dress down, it doesn't bother me. Now during the day time, I dress like "everyone else." :)

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We have sailed on Celebrity, Princess, MSC, Carnival, and RCI over the last four or five years. My formal is Chicos travelers black slacks and a glittery top. I actually felt over dressed on cruises out of Hong Kong and Rome. I keep trying to get my husband to leave the blazer at home, but he still brings it and wears it with navy dress slacks. I have never, and never will, eaten dinner at the buffet!

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We have gotten it down to one large suitcase for 2 for seven days which means two dressy/formal nights. My son wears black tennis shoes with his pants, long sleeve white button shirt and tie. I wear something that I would wear to church or meet w client day at work. I take a pair flowy capris and either a dressy shirt, or warm trips - a tank and two diff shawls. Shawls and tanks work on less dressy nights with less flashy $1 store jewelry.



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Hi RCmommy :)


After almost 3 and a half decades of cruising my wife & I still take part in formal/elegant evenings.

For us, we view the evening as a night out on the town with dinner, dancing, a show, a comedy show, etc, etc..


We like to have our 2nd formal/elegant dinner in a specialty restaurant no matter what cruise line we are sailing.


Depending how we feel that particular day & depending on the cruise line and how many specialty restaurants are aboard, we will sometimes do all formal evening meals in a specialty restaurant.


We eat all dinners in the main dining room, so in regard to formal/elegant evenings it basically comes down to how we feel that day; if we want to have our meal in the dining room or a specialty restaurant.

When we cruise, we take long sailings & pack heavy. Oh my, the luggage fee's.

But that is all factored into our "saving process" portion prior to the voyage, and we keep our luggage underweight to avoid the HUGE luggage fee's.


Many of our sailings consist of four formal/elegant evenings. My wife always brings at least one gown & a few dresses.


Me? Well, I am her fashion accessory, so to speak, LOL!

Personally I like my dress shirts & ties to match her gowns/dresses and shoes.


Typically I take 2 full suits, a handful of dress pants, dress shirts/ties and a sport coat so I can mix it up & also match nicely for her, for us, and for all of those photo's that after all of these years, we still purchase.

(also factored into the saving process of our sailings)


For us, the focus on these evenings are on each other & NEVER, EVER, on what another passenger is wearing.


In your post you asked: "Can I expect many to be skipping the formal nights and dining elsewhere"

Difficult to answer, voyages vary. Keep in mind that Cruise Critic members/passengers, make up an extremely teenie tiny percentage of the cruising public, so it is not easy to gauge what may or may not take place by the answers one receives on a message board.


There will be a few thousand passengers all doing their own thing.


Some will dress formal, some will dress casual, some will skip it.


The bottom line.......

The ONLY THING that really matters is you and your family enjoying the love you share, and the precious time you have with one another.


Have a wonderful voyage!!






That was absolutely beautiful!! God Bless you, Sir. :)

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I am struggling with this idea for our upcoming cruise. The reason I am struggling? The extra packing for our family of four and the fact that the four of us do not truly have anything formal, the kids even semi-formal, so it would be be added costs for us to get some new digs!


I am on the fence with just sucking it up and buying some formal-ish wear (fear not, I am not talking three piece suits and such) Hoping some replies can help me make up my mind.


I know there is a whole "go dressed as you are camp" but I would feel frumpy and I also wouldn't want to offend anyone with our flip flops. :p


Can we expect many to be skipping the formal nights and dining elsewhere or are we going to be lonely sitting at the buffet?


I always enjoy wearing my suit with white shirt and tie, dressing formal-ish is better than many I see dressing slob-ish.

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